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I Prayed have prayed
Father of life, may the spiritual renewal the Holy Spirit has ignited at Asbury continue to spread. Protect it from every attempt to misinterpret, to disrupt, or to quench. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Intercessors often have a God-given dual role as “special ops” and watchmen. In our special-ops role, we pray for open doors (Colossians 4:3), open hearts (Acts 16:14), and the empowerment of missionary endeavors (Ephesians 6:19). In our watchman role, we pray for protection over the moves of God as they are taking place.

Such was the nature of the prayer meeting in Acts 4:23–31. The revival that started in Jerusalem on Pentecost, with thousands turning to Christ in repentance, was under attack for the first time. The Jewish rulers summoned Peter and John and threatened them, demanding they stop preaching in Jesus’ name, or face punishment. Something similar had occurred about 550 years earlier, when Nehemiah and Ezra rebuilt the walls and the temple of Jerusalem. That was a revival of sorts, as God’s people returned, repented, consecrated themselves, and restored their life of worship. However, their efforts were under attack by surrounding governors and enemy warlords, and they had to post watchmen to ensure that no foe would be able to infringe on their labor.

The lesson from Scripture is simple. Whenever the Holy Spirit is on the move to ignite, restore, or expand worship, expect Satan to attack. And wherever Satan is apt to strike, vigilant intercessors must stand watch. Their call is the one proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah: On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest, and give him no rest until he establishes Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:6–7).

A new move of the Holy Spirit has broken out at Asbury University, in Wilmore, Kentucky, and is spreading quickly to numerous other, predominantly Christian, colleges and universities around the country. It has even appeared to spread to several other parts of the world. In an interview with Glenn Beck, Asbury’s student body president described it as a “quiet revival, intensely personal, deep, and private.” She went on to say that because of its deeply personal nature, student leadership tries to be protective and to refrain from posting about it on social media. Revival observer Peter Oswalt, pastor of Arise:Life and himself an Asbury graduate, confirms those comments.

I heard in their statements an undertone of concern about things possibly getting out of hand and going awry. Revivals (and there are many kinds of revivals) can start well and be genuine but then descend into chaos and peter out when human flesh gets in the way.

That is why God’s intercessors must take their posts and pray that the move of the Holy Spirit will both spread and be protected.

I feel a sense of urgency about this. The move we are witnessing is beautiful and powerful and has the potential to spill over into a great awakening over America and beyond. But we have been there before. College revivals have come and gone, all beautiful and significant for those touched by them, but without any lasting impact beyond campus life.

Therefore, I would like to share a few points for strategic prayer over the Asbury revival — prayer to widen its reach and to protect it from everything Satan would lob to quench it.

Prayer Points

The Holy Spirit has pressed on me to pray over six things: conflagration, lasting impact, revival tourism, mimicry, confusion, and thrill-seeking.

