I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, the enemy continues leveraging attacks against our God-given freedoms, attempting to wear down the saints. We ask for strength, courage and supernatural protection to weather and win these continuous battles.
Reading Time: 9 minutes

This is a long but important read. IFA has extensively researched and culled together key facts and data. We urge you to pray about the decisions being made by global leaders that will impact all of us.   

The World Health Organization is careening full speed ahead with its plans for dealing with the next health emergency as COVID winds down. Unfortunately, these plans are being discussed behind closed doors, without the consent of the very people who would be affected most. Essentially, the citizens of at least 196 nations, including the U.S., are being left in the dark about the regulations and treaties that could undermine their health freedom and security. From Feb. 20–24, 2023, negotiations will take place regarding the International Health Regulations (IHR). The following week, from Feb. 27 to March 3, 2023, attention will shift to the Pandemic Treaty.

Much urgent prayer is needed regarding both these meetings — as they will impact the sovereignty of many nations when it comes to pandemic response, human rights, health care choices, medical treatments, individual privacy, and freedom of speech.   

WHO expert and medical freedom journalist James Roguski has been following the progress of the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Treaty for well over a year, and he warns that now is not the time to let down our guard. In May 2022, many people were first made aware of the WHO’s initial attempt to amend the International Health Regulations, which were proposed by the Biden administration. At that time, outspoken leaders like former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, as well as many alternative-news sites, including IFApray.org, alerted the public about the WHO’s plans to infringe upon medical rights. Due to public outcry, the Biden WHO amendments failed, but this was only a temporary setback. Unfortunately, the WHO continued its pursuit, landing us on the doorstep of tyranny once more, according to Roguski.

On his website, stopthewho.com, Roguski provides many informative videos that can be viewed here, as well as downloads of the amendments and the treaty. As the meetings unfold in the coming weeks, he wants every citizen of the world to be informed about the many reasons why the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments must be stopped. He states: “Everyone on earth must be made aware that the World Health Organization is attempting a global coup. Please share this article with everyone you know and feel free to contact me directly at any time if you have any questions or would like to help in a more substantial way … you can reach me at +1-310-619-3055 via phone, text, Signal, WhatsApp or Telegram.”

In his article, Roguski lists the top ten reasons to oppose the IHR Amendments, as the ultimate goal is to adopt legally binding regulations and essentially undermine “human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Furthermore, he says”: “I believe that the purpose of these meetings is ultimately designed to institute a Global Digital Health Certificate.”

The ten reasons are listed below:

  • Change from Advisory to Mandatory: This changes the overall nature of the World Health Organization from an advisory organization that merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally binding (Article 1 and Article 42).
  • Potential Rather than Actual Emergencies: This greatly expands the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact public health” (Article 2).
  • Disregard for Dignity, Human Rights, and Freedoms: This seeks to remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people” (Article 3).
  • Allocation Plan: This gives the Director General of the WHO control over the means of production through an “allocation plan for health products” requiring developed states to supply pandemic-response products as directed (Article 13A).
  • Mandatory Medical Treatments: This gives the WHO authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, and proof of vaccine, and to implement contact tracing, quarantine, and TREATMENT (Article 18).
  • Global Health Certificates: This institutes a system of global health certificates in digital or paper form, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms, and a traveler’s health declaration (articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44; and annexes 6 and 8).
  • Loss of Sovereignty: This would empower the Emergency Committee to override decisions made by sovereign nations regarding health measures and would make the Emergency Committee’s decisions final (Article 43).
  • Unspecified, Potentially Enormous Financial Costs: This would redirect unspecified billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex with no accountability (Article 44A).
  • Censorship: This greatly expands the WHO’s capacity to censor what it considers to be “misinformation” and “disinformation” (Annex 1, page 36).
  • Obligations of Duty to Cooperate: This creates an obligation to build, provide, and maintain IHR infrastructure at points of entry (Annex 10).

