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State Prayer Call:
2nd and 4th Friday at 10:00 AM CT and every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm CT
(605) 313-5920
Access Code: 3704369
State Leader(s): Lani Kirsch (a.m.) Connie Seglem (p.m.)
Contact Phone:
Governor: Laura Kelly
Capital: Topeka
State Motto:
Ad astra per aspera, translated "To the stars through difficulties"

Post Your Prayers For Kansas

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Submitted Prayers For Kansas

Lani Kirsch
July 26, 2023

Lord, We pray for you to break the drought in Kansas. Send your rain. Lord. to all the farmers and all those who are in desperate need of rain. Send them soaking, steady rain that will nurture the crops and give joy to our farmers and all others in need. Send Your encouragement and Your strength, Lord, I pray.
And send spiritual rain also, Lord. Send it across every county, every inch of the state of Kansas. Wake the people up, Lord. Thank You for always being there for us. Increase our faith. May we always rely on You no matter what the conditions in life.

Lani Kirsch
July 20, 2023

Lord, please deliver us from increasing abortion numbers. We especially pray that women from out-of-state would not come to Kansas for abortions. Please protect our moms. Please protect our precious babies.
Help us to saturate each part of Kansas with prayer, guiding us in how best to pray for our state and each county in our state. Deliver us, Lord, from plans to do us harm and to limit those freedoms given to us by You. May we be like the Kansas state flower, the sunflower, and follow the Son of God through each change in our lives and each challenge. May we look to You for constant guidance.
(the sunflower changes its position during the day, constantly turning towards the sun. May we turn to the Son)

Connie Seglem
June 14, 2023

Creator God, we are defined by you, and all life has purpose and worth, even the unborn. Father, I cry out over Planned Parenthood of Great Plains lawsuit against the state of Kansas over the “Right to Know Act” and “Abortion Pill Reversal Consent Act”. Life in the womb is to be protected, and these are laws already set in Kansas. Lord, I just pray for Kris Kobach, and those who are going to argue this lawsuit, that you would direct them, give them clear thinking, wise understanding, and insight. That you would give them guidance as they seek to agree with the courts of heaven, that life is precious, and should be protected by the law. Amen

Connie Seglem
May 31, 2023

Lord God, I intercede for Kansas Leaders, Lord, that they would walk in the law of the Lord, they would seek you with their whole heart, they would do no iniquity and walk in your ways and would keep your precepts diligently. Direct their ways to keep your statute’s, and not wander from your commandments. Father God, open their eyes to see the wonderful truths in your word. Amen

Connie Seglem
April 28, 2023

“I will praise you, oh, Lord, with my whole heart I will tell of all your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in you. I will sing praises to your name almost high.” Psalm 9:1-2
I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies!
PRAISE,A BIG WIN FOR KANSAS: Wow! Thank You Lord for Life in Kansas! Our courageous legislators spoke and made law in Kansas this week, we will be a state that leads the way in America in righteousness and justice. Thank you Sovereign, Almighty God, the one who hears our prayers, for Kansas historical laws that passed this week the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, the Abortion Pill Reversal informed consent, and the Alternatives to Abortion Funding. All glory and praise and honor to you. Oh Lord!

Lani Kirsch
April 27, 2023

Lord, Thank you for overriding the veto on the Born Alive Act. This is an amazing victory as we battle for the lives of our children, born and not yet born. Thank you for the legislators who stood firm and made a righteous vote to protect our babies.

