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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we forgive those who curse — especially those who curse while they bear official authority. Cover their words with the blood of Jesus, and strip all permissions given to the enemy to attack. Destroy those curses and any curse carriers. Reverse the curse, and bring forth blessing instead. In Jesus’ name.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Analysis. In his Sept. 1 speech, set against the blood-red-lit walls of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, Joe Biden unleashed some damaging words against a vast number of Americans who had supported Donald Trump for election in 2020. In effect, Biden declared war against what he called “MAGA Republicans” for a number of (mainly political) reasons. Though his remarks are hardly new when they come from the lips of many on the left, they happen to bear special weight because they issued forth in an official statement from the executive head of this nation.

Have you taken your place on the wall?


Blessings and Curses

Scripture has a lot to say about blessings and curses. Derek Prince defines these in his publication Curses: Cause and Cure:

What is the nature of [blessing and curse]? Well, in essence, they are words that are spoken, pronounced. In most cases they’re pronounced audibly, in some cases they may merely be pronounced inwardly. There is always something that is said. The other main feature of both blessings and curses is that in most cases, they continue onward in time, from generation to generation. So, blessings and curses are words spoken with some particular form of spiritual power or authority, either for good or for evil, that sets in motion something that will probably go on from generation to generation.”

Words — including thoughts — are important for good or for bad. As is written in Psalm 19:14: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. For this reason, we are advised to let our words be few. James 1:26 says: If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. James writes further in 3:9–10: With [the tongue] we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.

The Role of Authority

People with authority in our lives, whether parents, employers, or governmental officials, are in a unique position to bless or to curse. Prince cites examples from Genesis 31:30–32, through the story of Jacob’s fleeing with his wives from his father-in-law Laban. Not realizing that Rachel had stolen her father’s idols, Jacob called down a curse upon whomever had robbed the older man. As it happens, the curse was fulfilled when Rachel died in childbirth (Genesis 35:16–19).

When someone holds a position of authority, as Biden does, such a person’s words can be backed up by the power he holds, thus bringing curses into being. In the spiritual realm, however, the words of any curse will attract demonic spirits who seek to realize that curse.

The good news is that disciples of Jesus Christ possess even greater positional authority. In fact, we have supreme authority that flows from our relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ. Our authority is unbounded, provided that we are in a strong relationship with the Lord and are operating out of His love and His power, and by the Holy Spirit. In fact, we are called into the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17–19), which includes within its purview the voiding of any curses whenever we happen to hear them.

Canceling National Curses

For years, many enemies of the United States have chanted, “Death to America,” and because of the legalization of child sacrifice through Roe v. Wade, that curse has been activated (see Proverbs 26:2). As a result, we have a violent, murderous culture. The words that issued forth from Philadelphia in Biden’s speech so disturbed me that I needed to stand before the Lord to “process” — as we counselors like to say — the entire event. The “processing” went something like this: Biden is not the first, and most likely he is not the last, prominent politician or individual to issue murderous words over people or groups. All such word curses need to be canceled by the people of God.

Dealing with Anger

I was provoked to anger by Biden’s words against pro-life views and the biblical definition of marriage. Anger can calcify into bitterness, if not addressed. I often express my negative feelings to the Lord in His words, usually by using the Psalms. Praying the Word enables me to release the negative emotion and to receive the healing that always comes through the Word. Psalm 64, for example, captured my feelings related to Biden’s speech, in verses 1–4: Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from dread of the enemy. Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked, from the throng of evildoers, who whet their tongues like swords, who aim bitter words like arrows, shooting from ambush at the blameless, shooting at him suddenly and without fear.

Confessing My Sin

Having expressed my pain in God-sanctioned words, I asked Him to reveal my sin — especially those harmful words I have spoken or have even thought against others. The Lord answered this prayer so thoroughly in a series of dreams that I was stunned by the horror. All I could do was to throw myself upon His mercy by repenting and begging forgiveness. Words and thoughts are so incredibly important that the Lord used them to create the entire universe out of nothing. And given that we are His children and the heirs of salvation, can our own words and thoughts have little impact? I realized anew that unless He works a miracle, I am helpless to change.

But the blood of Jesus and the moving of the Holy Spirit are the most powerful change agents in the world. The Lord has changed me before, and He will do it again, If I am willing. I do not want to harm anyone with my words of anger and cursing. We are called to bless, not to curse (Romans 12:14).

Forgiving the Cursers

The Lord calls us to forgive and to bless those who revile us. This forgiveness is not optional, nor can it be reasoned away. It may be more “natural” to revile in turn, but the Lord teaches us to forgive as we have been forgiven in many passages of Scripture, including the parable of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:21–35).

I forgave Joe Biden for his words and actions against the Lord, His people, and the nation. I prayed to the Lord to cover those words and deeds by the blood of Jesus.

Renouncing the Curse

Curses do have real power to effect evil, unless they are broken in the spiritual realm. In Curses: Cause and Cure, Prince discusses the power associated with Balaam, a witch doctor (Numbers 22:4–6). Jesus’ power, though, is greater than any evil — but we need to apply His blood to the curses, thus blotting them out and preventing demons from attaching themselves to and realizing those curses in the natural.

I renounced in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all those curses spoken over certain people in America by Biden. I covered over those words and all the demonic spirits associated with them by the blood of Jesus, thereby stripping away any demonic permissions that the words had otherwise granted. I bound, gagged, crippled, blinded, and rendered inoperable all demons — including those called “curses, cursing, or curse carriers” — in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I cast them into the Abyss. I asked the Lord to fill all the vacated spaces with His Holy Spirit.

Blessing the Cursers and the Cursed

In August 2019 the Lord called my warfare team to deal directly with evil words being lobbed in the political sphere, saying: “… the spirit of cursing and violence has too much ground in this nation. Speak to its ending from the great halls to the small courts. It is to be ousted by the Words of Blessing.”

So, I blessed Joe Biden and all who wrote, edited, spoke, or endorsed the curses that issued forth from Philadelphia and elsewhere. I blessed these persons with a heartfelt prayer that the Lord would contain their words and deeds to hinder them from incurring additional judgment, for it is written: “But God shoots his arrow at them; they are wounded suddenly. They are brought to ruin, with their own tongues turned against them; all who see them will wag their heads” (Psalm 64:7–8). 

And I will continue to pray that the Lord would bless these and others — regardless of political affiliation — with repentance, salvation, and sanctification. I will ask for the blessing of new life in Christ for all of these, including and especially Joe Biden. In Jesus’ name. Amen, and amen.

What will you do in response? Please post in the comments.

Author Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and contributing writer for Intercessors for America.  Her husband, drama evangelist Rich, often performs a one-man play about the last book of the Bible titled The Revelation. With Rich, Joyce shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater and public speaking. Joyce also has performed on-screen. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. The Swingles live in New York City. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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Lila McGraw
November 5, 2022

Other bible verses to pray are the verses from Psalms 37.

Gretchen Carter
September 23, 2022

Lord, we forgive those who curse — especially those who curse while they bear official authority. Cover their words with the blood of Jesus, and strip all permissions given to the enemy to attack. Destroy those curses and any curse carriers. Reverse the curse, and bring forth blessing instead. In Jesus’ name. Thank You Jesus. We love You Jesus. Amen.

Susan Sites
September 18, 2022

I’m to rout out demons and to break curses, I need now forgiveness and to correct my situation and I confess my sins in speaking and correct myself in the Living power of Jesus Christ! We break and sever spirits of double mindedness, rebellion, and root of bitterness to come out in the name of Jesus Christ. I continue to pray for our Nation to be aligned to JESUS CHRIST AND HIS LAW; and to pray that this Administration be blessed but be accountable! God bless our Nation and all the Prayer Warriors!

Theresa Malin
September 18, 2022

This has been most helpful to me since I and my livestock were cursed with foul language yesterday. I have used these words to reverse the curse and bless the man who spoke them. Thank you.

Darlene Estlow
September 16, 2022

We need to do exactly as Joyce Swingle has done in forgiving and blessing. As much as we want to hold onto the anger and hatred, we cannot. President Biden and others are not released but we are from the prison of unforgiveness. And by forgiving and applying the blood of Jesus the curses are overcome.

