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South Carolina

State Prayer Call:
Wednesdays at 12:00 PM EST
(605) 313-4146
Access Code: 8055469
State Leader(s): Mark Johnson, Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. ET Roy and Betsy Washam, Mondays at 7:00 p.m. ET
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Henry McMaster
Capital: Columbia
State Motto:
Dum spiro spero, translated "While I breathe, I hope"

Post Your Prayers For South Carolina

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Submitted Prayers For South Carolina

Dan Sullivan
July 9, 2024

Our Father in Heaven I pray for all our political leaders that they know your Son Jesus as their savior. That they will follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in all the decisions they have to make! God Bless them and keep them safe from all evils.

Rodney Hickman
May 3, 2024

Father God please come into the lives of our leaders and do what only you can to get them back from their plans to destroy Christianity.

April 8, 2024

Lord, Wake up our politicians to see all that is happening around them. Give them the courage to stand and DO something to combat evil. Give them the fear of the Lord and open their eyes to see. Let them not just handle this season as “business as usual” way. Let them repent and call our state and nation to repent. Let them come back to God. Let them realize that they will be held accountable before God for their positions that they have been graciously given. Father break the corruption, greed, power, etc and cause a spirit of humility to come upon politicians. Let politicians become servant-hearted again OR raise up others that will. Father, make a switch and remove those who have selfish ambitions, other interests and wrong motives. Reveal those who are receiving bribes and getting kickbacks. I pray those people will be removed and held accountable. Let those who will serve, yield to you and can’t be bought, be put into positions of power and replace corrupt politicians. I humbly ask that you will save America. Bring us back to our knees Above everything we need revival. In Jesus mighty name.

Dr. Monique L. Rodgers
January 4, 2024

Gracious and Merciful Creator,

As we bow our heads in prayer, we turn our hearts toward the beautiful state of South Carolina, seeking your divine guidance, protection, and blessings. We acknowledge the rich tapestry of history, culture, and diversity that makes this state unique, and we lift up its residents, leaders, and communities before you.

Lord, we pray for the prosperity of South Carolina, from the foothills to the coastline. Bless the land with abundance and fruitfulness, and grant wisdom to those who steward its resources. May the people of South Carolina experience economic flourishing, educational opportunities, and employment that sustains and uplifts families.

We lift up the leaders of South Carolina—the Governor, legislators, mayors, and all those entrusted with the well-being of the state. Grant them discernment, courage, and a commitment to justice as they make decisions that shape the destiny of this great land. May their actions be guided by a deep sense of responsibility to the common good.

Lord, we pray for unity among the residents of South Carolina. Regardless of differences, help them find common ground, understanding, and respect for one another. May the spirit of hospitality and community prevail, fostering bonds that strengthen the fabric of society.

As we contemplate the natural beauty of South Carolina, from its majestic mountains to its serene coastline, we ask for your protection against natural disasters and unforeseen challenges. Shield the state from harm and grant resilience to those who may face difficulties.

Lord, we also bring before you the communities that make up South Carolina. May they be places of compassion, support, and love. Bless the churches, schools, businesses, and organizations that contribute to the well-being of the people.

In times of celebration, may gratitude abound, and in times of trial, may hope prevail. May the spirit of South Carolina be one of resilience, kindness, and generosity.

Finally, we entrust the state of South Carolina into your loving care, knowing that your grace is sufficient for every need. May your light shine upon this land, and may your peace reign in the hearts of its residents.

In your holy name, we pray.


Dr. Monique L. Rodgers
January 4, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you with humble hearts, lifting up in prayer the dedicated senators of South Carolina who serve our state with diligence and commitment. We acknowledge the weight of responsibility that rests upon their shoulders as they make decisions that impact the lives of the people they represent.

Grant them wisdom, Lord, as they navigate the complexities of governance. May your divine guidance illuminate their minds and hearts, helping them discern the path that leads to justice, equality, and the well-being of all citizens. In the face of challenges and disagreements, instill in them a spirit of cooperation and unity, that they may work together for the greater good of South Carolina.

We pray for strength and perseverance for each senator, knowing that their roles demand resilience and unwavering dedication. May they find solace in times of difficulty and be inspired by the profound responsibility they bear in shaping the future of our great state.

