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State Prayer Call:
Thursdays at 12:00 PM MT
(667) 930-8445
Access Code: 5307701
State Leader(s): Robert and Nancy Cunningham
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Katie Hobbs
Capital: Phoenix
State Motto:
Ditat Deusm, translated "God enriches"

Post Your Prayers For Arizona

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Submitted Prayers For Arizona

JoHelen Strawn
September 2, 2024

Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. We pray for the leaders and judges in the Arizona state and local government. Turn their hearts and minds toward you. Remove the scales from their eyes that they may see you and repent from their wicked ways. Remove those who oppose your will and replace them with your people.

Lord we pray for the 5 fold ministries to be rooted in Arizona. We repent for quenching the move of Holy Spirit during church services. Lord remove the fear and prejudices surrounding Holy Spirit, that has been created by the enemy in the past. We pray that the pastors will once again preach the full gospel of the 5 fold ministries to your people. So that we, the body of Christ, may walk in the fullness of the Good news of Christ. Amen

Linda Jordan
May 2, 2024

Lord have mercy on us in the USA and as Christians for not standing up as a nation vocally and with action against sin. Abortion, schools, drugs our walls etc. Thank you and bless those that have prayed and stood on the wall.
We pray for our nation’s leaders, turn their hearts back to you. Release angels to lift and encourage them.
We pray, Amen and Amen
Job 33: 12-33
12“But you are wrong, and I will show you why.
For God is greater than any human being.
13So why are you bringing a charge against him?
Why say he does not respond to people’s complaints?
14For God speaks again and again,
though people do not recognize it.
15He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they lie in their beds.
16He whispers in their ears
and terrifies them with warnings.
17He makes them turn from doing wrong;
he keeps them from pride.
18He protects them from the grave,
from crossing over the river of death.
19“Or God disciplines people with pain on their sickbeds,
with ceaseless aching in their bones.
20They lose their appetite
for even the most delicious food.
21Their flesh wastes away,
and their bones stick out.
22They are at death’s door;
the angels of death wait for them.
23“But if an angel from heaven appears—
a special messenger to intercede for a person
and declare that he is upright—
24he will be gracious and say,
‘Rescue him from the grave,
for I have found a ransom for his life.’
25Then his body will become as healthy as a child’s,
firm and youthful again.
26When he prays to God,
he will be accepted.
And God will receive him with joy
and restore him to good standing.
27He will declare to his friends,
‘I sinned and twisted the truth,
but it was not worth it.*33:27 Greek version reads but he [God] did not punish me as my sin deserved.
28God rescued me from the grave,
and now my life is filled with light.’
29“Yes, God does these things
again and again for people.
30He rescues them from the grave
so they may enjoy the light of life.
31Mark this well, Job. Listen to me,
for I have more to say.
32But if you have anything to say, go ahead.
Speak, for I am anxious to see you justified.
33But if not, then listen to me.
Keep silent and I will teach you wisdom!”

Angela Nicholas
March 30, 2024

Lord God, we played the blood of Jesus over Arizona, and those who have made deals with darkness to make Arizona, the next California, and being the AI hub of the world we see the state start to bow down to the demonic agenda. We see homosexual, pride, flags, we see God removed. We no longer have Christmas decorations, but we have a homosexual site in our library for our children who can go unsupervised on a computer where the parents aren’t allowed the room to pervert their little minds. We have leaders that have sold their souls to people like Bill Gates who is the second biggest landowner in this state Who wants to bring his demonic agenda to this Desert will I say hell no in Jesus name as long as there are Christians, praying and breathing on this earth, and therefore will be will plead the blood of Jesus and fire God over the state God remove the wicked, and raise up the righteous and destroy an expose every demonic agenda from the quantum dot and palm hand technology that will be used to enter in the mark of the beast to the data clouds already built to hold the data to all the things the Lord has shown me about this evil artificial intelligence, which is a satanic representation of wisdom, because true wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. We drive out the witches. We drive out the satanic churches. We drive out the ones trying to get the abortion fetal tissue for their satanic sacrifices. We drive out the wicked people of this state, and we declared Jesus Christ is Lord and king and savior, and we declare revival over Arizona. In Jesus name the Gates of hell shall not prevail not even Bill , not any AI or not any wicked thing that comes at us because if God before us then who can be against us, the Bible says in the last days that they will hide themselves in the cliffs of rocks and underground and you see the demons building the bunkers, because even they know Jesus is returning soon Church stand your ground and take back territory and push the dark out of the land And save as many souls as you can before he returns