Connie Seglem
April 26, 2023

“Our Father in heaven, hollow be Your name. Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:9-10. Father as our legislature reconvenes for Kansas veto session today and following days, I pray that your will be done in Kansas as it is in heaven. I pray that You would give them wisdom and cover their minds for a godly government in Kansas, whether they believe or not. I cry out over the “Born Alive Protection Act” that was vetoed by Gov. Kelly, our legislatures would understand the inhumane and cruelty if this bill does not pass, have mercy on us Lord. Holy and just God, may Kansas return back to You, and become a godly government and a forerunner for our nation! May they seek You in this veto session for your plans, your purposes for Kansas and strengthen them to do what they sense You directing them to do even if it is not popular. In Jesus name, Amen and amen

Connie Seglem
April 12, 2023

Father, “Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” Psa. 2:10-11. Give our Governor, our Congress, our Attorney General hearts that serve You and a godly government in Kansas. For those who know You, direct their steps and give them wisdom, for those who do not know You, Holy Spirit convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgment.·Show them that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that He is their Hope for eternal salvation. Amen

Connie Seglem
March 29, 2023

This is what the Lord says: “Maintain justice and do what is right…” (Isaiah 56:1). Lord, You are our judge, I pray that our Supreme Court would establish and maintain just laws in the state of Kansas, and do what is right. As these Supreme Court Justices decide on “unlimited right to abortion” would be overturned. I ask Lord that this Supreme Court would agree with the courts of heaven that life is precious and should be protected by law. That you would give each Supreme Court justice, a full understanding of when life begins, soften their hearts and understanding on the worth of life. Amen

Lani Kirsch
March 27, 2023

Lord, We pray for all the pro-life bills in our legislature. Thank you for the courage and conviction of those representatives who have supported our babies. I pray that the governor will sign all bills that protect our little ones, the ones You have seen even in the womb. Fill our state with a realization that abortion is murder. It is not health care nor is it a protection of women’s rights. Open our eyes, Lord, to the sin we are committing and deliver us from this evil practice.
We pray also for a righteous decision from our Kansas Supreme Court on the pro-life arguments they are hearing. Transform their hearts, Lord.

Connie Seglem
March 21, 2023

Connie Seglem-IFA Kansas evening Prayer Leader
On March 27 at 9am and 10:30 am Kansas Solicitor General Tony Powell will be representing Kansas and arguing in front of the Kansas Supreme Court the 2019 decision to an “Unlimited right to abortion” in Kansas. That Supreme Court decision puts at risk more than 20 life-saving laws, because those laws are presumed unconstitutional. He will be asking for a complete reversal, partial reversal, because of the turnover of Roe v. Wade to back off. He will also be arguing that a Dr. always be present on any abortion that is being administered. 2 crucial decisions argued in front of the Kansas Supreme Court to be decided.

Connie Seglem
March 15, 2023

Lord, You have placed Governor Kelly in her position to represent Your values in our state. I pray Father, that You would direct her decision making, her voting, on bills that have passed in the Senate and House that honor Your laws for a Godly government in Kansas. Give her insight, godly wisdom, and discernment as she approaches her day. Father, if she does not know You, shower your goodness upon her, which brings people to repentance. Convict her of sin, and draw her to Jesus who is the way the truth and the life. Amen

Connie Seglem
March 9, 2023

Connie Seglem-IFA Kansas evening prayer leader:
Father, just come to you and thank you for Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach’s precise, and courageous action to clearly communicate his firm resolve to stand for the rule of law and call on other pharmacies to also commit to protecting the health and safety of women who would be endangered by the lack of monitoring of the chemical cocktail used to intentionally cause the deaths of preborn babies. Father, I just pray you would cover Chris and his family, give him wisdom, and make him courageous in You. Amen

Lani Kirsch
February 17, 2023

Send your revival fire to Kansas. May our legislators feel Your presence as they work in this legislative session. Be with the prayer warriors who spend their time supporting them in prayer. Please touch our Kansas Supreme Court with conviction, that they would change their decision on abortion, that they would be convicted that abortion is not a right contained in the Kansas constitution. Open the eyes of the people to the sin of destroying our little ones in the womb. Protect them and protect all our children for they are precious in Your sight. Amen

Lani Kirsch
January 17, 2023

Lord, I pray that abortion in Kansas will be stopped permanently. It is Your law, not man’s law that will prevail. Open the eyes and hearts of the people that they may clearly see the crimes against our children. We are not protecting them as it is our responsibility and our privilege to do. Instead, they are being attacked on a daily basis in the womb and then in what should be the innocence of their childhood. Wake up our nation to not only abortion but to child trafficking. Wake up Kansas! Lord, give us the courage to act and Your wisdom in attacking these evil practices.

