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State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 1:00 PM CT and Thursdays at 7:00 PM CT
(520) 537-5273
Access Code: N/A
State Leader(s): MaryJo Coleman
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Tony Evers
Capital: Madison
IFA Intercessors: Join us to pray for biblical issues and elections in Wisconsin!
State Motto:

Lift this state up before the Lord. Pray for biblical legislation and godly governance. Pray for the leaders from local officials to state officials. Pray that God’s purposes would be fulfilled in this state, on earth as it is in heaven! (Mt 6:10) Pray that believers would be engaged in bringing kingdom values into government and that they would exercise their duty participate civically to uphold biblical values.

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Submitted Prayers For Wisconsin

Christine Bykowski
April 1, 2024

Praying for Senator Ron Johnson that he is able to remain strong in his convictions and stand up for the truth. Praying for our governor that he would be convicted in areas of truth for our state and that the Lord would use him in a mighty way.

Mary Oyen
February 28, 2024

Stop the wind turbines and solar panels on farmland they are NOT efficient and are actually wrecking the environment. The Public Service Commission was created to be a rubber stamp for the power companies and unconstitutionally took power away from the people/local communities/government. Pray for an immediate moretoreum and exposure of the corruption and lies.

Joseph Spence Sr
January 5, 2024

Gracious Father, we pray for our leaders and your guidance to them. Keep them safe from all harm and danger. Protect their family members and loved ones from contrary actions of the devil. I pray they will be great leaders and blessed in Your name always!

Joseph Spence Sr
January 5, 2024

Gracious Father, we pray for our leaders and for your guidance to them. Keep them safe from all harm and danger. Protect their family membners and lobed ones from contrary actions of the devil. I pray the will be great leaders and blessed in Your name always!

Bradley Henderson
December 12, 2023

That many will people in the stateline area will turn to the Lord Jesus and believe on Him.

George Leaf
December 3, 2023

Father God Almighty, in Jesus name be glorified by the hearts of your servants to pray. Guide them in intercession, supplication, and caring for the lost, stollen, and stray sheep of your kingdom. Give Holy Spirit guidance to the intercessors hearts, lift them,enlighten them, empower them to break the chains of bondage and corruption in the world around them. Thy Kingdom come upon Wisconsin, Thy will oh God be done in the state known as Wisconsin. Amen and Amen

George Leaf
October 29, 2023

Father I raise my prayer for the state of my birth and youth. As the evangalists moved through the state as the migrant workers harvested our crops, send workers into the fields sowing revival seeds throughout the lands of Wisconsin. Prepare the ground for a crop of salvations beyond mans wildest expectations. For Lamb of God you shed your blood that all might be saved. All is All. Let not one be lost. Amen Amen

emma Stoll
August 12, 2023

Lord, as your word says in 2 Samuel 23:3, give us leaders in this state and in our nation that are just, ruling in the fear of God! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Nancy Gonzalez
June 3, 2023

Heavenly Father, my prayer is that each individual that has been appointed to office lead the state with dignity and good morals upright and just.
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

Kris Kubal
April 17, 2023

IFA State leaders report that Sean Feucht will be in Madison at the Capitol on May 5th at 5:00 pm for a time of worshipping and praising the Lord. We pray believers from all across WI will gather in support and he and team will have great favor.

Mary Jo Coleman
April 14, 2023

Thank You for Your protection in this beloved state – it is a beautiful place and full of prosperity! LORD, we have lost our godly moorings and desperately need a touch of Your presence. We present this state to You and ask that You would forgive our iniquities and heal our land. Bring Revival, King Jesus! We pray You would look favorably on our Madison Capital building hosting “National Day of Prayer” on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at Noon on the steps. The theme is James 5:16b Pray fervently in righteousness and avail much. LORD we also ask for favor on our prayer gathering in Room NW 328 on Friday, May 5 at Noon. May many that live here gather in unity! Lifting Your name in worship and praise, and agreeing in prayer for our land! We look forward to these gatherings to give You the Glory You so richly deserve. All are welcome!

Nancy Gonzalez
February 25, 2023

May the anointing of the holy Spirit spread across this state
and bring revival. We need it!!

February 20, 2023

Father, please hear our prayers, remember our fasts, and loosen your spirit upon us. Save my loved ones, my enemies, my community, my county, my state. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Ruth Myers
October 12, 2022

Father God, I thank You for giving us the joy of praying and being given the right and privilege to come boldly before the throne of Your grace. I thank You Father God that You are a God of Justice. You love Justice and righteousness.
I pray that we have elected officials who are honorable to You, who honor Your laws, who care about and value their constituents and use wisdom and courage in serving the people.
I pray protection over them, their family and their staff Father.
Expand their faith. Expand their territory.
In Jesus’ name.

MaryJo Coleman
July 29, 2022

King Jesus, we submit to your leading re: so many issues! Please continue to uncover all fraud and evil intent of our current administration whether it’s in the state of Wisconsin, or on the federal level. Lord please push back with your angelic forces all demonic agendas! Lord we look for light in the darkness God, and we implore you to release your powerful grace and mercy over our government. Thank you Father that you desire truth and integrity in every aspect of our society, including our schools and communities. You are so worthy! Let Your LIGHT shine among all!

Corinne Wartenweiler
June 30, 2022

We acknowledge our dependence on You, Almighty God. We ask your blessing on us, on our children, on our leaders and on our State. My plea today is simple:
Bring back prayer to public schools. Start in Wisconsin. We are desperate for you.
In Jesus mighty name.

Gloria Halbach
June 14, 2022

Dear Lord, protect and continue to guide Ron Johnson from the evil that is constantly around him in Washington DC and around the nation. We are forever thanking you for putting him in this position, he is a light in the darkness. God Bless him abundantly! Amen.

MaryJo Coleman
June 12, 2022

Lord You only know the depth of sin that goes on both on a federal level as well as in our state. We repent and renounce every form of wickedness! Lord please help us take back our families and communities because that’s where it all starts. May parents have genuine sincere hearts towards righteousness for their family, schools and community. God please wash afresh your love over Your towns of Wisconsin. We thank you that Your love is enough to change evil to good. Amen.

Lori Beil
June 8, 2022

Please pray for the students and teachers in our state.

I recently found out there are 10 students (next Years Seniors) in our small town that don’t know if they are boys or girls. Please pray for them to see who God designed them to be and be saved. Also, please pray for the teacher who is leading the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club. Pray that she would have dreams and visions that would touch her to the core and stop her from leading these young people astray and that if she will not stop, God would remove her from this position of influence.
Praying for Revival in our State,


Pray For Wisconsin Leaders

Tammy Baldwin (D)
Senator (Wisconsin)
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Ron Johnson (R)
Senator (Wisconsin)
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285 have submitted prayers
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Tony Evers (D)
Governor (Wisconsin)
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49 have submitted prayers
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Josh Kaul (D)
Attorney General (Wisconsin)
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7 have submitted prayers
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Doug LaFollette (D)
Secretary of State (Wisconsin)
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8 have submitted prayers
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Sara Rodriguez (D)
Lt. Governor (Wisconsin)
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5 have submitted prayers
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