
State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 11:00 AM PT and Tuesdays at 6:00pm PT (excluding holidays)
(605) 313-5714
Access Code: 2478414
State Leader(s): Hilde Ernsberger / Zoraida Noratto
Governor: Gavin Newsom
Capital: Sacramento
State Motto:
Eureka, translated "I have found it"

Post Your Prayers For California

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Submitted Prayers For California

Marie Norris
January 7, 2024

Lord, when I don’t know how to pray you send your Holy Spirit to intercede. I pray that Your will be done in the state of California. You see all and you promised the wicked will be destroyed. Lift up warriors in Government that will bring about your will speedily. In Jesus name. Thank you in advance for what You will do. All praise and Glory be to God.

Sylvia Johnson
November 20, 2023

Father, California (HER) will wait patiently, knowing YOU will come through for HER. Then, at last, you will bend down and listen to HER cry. YOU stooped down to lift HER out of danger from the desolate pit SHE was in, out of the muddy mess SHE had fallen into. I declare, Now YOU”VE lifted HER up into a firm, secure place and steadied HER while SHE walks along YOUR ascending path. A new song for a new day rises up in HER every time SHE thinks about how YOU break through for HER! Ecstatic praise pours out of HER mouth until everyone hears how God has set HER free. Many will see YOUR miracles; they’ll stand in awe of YOU and fall in love with YOU! Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord. California will not fall away again, for California refuses to listen to the lies of the proud. O Lord, our God, we declare no one can compare with you. Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with YOU! And you think of California all the time with YOUR countless expressions of love— far exceeding HER expectations! It’s not sacrifices that really move YOUR heart. Burnt offerings, sin offerings—that’s not what brings YOU joy. But when you open California’s ears and speak deeply to HER, SHE has become your willing servant, your prisoner of love for life. So I said, “Here I am! I’m coming to you as a sacrifice, for in the prophetic scrolls of your book you have written about me. I delight to fulfill your will, my God, for your living words are written upon the pages of my heart.” I tell everyone everywhere the truth of YOUR righteousness. And California won’t hold back in telling the message to all SHE wont keep it a secret or hide the truth. SHE will preach of your faithfulness and kindness, proclaiming your extravagant love to the largest crowd SHE can find! So Lord, don’t hold back your love or withhold your tender mercies from California. Keep HER in your truth and let your compassion overflow to HER no matter what SHE faces. Evil surrounds HER; problems greater than SHE can solve come one after another. Without you, SHE knows SHE can’t make it. HER sins are so many! SHE is so ashamed to lift HER face to you. For HER guilt grabs HER and stings HER soul until SHE is weakened and spent. Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue HER. Take pleasure in showing HER your favor and restore HER. Let all who seek HER life be humiliated! Let them be confused and ashamed, God. Scatter those who wish HER evil; they just want HER dead. Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures. Let them be ashamed and horrified by their complete defeat. But let all who passionately seek you erupt with excitement and joy over what you’ve done! Let all your lovers rejoice continually in the Savior, saying, “How great and glorious is our God!” Lord, in California’s place of weakness and need, SHE ask again: Will you come and help HER? SHE knows SHE is always in your thoughts. You are HER true Savior and hero, so don’t delay to deliver HER now, for you are California’s God.
Psalm 40:1-17

Lizabeth Maldonado
November 2, 2023

We bind the demonic oppression on the youth in our state today and release revival in all the schools in California from pre-K to College. We bind any hateful racial speech to any and all that the demonic is influencing and release the love of God on our youth.
“We decree that rival is here and it will not be stopped! “(Give Him 15)

Claudia Stanley
October 30, 2023

Holy Spirit, hover over our state representatives and officers. That they may know and follow you. Only you can turn the tide of evil influence in our state. We pray for Godly leaders to arise.

