I Prayed have prayed
Lord, some problems seem impossible to us, but all things are possible for You. Help us tear down the towers of biosurveillance and biosecurity that threaten humanity.Ā  Ā Ā 
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Sit back, buckle up, and get ready to take a ride down a transhumanist trail of sharp twists and turns, all of which will move intercessors to unite in focused prayer. Yes, by now, most prayer warriors have already heard about globalists such as Klaus Schwab, transhumanists like Yuval Noah Harari, and well-known vaccine czars Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci. Nonetheless, there are some less-recognized players in this planetary chess match that involves freedom versus technocracy, and God-given bodily sovereignty versus man-made digital control. The people and organizations this article will address have mainly slipped past the radar, but they’ve been hiding in plain sight all along.

Recently, investigative journalist Alex Newman interviewed researcher Kristen Williamson on The Liberty Sentinel, where she revealed evidence unmasking the ā€œCIAā€™s Transhumanist Tower of Babel.ā€ Under the guise of biosecurity, powerful technocrats have launched their plans through partnerships between In-Q-Tel (the investment arm of the U.S. intelligence community ā€” the CIA) and Arizona State University. Through a tangled web of relationships and organizations, plans are being forged with the goal of building elaborate smart cities in which human bodies become part of a carefully monitored, ā€œsustainableā€ tracking system.

In order to unravel this web, one must start at the beginning, and this means traveling all the way back to 2003. That year, a Phoenix New Times article titled “Mission: Impossible”Ā provided a glimpse into the future, where biosecurity would become the new normal. The article begins: ā€œArizona State University President Michael Crow rolls across the conference room floor in a chair, grabs a potted plant and begins a lecture on his vision for ASU to become the worldā€™s leader in biodesign.ā€ Says Crow:Ā ā€œMy main reason for coming here is that this is the most unique opportunity in the country to build a new kind of university.ā€

Crow describes his vision for ASU by declaring that it would be a university ā€œfocused simultaneously on conducting fundamental scientific research and developing marketable technology.ā€ The Biodesign Institute and the Nanotechnology and High-Tech Materials Research Program are key pieces to Crowā€™s plan for integrating biological sciences and technology. As of 2023, both are functioning at warp speed, with the Biodesign Institute working on a myriad of projects, such as DNA-enabled nanotronics, artificial cells, sequencing chromosomes, the testing of COVID vaccine effectiveness in children and adults, PCR tests, and numerous revolutionary biomaterials that perform on the atomic level.

Crow also serves on the board of the University Innovation Alliance, which partners with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His information page explains that he ā€œhas committed the university to global engagement.ā€ Additionally, he helped create the Global Institute of Sustainability, as well as the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at ASU.

All of this is a concern for prayer warriors who know that such words as sustainability, social change, and global engagement are merely a clever cover that disguises a system of complete control over the planetā€™s resources and over personal freedom. This is troubling enough, but thereā€™s even more to the story, and it includes an agency notorious for clandestine operations and the manipulation of public narratives. What is this organization? It’s none other than the Central Intelligence Agency.Ā Ā  Ā Ā 

Crowā€™s rĆ©sumĆ© has raised blaring alarm bells, as he has deep ties to the CIA. In fact, he is a founding member of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-affiliated, nonprofit organization created during the Clinton administration, with the specific task of ā€œdelivering technology to Americaā€™s intelligence community.ā€ Investigative journalist James Corbett of The Corbett Report, explains that In-Q-Tel invests in companies that develop products and technology which ā€œenhance and advance national security.ā€ Crow has served on the In-Q-Tel board of trustees since 1999, and he is currently chairman. The 2003Ā article makes this point: ā€œBut the extent of Crowā€™s CIA connection and whether that signals a willingness by Crow to have ASU engage in classified research for U.S. intelligence agencies has yet to be publicly discussed.ā€ Yet Crow himself admits that the single most important mission for ASU under his watch would be to secure a slot as a premier player in ā€œtechnology-driven research funded primarily by the federal government.ā€

An article in the East Valley Tribune today (originally published in 2003) states: ā€œAs the nation battles terrorism and Iraq, the Central Intelligence Agency is turning more to universities, including Arizona State, to develop high-tech gadgets that track down terrorists and dictators. Universities are cooperating with few objections, partly for patriotic reasons, partly because thereā€™s money in government research.ā€

In todayā€™s post-COVID world, however, the above quote is replete with warnings for U.S. citizens who have witnessed the collusion of government agencies with big tech and big media to suppress free speech, while deliberately squashing news stories such as the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the true origins of COVID-19, and the dangers of the experimental mRNA COVID injections. In a nation where high-tech gadgets are being used to ā€œtrack down terrorists,ā€ what happens when law-abiding citizens, concerned parents, and all those who want medical freedom are labeled as the terrorists, rather than the real culprits?

