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New Mexico

State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm MT
Access Code: 1338184
State Leader(s): Patty Bricker
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Michelle Lujan Grisham
Capital: Santa Fe
State Motto:
Crescit eundo, translated "It goes by growing"

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Submitted Prayers For New Mexico

Filicia Fertig
May 28, 2024

Father God, when YOU SON YESHUA was born here on earth, it says in Your Word in Isaiah 9:6&7 (6) For a child is born to us,
a son is given to us;
dominion will rest on his shoulders,
and he will be given the name
Pele-Yo‘etz El Gibbor
Avi-‘Ad Sar-Shalom
[Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God,
Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace],
6 (7) in order to extend the dominion
and perpetuate the peace
of the throne and kingdom of David,
to secure it and sustain it
through justice and righteousness
henceforth and forever.
The zeal of Adonai-Tzva’ot
will accomplish this.
So even though this world is crazy and it seems like noting good is in it. I know that You know exactly what You are doing. The things that give me peace is the understanding that all this was propesied. And that scripture has to be fulfilled, cuz if we do not believe and trust in You for that, then we are calling You a liar and Lord You have never uddered and untrue word ever. I just pray Lord that more people come to trusting and believing in You, so that they may rayne on the New Heavens and New Earth with us. Lord I praise You for the work Your doing in my state and my nation, for this Nation was built for who You are. Lord, I aso that You bless the House of Isra’el. I ask that they hewr Your voice and they humble themselves and turn back to you. Thank You Lord for allowing me to send up this petition and I am honored to stand and intercede for others. I gibe You all honor, glory and power, for without You I can do noting. In Your Sons most highly and righteous name, YESHUA HA-Mashaich, Amen.

Marie Norris
January 31, 2024

O Lord, I pray with this nation today in agreement for repentance of the evil that we have brought upin this land. Lead and direct us in our repentance. Psalm 95: 1 Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalm 94: O Lord the God who avenges, shine forth, rise up O Judge of the earth. Pay back to the proud what they deserve. How long will the wicked be jubilant? They pour out arrogant words, all the evil doers are full of boasting they crush your people, O Lord; they oppress your inheritance They slay the widow and alien; they murder the fatherless the say the Lord does not see, the God of Jacob pays no heed. Almighty God, You see all. I lift up the state of New Mexico to you today. May you be a hedge about your beloved today Be their wall and bourder of protection from the wicked. In Jesus name. Amen

Angela Anderson
January 10, 2024

For the students and teachers in our state to recognize truth and turn to it. Boldness where we can make a difference.

Wendell Owens
December 20, 2023

As the State of NM prayer leader, I want to let you all know that tonight’s prayer call will be our last for 2023. We will resume again the 1st Wednesday in January 2024.
Please take this time and enjoy the blessings of Christmas & New year with you families. It has been my great honor to be a servant leader for NM. I wish you all a blessed Shalom to your Home, a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Rev. Wendell Owens

Suzette Wilson
October 26, 2023

Lord God, I have faith in Your mighty orchestration for our nation which includes the state of NM. I believe to receive Your blanket of peace, liberty, justice, & freedom. I petition the courts of heaven to pour a double portion of HOLY GHOST FIRE on our elected leaders to have a supernatural influence of Your great grace & authority. I cry out on behalf of the welfare of our children, widows, & elderly within all communities to be covered by the blood of Jesus. You are our omnipotent Father & reign forever more. I trust in You to quash ALL attempts & assignments of the enemy to pervert, diminish, oppress, & destroy our country & other nations. I thank You for hearing my pledge for protection & I bless Your HOLY name for ALL You have done, are doing, & will do for Your people! I honor & praise You & pray for Your name to be magnified as the result of Your mercy. Honor & Glory belongs to You & You alone! I pray this ALL in the name that has no match-Jesus- Your precious son who died to give us salvation, Amen 🙏🙏

Wendell Owens NM State IFA Leader.
September 11, 2023

It is my intention as the State of NM Prayer Leader for IFA to do a “Prayer Walk” in early December around the State Capitol Building in Santa Fe. For those who join me we will quietly walk & pray for our Governor & Legislators to be led by God to reverse the laws they just past in July, ie: HB 7 and others. Then follow up with a prayer & sharing luncheon in Santa Fe. More information as to time & date will come by the middle of November. If you are interested in joining me, please contact me at [email protected] directly. Thanks & God bless.