Lord, we ask for your protection over our senators and their families. Guard them from harm and grant them good health, that they may continue to serve with vigor and vitality. Surround them with a community of support and encouragement, fostering an environment that nurtures their well-being and fosters collaboration.

May your grace be upon them in their decision-making processes, reminding them of the values that bind us together as a community. Help them to approach their duties with humility, empathy, and a genuine desire to make South Carolina a better place for all.

We also pray for moments of reflection and spiritual renewal for each senator. May they find guidance in their faith, drawing strength from your eternal wisdom and love.

In your mercy, Lord, we entrust the senators of South Carolina to your care. May their endeavors be guided by justice, their actions be rooted in compassion, and their service be a reflection of your divine will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.


Pamela McIntosh
November 22, 2023

Father I agree with all of these prayers for Israel, SC, and the 7 mountains in America. Break the curse and redeem our land. Break the chains and set the hostages free in Israel. I ask for pease and blessings for Israel, and America. Lord have mercy on America and forgive us of our sins. Deliver America and the nations from evil. Raise up workers for the Harvest. Let your Kingdom come as it is in Heaven. For you are the Kingdom, Power, and Glory for ever and ever. I ask in Jesus name. Amen!

Jean Shobe
November 3, 2023

Heavenly Father I ask that Holy Spirit lead us all to bless Israel, lead them and guide them to safety. With this bring your blessings upon our nation.

October 12, 2023


As we behold what is happening in Israel, we grieve with those who grieve. I pray that you awaken and equip the church for this hour and that you release wisdom to understand the times in which we live and what is our duty and privilege in this hour. We in the state of South Carolina stand with Israel and we pray for the leadership in our state to be relevant and effective especially now. Fill them with Your divine wisdom.
We pray for protection around the borders of our state and for our neighboring states. We pray for protection over our nuclear power plants, ports, and every other area of vulnerability.
I pray for the fear of the Lord to cover the state of South Carolina, that we would tremble at Your Word.
I pray for every official in Government whether elected or appointed, that they would behold the high call of duty to honor You in all that they do, and that they would commit to ensuring the laws governing our lives align with Your laws. Protect each and every one from the temptations of the enemy that schemes to undermine and neutralize those in Government.
In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I submit this prayer. Amen.

Lee Thomas
June 20, 2023

Father God – we ask in the name of Your Son thru the Holy Spirit for blessing for our beautiful state. We ask for You to strengthen our pastors and leaders, worship teams and intercessors to enable us to continually bring the message of the gospel to our precious citizens. I pray for the parents of our state to be vigilant and involved in their children’s schools and that teachers and school administrations would promote education of fundamental academic skills and foster truth in curriculum. May our school districts embrace quality and truth in education and reject the agenda of evil that has seeped into much of the public schools in our nation. May SC students receive the highest quality instruction free from indoctrination. Father we pray as well for peace and unity among all citizens of this state. Unite us in Christ. May our leaders in government fear God and promote what is right in Your eyes. Call us to be faithful to pray for all our leaders – to pray for each other and to show character and integrity in all things. May Your góspel be preached and Your Kingdom come in SC. Amen.

Vanessa Tucker
April 27, 2023

Dear Gracious Heavenly Father. I praise you for who you are, for your sacrifice for my sins. Dear Lord I pray for our elected leaders, their families, staff, offices, churches that you will give them your wisdom, guidance and safety in these dark days. I pray those who do not know you as their Savior will have the blinders removed from their eyes to see You and Your Truth they need for their lives and jobs. I love you Lord Jesus Maranatha

Tamera Smith
April 23, 2023

We love you Lord. In the Lord Jesus Christ we ask for your Spirit to spread through the State of South Carolina where our love is rich for you. Bless those praying and seeking you. Bless those suffering without you in their lives. We rest in your love for us and for future believers. Amen.

