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Jesus, we seek Your protection over our economy, finances, and government. Deliver us from any government shutdown in October.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A government shutdown looms, threatening the incomes of 4.5 million Americans. How would a shutdown affect you?

From The Wall Street Journal. Congress is running short on time to pass new spending legislation. If Republicans and Democrats don’t reach a deal before Oct. 1, much of the federal government will have to shut down.

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Here is why that might happen — and what it would mean for Americans.

Why might the government shut down?

Congress has to pass new legislation to fund the government every fiscal year. Democrats and Republicans don’t have a deal for a full-year spending package, so House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) proposed a short-term extension through October to allow more time for negotiations.

But a small group of House Republicans blocked that. They have opposed a stopgap bill, seeking deep spending cuts and limits on aid to Ukraine, among other demands. McCarthy can lose only four Republican votes to pass legislation without having to rely on Democratic support. Asking the other party to help him pass legislation could threaten his speakership. …

What happens then?

Without funding from Congress, the head of the White House Office of Management and Budget would send a directive across the federal government: Begin shutting down.

Uniformed members of the military and law enforcement would stay on the job, the White House has said. …

Whether they are at work or on furlough, none of the roughly 4.5 million people on the federal payroll get paid during a shutdown. Under a law passed in 2019, they receive back pay for any missed paychecks once the government opens again.

What does that mean for me? Will I still get my mail?

At first, many Americans might not notice much difference. Many essential government services continue during shutdowns. Payments on Treasury debt would be made. Social Security checks would be delivered. So would the mail. …

Will I still have to make student-loan payments?

Yes. …

How could this impact the economy?

Government spending makes up about a quarter of U.S. gross domestic product, so a sudden slowdown in that spending can have tangible economic consequences, especially if it goes on for several weeks.

Analysts at Goldman Sachs expect a shutdown would shave 0.2 percentage points off annualized GDP growth every week. …

Federal workers and contractors could face the most serious consequences. … Unlike federal employees, contractors aren’t guaranteed back pay for missed work during a shutdown. …

Share this article to encourage others to pray over the potential shutdown.

(Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Doug Armand/Getty Images)

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Peg B
September 26, 2023

Heavenly Father, You foreknew all things even before they were. Thank You. Isaiah 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over His kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and for ever more. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. LORD, we praise You on how You establish government and uphold them with justice and righteousness for ever more. We place our eyes upward, with our hands held high. We come to Your throne and ask You to call this to mind for our nation. Let Your word be spoken all throughout Congress and let it have it’s effectualness even now. We put our hope in You! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Stanley Jaggars
September 26, 2023

Truth is-those conservative Republican Congressmen are trying to save our nation from financial disaster which we are now on the road to!
Pray for them. There are worse things than a government shutdown.

Pam Zook, Missouri State Prayer Leader for IFA
September 26, 2023

Dear Lord you know the shape our economy is in today. I pray the hard prayer – have Your way with us. Bring us back to be the beacon You have called us to be for the world. In Jesus name we pray!

September 26, 2023

It is written “It shall not stand; It shall not come to pass.” Isaiah 7:7, in the name of the Jesus Christ, amen.

Grant Windholz
September 26, 2023

Through power and strength is accomplished only through prayer to you Lord God 🙏!! We pray that you protect the financial well-being for America! Our evil, wicked government is doing everything to bring down citizens here in this messed up country. Faith in you is the only way 🙏 AMEN!

Jacquelyn Yvonne Miller
September 26, 2023

Our government is in a mess. This happens every year. The people that are voted in are to have concerns for the people and not their own personal feelings. Congress will still get paid. Many of them are holding positions and not doing anything. So many people are
going to be affected. This is shameful.

September 26, 2023

FATHER, Send YOUR Angel Armies to Remove EVIL CCP from; Western Hemisphere-THE AMERICA’S & the Pacific Island’s.
FATHER, America cannot afford to continue to BORROW money from the Chinese and GIVE to Ukraine, and the world.
Obiden gave Bagram Airbase to CCP along with Billions of dollars worth of military weapons in Afghanistan withdrawal.
AND, also to IRAN (Biden is “Axis of Evil”)

September 26, 2023

In my opinion, there is more bad than good things that happen in gov right now , so a shutdown would postpone some of it .
I vote yes on a shutdown. The corruption needs stopped, that comes from an overblown gov.

    September 26, 2023

    I agree with REBA. Maybe a shutdown would give all lawmakers time to think as well as we THE PEOPLE to think about what is happening with our government. I can’t see to go ahead and push through a “package deal” with all sorts of things I don’t believe in (our country has gone mad with these immoral and evil things). I pray that GOD will intervene and guide our lawmakers to a sensible solution.

September 26, 2023

Although the prospect of a government shutdown has always put fear into the minds of US citizens, might a stand of this sort be necessary? Should we fear more a temporary shutdown or a permanent omnibus spending bill that includes perpetuating programs and funding of anti- Christian, immoral government agencies, etc? If what is coming out of our government was based upon kingdom principles and freedom of religion and speech, then by all means pray against a shutdown. Just wondering where God’s moving since His plan is to reset and reform.

    September 26, 2023

    I don’t think we should pray FOR or AGAINST a Government shutdown!! I think we should pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will be done regarding our Government’s spending/budget. It is CERTAINLY out of control and does NOT represent “We the people!!”
    God, expose the corruption, tear down the evil strongholds, and protect the people! In Jesus’ name.

September 26, 2023

I pray that God’s perfect will be done in all things and I trust that His will and righteousness will overcome all evil. In Jesus’s name.

Sharon Covington
September 26, 2023

Father, thank you for your supernatural protection over our finances. Holy spirit, intervene in the negotiations in Washington DC. Bring a powerful result to this situation where only you are glorified.


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