I Prayed have prayed
LORD, we believe Your word. Please hasten Your word to protect the children in our schools. Destroy the evil structures, remove the unrepentant, and cut off the resources — all of which taken together drive this wickedness. Every entity for pedophilia and the ritual abuse and rape of children; all corruption; and all socialist oppression of families must bow to the name of Jesus now!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Analysis. The time has come to recognize the hard facts. Radical leftists are pushing legislation through state government that drives antifamily policies and practices being implemented within the American public schools for far too long.

Who is praying on the wall?


For example, in Maryland and other liberal school districts nationwide, school boards have for decades adopted policies to “protect” children from their parents’ rights. Nowhere has this push been more aggressive than in those policies aligned with the gender-dysphoric agenda. In Howard County, policies advancing this transgender agenda have been incorporated in Howard County Public School Policy and Procedures from as long ago as 2017.  And inside school buildings, reports indicate, these secretive child-abuse practices were already occurring before 2017.

In November 2022, Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary (District 13 — Howard County), chairwoman of the Ways & Means Committee of Maryland’s 445th General Assembly, sponsored a bill to codify the erosion of parental rights. The bill empowers school “health services” dedicated to evangelizing and executing transsexual ideology. This bill, the ‘Primary and Secondary Education — Comprehensive Health Education Framework — Established’ (HB0119), formalizes legal protection for educators, coaches, student health services, and others to proselytize gender dysphoria, child mutilation, and deviant sexual proclivities to Maryland public, charter, and, eventually, private-school students.

HB0119 will also eradicate parental rights to opt children out of classes teaching them how to pleasure themselves physically, to be amenable to adult sexual advances, and to disregard the scientific realities of who they are created to be. Children’s exposure to indoctrination will be compulsory and mandatory. No more pretension that parents may opt children out of these radical sexual-grooming preparatory factories. You must submit or risk class failure, child-endangerment charges, or worse.  As with Star Trek’s Borg, resistance will be futile. If passed, this state-level law takes effect in July of 2023.

The hard truth? In practice, for several years, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has funded and advanced what is termed wrap-around “health services,” through the School-Based Health Center Program. The list of health and student-support services provided through these school-based centers includes policies and practices supporting the secretive ‘transition’ of children’s identity. In preparation for Delegate Atterbeary’s and the Democrat Caucus’ planned HB0119 legislation, on July 1 2022, the MSDE transitioned Maryland’s School-Based Health Center Program to the Maryland Health Department. Again, this is despite these school-based centers having already delivered secret services to unsuspecting children, without parental consent.

So, why would MSDE decide to transition school programs to the State Health Department?  There are many reasons. None of these are overly complex. Generally, under the umbrella of the State Health Department, school system personnel, contractors, volunteers, and others will now have enhanced legal protection and indemnity to administer secret support services, such as psychological counseling, medical treatment referrals, transvestite closets, and other so-called protections for self-identified nonbinary children of any age, without requiring informed consent from parents.

This new school system and State Health Department alliance will also expand funding channels and allow some to justify abusing HIPPA protections to exclude parental prenotification and consent. These centers, staffed with primary-care clinicians, RNs, and LPNs will operate on school grounds. Meanwhile, the Maryland Democrat Party continues to pursue legislatively the reduction of the age of legal consent.

Again the question is, why? Unfortunately, as in California and New York, I see more on the horizon in Maryland if God does not stop them. When viewed in the context of additional Maryland legislation advancing unlimited access to child sacrifice services, mandating state-funded transvestite procedures, and legalizing child sex, HB0119 can reasonably be expected to be used to allow God-knows-what to be done to our children during normal school hours.  Abortions, hormone treatments, psychiatric experimentation, and support for underage sexual activity.

Delegate Atterbeary has sponsored and supported some of the most wicked legislation in Maryland.  Her record includes co-sponsoring HB0669 Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act (2022), legalizing infanticide of infants up to 28 days old, and criminalizing anyone reporting the murderer. HB0669 was tabled during the last session but is being reintroduced under a different veil. Atterbeary also sponsored HB083 Marriage of Minors Act, under the guise of supporting families, despite victims and victim advocates, who know well the loopholes used by traffickers, rapists, and pedophiles, begging the Maryland legislature not to pass.