  1. Conflagration. We used to live in Southern California, where we became very familiar with this word. Conflagration occurs when numerous small brush fires ignited by lightning strikes from rainless thunderstorms spread until they become one giant wildfire.
    Pray that the reports from Asbury will ignite a thirst for God in the hearts of Gen X and Gen Z students worldwide so that they will cry out to God. Revival is not bound to any location. It happens when God responds to humble, thirsty hearts wherever they are.
  2. Lasting Impact. Renewal in the Christian community must go deep and not be limited to emotions.
    that the deep, personal work of the Holy Spirit that has been experienced and witnessed will translate into an ongoing life of prayer, passionate engagement in missions and church ministry, evangelism, and generosity.
  3. Revival Tourism. Whenever revival occurs and word gets out, it draws both the thirsty and the curious. Asbury is no exception. It has drawn revival observers from all over the world as well as those thirsting for revival. As a result, the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky, and the campus of Asbury have been overrun by thousands of people. The crowds have severely disrupted campus life to the point that the college leaders have decided to close services there and move them off-site.
    Pray that the massive influx of observers and participants from outside the campuses where the Holy Spirit is at work will not quench the depth of His ministry and distract from the quiet.
    Pray that the Lord give wisdom to the stewards of these revival outbreaks for preserving the privacy and sensitivity of what is taking place.
    Pray that no one will enter and try to influence the meetings negatively or use them for selfish gain or profit. There are reports that several well-known Christian speakers and musicians have called to offer their services — and all the offers were politely declined.
    Pray that the Holy Spirit would profoundly impact the people coming in from the outside, and that they would then return to their communities carrying this newfound love to spread to others.
  4. Mimicry. No move of the Holy Spirit can be forced or manufactured. However, it can be counterfeited. It is tempting to desire what is taking place at Asbury for one’s own area and to try to make that happen when hearts are not ready — and thus revival tarries.
    Pray against the temptation to try and reproduce the Asbury revival elsewhere by means of shallow emotionalism and a “repentance” that is not genuine.
    Pray that God would prevent Satan from raising up false revivalists who will want to imitate the work of the Holy Spirit for profit or fame, and who will try to seduce the vulnerable and undiscerning.
  5. Confusion. Everybody and their uncle is posting opinions on social media about what they think the revival at Asbury is. This can easily lead to confusion and a lack of understanding of what the Holy Spirit is doing there. We need clarity to pray with insight, and others need to receive true accounts so that they can ask the Holy Spirit to move in their midst as well.
    Pray for clarity of reporting by observers and participants, so that confusion will not lead to false reports or deception.
    Pray for any false rumors to be brought to light quickly and put down just as quickly.
  6. Thrill-seeking. In the past, local revivals have included certain phenomena. Some examples: “being slain in the Spirit,” whereby people are overcome by His presence and fall backward; and laughing in the Spirit, whereby people burst into uncontrollable laughter because “joy” has overcome them. Emotionalism, where people seek an emotional experience that makes them feel good rather than the real presence of God, is a potential problem too. Even though these may indeed be genuine manifestations that accompany a move of the Holy Spirit, they can sometimes become more important than repentance and consecration. People hungry for a tangible touch of God fly and bus in from all over the world to experience these phenomena. Some leave deeply touched because they have experienced them, while others leave distressed because they have not. By all accounts, no such phenomena have happened at the Asbury revival, but the more it spreads, the greater the possibility that they may.
    Pray that revival stewards and leaders will have the wisdom and discernment to recognize any false thrills and to take appropriate action.
    Pray that Satan will not get a foot in the door through any superficial emotions or counterfeit revival phenomena that would distract from genuine repentance and consecration.

Intercessors, our ministry to this current revival as watchmen on the wall is essential. Therefore, let us heed what the Holy Spirit wants us to pray. After all, this is His work. Even though God does not need our help, He has chosen to fight spiritual battles, overcome obstacles, open doors, and direct hearts toward Him through the prayers of His people.

Father of life, thank You for igniting a quiet movement of profound renewal at Asbury and spreading it all over. We pray that it would go as deep as it goes wide, and that it would bring lasting change to those You touch through it. We pray for its protection, too — from any mere tourism, mimicry, and thrill-seeking. And we ask You to command the hosts of heaven to stand guard against any attempt by Satan to disrupt, distract, quench, or falsify and thus lead people astray. Ignite thousands of fires of repentance and consecration all over this country and worldwide. May they spread into an all-out revival in which many thousands of thirsty and lost souls return to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

 Please share these prayer points!

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ.

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Suzanne Scott
February 22, 2023

I have a history with Asbury. My mother was a student there during WWll. And as a child I remember her talking about her own experiences there and her love for that place. I was blessed to attend a summer science program there in the mid sixties—shortly before the 1970 revival that began at Asbury. While I was there I experienced a beautiful manifestation of the Holy Spirit that was very powerful and completely personal—I was praying that night and I was crying out to the Lord that my heart desired to know Him and to experience His presence—that I wished to be so close to Him—to sit at His feet like Mary. As I wept and poured out the desire of my heart I heard in my Spirit His answer to me. Just as He told the disciples when they questioned His going away—It is better if I go and send my Holy Spirit to guide, protect and empower you for My work. What I understood that night has never dimmed in my heart. While He was here He was always surrounded by crowds. It was hard even for Him to rest because of the press of people who wanted to be near Him. But because He has sent us His Spirit He is as close as our own breath and always available to us—His body—His Church. I believe many of those who are daily waiting before Him atAsbury in this new revival are experiencing much the same as I did and do—the beautiful cleansing, joy filled and deeply personal experience of His presence—By this visitation of His Spirit Who invites us to live in Him!

