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State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM PT
Access Code: 3407094
State Leader(s): Cliff and Pauline Oje
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Jay Inslee
Capital: Olympia
State Motto:
Al-ki, translated "By and by"

Post Your Prayers For Washington

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Submitted Prayers For Washington

Jen Corbin
January 6, 2024

We are praying against the actions of Julie Wise, king county election chair, who is trying to pass anti-signature law, saying signing your ballot is not “equitable.” We thank you, father, that your truth presides over our state, we pray right-standing with you, father, for all elected officials! We come against any work of the enemy in our government, in the name of Jesus!

Julie Irene
November 23, 2023

There was an amazing prayer time in the Washington Capital Building on November 11th. May God continue to answer those prayers and move through Washington State in a mighty way, bringing revival. May the Christians in Washington State have their eyes opened to what God is doing and join in the spiritual battle. In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray.

    Danny Hipple
    January 5, 2024

    Father, please pour out your Spirit of repentance and revival across the state of Washington. We ask that you would hear our cry for forgiveness, righteousness, healing and love to be poured out as well! In the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!

Sally Hoffman
November 14, 2023

Mighty God, we walk on the ground You created. Everything we see and touch has its origin in You. We give Washington State into Your hands. We ask that You reveal Your heart for our state. We call for a mighty wave of repentance for indifference to Your voice and Your Word. We ask you to forgive us for believing that sin is beneficial and that Your goodness is harmful. Wash us. Give us clean hands and pure hearts. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen

November 13, 2023

Lord, we who remain are the remnant in Washington State. We are called to remain as many others left our state to find a concerative state to live in peace., we contend. ,We fight here, we stand here. We decree that washington state is the Lords and the power of the intercessors in it will hold back the enemy untill every lamb is found and rescued! Our families will thrive in the Lord. We take our place on the walls and hold back the evil with our prayers! In Jesus name AMEN

Julie Bolt
October 26, 2023

Heavenly Father, I praise You concerning the November elections coming up. I ask that your hand will be upon each person as they fill out their ballot and that godly people will be raised up and the ungodly removed. That godly people will be elected to school boards and city councils across the state. A change is coming! In Christ’s name I pray. Amen

Ellen Slover
October 15, 2023

Lord, I plead the Blood of Jesus over Washington state. Please take the anti-Christ people out of this government. Move on the hearts of Christians to want to serve as legislators.
I pray every agenda of the evil one be brought down over this state in Jesus name! The anti police movement to fail in Jesus name! I pray you change Governor Enslee’s heart to be toward Jesus’s people. I pray the evil financial structure be brought down and given to God’s people! I pray Bill Gates gets saved and finances God’s agenda!

In Jesus Name

September 7, 2023

Lord Jesus, You are our victorious leader! You won the battle on the cross, so we know we pray from a place of VICTORY! You promise to come and fix all the wrongs and make all the crooked places straight. So, today I pray from victory and thank you in advance for the victorious banner we wave! You Will come Lord, you Will balance the justice scales in our state. You are our high tower and we contend for all the injustices all the child sacrifice on the alter of abortion, and gender surgeries we ask Lord you grab all your children and protect them from evil intentions in Jesus name!

August 8, 2023

Your kingdom come Your will be done. We consecrate our state to You Lord. We ask for a deliverance of our state in Jesus name. Send warring angles to do battle for us as we pray! Lord we have a huge, unseeingly, unwinnable war for our state. But we know You work miracles in that place. Jesus when all seems lost, You are winning the battle! We know You move in just this way so, that You receive all the glory! We pray a miracle in our state, a turn of the tide. We intercede with our prayers, we fight with our communion, with our worship. We take it all back and give it to the Lord. We pray Holy Spirit on this place in Jesus name. Holy Spirit come!

Sandra Cornejo
July 6, 2023

Father God, I pray that Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven, in the State of Washington, USA and in the lives of those in leadership roles throughout the State of WA and especially the State Capital in Olympia. I ask for “Spirit to Spirit God Encounters” for each of them. May the yokes of bondage be removed, their spines to be re-created so they may stand firm for Truth and Justice! Father, this is Your Land and People too. We need Your Help to do our part. Show us our part. May You be Glorified in all of this, Jesus! In Your Matchless Name I PRAY! Amen!