Connie Seglem
January 11, 2023

Lord, Almighty God, I proclaim your purpose to be fulfilled for Kansas. I lift up Governor Kelly, and the 2023 legislature that opened this week. You God have placed each one in their position , at this time, to be a representative for your values for their district, our great state of Kansas and our nation. Direct each one’s decision making, voting, solutions seeking and conduct as they legislate. Lord, give each one insight, godly wisdom, and discernment as they approach their day. Fill them with your spirit and may they submit their will to you God. May they glorify you! In Jesus name, amen

Connie Seglem
January 9, 2023

Lord God, I lift up Kris Kobach, as he is being inaugurated today, I lift up our legislation as they open today. I lift all those who are gathering at our Kansas capital in Topeka to pray over Kris and our legislators. Lord you have placed them in their position, at this time, to be a representative for your values in my district, and my state Kansas. May they seek your plans, may they have spiritual discernment, give them favor as they work, and protection. May they honor you God, with a God honoring government, and give you all the glory. In Jesus name amen

Lani Kirsch
December 22, 2022

We pray for this Christmas season that hearts would be touched and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel. Help our churches to preach the Truth of the Word of God. Turn your people away from earthly diversions to focus on the heavenly gift of the Son of God and the salvation He has given us with such sacrifice. How amazing is the love of the Lord. May that love shine clearly through His children.

Lani Kirsch
November 14, 2022

Lord, We ask that you support and encourage all our Kansans in military service. Keep them in good health and good spirits Encourage them when circumstances are difficult and when their right as American citizens to make their own health decisions is endangered. Protect them from a counter-culture that undermines the capability of protecting the nation with a firm resolve and with the skills needed in warriors. God bless America and God bless those who lay down so much to serve her.

Lani Kirsch
November 6, 2022

Lord, We agree with IFA and pray for a miracle in Kansas and the rest of the nation on Tuesday. Please stop the voter problems that have already been revealed in early voting here. I pray that our elections will be fair and honest and that voters will elect righteous representatives for our state. Amos 5:24 — But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.
Reveal the truth to the voters and urge them to go vote. Forgive us, Lord, for the horrific sin of abortion and the promotion of anti-biblical and also horrific sexual actions that seek to destroy the family, that seek to remove You from the public sphere, and defame the biblical foundations of our Republic. Help us, Lord, and deliver us from evil.

Connie Seglem
October 26, 2022

Sovereign God, I come before you and intercede for this nation and for Kansas. Lord, there is no one like you for you are great and your name is full of power! I lift up our President, all our politicians, our judges, our school boards in the election, knowing that they are subject to you and your absolute sovereignty. I pray for your mercy on those who do not know you. Pour your spirit on them, convict their conscience of sin, righteousness and judgment. Reveal your powerful truth of forgiveness through your son, Jesus Christ. I lift up those who belong to you, your church, turn them into bold witnesses of faith in you, as they campaign through their policies, legislation, and their words. You Almighty God created government and you are the law maker and I ask and pray that our government, our politicians our judges our school boards would reflect and model of your character. In Jesus name! Amen

Lani Kirsch
October 11, 2022

Lord, there is a lot at stake in our November 8 elections. We pray that the voters will not be deceived by false ads and phony reports on the actions of our leaders. Instead, let us recognize righteous candidates who will serve You and serve the people. I pray that Christians will get out and vote and that they will vote according to Your will. And I pray for those honest people running for office who have been falsely accused. Protect them, Lord. And for all the righteous candidates we pray for Your courage and wisdom.

