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God, we thank You for preserving the Ukrainians against the Russian onslaught throughout 2022. As the war approaches its one-year anniversary, we pray that You would take decisive action and end the conflict once and for all.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From Intercessors for Ukraine. The first year has passed since Russia’s treacherous full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Unfortunately, now we see that the news is telling us about a significant Russian offensive and the mobilization of troops for another large-scale attack on Ukraine. All these events climax with the approach of the war’s anniversary — Feb. 24. Some new military operations and massive rocket firings are planned for this day.

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Millions of believers pray for an end to war every day, but the great evil that drives this war does not want to retreat. In these fateful times, we understand that Ukraine needs extraordinary strength from God to defeat the Russian aggressor.

When Russia treacherously attacked Ukraine on Feb. 24, many politicians and experts predicted that Kyiv would fall in three days. However, experts now agree that a miracle happened, and the Ukrainians stopped the invading forces, which many times exceeded them numerically and technically.

We believe this is an example of how God intervened in response to a powerful prayer for Ukraine that arose in those days worldwide. The Lord sowed chaos among the enemies, took away their intelligence and gave our soldiers supernatural strength and accuracy to repel the attack.

Currently, the war continues, and civilians and soldiers die every day. There’s no end in sight for Russia’s bloody plans, and most analysts note that the next few months will be decisive and could turn the tide of the war and bring nearer its end.

Nationwide fasting and prayer to the Lord is the supernatural weapon given by God for destroying the great evil and the devil’s plans. History shows us many examples of how national prayer and fasting changed the course of wars. This has been seen in the life of the Israeli people, in the life of the U.S., and in other Christian countries.

That is why it is now crucial that on Feb. 24, 2023, Christians of all denominations unite in fasting and prayer for the victory of Ukraine and for its spiritual revival and restoration.

We urge you to send a letter to all the churches of your denomination to announce a national fast and prayer on Feb. 24, to hold prayer services in all churches on this day, and to organize round-the-clock prayer chains.

A very powerful prayer should be sounded on the day of a full-scale invasion to break the rising evil against Ukraine.

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).

How are you praying for Ukraine? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(From Intercessors for Ukraine, by Vitaliy Orlov. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Annette rousseau
February 23, 2023

How about day prayer and fasting for America, the USA.?

Darlene DeAngelis
February 21, 2023

Father God you see everything you see the ulterior motives behind all of this war that people agree to start father God make what’s wrong right expose anything that is not of you Lord War does not prove anything it loses everything father God you hear so many stories of corruption when it comes to war and the money that is being laundered everyday and it’s the people that people trust the most that should not trust anybody except you Lord God convict everybody that is a part of a man-made creating War for in the end you are Almighty all powerful and it is one nation under you Lord thank you Jesus

Georgia P.
February 21, 2023

Father we ask for peace to come to the beloved people of Ukraine, that you would meet their physical needs, that you would send angelic protection to them. We pray that your Spirit be poured out there and that you comfort them. Reveal everything about this invasion as well, why it happened, what was done. May the guilty in this nation be dealt with. Send confusion into the enemy’s camp; may your Kingdom come and your will be done concerning the Ukraine. Refresh them with an outpouring of your wonderful fatherly love. Amaze them all with your acts of deliverance and may you receive great glory for this!

February 21, 2023

I pray that Father Yhovah will reveal to you all the facts about the bioweapons labs being destroyed in Ukraine and YOUR MONEY being sent there by the Biden regime to be laundered back through Hunter’s business connections there. Biden is also guilty of sabotaging the Nordic Stream pipeline, an act of war with no Congressional approval! The USA is in danger of attack by Russia and China, a prophecy given over 20 years ago. China is sending weapons to Russia and Russia already has nuclear armed warships in the Atlantic! There is so much evil afoot down here there is only one solution for Father Yhovah and Messiah to fulfill. Get ready!

Revelation 2:5
Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen (from grace) and repent, and do the first works (re-baptism to wash the spots off your robe of righteousness) or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick (the second death of soul and spirit) out of his place, except thou repent.

February 21, 2023

FATHER GOD please expose every truth behind Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Please expose just why joe biden keeps sending money to a country that he and his son have had corruption ties to! Please expose why he keeps sending money or being overly involved in a country that could cause a strong enemy of America, Russia, to come against Americans! Please expose why biden left Americans in Afghanistan, yet visits and gives money to President Valenskyy that is not helping Ukrainians! Please expose (pull the covers totally off) of why a train derailment in Ohio that has let dangerous chemicals into the air, land, and water gets no help from biden, yet a foreign government gets billions of Americans’ tax dollars, in the NAME of JESUS! Amen!

Ken Rumbarger
February 21, 2023

Lord, we pray that You would give the leaders involved wisdom, courage and humility to achieve peace for Ukraine. Your Word says that you determine the bounds of the habitations of the nations. If it is Your will for Ukraine to have peace and keep Crimea and the adjacent land bridge Russia wants, in spite of centuries of Russian history striving to gain and hold warm water ports – and the symbolic importance to Russia of the Volga – then You can do that. But if not, give all concerned the wisdom to discern that.

aegir (nl)
February 21, 2023

Lord, please, help us to grow up out of all war. Lead us out of the tyranny of hate and to embrace one another as well as the planet You gave us. Inspire us to show compassion to ourselves and others. Inspire us to give peace. Please inform those ones that profit off of war of the fruits of their labor. Please forgive them, too. Inspire us, please, in Jesus’ name. And when I make war upon myself, please protect me against myself. Thank you so much. Amen.


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