Grant Windholz
September 15, 2022

The reason why Biden and his demonic Democrats stand a chance for anything is because this country has been wanting a president who supports evil and wickedness. Biden is the puppet that fits the role perfectly. However, the Lord God Almighty is still in charge of this country 🙏 AMEN!

September 15, 2022

I pray for American citizens including myself to come before God in humility and repentance, for healing of our nation. This prayer is not only for us but for our neighbor to the north Canada where I currently reside, married to a working Canadian gentleman.
I continue to pray that Biden, his “administration, his backers, supporters, followers to be brought to repentance & salvation or for God to destroy them, their works and remove them from any authority. No middle ground here as to all appearances these ones have prostituted themselves to the “gods” of lust for power, perversion, greed. This crowd has given themselves over to spirits who abuse, molest, pervert all things that are truly good. They are attacking & murdering our children. Unfortunately these people have declared themselves not only our enemies but enemies of Christ. We musn’t hate them but pray, standing against the evil they continue to rain down upon not only us but upon our countries and the Godly values that once made us strong.
Precious is your name Heavenly Father, your name is far above all other names, let us examine ourselves continually in humility. May you raise up Godly, wise individuals to serve in governmental positions of authority. May we continually pray standing against the intended wickedness of the evil one who is using people to act out his unholy schemes. Let us don your armor as described in Ephesians. Grant us wisdom, discernment, courage, peace as only you can. Let us remember to praise you and find joy in you, in Christ Jesus your son in whose name I pray, amen.

September 15, 2022

I pray for American citizens including myself to come before God in humility and repentance, for healing of our nation. This prayer is not only for us but for our neighbor to the north Canada where I currently reside, married to a working Canadian gentleman.
I continue to pray that Biden, his “administration, his backers, supporters, followers to be brought to repentance & salvation or for God to destroy them, their works and remove them from any authority. No middle ground here as to all appearances these ones have prostituted themselves to the “gods” of lust for power, perversion, greed. This crowd has given themselves over to spirits who abuse, molest, pervert all things that are truly good & are attacking our children. Unfortunately these people have declared themselves not only our enemies but enemies of Christ. We musn’t hate them but pray, standing against the evil they continue to rain down upon not only us but upon our countries and the Godly values that once made us strong.
Precious is your name Heavenly Father, your name is far above all other names, let us examine ourselves continually in humility. May you raise up Godly, wise individuals to serve in governmental positions of authority. May we continually pray standing against the intended wickedness of the evil one who is using people to act out his unholy schemes. Let us don your armor as described in Ephesians. Grant us wisdom, discernment, courage, peace as only you can. Let us remember to praise you and find joy in you, in Christ Jesus your son in whose name I pray, amen.

Robert Wenger
September 15, 2022

in Jesus NAME I bless you guys and plead the blood of Jesus on our leaders

Kathleen M.
September 15, 2022

I pray the current people in Washington, D.C. and throughout various states in America will realize they have joined themselves with the lord of the flies and his plan for them is definitely not to do them good. Open their eyes to see that they are merely pawns in his continued rebellion against The Lord God Most High, Creator of all things. Remind them that the one they are serving was thrown out of heaven for the very same rebellion of this cursed creature that they are now aligned with and are slaves to.

Open their eyes to The One and Only Savior who will forgive them, if they use their God given free will to return to Their Creator, in Jesus Mighty All Powerful Name.

Vicky Maurseth (Jerome and Vicky)
September 15, 2022

Thank you for this piece. I am convicted and will pray asking for forgiveness for me, the President and any other person who has sworn curses over America and His people.

September 14, 2022

“You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor, and Hate your enemy. But I (Jesus) tell you, love your enemies and , bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” Matthew 5:-43-45.
The Lord said this to the twelve and many who were listening on Mount Olivet.
We need to take a page from Jesus. When I am disgusted at politicians and the left I can pray “Lord send them a spiritual blessing.”
When I encounter someone on the street who is mocking my faith and ridiculing me I can ask that person if there is anything I can do for him or her just ask. Think about how they would react. They would be shocked and it would defuse the tension right away.
We need to as Paul said “Imitate me as I imitate Jesus. No one said it would be easy because of the constant persecution we are under, but this is what the Lord was saying to the twelve. I won’t react that way so you don’t react that way either. My prayer is we are all more like Jesus each day we awaken.

    September 24, 2022

    Thank you for these loving and kind scriptures that depict who we should be in Christ, as a reminder of the new creatures we are called to be, the light and lamp in the darkness

September 14, 2022
September 14, 2022

Thank you Father that you will always be more faithful than they who are faithful to you. Thank you for goodness that comes to us day to day. Our Yahovah shows mercy and kindness to those who belong to Him.

Forgive us of our sins. Forgive those of us who sit in your congregation and hold unforgiveness towards his fellow man, forgive those of us who hate their brother, forgive those of us who spew poison concerning their fellowman, forgive those of us who have your confession in their mouths, but have given themselves to fornication and adultery, forgive those of us who fill their days and nights with a lying and profane spirit of this world, forgive those profess faith in Jesus as Lord, but who love the ways of this world. Forgive those of us who finds excuse for sin in the weakness of their humanity, for it is the frailty of our humanity the Lord delivers us from. Forgive those of us who do not pursue righteousness, using for an excuse the grace of God, declaring God’s grace covers, forgive our blasphemy. Forgive those of us who hide behind the fashions and forms of a religious spirit, those who grasp at knowledge, but do not seek the intimate love of relationship with their God.
Forgive those of us who dig up the corner stones, the order of things You set in place when you spoke and created this earth. Forgive those of us who deny your word by perverting the understanding of your mercy and love, saying, it is the love of the Lord that excepts perversion.
Forgive those of us who cry, I know the Lord, I know the Lord, I am saved, I am saved, yet they have made themselves of no difference from a man who swims in a sewer and drinks it’s polluted waters and declares himself to be clean.
Father forgive us, WE have sinned. Give us a heart to turn from wickedness and cleanse us and heal your people and heal our land.
Great and almighty YAHOVAH, call your Church to order, call your army into formation behind their great COMMANDER, YESHUA HAMASHIACH,
Elyon will shake the heavens and the earth again. He calls His people to come out of that great whore who sits on many waters. Come out of her and touch not the unclean thing. Come out of her least you receive of her strikes.
Even as the wind blows the chaff from the wheat so is the LORD blowing and separating the clean from the unclean.
There is a birth about to take place, a light will soon shine, and with great witness the righteous will enter into it and the Day Star will shine and declare the glory that is soon to come.

September 14, 2022

I too did feel a definite lifting of the darkness and curse over our country with the reversal of Roe v Wade. It was as if a heavy cloud was lifted and the sun is much brighter since that day, but our work has not ended but changed because the evil one is angry over this decision which is evidenced by the evil persistence of finding any and all ways to continue to execute babies, our fellow American citizens! It is hard to imagine what hatred Satan has for human beings and the PINO (president in name only) continues to promote the killing of babies and denigrate the very people who are working to end the slaughter of the pre born, you and me and our fellow American citizens and the hatred for President Trump because, without his election and his prolife appointments to the Supreme Court, would still be sitting under the curse of legislated abortion! Thank you, Lord, for President Trump and please stop the continuous and persistent efforts to absolutely destroy him. I ask, Lord, to thwart their efforts and place your mantle of protection over him and give him and the people around him the grace to continue to fight this evil.

September 14, 2022

Amen to this, and I pray in agreement!! I pray Lord that you would: Expose the lies!
Expose the liars
Bring forth Truth
Bring Your conviction, salvation, mercy and justice to all of those involved for their hearts are heavy with sin. Bring them relief and cover us with Your protection.
Proverbs 26:2
2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow,
an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

September 13, 2022

Lord God in Jesus Name, we REJECT EVERYTHING this man has said trying to speak curses over our nation, humanity, and creation as well as anyone else’s words of like manner! We send everything they said back to the enemy in Jesus Name! We boomerang the attacks of the enemy back to its own camp and we pray for the souls of those deceived to repent if there is still light inside of them to do so! We release and give agreement to Your MIGHTY Heavenly army to destroy all plans against You and to establish Your PERFECT will on earth in all circumstances! We do this in the authority of Jesus Christ who OWNS EVERYTHING and has ALL authority! Amen!