Ruth Hammons
January 25, 2024

Lord, I pray that the hearts and minds of the officials in this state, the nation and the world wake up if they are not in tune with you, do so now! Our state, nation and the world are in such trouble of our own making, because so many have turned their backs on you and the truth! May many find their hearts twisted to wake up and stand for what is right, good and true in YOU. It is terrible what is happening, and you told us it would in the Bible, and it is here and coming fast! Sickening, though it all is, many still will not turn to you! But you also said many would have their minds and hearts blocked, because they have not chosen you and the truth.
I pray that there are many who are strong and turn back to you, that there will be a revival of faith, that people will see what they must do to help our state, the nation and thus the world! For as America goes, so will go the world once they turn their backs on the US and the dollar! They will be eternally sorry as we will not be there to help them, as we have before since the beginning of America!
Lord, you have given us so many chances and given so much forgiveness for so much that is so vial and evil!
YOU have done so because you love and created each one of us, yet there are still such terrible things happening. Lord be with us all and grant that many will come back to faith, see your return and be in the family that will be taken to Heaven and will come to live in the New Heaven and Earth that you will build for us.
Be with us and forgive us still, In Jesus Name I pray for everyone, AMEN

Kelli Joiner
January 6, 2024

Heavenly fatherPlease pray for me that I receive the financial assistance from pch in january and that the university of Arizona orthopedic program can and will correct my contracted leg and that it won’t be too late to correct it and that my daughter will get me there and that the doctor will agree to perform the surgery. Jeremiah 30 17

#1: James 5:14-15 (ESV)

#2: Exodus 23:25 (ESV)

#3: Isaiah 57:18-19 (CJB)

#4: Jeremiah 33:6 (ESV)

#5: Revelation 21:4 (NLT)

Galatians 6:9 and sentimental area eventually and I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me

Barb Clark
November 3, 2023

I pray for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the Lords will.

Nancy Luderitz
November 2, 2023

I am praying for truth and justice to prevail in the case regarding pro-Hamas support by Asylum Officer, Nejwa. In addition, I am praying for immediate attention to our critical border status.

Terry Barber
November 2, 2023

I pray for the local and state government leaders of Arizona that Father God would send the Holy Spirit upon each of them and draw them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Convict them to know what You want Lord God for our state and to give them grace to obey. By the authority of Jesus Christ I pray.

Lester Young
October 30, 2023

Since Biden is not making any decisions but they are being made by those controlling him, my prayer is that God will disrupt those trying to use Biden to destroy America and bring them to salvation so that their evil plans will be disrupted along with the wickedness of Halloween.

Barry Julian
October 28, 2023

In June of this year, as per Holy Spirits directives from Prophets and brothers Dutch and Tim sheets, I anointed (painted) our southern border with Mexico. I decreed and declared for illegal drugs to stop and all human sex trafficking to stop.

Susie Jacobson
October 23, 2023

Dear LORD help us here in Az to uncover other school districts who are trying to cover evil attacks on our children through pedophile rings of teachers. Thank you for bringing to my attention of this horrific evil that’s taken root in our public schools. Reveal to us others that think they can cover this up in our state of Az. That the administration realize they will be held accountable for trying to cover it up That vengeance is yours. That the parents wake up in this and fight for their children. Thank you LORD for giving the parent’s discernment in this plan to expose the evil and take these strongholds down. So satan can not have the power he wants through death and destruction in this evil attack on our innocent children. Thank you LORD for the wisdom of my friend to stand up as WARRIOR for your kingdom to protect the children. As you saw us yesterday in prayer over this for an hour yesterday. How she is getting great opposition and threats in this. Thank you for protecting her in this battle. . For being there with her in this battle. We PRAISE you precious and HOLY NAME LORD. Amen

Celine Sabo, IFA/AZ
September 3, 2023

Hello Arizona!!!
We completed Commanding the Foreword and Painting the Borders for our state last week, our 6th week of decrees and declarations! Thank you all for joining us, both on the call and wherever you were able to engage! It’s been a powerful time of prophetic acts and moving of mountains! This week we continue to pray for our Kingdom ministers, government leaders, and current key issues. Scroll up to see specifics on our prayer conference calls every Thursday at 12 noon AZ time. We’d love to have you join us in advancing His Kingdom in Arizona and our nation!

