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North Carolina

State Prayer Call:
2nd and 3rd Friday of the month at 12:00 p.m. ET
(605) 313-4494
Access Code: 5974818
State Leader(s): Brenda Jackson-Little
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Roy Cooper
Capital: Raleigh
State Motto:
Esse quam videri, translated "To be, rather than to seem"

Post Your Prayers For North Carolina

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Submitted Prayers For North Carolina

Elizabeth Christensen
October 1, 2024

Praying for God given leaders I’m this more conservative,as a whole, swing state for the Presidency and VP. A godly Governor. Godliness and productiveness in the school children. Crime bated. And the ability to continue being a blessing to Israel, etc.

Mariam Joof
July 14, 2024

Praying fervently for the state of NC and leaders.

Mariam Joof
July 14, 2024

Praying for the NC as a resident. I am praying for this great nation and her people. Praying for Trump, the deceased and family, the injured and family.

May the values of God Almighty continue to prevail over this land. Repent for judgement is nigh.

Linda T
June 8, 2024

Father God, I feel led this morning to pray for protection for this state- and this nation- from the outside influences that would tear it apart and bring it down. Protect us from foreign investors that would buy our land and our businesses for evil purposes- to co-opt them for purposes contrary to your will. Protect our farmers and those in our food supply chain, our power grid and those who build and maintain it, our water supply and all involved in it, our education system and all the educators and administrators, our military and first responders from all those who would interfere with their protection of others, our leaders and legislators who lead our state and our country….protect them all and all of us from the harm planned and orchestrated by those who have invaded our land and those outside who would seek to harm our way of life with which you have graciously blessed us. May no weapon formed against us prosper. Forgive us our sins and lead us in the way of your love and light. In the precious name of our Savior I pray.

Linda T
March 15, 2024

Father God, I pray for our precious state. I repent of those things we have done and the directions we have moved that are displeasing to you. I ask your forgiveness and mercy. We are on the cusp of a critical election and I ask you to raise up leaders in this state from governor to the leaders of the smallest town and all offices in between who love you and seek to do your will. We desperately need you Lord. Let this state be a beacon and leader of states in all things so that you may be glorified. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.

marie norris
February 2, 2024

Praise You Lord You sit enthroned forever. I pray for the state of North Carolina today. Arise and have compassion and show your favor to your servants. Let the nations fear the name of the Lord all the kings of the earth revere Your glory. You are faithful and Your promises are true. In Isaiah you say Your word that goes forth shall not return void, but shall accomplish and prosper what You please. Thank you Father in heaven for looking down from Your sanctuary on high to hear the groans of prisoners and release those condemned to death. May Your name be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem when the peoples and kingdoms assemble to worship the Lord. Pour out your mercies upon this state today Glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen

Macrina Valenzuela
January 8, 2024

Lord I thank you because You are moving in NC, I ask that You please ABBA Father give the Body of Christ Your Son courage to speak and pray and fight in the Spiritual against the enemies attack on our leaders and youth, attack on men and women in NC and worldwide who are being deceived by the enemies, changing their body parts, when You Abba have created them in Your image, Lord pour out your Spirit to open the eyes of people! Save them Abba! Guide us to not be afraid because You have not given us a Spirit of fear, but of love and of a sound mind! Thank you my Lord! My Master! My God! God of Israel! God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! I glorify Your Holy name Abba Father! In Yeshua HaMashiac name Amen!

Terry Sellers
November 21, 2023

I invite the Holy Spirit to permeate our education system from the universities on down to our daycare. I decree that there is no gender confusion but that we ARE created in the image of God and that anyone in positions that support anything contrary to be removed. Every book contrary to this Biblical truth be removed! And I pray for those confused to find Godly help and guidance. I plead the blood of Jesus over every child/youth in our state and boldly tell you, satan, to get your hands off of them -from the unborn on! I decree that the roots of slavery and racism are being uprooted and that healing will take place. In the mighty name of Jesus!

Sharon Richardson
September 21, 2023

Father, I pray for wisdom for our elected officials. The heart of the king is in your hand to turn it withersoever you wish. I pray that their hearts will be turned to You, Father. To stop the insane direction they are going, and to look to You, Your Word, for guidance. I pray that they will care about what kind of country we are leaving our children and grandchildren. In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray 🙏. Amen.

Timmy Jarvis
August 16, 2023

Father I proclaim the state of North Carolina to be a kingdom building state and every leader be infused with truth and strong values based on God’s words included in our declaration of independence . We come against every imposed idea of unstable economical development that would cause this great state to turn from our forefathers intended purposes. Father grant this state to lead the way for other states and nations to follow, in Jesus name , Amen!