As chairman of In-Q-Tel, Crow has top-secret clearance, and it stands to reason that he could ā€œseek out the latest James Bondā€“like technology for spy work.ā€ Early on, there were some who raised concerns about his CIA affiliations, such as ASU professor of history and political science David Gibbs. The relationship between academics and the CIA is troubling, Gibbs says, because ā€œthe CIA isnā€™t an ordinary government agency. Itā€™s an espionage agency and norms of espionage ā€¦ include secrecy and propaganda.ā€ Unlike Gibbs, however, the majority of the staff and students are unbothered by Crowā€™s connections with In-Q-Tel.

The website for In-Q-Tel says: ā€œIQT focuses on the 15,000+ early-stage venture-backed startup companies in the U.S. and select other countries. IQT also identifies and analyzes technologies in all stages of development that are critical to national security. IQT welcomes the submission of business plansĀ for products and technology that can contribute to national security and is available to meet with U.S. private equity firms interested in investing in areas of national security interest.ā€ Investment areas include: digital intelligence, trusted infrastructure, autonomous systems, industry 4.0, intelligent connectivity, data analytics, and AI and machine learning.

Corbett warned about In-Q-Telā€™s projects as early as 2011 and revealed that while In-Q-Tel ā€œmarkets itself as an innovative way to leverage the power of the private sector by identifying key emerging technologies and providing companies with the funding to bring those technologies to market,ā€ the reality is that In-Q-Tel represents a ā€œblurring of the lines between the public and private sectors in a way that makes it difficult to tell where the American intelligence community ends and the IT sector begins.ā€ Corbett cites shady operations tied to In-Q-Tel affiliated companies that have created technology which allowed the NSA (National Security Agency) to eavesdrop on customerā€™s internet traffic and illegally monitor phone calls. Other companies developed software that could monitor social media posts and blogs, as well as utilize data mining equipment to spy on the American public. Moreover, In-Q-Tel funded companies are developing biosensors, biomarkers and targeted drug delivery platforms.

Even more troubling is In-Q-Telā€™s investment in a company called Metabiota, a disease-surveillance and bioweapons research company with connections to biolabs in Ukraine. Awarded as a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum in 2021, Metabiota receives special status as a contributor to the Forumā€™s initiatives. A New York Post article reported in March 2022 that Hunter Biden has connections with this San Franciscoā€“based startup. Emails and memos show that he introduced this biosecurity company to officials at Burisma, (the Ukranian gas company where he was a board member) for the collaboration of ā€œscience projects.ā€

Biolabs that work on ā€œscience projectsā€ such as gain-of-function research and technologies that undermine privacy and bodily autonomy do not sit well with the millions of Americans who lived under a veil of surveillance during the COVID pandemic. ā€œNew technologiesā€ such as mRNA vaccines were forced upon the public, while government agencies such as the FBI and CIA colluded with big tech to spy on and censor citizens using social media sites. Reputable doctors who offered life-saving treatments were purposefully demonized and discredited. Contact tracing apps, PCR testing, and DNA tests became commonplace and even required by some businesses, venues and institutions.

Truth be told, the COVID pandemic and ASU have a sizable connection, and it all goes back to Crowā€™s position at the helm. But thereā€™s another man who is a crucial piece of the puzzle and his expertise was instrumental to building Crowā€™s vision for merging the biological with the digital through remote health monitoring technologies. British-born scientist George Poste has an extensive rĆ©sumĆ©Ā that includes positions with pharma companies GlaxoSmithKline and Anacor (acquired by Pfizer), as well as bioengineering giant Monsanto. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on advisory committees for several U.S. government agencies in defense, intelligence, national security, and health care. His expertise includes infectious diseases and diagnostic systems for global biosurveillance. Poste put his expertise to work as ASUā€™s chief scientist for the Center on the Future of War and Complex Adaptive Systems/Health Innovation, as well as director for the Biodesign Institute.

