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State Prayer Call:
Mondays at 7:00 PM CT
(605) 313-5715
Access Code: 1173073
State Leader(s): Lisa Townsend
Contact Email: [email protected]
Governor: John Bel Edwards
Capital: Baton Rouge
State Motto:
Union, justice, and confidence

Post Your Prayers For Louisiana

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Submitted Prayers For Louisiana

Marie Norris
January 18, 2024

Father in heaven who sits on the throne, I praise You today for You are our Jehovah-Shalom, (The Lord our Peace) I lift up the state Louisiana, the people have been through so much and seem to come back I believe it is because the believe in justice and put their confidence in you O mighty Lord. Let not their hearts grow faint in the day of trouble. I pray Psalm 61 over your chosen people. Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. 2. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3. For you have been my refuge a strong tower against the foe….. Lord I ask that you would give wisdom to the leaders to obey your statues and walk in your way today. Give peace and provision to those in need and deliver those who are oppressed today. May you receive honor and glory. I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Amen

Melanie Jemison
October 24, 2023

Father, I enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. You are glorious and You are good! I pray that every resident and visitor present in our state today would feel Your presence & experience even a drop of the light of Your love. May those who know You see the lost sheep with Heaven’s lens today and recognize in decision the need for Your guidance. Let our anthem be “ask Jesus” and I pray Holy Spirit press upon our hearts to WAIT and listen to the Lords reply. Prayer is a conversation, not a one directional plea. Open our ears to hear and discern the true voice of God, so we may act in accordance with Your will. On earth as in Heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Wilna Sepulvado
August 7, 2023

Allow God to show the truth and that our leaders are doing their job to tell the truth. The laws are written by man but God’s word is the law of man. Please let the ego’s, prideful men be exposed for their sins and have God’s leader to humbly stand up for what is right and moral.

MG 1000
July 18, 2023

Lord Jesus, we pray for this current veto override session that all legislation protecting LIFE and children from the plans of the enemy will be passed. We pray our capital will be filled with God’s holy fire leading all to repent and turn back to righteousness! We pray the blessings of 2 Chronicles 7:14 over our state: “if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

J Bell
July 7, 2023

Father, I declare your Majesty over Louisiana, over all 64 parishes. Let refused be spread on the faces of any governmental candidate for Louisiana that does not seek Your face. ‘Refused’ if they do not seek knowledge and understanding of who You are. ‘Refused’ if they do seek the sound wisdom that comes from Your lips.

Dee Ann Hasse
June 24, 2023

God, please rouse and alert the Louisiana Intercessors about what’s coming in September 2023. We need to pray and anoint the perimeter of Louisiana with oil to protect us from the shaking that’s coming. Please help us to trust you, be strong and not fear the shaking. Help us Intercessors to get together before this happens and pray in unity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Caroline Norris
April 26, 2023

Please pray for my husband’s grandmother. She went into cardiac arrest 3 times tonight. Please pray for Chyna and I, we were diagnosed with Hydrocephalus

Laura Golob
February 21, 2023

Father God, Thank you for the beautiful State of Louisiana. Thank you that we have the freedom to pray and declare you Word over the land, the communities and businesses throughout the state.
I ask You to Bless our leaders and the work of their hands and cause them to be Fruitful and Praise and Glorify You ! I pray that each of them would experience revival and it would bled down on the people of the land in Louisiana. Giving them true and right desires that are pleasing and honoring in YOUR sight God. We will continue to Watch and Wait for You !
In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

Joseph LeBlanc
August 22, 2022

Father GOD in Heaven, thank YOU for opening our eyes; thank YOU for opening our ears; thank YOU for opening our hearts; so that we now know and live in YOUR LOVE. We ask Father LORD, that YOU use each of us as YOUR instrument; let the sound of the Shofar be in our VOICE; let us bring the Good News to those who have lost their way and fallen from YOUR Path. Father in Heaven, we ask forgiveness; not just for ourselves but for all; let YOUR WILL, be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

David Oliver
August 21, 2022

Heavenly Father, you see the hearts, of every man and woman. Therefore, since times ancients of old. But, for us living now we have been given to all man-kind your Holy Scripture’s . The Instructions how to Live and How Not live according to the Word of God Himself.