Dennis Whitfield
June 18, 2023

Father God I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you would guide our legislators back to the Covenant that our Forefathers had with you, and that our state would lead a move toward a personal relationship with God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Let righteousness return to our schools, and help us to shun all evil, and strive for the faith that was delivered first to the saints of the early church. Let America shine as a beacon for the gospel. I as this petition in the name of Jesus. Amen

Mark Grzasko
May 3, 2023

Lord I pray for our leaders in the great state of North Carolina. I pray that they may turn to you for guidance and direction with each and every decision they make affecting our citizens and especially our children and elderly as well as women. Keep them from bowing to pressure from the ungodly and those who would do harm to the most vulnerable in our society. I ask this in Jesus name.

Debra Melvin
May 3, 2023

Father I thank you that you are a good father. One who loves his children more than we could ever imagine.
We are a nation that has turned our backs on you. I stand in the gap asking for forgiveness and thanking you that you are a merciful Father.
I pray that North Carolina will not be a sanctuary state.
I pray for our leaders and ask that you give them wisdom and understanding when making decisions for our state. I pray they weigh the consequences of their decisions and seek your face in all matters.
Visit our leaders in dreams and visions that they may see your heart and respond accordingly.
You alone are worthy and I thank you that we are still a great nation. May the body of Christ rise up and stand in the gap for this nation, the leaders, and the citizens of this great nation.
To God be all the glory. Amen.

Bethany Clark
April 29, 2023

Holy Spirit, fall fresh on us, Your church, Your Bride! Let us be a sweet aroma to Your nostrils. Give us the desire to want to and be Holy and filled with your precious fruits. Let us be focused on You and nothing else. Prepare our hearts and minds for the harvest. May we always be ready to share Your love with others. Give us Lord boldness and the willingness to serve You and Your people with the talents you have bestowed to us. May your Glory shine in us for the world to see! I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Karol Gillison
April 19, 2023

GOD , our only hope during times of sinful behavior and ignorance of not obeying YOUR WORD , is the result of your children becoming sheeple being led towards slaughter by demonic force. We have gone about our lives ignoring those who popularize a Sodom and GEMORRAH type mentality as normal. We now think being inclusive is alright. We have turned our backs on you and now this evil has been indoctrinating our precious children. We pray for your guidance and courage to stand up and follow YOUR WORD. All it takes are a few GODLY people to do nothing. We will throw away the most blessed nation YOU have ever provided for the world. FATHER, I pray you will help your people follow YOUR WORD and YOUR Will and help restore America 🇺🇸 to once again truly stand as ONE NATION UNDER GOD ! Help us to elect leaders who have the courage to speak YOUR NAME , and be unashamed to do so. Help LT. Governor Mark Robinson to continue to stand strong against the current rhetoric of inclusive politics and revive North Carolina to be proud again to be a BIBLE BELT State. Please GOD , lead us as your children, back to YOU.
In JESUS’ name,

Beverly Patterson
March 28, 2023

Father God I give you glory and honor, thank you for me being a part of the beautiful state of North Carolina. Father you have placed our elected officials into their governmental positions, senators, secretary of state, attorney general, Lt. Governor, and Governor, I pray they are daily being led by the Holy Spirit and leading as you would have them to do. I pray that you give each wisdom and a pure heart, I pray in Jesus name amen.