February 22, 2023

Praise God our time has come to use ALL Jesus has which he downloaded in everyone of us the exact moment we were born again. We are king’s and priest to rule and reign over the world. To use the 100 host army every believer was sent in 2014 to go to ALL principles of evil to trash them, send them to a dry place to never return. For us to pray for godly Heavenly portals to open over our neighborhood, community, city, state,county and world wide. This is it my brother’s and sisters that the father, son, holy spirit had long awaited. I have gone several times to the top of my county several times in the last year at WKU campus with my staff, Talbott, Israel oil etc opened up portals for our county, state of Kentucky and all colleges. We as watchmen have prayed for this and many more things since Sept 2012 when our FATHER answered Jesus prayer “thy KINGDOM come ” here we all are now and the gates of Hell will not prevail this time. God bless you all..flesh will not stop God’s move this time. I’m going to the mountain top to pray now

    Maynard Beck Sr
    February 22, 2023

    Awesome testimony Jerry!
    As warrior/watchmen we must act like the sons of Issachar, Nehemiah, and others in the Bible who are called not only to see the tiny cloud on the horizon, but to engage the battle wherever God calls us. It is critical to do (as you have) to invoke angelic forces in the heavenlies.
    For example:
    Moravian Falls North Carolina is known as the 2nd most active portal for angels in the world.
    In 2021 my wife and I drove out to Ashville (we live in Wake Forest NC) and then drove the Blue Ridge Parkway up to Mouth of Wilson Virginia praying specifically for Jesus to release Angels from Moravian Falls to battle the satanic powers and principalities thwarting Youngkin in the Virginia Governor’s election.
    Press on, Brother, Press on.

Rebecca Thornton
February 22, 2023

Abba Father, I thank You for this move of Your spirit in Asbury and other universities as well. What a joy it is to witness the younger generation praising and worshipping You as it should be! I ask that You pour Your spirit out all across our nation. Forgive us of our sins and heal our land as only You can do 🙏🏻

February 21, 2023

Father, cover believers with your strength and protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Rev. Sophia Snyder
February 21, 2023

Trusting YOU the Lord of Harvest to unify us together with those close and afar Thank YOU for YOUR LOVE and outpouring come into agreement with this move and for YOU to have all the glory in Jesus ‘name Amen.

JoAnn M Muenstermann
February 21, 2023

I’ve been praying for revival of America for years as have others, and i will continue. While one university prays and praises God, another kills it’s students. Stark, isn’t it. God is all powerful, and he has already defeated the evil one who is failing daily. Jesus I trust in you. Jesus I trust in you. Jesus I trust in you!

Jan Olafson
February 21, 2023

Thank you for this thoughtful guideline. I have shared it with others. I fervently pray that God will use this revival to change our world. We are in so much need of His spirit.

Sally beaudry
February 21, 2023

God has birthed something new- Restoration
Revival is what is done to keep a person alive
We have the Holy Spirit who never wains or grows weary. We foolishly forget to ask for wisdom and wander.
We need what God has birthed – full restoration of walking with God and walking in The Way- to walk as Yeshua did.

