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Dangerous Influences Are Impacting Christians
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Satanic Temple Opens Another Abortion Clinic
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Satanic Temple Opens Another Abortion Clinic
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Satanic Temple Opens Another Abortion Clinic
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I stand with Israel and so should our government!
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Roseanne Strom
September 24, 2024, 12:28 pm
Lord, bring Your Angel Army to our Republic. Reveal and break off the corruption and delusions that have affected our God given land. We repent for all of the sinful decisions that have been made, not relying on You and Your Word. Help us in our repentance to see Your purposes for such a time as this. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Darlene Estlow
September 24, 2024, 12:15 pm
Father, we can only look to you for the protection we need against this threat. Give those who are working to provide protection against this threat wisdom and discernment and knowledge. Reveal it to them supernaturally to foil the criminals. May we trust you and not fear, knowing you can do this.
Carolyn MacConnell
September 24, 2024, 12:12 pm
Lord I ask your forgiveness for the breaches in our walls where evil has entered to harm the people. Hear our prayers seeking your forgiveness for our blindness and lack of commitment to protect our border walls and allow this breakdown. Now that it has happened, help us, Lord, guide us how to pray and to stay faithful to seeking your help to rebuild these walls of protection around our nation. Like Nehemiah, show us our section to rebuild and to protect. Forgive us and strengthen us to stay faithful to praying as you direct us to do to shut evil out. Lord you, are a shield around us, you are our glory., you are the one who lifts our heads high. Thank you for calling us to stay on the...
Terry Cook
September 24, 2024, 11:56 am
Remember the Heart for Lebanon organization in your prayers. This amazing Christ centered organization is leading Druze, Shiite and Sunni Muslims along with Maronite Lebanese to Jesus like few others before it. Their presence in the south of Lebanon is in the direct line of Israeli fire, so pray that God's angel armies will cover them with His divine shield. Lord, how good it is when brothers live together in unity. Ps. 133. May the love of Christ penetrate the bitter hatred that has been brewing for millennia so that indeed, brothers can live together in peace.
Darlene Estlow
September 24, 2024, 11:55 am
Father, forgive us as our nation's delegates to the UN led in making this change to the treaty that unprotects children. I pray for organizations that work against this slave trade and work in states to strengthen the protection of children. Bless their work and bring many hurting, wounded souls to you. Thank you for their work. I pray for those who makes slaves of women and girls that you would cause them to see the emptiness of their lives and the sin that fills them. May they find forgiveness and life in Jesus, and a new purpose for living.
Marie K
October 22, 2024, 7:57 am
My Jesus, in Your name send the Holy Spirit to touch Terri Sewell that she might do mighty works for your Kingdom here and now through her civil leadership role. AMEN
Mark O
October 22, 2024, 7:56 am
Dear Almighty God. I thank you that You love all Your people and are interested in our wellbeing. I lift up to You Rep. Kildee. May he know you in a powerful way today and may he lean on Your ways and not the ways of this world. Please provide him with Your Wisdom and Truth so that he may serve his district well. Protect him and his family and provide them their needs. Help him to do his part to save the unborn. In the name of Jesus! Amen "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John? ?3? : 16?
Marie K
October 22, 2024, 7:56 am
My Jesus, in Your name send the Holy Spirit to touch Representative Dan Kildee that he might do mighty works for your Kingdom here and now through his civil leadership role. AMEN
Marie K
October 22, 2024, 7:54 am
My Jesus, in Your name send the Holy Spirit to touch Lt. Billy Nungesser that he might do mighty works for your Kingdom here and now through his civil leadership role. AMEN
Marie K
October 22, 2024, 7:53 am
My Jesus, in Your name send the Holy Spirit to touch Senator Bill Cassidy that he might do mighty works for your Kingdom here and now through his civil leadership role. AMEN
Mary W
October 5, 2024, 1:56 am
For the Apostates praying to keep non-therapeutic abortion legal. Open their eyes to the fact that life is sacred and only You as our Creator can make life and death decisions regarding the Souls of the unborn.