Venisa Villar
March 22, 2023

Father God, our Abba Father, our Good, Good, Father, the Almighty God, the Great I AM that I Am, Jehovah Jireh our God Who Provides, Jehovah Rapha our God Who heals…not only individuals, it starts there, but spreads out to communities, cities, states, and nations…we confess Lord God, in Jesus’ Name that we need a great move of Your Holy Spirit in the State of North Carolina to bring healing from sin…Lord Jesus, we’ve taken our eyes off You, and when we do that …just like Peter, we start to sink! But let us be like Peter who had the faith in the first place to step out the boat…and when he did start to sink he called out to You, Jesus, to help him…and You did, Jesus!! Lord God, in Jesus’ Name, we need you in the state of NC, help us have saved, God fearing people as our state leaders and city leaders. “For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom ( from Ps. 111:10). Thank You, LORD, for the leaders we do have that have a personal relationship with You, Jesus, by grace through faith, and who are working tirelessly to bring godly change back to our state and country, and all over the world. “If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land, says You, Lord ( II Chro. 7:14).
In Jesus’ Name, Gracious Lord God, help us, Your people, those of us saved and washed in the Blood of Jesus by faith and repentance of our sins, help us Jesus to “humble “ourselves” under Your Mighty hand, Lord God, and You will exalt us in due time.” In Jesus’ Name, help us pray Lord God, as never before: fervently, sincerely, specifically, persistently, enthusiastically and with hope and expectation to see a mighty move of Your hand across this state, nation and world. We thank You God, that You have answered so many prayers already, as we have begun to seek Your face more and more for our state, nation and world. To You alone be the glory for Your wondrous and marvelous acts towards the child of men…great is Your faithfulness…but there is much more changes needed to help us hold to godly values, as taught in the Scriptures, under the covenant of grace that saves…not the covenant of Law that leads to only death. Help us all, in Jesus’ Name, Merciful Father, to “love You, with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength” and to “love our neighbors as our selves”…meaning as You love them…and our neighbors are not just the people we live by …but every person we come in contact with each day. “They will know us by our love.” So, in Jesus’ Name, Loving Lord God, give all Your sons and daughters, great love for You, Your Son, and Holy Spirit and for each other, and for others. In Jesus’ Name, help “we the people” hold to the Scriptures and the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights that we will remain a free people. In Jesus’ Name and Blood, forgive us for over spending on wrong things, as individuals, as cities, as states, as a nation and as a world. In Jesus’ Name, Trustworthy Lord God, help us seek Your face and spend as You tell us too…on what You tell us too…not as we want too. Thank You for those in NC who have done a great job with our budget and You, Lord know who they are. You want us all as individuals and as cities, states, nation and world to owe no one nothing…help us all to get back to that mind set and help us do it!! Nothing is to hard for You, Lord God! In Jesus’ Name and Power, Lord God, put and end to this costly inflation, that people can afford to live and take care of their families, but help us trust in You for our needs until You answer, and after You answer our prayers. “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for You, God are our Refuge (from Ps. 62:8).” In Jesus’ Name, help Americans have a desire for good, godly job skills. Help us, in Jesus’ Name, to not be afraid of hard work…and to do it all for the glory of You, God, and trusting You, to help us do it. In Jesus’ Name, Almighty God, deliver individuals, cities, states, nations and world from drug addiction, and other
addictions of all kinds…let us not turn to things that are only hurting us and killing us, because we have placed them as idols before You, Lord God…but help us turn and trust You, Lord God and Jesus Who is our Overcomer. We are to have no other God but You! In Jesus’ Name, Word, Power and Authority…thwart every plan of the wicked that want to hurt us and take over our nation and our world…from within and without…”for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty to You, God, to the pulling down of strongholds.” Through the prayers of Your people, LORD Most High, in Jesus’ Name, begin even right now to open the eyes of the blind who have fallen for the lies of the enemy in the CCP, May the scales fall off their eyes and May they in multitudes have a Damascus Road, salvation experience just as Paul did. You are the same God now, as You were then…and salvation is Your heart for people …even those doing horrible things…You, love them, You created them, and You want them saved that their future is not destruction. In Jesus’ Name, help us not hate but pray for our enemies…that You, Lord God, will give Jesus the authority to come and save them, that they too can be made right with You, Lord God. In Jesus’ Name, May any ties with the CCP in NC be stopped in it’s tracks immediately Lord God, by the Powerful Blood of Jesus!! In Jesus’ Name, May NC, Father God, be a state that stands for life at conception…because that is Your truth ( Ps. 139). In Jesus’ Name, Lord God, thwart every evil work going on in NC and in science to bring about evil trough artificial intelligence ( AI)…Your for people Lord God that You created …not AI’s that man is playing God and creating…that can only end badly as no AI will ever have a soul…they can never be saved or know You Lord God…so they will be in peoples control, how scary is that!! Very!! In Jesus’ Name, remove such things from our state as this is not of You, Lord God, and will end badly for us all. In Jesus’ Name, May only want can be used rightly and justly be allowed to take place here and around the world. In Jesus ’ Name, May anything meant to harm us be stopped by Your Mighty Hand, Lord God, across this earth. In Jesus’ Name give NC leaders godly discernment and wisdom to see what’s really going on at all times. And in Jesus’ Name help them make right choices and represent us well as “we the people.” Help us as “we the people” represent You well, Lord God. Let us return in Jesus’ Name, to do unto others as we would have them do unto us ( from Matt. 7:12). Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come ( from I Tim. 4:8). Your kingdom come Your will be do, Lord God. As we place our trust in You as sovereign Lord of all!! In Jesus’ Name we pray believing that You will bless Your people with peace no matter what…”I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety ( Ps. 4:8). Amen.

