The Government Lied About the COVID Shot
The Government Lied About the COVID Shot
Intercessor, have you been praying about the COVID shots? If so, you will find this video helpful, informative, and shocking.
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Since the COVID shots were introduced years ago, many have seen mild to severe vaccine injuries. Myocarditis is on the rise, and many otherwise healthy young people have died after receiving the vaccine. Despite this, the government has continued to push for vaccination. Even now, with new variants on the horizon, the government is once again pushing people to get the shot.
The question is whether the government knew in the first place how harmful the COVID shot was. While many suspected that the government was purposely lying to the American public when it claimed that the vaccines were “safe and effective,” no one was able to present definitive truth. Now, however, the truth has been revealed.
In the video below, Dr. Naomi Wolf shares her newfound “smoking gun,” discussing documents that prove that the government knew about the dangers of the COVID shot when it said otherwise to the American people. Watch the video to see just how much evidence a simple FOIA request was able to produce:
Share this article to raise awareness of the lies about the COVID shot.
(Video from Bannons War Room. Photo Credit: twofiqu ahamed barbhuiya/Canva)
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My wife died because of the vaccine!!
The data on studies of the harmful effects of the jab from around the world have been routinely censored over the last 3 years. There are thousands. You can start with reading Robert Kennedy’s Jr.’s book on Dr. Fauci and then do your own research.
Robert Kennedy Jr is, of course, entitled to his opinion, but he is not a scientist. He is not conducting research using rigorous standards whose results can be duplicated by anyone following in his footsteps. And, yes, while facebook and other social media may try and block the work of scientist appearing on their particular sites, the work of scientist are still available through universities and scientistic journals, just harder for the general public to access. I was talking about interviews with serious scientist, who are careful about making claims which cannot be proven and are aware that their words are being judged by other professionals. There are thousands of doctors in this country who hold a vast array of personal beliefs, all of them worth listening to, but because there are so many, it is possible to cherry pick and find one who will tell you what you want to hear. In order to get to the truth, the opinion of a number of experts who are conducting research as well as those who are dealing with large numbers of patients all over the world, need to be considered..
This is interesting, but shouldn’t a conclusion about the efficacy of the vaccine be based on interviews with dozens of researchers and doctors in the United States as well as overseas (so as to a remove the likelihood of bias from our politics) and involve the shifting through of data on large numbers of people from various backgrounds?
Going forward the Saints must not allow the enemy’s messages about any virus to ‘”scare them to death,” thus allowing the spirit of fear to override listening to the Holy Spirit’s instructions and directions. Since we know our destiny once we received Jesus as our Master, Savior and Lord, we have already died to self, and the idea of a physical death should no longer fazes us because our soul and spirit lives forever in Heaven.
It was way too easy during the so called ‘pandemic years’ (March 2020-May 2023) to get under the skin (jab) of many in the Body of Christ. The grace of discernment was readily available through the Holy Spirit. However, God has provided a ‘ram in the bush’ using some of His saints to produce protocols that can detox the body of the mRNA spike protein (Dr. Medola, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Fadwa Gillander, etc).
Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace. Thank you for opening the eyes of the Saints to see and accept the truth. May we go forward and clearly be the light and salt that exposes the truth and boldly proclaim a gospel that truly heals the mind, body, soul and spirit. Amen.
Acting on fear, one did not allow themselves to recognize that a large majority of people caught the virus, did not end up in the hospital and are alive today. In fact, most people caught it more than once. The lie that was perpetuated was, ‘you catch the virus, you automatically die, and the ‘jab’ will prevent you from serious
symptoms leading to death.’ Now we are seeing that those who were admitted to hospitals and unfortunately died were likely affected adversely by the hospital’s protocol (respirators, Remdesivir), not given prophylactics that may have prevented hospitalizations or may have suffered repercussions from the ‘jab.’