Lani Kirsch
September 9, 2022

Lord, Help Kansans to “stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Cor. 15:58 Our labor in the Lord is not in vain. Help us to elect righteous leadership and eliminate abortion in our state.
Lord, we also pray that you will send rain for our crops. The fields are drooping, Lord, and we need your refreshing, restoring rain. Thank You for hearing our prayers.

Lani Kirsch
August 26, 2022

Father, We continue to ask that you would deliver our little ones and stop abortion in Kansas. We pray also for all of our children that you would deliver them from evil, that our children will know you as their Lord and Savior, and that you would protect them from abuse, both physical and emotional. “The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.” Psalm 103:19. Thank you, Lord, that You are there beside us, that You do indeed rule, and that You will lead us in this spiritual battle.

Connie Seglem
August 23, 2022

Father, you are the Lord who is our banner and refuge, our victory, our source of courage and strength. I pray under your banner that you would gather your bride, your church, as prayer warriors for the state of Kansas. For you say “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Make Kansas a state that seeks your face and prays fiercely, and connect with each other on our state prayer group. In Jesus name, amen

Michon Hawkins
August 2, 2022

Please, Lord, I pray for the Kansas voters to pass the Value Them Both amendment with a overwhelming majority. Thank you, Father

Margaret Martinez
August 2, 2022

Crucial abortion vote happening in Kansas today!!!! The “Value Them Both” act must pass! Please pray that the spirit of God will move over the state of Kansas that the lives of the innocent will be protected in kansas! https://youtu.be/r6qpOboPnrY

Celly Hinojosa
August 2, 2022

A declaration of deliverance for Kansas is needed today! Lord Arise a Spiritual awakening for those that are against your word!! We continue to stand for the lives of babies as well as for the honest process of voting in this state today! Lord we need your help, touch n change the hearts of those against your will and turn them towards your kingdom in Jesus Name!

Debbie Cowans
August 1, 2022

Father we come into agreement a, decreeing and declaring that value them both will pas. Save these babies Lord in the name of Jesus. Break the deception off and soften the hardness of hearts of those who the abortion is ok. Let them see it’s murder!!

Lani Kirsch
July 31, 2022

Lord, We agree with our Mississippi friend’s prayers and with those who prayed along with her over the months and years before we were blessed to receive the overturn of Roe v Wade. Lord, we also cry out “Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered” in the Kansas election. Thank you for sending others in the nation to fight alongside us for the deliverance of our babies and their mothers. We pray that the voters will recognize deception and will choose life instead of death.

Jill Woodliff
July 30, 2022

Job 5:12 AMP
“He frustrates the devices and schemes of the crafty, So that their hands cannot attain success or achieve anything of [lasting] worth.

Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. In the greatness of your majesty you overthrow your adversaries; you send out your fury; it consumes them like stubble. We honor You and love You.
We hate pride, arrogance, evil ways, and twisted speech. We grow weary of iniquitous voting processes.
We cry out, “Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered in the Kansas election on Tuesday. Stir the hearts of the Ekklesia to vote, and give them wisdom in the voting booth. Send out your fury against any fraud! Arise, O Lord! We need your assistance.” Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 30, 2022