Celine Sabo, IFA/AZ
July 20, 2023

Hello Arizona Intercessors!!!
For the next 7 weeks, we’ll be Sealing our 4 Borders (1 border per week) and decreeing/declaring Kingdom blessings on our government buildings/schools, the mountaintops, peaks, and waterways, and our 1st Nations People! We’d love to have you join us in this strategy to blanket Arizona in prayer by September, Commanding the Foreword!

Jenny Matherly
June 17, 2023

Father God, I pray for Your strength and wisdom for our current leaders of Arizona, that they would be led by Your Spirit, and Lord, I pray that Your Word and Presence prevail in every decision made. We pray for favor and Your blessings, and to foil the plans of the enemy and to remove the evil tyrants that have illegally pushed their plans and agenda on our citizens and families.
We pray that Your righteousness prevails, and that You gain ascendency in every part of our government, and we return to You and Your godly system of government, and that Arizonans know You and we stand up and take our place to rule as kings and priests of Your kingdom here on earth, in our state. Amen

Jody Womack
March 18, 2023

Pray for revival among our youth in Az. Pray for the new report line to inform AZ parents if CRT , gender ideology or pornographic material is in the schools.

Celine Sabo, AZ State Prayer Leader
March 5, 2023

Hello Arizonans!!!
We’re continuing to pray for increased Revival & Awakening in our state and would love to have you join us, every Thursday, from 12 to 1 PM! If you’d like to receive a reminder for the Arizona calls, please email me at [email protected] This includes an outline of our prayer points for the week, as we continue to pray for our Kingdom Ekklesia ministers & leaders, all AZ government leaders & Congress, and other key issues! Praying His abundant blessings over each of you!

Cheree Grant
February 25, 2023

I pray for revival to come to Arizona! Pour out Holy Spirit over this land and bring an anointing. Light the fire of reformation that is so desired and needed. Amen!

Bill Coulter
January 19, 2023

Lord God, we lift up our new governor, Katie Hobbs, we ask that she would have a powerful encounter with you, and realize that our state is not in her hands but your hands

Rhonda Cary
January 18, 2023

Holy Spirit, I pray that you bring an end to all the election fraud and corruption in Arizona and in every other US state. I pray that every election forward is legal, lawful, and fair. Amen.

Ana Sanchez
January 10, 2023

Please pray for Jaelene Daniels that the Lord will open a new door to her much better than the one that closed.

Jaelene Daniels was a world-class soccer player from Denver. She earned top honors in her high school, college, and professional careers. But then, Jaelene did the unforgivable. She took a stand for Christian principles that put her at odds with the dominant view in the sports world that says all things gay and transgender must be celebrated.

In 2017, Jaelene refused to play for the U.S. national team when they wore rainbow-colored numbers during Pride Month. Then, while playing for the North Carolina Courage, a professional soccer team, she made the same decision about the team’s Pride Night celebration last summer.

Criticism was hot and heavy, but Jaelene explained that although her love “runs deep for all” of her teammates, “I remain committed to my faith.”

Homosexual activists demanded that the team management get rid of Jaelene. They got their way last October when the team refused to renew her contract. Outsports.com, a news outlet for the LGBTQ community, gloated afterward in an op-ed: “Jaelene Daniels cut by the Courage after her continued anti-LGBT actions.”

Annette rousseau
December 11, 2022

Prayer for the Judge who resides over Kari Lakes lawsuit re: NOV 8, election sabotage and steal. Prayer for Katie Hobbs who will step down. Ducey, Brnovich they would be convicted by the Holy Spirit of their lack of due process that was needed to certify election. They will come forth eventually and admit their wrongdoing. Stamina, money and support for Kari Lake that she is able to ELEVATE TO THE SUPREME COURT IF NEEDED. THAT THIS NOV 8, DEBOCLE WILL BE HALTED, AND TURNED AROUND. WE NEED GOD TO PUT HIS HAND IN THIS AND A MIRACLE FOR A GOOD GOVERNOR. HOBBS IS…..NEEDING ALOT OF PRAYER AND DELIVERANCE FROM THE WITCHCRAFT SPIRIT SHE IS BEING LED BY. MARC ELIAS, ALSO. AMEN.