Jerrold Pettus II
April 11, 2023

I pray that Lindsey Graham turns away from Fiscal Insanity and Deep State legislation and fights everything evil the Deep State and Democrat Party is trying to impose on the American People. I pray that Lindsey becomes a True Christian Conservative that values individual rights, Christian Prayer and Intercession, strong families, True Education, Good Capitalism, Balanced Federal Budgets and Lindsey finally realizes that the enemies within America are far worse than the enemies without. In Jesus name we Pray Amen

Joli Cullen
March 25, 2023

I walked into our local Walmart in SC. There were disturbing items for sexual perversions in a locked cabinet where you wait in line for the pharmacy. Where children could see. Then across the isle, next to the Easter items, right in the middle of the isle was a display geared at children ages 2-5, promoting more perversion and I don’t know what to do, but LORD Jesus, I pray that you will come down as you did in the days of the Tower of Babel and stop this. I pray the manager of this Walmart will see what I saw, his eyes opened, and he will remove these items and display. I pray Christian parents will fight in prayer for their children and in action. I pray I will do what you call me to do. I pray this stronghold of sexual attacks on our most vulnerable, young children and all ages and genders will be defeated in Jesus name, by the power of the blood and the resurrection power.

Lynda Wardell
March 15, 2023

South Carolina is second place in the number of traffic fatalities in our nation. Father, we pray that our leaders would be blessed with Your wisdom in addressing our roads and traffic safety and would work to make our pedestrians and drivers safer.

Mark Johnson
March 8, 2023

Thank you Lord for the intercessors you have raised up in SC. Let your mantle of government fall upon them; give them insight that can only come from Your Presence; and blow your breath across the State.

Marilyn Blanchard
March 2, 2023

Expand prayer walking to prayer waiting . Pray that people would open their hearts to Jesus while you are in a” waiting “ room , grocery line, traffic delay or long road trip. Please don’t waste your “wait “ use it to claim Carolina for Christ.

Allena Jordan
January 5, 2023

Father, I pray that every representative from South Carolina will stand up for freedom and goodness and righteousness according to Your ways and will. Speak to their hearts, Lord, about who You want to be Speaker of the House for this time. Thank You, for everything that is being exposed. Forgive us our sins as a nation. In Your wrath, remember mercy. Amen.

Jerrold Pettus
December 21, 2022

Dear Lord please give South Carolina’s elected and unelected officials the strength and courage to turn away from the fear and pressures of this secular world and apply Biblical Principals in governing and administrating, protect the Unborn, Children and Women, eliminate crony capitalism and woke education from every school and use Divine Guidance in spending the taxpayers money and always realize that Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Season. In Jesus Name We Pray

Allena Jordan
December 9, 2022

Father, I thank You for Dutch Sheet’s Give Him 15 post on Dec. 9, 2022, titled “Taking Cities for God. “Pioneer Hebron again” was a declaration stated therein. Father, we continue to ask You to raise up Joshuas and Calebs to remove giants ruling in regions of our state and the U.S. We declare and decree that the cities of South Carolina and the entire state will become places of salvation, refuge, covenantal friendship with God; places from which the rule and authority of Christ’s rule can be not only seen but also be palpable. Silence Baal’s voice in our education system. Let the voice of God be heard instead. Silence Baal’s voice instilling fear in our health care systems. Let Your voice of peace and wellness be heard throughout healthcare systems. God’s peace shall dwell in our land and in our cities. All glory to Your Name. Amen.

Stephanie Jarrett
November 7, 2022

I humbly come before you and ask your protection of our state elections tomorrow. You know the hearts and intentions of all candidates, from school boards all the way up through the Governor. I ask that you expose any corruption, dishonesty, and ill -motives in any candidates, and in the election process itself. Your Word says that whatever is done in darkness will be brought into the light. Lord, shine Your light on the works of the enemy, that we may know exactly who the candidates truly are. Lift up and protect candidates who seek Your will. I ask for school boards that respect parents, and who love You Lord, who do not seek to sew division under the misnomer of “unity and inclusion”. I ask for a God fearing Governor who stands for life- life that begins in the womb!! Most of all Lord, I ask for Your will to be done here in South Carolina, and the entire country. Do not let evil and wickedness prosper. Your faithful ones need You desperately to bring our country back, for our good and Your glory! Our hope is in You alone. In Jesus name,