September 13, 2022

An apostate Catholic on a very fast track to Hell.

September 13, 2022

Joe Biden is the illegitimate PINO (President in Name Only) occupying the White House only due to a fraudulent election. I will choose (though not easy) to pray for his salvation since he is being manipulated not only by wicked people in high places but ultimately by the great Deceiver himself.

Toni Kushner
September 13, 2022

Holy Spirit put a guard at my mouth and may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my mind be acceptable to You.

Linda k Rice
September 13, 2022

A curse causeless. You can’t curse the blessed and you can’t bless the cursed. Forgiveness is conditional upon repentance. If Joe Biden repents to MAGA men and women, then we can forgive.

Angela Bowman
September 13, 2022

not sure what Biden specifically said that is interpreted as a curse? I thought Biden went overboard in his accusations lumping people together. Is that what you mean by curses?

Regina Whitley
September 13, 2022

I was listening to Pastor Chris Reed last week on Elijah Streams and he said because Joe Biden is his that office illegally, God does not recognize him as the rightfully President, therefore I do think he is able to put curse on the children of God or our nation. When Roe vs. Wade was over turned the curse over our nation was lifted.

Pastor Chris said that what Biden did and is doing is very dangerous and is he is going to be dealt with by God. Joe Biden time has run out, he is not gaining any ground by what he is doing. He also said we need to declare and decree the words of the prophets concerning the 2020 elections and about Donald Trump being the rightful President, and we must be vigilant with our prayers. We must pray prophetic prayers in this season.

    September 13, 2022

    Amen! ! !

    Thank you for your informative post, Regina! God bless!

    Herb Johnston
    September 14, 2022

    Thank you Regina for mentioning Pastor Chris Reed.
    I haven’t heard him speak yet but- I watch Elijah Streamd sometime- so I will check that out

September 13, 2022

Thank you for your efforts, your heart to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ and his father our Lord God and his Holy Spirit. I thank you must especially for issuing forth this prayer, for saying it and for sending it out to the body who can stand with you.

September 13, 2022

Thank you for this. We all need a reminder to pray for those who do not know what they are doing. It is unfortunate this time it is the President of the United States.

Vincent J Herrmann III
September 13, 2022

I pray that God helps me as well to forgive and pray for my enemies and those who curse me. I pray that Biden receives guidance from God and that his curses on the people are turned into blessings by God!

September 13, 2022

I have a sense that Joe Biden’s words, though awful, don’t carry as much authority as they would if he was the true president. He isn’t. He’s a usurper. He and his party stole his position. The Lord has never anointed him as true president. That anointing remains on President Donald J Trump, who really won the 2020 election. I know this is controversial, but I’ve also heard several modern day prophets proclaim that God’s anointing–and the authority a true president has–are not on Joe Biden. It’s why he’s so confused and displays marked dementia. Having said this, I utterly agree with the article writer about the need to break the curse of Biden’s dark words and send the demons behind them fleeing, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Here’s a mighty promise from Psalm 125: “The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous, for then the righteous might use their hands to do evil. Do good, O LORD, to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.” I pray for Joe Biden and his family to be saved, but he will be banished from the White House. Watch what happens. The LORD is fighting for us!

September 13, 2022

These scriptures accurately speak truth of the present Biden administration.
Prov.26: 23-28 (especially verse 25)

    September 13, 2022

    Amen! The lord gave verse 27 strongly to me on the day that the FBI invaded Mar-a-lago!

      September 13, 2022

      Psalm 62:3-4
      The Holy Spirit revealed this to me while President Trump was still in office.

Carolyn Harrison.
September 13, 2022

Prayed with you in agreement. Jesus help our nation.

Kathy Emahiser
September 13, 2022

Father, I come before you on behalf of President Biden and all those affiliated with him who have spoken curses over your people. I choose to forgive and speak blessings over them in obedience to you. I pray that they will have a personal encounter with you, so they can make a choice to side with truth and cry out for salvation. If they do not, I ask that they will be removed from the positions that they hold. I know that you love them Father and only want the best for them. I just pray that they will realize this. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

September 13, 2022

If I contrast things what Trump said & supported vs. Biden, it’s easy…no, beyond easy to separate all issues & who is supporting the things of God vs. who is at war against God & His word / commands / people. To use an old phrase, “it’s a no-brainer”.
A gov’t official, in any capacity, can use strong, upsetting words (designed specifically to target the emotions). But the bottom line is this – that individual is either upholding the word of God or they’re not. Try as we want, there’s no in-between. They don’t have to “quote scriptures” to do so.
From day 1, despite tough/rough & direct words, phrases, call-outs, etc., Pres. Trump backed up, with policies, actions, administration, organizational outreach & so on — that he was prolife, pro American, pro law & order, pro religion or Christianity, etc. I’ve never heard, to my knowledge, Trump pronounce a curse on any people or the nation (calling someone the enemy is not pronouncing curse). God says in His word “that you will know them by their fruit, their actions, their works”. We saw many active Christians & others in the Trump admin help shape & direct policies across this nation & the world. We witnessed people in positions that were putting God first, servants of the people, etc.
Let us draw a line in the sand – we absolutely have seen & know, prior to the election of 2020… what the Biden admin & multiple people in his party were up to. The plan to steal an election didn’t start in 2020 – it started on inauguration day in 2017, after the well publicized defeat of Hillary. The wheels were put in motion to steal back power & control at any cost & means (theft is wrong & in leadership, sets in motion a curse). The moment Biden took office, I sensed a spiritual battle with darkness I’ve never experienced before. Even from a physical standpoint, where I live, which is usually sunny, a dark overhead atmosphere of murky cloudiness settled over almost the entire state for almost 2 weeks…. which is both historically, seasonally & exceptionally rare beyond belief. It was a heaviness both spiritual & physical that I literally felt. It took me months to understand what was going on but I finally did.
Anything “fundamentally & critically important that is *established* through means of fraud, deceit, theft, deception, lies, etc. will NOT be blessed or flourish… that goes against the nature of a holy God, *especially in leadership appointed situations*. Anyone who √USES the name of the Lord√ {I.E. -I’m a devoted Catholic, etc.} to promote their own selfish interests, standing or appeal – that’s dangerous ground because such a person has used the holy name of God to prostitute themselves for illicit gain”.
“Any leader(s) who utilizes an appointed position of leadership, through °purposeful deception°, to ‘subject’ the people to hardship….will not have God’s favor upon them but instead, God will set Himself against such a person or people”.
•We are watching such a scenario now•. We are watching Biden appoint people to strategic positions that practice abominable things that God states in His word are forbidden & wrong. This isn’t just an oversight or an “I didn’t realize what I was doing” situation. God’s word tells us explicitly that God gives everyone a conscience, the knowledge of God’s existence and God’s conviction. God tells us that when we continue to ignore the conviction of wrongdoing, refuse to change (whatever that is but we just keep practicing it), that God gives us over to that sin(s). When leadership does that, then a curse(s) also can be set in motion. When reverent fear & respect of God’s commands & word is no longer there & is purposely ignored (or in the present admin – attacked), then the doors for curses are open, to become active & it turns into reality.
It always comes back to the word of God. It’s our guide, our “history book” to show us what we can do, should do & must do. It also plainly shows us what not to do… especially in the examples of people who lead a nation.
As God’s word states…”to whom much is given, much is required”. That means not only the officials of this nation but that includes the body of Christ & our responsibility to address & speak the truth. Our nation has been taken over by purposeful evil leaders who are intent on the destruction of freedom of all sorts. They have removed a Holy God & embraced the god of self.
As a people who understand God’s ways, we must stand in unity against the enemies who ‘work with hell’ and are trying to destroy the “city on a hill” called America.
We’ve been called to war – time to put on God’s armor.