May 23, 2023

Heavenly Father, I lift up all of the Washington leaders to you today. Father each is in need of your Godly guidance. I pray that each of them know you. That the Holy Spirit will come upon them and guide them to make the right decisions for this state. Satan has convinced them they are doing good. Evil is not good. Protect those in this state who live in fear of the policies these leaders are making. Father, lead them to true leadership through your Holy guidance. Bless them with a spiritual awakening. Change their hearts. I lift Patty, Maria, Jay, Denny, Bob and Steve up to you specifically today Father. Infiltrate their hearts. Change them. Lead them. I pray for their souls. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

William VanderMeer
April 29, 2023

Lord God almighty, touch Governor Inslee’s heart and mind concerning SB 5599 when it comes before him to sign into law. Let him see and know that this Bill is an affront against your desire for parents and families.
In Jesus name, AMEN

Rebecca Lowell
January 29, 2023

We pray against HB 1333. Lord forgive us , your church, for our history of being silent. We must speak up now and not loose our freedom of speech. Holy Spirit work in the heart of AG( attorney general) Ferguson , may he see with new eyes the error of his ways

Bonnie Nord
January 25, 2023

I pray immorality, witchcraft, abortion, GBLT organizations, environmental overreach, satanic laws, divorces, rebellious children, and financial attacks on families with children would be bound and rebuked. Give us new God fearing leaders that can defeat our woke culture using wise arguments. Lose the Holy Spirit to bring a massive revival to my state. We need you Lord. We have sinned. Forgive us. In your mercy restore us and our prodical children. Raise up Godly men.

Tim Taylor
January 12, 2023

We’ve hosted a monthly meeting with (apostolic/prophetic) leaders from the 7 spheres of society to inquire what we ought to pray for WA ST. We just met yesterday and they shared the following prayer targets/decrees. https://www.kingdomleague.org/timtaylorblog/january-10th-2023

At the bottom of the list is also a prophetic song written in 1999 called “The Bride of the Northwest.”

Sandy Trice
December 17, 2022

God, we thank you that we have power over all the power of the enemy. We Say, Host – go now to our State capital and destroy every platform and plan the enemy has devised against Righteousness and Your people in the State of Washington. We CALL for Justice and ALL that Jesus bought and paid for with His Blood

We Plead the Blood of Jesus over the State of Washington and all of its residents. We Decree and Declare the Washing of this State in this hour in The Mighty Name of Jesus.

Jeannie Howell
November 23, 2022

Praying for the ecclesia of Washington State that they will awaken to their God given assignments and stand up for righteousness. We must pray against the corruption that keeps our state a Democrat state. We must free our children from the corruption of the teachers unions that are promoting agenda’s that are against the nuclear Christ centered families.

November 7, 2022

Lord, we need your intervention. We need justice. Evil has never offered us justice, but God. You do! JESUS YOU offer us that, you honor it, you promote it. So I ask supernaturally that you bless us with truth and justice! send your spirit of justice in every single solitary race this November. And Lord, be in Brazil too. Place your hand on Brazils people! Pour justice on their presidential election

Karen Kendrick
August 26, 2022

Dear Lord,
We pray for our dear state of Washington.
We pray that you would bring us leaders with your agenda for our state.
We pray for salvation for our state , counties& cities leaders & school board members.
We ask for removal of those who do not want your agenda.
We ask to remove abortion from our state.
We ask you to remove sex education from our schools & leave it to the discretion of parents to teach our children.
We ask you to remove crt from our schools. We Also ask you to remove the lgbt agenda from our schools.
We ask that you remove us as a sanctuary state.
We ask for fair elections with no illegal voters.
We ask that you stop up our southern border.
We ask that you put in leaders
who will keep a budget that works.
We ask that you remove satanic worship on our capital steps.
We ask that we can a ” Christmas” Tree in our capital rotunda once again & a ” manger ” scene without having to include other evil agendas included.
Thank you Lord for sending your warring Angels & heavenly hosts into our statehouse& mayors offices & schools & school boards to fight for all of these things!
Enough is Enough for the enemies’ evil agenda in our beautiful state. Turn it around Lord! Turn it around!
We love you Lord!
Thank you for INTERVENING & INTERCEDING on our behalf💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖

August 22, 2022

Lord, your eye is upon this corner of America, we know it. We feel your spirit pressing in and many are answering Your call! We pray for revival! Revive your church! Call for the return, i cancel the commands of the enemy off the church in Wa. Its taken so many out! Start Holy spirit filled churches bring leaders who want Holy Spirit to flow! Bring newness of life to dead bones! I prophesy to the dead bones come alive! Live! Holy Spirit, revive us in Jesus name!!!

Richard and Linda Nathan
June 15, 2022

Dear Lord God, We lift up the Washington State Republican Party, which is having a statewide Day of Action doorbelling this coming Saturday, June 18. Please protect and guide them and give them fruitful contacts, in our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ’s Name.