While most people are now familiar with the numerous pandemic simulations that have been completed before the 2020 COVID pandemic, such as Event 201, the SPARS Scenario, Dark Winter, and Operation Lockstep, thereā€™s another one that happened in conjunction with ASU and the Plus Alliance called the Pacific Eclipse Pandemic Tabletop Exercise. This event, which took place on Dec. 9, 2019, simulated a worldwide smallpox outbreak. After the simulation, Poste linked a Power Point presentation dated Jan. 22, 2020 and titled Precision Health and Digital Health: The Inter-Dependent Strategic Drivers of Innovation and in Healthcare Delivery. Within this presentation are slides highlighting remote health status monitoring using smartphones/wearables/devices, as well as chatbots/robots and third-party apps to support health care. Brain-machine interfaces and minimally invasive technologies created with the help of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) such as ā€œingesting compounds that enable external sensors to read brain activity,ā€ are listed as well. Healthcare technology, according to the presentation, revolves around data, algorithms, population databanks, and ā€œdisruptive innovation.ā€ As such, quantum computing and AI are cited as the new drivers of healthcare.

The January 2020 presentation on ASUā€™s website dealing with biosecurity is the tip of the iceberg as one can find numerous presentations going all the way back to 2007. A thorough but tedious look through all these Power Point slides reveals many disturbing trends. In fact, the idea of a ā€œone health approach,ā€ where human beings are surveilled using genomic data and digital devices, is seen over and over again. Additionally, global organizations such as the World Health Organization, United Nations, World Economic Forum, G20, and Centers for Disease Control are touted as the drivers of policy and change. Post-COVID presentations even suggest strengthening the power of these organizations, as well as enforcement and accountability for non-compliance. Additionally, climate change is cited as a major contributor of epidemics and disease, and fast-tracked, AI-driven vaccines are touted as the solution.

Certain slides stand out among others, setting off warning bells. For instance, slide 74 in a Jan. 12, 2022 , presentation features ā€œmapping genetic control circuitsā€ in human organs and cells. Slide 75 illustrates how this could be a component of precision medicine. A 2013 presentation contains this Bill Gates quote about synthetic biology, on slide 52: ā€œCreating artificial life with DNA synthesis. Thatā€™s sort of the equivalent of machine-language programming. If you want to change the world in some big way, use biological molecules.ā€

When one marries the ideas in Posteā€™s presentations with President Bidenā€™s September 12, 2022, executive order for Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy, itā€™s easy to see the parallels. One section of the order states, ā€œwe need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science and scale-up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products reach the market faster.ā€

During the COVID era, Americans have seen the results of these so-called ā€œinnovative technologiesā€ that were rushed to the market. Twenty years before the COVID pandemic,Ā Poste told New York writer Laurie Garrett in a December 2000 interview that “gene therapy’s goal is the creation of stealth viral vectors that can introduce a gene, bypassing immune system recognition. What a perfect biological weapon!” He also said: ā€œEvery breakthrough in biomedical research also has the potential of destroying significant segments of humanity.ā€

Thereā€™s one last piece of the biotech puzzle to investigate which involves smart cities. Not only is ASU, led by Crow and Poste, lauded the No. 1 most innovative school in the nation by U.S. News and World Report for eight consecutive years, but itā€™s also hailed as a Center for Smart Cities and Regions. To pave the way, in 2017 the Arizona Legislature passed a bill, making Arizona the first state to ā€œstreamlineā€ the deployment of 5G wireless communication. Moreover, in 2019 they launched a 5G AI smart regional governance system that would include 22 cities in Arizona. All cities were to be part of a data center, powered by Amazon web. Essentially, smart cities could use blockchain technology to amass banking, education, health, social media, and personal data all in one location. Furthermore, each personā€™s ā€œdigital dustā€ could follow them, marrying up with a central bank digital currency and a social credit score.

Believe it or not, there is more to this tangled web, but for now, we must use prayer to tackle these pieces one by one. As we see the mingling of the CIA, biolabs, health care, smart cities, and global governance, it may appear like we are in a losing battle. Yet, in all this we know that Jesus is in control ā€” not the technocrats who want to play God by using their gene splicers and computers.

Lord Jesus, please abolish the plans of the Enemy for ASU, and bring down the scaffolding of the biosecurity state.

The ASU mascot is the Sun Devil, but the Son of God reigns supreme over all situations. Let’s remember to pray for the students, faculty members, and officials of this university ā€” that their eyes might be open to the dangers of digital surveillance.

(For more information about the biosecurity state, view Alex Newmanā€™s interview with researcher Kristen Williamson on the Liberty Sentinel on this link. Both Williamson and Newman urge viewers to share the interview with local leaders and state legislators.)