Susan CC
March 7, 2023

I see the prayer call for March 10th is cancelled Father. I am asking for You to initiate prayer today, tomorrow and every day beyond Friday for this great state. I am praying for everyone who is active in this privilege and especially those who do not understand how honoring it is to pray for one another. I am praying for Roy Cooper, Mark Robinson, Josh Stein, Thom Tillis, Elaine Marshall and Ted Budd. I am praying that the behavior You expect from us will be realized in these leaders and those unmentioned. You have shown us what is good and say, we are to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You. I am praying this is demonstrated in the lives of all North Carolinians as we become a beacon of encouragement for the other 49 states. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Linda Garmon
February 28, 2023

Father, You are Light and when we accept your precious gift of salvation, You place that light in us. We have this treasure in earthen vessels. Forgive us for hiding that light. Darkness does not remain where light is. The state of our nation is evidence of our sin. Lord we have hope that though we are like Gideon’s army whose weapon was a clay pot with a light inside, Lord we desire the breaking necessary in our lives for that Light to shine forth.

Karol Gillison
February 22, 2023

Heavenly Father,
Hear our prayer to help restore our souls, faith, morals, and adherence to your Commandments. We as a Nation, have neglected to follow your word and teachings. Forgive us, guide us, and chasten us to follow your will and not our own. Return our America to our Motto : IN GOD WE TRUST ! I ask in JESUS ‘ name.

🙏 AMEN 🙏

Terry Lind
January 31, 2023

Heavenly Father Please Help the Legislature of my state to protect and pass stronger protections for our Unborn children and to tighten up the laws to protect our unborn babies from abortion I ask this thru Jesus Christ I pray…amen✝️🙏🏻

Beverly Patterson
January 27, 2023

Father God I come before your throne of Grace and Mercy on behave of the State of North Carolina and all our elected officials, I first want to thank You Lord for leaders that have wisdom and great knowledge for how to guide our state with Godly morels, and an understanding of our NC constitution and the constitution of our great Nation. Continue to turn our beautiful people in this state back to living according to your Holy Word, thank you for Judges that stand for just judgement and godly principles. I pray in Jesus name amen.

Karol Gillison
January 21, 2023

Heavenly Father,
I pray that we as a nation return to your guidance. Direct our leaders to help restore American values to be what our Founders intended: One Nation Under GOD. I especially pray for Lt. Governor Mark Robinson and his family as he is unashamed to lift up your Holy Name, and hopefully, be North Carolina’s next Governor. Your will be done. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Tammy Best
November 19, 2022

Thank you Lord for being able to express my biblical views on marriage between a man an a woman. I would not be able to express it if a man and man or a woman and woman were married because they can’t be fruitful and multiply as The Word of the Living God says. This is out of the order of what God says. The only reason this is favored because people care more about fulfilling there own pleasures and what they want to do.
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me, especially myselfs needs or pleasure or wants.
I am to be in God’s order and His way and His Truth. If I do not follow what The Lord God who created me and this earth, which is His and He gave to us to be fruitful and multiply, then I will be judged accordingly. I am praying and decreeing that God’s Word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish everything He says. I will be a willing earthen vessel used by My Father God In Jesus Name to be about His business. Amen and Amen

Brenda K
November 18, 2022

Praying that our elected officials would be severely convicted of the need to follow Biblical morals to please and obey God; and have the boldness and courage to vote and speak out accordingly.
In Jesus Name I pray.

Aileen Dyson
November 7, 2022

I ask our Heavenly Father to bless our State of North Carolina and the USA during this time of election for honest voting. God bless

Venisa Villar
August 28, 2022

Glorious Lord, Beautiful Saviour, Merciful God, Good, Good Father, Faithful and True, we praise You that You are all these things and so much more., We can’t thank You enough Heavenly Father for moving us from Louisiana to the great state of NC 8 years ago. This is home because You brought us here for such a time as this. We continually stand in awe of the beauty all around us through Your creation that points us to Your unfailing love for us. We worship You, Lord God, not Your creation but we are forever thankful for all Your beauty You’ve allowed our eyes to behold. But mostly for the beauty we behold in You, Jesus and Holy Spirit!! Help all leaders in this Great State of NC to be saved in Jesus’ Name for those who are lost by their unbelief. In Jesus’ Name grant them faith and BELIEVETH. In Jesus’ Name bring repentance of sin that is true and leads to salvation …not just an I’m sorry I got caught attitude…but real heart change and a renewed mind. For all Christian’s in Leadership in NC that the Holy Spirit will prompt them to get up and arm themselves with the Word of God, put on the Whole armor of God, and prayer as their defense against the evil one, whom Jesus has already defeated at the cross and by His resurrection that gives us good hope for this life and the next. Bring Your blessings upon them all Lord God, because Your Word says, “ the goodness of God leads us to repentance.” Help all of us as citizens to do our part from this great state of NC. And we can all do God’s will and pray for our state . Protect us in Jesus’ Name from wolves in Sheeps clothing. In Jesus Name thwart any socialist agenda in NC…and replace them with God fearing men and women. In Jesus Name and Blood give us all wisdom in the up coming election …in Jesus Name may there be no election fraud in Morganton or any other city in NC. In Jesus’ Name protect our National Forests. In Jesus’ Name strength NC churches ( Pastors, their staffs, and their lay persons). In Jesus’ Name help all of us to return to our first love which is You Jesus…and keep our eyes fixed on You, Jesus. In Jesus’ Name thank You that You are at work right now perfecting what concerns us. You are faithful and You cannot deny Yourself….even if we are faithless. Let the winds of Your Spirit blow upon NC from all 4 corners of the earth. Bring a great revival and a great awakening to Jesus Christ the Lord in NC, America and the world. There is nothing to hard or to difficult for You God!! In Jesus’ Name I pray believing Who is our Light that shines out of the darkness. Amen.

