State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 12:30 PM MT
(605) 313-5966
Access Code: 4931475
State Motto:
Nil sine numine, translated "Nothing without the Deity"

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The security breach is criminal. It is treason. Jena Griswold is current Secretary of State of Colorado and left the passwords for are states voting machines for all to use. We have no faith in the results from Colorado. The full ballot needs re voted. It can not be certified.
In Jesus name amen
God Bless Colorado. May all of our Republican and Godly votes count. I pray for any of the machines to fail if they are corrupt and for every person working the polls to be honest and truthful and for every person voting to vote for Godly matters. Please lift up Colorado and make Colorado Red Again. I also pray Justice to occur to all of the corruption that is in our state. The Secretary State needs to be accounted for her deeds of eaking passwords. An eye for an eye. They jailed Peter’s, this isn’t the first time Soros girl Griswold got caught doing something dumb or corrupt. GOD BLESS COLORADO AND OUR BABIES AS WELL!!!!
I pray nothing would be hidden from you. That you would reveal any dishonesty, secrecy, or lack of integrity in these elections. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
Dear Father in Heaven,
Look down on us & give us your wisdom as we vote for our leaders. Place those in office who are honest, trustworthy, & accountable to you. Lead them not into temptation, & deliver them from evil.
May your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen.
We ask, our Lord, to keep Colorado’s election clean and true. I believe the vast majority of our state is conservative and our primaries and elections have been hijacked. Please cause all election corruption to be exposed and allow us, Lord, to have our voice to be heard and our choice of leaders truly shown. Cause those who have been able to steal our votes from us to no longer be able to do so, even with this problem of not signing our actual ballot, which is a real issue in potential for fraud. Have mercy on your people in this way. Shine on it all Lord, so it becomes undeniable and our elections are true! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
I felt the Lord saying the Israelies will find more underground military than is known now. This as will accelerate the oncoming Raha invasion and extend the war zone.
All affecting u a..
Is everyone nudging All those you know to support. Catherine and True the Vote and VOTE YOURSELF
Father, I praise You for Your faithfulness. I Praise and thank You for the Victories in defeating the enemy in Colorado in 2023. You are so so good. I lift up the leadership in the state. You know the hearts of men, You also show in your word that it is not your will that any man should parish. I pray that you would search the hearts and reveal to the souls Your righteousness. Give the leadership for this state to do what is pleasing in your sight. Protect and restore this state. I ask in Your Holy name. Jesus name above all names. Amen
Lord I pray for this beautiful state of Colorado that your light will shine in every representative, so that the laws they make will be in accordance to your law.
We bind the spirit of abortion that rules in this state , of drugs , homeless ness and that the people will search you to find the real Truth that can only be found in JesusChrist.
Father, I claim Colorado for the Kingdom of God in Jesus’ Name. Jesus shine your light in every community in the state, flood into those places like a river, make them Your own. Send your mighty warring angels there too to bind any and all demons driving the people. Amen.
Lord, I thank You that You have not abandoned America. You have removed Your hand of blessing and You are righteous in doing so. I am a sinner in a nation of sinners. America has turned its back on You and we have embraced evil practices. Forgive me and forgive America and the American people. I pray Your people would embrace and practice 2 Chronicles 7:14; “that we who are called by Your name will humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven, will forgive our sin and heal our land.”
Lord, I pray You will awaken the sleeping church, awaken the pastors and awaken the people that they would enter the battle for the soul of America. Borrowing from Dutch Sheets post today; Awaken Your people and silence Your enemies. Raise up revivalists and reformers. Raise up and anoint Your new breed of warriors that You have reserved for this day; warriors who have not bowed to Baal, mammon or religious impotence’ who will have the countenance of David and will not flinch in the face of evil decrees. Send revival fire which will spin as a tornado through regions. Send fire Lord, that will fill Your remanent warriors with Your message, Your passion, Your presence. Bring forth Your spirit of a new Pentecost that anoints and commissions Your warriors with Your power.
Holy Spirit descent over Loveland, CO and cover the city with Your spirit. By the authority You have given me as Your representative on Your city council, I decree that evil of witchcraft with the spells, the curses the charms will NOT prevail in Loveland nor have access to council chambers. I decree that by the authority of Jesus Christ any who practice witchcraft will be bound and silenced, that spells and curses would be of no effect and they would be mute in the presence of Your council. Anoint Your council to prevail against the forces of darkness in this city and be the salt and light You have charged us to be.
Lord, I pray that you would continue to raise up men and women to infiltrate the seven mountains of influence – government, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, family and religion. Lord, I pray for workers, prayer warriors to invade each mountain and fight to recover each mountain in the name of the Lord. Satan might be god of this world, but You have reclaimed the title deed to the earth and at a time of Your choosing You will evict the squatters occupying this world – satan and his angels of darkness.