Leslie Innis
November 22, 2022

Salvation and wisdom for all our leaders and remove the ones who reject Jesus from leadership,

Daniel Teeter
November 7, 2022

In the Name of Jesus, I speak safety and protection for all those voting tomorrow and all poll workers. No harm wil come to any of the and I bind the spirit of fear away from all voters as well as all poll locations and tabulation centers. God, we declare that election results will not be tampered with of compromised in any way..!
Thank you, Jesus!

Nan Nicoll
November 4, 2022

Father God I pray that a RED WAVE for Republican candidates happens this November 8th.
We the People know that Liberty is God’s Idea! 2 Corinthians 3:17 – Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
We know that without you Lord, we are nothing and can do nothing. YOU love us so much you gave us precious liberty so we are free to worship You! Thank you for loving us so much. Thank you so much for YOUR precious gift of liberty and Godly representation in our all government entities.
In Jesus’s name I pray Amen

Robin Snyder
November 4, 2022

Lord, I pray for Your protection, providence and provision for our elections on Tuesday. That they would be honest and that the outcome would be “thy will, as it is done in heaven.” Please cover over our candidates who are pursuing You and truth and bless, inspire, and give wisdom to them. Please allow Arizona to be a beacon of Light to the other states and one where our motto, “God enriches” will be evidenced and experienced. We love you and trust you Lord. Amen

Susan Barrios
October 2, 2022

I pray that Kari Lake is our next governor in Jesus name to stop the illegal voting machines and closing the border.

I pray for the biblical candidates that God knows who will serve our country according biblical principles.

Karel Anthony
September 8, 2022

I pray for those running in the General Election and any leader that works to promote the Biblical principles that you set forth Yahshua. I pray for our children and cities that are being overrun by drugs and crime due to the dark economy of an open border. My Father Yah, I give you all Glory and honor, I know that your laws are the foundation of this Republic and not the mayhem of a mob rule in a democracy. I pray father that we as a people begin to teach our children again the difference. I pray for my neighbors, they are not the enemy. Hasatan is. As, are those who openly CHOOSE to serve him and promote lawlessness and evil. I lift up a special prayer asking for your heavenly host to watch over and protect the children that are being targeted and harmed because of greed and lust through child sex trafficking. I also lift up my neighbors who are suffering because of the shaking that is going on all around us. I thank you Father for placing your angelic host… the army of Angels around our children’s schools. I bind the principalities and wickedness in high places that would try to kill, steal , destroy our children/ teachers or places of learning through the mighty name and by the blood of JESUS CHRIST, The HaMachiac. all praise and glory to the King of Kings. Father, You are the most amazing El Elyon above all, in all, and I thank you, thank you for giving this world your Son Jesus Christ… Yahshua HaMachiac. and your Holy Spirit the Ruach HaKodesh. With out which, the world would not survive. I know who I am in Yahshua HaMachic and the authority you have given me through the blood covenant and the indwelling of your Holy Spirit. Satan, you have no power over our schools anywhere in Arizona to do harm to any child therein. Father, I come in agreement with anyone who reads these words. As touching anything according to your word and the blood of Jesus Christ

Dyanne Roper
August 20, 2022

An urgent prophetic word released by UK minister Tomi Arayomi at the Doorkeepers of Revival gathering, Fresh Start Church, Glendale, AZ.

“…I then saw the spirit of the enemy coming over Arizona, to blackball it. This was their wish – I saw many gathering in secret places, hoping for a school shooting similar to Texas to take place in Arizona. I heard the enemy say, “Let us make Arizona the capital and poster child of school shootings…”

The Lord says, “Cover the schools in prayer, for the enemy has put a target out…” The Lord says, “Prevent it by strong intercession, for I will disallow what you disallow, and I will allow what you allow. And I will place the angels of these children around the schools, and they will know that they were protected by Me.”