Michele Carlzen
October 10, 2023

Jesus Christ,
Please save Gavin Newsom, in Your Name! Open his eyes to Truth. I decree that Gavin Newsom will believe in his heart FIRMLY that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to Father but through YOU. Then he will INSIST on doing Your bidding.
In Your Name Jesus, Amen!

Doyle Beitz
October 7, 2023

Spiritual warfare!
Ephesians 6:11-13: Put on the whole armour of God, that we may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against evil principalities, against evil powers, against the evil rulers of the darkness of this world, against evil spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6:14-20; Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

I trust in God’s eternal promise!
Thank you, Abba, my Heavenly Father
I receive my restoration!
Your Humble servant, peacemaker, watchman prayer warrior! 🙏🏼✡️Thank you Abba, my Heavenly Father, in Yeshua’s name, authority and power, exalted over every other name, in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth, so be it, Amen!✡️🙏🏼
Jeremiah 30:17;
For I will restore health unto thee,
and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD;
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
✡️🙏Rejoice in the Lord always again in I say rejoice, Hallelujah!
I’m ready to shine! I’m grateful to be your humble peacemaker giving all glory, and praise unto Abba, my Heavenly Father I trust in God’s eternal promise!
Thank you, Abba, my Heavenly Father
I receive my restoration of the nation and government!
Your Humble servant, peacemaker, watchman prayer warrior! 🙏🏼✡️Thank you Abba, my Heavenly Father, in Yeshua’s name, authority and power, exalted over every other name, in heaven, on the earth, and under the earth, so be it, Amen!✡️🙏🏼

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin) & Joslyn Burke-Austin
September 28, 2023

I pray that Demonic activites be demolished in our state. I pray that it would be more Godly leaders will stand up and let the devil he has no right to compromise this state in Jesus Name. I pray that we will continue to stand on the fact that California is a State of God. Not a state of the devil. In Jesus Name. Amen !

Louise Fugate
August 16, 2023

Heavenly Father, we are so weary of hearing about one corrupt thing after another, but we must persevere and partner with You in prayer. You are God and have all power and authority over the devil and his dominions. We raise our hearts up to You and cry out for Your righteousness to reign over this great nation You have allowed us to live in. We ask that You bring us all to repentance and that You clean out those in our government that are refusing to turn to You and follow Your ways. We know You love them, but You hate their sin and influence upon Your people. We desperately need Your leading and divine rule. Show us what we can do, and show us how to stand and make a difference, helping others come to You, while there is still time. Open the minds and hearts of our lawmakers and bring deep conviction to do what is right.
We ask these things in Jesus’ name.

August 4, 2023

Lord- I pray for your overarching power to manifest in California the way that you did in Afghanistan when people were cleaning to the aircraft in the air and when people were having visions in their dreams and when people were seeing other manifestations in the sky , of Jesus-as one Pastor noted.. in that tragedy great and righteous things happen Lord-.. California is in turmoil and is the same as a war-torn landscape.. in decay and the leadership is demented here- the minds of those that have power having sold out to Satan and need redeeming ..Lord, we pray for your intervention Lord for Newsome.. Bonta. Pelosis ..padilla-garcetti.. repent and/ or be eradicated. I also lift up to you Garcia and those who would compromise their values potentially and try to cover it over with political spin.. I also lift up to you intercessors who may be influenced by political correctness in the interest of remaining in a “peaceful state “..or feeling good about themselves- who have bought the lie of what we are going through and try to make nice with evil.. Let Them Be Shaken awake.. as I am sure we are going through a shaking and it will get worse- I still pray Lord for your intervention. In Jesus mighty name- Amen
Lord help me to understand my part what I can do without a car or money.. as online activism seems to have its limits

Miryam Montgomery
August 4, 2023

Dear Abba, may Your Presence Be in our lives always. May Your Glory Shine especially here in the USA, America, and Israel. We pray for our peace and the peace of Israel. May our love for You be a testimony to the world and California. I pray for Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. Thank You Father that we can come to You Bodly and Freely! We love You Abba, the God Who Created the earth in 6 days and the 7th day You Rested from Your Creation, in Yeshuah’s Name🛐🇺🇸🔯

Lyn Beck
June 16, 2023

As shared by Dutch Sheets on Give Him 15 from a prophetic dream given to Gina Gholston, I join with other intercessors in California to paint the perimeters of our state with the anointing oil of Holy Spirit!