Denise M
September 9, 2024, 9:54 am
This prayer is title for Breakthrough for them, : Heavenly Father I'm praying for the BEHALF of my brothers and sisters in Christ, on the other side of the world ?, LORD have Mercy and Grace upon all of them, ?, to release, and bless them mightyly, and I pray that the War over there, will Stop, I know you said in your Word in Revelation that it will be rumors of War, So Father in this war I'm asking for You to Stop this War and giving them PEACE and GRACE OUT of this Warfare, in Jesus Faith, Your Son WENT to the Cross for All of this and for All of US, because We are not Sheep being slaughter, YOU SAY WE ARE MORE THAN A CONQUER. AMEN, GOD MY REDEEMER GIVEN THEM STRENGTH EACH DAY, IN JESUS...
Marcus A
August 24, 2024, 1:37 pm
Lord, during to coincidence of 40 Days for Life Campaign, Sept.25-Nov.3 and political campaigning before Presidential election of Nov.5 please Call multitudes of Christ professing men and Christian Church leaders to publicly advocate for Sanctity of LIFE. Please remove their hesitancy, fear and/or guilt to stand with women in front of abortion clinics to support expectant mothers to birth their children. Let men demonstrate the role you gave them as protectors and defenders of orphans, widows and the abused.
Donna G
August 11, 2024, 8:19 am
Most Gracious, Heavenly Father: Thank You for being the Giver of life and for those who stand up for the unborn! Please watch over and give provision and protection to pregnancy centers who seek life for all unborn. Please help them to show Your love and to guide parents to life. In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen
Sarah B
July 28, 2024, 11:50 pm
Lord, please break the hearts of everyone in this country for the unborn. How sacred and precious they are. Wake unbelievers up , I would ask even appear to them and. Change their hearts for You.
Sheron L
July 12, 2024, 10:28 am
Father in heaven, You are the creator of all things. You have given to parents beautiful sons and daughters. Please give each child an appreciation of the way you have created them. Help them to appreciate their own beauty and help their parents to see that beauty and help them develop into the person you made them to be with no body image deceptions. Cause each person to accept that they can be loved as they are without needing to mutilate their bodies. In Jesus name, amen
Sheron L
July 11, 2024, 9:42 am
Father, You have created babies in the womb. Surgeons actually operate on infants in the womb as they do with adults. You, O Lord, have given the surgeons the skills and the babies life.These infants are loved by you. We confess to you that many infants are killed in uteri to hide the sins of their parents. O Lord, bring many people in our country to a knowledge of Your goodness and kindness. Cause them to follow You in purity and love that the blight of infanticide/ abortion might be eradicated. Shower your love and forgiveness on those who have had abortions. Provide for their sexuality needs within the context of Your will,, Your love and Your loving purpose for them. In Jesus name,...
Rachel Y
June 18, 2024, 8:12 am
Lord as we seek your face we ask that you have mercy on us. We decree Divine intervention at the border! We decree angels to be positioned in strategic areas to carry out your will. Lord take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. We praise you Lord for your goodness, mercy and grace! Lord we know there are some bad people coming through our borders.. save them! Open their blinded eyes! We stand above the reproach of the enemy and decree Devine intervention at the border!
Ann C
June 13, 2024, 9:33 am
Lord I ask that a spirit of boldness to fall on the church, launching us into places with great faith and fire to work with your angel armies and protect us from the evil coming across our borders north and south. Turn the evil intentions into good in Jesus name.
Ed B
March 6, 2024, 6:29 am
Father, people hungry for You are receiving Jesus as their Savior. You are literally sending the world through our borders for Your great purpose. Visit the millions of people who breached our borders, good and bad, in their sleep reassuring some, warning others so a massive revival will consume this nation. Expose the evil that is causing devastating losses and hurt and turn stone hearts to flesh. In Jesus' name. It is so.