What can we do? We can stop asking evil to play nice or expecting the wicked to relent. Let’s also recognize that practices allowing these abhorrent adult lifestyles have already been implemented in schools. We are now seeing their prideful, dogged determination to codify the abuse and to secure our tax dollars to fund this wickedness. Let us also stand on His word and together proclaim regarding all who are aiding and abetting the abuse of children and the innocent:

“But if you give them a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you’ll soon wish you hadn’t. You’d be better off dropped in the middle of the lake with a millstone around your neck. Doom to the world for giving these God-believing children a hard time! Hard times are inevitable, but you don’t have to make it worse — and it’s doomsday to you if you do” (Matthew 18:6–7 MSG).

How are you praying for children, both in Maryland and across the nation? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

Mavourene Robinson began in full-time ministry in 2014, campaigning for the Howard County Public Schools’ Board of Education in 2017–2018, and for the Maryland Senate in 2022. A lifelong learner about the intersections of faith with international relations and domestic policy, Mavourene is actively engaged in intercession for family, government, education, and religion. She releases prophetic insight at Judgment Begins in the House. Photo Credit: Canva.


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Susan Manuel
February 23, 2023

Linking arms!
And standing in the gap!
Dear Lord of Angel Armies…
Please cover our children with those mighty Angel wings as a blanket of protection from Satan walking amongst them!
… In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Savior!

Michelle Duchnowski
February 23, 2023

Father God, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Thank You that the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe. And thank You that You are Lord of the angel armies; all the hosts of heaven are at Your beck and call, and You send them where You wish, to carry out the voice of Your word.

Father, You have seen the terrible outbreak of school shootings and other kinds of violence in our schools over the past few years. But Father, we believe that history belongs to the intercessors. We believe that if we will pray and speak Your word over our schools, You will answer and stop this rash of violence in our schools.
Therefore, Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray and speak and declare:

that Your angels will surround every school in our nation, protecting the facilities and the people in them;
that Your angels will link arms around the schools, doing warfare on our behalf and forming an impenetrable barrier that does not allow any evil thing to pass through;
that our children are safe in Your name;
that all the people at every school in our nation dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We say of You, Father, that You are our refuge and shelter; You are a very present Help in trouble;
We decree and declare all the protections of Psalm 91 over our schools.
Father, we ask in Jesus’ name that Your Holy Spirit would hover and brood over our schools. We ask that You would personally rise up to defend the schools.

We ask also:

that You would dismantle and stop any weapon of violence; that they would misfire and NOT WORK at all if anyone even tries to use them to perpetuate violence against anyone in our nation, of any age;
that You would prevent murderers and would-be murderers from obtaining access to weapons of any kind that they would use to carry out their diabolical plans;
that You would supernaturally remove any weapons that are already in the hands of murderers or would-be murderers. Whether those weapons are guns or fentanyl or bombs or any other evil thing, we ask that Your angels would pick up those weapons and remove them, so that the wicked cannot access them or use them;
that just as in the days of Queen Esther of the Bible, Your people would remain fully capable of and equipped for defending themselves as needed;
that every school would have an adequate contingent of school resource officers (SROs) and other law enforcement personnel, as needed;
source of that suffering; and to obtain the help needed;
that we would pass laws, according to Your will, that allow teachers to defend themselves and their students — and that they would actually be equipped to defend themselves, including but not limited to the carrying of weapons to work if necessary. Give us wisdom regarding this, Lord, and let Your wisdom be in every state government, every county government, and every school board regarding this as well;
that You would intervene when any person is planning violence in a school or against the people in a school; that You would expose their plans for evil; that those plans would be stopped, arrested, and destroyed; and that You would bring the would-be perpetrators to justice;
that You would minister to and save every person who is so depraved and is hurting so much that they are even considering violence against our schools;
before the plan ever gets implemented.

We pray that if any person is asked to commit violence on behalf of another, that this person would refuse, and that those plans would also be stopped. And give school administrators, teachers, leaders, safety officers, school boards, and local, state, and federal governments the WISDOM to implement the strategies and solutions You send to prevent violence and enforce safety.
Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Friend, I encourage you to pray this prayer often. Let us link arms in prayer and stand in the gap before the Lord for our land. He will hear, and He will do whatever we ask in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Savior!