Echoing the warnings of Roguski, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver says: “These amendments go far beyond mandating digital health records and Vaccine Passports. It’s hard to highlight which are the most dangerous of the amendments spread across 46 pages. But there are two key ones: First, one amendment will give WHO unprecedented power not just over a ‘public health risk’ but also over ‘all risks with a potential to impact public health.’ Anything can be a ‘potential’ risk to ‘public health.’ This includes access to abortion, transgene mutilations, ‘climate change’ and, of course, COVID. Second, the amendments change WHO from an advisory U.N. agency to ‘a legally binding agreement of 196 countries to build the capability to … detect, assess, report, and respond to public health events.’ ”

Liberty Counsel’s recent Action article explains: “Joe Biden wants to amend WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) to give the U.N. agency global power. Like George W. Bush (who got us into the IHR mess), Biden wants to bypass the Senate by calling this an ‘agreement’ rather than a treaty. We must stop him before it’s too late! The new amendments will be voted on during the annual World Health Assembly meeting in May. A simple majority vote of the member nations can give WHO global authority. These amendments will give the WHO the ability to control all treatments, injections and PPE; determine what is ‘essential’; control trade, commerce and your ability to work and travel; and even force quarantine and isolation. …WHO could ban ivermectin and mandate its own treatment protocol. … WHO would also be able to censor ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation.’ It could have leverage of communication channels to communicate the risk … just imagine the WHO leveraging media and social media to tell you how you are to comply with its latest global ‘health’ directive.”

In essence, the plan is to go global, while bypassing the courts and the will of the people.

On Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023, Sen. Ron Johnson, R–Wis., introduced the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. He says: “This legislation would require any convention or agreement resulting from the work of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) intergovernmental negotiating body be deemed a treaty, requiring the advice and consent of a supermajority of the Senate.”

Sen. Johnson explains: “The WHO, along with our federal health agencies, failed miserably in their response to COVID-19. This failure should not be rewarded with a new international treaty that would increase the WHO’s power at the expense of American sovereignty. I’m proud to reintroduce this legislation to hold the WHO accountable for their failures and increase transparency for the American people. The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable.” On this bill Johnson is joined by Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn.; John Barrasso, R-Wyo.; Mike Lee, R-Utah; Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.; Rick Scott, R-Fla.; John Hoeven, R-N.D.; Marco Rubio, R-Fla.; Ted Cruz, R-Texas; Steve Daines, R-Mont.; Thom Tillis, R-N.C.; Tom Cotton, R-Ark.; Mike Braun, R-Ind.; Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala.; Roger Marshall, R-Kan.; and Katie Britt, R-Ala. The full text of the bill can be found here.

You can take action now! Click here to send a message to your elected officials.

In addition to the IHR Amendments, Roguski provides a list of the top ten reasons to oppose the Pandemic Treaty, also known as the Zero Draft (published Feb. 1, 2023). Written under the guise of “the world together equitably,” it will enter into negotiations Feb. 27–March 3, 2023. These are listed here:

  • The WHO Wants Control: Three separate times, the WHO is attempting to assert its desire to grasp additional authority by usurping the sovereignty of the member nations (pages 4, 12 and 22).
  • Common but Differentiated Responsibilities: Each nation would receive only one vote, and all nations would be legally bound by the obligations of the WHO CA+ (Conceptual Zero Draft), though some nations would be required to do and provide more than others, in unspecified ways (page 11).
  • WHO Global Pandemic Supply Chain and Logistics Network: The WHO would be empowered to determine, control, and direct the global supply of pharmaceutical products, and all nations would be legally obligated to obey its dictates (page 13).
  • Speed Up Regulatory Approval of Drugs: Here, nations would be obligated to decrease the time required to approve new drugs, regardless of any issues regarding safety and effectiveness (page 15).
  • Support for Gain of Function: Nations would be encouraged to engage in “innovative research and development for addressing novel pathogens” while ensuring that regulatory standards “do NOT create any unnecessary administrative hurdles for research” (page 16).
  • Pathogen Access and Benefits-Sharing System: The WHO wants to be in control of “all pathogens with pandemic potential, including their genomic sequences, as well as access to benefits arising therefrom.” The WHO also wants to receive “real-time access to 20% of the production of … pandemic-related products” (pages 17 and 18).
  • Attempts to Justify Restrictions of Unalienable Human Rights: The WHO is attempting to rebrand isolation, restrictions and quarantines as “Protection of Human Rights” (page 21).
  • Censorship: The WHO wants to increase funding to “tackle false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation,” “managing infodemics through … social media” and “to counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news” (page 23).
  • Enormous, Unspecified Costs: The WHO CA+ (Conceptual Zero Draft ) would require tens of billions of dollars to be spent during interpandemic times on products that would provide dubious health benefits but consistent profits for the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (pages 25 and 26).
  • Additional Bureaucracy: The Conference of the Parties (COP) would create yet another enormous bureaucracy to be ruled over by two presidents and four vice presidents (pages 26 and 27).