Lisa D
February 28, 2024, 3:30 pm
Heavenly Father, the Creator of all things. You are the Light of the world. You would that we would have life and have it more abundantly. I believe this includes all of our children both born and the unborn, as well as men and women caught up in this delusion. Help Lord. Intervene in the lives of so many confused men and women; boys and girls who suffer from identity crisis. Your Word makes it clear. You've created man in the image of God and woman You created from the rib of man. Father I pray that You would send Your fierce, God fearing men and women to spread the love of Christ with these individuals so that they can be set free. Create opportunities Lord, so that those who are...
Sharon C
January 22, 2024, 6:22 am
Psalm 68:1-35 1. God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him! 2. As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them away; as wax melts before fire, so the wicked shall perish before God! But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy! Sing to God, sing praises to His name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the Lord; exult before him! 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our Salvation, ... Lord bind the strongholds of confusion, blindness, unbelief, hardness of hearts, apathy and tolerated sin from the leadership and people of this nation. Expose...
Teresa D
January 4, 2024, 6:54 pm
Father, I pray that the Supreme Court on Friday, January 4, 2023, will decide to decline the case about the federal mandates that require military members to take the shot (an experimental drug) to remain in service. I pray for Lt. Col. Long and her colleagues to have favor, to be encouraged and strengthened in all their efforts to right this wrong! I pray that you Father, will go before them! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! He is our Rock and High Tower! Amen!
Pat L
December 26, 2023, 6:30 am
I have prayed this message, for our leaders.
Darlene E
December 25, 2023, 8:24 pm
Father, protect our children from the lies that they can be anything they want. Destroy the false doctrine that is being taught in so many schools. Remove those who wrong our children in teaching them these false doctrines. Replace them with teachers and leaders that will teach them your word and what you think about all this.
Herb J
August 4, 2023, 11:07 pm
Lord- as Satan strikes at your very image that is formed in is.. first as human beings- but more so even as Believers-,as your image is firmly ingrained in us.. we know Satan hates God.. we know Satan hates anything God creates.. and especially hates Christians.. human beings who have had the audacity to ask for and receive not only salvation..but to be blessed with the very image of God himself.. which -,any human being Bears the image of God.. that is why abortion is such a horrible crime- because it is eradicating the image of God.. but then we become children of God upon receiving salvation. Lord this battle has gone back to the beginning of creation... so Lord as Adam did not have...
Maria M
August 4, 2023, 7:46 am
Dear Abba, Your Merciful and Compassionate Justice Is requested to Save us even from ourselves. This transgendering and influencing not only adults, but innocent children. Help Abba!!! We need You speedily! Answer our prayers Father, in Yeshuah's Name!
Cynthia C
June 26, 2023, 1:29 pm
Pray for the Ukrainian Church to stand in the gap to meet the needs and minister to the Ukrainian people as they demonstrate the love, power, and mercy of Jesus Christ. Pray for protection for the Ukrainian people. May the Lord Jehovah Saboath and the Angel armies fight for these precious people, enabling them to overcome their enemies. Pray that the Lord raises a renewed Church in Ukraine - spotless and flawless, which would reflect His character and purity, and be full of His power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. May the Church be strengthened in the midst of suffering and persecution. May Christ's followers demonstrate His love and forgiveness in such a dimension it shifts the...
George L
June 4, 2023, 12:59 am
Father, bring forth the truth, restore the balance of justice that the government may be trusted once more. Bring repentance to the hearts of those involved in lies, deception, and political power games. Amen
jacqueline o
June 1, 2023, 12:03 pm
Dear Heavenly Father, Your Holy Spirit resides in us as Your believers. May our bodies line up to Your word. "May no weapon formed against us prosper." Isa 54:17. We are the temple of God and anyone who tries to destroy our temple will be brought to justice. Praise You Lord Most High God. In Jesus Holy name. Amen.