    September 13, 2022

    Thank you for bringing some balance to this issue. Though I believe the Lord has spoken to Joyce and her group the word she shared, I also believe we are in a spiritual battle and cannot ignore that and must pray for the God of righteousness and justice to help us.

William Donahue
September 13, 2022

Dearest LORD, YOU ALONE HAVE COMPLETE AUTHORITY OVER ALL evil spirits. YOU ALONE HAVE COMPLETE POWER TO VANQUISH ALL other powers that try to come against YOURS. DEAREST LORD, thank YOU so much for answered prayers according to YOUR WILL, in JESUS NAME we pray, amen.

M Moersen
September 13, 2022

I Prayed

Roger Hall
September 13, 2022

I am tempted to curse him, but I know I am a sinner just as him. So I pray that our President will find the grace to love his enemies.

    Regina Whitley
    September 13, 2022

    He is not the President. I am not being mean, but he is not.

Bo Ehrig
September 13, 2022

Thank You for these wise words.
I have forgotten to do this with a lawsuit we’re going through. But I repent and ask forgiveness for us and the people who did us harm.
And I thank Jesus for the power He gave us by dying on the cross and shedding His Blood and Rising next to our Father in Heaven.

Ted Roberts
September 13, 2022

Agreed! Holy Spirit impressed upon a Christian brother and me recently that we, the Christian body, need to be using our tongue in positive affirmation (Proverbs 18:21, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue”) to offset, reverse, the negativity that has taken over the “voice of the Left”. “Climate change”, the voices of the persons disdaining America and the cause of Christ can affect and have affected our course of life in America and in the world. Positive words, in prayer as well as in the spoken word, are needed to counteract the spoken negative. Both life and death are in the power of the tongue.

Joe's Deciple.
September 13, 2022

Crazy talk. Just complete crazy talk.
Twisting words into curses to suit your performance, into which you seeka d gain financial reward. That is the crime here.
Bathing words in blood. Impossible and disgusting.

Sharon Taylor
September 13, 2022

Thank you for helping direct our thoughts and prayers.

September 13, 2022

September 13, 2022
The Lord gave me a scripture a while before I heard the speech from September 1: “The curse cause less shall not come”. Proverbs 26:2b
I stand on His Word!

Demetra Huston
September 13, 2022

The Lord gave me a scripture a while before I heard the speech from September 1: “The curse cause less shall not come”. Proverbs 26:2b
I stand on His Word!

    Patty DeGroot
    September 14, 2022

    Demetra, I love this verse U mentioned: Proverbs 26:2 U have as little to fear from an underserved curse as from the dart of a wren or the swoop of a swallow! Thanks for sharing!

Good Guy
September 13, 2022

Fortunately, “A curse without cause can not alight.” Proverbs 26:2

His curse was baseless and therefore of no effect.

Our God reigns.

Paul Klemesrud
September 13, 2022

Lord Bless Biden with a Spirit of Wisdom in the Revelation of yourself and Convict him of any sins that is keeping him from knowing you I Pray The Love of God and the Fear of God would be upon him that he would want to change Both him and Harris I ASK

Darlene Estlow
September 13, 2022

Father, thank you for this article. May we take heed and walk in the Spirit, ready to forgive, bless and love. Turn the hearts of those who hate you to realization that you are creator and ruler of the universe. We plead the blood of Christ over our nation and over your people

Karen Secrest
September 13, 2022

A difficult decision indeed to forgive and Bless 70 times 7.
Do I want forgiveness and a clean life? The 70 times 7 for myself.

September 13, 2022

People are overlooking the hate that is coming from Trump nd others. God allows us to choose along with that choice comes consequences. Baffles me why others feel they should take away people right to choose when God allows it. If we are so righteous why are we not condemning what is happening to our democracy. Why is so many people okay with this hatred and evilness from Trump and many of the republicans’ but so quickly condemning what the Democrats say. So much evil and false teaching coming from the pulpit now but God is not blind many stumbling blocks are being set by people that claim to know and follow God but their words and actions are not of God. Get the log out of your eyes before you try to talk about what someone else is doing hypocrites that what it is.

    Paul Klemesrud
    September 13, 2022

    Mary May your eyes be opened to the evil the democrats are manifesting upon this country Yes the Republicans are not perfect and have faults but before you Judge them Judge your own party Jesus is the only one perfect and he will rule and reign on this earth at some time

    September 13, 2022

    Mary if you have heard hate-filled words coming from Trump and others, and you are a Christian, then do as Joyce Swingle says! Forgive them and ask GOD to bless Trump and others! Better yet, ask JESUS to come into your heart, and to be your LORD and SAVIOUR and to lead and guide your thoughts, words, and actions in JESUS NAME! Then believe in your heart that JESUS is the Son of GOD, and that GOD raised HIM from the dead and you will be saved! In the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS I pray! Amen!

    david duBois
    September 13, 2022

    In America now both left and right seem motivated by outrage and fear. Anger grieves and fear quenches the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants us to be peacemakers. Paul instructs us to as much as possible be at peace with our fellow man.

    But… While being innocent as doves, we should not be naive, or we will suffer the consequences. Just as there was significant danger with Trump as president, and he did not behave as we think a Christian should, there is significant danger with Biden as president, even though he talks more like we might think a Christian should. Remember the Devil can appear as an angel of light. Remember we are to judge a tree by its fruit.

    I pray for wisdom for all of us called by His name in dealing with the great political divide we have and in dealing with threats and policies we feel are misguided.

      Linda k Rice
      September 13, 2022

      Wise as serpents. Innocent as doves. A real balance.

    September 13, 2022

    I will pray for you…for your eyes to be opened to the truth and your heart to be softened. I assume you are a Christian and even if you aren’t I pray for your salvation 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    September 13, 2022

    How to “divide it up”? Hmmmm? God’s word says plainly “you will know them by their •fruit• (actions, produce, policies, follow-up, conviction of truth, what they support). If you get hung up on words and you pay no attention to what follows (fruit)…..then the end result is that you will, unfortunately….be eating rotten fruit…. which eventually means you will get sick. Sometimes God’s word is so simple that we complicate it. Another trick or the enemy, Satan.

    Regina Whitley
    September 13, 2022

    Mary please read this scripture. I realize that we all sin, but what this present administration is doing is pure evil. Our country has been destroyed in the two years Biden has been in office. The Bible tells us to pray for good government, which this is not. Joe Biden is trying to help the WEF with their Great Reset to destroy our country and take us into communism. But we have the victory in Christ Jesus. Also the United States is a Republic.

    Proverbs 6:16-19
    New International Version
    16 There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    19 a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    September 14, 2022

    I speak life, truth, and declare Freedom, in Jesus name Amen HallelYAH!!! The USA is a Constitutional Republic; not a democracy. The United States of America was birthed in Covenant by Yahweh, the God of Israel, with our forefathers—look up America’s founding documents & True Historical facts with American Historian, David Barton; every documentation he uses is in the Congressional records of Congress. In Jesus name, I bind/forbid that spirit of deception, the blinding lying spirit of the father of lies to proceed any further; In Jesus name I loose & set at liberty, freedom the captives of his confusion & lies according to Psalm 146; Not by power nor by might, but by my Spirit says The Lord, Zechariah; I give all Glory , honor, & praise to One & only Living God, The Most High, The Everlasting God, Yahweh, and His Holy Son my Lord & Savior, The King of kings & the Lord of lords; Holy, Holy, Holy; bless the Lord; HalleluYAH! The Truth, The Way and The Life. Praying peace JerUSAlem; Shalom; America shall be saved in Jesus name, Amen!

    September 14, 2022

    Can you give us examples of the “hatred that is coming from Trump and others?” You can’t accuse without proof.