Patty Jones
August 23, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for allowing my family and I to live in the state of North Carolina. I know there are good Christian roots in this state and I just ask that we would come back to those Christian roots. There are people flocking here from all over, and I pray You would make us workers in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. May we be obedient to Your call on our lives. Restore the roar in North Carolina. That was prophesied over our state, and You know exactly what that means. Thank You that we can come to You in prayer over our beautiful country and our great state. You make all things work together for our good and Your glory. In Jesus name, Amen!

Beverly Patterson
August 19, 2022

Praise God for living in NC, God could have put me anywhere else, I love NC>Lord I pray for our leaders, no matter what political party they chose to be; Lord you aloud them to be there at such a time as this. Father I pray that they know you as their Savior, if not Lord draw them right now and may they allow you to guide their steps. I pray most of all that they will take a stand against any harm to our children, children are your blessing to our Nation, keep them from all evil, I want to pray a special blessing over our Governor Roy Cooper, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, Senator Tom Tillis, Senator Richard Burr, Attorney General Josh Stein, Secretary of Stare Elaine Marshall, I pray in Jesus Name amen

Trudee Nims
August 9, 2022

Lord, I am reading about the battle for the hearts and minds of children in North Carolina school districts. Thank You for those who are paving the way in this fight. They inspire the rest of us to get busy in our own states. I do pray for the children in North Carolina. May You preserve their innocence and remove those who would harm them in any way. May Your conviction fall on those doing evil. May they repent and turn to You. Amen!

Jamie Buford
August 2, 2022

Father God, I pray for lieutenant governor Mark Robinson this morning. Father, thank you for your mercy and your love your grace in giving us a righteous leader. Thank you for his passion for the people of this state and more importantly for your truth and for your word. Would you guard him, his heart and his mind. Protect his lovely wife and their marriage. Lord deliver him from temptation and keep his path straight. Expand his influence and give those around him ears to hear and eyes to see. Lord would you refresh his spirit and give him victory over any attacks of the enemy. I declare that no weapon formed against him shall prosper as us promise us in your word. Strengthen him to continue serving this state for many years to come!! Amen!

Wanda Wood
July 28, 2022

Father, I pray for each leader in North Carolina today. I ask for mercy to the ones who have allowed the enemy to use their votes to side with an evil agenda. May they quickly repent and turn from their wicked ways.
Refresh those who are assigned as elected officials By Your divine plan from being overwhelmed at the task of their place in turning our state from Seeming righteous to BE righteous, for Your Glory.

Thomas Kakadelis
July 27, 2022

For the integrity of our elections here in NC and nationally

Tharesa Lee
July 14, 2022

Father God, thank you for the State of NC, for its people and for its natural beauty. May we be rather than to be seen; may we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand; may we follow wisdom from your word that we may know the direction to take that we may be the city sit on a hill shining a light for all to see. May we know that you are Sovereign and still reign. Deliver us from ourselves that get in the way of what is good for us. I pray for the leadership of our state, that they would reach for Your hand and for Your presence. In Jesus name, Amen.

Anthony Festa
July 13, 2022

Heavenly Father, we thank you for overturning Roe. We ask you to please renew the minds of our officials especially our Governor to turn our union into an abortion free state despite what the culture dictates. We pray this in your Son Jesus’ mighty name….Amen

Sharon Pearce
July 7, 2022

God, give us State #12!

Jo Ann VanCamp
June 25, 2022

Prayers of thanksgiving for end to Roe. Please Heavenly Father help NC see the value of life. Help it’s laws change to support the unborn and to give moms and families true help. We pray for our pregnancy resource centers, for their safety and for abundant resources. We pray for hearts to change #FORTHEIRLIVES. It is in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Danny Mills
June 14, 2022

We pray this for all the Supreme Court Justices and their families: If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; (Ps 91:9-11)

    Elizabeth Christensen
    October 1, 2024

    I too am being led by God to pray Psalm 91 in Yeshuah’s name on America, England, Israel, Christians, & those who will become saved

Tharesa Lee
June 13, 2022

Father God, Lord, may the scales drop from our eyes and Your Word take hold in our eyes; that we will have a clear understanding, a revelation that You are the Creator. It is You that have created us and not we ourselves. Your word is truth. “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave, you are there. I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:1-2, 5, 7-8, 11-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬.