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin)
May 19, 2023

I pray continued Spiritual Leadership for the state of California. I come against the Spiritual Wickedness in Heavenly Places in Jesus Name. More Christian Leadership. Amen.

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin)
May 1, 2023

I pray for The State of California. I Pray for The leaders for this state. I pray for more Godly leaders to be promoted in positions of Authority where the devil won’t continue to have his influence in this state. Federally, State wise, and locally in Jesus Name. Amen.

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin)
April 1, 2023

I became Republican right out of High School , growing up in Detroit,Michigan under the Influence of President Reagan and Chuck Norris. As a resident of California now as I continue in my efforts in Hollywood, California. I continue to pray that God’s will be done . And all things work together for the good for those who love God are called according to his purpose. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr
March 27, 2023

I pray for The Spirit of the LGBT
It’s seems that this spirit has to much power. In Government The Entertainment Industry and even in The Churches
I pray that this spirit be cursed at the root
In Jesus Name

March 25, 2023

Lord I pray for miraculous intervention at the border ,that the border patrol would be lifted up in their hearts minds and souls, and greatly physically and mentally encouraged, and then you would send alongside of them in the form of officers carrying Authority and provision, with Munitions and great Spiritual Authority, even from sources we do not know,that may not necessarily be recognized as official sources ,..but they would not be left alone- even sending your Warrior angels and. guardian angels to assist them-, to do miraculous things in weeding out the criminals, protecting the innocent people’, and stopping the flow..Lord, and please give them healing in their minds that they would not be discouraged-, in Jesus name, Amen

March 25, 2023

Lord, the thing that hinders me most-,is the mindset that the battle depends on how eloquent we are in our prayers-, and how much civil service and volunteering we do.. which is a distraction from remaining in your care -,and being in obedience to you-, as that takes so much more effort-, and when I waste my effort in doing the thing I just previously described-.. what I’m doing is worrying.
I really respect those who are so much more studied in remaining on your path mentally-, and spiritually staying focused.. and saying so much more in prayers that are so much more brief. But I guess I have to just accept myself the way I am.. because I know you never will, cause you love me too much to leave me the way I am.
I guess what I’m saying is I don’t really know what to say about california.. I’ve been here all my life since I was 5 years old. Still-,praying as one who has become a foreigner in their own home.. not only by the secular means of it changing from under my feet.. but by me being accepted into the kingdom as one who is no longer of this world.. so Lord I pray that we could stay focused, and I can stay focused, on all the many needs California has,.. because the other thing that constantly hovers over my thinking-, is that it seems like the evil is so much more firmly entrenched here, for so long-,than it is possible to deal with.. but see that is me trying to be in the place of you during your job.. so Lord please help me to stay focused on you-, and pray about what I need to pray about ..I pray that You enlighten people’s minds-, and convict them in their hearts.. that they would have a great sense of guilt about condoning abortion-, and you would honor the prayers of the Patriots and Christians, that are standing in the Gap against evil in this land,..and that you would bring awareness to the people-, of the new candidates that have a conservative mindset-,and are attempting to break into the structure of governance in California,.. and you would.. by miraculous Holy Spirit intervention. eradicate the crime in LA, and convict those in crime to drop to their knees in repentance-, whether it’s in government crime, or, on the street crime. And Lord I lived up to you Governor Newsome that you would terrorize him in his night dreams-,and whisper in his ear-,and convict him of the error of his ways.. as we have prayed so many times before -,..that he would finally give in to your “Hound of Heaven” pursuit of him.
Lord please help the patriots in the trenches not grow weary and give them a witness unto glory.
In Jesus mighty name, Amen

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr
March 25, 2023

Apostle Tarrance is getting married this year to a beautiful young by the name of Joslyn Burke. Praying a successful Marriage.