September 13, 2022

J. Swingles article is spot on…. actually an excellent teaching article from someone who has been through the “front lines” of spiritual warfare. We would be amiss not to pay heed to what she has shared. Sometimes that’s precisely one of the great problems in the body of Christ – we filter things being shared through our own lens instead of the word of God.
I remember that I didn’t always agree with how ‘real’ Pres. Trump shared things. Then I realized he wasn’t called to be “diplomatic” – he was put in place to bring forth truth at any cost. In America & sadly, in many churches or people who are Christians or claim to be and especially from gov’t officials, we got used to having our “ears tickled” with nice words, speeches, etc. A lot were counterfeit but like gullible sheep, we believed the words. Trump wasn’t a polished politician – he wasn’t supposed to be!! His use of certain words, at times, were caustic to our ears. But calling out people, media, SocMed, policies, etc. for what they were/are…was both wise & needed. Often, we didn’t read between the lines. History from God’s word & our own, tells us that God doesn’t use “polished diplomats” to wake people up. Thank you God for using average, everyday people for that purpose!! Lord, Your wisdom in who you use sometimes confounds our small, narrow view of how we “think” You work vs. Your perfect will.

Kathleen M
September 13, 2022

Lord Most High, we thank You for causing each and every one of us to see things from Your Perspective.
I’m believing You Yourself are teaching us to learn to see and love the fact that You are using the enemy as our spiritual dumb bells to build our spiritual muscles. You are building our Faith with each one of the enemy’s moves. Thank you for helping us to realize more and more that You Yourself are our strength for You are The Word, The Creator of all things. The plots, plans, schemes and devices of the enemy and those who are aligned with him are what we have Your Authority and Your Power to bind or loose. Thank You for this teaching and training You are providing as You Yourself give us The Victory and as You Yourself again make a public spectacle of the enemy.

Judi Walton
September 13, 2022

I PTL for leading me to this organization. Thank you for the wise counsel I continue to receive from all the contributors and partners. Thank you for praying blessings over and binding the curses spoken by those in authority in this country and around the world.

September 13, 2022

This is the clearest and most humble dealing with the words of our mouths that I have read. Joyce has given us truth from the Word and then graciously allowed us into her experience with this truth to show us how to apply this in our own lives. I sat at the computer reading this and walking through the steps immediately. I know I have more business to do with the Lord regarding words with curses that i have spoken, but this is my immediate obedience. Thank you, Joyce.

Allena Jordan
September 13, 2022

Lord, send Your prophets to warn leaders who speak in such a manner as to bring about curses and judgment. Lord, forgive them, but warn them. We wish no disaster to come upon them. Lord, You have the final word in this matter. I fear that Your fist is still doubled and that Your fierce anger as well as jealousy for Your people may fall upon those who speak words that bring curses upon this nation. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the United States of America. Cover us all with the blood of Jesus and Your great mercy. Amen.

September 13, 2022

Sometimes I am very angry & I curse them. Thank you for showing me what curses does to others & myself.
Thank you for the prayers that I can pray when I feel this way.. Bless those who Persecute you & pray for all people , especially those who hold office that they will take care of all people equally. May God have mercy on us all..🙏🙏

r m
September 13, 2022

How in God’s name can anyone pray for a heathen like Joe Biden. Joe Biden, his entire cabinet, and certain members of Congress (i.e. Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, Kintzinger, Cheney, and more) are incorrigible! The bearers of the curse are as responsible as the curse itself. I believe the sentence in Romans stating “the wages of sin is death” is required here and no less. If God could drown the Egyptians in the sea and take the first born of Egypt on the night of Passover, then God can certainly do away with the heathen president, his cabinet, corrupt buddies in Congress, and their corrupt financiers such as George Soros.

    September 13, 2022

    I know how you feel! However, when JESUS was hanging on the cross HE asked GOD to forgive those that were killing HIM unjustly! HE is our example! Romans 12:14: Bless them which persecute you: bless and curse not. 17: Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengence is mine; I will repay, saith the LORD. GOD Will avenge us! FATHER GOD let us trust YOU in all things and at all times in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS! Amen!

    September 13, 2022

    I’ve felt like that before. Then God’s command, from His holy word….says pray for our enemies. Pray for our gov’t officials & leadership (it DOESN’T say pray only who you support or voted for or who you like!) So I pray from the standpoint of obedience – to honor & please God. It’s got nothing to do with how ‘I feel’. God already knows how I feel. Imagine the pain God feels watching someone he allowed to have power & is totally misusing it. Yet God still loves Biden, others & wants to save him/them. Will that happen? It might or might not. But God’s desire is that no one perishes to the abyss of hell.
    There isn’t a day that goes by that I ask God, in His great love and mercy….to remove & replace ungodly, hell serving officials with those that love God, respect and honor law / order, honor the Constitution and will have a heart of a true servant for the people.
    God tells us to put aside ALL malice, bitterness, ungodly anger. It’s a command – not an option.
    God reminds me daily – he alone is judge & jury. Those that continue to rebel against Him, through any means, will receive justice. And His justice perfect – mine is not.
    You know what’s really sobering – the fact that if I don’t do as God commands and I rebel against it (even though I know what to do), I will be held accountable. No gray areas there!!

      Herb Johnston
      September 14, 2022

      “Imagine the pain God feels watching someone he allowed to have power & is totally misusing it. ”
      ..what about the fact that the office was stolen.. the election was stolen.. did the Lord allow that as well.. or-,was the office of president in this election not hijacked.. yes the Lord lets us stumble through our sins.. he does.. he lets people get themselves into all kinds of quandaries.. which is not the same as when he grants us favor -and allows us to be blessed with a position or promotion.. so rather than say “think how the Lord feels when he allowed Biden to become president-, and then Biden totally misused it”,… would it not be more appropriate to say -.that the Lord allowed him to stumble through his sin..knowing that he would misuse that office.. which was not granted to him as a privilege.. but was something he was allowed to trap himself in- as a lesson.
      Remember also that it has been documented-, that much evil is being exposed.. as are the players that are evil are being.. and the profits are all talking about how the tides are turning rapidly.. and their sins will be coming back on their own heads.

    September 13, 2022

    I guess it’s important to remember that at one time…..we were all “heathens”. Yet God saved our miserable little souls. Now that’s humbling.

      September 14, 2022

      My soul is blessed forevermore through the Blood of Jesus and Fathers resurrection power and His Holy Ghost & fire lives greater in me, Thank you, Lord, Amen

September 13, 2022

I pray for our nation and our leaders on a regular basis but lately find myself praying imprecatory prayers for removing those that are obviously not looking out for the best interests of our nation. Perhaps this is not the right Christian attitude but look what David did in the Psalms and he was a man after Jesus’ own heart. I often wonder if certain politicians including JB ever open a Bible. Every political figure as well as every citizen should open their Bible and read Ephesians 4::29 every morning before they start their day.

    Herb Johnston
    September 14, 2022

    Yo Jerry,.. I am all about imprecatory prayers.. a favorite is Psalm 35. I was reminded of them by Bishop Leon Benjamin-, who is regularly on The Reawakening America Tour.. pastor of New Life Harvest Church in Virginia-, and one of the pastors atThe Remnant church on Thursday night in Tulsa Oklahoma… and I would say- that it is safe to say -that JB never opens the Bible.. except for photo ops maybe.
    What helps me is remembering that we are in a war.. and as much as we strive- to not take on the position -or the mental profile of our enemy.. we cannot always be polite.. &, while we cannot be rude -,we must remember that we are fighting for our lives.. and the life of our nation. As the Lord has said- he will never leave us nor forsake us Deuteronomy 31:6.. he also told us to occupy- Luke 17.. which means to do anything and everything which is necessary as long as it is biblical.. to save our land, secure our borders, pay our bills.. feed ourselves and our children.. maintain our property.. our lives.. our fortunes.. and our sacred honor.. and tohonor our God.. so yeah ..bring on the imprecatory prayers!! Amen.

    Patty DeGroot
    September 14, 2022

    Here is Ephesians 4:29 Watch the way U talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouths. Say only what helps, each word a gift.

September 13, 2022

Very powerful reminder that we belong to the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords and that we have the power within us to fend off evil in our nation as well as forgive those who persecute and hate us. Yes, it’s hard to pray for and forgive them but who knows which of these Saul of Tarsus’ might be transformed into another apostle Paul! With Jesus’ power and strength, we can and must. And we must encourage each other as well.