Susan Pugh
June 11, 2022

Heavenly Father, as you tell us to put on our spiritual armor to prepare ourselves for battle- right now – in the state of NC- discussions are occurring around joining the Convention of States. We know You see the abuse of this nation that has been occuring . This was not your plan for a free country. Lord, we confess our corporate sins of murder, rage, greed, desire for power and humbly ask You to return us to self governing states of civility. In Jesus name, AMEN

Bob Stevens
June 9, 2022

The New American » Constitution/Politics » Convention of States Board Member Co-authored Anti-2A “Conservative Constitution”
Convention of States Board Member Co-authored Anti-2A “Conservative Constitution”
by Steve Byas December 20, 2021
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For years, many constitutional conservatives have been warning fellow conservatives about being taken in by the Convention of States (COS) Project and others calling for a constitutional convention to alter our present Constitution. Warnings that such a convention could result in scrapping the document that created our present constitutional republic have been ridiculed — with convention proponents arguing that they are not wanting an entirely new document, but only want to rein in the federal government.
Here is more cause for concern: A Legal Advisory Board member of COS has co-authored a model “Conservative Constitution” for the Constitution Center’s Constitution Drafting Project as a replacement for our present document, potentially to be adopted at any constitutional convention — or, as advocates prefer to call it, a “Convention of States.”
That board member is Robert P. George, a supposed conservative, whom COS Action President Mark Meckler calls “the foremost conservative constitutional scholar in America.” George occupies an endowed professorship at Princeton, previously held by progressive Woodrow Wilson. (Interestingly enough, while at Princeton, Wilson advocated drastically altering our form of government, to make it more like the British system.) George is a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who “fiercely opposed” the candidacy of Donald Trump in 2016, later calling Trump’s efforts to restrict immigration “unjust.”
This background should explain why, while George’s draft of a new constitution for America is called the “Conservative Constitution,” the document is actually quite radical in places.
No doubt supporters of the constitutional right to keep and bear arms will be rightly alarmed at the draft’s language on that subject:
Neither the States nor the United States shall make or enforce any law infringing the right to keep and bear arms of the sort ordinarily used for self-defense and recreational purposes, provided that States and the United States in places subject to its general regulatory authority, may enact and enforce reasonable regulations on the bearing of arms, and the keeping of arms by persons determined, with due process, to be dangerous to themselves or others. [Emphasis added.]
Those familiar with the rhetoric of the anti-gun Left will quickly recognize that this portion of the draft creates opportunities for federal and state governments to so regulate the private ownership of firearms to render such a right practically null and void.
But the draft goes far beyond essentially gutting the right to keep and bear arms.
As one reads through the draft, its similarity to the language used by the Founding Fathers is striking. Mixed in with that language, however, are changes that, rather than making the document friendlier to the concepts of limited government and liberty, would create a constitution transferring vast swaths of power to the federal government.
The “Conservative Constitution” would reduce from two to one the number of senators that would represent each state. While returning the election of senators to the respective state legislatures (rather than through a popular vote as required under the 17th Amendment) is a good thing, the draft adds language that is silly at best, and dangerous at worst. “Before taking office, each Senator shall pledge by oath or affirmation to promote the common good and long-term welfare of the nation and not the interests of any party or class.”
As it stands now, each member of Congress takes an oath to follow the Constitution of the United States, an oath that is routinely ignored by almost all members. We can only speculate how promoting the “common good and long-term welfare of the nation” might be interpreted. Some members might decide that following the restrictions of a written constitution is not for the common good and long-term welfare of the nation.
The draft also modifies the impeachment process, lowering the threshold for conviction from two-thirds to three-fifths. Presently, the grounds for the removal of a president from office are limited to four offenses — treason, bribery, and high crimes or misdemeanors. This draft only says that the House “shall set forth specific grounds in written articles of impeachment.” In the two Trump impeachments, advocates of his removal from office tried to skirt the four constitutional grounds, charging him with the more ambiguous “abuse of power,” which is, of course, not mentioned in the present Constitution. Under the draft’s proposal, Congress would have no limitations on any chosen grounds to remove a president from office.
Not only does the document make it easier for Congress to remove a president from office, it makes a dramatic change in how that person is to be elected, specifically requiring a “national popular vote” to choose the president. Thus, the draft proposes to eliminate the Electoral College system that we now use. And, the draft removes the requirement for a president to be a natural-born citizen, changing that to “any” citizen.
Under the provisions of the proposed “Conservative Constitution,” Congress is given the power to “create a central bank with the authority to issue currency and to make it legal tender for debts,” and to expand the power of that central bank in order to “protect its independence.” The central bank we now have — the Federal Reserve — already possesses immense power, but this draft proposes that a central bank be given even greater “independence” from our elected officials.
Finally, the draft proposes that “there shall be nine judges of the supreme court” — arguably a good thing — who shall hold office for 18 years, with a vacancy occurring every two years by staggering the terms. If a judge were to die, resign, or be removed by impeachment before the end of his term, “a new judge shall be appointed for the duration of the term only.” This is a proposal that has received much support from the Left, angry that President Donald Trump was able to nominate one-third of the present Supreme Court.
In fairness, there are good provisions included in this draft, but that raises a very serious question. If a provision is worthy of changing the fundamental law of the country, then our present method of amending the Constitution should be sufficient. What we do not want is a wholesale change of our Constitution, which would include the abolition of the Electoral College, the gutting of the right to keep and bear arms, and other such bad provisions.
The very fact that a Legal Advisory Board member for the Convention of States Project has proposed a new model Constitution should serve as further evidence that an Article V Convention could open up our present Constitution to massive revisions, or even being replaced by an entirely new document. Our present Constitution is not the problem. The problem is that our public officials, in all three branches of government, do not adhere to it.
Instead of expending energy and money promoting a Convention of States, citizens should focus their efforts on electing good men and women to Congress and the presidency. At best, a convention would meet, adopt a few positive reforms, and adjourn. At worst, the convention would meet and overthrow our present system of government. As the draft demonstrates, it is highly unlikely that we would have a better constitution than the one James Madison, George Washington, and the other Founders crafted back in 1787. As the late Justice Antonin Scalia opined, our century is a poor one in which to write a constitution. Could anyone elected to such a convention today produce a document as good as the one adopted in the 18th century?
This coup d’etat against our republican form of government can be stopped by our state legislators, but citizens informed of the dangers of a constitutional convention absolutely have to let those state legislators know those dangers.
One cannot presume that they know what is wrong with having a constitutional convention. Even legislators who believe in our form of government can be misled by those intent on destroying our institutions. We must counter propaganda, such as this coming from the Constitution Center, with accurate information on the dangers of a constitutional convention.