    March 25, 2023

    Just prayed for a successful marriage and for Holy Spirit presence in your mind’s hearts and souls-, to help you in your life, and raise your family,and guard your Jesus mighty name, Amen

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr
March 25, 2023

Terry Austin Ministries Intl 1615 N Wilcox Ave # 2787 Hollywood CA 90078
We accumulated $ 35,000 in 2022. Believing God for in 2023.

M Lynn Dennehy
March 22, 2023

Lord Jesus, I come to you, begging that we have a governor that honors you and cares about the people. Lord Jesus, we need help. We are desperate in California. This is the largest state in the USA and this governors doing everything to destroy our state. Lord bring about a new election so we can get the right person in there to guide all the Californians.

    August 4, 2023

    OurFather Who Art in heaven, we give You thanks for Being so kind with us Great King, we pray for the true voting ballots are shown in plain sight for the country to see and we pray Send Angels to clean it up for us since we’ve done a mess. I have for years received a ballot of a person that doesn’t live here. Yet, even when I called the State I’m still receiving it in the mail. We pray against the powers they have mocked and weekened us and we pray You Give the power and authority to the right and Just people in California and the whole nation. I pray for good and righteous justice to come to our country and to Israel, we pray for Miraculous speed from Your Compassion. Technically the USA and ISRAEL are Your countries Father. Take back Your countries from harmful people Loving Abba, in Yeshuah’s Name!🇺🇸🛐🔯

Zoraida White
March 3, 2023

My dear fellow Intercessors, let us continue to pray without ceasing for our beautiful state. We know that our struggle is not against our leaders, but against the demonic powers that influence their thinking. The greater the wrongdoings of our state, the greater the grace of our God, for …. “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound”. Rom. 5:20 KJV

Rita Pope
February 28, 2023

Father, I pray for Godly wisdom in the leadership of California. I pray for leaders who will seek you in their decisions to run the state in accordance with the Constitution of the United States and not just their ideas of what’s beneficial for mankind. Stop the corruption in state, county and citywide elections; also in national elections for our nation’s leadership. Guide us and direct us with Thy wisdom and strength to be One Nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

February 20, 2023

Heavenly Father, we need You here in California. Send down Your strong arm to clean up our elections, bring current leaders to their knees in repentance, and save us from the evil in our land!

Candi MacAlpine
February 14, 2023 website
The vision for Pray for California Farms was birthed through a prophetic word that was received by Dr. Candi MacAlpine of Oakhurst, CA on Sept 17, 2021.

This is what she heard:

(About California)

At the end of September while driving to Springville to teach a prophetic training class I sensed the Lord show up in my car and He said “Fruitful valley, fruitful valley, a place where I wanted to manifest my glory in the fruitfulness of the land, but it is like a barren desert with outposts of Kingdom that are evident.” There was silence for several minutes and then He said twice “Agricultural intercession, agricultural intercession, like the 7 mountains intercession but focused on farming and all it’s far reaching businesses, everything that applies. He said “there has been a famine of my Word, a famine of my presence and a famine of faith, now there will be a famine in the land; not so much as biblical times, but a famine none the less; unless the intercessors and the farmers will partner together and begin to pray for every part of farming including animals, (pork, beef, chicken, eggs, honey, etc) packing sheds, trucking, everything that applies, then there will be food for the world and us in the fruitful valley.”