September 13, 2022

I am suddenly reminded of Balaam and how God turned it around and caused him to BLESS Israel instead!

“Nevertheless the LORD thy God would not hearken unto Balaam; but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee.”
— Deuteronomy 23:5 (KJV)

You have used evil for good over and over. Have mercy on us and turn any curses into blessings. May any attempt to curse be turned into a blessing! Just like Balaam, Father, may they not be able to help but bless and not curse! Put the lying lips to silence and may only blessing over our country and its people proceed! Oh Lord! I look forward to seeing you roll up your sleeves and do what only you can do! You have done it before! You are the same yesterday today and forever and there is nothing too hard for you! Thank you Father and Lord. Thank you for doing this! You are mighty! Blessed IS the nation whose God is the Lord! Your remnant…who still call on your name is in this nation! And we have been blessed!
In Jesus name

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
September 13, 2022

This entire nation is going to be, if not already, cursed. We have sinned against God and have refused to follow His Commands. We, as the Body of Christ, have selective ideas of what we consider heinous crimes. We like one, so he is great, yet sins. We dislike the other because we consider him not so great, and he sins. By what law are we judging right and wrong? It is supposed to be by The Everlasting Word of God. We will ignore what one man says and does because we love him. Another does the same, and we condemn. In the eyes of God, sin is sin and Jesus Christ is the Righteous Judge. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 KJV) America has been imploding for years and we need to realize that it is not by one man’s doing. We need to ask God for forgiveness and pray that our leaders will accept Jesus as their Savior because time is running out. Oh, to say that they are saved would be evident by their fruit. Jesus said so. “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34 KJV). This is God’s Word. AMEN!

September 13, 2022

I just want to point out how much Trump used inflammatory words in his speeches and called many Americans his enemy. I am not defending Bidens’ words , only bringing attention to the biases here.

    Jacquelyn Y. Miller
    September 13, 2022

    Amen and Amen.

    September 13, 2022

    Could it be that Trumps words goaded the evil ones to come out and attack? What if we had person running the country like Romney (maybe a bad example ~ a lot of evangelicals couldn’t vote for Mit either)? He has kind words, he gets along, would they out fox him? I think we are where we are because this where God wants us. Also, without Trump we would still be living under a “edict” called Roe vs Wade… Maybe, just maybe God wanted Trump in office to stir the pot. Because what I see this country has been corrupt for 60+ years, maybe even 100. I don’t think our government votes are for putting in Senior Pastor looking for the moral equivalent of Jesus, I think we are hiring them for a job. If they do it well and honest, then that is all we should ask.

      Patty DeGroot
      September 14, 2022

      Greg, I think U are spot on! Let Trump be Trump! He was God’s man for the hour.

    September 13, 2022

    I don’t think there is a bias here. This was about Biden and his entire administration and his hate speech against millions of Americans.

Wally Taylor
September 13, 2022

I pray for the salvation of their souls but I curse CRT, and all of the socialistic ideologies and other things that they stand for. I believe that is Biblical based on the story of God cursing Cain saying that the ground would no longer produce food for him. And I pray that planned parenthood comes crashing down,

Judah A. Cobbs
September 13, 2022

Heavenly Father and Eternal King,

Open the spiritual eyes of the spiritually blind in this hour in the history of the world. Father, Your word declares that when the evil are in power the righteous go into hiding, they run for cover. So Father, I pray that you would turn the hearts of those that rule, like the course of water, that their hearts will be filled with good and not evil toward any faction of their constituency for the betterment of the nation and to Your honor and glory in the name of our Lord, Savior and earth’s Sovereingn – Jesus the Messiah. Amen!

Susan Eddlemon
September 13, 2022

This article and the prayers contained therein are truly anointed! Thank you so much, Joyce, for writing this. It also has been a privilege to pray monthly with your husband Rich for Tim Craig and his Intervarsity staff.

Marsha Bashor
September 13, 2022

I agree and I am praying Lord for a change of heart in Joe Biden, for him to see you in the midst of all things. For his salvation and for him to proclaim blessing upon America. And for him to proclaim life from the womb. I do ask that the blood of Jesus cover over his words, that those cursing words be no more. That they be torn down. In Jesus’ name.

Pat Jordan
September 13, 2022

Heavenly Father I praise You, I thank You for your great mercy towards us. I agree with the prayers of the IFA and those that love this country. Reverse the curse in Jesus name, amen and amen!

barb m
September 13, 2022

Praying in agreement with you, Joyce, 7000%…REVERSE THE CURSE on our precious country, Faithful Father- we humbly pray!!!


Amaryllis Flowers
September 13, 2022

I am praying. It breaks my heart that this beautiful country would be cursed by the very same people that supossedly are in charge.

Kathleen Matherne
September 13, 2022
Brian lynch
September 13, 2022

It is obvious that Biden has mande his deal with the devil. His agenda, which is being fed to him by handlers, is all about the evil New World Order. Destroying the fabric, the morals, and anything that is God-oriented is their agenda. As a Christian, I need to pray blessing over this misguided man. I bind the attempts of the Globalist Elite to force their agenda upon America, and the evil spirits behind this effort. I loose a spirit of love, harmony, integrity, and honesty upon our government. I ask all of this in Jesus’ name.

September 13, 2022

Wow fantastic article and prayer guidance! Thank you!

Kris Miller
September 13, 2022

In agreement with prayers🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Daniel J Chapman
September 13, 2022

Good insight.
Thank you.
Our thoughts and our words are very important.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue.
We cannot walk in unforgiveness.
I do pray that Joe Biden meets Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
However, be clear, Biden and others would do away with us in a heartbeat.
Our attitude toward evil, deceiving, lying totalitarians in the highest positions of power is different than say turning the other cheek toward someone wronging us in a personal matter.
I would have liked for Biden’s actual quotes to be included.
Lord, I release myself from every curse, false accusation, and demonic declaration about myself and others by this man, in Jesus’ name. These lies carry no authority over me.
But they do over our nation; Lord, we ask You to make them of none affect – to cancel them over our nation. And, in mercy, to restore righteous leadership to our nation.

September 13, 2022

The heart of what President Joe Biden is vilifying in these recent speeches is not so much against a political opponent, it’s against Bible believers – faithful Christians.

Make no mistake who’s being set up as public enemy number 1: its those who stand on the Word of God and agree with God about The sanctity of life and sexual morality.

Yes, a determined desire to go backward to the word of God and away from the leftist agenda for unbridled murder of the unborn (63 million and counting) and push of the LGBTQ agenda on America’s children.

Joe says,
“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” Biden said in his Thursday address, referencing Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.”

What I hear is that it’s not about a political oponent. The stand is against the message of The Holy Bible.

I for one shall vote for any and every candidate who is decidedly opposed to that which rebels against The word of God.

Barbara Janicki
September 13, 2022

Thank you, so convicting and a much needed reminder. This goes against my natural human instinct but Romans 12:14 clearly says, “Bless those who persecute you: bless and do not curse.” And I definitely feel persecuted by those in power because of the laws/policies they are enacting – which are destroying this country that I love and taking away my very freedoms as a private citizen, a little bit at a time every day – so I definitely perceive Joe Biden and others as my enemy. But what you outlined in this article should be our “battle plan” as Christ followers – a plan that makes no sense by worldly standards – but God’s ways are so much higher than our ways. We do not “fight fire with fire” but “overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21) That takes obedience in prayer and “taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5) I realize how much I struggle with this, having a wrong attitude and thoughts, thinking them “righteous indignation.” As you said, we are called to both forgive and bless those who are our enemies – something I can’t do apart from God. I don’t want to harm anyone with my words or thoughts either, but am ashamed to think now how often this must be the case. The challenge is clear, to enter this spiritual battle with prayer, repentance and prayer, calling on God to protect us and defeat all demonic influences invited in by human words of cursing and violence. Oh Lord, forgive me and help me to take captive every thought, pray according to Your will – “May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Diane D Hall
    September 13, 2022

    Barb thank you for sharing your thoughts and I am right with you. I have been cursing the enemy and I need to stop with Gods help. You have encouraged me. God bless!!