Lord I ask that you would heal our bodies from any changes that have occurred from the Covid vaccine that you would restore health to those who have asked. We claim your promise that we are healed by your stripes I claim this for those seeking to u so any harm and change that has I cured through this immunization. Lord I ask that you would bring people side by side to say no if they choose without any harm coming to them and bring those who support the shot to be moved and help block the forcing of a vaccine that a person does not want. Allow your justice to go out Lord and fight for those, equip us to be a voice in The darkness
Please pray!
COVID-19 was all a huge lie of evil governmental lies and manipulation! As this country and world turns darker, we all need Jesus Christ 🙏, he’s our only hope!!
Thanks to my sister saying out loud about the criminals killing our Americans.
These “vaccines” are experimental, ie. unproven. Yet many people knowingly took (continue to take) them out of fear and coercion by their governments, churches, families and friends. We are indeed sheep but I am thankful that I have a Shepherd who cares for me and protected me from this grievous assault. I often felt like Caleb returning from scouting out the land – rejected and mocked. Thank you Jesus for caring for your people, please draw them near to you that the truth can be discerned and evil exposed and rejected.
Judith Downey, the social media is canceling you because you’re not following the current lies of the Biden administration. LuvNan 🥰
May God bless, protect, and provide for all our Intercessors. Wanted to share that I began to learn the real Covid 19 facts very soon after the vaccination came out and was recommended to allUS citizens in a very forceful way by the federal government. All thanks go to the Lamb family and the tv channel Daystar. They wanted some facts about it all and began to have Christian doctors and one Jewish doctor on their programs with their knowledge and research presented. What a huge blessing!! They knew truth and were not afraid of the persecution and threatening that followed. Tried to share the info with family and friends but most of them didn’t believe what I was telling them or had friends or doctors pressuring them to take the shot. Well,
what was said on Daystar all proved to be true and the government authorities and doctors from the federal government were lying unashamedly. It was all an effort of fear and control! Never took any of the shots, had covid twice, and was fine thanks to Daystar and my strong and merciful God. Wanted to also say don’t be easily swayed by fear and pressure but find out the facts for yourself. These are the end-time days and the enemy is prowling around looking for whom he may devour. Jesus has already won our battle but we need to think, pray, and take our time with decisions. There were also some people on the Daystar show that had been seriously damaged by the injections who told their stories. Be as wise as serpent but harmless as dove. The enemy’s days are short so the evil that we face is great. First Peter 5:8 and First Corinthians 15:57,58 and Matthew 10:16. Much love to you all !! I’m 82 years old now and have had the flu once. Don’t take flu shots because they’re just guessing which viruses will be a problem that year. For me, the flu was much worse than the covid.
Thank you for spreading more this information I didn’t see the video. When the covid fearmongering started I thank My Lord Jesus that he would give me more insight. Mainly because Reactions to medicine sometimes are adverse for me I have never taken the flu shots for this very reason Adverse affects . Therefore I decided not to get the COVID jab Call it A JAB because CDC didn’t refered it as a vaccine I’m thankful for this decision HOWEVER I was very concerned for my family that decided otherwise Son and GD babies were vaccinated My Prayer for them and many people that took them Was and is that Their bodies May be Protected with My Lord’s Holy Precious Blood Mainly if they were Innocent and didn’t know any better With new set of covid vaccines and masks again mandates For their EYES OF THEIR UNDERSTANDING BE ENLIGHTENED AND PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER CHRIST JESUS IS LORD AMEN ✝️
LORD God, please smite those who deceived the Americans for years, pushing for death and disease rather than safety and protection. REMOVE the Liars and continue to reveal TRUTH so we will have freedom O GOD.
This is one of many impeachable offenses of this horribly evil Biden administration.
I pray to God to lift the curse of this wicked government from our nation and bring His justice to our land.
Does anyone remember when they first started giving the shots? They warned against anyone with neurological problems with heart problems. Even migraines, anyone getting pregnant? Not to take it, there were several warnings. With several problems that they could not take the shot?
New variant, weaker than Omicron
Aeris, greek god of discord –
strife, “Discordia”
Stay hydrated & supplements
99% of covid labeled DEATHS
(Hospital coded for ^ $ paid)
* Were NOT Covid *
(No one died of old age, FLU, heart disease, diabetes, COPD, accidents, Etc…)
False Claims;
NO Reduction in virus coverage!