I saw a partnership of farmers, all farmers, connecting with those called to pray for agriculture in California and beyond. We feed a huge percentage of the world and a famine in California would devastate the entire country and beyond. He then told me to contact Shannon Grove, California senator and Apostle Tony Kim. I shared the word with them both and they are in agreement with it. We have set up a website; including shirts and hoodies you can purchase to build a chest of finances to do what every needs funds to accomplish the vision. I am keeping this simple and have already seen how this will confirm to many and are already praying. I am open to whatever the Lord will birth to accomplish His word. The beauty in the word was the Lord started with the goodness and His perspective of the land before telling us there needs to be changes as He states. California is poised for the assignment to bring breakthrough to all of the United States.

– Candi MacAlpine

[email protected]

    Rita Pope
    February 28, 2023

    Thank you for this word, Candi MacAlpine. I’ve been praying for the Lord to restore the farms in California. This is wonderful news. What is the website we can go to to make purchases?

    Nellie McConnell
    April 2, 2023

    Thank God that our government has stopped the sale of our ranches and farm’s to China. They must kick China out of our country. God’s guidance in every country as we don’t want any foreign country to control our government and our citizens. We must quarantine and Back Ground Check every person that wants asylum. Deport and stop Soros from him paying Drug cartels to use caravan people as mules and human trafficking. Praise my God for His faithfulness in every aspect of my life. God Bless America

Sharon Heimann
February 2, 2023

Lord, I pray for The Church in California. From boarder to boarder that we would be Your light in the darkness. That Your manifold wisdom would be made known, be seen and be declared by Your Church to the principalities and powers throughout this state, in every corner, every mountain, every dry place. Open our eyes as we pray Your word so that we will see Your hand moving. I pray that Your Church will humble ourselves and turn to You alone, and You would heal this land that Your eternal purpose wilk be done. I pray for the government of this state to rule with righteous judgment, that ungodly motives be exposed. I pray for mercy for our leaders, for it is Your goodness that draws men to repentance.

February 1, 2023

CA needs prayers and I have been praying for our leaders and the ballot fraud issue. No way that Newsom won the recall. I don’t know one person that voted for him. Prayers for Newsom and God opens the door to all ballot fraud, Prayers for Trump and his team going after fraud and our country being sold our to China. Prayers for the Chinese people who have business as they don’t want Chinese Military taking over our country and stop the invasion of our borders. Thank God every day for His taking care of our country and our freedom of religion. Prayers for the weather and people stuck. Prayers for the family of officers and people killed by criminals. Amen.

January 22, 2023

Lord, surround Newsom with your warriors and angels and kick out every evil spirit in his body and mind that’s controlled by Satan. Prayers for our state, borders, kids every agency trying to stop the violence, abuse and murder of the caravan people. Prayers for BP and Military who are apprehending the drug cartels. Prayers for everyone. I am Blessed to have you guidance and support in my life. Take care of our community. Amen

Angel Lord
January 10, 2023

Abba Father, California is an important state in the USA, I pray for your assigned angel to lead and guide its leaders in all righteousness and holiness. They need your guidance and direction more than ever. They need help to make sound decisions based on biblical principles. Have mercy on any wrong decisions or actions done in the line of duty to their state of California that would negatively impact the people. In Jesus Name I ask, Amen!!

Connie Banuelos
December 17, 2022

Lord I am asking you reveal yourself to Go verner Newsom open up heart and
Mind stand righteousness to do the right in California give him strategy. From heaven. In Jesus mighty name🔥🙏

Patricia Louise Guterez
November 9, 2022

I pray that God Almighty will intervene with Prop 1 and make it a unanimous NO for the killing of the unborn from conception to 28 days after birth. Also that Brian Dahle be appointed as our Governor to represent the best interests of the people of California. Also that Gavin Newsom would turn from serving the enemy of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of Salvation and discover what is greater than power and riches. In Jesus Name Amen

Patricia Guterez
November 9, 2022

I pray that God Almighty will intervene with Prop 1 and make it a unanimous NO for the killing of the unborn from conception to 28 days after birth. Also that Brian Dahle be appointed as our Governor to represent the best interests of the people of California. Also that Gavin Newsom would turn from serving the enemy of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of Salvation and discover what is greater than power and riches. In Jesus Name Amen

    Patricia Guterez
    November 9, 2022

    Dear Jesus, Thank you for the rain here in Tehachapi! (Holy Spirit) This was truly a blessing to our land which was so dry. You are an awesome Savior!!