Barbara A Byrne
September 13, 2022

I needed this word from you – THANK YOU! I so struggle with anger towards our President and others who seem full of bitterness. I will do better about praying for them.

Linda Trott Dickman
September 13, 2022

I will stand with those who speak blessing. As I was taught when I encountered someone who had more talent than I in a certain field, I asked God to bless that person,even more. That helped me to give my insecurities back to God. I will speak blessing.

In Jesus name.

Rebecca LaMoreaux
September 13, 2022

I love your prayers and I too have struggled with what is happening in our country to take it down and take God out of our nation. So every morning before my feet touch the floor my husband and I pray and read the Word and put on the armour of God and call on our angels to fight the demons that would try to take our eyes off of Jesus and His love. I then use my holy annointing oil from Israel every day I annoint our heads, our lips and our hearts and ask God to give us the mind of Christ and lips that speak love and a heart of love for out of the heart the mouth speaks. It helps us atleast start the day looking up and reminds us that Jesus loves everybody. And that is difficult when I see what is happening in Washington. Only God can save our nation.

Randy Moore
September 13, 2022

Thanks for this post and the reminder of the power of curses and our responsibility to reverse the curse by the blood of Jesus.

Patty DeGroot
September 13, 2022

I needed to read this article. Thank U, Joyce. Brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you, also, for your comments. Luanne’s verse was beautiful: Proverbs 26:2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an underserved curse does not come to rest. I will find and read: “Curses: Cause and Cure” by Derek Prince. The midterms are 56 days away. It is a time to be prayerful.

Patricia Thibault
September 13, 2022

Yes and AMEN! Thankyou for all you shared and it is certainly scriptural! Blessings, Patricia

David Esteban
September 13, 2022

I pray against those curses and against all the evil that Biden brings and represents. I bless the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I pronounce the blessings of His mercies and His peace upon this land. Our LORD, have mercy on our nation; forgive us; restore us to Your life. I’m praying for the innocent, LORD.

September 13, 2022

I come into agreement with Joyce. AMEN!!!

Joyce Sloop
September 13, 2022

It’s a power like none other as I prayed before God,purifying my heart first. I prayed against the demonic spirits and the covering of blood where these demonic spirits have lost all power and are thrown into the abyss. I pray this for Alex( personal situation of adultery), Joe Biden and Dr. D. I pray their heart, mind and soul to be purified where they are overcome with conviction by the Holy Spirit to confess and repent and change. These evil forces have lost their power because the precious blood of Jesus where satans forces are now dead. I believe and pray this though Jesus Christ. Amen

Paul Fishman
September 13, 2022

Lord we pray in Jesus name that the death threats of genocide of Americans by the mouth of this dictator will be nullified and cancel. May the power of Christ block his vision of death and deliver the innocent from this unjust sentence.

Susan Hiles
September 13, 2022

Lord, soften the hearts and bring clarity about what our leaders need to do now.

September 13, 2022

I am freshly astonished each time I see a lack of understanding for what is happening. We are at war and have been for a long time. This is not a time to play paddy cake with the enemy anymore than it was time for David to play with Goliath. The Philistines meant to kill Israel in its entirety, and we need to get it deep into our heads that our enemy fully intends to kill us.

Therefore, pray fervently for the removal of this jackal administration, and moreover for the removal of Obama, for his stink is all over this. Pray that justice falls upon those who have stolen this nation and those who seek to destroy it. This enemy is not deceived or acting blindly; this enemy has a known and intended purpose. So then, having done all else, be prepared to stand.

    Patty DeGroot
    September 13, 2022

    Derek, David put Goliath in perspective: I Samuel 17: 26 David asked the men standing near him, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?” Then verse 37: The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine. “Father, we need confidence like David. U have a rescuer planned. Please bring forth a rescuer. Your people in this nation are suffering. We know U see it. We cry out to you. We are desperate. In Jesus precious name we pray. Amen.”

      Mrs D
      September 13, 2022

      GOD already sent a “Rescuer.” His Name is JESUS! Now it is the responsibility of His body to manifest His Presence and bring His will as it is in heaven to the earth because our focus is on things above.

      Isaiah 60:1 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and HIS GLORY SHALL BE SEEN UPON THEE. 2 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. (emphasis added)

      Colossians 3: 2 Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value]. 3 For you died [to this world], and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, [a]appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory….9 Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old self with its evil practices, 10 and have put on the new [spiritual] self who is being continually renewed in true knowledge in the image of Him who created the new self…. 12 So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy [set apart, sanctified for His purpose] and well-beloved [by God Himself], put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; 13 bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive. 14 Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others]. 15 Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. To this peace indeed you were called as members in one body [of believers]. And be thankful [to God always]. et al [Amplified]

    September 13, 2022

    Entirely in agreement with your prayer. We stand with the Almighty who is bringing justice into every corner of our Nation. We cancel all curses and turn them into blessings for this Nation and all it’s citizens in the mighty name of Jesus. We don’t line up with those that call lie truth and truth a lie as God has given us a sound mind in Jesus name.

Ronald J Glowacki
September 13, 2022

A very meaty “word” here folks.
How many times I have had to severely chastise myself, not only for the words I speak out of my mouth in my head, but the mouth in my heart. I am grieved for the many terrible thoughts I think often towards people, especially government officials, the architects of the great reset, and pharmaceutical and the jab. Things we really really need to consider when these spirits rise up within ourselves to incite violence and provoke us to anger and causing the perpetrators harm. They are blind. So let us get violent with the spirits, and not the people.
If a modern day terrorist like Paul got saved, no one is out of reach with Jesus. Thank you IFA.

    September 13, 2022

    Sir, I mean no disrespect, but these people are NOT blind. They know exactly what they are doing. It’s part of what makes them so very dangerous.

      Michael Guidera
      September 13, 2022

      The apostle Paul knew exactly what he was doing. He killed Christians because he believed they were committing blasphemy by their faith in Christ. He was deceived into believing a lie. We are not battling against people Eph. 6, but against forces of evil. I have gone down that path of hardening my heart with hatred against our fleshly enemies. It is a dead end. You will never find peace. Takes repentance to come back and get in right standing with our Lord. Read the book of Acts and note how the Christians responded to all the oppression put on them by the Jews and the Romans. It was much worse back then and yet the church grew.

        Patty DeGroot
        September 14, 2022

        “Paul was deceived into believing a lie.” That is huge! A prayer for us when we allow ourselves to be deceived! “Father, we have to start with our own heart. Show me thru your Word today where I have areas where I am being deceived by the enemy. Remove the scales from my eyes so I can see clearly what I need to do and say to follow the path that I am supposed to follow. U require whole-hearted commitment from your followers. That is where the blessing is. That is how we achieve an abundant life as promised. Thank U for Michael Guidera’s words today. I needed to hear them. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.”

    Ronald J.Glowack I
    September 13, 2022

    The “god” of this world has blinded the eyes of those who believe not the Gospel.
    Sadly a lot of “Christians” don’t believe the Gospel either..
    Otherwise they would not support abortion, same sex marriage, defunding the police and allowing crime and violence with no punishment.
    And thinking Biden and Harris are the best thing since Obama.
    Don’t even get me started Saints.
    I live in Chicago.
    Love you all. And thanks IFA

Mel Westerman
September 13, 2022

Joyce, As our glorious Lord continues to complete His work of sanctification in my life, anger is replaced with forgiveness, step by step. Thank you for bringing the issue to the fore in your humble, yet firm, manner. You illustrate separation of spiritual and political and precious Holy Spirit power over all realms, natural and spiritual. Bless you and Richard and IFA personnel and affiliates and all who serve Jesus through repentant prayers.

Jeanine Navarro Richardson
September 13, 2022

Father thank you for reminding us of the power of our words for the generations and the declarations that are made over the generations by those we put in office to lead us. Help
Us to know how to forgive them
For they know not what they do…. Yet lord you show us how to love them and pray for them by your word and HS. Please bring these people that you have allowed to lead our country under your direction, instructions and in submission to you!

