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State Prayer Call:
Saturdays at 7:00 AM CT/8:00 AM ET and Thursdays 6:30 PM CT/7:30 PM ET
(845) 361-8606
Access Code: 5325884
State Leader(s): David and Melissa Snider
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Andy Beshear
Capital: Frankfort
State Motto:
"United we stand, divided we fall."

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Submitted Prayers For Kentucky

George Leaf
June 30, 2024

Father God, I lift your word above the thoughts of men in this state for your word is the light to the proper path for mankind. I call forth those who carry the lamp oil in the dark of the night. Climb the stairs to the tops, the peaks, the lighthouses. Refresh the oil reservoirs for the great lights that guide all who see its glimmer from near or far off to the harbor of God, The only haven from the storms in life. Amen

George Leaf
May 19, 2024

Father God Almighty encourage, uplift, and empower those who pray for the good of our state. Lift our leaders into the light or your countenance. Free them from undue influences, entanglements, deceptions and lies. That they may serve you in the true blessings of their callings into public service. Amen.

    George Leaf
    May 19, 2024

    I finished praying about 0300 and laid down. The musical of “Immortal Invisible God Only Wise” has continual played in my mind. Now after three hours I still hear it.
    Oh great and mighty wonder, encourage your prayer warriors. For our prayers are heard in your mountain of Justice. I needed no sleep after my time on the wall. I can but lie on my bed in tears of quiet joy. Knowing in my belly our prayers are reaching Father and greatly pleasing Him.
    Pray on faithful in prayer, in the pure joy of accomplishing our mission each time. Amen

February 4, 2024

Lord, We come to you today in prayer over our STATE, POLICIES, POLITICAL ISSUES, POLITICIANS, GOVERNOR, SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, STUDENTS, TEACHERS, CHURCHES. That you will guide our leaders, our state to honor you and your laws. Not man made laws but yours Lord. I DECREE & DECLARE that this evil demonic spirit flee and I REBUKE all evilness, and I pray our STATE comes back to you. Lord, Thank you for your LOVE, MERCY & GRACE.
In Jesus Name, I Pray, AMEN

Marie Norris
January 17, 2024

Be exalted O God, above the heavens, let your glory be over all the earth. Kentucky’s motto: Let us be greatful to God. I lift up this state to you Almighty God with gradituide. Your promises are true . Psalm 58: Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns whether they be green or dry- the wicked will be swept away. Thank you Abba Father for sweeping our country. May your light shine brightly over Kentucky today. The righteous will be glad when they are avenged. May your will be done. In Jesus name.

George Leaf
December 3, 2023

Father God Almighty, strong to save. I call in Jesus name for your attention, your sight, your eyes, your ears be attuned to the cries of your people of and in this state called Kentucky. Bring the hearts of these people so dear to your heart into prayer of all kinds for this our home on earth. Give to each mind so turned the understanding of the men of Issachar who knew the times and what Israel ought to do. Bring us into unity with your daily work upon the hearts of the people. Heal, mend, make whole the hearts, minds, souls of these whompray and those they love. Spread your joy and blessings through this land, Kentucky, Give us abundance to meet the needs of the poor, broken, downtrodden in our midst. Amen and Amen

George Leaf
October 29, 2023

Father by your prophetic words the warriors have agreed in prayer. The workers for the harvest are being readied. Many are troubled by the times, the troubles, the failing of government like a tottering stone wall. Like Israel so many times, this grafted in vine will not repent and return until the only way out of the mess is return unto you. 2 chronicles 7:14 says plainly that we shall repent, turn, and seek your face. Dry bones hear the word of the Lord. Assemble yourselves, flesh, sinue, blood snd muscle take hold upon you. Breath of the life of the living God take hold of you. Live for God Kentucky. That is your heritage in this nation. Let your spirit of grace flow through this state like a river. Amen Amen.

George Leaf
July 2, 2023

Father turn the glaring spotlight of your righteous light upon the capitol, the offices, and the surroundings of the government of our state. Let nothing be hidden. No intent other than righteousness in accord with you word shall withstand examination before you as every intent of man in this state is weighed on the scales of your justice. Amen

Sheila Price
February 1, 2023

Holy Father,
I pray that you will grant each of these leaders a deep hunger and thirst for You, for Your Word and being in relationship with You. I know if they take care of that then everything else will fall into place in Your Will for their lives.
Seek first The Kingdom of God and He will take care of the rest.
In Yeshua’s Name. Yes and Amen!

Trudee Nims
August 4, 2022

Lord, I am praying as a resident of Washington state for the state of Kentucky. The flooding that has gone on there is impacting people in ways most of us can only imagine. When I was 10 years old I experienced a flood in a small Montana town. The images and smells will forever be with me. The job of cleaning up was monumental. I pray for many believers to rally around those in Kentucky who are suffering. May they provide physical assistance and hope. May Your name be glorified in all and may everyone see Your faithfulness displayed. I pray that many will grow in faith and will trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. Amen.

Bruce Pickerel
July 26, 2022

I Pray that our leaders in the state of Kentucky will open there eyes and see how wrong it is to kill the unborn.

George Leaf
May 31, 2022

Father, we are the boots on the ground in Kentucky. We are your watchmen keeping watch day and night. Give special clarity to our understanding that the words of our prayers be as sharp as the sword of the Lord which is the word of God. May our prayers defend those who sacrifice there precious time to rebuild the walls and repair the gates. That our state in who’s ground we walk may come to fully serve you in these the days at the enging of the age. For the earth has waxed old as a garment and we must walk out the harvest at the end of the age.

Marti Swift
May 23, 2022

Father, Thank you for being present in our state His-Story! Lord we see your hand, we see your work in our state motto, Deo gratiam habeamus, translated “Let us be grateful to God”. Lord we do not fear, for you are with us! You Lord appoint our leaders, you set our land apart for your glory, for your purpose, for your kingdom come. Lord, we confess, we have strayed from being grateful to being self sufficient, self serving, Lord help us return to You! Forgive us of our short sighted plans and our love of worldly things and bring us back to seeing, knowing and trusting You ONLY. Lord we are far away, help us Lord. Abba we are for Spirit filled leaders, leaders who’s hearts are set
on honoring You above all.
Lord, unite us Kentuckians to The One so that we can one with you and Jesus. Lord we want to be spared influence of this world, we want to be set apart and useful to you, but we want Your Kingdom come above all. Give us courage Lord, we are lost without you, give us wisdom Lord, we stray without you, give us peace left to us from The Cross, without it, we perish. Lord, again, thank you for the foundation. Our state was founded upon the greatness of God, founded upon The Rock, so Lord, lead us back to deepen that foundation. We are weak Lord, but you are strong, help us, we cry out, help us Lord! Amen.


Pray For Kentucky Leaders

Mitch McConnell (R)
Minority Leader (Kentucky)
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Rand Paul (R)
Senator (Kentucky)
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Andy Beshear (D)
Governor (Kentucky)
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4 have submitted prayers
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Jacqueline Coleman (D)
Lt. Governor (Kentucky)
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Daniel Cameron (R)
Attorney General (Kentucky)
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Michael Adams
Secretary of State (Kentucky)
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2 have submitted prayers
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