NOT Safe: Cardiac, Blood clots, Paralysis, Death…
*False Claim *Safe & Effective*
(& Changed definition of vaccine)
An Effective, DETOX
Breakdown spike protein;
Nattokinase 2,000 FU 2 times day
Bromelain 500 MG daily
Curcumin 500 MB 2 times daily
Virus spike stays in body 2 years
Vax spike, forever per ADULT Dr.
America Out Loud .Com
MD Peter McCullough .Com
I will Not comply
Because You Lie
Praying 🙏
The DOD is dispersing the Vaccines and boosters, our own government is in charge.. not big pharma. !!!
Thank you Lord for discernment and for loving and watching over me !!!🙏
Everytime I try to share these articles on Facebook, nothing happens! Is it just me? I can email them but not post to Facebook without copying and paste.
The gov’t knew for sure but did a very thorough job of hiding all the facts & especially when Trump was president. That’s one of the “sordid benefits” (their terminology, not mine) of entrenched, lifer politicians & their “network” – they know thoroughly how to hide, delay, misdirect info, etc. from those not as experienced in operating gov’t affairs. Trump was a wrecking ball to the deep state plans & they made sure that everything possible was hidden from him, through a multi-layered “big gov’t” system. Because if they hadn’t done that, Trump would never would have approved the go ahead. He replied on people around him who gave him misdirection….all the while with a their fake smile & handshake. There are snakes everywhere capital hill – hundreds of not thousands who sold their souls for money, power, prestige & the false reality of control. Some merely did it out of revenge.
Please continue to pray DAILY for all the corruption to be exposed associated with the vaccines & boosters. Rest in God & His promises but do not rest from assaulting enemy gates & strongholds. Pray continually for protection for people such as Dr. Wolf & especially pray for “vax whistleblowers” to come forth with the truth.
Also, please unite with others who want to establish a “unvaxxed blood supply” across this nation. This is a huge battlefield that need warriors to pray about & be unified for. The present administration will fight against you on this because a vaxxed, contaminated blood supply is every bit as damaging as the vax itself – long term. Did you know that DC, people that work closely with our officials, big pharma, etc. – ALL have avenues to an “unvaxxed” blood supply for them & their families. The natural question is “why is that if the vaccines are safe”? And remember, every member of our gov’t had the “option” of not receiving the vax – they made, for themselves, an “exemption” for not only themselves but all family members. Those vax promotion videos of Biden getting the vax – totally fake.
God reminded us, instructed us… over and over of deception of all sorts in the last days. Be on guard!!
God , in your mercy deliver our children from this unknown covid vaccine and it’s side effects !
Protect our loved ones please in our families and friends and those with young innocent children .
Jesus I Trust in you , Jesus I Trust in you . Jesus I Trust in You . Take care of this evil . Amen
Dr. Ardis recommends a detox regime if you’ve had Covid or had any Covid vaccines.
It’s an inexpensive, 2-week detox using 2 or 3 easily available supplies.
Here is the link:
Even if you don’t believe the venom stuff, the detox works!
I had had the shots, but I did this detox after a “required” Covid test was positive. I felt better, and stll do!, after the detox than I had since I’d had the shots! He also recommends ivermectin, which I now take every week or two.
The detox is a little, uh, rough on the body – but it’s WELL worth it!! I feel like I no longer have poison in my body!
Please note: I did not take the shots because I believed the lies or felt I needed to, I took them because my elderly Aunt wanted to have one more visit with me before she passed and SHE requested I get them. I honored her, got the shots (trusting God to protect me from them), and flew across the US to see her. We had a GREAT visit, and she passed about 9 months later. It was worth it!!
God is good!!
Detox if you need to; it WORKS!!
I’m thankful you honored your Aunt’s request, and I believe the LORD protected you. We received the Moderna shots for much the same reason, and the LORD has protected us as well.