Mary Annette C
June 1, 2023, 8:00 am
Lord thank you that most of the mandates have been lifted. But the spirits of fear and delusion are still running amok over this country. Please wake the people up and let the truth be know everywhere what these vaccines are doing to people and have done.
Marilyn M
April 30, 2023, 12:26 pm
God, Almighty. I come before you to ask for protection for your children in Ukraine. Send angels to protect them from evil. Restore to them the land of thier home. Lift up their hearts to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pour out your blessing and stomp on the evil that is arracking them. This I pray in Jesus name Amen.
Marianne P
April 15, 2023, 11:30 am
Father God, we worship You and exalt You. May You be glorified in every prayer that is lifted to you. May Your power and authority be seen in every request lifted up. Our hearts are Yours and as Your children and servants we cry out day and night for the lost and those who are involved with the darkness. Your word tells us that You do not want any to perish but all to come to repentance. When we lay down our sin and repent, You tell us You will never turn us away. Therefore I pray that You send your angel armies and Your Spirit to bring the lost and deceived to the cross. Open eyes and give ears that hear. Remove the vail and fill our lamps so we will be ready to receive our Savior....
Herb J
March 3, 2023, 9:27 pm
Lord- we were informed last year that the people of Ukraine were turning to the Lord in great numbers, even showing pictures of them on buses raising their hands 50 at a time-, and I will confess that I have not been up close and personal with all the details that has been transpiring there -,ust generally praying that the war would end-, people would be protected- and Provisions would be sent ..because as we have heard- there is enough subterfuge and suspicious and corrupt Behavior by all parties ..Lord -,to Warrant not being certain about any validity of this war.. but that is just another incident in the ongoing crisis of The Human Condition Lord.. so we pray that you would end this war...
Larry W
March 3, 2023, 7:06 am
Father God, Please unravel the web of deceit and evil that is upon Ukraine. Expose the ill intent of Putin's aggression and other leaders abetting the aggression. May your spear of peace penetrate the web to slice the entanglements and break the wickedness. Bring salvation and hope and healing to the people and affliction.
Christina C
September 15, 2024, 11:26 pm
My family is in desperate need of immediate prayer for God’s protection around us, our property and pets. Our dangerous neighbors are threatening us and attempting to turn all our other neighbors against us as well. We have been nothing but good neighbors to them all.
Brittany H
September 12, 2024, 7:09 am
Go to your browser and type in man stabbed convention center. If that doesn't pull you up anything, try Indiana convention center.
Uriah C
September 10, 2024, 9:00 am
Gordon J
September 9, 2024, 3:29 pm
I pray that no one voting for Pres Trump use soros' Diebold/Dominion magic voting computers, but only use paper ballots. and when candidates speak, the Spirit of Truth be on them.
Sharon C
September 9, 2024, 7:05 am
Lord You are “The King of Glory” psalm 24 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell within, 2 for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers…….,,,,,,,,,..v10 Who is this King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory! Selah Lord come to our help here in our nation! Psalm 44 is a cry for Your Help! I seek Your mercy and grace over our nation. I pray for Your Will to be done for the churches to reach the lost with the Gospel of TRUTH and to repent of our sins and turn from our wicked ways. I pray for Your perfect WILL over this election and ask for Thy Mercy. I pray for the unborn babies in the wombs of...
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Lauren Underwood (D)
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Margaret Lawson
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Pray for Margaret Lawson ()
Abba Father, thank You for the heart cries of Your servant Margaret. Open up the windows of heaven and bless her and her family in a special way. As she abides with You, makes You her dwelling place, tabernacle with her and let her feel Your presence, the weight of Your presence. Fill her to overflowing and let her know that she is Your beloved. In Yeshua's Name, amen.
Father, Your Word says we do not have because we do not ask. Your daughter Margaret has poured her heart out to You, and I pray that You would hear her prayers and act upon her pleas. You are a gracious Father who loves us, so I ask You to pour out Your blessing over her life in the name of Jesus! Amen.