Richard and Linda Nathan
June 11, 2022

Dear Lord God, I lift up the Yakima Abortion Abolition Conference 2022 on June 25 at Highland Community Church in Cowiche, WA. I pray for Your divine protection, grace, wisdom, and direction. Bring in all those You want to participate; raise up the prayer support they need. Use them to prepare Washington State for the fallout when Roe v. Wade is reversed. Equip & prepare us all with a mighty outpouring of Your Divine wisdom and power. Spread Your glorious Gospel to the ends of this state and the earth.
“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
that the mountains would tremble before you!
As when fire sets twigs ablaze
and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
and cause the nations to quake before you!” Amen. Isa. 64:1-2

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Dear Abba Father, Our Father in Heaven thank you for your children in Washington State, thank you for joining us together at such a time as this, knit us together so we can be part of what you want to do thru Washington State for our nation turning back to you.
Lord thank you for what you are doing in our state, thank you for what you are stirring up in Jeff Bezos to speak out against injustice in our government. We ask that you would pour out your spirit on Jeff Bezos and on all who work for him/under him. We pray for many or all of them to come to be convicted by the Holy Spirit and come to experience the truth in love thru Jesus and not be deceived by the PRince of this world/Prince of the Air at this time- we pray for our brothers and sisters in WA State who are trapped by our enemies/demons to be set free so that the body of Christ is more whole and more healthy in Jesus’ name, amen.

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Lord Jesus we use the authority you have given us to decree as representatives of your Kingdom on earth in Washington State that “the church will not be aborted”. Instead we decree that the “gates of hell will not prevail” against the church that Jesus is building. Thank you Lord we believe you are building the church and strengthening her in the midst of this difficult time of persecution, division, hatred and enemy activity. WE agree with you Father that you are doing a mighty work in the midst of the confusion and chaos- you are raising up a stronger healthier body of Christ- even here in Washington Lord, we decree it for you as your representative- you are our King, you are Washington State’s King, you are our government. Come and flood the pregnancy choice centers and the businesses that were threatened by this radical Jane’s Revenge abortion group and pour out on them to bring some or all to repentance- as many as still have consciences that are not seared shut against you. You paid the price for all of them and we want you to receive everything your blood paid for Lord JEsus- we want them all to come to understand the truth with your love and wisdom and not the deception they are trapped in. We pray for the devil to lose hold of every one in that organization and for them all to become captured by the truth of Jesus love and their need for conviction and repentance. Come claim your bride and make her pure Lord as only you can do. Come and flood the businesses Lord Jesus who are also possible targets, come and soften their hearts toward you, come and strengthen their weak knees and show them who you are and woo them to yourself amen.

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Oh Lord, forgive us and forgive Jenn Mason and forgive Bellingham for this terrible sin of leading children astray into sexual immorality. Lord help us return to you and flee sexual immorality! We beg you to pour out great quantities of mercy upon Bellingham and Jenn Mason and the Wink Wink Boutique and the staff. We pray that they may have experiences with Jesus and know the truth and know how much they are loved and how the world and its ways are deceptive and not good for them, nor loving, but leading toward their destruction. Lord please visit each person who attended the unhealthy immoral event on June 1 at the Wink Wink Boutique- we ask for your blood that was shed to save all of those who attended and that they not be led all the way astray into destruction. We plead that the children would be protected and their minds and emotions and spirits be washed and cleansed of the filth they were exposed to. We pray for each adult that has been wounded and needs healing to receive healing from the light and love of Jesus’s truth and forgiveness against those who sinned against them or taught them wrongly and lead them into sin. WE pray for healing to flood them and Bellingham for your name sake and that they would begin right now to realign with Jesus and that they would submit to Jesus as their shepherd and follow HIm on the path of righteousness and not be fooled any longer by the lies of sexual immorality. Come Holy Spirit we are in desperate need of your conviction in WA state. Amen

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Holy Spirit please pour out dreams and visions and manifestations of your presence in the 4 churches that were vandalized by the Jane’s Revenge group! Stir up the faith of your children in these 4 church buildings. Pour out your love which casts out fear- help your body reject the temptation to fear evil and instead guide them and motivate them to fear only you- Our great shepherd- the only one who can kill both the soul and the spirit in hell- people and demons cannot do that- so we must not allow ourselves to fear them nor fear death which they threaten. Holy Spirit bring comfort and courage and wisdom to your body in Washington and in these 4 churches- so that none are stirred to earthly revenge. Help your people leave revenge up to you in your holiness and not take it into their own hands, In Jesus’ name amen.