Allena Jordan
September 14, 2022

Father, I pray for this area in Sumter County, all schools in our county and state. Lord, provide a double hedge of protection for our communities, schools and school children. Do what you need to do to make our state a sheep state. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Here’s the news from Sumter Sheriff’s office: Sumter County Sheriff’s Office (Sumter, SC)
This morning, September 14, 2022, around 7:30 a.m., the Sumter School District advised the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office that two or three shots were heard in the distance behind High Hills Elementary school which is located along Frierson Road behind Shaw Air Force Base. Multiple deputies responded to the area along Frierson Road, Sargent Road, and Autumn Terrace. The Sheriff’s Office coordinated with the Sumter School District and officials from Shaw AFB to ensure the safety of the students and citizens in the area. Nothing was determined and there were no reports of damage or injuries. High Hills Elementary, Shaw Heights Elementary and Oakland Primary schools continued without incident.
Sheriff Dennis shares with the public’s concerns about school safety and the necessity of response and action to ensure the protection of our children and staff.

Frances Chandler
September 11, 2022

Apparently some Senate members for SC felt the need to return to the discussion of abortion laws in SC. The decision had already been voted to band abortion in SC. HOWEVER, the Senate voted on September 10 to allow abortion up to 6 weeks in SC. Please let’s pray this down!!! https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-white-males-have-lost-south-carolina-republicans-block-proposed-state-abortion-ban-threaten-filibuster?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mattwalsh&fbclid=IwAR1PVuL2wi6XTK_71XhdRnwAiNNEK2UEd0-zufv0ivMWQ9_ek3vcezhf1tE

Billie Jo Youmans
July 20, 2022

Perhaps this will encourage/bless in preparation for the Noon call:
Wednesday at 12:00 PM EST
(605) 313-4146
Access Code: 8055469


Isiah 28:16-17a
Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem,d
a firm and tested stone. It is a precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be shaken.I will test you with the measuring line of justiceand the plumb line of righteousness.
Isaiah 34:11 – God stretches out a line of chaos and a plumb line of desolation

As we pray – we will press in for a personal vision of justice and righteousness – and the courage to seek it with humble excellence, remembering that only in Christ do we have righteousness – and His call is to ALL.

• Leaders
o Political
 Power grabs – greed
o Economic
 Inflation
 Gas/oil situation
• Youth and systems surrounding them
o Schools
o Families
o Technology
• Church
• Other
o Drought

Close – Psalm 5:8
O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me.

Celina Gleason
July 20, 2022

Sovereign Lord, we turn from our wicked ways and face you boldly with reverence and honor of Your Majesty. We openly repent on behalf of the people of our beautiful Palmetto State. We ask you to forgive us all for all our sins and we acknowledge that our sins are against You and Your Word and Purpose. Please forgive us and help us turn to You when we are tempted to make our own way. Help us not be filled with iniquity and self-rule. Help us to never look upon our fellowman with superiority or hatred, but show us ways to submit to You and to one another in Grace and unwavering, unconditional love. Help us to only take the side and position of the Word of God and not elevate a party above Your Word and Voice. Help us to be peaceMAKERS where there is no peace. Help us to remember it’s not enough to simply “keep” peace but we must make peace in the midst of chaos and in spite of cultural or social norms. May we BE the Body of Christ You intended. May we touch humanity around us with the tenderness of Your Hand and the compassion of Your precious Heart. We acknowledge our continual need of Your guidance and we ask that You bless our state in every possible way. We pray for provision through strong industry. We pray you will bless us with understanding as to how to educate our children and ourselves. Give our legislators the answers they need to lead their constituents with godly leadership. Give our law enforcement and first responders the ability to keep and make peace in our streets. Give our teachers Your Wisdom in leading and loving our children. We bind the powers of darkness over our state and we loose a spirit of godly desire and true righteousness. Help us look to You for our every step and allow Your Word to light our daily paths, in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Stephanie Jarrett
July 8, 2022

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for granting us mercy and listening to our prayers. I pray that you’ll give courage and a Godly boldness to our elected leaders to continue standing strongly for LIFE here in South Carolina, and across the world. I ask for a spirit of calm to cover our state, keeping violence, rioting, and anger far from us, but if not, help us focus on You through whatever storms lie in our future. We know you’re already there ahead of us, and have good plans for us. I pray for the right to life to be upheld, and all plots of those under the power of the enemy to fail. I pray for those most vulnerable, lives in the womb to be protected and loved. Show us how to be the hands and feet here on Earth, at a time when all of our living expenses are at record highs. Increase and multiply what little we are able to give towards women in unexpected pregnancies, for we know that there’s nothing “unexpected” to You Father. Hear the prayers of Your people. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.