Lord,, may Holy Spirit receive our petitions in Jesus’ Name are praying Amen.

Donna Apperson
July 5, 2022

Lord, we thank you for your Presence that is operating with your Ekklesia. We humbly ask that your will be done on earth as in heaven in our great state of Louisiana. We speak into our identity of union, justice & confidence. We thank you for all that you are doing & the great purpose & plans you have for our state. May you be glorified, We ask for your supernatural wisdom & protection over innocent lives as we fight to remove abortion from our state. We need your solutions & strategies In Jesus powerful name. Amen.

Margaret Korrodi
June 21, 2022

Father GOD we ask that YOU Holy Father would send angels to bind up the evil principalities and power from over our state of LOUISIANA and loose the Power of The Holy Ghost. Move in our Governor John B Edwards heart and mind with GODLY wisdom, knowledge, & discernment to lead the people of Louisiana back to YOU LORD.

Sheila Amato
June 15, 2022

Lord, I’m praying for my state of Louisiana. I thank you that you have so blessed this state, but also pray that my state governor and the governors for our cities denounce abortion and protects our Constitutional rights. I pray for all of our state’s elected officials to have a reverential fear of You and to always put You first in their decisions as leaders. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Lisa Townsend
June 8, 2022

Lord God,
We pray our Gov. John Bel Edwards, to sign into law SB 342 & SB 388 into law TODAY.
We bind all fleshly and demonic pressure from the White House and others not to. We lift up out voice and cry aloud for life to prevail in Louisiana! We pray SB 342 will be signed into law: after Roe v. Wade is overturned, every baby born will be protected. We pray SB 388 will be signed into law: provides for criminal penalties for illegal sale of abortion drugs online or through the mail.
Father, we TAKE A STAND FOR LIFE with our prayers and action, Let your strong arm intervene now turning the heart of our governor and leaders towards righteousness!
In Jesus Name

Sheila Amato
June 1, 2022

Lord, I pray for my state of Louisiana! I pray that Your hand be on this state for protection and heath. I pray for the salvation of the leaders of this state. Also that You, Lord, be put back in schools and peoples homes. We need to put You first in our lives so that everything else falls into place and then peace and stability will come back into our state, schools and lives! I pray Holy Spirit is welcomed into our churches, homes and lives as we teach our children in the way that they should walk in You, Lord. I pray for our leaders to ask You into their hearts and put You first as they make important decisions for this state! Also that abortion be totally made illegal in the state of Louisiana!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Lisa Townsend
June 1, 2022

We come boldly before your throne of grace, praying protection over the state of Louisiana. Lord, we ask for mercy over our state. Forgive us and our ancestors for sin against you. We stand against violence and the rash of school shootings in our state. We humbly take the authority given us in Jesus Name and say No More Shootings! No More Violence in our state in Jesus Name! We pray divine intervention, spiritual awakening, and revival over our state, its families, and institutions. We exalt you, Lord! We decree and declare Jesus is Lord over Louisiana! Hallelujah to the Lamb! Cover this state with your glory, Lord .
In Jesus Name, Amen

Katherine Brown
May 24, 2022

Please pray for our police. More instances of child abuse have been coming out since civid with very little follow up. While our crime rapidly increases and police decrease. Investigations have gone into dcfs and police covering up, not doing anything and even dcfs involvement in child molestation cases. Our children need protection & criminals to be held accountable.

Katherine Brown
May 24, 2022

Please pray for our police. More instances of child abuse have been coming out since civid with very little follow up. While our crime rapidly increases and police decrease. Investigations have gone into dcfs and police covering up, not doing anything and even dcfs involvement in child molestation cases. Our children need protection & criminals to be held accountable.

Karen Rentz
May 23, 2022

Please pray against WHO taking over our Country which affects Louisiana! We must keep praying and standing together for God to intervene. I pray hedge of protection over Louisiana and our country.


Pray For Louisiana Leaders

John Kennedy (R)
Senator (Louisiana)
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Bill Cassidy (R)
Senator (Louisiana)
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Billy Nungesser (R)
Lt. Governor (Louisiana)
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Jeff Landry (R)
Governor (Louisiana)
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Liz Murrill (R)
Attorney General (Louisiana)
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Nancy Landry (R)
Secretary of State (Louisiana)
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