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Holy Spirit please pour out dreams and visions and manifestations of your presence in the 4 churches that were vandalized by the Jane’s Revenge group! Stir up the faith of your children in these 4 church buildings. Pour out your love which casts out fear- help your body reject the temptation to fear evil and instead guide them and motivate them to fear only you- Our great shepherd- the only one who can kill both the soul and the spirit in hell- people and demons cannot do that- so we must not allow ourselves to fear them nor fear death which they threaten. Holy Spirit bring comfort and courage and wisdom to your body in Washington and in these 4 churches- so that none are stirred to earthly revenge. Help your people leave revenge up to you in your holiness and not take it into their own hands, In Jesus’ name amen.

Tamera Brockman
June 8, 2022

Holy Spirit please pour out dreams and visions and manifestations of your presence in the 4 churches that were vandalized by the Jane’s Revenge group! Stir up the faith of your children in these 4 church buildings. Pour out your love which casts out fear- help your body reject the temptation to fear evil and instead guide them and motivate them to fear only you- Our great shepherd- the only one who can kill both the soul and the spirit in hell- people and demons cannot do that- so we must not allow ourselves to fear them nor fear death which they threaten. Holy Spirit bring comfort and courage and wisdom to your body in Washington and in these 4 churches- so that none are stirred to earthly revenge. Help your people leave revenge up to you in your holiness and not take it into their own hands, In Jesus’ name amen.

June 8, 2022

Lord Jesus, our savior, our redeemer we emplore your presence upon Washington State. Through our leaders we thrive or we suffer. We pray for justice and mercy upon our leaders. Justice for all victims of crime. Our leaders are there for protection of the weak and vunerable. We see so many crimes exploding upon the innocent. Se pray they will uphold the law in every instance. We must help the homeless by giving them a hand up. Hope for a better life not to encourage lawlessness for their prosperity! Lawlessness will destroy our land. I pray compassion through a hand up and out. Education, jobs, church. A secure community filled with the Holy Spirit of God. We pray the Holy Spirit upon each of these leaders listed I pray for each one a blessing of Jesus and justice in Jesus name

Dana Morrison
May 27, 2022

Father, you are the Light of the world. To you darkness is as bright as the day. You remind us that there is none righteous, no not one. I withdraw my judgments from those in office who are not walking in truth. It is your mercy and your grace that draw the lost into the light of Christ. You see where the leaders of Washington State have walked in the council of the wicked and given approval of deeds done in darkness. You know the ones who have exchanged lies for the truth. We ask that you would dispatch your Holy Angels to do warfare in the heavenly realms, breaking the strongholds that have held Washington state and it’s leaders in darkness. We ask that you would raise up and strengthen your prayer warriors in this state. You also see those leaders who have stood for truth, not bowing down to the darkness. I ask that the light of the godly will be brightened, and that you would protect them and their families from ungodly attacks. Shine Your Holy Light into the hearts and minds of the leaders who are blinded by deceit, and turn them to righteousness. Raise up a whole new generation in Washington State of those who will lead Washington back into life and Truth. We asked all of this in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen

Coralynne Fulmer
May 23, 2022

Father, I pray that you would break the darkness that holds Washington State in bondage and bring Light to those who govern and draw them to yourself. I ask that you would break the bondage and deception that holds Jay Inslee, Maria Cantwell, and Patty Murray. I pray that they would repent of their complicity in unrighteous, that you would show them your way of righteousness. Father I pray this in Jesus name.

Zita Nix
May 23, 2022

Oh Lord, turn Gov. Inslee’s heart to you. Raise up godly government in this state that You would be glorified. In Jesus name!

Nanette Gemmer
May 21, 2022

I pray for salvation for the state of Washington.Deliver us from evil Take the darkness off of hearts and minds Draw people to truth Wake up the Christians to take a stand for truth and righteousness.Havr them take their voting privilege seriously and vote for Godly,moral upright people.May ungodly leaders be replaced by Godly ones


Pray For Washington Leaders

Patty Murray (D)
Senator (Washington)
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103 have submitted prayers
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Maria Cantwell (D)
Senator (Washington)
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62 have submitted prayers
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Jay Inslee (D)
Governor (Washington)
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73 have submitted prayers
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Denny Heck (D)
Lt. Governor (Washington)
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15 have submitted prayers
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Bob Ferguson (D)
Attorney General (Washington)
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18 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Steve Hobbs (D)
Secretary of State (Washington)
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10 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
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