Herb Johnston
November 7, 2022

Lord, oh Lord so much turmoil for so many years in this great state with such a storied history of Christian rootss.. often we find ourselves in the midst of turmoil- as the battle rages and the enemy loves to have confusion stirred up- but Lord , we turn to you- in Jesus name- praying that out of the chaos- you would create a calm- as you walk with us in the storm, Lord, to use our prayers as a conduit- through which you remove the evil- and reform our mountains of culture in California-that they would be once again guided by the spirit of your son Jesus-, Lord.. returning us to the path of righteousness for your namesake, Lord, and I thank you for all you’ve done for us-,that you will never leave us, nor forsake us-, Lord..and that we will remain at peace- as we strive forward- Ever Catherine Engelbrecht says, ever onward- on the path of righteousness.. to restore election Integrity To Our Land and I thank you for releasing Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips from prison today-, and I thank you for being with us in the battle that we face now- and tomorrow, in the vote.
as we stand against the enemy- we know you are with us Lord- and we thank you for all your provide- In the mighty name of Jesus ,Amen

Sheril Phillips
November 6, 2022

Father God, I cry out to you in the name of Jesus for the state of California. Please remember the prayers of the faithful and all that has happened in the state to bring revival across the nation in the past. Stir up the spirit of repentance and prepare hearts for a great ingathering of souls. Please bring conviction on the hearts of those turned against you, forgive our sins
and bring us into place of love and holiness in your body. Strengthen our hearts and minds in Christ and save California. In Jesus name, Amen
For You alone are worthy of praise and we give you all the glory

Tana Riebe
November 4, 2022

Lord Jesus we call out for our state
We don’t deserve mercy but we pray that you would withhold the darkness, expose the lies and deliver us from evil
May our motto change to We Found Jesus

Lynette Craner
October 31, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for granting us the privilege of living in such a beautiful state.
We pray for our Governor, Lt. Governor and other state official that you will bless them. We pray that they would be guided to turn away from unwise, or ineffective governance. We pray that you would replace those who are making dishonest or evil decisions with honorable and wise men and women. We pray for this coming election that it would be completely honest and transparent. We pray that all evil actions will be met with significant consequences . We pray that men and women of faith regardless of party would be people of integrity., work together when possible and that all lawbreaking will be exposed. We pray for effective responses to the mental health and addiction crisis. We pray that all individuals who are currently camping on public property will be incarcerated or hospitalized. We pray for more effective treatments for mental illness. But we pray that the general public will be able to live in safety and peace. We pray for our police officers to have the resources and leadership they need. We pray for honest, transparent and responsible leadership of the schools. We pray that every school district would be responsive to the needs of the parents. We pray that children will be able to grow up and learn their values from their parents. We pray for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We pray for this coming election that the candidates who are best for our state will prevail. In Jesus name. Amen.

Lila Tam
September 30, 2022

Father, I come to you today to pray that you act upon Governor Newsom to remove abortion from his mind, and I pray that he will do according to Your Word. Newsom’s message to bring women from outside California to California to have their fetus’s aborted is horrid. You must bring California to return to Christian standards. I once believed that California could become “good” because it contained many good Christians. It is in beautiful California that I repented from sin. I pray to you and believe you will make California beautiful, compassionate, and God glorified just the way You want it. I pray in Glorious Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!