Wendell Owens
June 7, 2023

NM has passed bill HB-7 that allows anyone to have trans-gender surgery. & care. Even children (no age limit) without the consent of their parents. All medical facilities & school counselors do not have to notify parents if a child wishes to have these surgeries & care. No counties or facilities will be able to override this law. Any medical facilities or medical personnel that object (including religious objections) can be fined up to $5,000 per occurrence for denying these procedures.,
Please pray for NM, the demonic are taking over, but greater is He that is within us….amen?

Wendell Owens
February 8, 2023

Today 2/8/23 in the Roundhouse a committee is discussing to vote on HB 7 which states that No doctors or medical professionals will be able to deny or restrict abortions or gender-affirming or procedures. If they do they will be subject to criminal fines of $5,000 or greater for each occurrence. I could not find any religious exemption on this bill. Please pray that this bill will not pass.

Marilyn Delvalle
January 31, 2023

Father GOD I pray that You pour out Your Fresh anointing upon the church LORD that we go beyond denominations and remember the real battle we’re fighting and who is the real enemy. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and rulers of darkness in the air… Father God I pray for the protection of Psalm 91 over all those praying and their families. Let us not lose heart in seeking Your face and perfect will no matter what. we see or hear. I pray for the administration of the state of NM, and the one over our entire Country. Open their eyes touch their hearts, nothing is impossible for You. LORD I pray for what is happening at our southern border, , I pray for what’s happening in our schools and universities. LORD it’s an invasion from every side. It Can feel overwhelming alot of times. But our trust is solely in You Father God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit we claim victory in Jesus mighty name by the power of the Holy Spirit Amen Amen and Amen 🙏❤️🙏❤️

Judy Ross
January 18, 2023

HIGH NOON FOR LIFE. At High Noon each day, please pray that the New Mexico Legislature chooses LIFE over abortion. From Psalms 119:12-14, we praise God that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made and covered in our mother’s womb. Life begins at conception which has been proven by current technologies. In Proverbs 6:17, one of the seven things that the Lord finds detestable is “hands that shed innocent blood”. None is more innocent that an unborn child. Father God, we beg you: Enable the minds of each lawmaker to see that abortion is not empowering to women – it is victimizing the mother, the father and their baby. Soften the hearts of each NM legislator so that they craft laws that honor life over death. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Thomas Martin
January 14, 2023

Father God, I ask that you let me know if your will is that NM has one-party rule when that party is hellbent on killing preborn children. That political party also pushes gender dysphoria on young children by trying to normalize fantasies of gender change and acceptance of disordered sexual desires. Please make it clear to me that these conditions are what your plan for our world has in store for us. Everything that I’ve come to believe from what you revealed to us since ancient times rejects these mores. Am I wrong? Amen.

Wendell Owens
December 15, 2022

Governor Michele Lujan Grisham in September of 2022 has sent out an Executive Order to spend $10 Million dollars of taxpayer’s money to build a new abortion clinic in Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, primarily to better assist women in Texas to receive abortions because of the ban and restrictions in Texas. State Senator Gallegos says this is wrong and sending a signal to the whole country that New Mexico is the abortion capital of America.
I ask for your fervent prayers that there will be such an outcry from New Mexicans that this order will be reversed in Jesus name.

Wendell owens
November 9, 2022

Please disregard my last post….THERE WILL BE A WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER MEETING @ 7:00 PM …11/9/22 THANK YOU.
Rev. Wendell Owens – State of NM prayer leader for IFA

Wendell owens
November 8, 2022

Notice to all, in lieu of the elections, there will be No schedule prayer meeting tonight @ 7:00 pm. I urgently ask each of you to go VOTE for candidates with Godly principles and begin tonight at 7:00 to pray for God’s Will be done on the results. God bless.
Rev. Wendell Owens- State of NM Prayer Leader for IFA

Wendell owens
November 7, 2022

Please forgive me for not hosting tonight’s Special prayer call for the Mid- Terms here in NM. I got distracted with personal business and allowed it to cause me to be too late to get on the call. I ask for God & each of you to again forgive me as it hurts when I absent in doing His business. I hope you all prayed anyway!
Rev. Wendell Owens IFA State fo NM Prayer Leader.