Patricia Hunter
February 21, 2023

PTL! Abbas Father started our Youth because His Church didn’t protect them from the Womb to Colleges. Praise The Lord for healing so many that were hurting. Joel 2:28-29 And it shall come to pass afterwzard, that I will pour out My Spirit upon All flesh, & your Sons & Daughters shall prophesy, your men shall dream dreams, young men shall see visions: And also upon the Servants & upon the Handmaid sin those days will I pour out My Spirit. 1 Peter 4:17 Judgment first to House of God. 2 Chronic 7:14 Habakkuk2:14 Gal 6:7 Rev 11:15 Rev 12:11 1Kings 8:60NEW Thing! Is it time for The Church to be open 24/7?An Outpouring Never Seen before! Snout out to my State Cedarville Christian Univ Ohio! Love of Christ from Glory 2 Glory! To God be All Glory! In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray! Stay Ready! Caught Up!😇🎵🌎

Marlene King
February 21, 2023

Thank you so much for this update. I was trying to forward the link to my friend (who is a prayer warrior and ran into difficulty until I found the notice that you are moving. I pray for Gods blessings and protection during this endeavor.

Jessica Renshaw
February 21, 2023

Thank you, Remco! Very helpful, relevant, and powerful prayers (which I prayed aloud–and may again.)

Marilyn Amoroso
February 21, 2023

Thank you for reminding us about the importance of being genuine, humble, worshipful as well as trusting our Savior,’s Holy Spirit to help us to be obedient to His leading and guidance for our lives and our country.
Thank you Lord for saving our souls, thank you Lord for making us whole, thank you Lord for giving to us thy great salvation so rich and free,

February 21, 2023

Thank you for the accurate and loving response and direction you have shared..I believe this is what we always pray for ,,, That the God of the Universe His Son Jesus along with the Holy Spirit will begin a new work in all of us to prepare us to do the work he intends for us

Lorene Pinkley
February 21, 2023

Thank you for the actionable points. I will use them in my prayers. This article reset my thinking. I tent to be naive and WANT every revival to be a work of the Lord–to be visible– and all to join in– but now I have a–hopefully wiser-perspective. Asbury on a personal level has helped me reset my feeling of hopelessness over our present dark circumstances. I have been wondering if our false “knowledge and intelligence” has ruined the spiritual abilities of our young people. But this is a sin, for I know that the Lord can work mighty wonders in our spiritual life, for we all have been given a thirst to worship something.
When one feels helpless, one then starts to become desperate to “fix it”. I did post a request on FB for others to talk to their churches about opening up a prayer space for revival. But I see that it isnt up to me to encourage this, it is up to each church and college to feel led. Which leads me to, when does one speak out and when does one hold back? One wants to do something tangible, and I “know” prayer is tangible but often the results are hard to discern or hidden.
To that end, thank you for linking your blog. The first article I read was “”Our hidden life” which was the question my spirit had when I clicked on the link! When I dont see answers to prayers I think all sorts of things other than “that is the point of the roots–we cant see them grow!” Very helpful reminder which I often forget! I was encouraged by your downloaded the prayer guide and started day one. I am certain that within this revival is a revival of those in the Kingdom who are foundering and need a little ‘tune-up’– like me.

February 21, 2023

We decree that the fire is coming!!!

Carolyn Colby
February 21, 2023

Lord, please hear our prayers.

February 21, 2023

Thank you! Praise the Lord! AMEN!!

February 21, 2023

To the Creator of heaven an earth. Father God, we long for the flooding of your Holy Spirit. For your Holy Spirit to cover the whole earth! For your Spirit to enter into each and every heart. Father for all of us to repent of all our sins, no matter how large or small, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Father God, surround this revival with your powerful Angels, to beat back the evil forces of Satin. May the name of Jesus be exalted. That hearts be open to receive Your Spirit, that the name of Jesus be known throughout all the earth!

Jan Echols
February 21, 2023

Thank you IFA for these prayer points and your broadcasts, praying for the Asbury staff and all involved in this precious move of God. What a wonderful blessing to my older heart to see the younger generation bow before Him in worship and repentance. My heart has been broken to see the hopelessness and destruction of so many young lives, I pray for many more to find Hope and Purpose in His Truth. HE is our only hope in such a time as this. I raise a Hallelujah, Lord, you allowed me this time to pray! In Jesus Name.

Sue Shrum
February 21, 2023

I woke yesterday with an urgency to pray over this revival. As much as we all need a touch from God I prayed for protection of this revival for the college students. This generation is growing up in such a spiritually dark world, I prayed the media and others would not disrupt what was happening for this young generation. I also felt led to pray for protection against any wolfs in sheep’s clothing and against any gun violence. This article is exactly what we need to help us intercede. Thank you.