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Virginia Chastain
I am a Community Chaplain pray that I can make a difference thru Christ in my community and when I get deployed on disasters. So many need to know...
Pray for Virginia Chastain () View More
I am a Community Chaplain pray that I can make a difference thru Christ in my community and when I get deployed on disasters. So many need to know our Lord. May the Holy Spirit lead me.
Pray for Virginia Chastain ()
Father God, Almighty loving God. Merciful, Mighty, who cares for all of his creation. Give special attention to this most special soul. Bless her with those special words which are as silver and gold to those amid the stress of disaster. Words of reassurance that The God almighty cares about the workers, responders, and those embroiled in the destructive reality of disruptive, tragic, and soul wrenching happenings. Words that empower, sustain, uplift those dealing with disaster both personal and public. Heal, restore, uplift, strengthen those to whom she speaks and those who are caused to overhear. Make this servant a special blessing each and every day. Amen Amen
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Prayer Great awakening Portland. for the Spirit of Truth & Conviction on candidates, that the Truth of their conviction will come out of their...
Pray for Gordon () View More
Prayer Great awakening Portland. for the Spirit of Truth & Conviction on candidates, that the Truth of their conviction will come out of their mouths. that the spirit of Justice/righteousness will reign over America. Leaders JG & GS will Overcome, Enter the kingdom and lead the nation.
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Prayer Great awakening Portland. for the Spirit of Truth & Conviction on candidates, that the Truth of their conviction will come out of their...
Pray for Gordon () View More
Prayer Great awakening Portland. for the Spirit of Truth & Conviction on candidates, that the Truth of their conviction will come out of their mouths. that the spirit of Justice/righteousness will reign over America. Leaders JG & GS will Overcome, Enter the kingdom and lead the nation.
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Shiloh Patterson
Need prayer for upcoming court case regarding my children, and finances. Asking for protection and provision to pay for my attorney.
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Need prayer for upcoming court case regarding my children, and finances. Asking for protection and provision to pay for my attorney.
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Shiloh Patterson
Need prayer for upcoming court case regarding my children, and finances. Asking for protection and provision to pay for my attorney.
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Need prayer for upcoming court case regarding my children, and finances. Asking for protection and provision to pay for my attorney.
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Shiloh Patterson
Need prayer for salvation for my children, and for bad influences to be removed
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Need prayer for salvation for my children, and for bad influences to be removed
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Shiloh Patterson
Need a biblical wife
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Need a biblical wife
Pray for Shiloh Patterson ()
Father, I thank You- that You know the plans You have for Shiloh, Father. Your Word says that a cord of 3 strands is not easily broken, so I pray that You would bring a Godly woman into Shiloh’s life, Lord. That they would put You at the center of their marriage God, and they would love, honor and respect each other for many years to come. We praise You for moving in Shiloh’s life and ask You to bless him, Lord! Amen!
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Shiloh patterson
I have court on 8/27 and 9/23. Asking for favor and protection and wisdom, as well as provision to protect my custody.
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I have court on 8/27 and 9/23. Asking for favor and protection and wisdom, as well as provision to protect my custody.
Pray for Shiloh patterson ()
Catherine S
Lord, I praise You that you said you would NEVER leave us nor forsake us. I praise you that you are with Shiloh directing her every step of the way. We give You praise and thanksgiving for your TLC and wisdom. May Shiloh find great favor with the court officials. Amen
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Praying for Gods supernatural provision according to the word… My GOD SHALL PROVIDE all of my needs according to His riches and Glory by Christ...
Pray for Amber () View More
Praying for Gods supernatural provision according to the word… My GOD SHALL PROVIDE all of my needs according to His riches and Glory by Christ Jesus. Including my daughter’s tuition/college expenses, resources for relocation, provision for the vision He gave me! Praying that the earth yield its resources to me from the north, south, east and west IJN. Angels go forth and bring back what is owed to my bloodline in the name of Jesus! 🙏🙏🙏
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