Share your ideas below for praying against plans now in motion for total biosurveillance.

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs atĀ 67owls.comĀ andĀ 100trumpets.com. She is the author ofĀ Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her firstĀ childrenā€™s book,Ā Hallelujahā€™s Great Ride, was released in September 2023. Photo credit: metamorworks/Getty Images.

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Stephen Rodenbeck
October 6, 2023

Excellent synopsis of a great interview with Kristen Williamson, our Arizona Angel.

Peg B
September 26, 2023

Heavenly Father, we give You praise that You reveal mysteries according to Your timeline. Just as Mordecai received insight regarding Haman’s plot, so You too are still at work in this. Just as Esther had to step forward in the kingdom “at such a time as this”, so too must the bride of Christ. Show us how to prepare, that we might enter Your inner courts and grant us wisdom and favor at this time. Hear our petition to expose and uproot the stealth technology at ASU, covert money at In-Q-Tel investment, science projects on gain-of-function coordinated and known to the CIA, mega data centers powered by Amazon which access our personal data and the extensions into our banking, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, military, etc. infrastructures. Remove seed money and grant funding, bring forth righteous and virtuous leadership, disrupt and dissolve corrupt relationships, expose all back-door plots, secure and restore this nation in right standing with You, from generation to generation. We praise You God of Righteousness! In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

September 26, 2023

It is written ā€œIt shall not stand; It shall not come to pass.ā€ Isaiah 7:7, in the name of the Jesus Christ, amen.

Darlene Estlow
September 26, 2023

Father God, thank you for providing information. I join Angel’s prayer, “Lord Jesus, please abolish the plans of the Enemy for ASU, and bring down the scaffolding of the biosecurity state.” Only you can unravel this and bring it to a halt. You have told us not to fear “when men succeed in their way, when they carry out their wicked schemes.” It is easy to be rattled, but you are in control. May we follow your guidance and do what you ask us to do, but above all, may we be faithful in prayer and worship of you.

Rev. Wendell Owens
September 26, 2023

I have long preached and truly believe that we have entered the End of Times as spoken of by Jesus Himself. That Jesus Himself is in control of what is happening in these End Times (as Prophesied) and is now allowing all this evil to come to pass so that All prophecy is fulfilled as is written in Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, Mark, Luke etc.
He said it would happen, warned us it would happen, and now is happening just as He said. He also said We, His bride will be taken out of the way (Raptured Rev 3:10) before He unleashes His wrath upon the people of this world ie: the 7-year Tribulation or also called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. All prophecy Must be fulfilled before Return of Christ to rule & reign for 1,000 years. This article confirms that the whole world is being deceived through the altering of human conciseness by AI, Artificial Life, nanotechnology by injections/vaccines and eventually The Mark of the beast. All promoted for the deception of peace & safety. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ā€œFor when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.ā€
If we are to pray for anything, let it not be for these events to stop, but to move forward quickly so the end will come, and eternity begin which is our blessed hope in Christ.
Let us therefore pray that this “Satanic Takeover” not be stopped, but for as many souls as can, be won to Jesus prior to Rapture. For after that, the Wrath of God cometh quickly on all the inhabitants of this world. As Ripley said, “Believe it or not.”

Lucy Courtney
September 26, 2023

This evidence of anti Christ web that seems so overwhelming is under the control of our Almighty God. Thank fully you are giving us the knowledge to pray and by faith bind the enemies plans. Can someone tell me a way to stay in touch with people OTHER THAN 5G cell phones? Are there still phones not connected to this control Trap?

    September 26, 2023

    You can still get a land line in most places and send snail mail. Nevertheless, those can also be surveiled by the government. Put the cell phone away and do things the old fashioned way: knock on your friends’ and neighbors’ doors, visit with family in person at traditional family gatherings, speak to people at church, the doctor’s office, grocery store, beauty shop, etc. Wherever you are, the old lines of communication still exist even though it seems we must use social media when someone’s as close as across the table or in the next room

    The “safest place to be,” as a previous IFA article commenter reminded, “is in the presence of God.” Prayer and reading God’s word, are the key to our communication with
    God. Sharing it with others in face-to-face contact may bring them into his fold or bring new friendships with like minded people.
    I pray that people, especially Christians, put away their phones and other gadgets, at least for a while each day, to communicate face-toface with each other.
    In Jesus name, I ask that we realize communication via social media is a rather new phenomenon. The first time I knew someone with a cell phone was in the late 1990s early 2000s.


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