The Ammonites lied and distorted the history of their borders (Judges 11:13); they were angry when Nehemiah rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 4:7); and they ripped open pregnant women that they might enlarge their borders (Amos 1:13).
Just as God said He would kindle a fire, devour her stronghold, and send the kings and princes of Ammon into exile (Amos 1:13-15), we decree that any spirits of Ammon influencing the Kansas VALUE THEM BOTH constitutional amendment voters, the Kansas Secretary of State, the administration of the election, or any spirit of Ammon empowering fraudulent voting shall come to the same end. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Numbers 16:46-48 Moses said to Aaron, “Take a censer and put fire in it from the altar and lay incense on it; then bring it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them, for wrath has gone forth from the Lord; the plague has begun!” So Aaron took the burning censer as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the assembly; and behold, the plague had [already] begun among the people; and he put on the incense and made atonement for the people. He stood between the dead and the living, so that the plague was brought to an end.
Numbers 17:8 Now on the next day Moses went into the Tent of the Testimony, and [a]the rod of Aaron of the tribe of Levi had sprouted and put out buds and produced blossoms and yielded [ripe] almonds.
Our Father in heaven,
We thank you for raising up intercessors who are diligent to stand between the dead and the living regarding the VALUE THEM BOTH constitutional amendment–not one, but thousands. May their prayers be a sweet-smelling incense before your throne and begin the process of atonement for the sin of abortion in the state of Kansas.
We decree the spiritual authority of the intercessors shall bring forth life and bear fruit. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

The manslayer who sought refuge from the victim’s family was confined to the city of refuge until his death or the death of the high priest. All six of the cities of refuge were also Levitical cities. The man-slayers were surrounded by a holy people singing holy music.

Our Father in heaven,
Our whole culture is contaminated by abortion. Even the tax dollars of pro-life advocates support abortion services. We are an unclean people. Have mercy.
We lift high the cross of Jesus! Worthy is the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!
May the Ekklesia be a purifying agent for Kansas, through its holiness and its music. Fill the atmosphere of Kansas with songs of heaven. Fill the airwaves with praise. Loose your angels of music over each voting booth. Amplify the music, Lord. Amplify! Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Joshua 1:3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.
Our Heavenly Father,
How many millions of citizens have walked past the US Supreme Court through snow and sleet in the Annual March for Life? How many citizens affiliated with the Justice House of Prayer DC have stood and knelt in prayer with red tape over their mouths at the Supreme Court steps? How many citizens have made pilgrimages to Washington DC to pray for the end of abortion? How many have worshiped and praised within the hearing of the US Supreme Court grounds? There has been round-the-clock praise at David’s Tent for years! How many intercessors have populated the prayer room across the street from the US Supreme Court building?
The footsteps of the national Ekklesia are speaking. Our footsteps say, Give us this ground! Give us the ground not only in Washington DC, but throughout the USA.
We decree that the kingdom of God is advancing in Kansas as it is in heaven. We are land-takers! Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Our Father in heaven,
There are many efforts among the pro-abortion activists to foster rebellion against the US Supreme Court and You. We pray that their efforts will fail to reach the hearts of the vulnerable.
Just as the wheels of Pharoah’s chariots mired in the mud, we decree that all pro-abortion bots will break down. We decree that the bots, the false advertising on mainstream media, the lies and manipulation will be exposed.
We pray that those Kansas residents who are vulnerable to social media control and mainstream media control will have their eyes and ears covered. Soften their hearts to the lives of the babies and children. Distract them from media and occupy them with wholesome activities. Draw them closer to You, Lord, and show them how to vote on the VALUE THEM BOTH amendment. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

The Midianites were slave traders. The Midianite women beguiled the Israelite men into worshiping the Baal of Peor.
The Midianites, with the Amalekites and children of the East, oppressed Israel for seven years by stealing their harvest and livestock. This pattern of cyclical devouring brought Israel very low, and they hid in caves.
Gideon (hew down) and his warriors attacked and chased the Midianites. Ephraimite reinforcements captured the two princes Oreb (raven) and Zeeb (wolf) and killed them. The army finally caught the Midianite kings Zeba (man-killer or sacrifice) and Zalmunna (protection refused) at Karkor (foundation). Gideon put them to death.