Lord, raise up Christian men and women to replace elected officials at all levels of government who oppose you and promote wickedness, deceit and the abuse of the children by a perverse education system. Lord, You honor and love the children. Send your angel army to assist parents and grandparents in their battle against a corrupt education system.
I pray in the name of Jesus. Almighty, Exalted, and Holy God, we pray that Colorado becomes a God-fearing state and follows the Holy Bible as it is written (and not as we would rather want it to say). We pray that every government worker from the top down makes God their first love and that they belong in Jesus Christ as their Savior. That if they do believe in Jesus Christ, that they only do what the Bible says and that they live their lives in such a manner. That every source of evil and wrongdoing is stopped in our state. That we get back to Biblical principles. That we do not do things for political correctness or tolerance, but do what is right and that aligns 100% with the Bible. That every Christian is stirred to pray nonstop for Colorado and the US until we become a God-fearing, Bible following nation again of In God We Trust. That we do the right thing (which aligns with the Bible and will of God), which is oftentimes the hard thing, and live the narrow gate faith. That we take a stand in His name and do not back down for any reason. That we pray about everything and do so without stopping, thank Him about everything, and meditate on the Bible day and night. We pray this for every government worker and for every individual in Colorado. Come, Jesus.
Lord God Open the eyes of the blind to the sin that encompasses them.
Give them the courage to go against that which seems right to a man but is not from you LORD GOD. PTL In the name of Jesus the Christ bb
Please be praying for Colorado. God has opened a door in Colorado with Banners4Freedom. We Need to raise 19K for the billboards.
Denver police dept. Has formed a Special Task Force to address the fentanyl crisis in this city. Can we be diligent in surrounding them with the W ord and Angelic host.
A health care worker told me her 15 and 22 yr old are encountering more and more who are using mushrooms for their high..
An acquaintance is facing homelessness. His insulin cost are now more than his total Social Security.
Meanwhile, a high-school chemistry student has made insulin for $10.00. Same product.
Jack and Debbie Phillips have been sued repeatedly. Can we come against that Stronghold..
It was -4 this morning. Heavy on my mind and heart were the 14 000 homeless here. There are 75% Special Needs people in thi a group. Those in wheel chairs. The emotionally and mentally ill as well as terminal illness. There are those with low IQ and those whose medicine like Insulin costs ore than their Social Security benefits.
May we see the stony hearts who say : not my problem.: turned to the Savior. Amen
Dearest Heavenly Father, I lift up Michael Bennet, a senator for the state of Colorado. I pray you would give Michael divine wisdom. I pray that Michael would seek you before making decisions that impact the people of Colorado. I pray that you send born-again Christians to work with senator Bennett and give him wise council. I ask all of this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Yahweh, Lord of all creation, King of kings and Lord of lords, one true living God. There is none beside you. Thank you for the privilege to intercede for those in desperate need of your grace and mercy, especially for our Colorado leaders…NOW.
We pray against the powers of darkness who have built up strongholds in the hearts and minds of these men and women who have been blinded by the enemy. And we pray for the removal of any who in positions of authority who have overtly chosen to reject You from their positions and that You would replace them in whatever way you would choose to. We ask that you would speak to ANY and ALL leaders, at every level of government in our state, in every ward, city, county, district… in the Voice of the One that cannot be dismissed, that they would know the Truth and that they would be set free from the enemy and turn from their wicked ways.
We humbly ask these things in the matchless name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen…and Amen
Colorado is called God’s country, & we declare it so. This land and all its inhabitants belong to You, O God. Arise in the midst of us and scatter our enemies, for they are Your enemies! O Mighty Jehovah, who can stand against You? You are the righteous Judge and Your precepts reign supreme! So, hear our cry for justice and quickly come to our rescue. We are poor, wretched and needy; this enemy is too strong for us. The spirit of witchcraft, blinding through power/control and divination, has infiltrated even our houses of worship to You. We need a deep cleansing in Holy Spirit fire. Forgive us for our sins of apathy and ignorance. Burn away the chaff from among us. Cause us to be more aware of Your ways, uniting our hearts with Your will, that we may not sin against You. We depend on You, O Lord Jesus. Save us, now, by Your mighty right hand! Save us, now!
Father, we pray for our nation and the world we inhabit. Strengthen us in our intercession, Lord, and empower other believers across the world to join us in prayer.
I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise will be ever in my mouth. The Holy Spirit is forever presence two or three are together in the midst of my Name The Word of God is the most Powerful thing that exists, Period! All Creation was spoken into being.? ? Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess before My father which is heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before My father which is in heaven. (Matthew (10:32-33). “For with the heart man believe unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.’ (Rom.10:10). Amen. Glory to God!