An Epoch Times article elaborates by specifying: “A key question surrounding the accord is whether the Biden Administration can bind America to treaties and agreements without the consent of the U.S. Senate, which is required under the Constitution. The Zero Draft concedes that, per international law, treaties between countries must be ratified by national legislatures, thus respecting the rights of their citizens to consent. However, the draft also includes a clause that the accord will go into effect on a ‘provisional’ basis, as soon as it is signed by delegates to the WHO, and therefore it will be legally binding on members without being ratified by legislatures.”

In his article, “100 Reasons to Stop the Treaty,” Roguski highlights the unalienable rights of all human beings, which include: “the importance of individual health over public health, the right to privacy, right to express one’s opinion, right to provide information of prevention and healing, right to choose treatment, right to refuse treatment, right to travel freely upon the earth, rights of children to be protected by their parents, right to be with friends and family, right to freedom from discrimination and no derogation of rights during an emergency.”

The bottom line is this: Roguski urges citizens of the world to get informed, get involved and act NOW. The WHO considers your silence to be consent. He suggests visiting his website, stoptheglobalagenda.com, and using the links provided there to find the names of delegates who represented your nation at the 75th World Health Assembly, in May 2022, and sharing your opinion with them as soon as possible. The U.S. includes a long list, starting with Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services. You can also share the open letter provided here with your congressional representatives. Additionally, you can create your own video message describing how you feel about the WHO’s plans and post it to Roguski’s website in the comments section, using this link. For up-to-date information on the WHO’s plans, you can participate in Zoom meetings twice daily by clicking here. You will be connected with others around the world and be able to ask questions and share ideas. You can also view the live-stream and/or the recordings of the meetings using this link, or check in daily at jamesroguski.substack.com, where he will summarize the information.

Roguski reminds everyone: “I have been sounding the alarm about this for nearly a year. Now is NOT the time to claim victory or be distracted. NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE MASSIVE WORLDWIDE ACTION.”

Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel says: We have a short window to flood Congress with opposition to Joe Biden, who wants to give away our sovereignty. If Congress does not stop Biden, then these amendments will be adopted and the WHO will gain global power. Flood Congress with as many faxes as possible to oppose and defund this disturbing power grab and stop the Biden administration.”

At this time, fasting, prayer, and action are critical. We must pray that these IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty be stopped in their tracks. We must pray also for those leaders and activists who are trying to raise awareness and to put a halt to this global medical coup.

C.S. Lewis once said: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.” Unfortunately, globalist agendas are designed to attain power instead of working for the good of the people. As President Eisenhower warned in his 1961 farewell address: ” … [W]e must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence.”

Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can effectively fight against such threats. We must never take our liberty for granted.

Lord Jesus, help us fight against this clear and present danger of medical tyranny that looms over our nation and the world. As the Psalmist said: You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me (Psalm 139:5). We trust in Your protection.

You can take action now! Click here to send a message to your elected officials.

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger, and home-schooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the U.S. You can visit her blogs at 67owls.com and 100trumpets.com. Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. (Photo credit: iStock.)

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Shanna medeiros
February 25, 2023

We pray Angel Armies weapons of mass destruction against this enemy WHO

February 23, 2023

In the Old Testament is the story about the king who was sick a bed and the prophet visited him. and the prophet told him to shoot the arrows out the window. but the king only shot three times. the prophet was very angry. because the king only struck the ground three times he would win battles but not the war.
we who stand in prayer strike the ground with our declarations of scripture and one scripture that we can stand on the wall and call out hour after hour if we have to, is Psalm 125:3 The rod (or law) of the wicked SHALL NOT REST on the lot of the righteous!
speak it out in faith, over this issue and other illegal things as well.