Allena Jordan
July 7, 2022

Father, all glory belongs to You. You sat as King at the flood. You sit as King forever! I lift up Representative Jim Clyburn to You. Father, he has fallen into the leftist movement. Lord, redirect his thinking, his plans, his steps, his worldview. I pray that his constituents would hold him accountable to upholding the Constitution and to working for the citizens. Open his eyes to see the real direction in which his part plans to take this nation. Turn his head. Use him for Your purposes. Protect him and his family. And, Lord, if he hardens his heart, then move him out of the way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Allena Jordan
July 7, 2022

Father, all glory belongs to You. You sat as King at the flood. You sit as King forever! I lift up Representative Jim Clyburn to You. Father, he has fallen into the leftist movement. Lord, redirect his thinking, his plans, his steps, his worldview. I pray that his constituents would hold him accountable to upholding the Constitution and to working for the citizens. Open his eyes to see the real direction in which his part plans to take this nation. Turn his head. Use him for Your purposes. Protect him and his family. And, Lord, if he hardens his heart, then move him out of the way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Penny Casey
July 7, 2022

Precious Lord,
I pray for unity among the brethren of all races in South Carolina. Lord God, lead us all into forgiveness, acceptance, and love one for another. Do a mighty work to soften our hearts, and give us opportunities to walk in love.

kay randolph
June 25, 2022

Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in the power of your Holy Spirit, please protect and defend our SC leaders. Especially guard Sens. Graham and Scott, Gov. McMaster, Lt..Gov. Evette, Alan Wilson, AG and Mark Hammond, Sec’y of State. Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace!

Billie Jo Youmans
June 8, 2022

Father in heaven, we need you…as residents we need you. Our leaders need you. Open eyes that are blind, blind those who would interfere with Your will by what they think is ‘vision.’ Stir up your children, light fires in our hearts that propel us to glorify You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Amanda Kuykendall
May 23, 2022

Abba Father,
I pray for the swampy areas of our state to be flooded with the River of God- where spiritual swamps once set, may a living active flow of outpouring of Your Spirit come and cause life to spring forth! Let those who bear Your name experience You and truly know You beyond intellectual theology. Come, to each of the historic camps of past revival. Come, reveal Yourself to the people and may South Carolina be a state of firebrands that sets the pace and pattern for our nation. In the mighty victorious name of Jesus, I ask. Amen.

Carren Robinson
May 23, 2022

My Dear Father God, I come to you Thanking you for the state of South Carolina. I lift up before you, the leadership, and law enforcement of our great state.. I pray Isaiah 11.:2 I pray that the spirit of the Lord would rest upon them, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. May they delight in the fear of the Lord! I pray in Jesus name, and we give you thanks.❤️🇺🇸

Judith Valentine
May 23, 2022

Lord, I ask that you make your presence known to all our state leaders. May the Holy Spirit soften hearts and guide each one to your truth. Lord, I pray for our children, teachers and educational system. I pray for parents to be actively involved with the curriculum that is being taught. God call out your body of believers to humble ourselves and pray. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus and for His glory.


Pray For South Carolina Leaders

Lindsey Graham (R)
Senator (South Carolina)
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610 have submitted prayers
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have prayed
Tim Scott (R)
Senator (South Carolina)
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252 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Henry McMaster (R)
Governor (South Carolina)
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109 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Pamela Evette (R)
Lt. Governor (South Carolina)
Submit A Prayer
14 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Alan Wilson (R)
Attorney General (South Carolina)
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27 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Mark Hammond (R)
Secretary of State (South Carolina)
Submit A Prayer
14 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed


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