Abba Father, you are the Great I Am. I join in prayer with others in Colorado to convict leaders who do not follow you as their Deity. Bring faithful bold leaders to light and protect our election process in the state. Remove the veil of deceit with those who do not follow you and lead with evil intentions. Praying against evil decisions made around abortion in this state and guide those in government who are speaking truth with moral conviction. Remove the teachers and administration who seek to destroy young innocent lives through masks, CRT and gender orientation. Lord, we need you and lay these and any unspoken requests before You, our Almighty Savior and Redeemer. We decree a victorious spiritual battle and are grateful for your grace.
Dearest Lord, remove all the teachers that are pushing transgender on our little kids! Wise up the parents to shout and scream until they fire all responsible! Clean up our schools and then remove all communist from our government! We were a red state before these people from California came and I pray they be put to the test until they leave Colorado!!!! I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.
I pray for Gods supernatural wisdom and discernment to be washed over every leader in Colorado. Our state has enormous challenges with the rise in crime and the deteriorating of our conservative values that we hold near and dear to our hearts and election integrity. I pray Lord Jesus you will touch their hearts and change their minds on the most important issue in America today stopping abortions in every state. What man cannot do Abba, Father can and this absolutely is His will for every state in America. Amen
Lord Heavenly Father,
As the darkness appears to spread, help us be the light to shine in that murky darkness. Colorado needs you Lord, and please forgive us as we have gone our own way in so many areas. I pray for our children, both the unborn, and the older ones. The enemy is trying to seek, kill and destroy and I pray life, health, protection, and Jesus love over them all.
In Jesus name, Amen
We see the corruption that has been allowed to creep into, and start taking over, our beloved state. You have blessed us with so much majesty and beauty in this state, we ask You to help us clean out the ugliness. Lord, we pray that all the corruption that has snuck into our state capital be removed, in Jesus name, and that all the election fraud in this state be revealed. We repent for allowing the abortion laws in this state to come to the point of infanticide, and we pray that You will help us overcome that evil. We pray that both Jared Polis and Jena Griswold lose their bids for reelection and that they be replaced by state leaders that honor You.
Thank you, Lord, for those that are faithful, and we pray that You continue to raise up faithful people that will honor You.
Lord we ask that every leader in Colorado bump into Your Son Jesus in a major way. That their eyes would be opened to Your love and they would have a heart for You. Please save us from ourselves, our wicked ways and anything that does not bring Glory to Your Great Name! This nation was built on the fact that You are our only hope and nothing good is accomplished without putting our trust in You. Please help us find that faith again! Draw us back to You! In Jesus Name
Oh, Lord, You are to be feared above all. The hearts of all leaders are in Your hands. Let there be a change of heart in state leaders who voted for this evil recent Colorado abortion law. May it be removed. In Yashua’s Name.
Heavenly Father, we pray for thorough “election integrity”. Thank You that You are in the process of EXPOSING, PURGING and CLEANSING here in Colorado, here in the US and all over the world — that Your DEVINE LAW is performing it’s perfect work. You know the end from the beginning and You have called Your people to be salt & light everywhere they go in all Your amazing creativity.
Raise up the righteous in positions of authority everywhere!
Lord And King Jesus Christ, we bless you and worship you, we pay for your intervention in Colirado, to change the hearts of people back to you and the ways of righteousness, we pray your kingdom come, and light be in Colorado we ask arrows of the Lord delivarence for our sons and daughters from the womb to highst colleges, deliver them from evil man, from the evil one, undo unrighteous laws agaist their lives, agains what is teach i. Schools that does not align with you, I ask for your i tervention, that every knee will bow dow and worship you, in Jesus name, may you be enthrone and nothing be without your providence ( divine oresence ) thank you King Jesus, we enforce the cross of calvary where you display your victory by dying for us cleansing us and rediming us to our heavenly father, redim this land we pray cover our sons and daughters with your precios blood, forgive us for our apaty for being asleep and didn’t even realuze we were loosing territory, but no more we will pissess the inheritance you ha e given us. Be enthrone in Colorado. In every heart may we experience your kingdom come. Your shalom and unity in this State in your Holy name, I also pray your proteccion for Godly and righteos man and women in goverment, and cry out for mercy and delivarence for those against you, n ay tgey come to you quickly. Amen
My Lord and Saviour….In the name of Jesus we ask for your hand upon the State of Colorado and all their leaders. Open their eyes to truth. We pray against all the evil agendas they have passed and those that haven’t. We pray for leaders who serve you and stand for truth, liberty and justice. May God Bless Colorado and America!
Dear Heavenly Father open the eyes of the leaders in Colorado to see the senseless abortion laws in the state. Murder of the unborn is just that .