Vasantha Coker
September 28, 2022

Father I plead with you fir our State and for the leaders that are chosen by you and are struggling amongst so much opposition against all that you have created us for! May they all have your wisdom and covered by the mighty army from heaven to stand for what your hearts desires are and bring this State to become all that your heart desires for – your people here in this State Father! In Jesus name I ask this!

Herb Johnston
September 1, 2022

Lord, I pray you will continue to help us stand strong in being conduits through which we sense your Holy Spirit girding our loins and strengthening our backs and encouraging our minds hearts and souls- tonnot grow weary in the battle,..Lord, I continue Lord to beseech You, to remove abortion from even the minds of anyone in the legislature- or any of the capital offices in California- to strike them with shame and Guilt in the evenings in their dreams.. Lord, that they would wake up changed knowing the power of your presence Lord,..and ultimately Knowing Your Love in changing them like you change the course of a river.. Lord, that they would turn from Evil and do good.. lifting up to you Gavin Newsome, Elena kunalakis, Rob Bonta, Secretary of State ..Shirley Weber ..that’s right, – Lord-,Pelosi,..Padilla, Feinstein- Garcetti, in LA-,Ferrara in LA the health officer ..and the worst of alll.. district attorney Gascon.
Lord let them be overwhelmed with your presence and let our prayers be the conduit through which you move Lord.. I keep thinking of the bowls of prayers that rise, as incense to you, Lord.. in Revelation. Let them rise Lord and do the work of changing the hearts and minds of these people Lird-, that sanity and goodness and your goodness will return to California.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

MariAnne Spearman
August 9, 2022

Heavenly Father,
You alone know the depth and width of our needs in California. I praise You for Your wisdom and Your magnificent grace. Please save California. I pray for healing and for wholeness over California. Holy Spirit come and start revival here in Fresno County. We need You. In the name of Jesus I declare California a Godly state. I declare abortion will no longer be tolerated here. I declare all evil is swept away and we have a clean slate of Godly representatives and a Godly governor. I pray this in Jesus’ precious name. Amen!

Cheri Risch
August 4, 2022

Lord, we pray for each one of the Supreme Court Justices: You are their refuge & strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Guard their hearts & minds with Your truth & may You strengthen Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett, & Alito to stand boldly for LIFE & the Constitution!

Richard Freeman
August 1, 2022

Father God, we thank you for 2 Chronicles 7:14 that your best for your children your called out ones is to give a hope and a future so we Declare n Decree Unity over your body, by opening the eyes of our understanding by removing our eyes off ourselves and our physical circumstances and placing them on your The Author and Finisher of our Faith, your Kingdom Come, your will be done in California as it is in Heaven. Righteousness and Justice is the foundation of your Throne and we thank you for your Prophets and your Word that Declare that the latter rain and your Glory is Coming to California and the Greatest Revival is still to Come according to your promises in Malachi 4:6 n Joel 2:28 as it’s in Jesus Name we Agree with what you already have Promised

Frank Perry
August 1, 2022

Please God we pray that you will provide water and bless our farmers and ranchers threw out the state of California and our country. Please put a stop to all the unnecessary overpasses that this high speed rail authority and the conversation of property they are doing.a desalination plant built on the coast of California is what we need not a high speed rail. Thank You Heavenly Farther amen.

Kim Newell
June 22, 2022

Heavenly Father, I pray for the legislators of the state of California as the wording of AB 2223 “Reproductive Rights” continues to be modified through senate hearings to open the door to unimaginable acts against the lives of the most innocent. Bring dreams and visions to Buffy Wicks, the author of this bill, revealing to her the sin of her ways. Make this bill be withdrawn from the books forever. In the name of your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Herb Johnston
June 22, 2022