Susan Pugh
June 8, 2022

I thank you, Lord, that even now as I pray you are raising up a new generation of pro-life young adults in NC that desire to show your Glory to all. Protect these students as they spread your truths about abortion. Protect the minds of every child ( pre-k on) from worldly thinking . Raise up and place biblical leaders, Lord,, in every branch of government in NC. Give us all Godly confidence to declare “God is NOT Dead.”
In your Mighty Name, Jesus- Amen

Robin Bragdon
June 3, 2022

Father ,
Thank you for yor mercy & grace. You are so patient and merciful and your truth endures to ALL generations! For this we give you praise. We need you desperately Lord and the next generation needs you and your salvation. Without you they have no hope. I agree Father with each of the prayer here offerd up for North Carolina and with my brothers in sisters I stand united with them in prayer against the darkness trying to meddle in our state! This is our turf Lord! And we oppose this darkness together in Jesus name! We ask you to bind those forces and personalities who wish to undermine North Carolina and pour out your truth instead. Censorship is no match for Holy Spirit and the Word! The word is quick, powerful, sharper than any two edged sword! Cover our heads in the day of battle king of kings. Lead us into victory for it is FINISHED in Jesus name! We arr conquerers because you conquered first! Arm us with the while armour of God and strengthen us to do your will and finish strong! Who are these meddlers any way? Who are they against the Lion of Judah! They are wimpering in the prescence of Almighty God! They are no match for you God! Guard us Lord with your truth for it is our buckler! Prepare us for advancement not retreat! We humbly ask for your wisdom Lord. Show us how to advance and take ground in NC for there is no room for retreat and may we give no place to the enemy. He is not welcome in NC. Guard our homes and help us “be and not seem” even in our homes according to NC’s motto. May truth and love permeate the nuclear family including mine. Strengthen our families Lord. Raise up the Daddies to lead their homes in your truth! Raise up us Mamas to love and honor Daddy and love & train our children your way O God! Grant us discernment and help us be sober as we go about our lives. Help us be effective for your kingdom in our homes and without. Thank you father and thank you Lord for all you are and we look forward to these answered prayers! In Jesus Mighty name, Amen❤