Brian lynch
February 21, 2023

Lord Jesus, You are in charge of ALL revival that takes place. Thank you for this revival in Asbury. Please put a hedge of protection around this event, and all who will be impacted by it. I pray that it will spread like wildfire across our nation and world. Satan, all of your attempts are thwarted immediately, in the name of Jesus. Let this be genuine, legitimate, pure, honest revival, Lord. Please protect all who would be coming there to witness the ongoings. Thank You, Jesus.

February 21, 2023

Father God use this time of your holy presence to fill the pews with the unsaved who are thirsting for fulfillment only you can provide. Let this period be long lasting and widely accessible to all who needs to drink in the Lord. Amen Amen in Yeshua’s Name.

Ken Budz
February 21, 2023

Lord may this revival spread and may more revivals led by Your Holy Spirit start throughout the country. May You Lord please call more people unto Yourself. May people come to know You through Your love, mercy and grace. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

February 21, 2023

Heavenly Father, thank You for igniting the revival fire across this globe. We pray for unity of Your Body to come forward. We ask that any attempt by evil to misconstrue or shut down this revival will be thwarted immediately. We ask that this revival spread far and wide across this land. Great is Your Name and we praise You!! In Jesus Name We Ask Amen

Buddy Haddon
February 21, 2023

I pray this movement will continue to grow and many souls converted.

Michael Bethel
February 21, 2023

Jesus spoke of these issues you raise:
Matthew 12:38-39 “Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.”
But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

John 6:26 “Jesus answered them and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw the signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.”

I also believe we should have some flags raised over “high level names” who want themselves attached to this move as possibly being more interested in elevating their own name and not the name of Jesus. Not to say that is definitely their motive but just to take to a level of alertness of the possibility.

Richard Mark
February 21, 2023

When I heard that one pastor began to speak in tongues as a result of this revival I thought, “Oh no. Here we go again.” My prayer is that this revival will not turn into a charismatic movement but a wonderful movement of the Holy Spirit upon each participant involved where repentance, faith, and obedience flow freely.

    Patricia Hunter
    February 21, 2023

    PTL, please brother be careful not to grieve The Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4 Gifts of The Holy Spirit not gifts of charismatics. We all must walk in the spirit & trust God, He already released His Warring Angels, Ministering His rearguard Angels & trust The Holy Spirit to have His way! Thank you & I pray you & your whole house be touched by our Lord &Savior, Jesus Christ like never before fill your cup to the over flow! In the Mighty Name of Jesus! ysic

Elizabeth A Parvu
February 21, 2023

Praying that Jesus be lifted up. Praying that it spreads across colleges and universities .

flo meiler
February 21, 2023

We are praying for your success. Flo & Gene Meiler

Ed M
February 21, 2023

Thank you, Jesus for pulling me to Hughs Hall on Day 10 to join with thousands of “men of good will” to praise you, pray for and encourage each other.

Friends, three hours in freezing cold without a hat or coat was worth it. The fire of the Holy Spirit truly sustained us! If Lary from Vevay reads this, call me at 513-3420-1847. I want to return the hat you lent me. God bless you, dear brother in Jesus. What a wait we had! God Bless you and your family.

February 21, 2023

is this prayer article printable friendly. will it print everythins or just the prayers alone>>??

    Laura K
    February 21, 2023

    I suggest you copy and paste into Word and then print out the portions you want.

Steve Johnson
February 21, 2023

Dear Father, for months we have prayed for revival to touch our recent generations and restore our country’s spiritual values. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to bless us and your will to be done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Sherry Rasmussen
February 21, 2023

Beautiful and thoughtful advice prompted by the Holy Spirit. I will definitely be an intercessor for the revival. Interesting that while this is happening there is going to be a movie coming out this week called Revival based on the Jesus Revival in the ,60s. I do not think this is a coincidence as the timing could not be better. I think many young people may go to see it out of curiosity as to what is happening at Asbury and find zJesus. I hope so!