The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous. pray it at least 7 times, at a sitting. and then take time to pray it over and over, but at least 7 times , never once or twice or three times.

Leshia Burt
February 23, 2023

Signed and praying!!!!!!!

Leshia Burt
February 23, 2023


Leshia Burt
February 23, 2023

We BIND and REBUKE outbreaks unleashed by wicked people with evil agendas of flu of all types, monkey pox, strep, norovirus, covid, childhood diseases, colds, viruses, bacterial infections, sinus infections, unnamed infections and viruses,and all other such diseases in Jesus name! Psalm 91 is our banner, provision, and protection! The Blood! The Blood! The Blood of Jesus! In Jesus name AMEN!

Kathy Prawer
February 23, 2023

Dear President, Biden, and all members of Congress, please do not give more control to the world health organization that will affect my freedoms by signing any treaties or agreements that have not been voted on specifically by the people of this, United States of America. I do not want to be governed by the world health organization, in any way, shape or form.

Judith Grodesky
February 23, 2023

Praying for our country.. praying AGAINST the DEMONIC WHO..PTL ♥️

February 22, 2023

Please read James Roguski’s information on: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/50-really-bad-amendments
It explains that one of the proposed amendments will take away our rights as humans. This satanic cabal in the WHO/UN could even tie our Christianity to “health” in order to outlaw belief in Christ/God. We need to not only make sure that these amendments/treaties are not passed, but also to get the USA to defund and get out of the UN and the WHO, as they are both anti-Christian and anti-freedom organizations. Contact your senators and tell them what your expect them to demand. Also, know that these are two separate things. One are amendments. The other is a new treaty. Either one of these could be utilized against America and Christianity. DO NOT comply to anything that the mafia cabal UN/WHO requires.
God tells us to be wise as a fox…. Do not let these people fool us into giving our country and rights away.

February 22, 2023

Lord God Almighty, You are the God who never sleeps nor slumbers You see every thing and see all WHO is planning. The earth is yours and the fullness thereof and you destiny nations. We ask for Your divine intervention in what WHO and the globalists agenda that is underway to take away our liberties. In Jesus’s name nullify their powers and bring confusion in their strategies and block their ways, dry their funds and cause them to know that you are God, and there’s no other. Take away the anti Christ blinding spirit from them and enable them to accept your love.
Be exalted Lord of Hosts in the name of Jesus. 🙏🎚🔥

Darlene DeAngelis
February 22, 2023

Father God open up your Saints eyes no weapon formed against us will prosper you are Almighty all-powerful Over All you will put your hand down and you will be like a bulldozer father God you see the schemes of the devil in his imps it is time to stand up like the line of the Judah and have boldness and courage against all of this trash and garbage no weapon formed against us will prosper thank you Father God we are too fear you not man you give us a great reset you are giving us a chance it is time to wake up in much forward is your army cuz if we don’t we’re serving the devil

February 22, 2023

Lord God, we pray that these IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty be stopped. Annihilate the globalist plans of the World Health Organization and render their plans fruitless. Preserve our freedoms throughout the entire world

Darlene DeAngelis
February 21, 2023

Father God you will be done with every organization every politician every person on the face of the Earth you’re Almighty all powerful it is one nation under you Lord you will take what is wrong and make it right whatever is evil you will make it good father God I remember what you said vengeance is mine saith the Lord have your way Lord in Jesus name

James Roguski
February 21, 2023

Thank you so much for writing this article. Feel free to contact me directly anytime.
James Roguski

February 21, 2023

Lord God, we pray that these IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty be stopped in their tracks. Annihilate the globalist plans of the World Health Organization and render their plans fruitless. Preserve our freedoms throughout the entire world

February 21, 2023

Lord God, annihilate and render fruitless the plans of the World Health Organization, and preserve our freedoms throughout the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

February 21, 2023

Jesus, stand in the gap and block any efforts from the WHO to control the United States pandemic policies. Amen

Sheila Price
February 21, 2023

Father God, I ask You to post Holy Angel Armies around the place where these decisions are being made and thwart every effort of the WHO.
In Yeshua’s Holy Name.
Yes and Amen!

Tom Williams
February 21, 2023

This must be stopped! Our country has no need for the WHO to control our society.