Wendell owens
November 4, 2022

Notice:… The Monday Prayer call time for the Mid-Terms has been changed. As per IFA directions… The NM call to prayer time will be @ 8:00 pm NM time….. Thank you!
Wendell Owens NM State leader for IFA

Wendell owens
November 2, 2022

In accordance with IFA’s request that each state pray for the mid-term elections on the night before the final day…. New Mexico will be praying for our elections on Monday November 7th @ 6:00 pm in order to coincide with the national headquarters appointed time of prayer which is 8:00 pm eastern. Come & join and all the other states in this important prayer time…. Thx & God Bless. Wendell Owens State of NM prayer Leader for IFA.

Wendell owens
October 4, 2022

This is Rev. Wendell Owens, and I am the state leader for IFA New Mexico. I would like somebody to pray about becoming an alternate Leader for our Wednesday Night Prayer meeting @ 7:00 pm for the times I am out of town or sick. If you are interested, please contact me at my email address [email protected]. Thank you & God bless.

Nancy Perrault
September 1, 2022

Father, please raise up godly people here in your state, including myself, to be courageous and bold with our faith and help us to learn how to help in this state to educate and help others learn about You and Your ways to live. Not just be hearers but doers. Give us strength and Your wisdom to overcome evil with good and know what to say as well as do in these times. Bring our state back to You Father, give us Your favor In Jesus Name amen.

Gregg Beecher
August 18, 2022

Lord, we thank you for the great state of New Mexico. We believe now is the time for your Spirit to move in power in our state. We humble ourselves ourselves before you and ask you, Son of David, to have mercy on us! Let righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit prevail in New Mexico!

Gretchen Carter
August 18, 2022

Lord, in Jesus’ name, we declare and decree that NM is growing in Your wisdom. Your people in NM hear Your voice. In Jesus’ name, we ask that Your people heed Your voice and believe Your Word, that it does not return void. New Mexico shall be saved. It shall become a sheep state, because Your righteous remnant have Your fire locked up in their bones and they will not keep silent. Amen.

Wendell owens
July 26, 2022

Father God, in the name of Jesus, change the hearts of our state leaders to conform to Your will, or remove them for someone who will.

Gretchen Carter
July 12, 2022

Lord, bless our Representatives in their work. Let faith, hope, and love abound in their lives. Help them to seek to heal the hurt in our world and to be forces for harmony and goodness. Remind them that they will be judged by their fruits and that You require them to be faithful. May they seek to serve rather than be served, following Your example of humility and sacrifice.

Lucilla Sanchez-Schlageter
June 13, 2022

Abba Father, I thank you for answered prayer even before I pray one word. Thank you for Your faithfulness and that you only look at Your Mercy Seat. Father, I bind the mind of Christ to each of the 9 justices on the SCOTUS and their hearts to Your heart. Let them not have peace until they make things right in their own lives and the lives of the Unborn Babies. I loose, break, crush, smash, and destroy all plots, plans, schemes, tools, stratagems, the ignoring of rules and laws that leaders, the enemy and his evil cohorts are using to divide, threaten and and attempting to stop the sacrificing of unborn Babies to Baal. I loose warring angels to continue to fight on behalf of the unborn. I decree that all the Babies that are currently in their mother’s womb WILL LIVE AND NOT DIE AND DECLARE THE WORKS AND THE ILLUSTRIOUS ACTS OF THE LORD JESUS HIMSELF! Abba, have Mercy on individuals and their ignorance of yielding to the devil and his goal to KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY, them, and the Unborn. I DECREE THAT NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THE UNBORN WILL PROSPER AND THAT ROE vs WADE WILL BE OVERTURNED! In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.

Robyn O'Neal
June 11, 2022

Dear Lord, in my time of prayer today for The IFA Prayer Wall, focused on Joy Garratt, NM Representative, and researching her political ideology and views as a Democrat, I see her huge heart for children and support of education. She is transparent and invites accountability. These are some things important to You. She admits to being “…on the fence” about some issues and asks to be educated and for response from the citizenry, even if they’re not in her district. Lord God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, please impact her, engage her, encounter her through your people and life circumstances to show her what’s on Your heart and important to You, so she may be led of the Lord on the most important issues. In Jesus’s Name I pray.

Wendell owens
June 8, 2022

O’ that God would cause it to rain and put out all the forest fires in our state.


Pray For New Mexico Leaders

Ben Luján (D)
Senator (New Mexico)
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49 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Martin Heinrich (D)
Senator (New Mexico)
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16 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D)
Governor (New Mexico)
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9 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Howie Morales (D)
Lt. Governor (New Mexico)
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4 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D)
Secretary of State (New Mexico)
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7 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Raul Torrez (D)
Attorney General (New Mexico)
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1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
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