“… This know, I will take what the enemy meant for your harm and turn it around for good. I will release again the gag orders that have been placed around your schools concerning prayer, and I will cause key Spirit-filled leaders, teachers, and their parents to revive prayer back into the heart of your schooling system…”

In response to this word of warning, Chris Ngai, one of Arizona’s young prayer leaders, has written five bold decrees for Arizona schools. A decree is simply proclaiming the revealed will of God regarding a person or situation as confirmed by Scripture.

Let’s join together and begin to declare God’s Word over our Arizona schools. Feel free to adapt these for your state if you live outside Arizona.

5 Decrees Over AZ Schools

Decree #1:
We Decree the Light of Jesus Is Shining Over Our Campuses, Exposing the Wicked Schemes and Agendas of the Enemy Within and Against Our Schools!
Psalm 91 – We declare the promises of protection in Psalm 91 over every school, delivering our campuses from “the terror of night, the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that stalks in the darkness” and “the destruction that wastes at noonday.” (NIV, ESV)
Ephesians 5:11-14 – “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. But their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, ‘Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (NLT)

Decree #2:
We Decree a Release of the Angels of the Lord Over Our Schools, With Assignments to Disarm and Dismantle Every Demonic Plan and Assignment of the Evil One!
We declare a release of angelic security forces around and throughout our campuses.
2 Chronicles 32:20-21 – Just as Hezekiah cried out and the Lord sent an angel to bring to nothing the plans of the King of Assyria, we cry out that You would send Your angels and bring an end to every violent, wicked, and destructive plan of the Evil One!

Decree #3:
We Decree What the Enemy Intends for Evil, the Lord Will Turn It Around for Good – In Order to Save, Deliver, and Heal the Lives of Many!
We decree that God’s purposes will prevail over the enemy’s intentions. Not only will every student, teacher, staff member, and volunteer on our campuses be supernaturally protected from physical harm, they also will be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually delivered, healed and saved – by the mighty and outstretched hand of God!
Genesis 50:20 – “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (NIV)

Decree #4:
We Decree the Gag Orders – Which Have Been Placed Around Our School System Concerning Prayer – Are Being Broken Right Now, by the Power and Blood of Jesus! Public prayer and
acknowledgment of God will once again be restored in every school across our state!
We declare that the spirit of Pharaoh will not prevail. We decree: “Let My People Go!” God’s people will be free to worship, free to pray, free to gather, and free to publicly declare His Word – students, parents, teachers, staff, and administration! (Exodus 8:1)

Decree #5:
We Decree Freedom and a Revival of Prayer in the Heart of Our Schools – through Key Spirit-Filled Students, Leaders, Teachers and Parents!
We welcome the presence and power of the Holy Spirit into our schools – and we declare where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! (2 Corinthians 3:17)
“For I will pour out water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants…” (Isaiah 44:3, NASB) In Jesus’ name. Amen!

    Karel Anthony
    September 8, 2022

    Praise God. I come in complete agreement with all 5 of these decrees and have prayed and will continue to do so for my state and those in this ministry. I am blessed to have been led here. No accidents. Thank you Yah.

Judy Allen
August 2, 2022

Lord, we come to you as the great I AM and the author and finisher of all in this time of crisis in our nation and state. We ask for you to send warrior angels to guard the election in Arizona tomorrow so that a fair and free election will take place. We ask for the tearing down of strongholds that would seek to steal, rob and kill from your people and your plans for revival for this state and nation. We ask this in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dale Crossman
July 20, 2022

Father, we appeal to heaven for your will to be done and your kingdom to advance in Arizona. We ask that you establish righteousness by guiding the election results. We look to you to reveal truth and expose deceptions for the glory of Christ Jesus the King.