Christine Rhyner
September 13, 2022

I’ve been wanting to understand more about intercessory prayer & spiritual warfare at this point in my walk with the Lord. (In fact, I have Derek Prince’s ‘Pulling Down Strongholds’ sitting on my table in front of me!) I bookmarked this article for reference. While I pray for the salvation of leaders & those in authority, it hasn’t been with forgiveness for the grave damage they’re doing with their words. I realize now I need to do this. I pray the Psalms for the injustice done to others, but not to deal with my own anger over the constant, daily cursings of those in pursuit of their agendas. Now I will, because I tell the Lord I just don’t know how to deal with my anger & how demoralizing leaders have become.

September 13, 2022

Amen and Amen! We are called to bless and not to curse. I’ve been praying for Joe Biden that he would come to repentance and turn from wickedness. I was not sure if I should be praying for him. I asked the Lord and feel like this is his answer. Bless and not curse to reverse the curse. God’s ways are certainly not man’s ways. They are so much higher.

September 13, 2022

I prayed against the curse and covered it with Jesus’s blood.

September 13, 2022

Thank you for this insight. I’m joining you in these prayers.

September 13, 2022

Thank you for these words. Feeling anger frequently about the leading of this nation, I awoke this am to this, and am humbled, repentant, and yet, encouraged . I will carry on renouncing and blessing, He is sooooo faithful……now I pray I step up and permeate myself in faithfulness, as well. Amen

September 13, 2022

Thank you for these words. Feeling anger frequently about the leading of this nation, I awoke this am to this, and am humbled and repentant , yet encouraged by this. I will carry on renouncing and blessing. He is so faithful……..now I pray I step up and shroud myself in faithfulness , as well. Amen

Lydia B. Miller
September 13, 2022

Jesus had a Holy indignation,
He went into the temple, and He said, indirectly “thats it ,this is enough and He overturned the tables”.
What does our Holy iindignation look like, I am angry that Joe Biden is destroying Americans,
He’ needs mercy and forgiveness in the same way , we do not deserve His mercy either, how ever it it not wrong to be angry at this evil.
Jesus even called the Pharisees, evil snakes!! I am not saying we should call people snakes however making a point that Jesus didnot live in denial , He saw the evil for what it was and He called it out right to there faces. He was calling sinners to repentance!
Jesus iis pure and Holy so He was able to do this in love without an evil intention, in our sin nature we might hate the person. Jesus also gave a painful sacrifice and in love died and suffered pain showing He had deep love.

I wrote Joe Biden a letter recently saying I have serious concern for his soul, his wreckless way of life.( We need to forgive give him) but that I have serious concern about how evil he is and how much He needs to repent and cry out to Jesus, Does he know he is deceived?
Maybe he did not even read the letter because his personel would not give him all the letters he is receiving. I still felt convicted to reach out to him.
Being kind to people does not mean we dismiss what they are doing.
We can watch the attitude of our hearts and watch our own words but it is right to say he is an evil man that is doing evil , harming our country.
Whether a word becomes a curse has to do with the attitude of our heart, God knows our hearts, I don’t think all words turn into curses, because God is right their redeeming our words because he sees some love in our hearts.
I beleive in curses, however there is another side where in His mercy sometimes He covers our words because He sees we are weak, He redeems the words as they come out of our mouths because some peopple’s hearts are in humility , daily seeking to honor Him, yet very imperfect and always making mistakes because we are born sinners. In Jesus we are justified by His righteousness not by our works. Curses are invoked through the law , God came through Jesus to save us from the law, There is now a new covenant.It is God who sees the heart , He is the judge, He judges righteously people’s hearts and the intent of the heart.
Certainly we are ALL called to repent daily for our sins and our words spoken to others!!

Gail Wood
September 13, 2022

It seems very difficult to forgive people’s offences when they are so evil but what helps us as God’s children are these scriptures.
Jesus said…..if you do not forgive others then I can not forgive you to my Father in Heaven.
Jesus said……As dear children of God that we are to be imitators of Christ
God said ……that we are not even to take on the appearance of evil.
Jesus said ……not to be weary in doing well. When we do the right thing it always brings God’s blessing and frees us.
Each time we forgive someone we do the above fulfilling God’s word which sets us free to pray for them and giving God room in our lives to bring blessing and to use us for His glory.
Biden said some terrible things making it clear that Christians and Trump supporters are in his bulls eye.
All of the evil lies they are spewing about us are actually what they are doing and what they are themselves. God knows His children and He also knows the children who belong to the Father of all lies , Satan.
Biden spoke a lot of negative words in his speech. Words carry weight. They either carry blessing or cursing , life or death said God.
We , as God’s children have the power through the blood of Jesus Christ to squash all evil words directed at us going back even generations and those passed down from one generation to the next.. We are to take authority over the evil works of Satan and his children and all of his followers.
We also have the authority to call back and destroy the negative words that we ourselves may say in anger etc…

Father in Jesus Holy and most precious name , we as your children take authority over every evil and damaging word that Biden spoke over America and over President Trump and all of his supporters during his speech and at any time he spoke negative words against us.
We take his words and send them back to the sender and his co-horts. We render his words negative , null and void of any power against America and the body of Christ.
We release instead blessings over America , President Trump and over God’s children. We declare and decree this day that God’s word and blessing are going forth over His children and bonds and chains are being broken off of us and our nation and that we are receiving and walking into the blessings and plans that God has for us.
We declare and decree in Jesus Holy name that the sting from the words of Biden’s speech have been removed from us and returned back to the ones who sent them.
Father we praise and adore You . You oh Lord , are our redeemer and salvation. You oh Lord have given us the power to walk all over the enemy and his co-workers . ( Psalms 91) .
We thank you Father for your awesome Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth by whom.
You have blessed us and given us the power to do Psalms 91.
We give our nation into your hands knowing full well that no matter how bad things are that no situation is to difficult for you.
We ask Father in Jesus mighty and powerful name that you pluck out every Leftest and those from other nations who have put their tentacles into our nation and Government to do harm to us.
We ask Father that as you remove the wicked that you call your children to replace them in every position Federal , state and local.
We give you all the glory , honour and praise. In Jesus Holy name we pray,

September 13, 2022

“Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭26:2‬ ‭
Abba, we declare and decree “a curse without cause does not come to rest on us ,your people”. Thank you for reversing the curse over this nation, for overturning Roe vs. Wade, and all you are doing to overthrow the seats of the wicked. As your people, we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our own wicked ways, so You will heal our land. Thank you for all you are doing to bring blessing to our nation and not a curse! The enemy is desperate but you give us power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the evil one: and nothing shall by any means harm us! Glory to your name! Be lifted up and draw all men to you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

    Jeannie Mathis
    September 13, 2022

    Love this! Praise God!
    Thank you Luanne!

Jeannie Mathis
September 13, 2022

Joyce, thank you for your wonderful Holy Spirit words!! I was greatly blessed by your sharing, teaching and encouragement to us as Believers in the instructions given to us by God through the Holy Spirit from Derek Prince’s book. Thank you for being a marvelous example and echoing our thoughts, emotions and prayers! God bless you and your husband as you both minister to the Masses!

Val Thomas
September 13, 2022

As Biden is an illegitimate leader his words do not carry the authority of the post he is inhabiting, only that of a thief and a liar.

    September 13, 2022

    I believe he only “won” the election by fraud as well (if that’s what you’re referring to) but he still is the president and therefore has legitimate authority (even if the election was stolen; as still God remains sovereign, nonetheless); I don’t like or prefer that he’s president; but it doesn’t matter whether i like or or not; but even the evil emperor Nero had legitimate authority. I suggest re-reading Romans 13.

    Kathy Smith
    September 13, 2022


Hank Berben
September 13, 2022

As a lifelong Catholic, I am having a very hard time justifying forgiveness for Biden’s words! I truly believe that he may be due forgiveness ONLY because I see him as a brain dead puppet controlled by the evil doers in his circle of handlers beginning with his wife! He knows NOT what he say and merely reads what his handlers put before him!


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