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Lord, thank You for exposing plots that undermine our education system. Unmask those seeking to deceive our youth. We commit our cause to You. Deliver us!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

A quick look at the website for the International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas) gives a picture of a prosperous free-charter school serving over 23,000 K-12 students at 22 physical campuses across Texas. ILTexas Schools operates as a third-party nonprofit that can mask funding ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and subsequently to the schools they serve. They may provide salaries for Chinese teachers and funding for Chinese cultural programs for the students. One of their most successful after-school programs at the University of Oklahoma is patterned after an ILTexas model.

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For 14 years, Tulsa Public Schools (TPS), the largest school district in Oklahoma, has hosted an ILTexas Chinese-language and cultural program at one of its most prestigious magnet schools. In 2022, a newly elected school board member, E’Lena Ashley, was the first to vote against renewing the contract to continue the Confucius Institute’s center. The move by Ashley prompted an investigation by Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters to investigate the Confucius classrooms. He gave his report at a Sept. 19, 2023, meeting in Washington, D.C. At that Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee meeting, Walters said he discovered a series of nonprofits that sponsor the TPS programs, all of which maintained an active connection with the CCP. Walters noted that the federal government’s 2020 crackdown on the programs at the university level had not diminished the number of Confucius Institutes, as the CCP merely changed the emphasis to K-12.

A bit of background: In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the CCP’s ambitious global infrastructure plan, the Belt-Road Initiative. As a rising world power, China would invest in projects in over 150 countries that would showcase China’s position as a rising world power while expanding its influence. The projects would culminate in 2049, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

While most developments consist of brick-and-mortar projects, many do not. The CCP’s massive influence in U.S. education recently came under scrutiny from Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., who sounded an alarm about the CCP’s purchase of strategically located U.S. military academies through the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. Waltz also raised concerns about the schools’ use of communist curricula.

Such infringement should rouse every American citizen. Looking at the history of the CCP’s invasion of the U.S. education system, we can gather insight into how to pray for God’s protection over our students.

In 2004, the CCP began establishing Confucius Institute “cultural” centers on U.S. college and university campuses. By 2014, 188 centers existed. The Trump administration demanded that the State Department and FBI scrutinize the institutes for promoting Chinese communist propaganda and stealing intellectual property, causing the numbers to diminish. Even after the Biden administration rescinded the Trump effort, the centers continued to dwindle. But they did not disappear. Many renamed themselves as a Center for Language and Education Cooperation, redirecting their focus to establishing nonprofit centers in our K-12 schools. The CCP boasts such “cultural centers” in over 500 U.S. K-12 schools today. Other Confucius Institutes began working with the United Front Work Department, allowing them to function as an arm of the CCP on higher education campuses. Recently, several congressional Republicans expressed their concerns over the CCP’s influence on primary and secondary school education through these newly formed “cultural” centers.

“The Chinese government is betting that if it takes away the name ‘Confucius Institute’ and tweaks the program’s structure, no one will be the wiser,” said Rachel Peterson, a research fellow at the National Association of Scholars.

Along with their public school endeavors, the CCP also focused on U.S. private schools. On Jan. 31, 2023, Rep. Waltz sent a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressing concerns over the CCP’s purchase of private schools across America.

Waltz requested audits on two military academies with locations that present national security risks. The Florida Preparatory Academy, a coeducational college-prep school for grades 5-12, houses an Air Force ROTC program. That school is near the Melbourne, Florida, space technology hub. Newopen Education Group purchased the military school in 2017. Newopen is a China-based company that describes itself on LinkedIn as “the most influential and valuable education group in China.” Newopen manages two universities, five middle schools, two primary schools, and 31 kindergartens.

The New York Military Academy, which President Trump attended as a young man, runs an Army JROTC program 6 miles from West Point. The academy, purchased in 2015, is owned by the Research Center on Natural Conservation, backed by China-based Fang Holdings Ltd.

The military academies are the tip of the iceberg. In December 2017, Primavera Capital, a China-based private equity firm, purchased the California-based Stratford School K-12 system for approximately $500 million. Stratford boasts 30 locations  — five in Southern California, and 25 in the Greater Bay Area.

Waltz’s alarm over the CCP’s attempts to influence the next generation of our citizens is something that even President George Washington expressed as long ago as 1799. Writing about the dangers of American youth being educated in foreign schools that do not hold to the values of our republic and freedoms, he said: “It has always been a source of serious regret with me to see the youth of these United States sent to foreign countries for the purpose of education … contracting too frequently, not only habits of dissipation and extravagance, but principles unfriendly to Republican Government, and to the true and genuine liberty of mankind: which thereafter are rarely overcome” (Schroeder, p. 74, 1989).

Turning our concerns into prayers, we dare to believe that God will protect and redeem education in America.

Share your prayers below for the protection of children across America.

Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the cultural mountain of education. She is the author of Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform American Schools; Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Revolutionize Your School; and Decrees for Your School. She leads groups for prayer at key educational locations across the U.S. Find out more by visiting TakingTheMountainOfEducation.com. Photo Credit: Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash.

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Karen Secrest
September 26, 2023

I recall my first encounter with a Chinese parent known as a Tiger mom so many years ago in a public school with focus on gifted children. At that time it never occurred to us that what we considered a control freak might be a family subject to a government that could make whole families disappear anywhere in the world if they didn’t adhere to the party program.

Our God reigns..

David DuBois
September 26, 2023

I thank the Lord for Nancy Huff and others who are waking us up to the dangers of antiChristian infiltration of our schools, and for the increase in prayer and action to turn back that infiltration in the name of Jesus, our Lord and savior.

September 26, 2023

Hypothetical questions. Is our country allowed to go into Chinese schools and teach the fundamentals of a Republic form of government and Freedom of Religion?

NO. Maybe that should be a way of counteracting this invasion of our country through education.
Father show us the Way!
Prayer and Action.

September 26, 2023

We declare that we will persevere on the battlefield of America until the new wine is poured out, and the river of life flows abundantly.

Jerry Wilkins
September 26, 2023

Please pray for grace and guidance for me to finaly get my finances and time management straight so i can be a better steward of my time and resources!
At 86 my health and physical strength is also quite a challenge!

Darlene Estlow
September 26, 2023

Sovereign God, our Father, open the eyes of our leaders. May they be aware of the danger of letting China do so much in our country. Open the eyes of parents and give them courage to protect their children and speak out. May we as a country continue to repent so that you may lift your hand of discipline and bring wholeness to our country. We praise you.

Grant Windholz
September 26, 2023

Thanks to you Lord Almighty for revealing the truth through the educational system in this country 🙏! Satan’s goal is to indulge his lies in the minds of our young ones! It’s all spiritual warfare! I’m a teacher and I pray all the time for the kids in each class constantly! The power of Christ is still in control!!

Dave Powell
September 26, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father please help all who are involved in eliminating the China influence and purchases of American (USA) schools and school districts. Clearly Father, these are deceptions that hinder Your influence in all public and private schools in America. Your glory has been diminished by foolish people who may or may not be aware of the terrible influence China has perpetraded in our wonderful country. May Your Love and Protection continue against this inappropriate offense to our educational system in America.
In His Magnificent Presence,

Brian Lynch
September 26, 2023

Totally unacceptable.

Ron Glenn Deere
September 26, 2023

One can depend upon the Chinese Communist Party’s subterfuge in schools. After all, they are after taking down American from within.

Marion Natale
September 26, 2023

Father, we thank you for revealing these designs of the enemy to us and we ask that You prompt the Leaders of our Nation to eradicate this plot from our land. Alert parents to what is taking place in these schools and with their children. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and acting on our behalf.

Allena Jordan
September 26, 2023

Father, I declare and decree that the CCP will lose so much money that they will no longer be able to fund these acquisitions. Open the eyes of those who need to sell their institutes. Let them dig deeply into who’s buying. May these businesses and institutes work to preserve this Republic, not sell out to the CCP. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Grant Richter
September 26, 2023

As Christians we must be loud and vocal about this invasion of the CCP into our American schools.
America needs to push China out of our country and reduce and eliminate all trade with China.
Further Christens must continue to demand our stores stop purchasing goods made in China.
While most of China is not directly part of the CCP, China is unfortunately allowing its government to be controlled by evil. Make no mistake, communism is a godless form of government and all that agree with its principles face eternal judgement.
Our Founding Fathers would have made for better provisions in our Constitution had foreign governments influence and ease of travel been around back then.

    September 26, 2023

    Hello Grant ,
    I agree with the content of your post and am praying to that end . The problem is that like you most Americans don’t realize it is years too late to simply “cut-off “China.
    If that were possible our electric grids would shut down , our computer driven hospitals with their high tech machines would cease to function. Automobiles would be useless because our network of fuel distribution would be unable to function very long without Chinese made parts .
    America has dug herself a giant hole and we all have dove in because of our search for cheaper goods and a more balanced checkbook at the end of the month..
    Father God you are our only hope to deliver us from this Masterplan of Satans armies. In Jesus name we look to you for your deliverance !!

      Laura Laurain
      September 26, 2023

      So true. I was thinking that exact same thing as i prayed for this deliverance from the Masterplan of Santan’s armies as you have so accurately described it. We must pray against it!

      R M
      September 26, 2023

      The US can recover and rebuild; this happened during the 2nd World War during our parents and grandparents’ generation. American industry won WW II and American industry can win again if certain three letter government agencies are defunded and government resources directed 100% toward “Made in the USA”. The heathen president, heathen members of the president’s cabinet, and their heathen buddies in Congress and in government agencies have to go, no excuses.

        Maynard Beck Sr
        September 28, 2023

        Beg to differ Bob. Take a look at what Governor Desantis has done in Florida.


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