Naomi Wolf is the Esther of our time. I’m so grateful that God opened her eyes & equipped her to keep on top of this ongoing sad story in our nation’s history. I’ll repeat this again concerning Christians submitting to government authorities: in the US, the authorities are WE THE PEOPLE, not those we elect. They work for us. They are to serve us, not the other way around. I’m trusting God to shake sleeping Christians by the scruff of their necks to wake them up to their responsibilities as citizens. It may be too late to save this republic, BUT GOD…
Thank you for all your good work.
Thank you all for putting this together and informing the people.
LORD GOD Almighty,
Thank you for bringing this to light. Help people to be open to this important truth. Continue to open the eyes of our understanding to the deception that has covered the world. Give wisdom to know what to do with this information. I pray in Jesus name that more whistleblowers will come out and also protect those that do. We need you LORD, to show us your ways and which paths to take in regard to this worldwide deception. Forgive us of our complacency and fears.
Help us to walk by faith and stand firm in our beliefs. Help us to trust in You with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge You LORD and please direct our lives. Give us favor and wisdom and protection in YOUR name we pray, GOD bless America! Amen!
The vaccines that were and are available have always been “experimental” and not approved for use in USA according to the CDC’s own website. Search it out.
Technically and legally, since experimental, you cannot be forced to take them. Stand firm on the Truth and trust for His provision.
Deepest spiritual truth, I believe, is that this is another attempt by The Evil One by fear, confusion and control to change, hurt and alter God’s precious image, mankind!
If still possible, remain the “pure blood” he has made you to be! If not, repent, return and trust for His healing relationally and, potentially, physically. My heart aches for the consequences many are experiencing due to what they have allowed or chosen to do! May God bless His children!
Satans time is short he knows his end is at the doorstep. His goal is to take billions with him into the darkness. This administration is following their father
Christian Dr. Jim Willie shared all this in the fall, maybe late fall of 2020. Nothing new here. He or anoher said the die off from the genecidal bioweapon would begin in March- April 2021. I saw christians Ty and Charlene Bollingers “The Truth About Vaccines” on line series in the summer of 2020 before the covid jab came out and my eyes were opened and I will never have anoher vaccine of any type again! God inspired me these words ; ‘we must have a humble heart that desires the truth even if it runs against our current line of thinking or belief” and “The one who desires the truth will find it and if not that one will continue to believe lies”. I have walked this out the last 3 years.
Its always reassuring that more proof is revealed about these shots! And, the difficulty is not sharing this info., the difficulty is the receivers of the info, who are already jabbed, or have no conviction about the truth or proof,and still defend ” rights” to it, or ” obedience” to the gov. mandates!! We need to pray for God’s intervention mightily, into the hearts and minds of people that had itching ears for the lies, vs. Truth,for the evil that was portrayed as ” good for you” vs Lie of ” it is a death sentence”! People are still convinced that even after the shot, they were more ill and still contracted” covid” even when they were not ill, before the shot; that was better than dying from Covid first! The Media/ Gov. Twisted (satan’s work) weak minds!
Praying for all, I am living as a renter from an elderly woman, three shots in the 1st 3 given, in out of hospitals for 1 1/2 years many problems, and needs caretakers checking on her several times a week, which is not enough! And, I tried talking with her children, and her, to make informed decisions, not to get more after shot#1, they closed their ears, and saying I was just voicing an opinion. So very tragically sad.
Praying for all, Bless each one.
That is so very sad. To me, it’s only common sense to see what these shots have done to this woman. My cardiologist’ nurse told us Thursday that she got one Moderna and had a serious stroke. She looks like she’s about 30 years old. It’s heartbreaking and sickening. Thank God that she recovered. I got tachycardia and Afib from having covid; but the tightness in my chest was even stronger when I was being pushed to get that shot because the Holy Spirit check was so strong. May God reveal his truth more and more.
I have no intention of taking any more vaccines. I already made up my mind about that before I read this article.
I trust NOTHING the left promotes.
I totally agree!No Fear Here !!🙏