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State Prayer Call:
2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month at 7:00 PM CT
(667) 770-1894
Access Code: 5134580
State Leader(s): Ron and Rina Mendenhall
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: Kevin Stitt
Capital: Oklahoma City
State Motto:
Labor omnia vincit, translated "Hard work conquers all things"

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Submitted Prayers For Oklahoma

marie norris
February 5, 2024

Father in heaven I pray for the state of Oklahoma today. When I think of this state a the tune pops into my head from Greenacres. I start to sing “Oklahoma is the place to be..” Father’s I am reminded of your people in Psalm 106. I pray that these people would remember Your wondrous works and not forget Your great mercies in the wilderness. Let’s us not forget and murmur against You. I ask that we would be like Moses and stand in the breach for you beloved. We have sinned as our fathers and commited iniquities, we have done wickedly. O Lord forgive us so we do not provoke Your anger. Save us from the hand of our enemies. May we Sing Save us O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name to triumph in thy praise. Blessed be the Lord of Israel from everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the Lord. On The mighty name of Jesus our Redeemer

Nancy Nelson
June 17, 2023

Father God, there is no one & nothing above You so we ask You to confuse the wicked & confound their speech! Throw the wicked into confusion before Your people. And, turn the wicked against each other so that there is no leader & there is a battle among the wicked as to who will lead them. Father, we pray that Oklahoma will be full of her people praying against this vile, evil, wretched demonic spirit & will be worshipping The One True God! We request all of this in the mighty name of Jesus The Messiah! Amen!

Karen Cruise
April 27, 2023

Dear Lord God,
We come into agreement with the prayers today aimed at those who follow Satan. We decree that we who are born free in the state of Oklahoma will not, and cannot, compromise our love for You, by staying silent. We will call out to You to bring our sons and daughters from afar. So many have drifted away from the safety of the fold because we remained silent when ‘the arts’ introduced the need to educate our most valuable resource in the ways of darkness. Today, I declare a turning back. Revival come in waves of grace over our children and grandchildren. Holy boldness, as in Elijah’s day, visit our state. We ask for a harvest of those once sold to the slavery of Satan worship, in any form to be set free. Make their voices heard to their peers, so that a multiplied harvest is realized in our beautiful state of Oklahoma, and from sea to shining sea. Give them favor with God and man, in Jesus’s mighty name. AMEN

Suzanne Russell
April 12, 2023

Father God, I ask it in the name of Jesus your son, that you would move and work in the lives of our state and each and every one of the public servants that work to make our state what it should be for the good of the people and for their protection. I pray that you would give them divine wisdom and knowledge to do the best job that they can. Protect them from evil influences and deception. Guide their hands and minds as they craft policies for the good of the people. Protect them and their families and bless them as they give of themselves. Amen.

Sheila Johnson
April 1, 2023

Father God please protect President Trump in his indictment. May you swipe all the demons off the face of this earth so that they will not be able to touch or persecute him again. We know that you are in control and you are about to end this injustice. Father God we praise you because we know that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I also pray for all the leaders in Washington to stand up to Mr. Alvin Bragg and not let this stand. I thank you because your will is already being done. In Jesus Holy name I pray this Amen!

Vicki Rowland
February 9, 2023

Almighty God, please hear our cries for our precious children and youth. Move in the hearts of our legislators to vote Yes unanimously for the 3 Senate bills and House bill written to protect children from hormone blockers and mutilation of their bodies and to keep these acts from being funded by our state. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”(Matt. 18:6)

Vicki Rowland
February 7, 2023

Omnipotent Father, I lift up our godly men and women legislators that You would continue to endow them with courage, boldness and fortitude, especially today as this day is declared “Trans-Day”. Father, You know the bill that is being introduced today to protect our vulnerable children from the gender transition agenda. Amplify their voices Father. And may there be no exhibition of hateful rhetoric or abusive words spoken. Give Your divine wisdom, holy boldness and compassion to all believers who will choose to stand in the gap for our children. And may Governor Stitt be allowed to deliver his State of the State address without an angry mob hurling verbal slurs. May Your name be exalted and may this be an evangelistic opportunity to share the love of Jesus. In His name I pray.

Nancy Nelson
October 22, 2022

Father God, You alone know the plans & purposes You have for the state of Oklahoma but You are sharing Your plans through the multitude of Your children in this wonderful state & many of Your children are aligning ourselves with You & Your plans & purposes for “such a time as this!” We ask You to surround with favor in the upcoming election, each of the men & women You have chosen to be leaders in every community, city, county & the state. Because of the blood, the power, the word & the authority of Jesus the Messiah we bind EVERY spiritual force of darkness that would try to sway the election & we send confusion into the ranks of the evil one/s & speak confusion to their assignments & schemes. Father, we pray for a great spiritual reformation to begin to take place here in Oklahoma, starting in the educational systems & permeating every person/area connected to the educational institutions. Because of Jesus’ victory over death, hell & the grave, I ask You to release Your mighty Spirit to bring life & freedom to the state of Oklahoma! And I ask that You open the eyes, ears, hearts & remove the veil covering the minds of EACH person in the State of Oklahoma, so they could not only hear (& receive) The Truth, but would be set free by The Truth! We call upon the warring angels of heaven to be appointed at every entrance to the state & turn back ALL the forces of darkness that would try to enter by ANY means. And we pray for strength, power, peace for ALL our elected officials who are trying to honor You, Almighty God, in their service in/to the state & we pray for protection over them, their families, businesses, & employees. In the mighty name of Yeshua Hamashiach we align ourselves with You & Your great plans for the State of Oklahoma! Let it rain, Father God…spiritual & physical rain! Open the floodgates of heaven & let it rain throughout the entire state of Oklahoma! Thank You & You deserve ALL the praise & glory & honor now & forevermore!