Yes, Lord,
So many of the leaders of Kansas have been beguiled into believing the lies of the abortion industry. They are enslaved to their carnal desires.
Raise up mighty men and women of valor to defend against the devouring of the generations! We declare over the liberty-loving, pro-life citizens of Kansas, “God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control. Rise up, men and women of valor. Come out of hiding. Rise up and defend the foundation of your faith!”
As the Ekklesia, we come up under the Blood of Jesus, and In His name:
–We decree that any Baal altars or Asherah associated with the abortion industry in Kansas are destroyed and burned.
–We command no communication or interaction between the Midianite spirits, the Amalekite spirits, and the Eastern spirits. We bind all communication between the head Midianite, Amalekite, and Eastern spirits assigned to Kansas and their subordinate spirits. We decree confusion and rancor within their ranks.
–With the sword of the Spirit, we harass any Midianite spirits that are undergirding the abortion industry in Kansas. We cancel their assignments.
–We send all raven spirits, all spirits that feed on dead flesh, to the Rock of our salvation, Jesus.
–We assign all wolf spirits, all predator spirits, to the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.
–We decree that all spirits of murder, human sacrifice, and refusal of protection are hewed down! Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

From Wikipedia: King Hezekiah’s tunnel, leading from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam, was designed as an aqueduct to provide Jerusalem with water during an impending siege by the Assyrians.
The tunnel was excavated by two teams, one starting at each end of the tunnel and then meeting in the middle. The difficult feat of making two teams digging from opposite ends meet far underground is now understood to have been accomplished by directing the two teams from above using sounds generated by hammering on the solid karst through which the tunnelers were digging.
Triune God,
We praise Your holy name. We thank You that by the sacrifice of Jesus You have redeemed us from death. Jesus is the Lord of life!
You are our strength. Just as the men of Jerusalem used tools to chip through the rock to provide life-giving water to their city, we chip through the legal barriers with the sword of the Spirit to protect life in our state.
Direct the Kansas intercessors, voters, Secretary of State, Attorney General, legislators, and state judges from above, dear Lord. Show them the way to making Kansas abortion-free. O carpenter of Nazareth! Hammer from above so that they, even in their mortal frames, will know what to do. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Prayers from Mississippi!

Behold, the Lord is mighty and strong; like a storm of mighty, overflowing waters, he overwhelms his adversary’s contrived legal artifices (Isaiah 28:2,17).

With his scepter, the star of Jacob shall crush the forehead of the Moabite spirits who promote sins of the flesh and child sacrifice. (Numbers 24:17) The Lord’s word is against you, Philistine spirts who enable abortion! (Zephaniah 2:5) He is sending his hornet against you, Amorite spirits undergirding abortion! (Joshua 24:12) From their courses, the stars fight against the nature worshippers! (Judges 5:20) The Lord’s word is like fire and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces, you lying spirits who promote the destruction of the unborn! (Jeremiah 23:29) The Lord’s fire will burn you and your strongholds, Ammonite and Assyrian spirits killing the unborn! (Amos 1:13-15, Ezekiel 21:31-32, Isaiah 10:12,16-19, Isaiah 30:27-31) The Lord of hosts is wielding his whip against you, Midianite and Assyrian spirits! (Isaiah 10:26)

The Assyrian spirits are terror-stricken at the voice of the Lord, when he strikes with his rod. And every stroke of the appointed staff that the Lord lays on them will be to the sound of tambourines and lyres. Battling with brandished arm, he fights with them. (Isaiah 30:31-32)

The Lord will lift his staff over the sea as he did in Egypt and bring deliverance to the unborn. (Isaiah 10:26) He will surround the unborn with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7)

Behold, the storm of the Lord! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked forces. (Jeremiah 23:19)

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Jude 24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

Father Almighty,
Your glory is not confined to time. It is not confined to space. Your glory exceeds our comprehension and our understanding. Holy is Your name.
We lift up to You the Kansas government, a mere human institution, but it was originally modeled on godly precepts. Their state Supreme Court has fallen short of Your glory and endorsed abominations in our land. Lord, have mercy. The blood of unborn babies cries out from the ground. Christ, have mercy.
We come under the Blood of the Lamb, stand in the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, and decree: Any bribery, manipulation, intimidation, or usurpation of Kansas Supreme Court judgments is exposed and halted. Deceits and cover-ups are unraveled. Unjust judges and staff members are held accountable. No more abominations!
We decree that the Constitution of the state of Kansas will not be a stumbling block, but one which stands firm in righteousness, truth, and justice, by virtue of the VALUE THEM BOTH amendment.
Hallelujah! These are glory days, not gloomy days. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

