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State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:15 PM CST (NEW day/time!)
Access Code: 5757372
State Leader(s): Dexter and Sheryl Washington
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Tate Reeves
Capital: Jackson
State Motto:
Virtute et armis, trasnlated "By valor and arms"

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Submitted Prayers For Mississippi

Marie Norris
January 24, 2024

O Lord God, I lift up the state of Mississippi to you today. Seems that nothing is being reported or work being done in this country. Yet we know that You are working and answering our prayers. Psalm 75:2-3 You say “I choose the appointed time, it is I who Judge the upright. When the earth and all its people quake it is I who holds it pillars firm. Lord I pray at the appointed time your children will be held firm in this state. Psalm 77: you are the God who performs miracles: you display your power among the peoples. Open the hearts of your children so they can see your salvation and redemption. You are greatly to be praised O Lord. I pray in Jesus name.

Sherry Gwatney
November 11, 2023

I am in County Government since 1995. My last year is 2024. This 2023 has been a really bad year ! Some of my commission lost in the General Election. So pressure is on me for the training new ones .. we need lots of prayer for all of us !!

Christine Kubal
July 2, 2022

Please join us in Prayer for
Fourth Chancery District Judge Debbra K. Halford
The Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael K. Randolph has appointed a chancellor to hear the abortion clinic’s challenge to Mississippi’s trigger law. Late Thursday, Fourth Chancery District Judge Debbra K. Halford was appointed to hear the challenge.

On Monday, JWHO filed a state court case challenging the constitutionality of the trigger law and the 6-week Heartbeat law based on a 1998 court case (Pro-Choice Mississippi vs. Fordice) that upheld a constitutional right to abortion in the state constitution based on precedence in Roe vs. Wade and Casey vs. Planned Parenthood. On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled both Roe and Casey in the landmark case Dobbs v. Jackson.

The new state court challenge is Jackson Women’s Health Organization vs. Thomas E. Dobbs, Health Officer, and others. The challenge was originally filed in Hinds County Chancery Court, but all four judges recused themselves from the case. In that situation, the MS Supreme Court is responsible for appointing a chancellor to preside over the case.

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch and her staff are preparing to defend state laws and the MS Constitution in this case. At this time, we do not have a date for a hearing before the chancellor. We are confident that our state’s leaders are being extremely diligent to follow the law and prevent any loopholes that would lead to more court challenges.

If the chancellor upholds the state’s laws, then we expect the abortion facility in Jackson to be closed on July 7. Their last day to destroy innocent human lives would be July 6.

Please pray for:
-Fitch and all of the lawyers involved that Life would be upheld and the abortion clinic would close
-Pro-Life Mississippi – our efforts be fruitful, lives would be saved, and everything we do would be a witness to God’s glory and grace.
Mississippi Supreme Court – they would protect mothers and the preborn from the predatory and violence of the abortion industry.
-Women who may have an unplanned pregnancy and are seeking abortion.

Shellie Maheu
June 15, 2022

LORD GOD, I pray for you to keep the beautiful state of MISSISSIPPI preserved, and kept away from the extreme leftists and their wicked agendas and the Elitist’s plans. I pray that the one abortion clinic in our state will be completely closed down, and for Abortions to be abolished within all of the United States. I pray that Roe Vs Wade is completely overturned, and for planned parenthood to be completely defunded. Let every ounce of truth that is being covered up, come to the light right now in JESUS CHRIST’S mighty name. I pray for your biggest angels to stay encamped around the entire state of Mississippi. May the crimes in Jackson CEASE, and may murder be found no more within our state. May Mississippi stay within the covenant it entered with you GOD. I pray psalm 91 over our entire state, and over our infrastructure here, our food supplies and gas too. Let your perfect will be done for Mississippi, in JESUS CHRIST’S mighty name, amen and amen

David Parnell
June 2, 2022

LORD I pray for Mississippi and everyone that lives there. I ask that the schemes of the left will not be fruitful and die. Protect and guide YOUR people. May YOUR will be performed. Praise GODJESUSHOLYSPIRIT.

Elizabeth Milne
May 23, 2022

Pray for a victory against abortion and for pro life

Dana Chisholm
May 23, 2022

Pray for strength and focus on godly principles to lead our state.


Pray For Mississippi Leaders

Cindy Hyde-Smith (R)
Senator (Mississippi)
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Roger Wicker (R)
Senator (Mississippi)
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Tate Reeves (R)
Governor (Mississippi)
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Delbert Hosemann (R)
Lt. Governor (Mississippi)
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Lynn Fitch (R)
Attorney General (Mississippi)
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Michael Watson (R)
Secretary of State (Mississippi)
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