Venisa Villar
June 2, 2022

All-powerful, all knowing. Living & Loving God…Thank You that You are Abba Father, Friend, and Holy God!! Our Way Maker. We “lift our eyes to the hills from whence coming our help our help comes from the Lord the Maker of Heaven and earth (from Ps. 121).” Father we ask Your hedge of protection around North Carolina schools…and especially Morganton, NC schools asking Your ring of fire round about them!! Every Public School. . Every Private School. Every Magnet School. Every Elementary School. Every Middle School. Every High School. Every College. Every Trade School, etc…Lord God Almighty, may these needless and pointless shootings that take innocent lives cess in the Name and Blood of Jesus!! Help every young person in NC come to know the value of life as You see it Gracious Lord God…and it is precious….and that they are precious to You, Loving God…so precious “You sent Your Son to die for them (John 3:16-17).” Instead of CRT may Your Words of Truth reign from Your Word…for “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!” May prayer to You, Lord God, be gladly brought back into NC schools…and all the schools around this nation and the world …”If my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and heal their land.” Thank You God for Your great and precious promises!! Help us fulfill the part we are responsible for from Your promise above. Help us stand on Your promise of healing for our dry and thirsty land…as a deer pants for steams of water let our souls thirst for You in NC, and across this nation and across our world. Bring salvation to the lost souls who stand in need of transformation and make them all new creatures in Christ Jesus the Lord!! Help prodigals or those backslidden to come running up the road into their Father’s open arms that have been waiting all along!! In Jesus’ Name, Blood and Word do away with every bit of racism in NC and Morganton schools …let no unholy agenda of any kind confuse students of who God has called them to be. For we know confusion is not from You God…but from the enemy. In Jesus’ Name, Blood, Word and Power let every lie of the enemy be done away with coming against all students, all teachers, all the schools staffs…rescue them out of all their troubles!! In Jesus’ Name we pray believing Who triumphed over His enemies publicly…when He died and rose again…and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead…lives in us!!! Glory to You God!! Amen!!

Sheryl Combee
June 1, 2022

Dear Lord, I ask You to send your warrior Angels to surround every inch of North Carolina in this deceitful time. You know every thought and deed, and ask that all lies be revealed where there is an attempt to hide the truth. Thank you Lord for hearing our cry to You and protecting North Carolina from the fiery darts of the evil one. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Tamiara Crowder
June 1, 2022

Speaking JESUS Over North Carolina!!! Speaking the Blood of JESUS Over the state of North Carolina!!!! Kingdom come, Will be done Here on the Earth as it is in Heaven in North Carolina today and everyday in JESUS NAME!!! Allow your Fire to falll upon us oh Lord so we may GLORIFY YOUR NAME JESUS!!!! Amen🔥🔥🔥

Patty Jones
May 23, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please awaken the people in North Carolina. Speak to them in their dreams and draw the hearts of your people back to you. Give us a fear of the Lord that will carry out through the nation like a wave! May we boldly seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways. Praise You Lord for Your great mercy! We did not earn it and we do not deserve it, but you freely gave Your precious Son Jesus to pay for our sins. Hallelujah All glory and honor and praise belong to you! May we spend our days worshiping you in the way that we live and the words that we say. If we should fall, pick us back up again. Great is Thy Faithfulness, Oh Lord my God. Thank You that I can call on You as my Abba Father. Draw back the prodigals to You my Father, continue to draw people in with Your loving kindness. I love you. I can love because You first loved me.

Juanele Trusty
May 23, 2022

Father, bless Brenda as she leads. Bless all the leaders of the state prayer calls. In the name of Jesus lead ALL NC leaders in TRUTH! Save them! Bring many people together on this prayer line for NC and all states in USA. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Heidi Casey
May 23, 2022

I pray that you will return this state to a healthy fear of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that those who don’t know you especially in government positions, will have a personal encounter with you Jesus! Pour out your spirit of our state and send revival.

Linda Todd
May 23, 2022

Lord you said the little children could come to you. Please save our unborn from the tyranny of those fighting for abortion rights in our state. Touch their hearts to realize the unborn have rights in You. Help them to settle their minds regarding any rage against these little ones. Help them to see the unborn as citizens deserving life. Your daughter, Linda


Pray For North Carolina Leaders

Thom Tillis (R)
Senator (North Carolina)
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Roy Cooper (D)
Governor (North Carolina)
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Mark Robinson (R)
Lt. Governor (North Carolina)
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22 have submitted prayers
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Josh Stein (D)
Attorney General (North Carolina)
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12 have submitted prayers
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Elaine Marshall (D)
Secretary of State (North Carolina)
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8 have submitted prayers
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Ted Budd (R)
Senator (North Carolina)
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13 have submitted prayers
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