Donna Parr
July 9, 2022

Father, I pray for the people in my state would receive a proper fear of the Lord which is to hate all evil and is the beginning of wisdom. I pray that you strengthen and embolden the heart of all who love you in Arizona and help true believers to find one another in places of employment, schools, businesses and in government. I pray you give us in Arizona a spirit of supplication and power in prayer, to hold back the darkness that is in the land and to thwart every plan to legislate evil. Give us grace, Lord, to both forgive and endure the slander that comes from loving righteousness. Divide between sheep and goats in our churches Lord. And uproot the false prophets and hirelings who lead your people astray. May repentance and reformation be our cry in Arizona, so times of refreshing may come. Protect our military bases from enemy infiltration and from being overtaken by any enemy in Jesus name. May parents, single people, young adults and even children say, “enough!” to the darkness that encroaches and threatens to enslave us. Deliver my city from the spirit that enslaves to alcoholism and may it become a city that welcomes you as King and Lord. Any may all who love righteousness be strengthened and motivated to vote, praying that your will be done – in Jesus name.

Donna P.

Cynthia Cunningham
June 30, 2022

I pray for the rights of unborn babies. We must choose life over murder and death.

Terrell Cabrales jr
June 14, 2022

I pray for Arizona and especially my hometown of Tolleson for every movement leader and disciple to have deepening intimacy with our father, and discernment to pray in harmony with his will.

Mary Haight
June 13, 2022

The Lord spoke through Tomi Arayomi at Fresh Start Church last week. The Lord says to cover the schools in prayer for the enemy wants to cause school shootings here in Arizona like we saw in Texas. The Lord said, “I will disallow what you disallow”. So we say we do NOT allow these school shootings to take place here in Arizona. We push back against the enemy and forbid these evil schemes. Lord, cause confusion to come to the evil spirits that would attempt to destroy our children, that would come against them in the womb and come against them in our schools. Lord, cause intercessors to rise up and cover the schools with prayer. And cause prayer to come out from the students and let them be silenced no more. Let the praises of the children rise, O Lord. Let them rise to Your Throne. For Your glory, Lord.
I pray in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for the precious Blood of Jesus, and I apply it now to our children and every teacher and school worker. Thank You, Jesus. Bless them, I pray.

Ana Sanchez
June 11, 2022

Father God. Today I thank you for your provision. These are times of need for many, here in AZ and all over the world. Help us and guide us to help others in their need and share your blessings with them. Protect our primary elections Lord, expose deceptive candidates and empower us with your wisdom to elect those whom You Will..
Forgive us Father for not protecting the unborn and the little children, forgive us for not seeing others as your children made in your image. I Humbly ask for your intervention, we need you Lord, please heal our land. I specially lift up to you Lord our schools for the righteous leaders to turn the wave of evil culture around and bring YOU back to the schools, for spiritual, physical and emotional protection of our children. We implore this in the name of Yeshua our redeemer .

Wendy and Don Kremer
June 8, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray a blessing over Celine for heading up this prayer group for Arizona!
We declare that you are LORD over Arizona and In God We Trust! We pray for righteous leaders to rule so that the people can rejoice. We pray that every hidden corrupt agenda and especially all election fraud be exposed and for our legislators to pass laws to protect and preserve our right to a fair and honest election. We pray for an awakening of morals and Godly principles across this state and ask that every life beginning at conception, be honored, valued, and respected. We pray that pastors would be bold to lead their congregations on how to vote in line with Christ-honoring values and to speak up against immorality and evil agendas. In the name of Jesus! Amen.

Brinda Friday
May 23, 2022

We live in a state of incredible depravity. How we need Your intervention to bring hard hearts to salvation and then sanctify us.
In Jesus name,

Celine Sabo
May 19, 2022

Welcome to all of Arizona’s people of prayer! We invite you to join us on our weekly prayer conference call, every Thursday , from 12 noon to 1 PM! We look forward to hearing all that the Lord has placed on your heart, and agreeing with your prayers for your local area – I pray a blessing over our wonderful Sunshine State and agree with our State Motto – God Enriches! We thank you for continuing to improve and enhance our amazing state in every aspect. We thank you that You are returning it to the righteousness, justice, and Truth of our founding fathers. Have Your way in our beautiful, blessed state of Arizona, praying in Jesus’ name, Amen!


Pray For Arizona Leaders

Mark Kelly (D)
Senator (Arizona)
Submit A Prayer
43 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Kyrsten Sinema (D)
Senator (Arizona)
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386 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Katie Hobbs (D)
Governor (Arizona)
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5 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Kris Mayes (D)
Attorney General (Arizona)
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2 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Adrian Fontes (D)
Secretary of State (Arizona)
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2 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed


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