Trina Konrath
February 21, 2023

On the take action now – the direct link – it refers to the meeting that happened last May – 2022. Should that be updated for next week?

    David Ortiz
    February 21, 2023

    Hi, Trina, thank you for letting us know. We are working on updating those for you as soon as possible, and we will give you the indication when those are ready.

    Judy McDonough
    February 21, 2023

    It is updated now. Thank you!

February 21, 2023

Lord God, annihilate and render fruitless the plans of the World Health Organization, and preserve our freedoms throughout the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

David Ortiz
February 21, 2023

My reading for today from the One Year Pray for America Bible begins with a prayer that includes this: “Lord, grant our leaders patience as they tackle complicated problems. … ”
In my view, we are beyond that now.
My own prayer is this: “Lord, grant our leaders WISDOM as they confront THREATS.”
LORD, we are threatened on every side — we and our children and grandchildren. WE NEED YOU NOW — the God of Moses, of Joshua, of Jehoshaphat, of Hezekiah, of Elijah, of Jesus in Gethsemane — the God Who has promised to fight for us and to save us out of every THREAT.
LORD, be the Lion You are. ROAR so that the entire world will hear You. And fear You.
To Your holy name be the glory and the praise. Help us.

Nancy Berkey
February 21, 2023

May God arise and His enemies be scattered… I pray God will destroy all these evil agencies and stop them from implementing all this evil against us and the citizens of the World. Lord God please have mercy upon this Earth and us all and protect us from anymore deadly pandemics, endemics and epidemics. May every member of the World come to know Christ as their Savior and may the plans of these evil people be thwarted. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen☦️🙏

Leslie Gail Neer
February 21, 2023

Standing in agreement with you in prayer. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.

February 21, 2023

The most amazing thing to me is that we serve the CREATOR of all things, yet we seem to always being requested to pray on the defensive! How about we come together and bind every evil plan of the devil and his demons in the WHO, our government, and all of the other globalists’ demon worshippers? Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven! I bind every wicked, evil plan of medical bondage that the WHO and CDC has planned for us all, and I loose the protection and Anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT over us all! FATHER GOD please surround and protect us from every corrupted and evil thought and work by the WHO and their evil partners, the WEF, Gates, Fauci, Biden, Obama, biden’s staff, and all doctors and medical facilities and personnel that are part of this corrupt plan! Let them all fall into their own trap that they have set for us! Please send a strong wind to blow every created virus and germ out to sea and let no inhabitants of earth or sea be damaged! I decree that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us in judgment we do condemn in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST our LORD AND SAVIOUR! Amen!

    February 21, 2023

    Standing in agreement with you! AMEN!🙏🏻

    Marsha F
    February 21, 2023

    Jesus says in Luke 10:19 “now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Nothing absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority”. We thank you Jesus that you have given us this authority, and we walk in it. Amen.

    February 21, 2023

    Thank you C! I loved that prayer! We have God Almighty on our side. Romans 8:31: If God is for us who can be against us”

Faye Pence
February 21, 2023

Please take note of this dangerous organization, its plans, lack of accountability, attempts for
worldwide domination and control. Pray and take action to prevent its takeover.

Andrew Harris
February 21, 2023

We must be alert that those with huge financial interests in Pharma companies success also have huge “voice” at the WHO. Bill Gates put more money into the WHO than any nation except the US. Lord thwart the enemy’s attempts to steal our freedom, destroy our national sovereignty, and kill your bride’s ability to freely gather in worship

    Nancy Berkey
    February 21, 2023

    May God stop Bill Gates and all these horrible people doing this. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. And may Bill Gates find Christ as his personal savior and do some good. Amen.☦️🙏

Tonita Perkins
February 21, 2023

I am totally against this over reach of our rights and the power grab of the WHO and elitists

Maria Fillyaw
February 21, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus we ask for your Supernatural power to guide us in prayer fasting and action to stop these plans of the evil one. Open the Eyes of those that are being blinded by lies and help our government and our people in this country and other countries to see truth and not be deceived by evil. May we stand strong against the plans of these organizations that are trying to take control of the world. In the name of Jesus we pray. Lord you are in control and we are not to fear but to take action and be obedient to you in Jesus name amen


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