    Maynard Beck Sr
    February 21, 2023

    Look at Larry Tomzak’s IFA article about this movie dated February 18. I was concerned that the movie might be superficial, so I read through the comments. There were many who had actually experienced the hippie revival and become lifelong Christians. Quite a few became lifelong Pastors and some even talked about missions in other countries. The impact was literally worldwide.
    However, many of us believe we are currently in the midst of Matthew 24 concerning the end times. Matthew 24: 5 says” Many will come making use of my name; they will say I am Christ and many will be deceived by it.”
    Dr Michael Brown had a very good answer to a similar question on his January 12 2023 podcast on the Truth Network when he was asked about an episode of “The Chosen” series.
    We must be wise as serpents and sharpen our Swords….

Lois Cazinha
February 21, 2023

Thank you for giving us the prayer points for Asbury!!! I will certainly Not be just a hearer only, but a praying person on this!

February 21, 2023

Father God, this is a wonderful thing that you are doing, it is answered prayer that has been lifted up for years. It is an answer to revelation given by you as long as over two decades to go to profits.
Lord may those who a jealous or envious of what is happening and critical of it have changed hearts.
Fan the flames Lord and let it become an all consuming inferno of true repentance and salvation.
Protect what you are doing from the enemy and his minions and subdue all that get in the way. Prevent false teachers and leaders who seek fame and recognition from getting in the way. Lord subdue false emotions and hype and pour out your spirit of repentance and love, of salvation and permanent change upon Generation Z and X and let it spread to all generations, all nations, tribes and tongues that the harvest at the sound of the trump when you call us home will be great, let no less than a billion souls be saved through this Awakening/Revival. I ask this for your glory and I ask this in the power of Jesus Name, Amen

Glenda Lewis
February 21, 2023

I am thrilled about what is happening in Asbury and am prayfully watching what is taking place. Father don’t allow anything to abort Your work. The enemy comes to steal. kill and destroy and would like nothing better than to disrupt this beautiful thing that is happening but greater are You who is in us than he that is in the world. Let us be continually reminded of this. May Your name be glorified and lifted high and may many come to You in repentance laying down there all. In Jesus name Amen.

February 21, 2023

Really respect your insight and wisdom regarding the Asbury revival. You emphasized what true revival is—repentance, consecration, and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Thank you.

Cynthia Lopez
February 21, 2023

Please continue to pray for all the evil doers in this world. Time is short and we have a lot of people to move to God before Jesus arrives.
In Jesus name Amen

February 21, 2023


James Allen
February 21, 2023

The early church went through the same experiences – that’s WHY the apostle wrote most of the NT to correct 👍🏾 the abuse’s & misunderstandings of the HOLY SPIRIT work – seemingly it can’t be avoided – people are people unfortunately many may be immature but it is what it is – I rather have these types of problems than “DRYNESS” and the “ekklesia”’is still standing – excellent prayer 🙏🏽 points

February 21, 2023

I watched a recent video about a woman manifesting. As they called medical staff the woman is heard commanding the demon to come out. She says ” Fire on that body!” And the woman screams. Shouldn’t we also pray they don’t shun the supernatural and let Holy Spirit move and do what He wants?

Wiwal Rybak
February 21, 2023

Praying! 1 John 4:4- “You, dear children are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” Father- when You sent Gabriel to Mary- Gabriel said to her “no word from God will ever fail.” We stand on Your word and ask that according to Psalm 91 You are the protective shield covering the students and others seeking you with your protective wings. We also bind the schemes of the evil one, and loose Your angelic armies that enable Your church to trample the serpent. In Jesus victorious Name! Amen

February 21, 2023

This movement is awesome and I hope and pray it will continue.

February 21, 2023

Thank you for these prayer points and suggestions, and for seeking to protect what the Lord is doing here. I’m praying that Jesus will continue to bless and spread His love through this revival.

February 21, 2023

There is nothing more damaging to a visitation by the Lord and an outpouring of His Spirit than when man attempts to control it. My prayer is that ‘man’ moves out of the way and not interfere with what God has ordained.


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