Lord, Lord I pray that you would make Justice equal across the landscape of decisions in California Lord. Thank you that over 200 abortion centers , are already closing-.. and thank you that they indicted the criminal who attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh. Lauren please allow justice to be served-, that that attempted assassin would be convicted.
But Lord let us follow through that other equally unjust laws will not be allowed to come through-, as though some sort of an unjust balance like this new abortion attempt to make it a constitutional rights in California which is SCA 10-, is is somehow an allowed retribution ..Lord we know that the enemy will not rest and there will be an onslaught of retribution, Lord.. however I come against this now in Jesus Name .. and that private citizens and their property..just warriors who are standing against evil- should be protected, Lord, and I pray you would protect them by your guardian angels- that violent protesters would not be able to even be heard or come even close to anyone’s property, Lord.. much less their families… Lord be their protector.. please Lord do not let the children of the justices be the sacrifice for their families in any way let Hell be put on notice -,Lord… that they will be put to flight by your power through your valliant prayer warriors, and through Godly legislators that are coming into your Army in California -,Lord.
In Jesus name-, amen

Herb Johnston
June 22, 2022

Lord, Lord I pray that you would make Justice equal across the landscape of decisions in California Lord. Thank you that over 200 abortion centers , are already closing-.. and thank you that they indicted the criminal who attempted to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh. Lauren please allow justice to be served-, that that attempted assassin would be convicted.
But Lord let us follow through that other equally unjust laws will not be allowed to come through-, as though some sort of an unjust balance like this new abortion attempt to make it a constitutional rights in California which is SCA 10-, is is somehow an allowed retribution ..Lord we know that the enemy will not rest and there will be an onslaught of retribution, Lord.. however I come against this now in Jesus Name .. and that private citizens and their property..just warriors who are standing against evil- should be protected, Lord, and I pray you would protect them by your guardian angels- that violent protesters would not be able to even be heard or come even close to anyone’s property, Lord.. much less their families… Lord be their protector.. please Lord do not let the children of the justices be the sacrifice for their families in any way let Hell be put on notice -,Lord… that they will be put to flight by your power through your valliant prayer warriors, and through Godly legislators that are coming into your Army in California -,Lord.
In Jesus name-, amen

Dina Koehly
June 13, 2022

Dear Lord,
Please block SB 866 from passing. Please protect our children and hear our prayers.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Apostle Andrew Barraza
June 1, 2022

Prayers for youth in Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Bakersfield, Kern county, Fresno County, Tulare County, Kings County, that the Spirit revival, salvation, healing, deliverance would occur in “greater measure” Acts 2:47

Herb Johnston
May 23, 2022

Lord, I pray that as we are pressing in.. in prayer for Newsome-,and other legislators- like Pelosi,Padilla, and Feinstein, and Garcetti,and Barbara Herrera, and especially La district attorney gascon-, that our efforts in our own reaching out to You-, would be remembered- Lord -as we know you always remember us, and I pray you would remember California you have said in your word how many people you remember..and how you remembered Israel,Lord ..because although we are making progress.. and I am very grateful for that ..we have a long battle ahead of this- unless Lord you intervene supernaturally, because you are El-roi-the God who sees us.. and Lord I pray that your intervention.. Lord- would turn the hearts of these legislators from Evil to good- that our land would be healed ..and they would see the error of their ways …that Lord babies would be saved alive- and human life would be dignified.. and honored as well.. Lord and I thank you for this opportunity to come before you- and I pray and believe and thank you that you will have mercy on us ..Lord,.. in the mighty name of Jesus ..Amen

patricia holman
May 23, 2022

Praying for voters to remove the state from all current left wing politicians in a landslide due to obvious things they now see are hurting them personally such as higher gas than most of the country, illegals etc.

Helena Holloway
May 23, 2022

Praying God will remove the wicked from seats of authority


Pray For California Leaders

Alex Padilla (D)
Senator (California)
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Gavin Newsom (D)
Governor (California)
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Eleni Kounalakis (D)
Lt. Governor (California)
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Rob Bonta (D)
Attorney General (California)
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Shirley Weber (D)
Secretary of State (California)
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Laphonza Butler (D)
Senator (California)
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