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State Prayer Call:
Tuesdays at 12:00-1:00 PM (MST) and 7:00-8:00 PM (MST) NEW PM time!
(720) 527-5940
Access Code: 7195523
State Leader(s): Vicki Hodge
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Brad Little
Capital: Boise
State Motto:
Esto perpetua, translated "Let it be perpetual"

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Submitted Prayers For Idaho

Debbie LaValley
June 12, 2024

Father, I pray that you would intervene to expose and depose the wicked plans to destroy over 500,000 acres of productive farm land in lower Idaho. This is just another way to impact our the food chain, and then purchase distressed farm land on the cheap.
Idaho farmers have been told they are not going to be allowed to water their crops. There appears to be no viable explanation that would justify this order. Due to heavy snowfall the groundwater levels are higher than normal. Without water the crops- which are already planted, will die. The enormous loss of crops, will devastate not only the farmers – but the livleyhoods of the communities and businesses dependent upon their success.
This is outrageous government overreach, an yet its getting almost zero exposure in the press.
Father, I am asking that you intervene to expose this villainsous steal and those behind it. Expose their plans and their intentions, and stop the steal. I’m asking this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Father.

December 26, 2023

Dear Lord, we lift up Idaho to you. I pray there would be more push back on liberal ideas in our capital and universities. I pray that believers would be bold to speak your truths.
I pray your word will go out to many here and many will be saved.
We praise you Lord and thank you for our freedom here in Idaho!
Thank you Lord!

Cynthia Smith
October 28, 2023

Lord help the conservatives get out and vote. May those that are new comers to Boise be more aware of what they want/why they moved here and match that to their voting. We pray this in Jesus Name!

Cheryl SpottedBear
October 25, 2023

Lord pray that our faith holds out and help us to strengthen our brethren bring revival.in your holy name amen!

Christine Stott
September 2, 2023

Oh dear Lord Jesus Christ, Idaho has been a state that has honored You for generations, but it is changing for the worse and people’s hearts are being turned away from You, people are being deceived in government in Idaho, Jesus Christ, to follow the ways of the enemy and to abandon Your Holy ways, please put a stop to this I beg of you, please put a stop to this, open the eyes, hearts, minds, and souls of all of the leaders in Idaho, from the very top to the very bottom, from the very greatest to the very least, that they will stop capitulating to the enemy, and they will return to You, repentant, and come back to Your ways!

Becky Miller
June 2, 2023

Pray for St Luke Hospital leadership who has apparently put up LGBT flags at each of their locations. Pray for a godly administrator to stand up and stop gender mutilation surgery. Pray for brave St Luke employees to speak up. Against this insanity and employees not to be indoctrinated to think nothing if it.

Chris Julian
October 24, 2022

Father, In the name of Jesus, I speak your word of truth over the elections in November, That your righteous ones will do right in your sight, that the words and thoughts of the wicked will be confused and confounded. That Your righteousness will prevail. That you will be glorified as people seek your heart as they vote.
I declare lies and darkness will be exposed. And Your light will shine.
I declare protection for the unborn , I declare a hedge of protection from all evil and harm and ungodliness around our children. I declare your protection on the sanctity of marriages.
I lift up all who are running for office that they would bow their knee only to You Most High God. And seek your ways and rely on your wisdom. I declare a wave of repentance and a turning from all wickedness,that you would hear our prayer and heal our land. In the precious name ofJesus I ask it. Amen.

Ann-Cherie Harden
October 6, 2022

A group of “witches” had an organized float down the Boise River and I’d like prayer that would bind any principalities or powers that came with them to be cast out and away from Boise, surrounding cities, the whole state! I don’t know what their purpose was other than to kick off October, but I want any spells, hexes, curses, prayed against and bound and that their eyes would be opened and they’d turn from the darkness and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior & Lord. Please pray for God’s Spirit to move all throughout Idaho. God bless!

Judy Fossgreen
September 1, 2022

Father, we pray for honest elections throughout our state and nation. Help only registered voters be allowed to vote, and for the votes to be counted legally. We need Your had on America’s voting in every election. Thank You, Lord.

Judy Fossgreen
September 1, 2022

Father, please help Governor Brad Little to put money into our teachers’ salaries and professional growth, not the top but the teachers on the ground floor. We are last in the nation in education. Please bring us to the top and give us teachers who teach what is right and true. Thank You, Lord.

Ann-Cherie Harden
July 20, 2022

I learned that the “billionaire group” meets in Sun Valley, Idaho, yearly. Also, that the company, Meta (Facebook), is coming to Kuna to set up an AI data gathering complex. Please, let us pray for Idaho and the nation. Idaho is being used as a meeting point and development point it looks like. Dear God, please stop any nefarious plans and your Holy Spirit drive out darkness in Idaho and across America. Save us, Lord and we praise Your Holy Name! In Jesus Name we pray. Amen. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/12/what-happens-at-sun-valley-the-secret-gathering-of-unelected-billionaire-kings

christine stott
June 22, 2022

Oh Lord Jesus Christ! Idaho has long honored You! it’s people have been loyal to You! please destroy the efforts of those people in Idaho who want to turn the hearts of this state away from You!

Christy Zito
June 15, 2022

Dear Father,

Bless the good people of this state. Strengthen their resolve to see and hear the truth. Bless them to turn from darkness and the evil that is working it way into our world. Hold us in your hand of salvation.

This prayer I offer in Thy Holly Name


christine stott
June 13, 2022

Dear Lord God of Heaven and earth, Please overturn the evil murderous law Roe v. Wade and protect ALL unborn babies, regardless of HOW they were conceived, or WHO their parents are. Please provide loving arms and homes for ALL babies born into this world. Thank You.

Esmeralda winchell
May 20, 2022

Lord, I lift up the state of Idaho. May you give each one of us the strength we need to do what is expected of us. Elections are coming up Lord and you have placed many God fearing conservatives up for elections this November. I pray you touch each one of them with your strength, guidance, wisdom. May there be a just and fair election. In Jesus name!


Pray For Idaho Leaders

Jim Risch (R)
Senator (Idaho)
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Mike Crapo (R)
Senator (Idaho)
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Brad Little (R)
Governor (Idaho)
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Scott Bedke (R)
Lt. Governor (Idaho)
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Raul Labrador (R)
Attorney General (Idaho)
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Phil McGrane (R)
Secretary of State (Idaho)
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