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About the Ukrainian Crisis

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Denise M
September 9, 2024, 9:54 am
This prayer is title for Breakthrough for them, : Heavenly Father I'm praying for the BEHALF of my brothers and sisters in Christ, on the other side of the world ?, LORD have Mercy and Grace upon all of them, ?, to release, and bless them mightyly, and I pray that the War over there, will Stop, I know you said in your Word in Revelation that it will be rumors of War, So Father in this war I'm asking for You to Stop this War and giving them PEACE and GRACE OUT of this Warfare, in Jesus Faith, Your Son WENT to the Cross for All of this and for All of US, because We are not Sheep being slaughter, YOU SAY WE ARE MORE THAN A CONQUER. AMEN, GOD MY REDEEMER GIVEN THEM STRENGTH EACH DAY, IN JESUS YESUHA THE CHRIST NAME AMEN ???????
Cynthia C
June 26, 2023, 1:29 pm
Pray for the Ukrainian Church to stand in the gap to meet the needs and minister to the Ukrainian people as they demonstrate the love, power, and mercy of Jesus Christ. Pray for protection for the Ukrainian people. May the Lord Jehovah Saboath and the Angel armies fight for these precious people, enabling them to overcome their enemies. Pray that the Lord raises a renewed Church in Ukraine - spotless and flawless, which would reflect His character and purity, and be full of His power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit. May the Church be strengthened in the midst of suffering and persecution. May Christ's followers demonstrate His love and forgiveness in such a dimension it shifts the entire culture of the Ukrainians and their neighboring lands. Pray for the Ukrainian people to be more open to the Gospel God's help and the manifestation of His mercy for our people: the end of the hostilities and violence, and perfect peace in the land. May the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread with vigor and passion. May this spiritual synergy bring revival wherever the Gospel is preached.
Marilyn M
April 30, 2023, 12:26 pm
God, Almighty. I come before you to ask for protection for your children in Ukraine. Send angels to protect them from evil. Restore to them the land of thier home. Lift up their hearts to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Pour out your blessing and stomp on the evil that is arracking them. This I pray in Jesus name Amen.

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Post Your Prayer

  • Pray for the Ukrainian Church to stand in the gap to meet the needs and minister to the Ukrainian people
  • Pray for protection for the Ukrainian people
  • Pray that the Lord raises a renewed Church in Ukraine – spotless and flawless, which would reflect His character and purity, and be full of His power
  • Pray for the Ukrainian people to be more open to the Gospel
  • God’s help and the manifestation of His mercy for our people: the end of the hostilities and violence, and perfect peace in the land.