Our Father in heaven,
Just as Sheba son of Bichri rebelled against King David (2 Samuel 20), the pro-abortion forces are rebelling against Jesus, the Son of David and the Lord of Life. Just as Sheba hid in the fortified city of Abel of Beth-maacah, the abortion providers are hiding in a stronghold of judicial interpretation. Grant the Kansas voters the wisdom to recognize the destruction of their legislative heritage wrought by the tactics of judicial overreach and to cut this tactic off at the head, by voting for VALUE THEM BOTH. Amen.

Jill Woodliff
July 29, 2022

1 Samuel 16:23 (ESV)
And whenever the harmful spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand. So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the harmful spirit departed from him.
Our Father in heaven,
We thank You for the gift of music. We thank You that David was so anointed with Your Holy Spirit that the musical instruments he made with his hands and the music he composed created sound that carried Your Spirit.
We invite the Holy Spirit to infill the pro-life craftsmen who build musical instruments and the pro-life musicians of Kansas. We loose angels to encamp around them and assist them.
We humbly implore You to fill their music with so much power that the harmful spirits that enable abortion will flee. Amen.

Lani Kirsch
July 29, 2022

Lord, you are the almighty One, the One who gives us Your unconditional love. Grant Your victory we pray in passing the Value Them Both Amendment. Deliver us from being a destination state for abortion. Protect our little ones in Your holy name!

Lupe Saladin
July 28, 2022

Lord I pray for the women of this state that their eyes and their spirits will be open to the truth of The Value Them Amendment. Let them feel and understand the terrible truth of abortions. In Jesus Name Amen.

Nancy Wrinn
July 20, 2022

For the overwhelmingly successful passage of the Value Them Both Amendment on Aug 2, 2022.

Lani Kirsch
July 5, 2022

Lord, please be with us as we continue to work for the passage of the Value them Both amendment. I pray that You would silence false information and let the voice of Your truth be heard in this situation. We continue to pray for the protection of our babies and their mothers. We thank You for the gift of life and for your immense love for us.

Lani Kirsch
June 16, 2022

Lord, Thank you for the over 200 doctors who have stepped up and publicly supported the Value Them Both amendment. May their voices be heard across the state and may they be protected from retaliation from the enemy.

Lani Kirsch
June 16, 2022

Father, Please protect our cattle here in Kansas. I pray that you would stop whatever forces have cost the death of thousands of animals and placed increased hardship on our ranchers and farmers. I pray for Your strength and peace as we face this attack on our state and the many other Americans affected by it.

Lani Kirsch
June 5, 2022

Please pray for and vote for the Value Them Both amendment on August 2. This will stop late-term abortions, restrict taxpayer funding of abortion, require sanitation and safety standards at abortion clinics, and allow for parental notification for minors.

April Cromer
May 23, 2022

Abba, please remove the veil from the eyes of my fellow Republicans that they would KNOW abortion is murder and they would pass laws to criminalize it and not regulate child sacrifice. Turn their hearts to what your Word says and not what politicis suggest. Bring them to repentance for rejecting laws that protects babies because they are the true victims of abortion. Amen!

Pray For Kansas Leaders

Jerry Moran (R)
Senator (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
28 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Roger Marshall (R)
Senator (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
105 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Laura Kelly (D)
Governor (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
28 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
David Toland
Lt. Governor (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
1 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Scott Schwab (R)
Secretary of State (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
5 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed
Kris Kobach (R)
Attorney General (Kansas)
Submit A Prayer
2 have submitted prayers
I Prayed
have prayed


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