Priscilla Meyenburg
February 22, 2023

Jesus we declare that every stronghold in the life of those we pray for, will be torn down by the power of Holy Spirit. Father God we thank you for the children to be saved and their lives, their minds to be redeemed, Jesus speak to them and their parents that they who are being deceived by Satan and the Evil demonic spirits, that they will be touched by the Holy Spirit, Help them to recognize that the power all of satans and his lies has deceived them. We pray for those who do not know you, that the revelation of Jesus Christ and His provision would be real to them.. We pray and bind every conviction that binds them from, this belief system and thought pattern that has deceived them. That they were made weak from believing the lies. Jesus give them true understanding that there is a God that can help them and loves them. God we release your love, you’re powerful love over these children, Jesus they are young and they do not know that the real truth is there is only man and woman. God made us as one of each nothing mixed,. This understanding of you, can change who you are and release them from the grips of Satans lies. Send the Holy Spirit over the children working in their minds and hearts, sending the correct people to speak to them the truth, let them be drawn to you-Jesus. We ask this in Jesus name. We thank you and offer Praise to you. Save The children, Save America. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

Darlene DeAngelis
February 21, 2023

Your father God you see the evilness that is against The Unborn in the children that are already born you will be done on Earth as it is in heaven I always remember you saying vengeance is mine saith the Lord father God take what is wrong right and take evil and do what you need to do with it in Jesus name thank you Father God

Rosario Bernal
February 21, 2023

Have Mercy Oh Lord Jesus
Help us to fight against these evil
intentions of the enemy, these bylaws that the enemy is setting up to destroy our children and our children’s children.

February 21, 2023


David Ortiz
February 21, 2023

My reading for today from the One Year Pray for America Bible begins with a prayer that includes this: “Lord, grant our leaders patience as they tackle complicated problems. … ”
In my view, we are beyond “complicated problems” now.
My own prayer is this: “Lord, grant our leaders WISDOM as they confront THREATS.”
Yes — we face life-and-death THREATS.
LORD, we are threatened on every side — we and our children and grandchildren. WE NEED YOU NOW — the God of Moses, of Joshua, of Jehoshaphat, of Hezekiah, of Elijah, of Jesus in Gethsemane — the God Who has promised to fight for us and to save us out of every THREAT.
LORD, be the Lion You are. Destroy satan. ROAR so that the entire world will hear You. And fear You.
To Your holy name be the glory and the praise. Help us.

    Bob Huseby
    February 21, 2023

    Well prayed David !!
    Am agreeing with you in our Savior Jesus name .AMEN

      David Ortiz
      February 21, 2023

      Thank you for praying with me, Bob. Blessings to you …

Victoria Lynn Pierson
February 21, 2023

By the power and the authority of Your word, in the almighty name of Jesus, we command the intentions of the EVIL and the EVIL DOERS over our children to be rendered mute, boundless and worthless in the name of Jesus! Jesus hear our cries to protect each and every child on this earth. Keep them from harm and evil intention. Father God wrap your arms and spirit around each of them – keep each and every one of them from evil harm – you are Almighty!! In your holy and almighty name. Amen.

February 21, 2023

Can somebody please help me out here. This is an enormous problem in today’s uncontrolled society, that we only learn about in small batches of the true or false news. If God is all forgiving, how does this problem actually go away. Let us be more aware of what and who is actually on the side of Jesus and help him out with the old Laws in controlling evil in men.
God bless these victims

February 21, 2023

In the Mighty Name above every other name, at the Name of Jesus these principalities would fall. 🙇‍♀️📖🔥 Light a Fire in our Hearts to see Revival throughout this nation & that every altar to these demon gods would be demolished in the Name of Jesus Christ! ❤️‍🔥☝️✝️🙌

Janet Drawhorn
February 21, 2023

I am in agreement with this prayer that someone posted.

“LORD, we believe Your word. Please hasten Your word to protect the children in our schools. Destroy the evil structures, remove the unrepentant, and cut off the resources — all of which taken together drive this wickedness. Every entity for pedophilia and the ritual abuse and rape of children; all corruption; and all socialist oppression of families must bow to the name of Jesus now!”

And I add:
Remove the scales off peoples eyes to see the evil agenda. Raise up people in the political arena with the courage to fight against this passing of any housebills harming our children.


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