Patsy Behney
September 6, 2022

Father I pray a hedge of protection in the Blood of Jesus around our Oklahoma State Representatives. I pray for James Lankford, Jim Inhofe, Kevin Stitt, Matt Pinnell, John Conner & Brian Bingman. I pray for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to be strengthened and that they will have tender love for all of Oklahomans. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Pam Junkersfeld
August 6, 2022

Father thank you for Oklahoma! Thank you for our being a part of the ‘Bible Belt’. Thank you for Your Word. I praise and thank you for this day! Father, I’m not sure if All the Hollywood filming in our state is for good or not. But You know. I see the hurtful words that the Gov of Calif says about our state in telling the film makers to leave here due to our conservative values not as Californias values. Thank you Father for our values and that we attempt to follow Your Word. If this industry is good for Oklahoma I pray you open all the doors and let us prosper and influence. But if it is detriment to our state I pray You close all doors for You Father know what is Good for our state! Thank You for being a loving caring father. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Patty Vogel
July 19, 2022

Lord we cry out to you for rain. Use this heat wave to cause people to cry out to you. As we humble ourselves before you and repent of our sin and for not standing up for what is right, forgive us Lord. Show the world there is a God in heaven who hears our cry and turn your face upon us. Send your rains to water Oklahoma and when people hear what You have done, let them cry out for their state as well. Send revival to our cities and heal our land.

Terri Palmer
June 26, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you the victory against Roe vs Wade and the promise of more to come to turn our great Nation around. Dear God I humbly offer myself for whatever work you need me for in our fight against the Devil and his attempt to invade our Government. Please cover me with the Holy Spirit and guide me where you need me. Thank you Jesus for leading me to Cornerstone and the welcome I felt from day one, I feel your spirit moving and want to be a part of it . I love you God Amen

David Unsell
June 25, 2022

Lord, we thank You for being with us. We thank You that we no longer see abortion as a constitutional right. We continue to ask for Your grace and forgiveness. We ask for Your judgement to be tempered by Your grace. Lord, our nation is in turmoil, but that has not surprised You. You have a plan to heal this nation. We ask, Holy Spirit, that You speak to us and show us each step to take and tell us what words to speak. You have a plan. You knew this time would come. May we be attentive and obedient to Your Word.

Carol Unsell
June 18, 2022

Lord Jesus, thank You for blessing us with a “sanctuary” state for truly it was established as a sanctuary for First Nation’s people, the home of the red man. Forgive us, Your church, for the way we have treated the First Nation’s people. We have stolen the land given to them; we have murdered them in order to steal their mineral rights, and we have placed people over them to “manage” their finances then denied them adequate food and medical care. Forgive us Father, for we have sinned, and restore this state to be a sanctuary state for all people. May those who are burdened, lost, and faint of heart find rest in this state because Your presence abides here. And may You always be glorified!! In Jesus’s Name, amen!

Vicki Rowland
June 13, 2022

Gracious Father, I thank You for a governor and legislators who believe that life begins at conception. Enable them to keep standing firm for truth and justice. Bless and protect them and their families in this world of chaos I pray in the mighty name of Jesus.

Donna Pendergrass
May 23, 2022

Father, we ask for your complete guidance and protection over our elected officials here in Oklahoma. These are turbulent times and we cover them in prayer and your protection as they battle these tough issues at hand. There is a war going on in the spirit realm and we ask that you give our officials your favor and guidance as they move forward and that you speak to them loudly on their choices. May each one of them move Your heart! We thank you for what you’ve done and are doing and are going to do! I’m Jesus name!

Bruce Hines
May 23, 2022

Father, thank you for all the blessings and anointing you have rained on our state leadership. Continue to give them guidance as they make decisions that effect people’s lives. Bless them and their families for the sacrifice they make in doing their jobs. In the precious name of Jesus.


Pray For Oklahoma Leaders

James Lankford (R)
Senator (Oklahoma)
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Kevin Stitt (R)
Governor (Oklahoma)
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63 have submitted prayers
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Matt Pinnell (R)
Lt. Governor (Oklahoma)
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11 have submitted prayers
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Brian Bingman (R)
Secretary of State (Oklahoma)
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1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Markwayne Mullin (R)
Senator (Oklahoma)
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16 have submitted prayers
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Gentner Drummond (R)
Attorney General (Oklahoma)
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1 have submitted prayers
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