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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we need You. Give us the strength to stand in these difficult days and the discernment to fight the spiritual battle in our nation today.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The battle for the soul of America.”

This line from President Biden’s national address last night in Philadelphia was carried by every major network. It was at the heart of his 2020 campaign too and is also, incidentally, one that President Barack Obama used in speeches as president.

Little does President Biden know, but a truer statement could not be spoken.

It’s a spiritual statement, actually —  “the battle for the soul of America.” Our souls are created by God; they are eternal. Our souls exist for God’s purposes, either unredeemed from sin or redeemed by Him. Using a spiritual term for political campaigns and speeches ironically reveals that our nation is not just in a battle of ideas — indeed, at this hour, our nation is in a spiritual battle at a deep level.

When President Biden delivered his speech Thursday evening, flanked by military members and bathed in ominous red light, he shook his fists as he spoke, demonizing millions of Americans who stand for values that he clearly abhors — values that are part of the outworking of the souls of people of faith. “They live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies,” he said, characterizing half the nation’s citizens and calling them a threat to the country with yet another spiritual reference.

What does Biden believe the “soul of America” should be, you might ask?

According to the president’s speech, not our biblical values. Our values are dangerous to America, he warns. Protecting life, ensuring religious freedom, honoring biblical marriage — these values are preventing the values President Biden and his administration advocate for our nation. You can see that this really isn’t a battle of political party, but rather a battle of kingdom values: the kingdom of light versus the kingdom of darkness.

Believe in the legal protection of life for the pre-born and newly born? Believe in the right of churches and people of faith to freely worship, practice, and speak? Believe in a biblical view of marriage, gender, sex — a view held through 5,000 years of human history? Well, you have been warned: You are now an enemy of the state. The spiritual battle raging in our nation is now a declared war in the natural.

As intercessors, we have known that this nation, like every nation in history, faces a battle to either live by God’s values and accomplish His purposes and destiny, or else to reject them and go its own way. Our founders chose to enshrine God’s values, evidenced by the language and principles in our founding documents. They built them into the very foundations of our nation.

We are living in a unique time. We have reached a place where our own leadership openly vilifies the values that were at the heart of our founding (and of more than two centuries of history). Anyone holding these biblical values is called “MAGA” and slandered as dangerous, hateful, violent, and extreme. In a classic tactic of the progressive movement, he is accusing us of what he himself is actually doing. President Biden claimed that “MAGA” people oppose the Constitution, law enforcement, and the rule of law. But we don’t oppose these things. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Citizens who stand for biblical values and for constitutional principles were the focus of the bulk of the President’s speech — an angry speech devoted to deriding and threatening half the nation.

What they are fighting against isn’t us. It is God in us.

So, how do we respond? With prayer and action. We engage in the spiritual battle through prayer. And we engage in action to push back on the radical ideologies overtaking our nation. We cannot expect to win the “battle for the soul of America” without the weapon God has given us: prayer. This is our time to protect the nation through our active prayer and civic action.

And the LORD said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them” ‭‭(1 Samuel‬ ‭8:7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).

Share in the comments below how you are being led to pray and act in the spiritual battle that is manifesting itself in the natural. What are you hearing from the Holy Spirit?


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Juliette Rey
November 16, 2022

No doubt American govt is trying to be the tip of the spear of the global new world order. And Biden demonstrated the same Nazi behavior that hitler did when he spoke, and he has found his villains to persecute, the right and the church. Ww3 is about to hit. Make sure you are right with God, not politicians. We have to live with who we voted for and suffer the consequences, but we live in eternity with God. Bring forth the love, church, not hate anger and division. Do not oppose what God is doing. Pray! Worship. Call out to God, the one true living God, not those nasty little gods and wanna be gods. Blood and blessings to you.

October 29, 2022

You should be ashamed of yourself. You are not a leader of God. You are spreading lies and your nonprofit status should be taken away. Your condemn President Biden and President Obama but support the narcissist Trump. Our country is in trouble because of religious leaders like yourself who do not do what God teaches, but follow your own biased and tainted views. God help you see the truth.

    October 29, 2022

    You are no different than Jim Jones spreading lies and hate.

Cindy Carter
September 12, 2022

Queen Elizabeth believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and openly professed that, and lived by His values. I pray that our public leaders would take notice of her example and follow suite . I stand on the word of God that “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD”. I believe that He is more powerful than anything and victory is in Jesus…ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS…..


Dolly Wright
September 7, 2022

Psalm 119:126
Its time for you to act Lord for they have made void your law.

If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3

We look to you for Our only hope is in you Lord..
your eyelids try the children of men.
But rge wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
Upon the wicked he shall rain snares; fire and brimstone and a terrible tempest. This shall be the portion of their cup. Only with our eyes shall we look and see rhe reward of rhe wicked.
Father, we know that you that you are not slack regarding your promise but long suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. We know that they have been given many opportunities to repent but have hardened thair hearts. Tgey have willfully defied you and made themselves enemies of God. They have declared war against God and his annointed. And now its time for you to act Lord because they have made void your laws. So father we now pray for your righteous judgemnet to come. We say, Let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven for when judgement is in the earth the people will learn righteousness. Lord, We wait for you…

Michael Lampard
September 7, 2022

I respond as a UK citizen and resident and observe with great concern and sometimes unbelief that the US is going down this path and that the Democrats have taken on a rabid extremist socialist policy and outlook. Hs speech clearly IS an attack, not just on Americans who support traditional Christian values, but the whole of the ‘west’ and the principles that underpinned those values. What ever happens in the mid term primaries of the next Presidential election in 2024, the clear message is that, as Christians and believers we can no longer assume a generalised support for our belief and value system as we have done. We need to prepare for much more of this. The concern I have here, especially in the UK, but maybe also in the US is that we are catastrophically UNprepared and this urgently needs rectifying.

Aaron Joiner
September 6, 2022

I am hearing push back, and use the keys that have been given to us in Jesus’ Name.

Grant Windholz
September 6, 2022

Biden is just like Obama. Dark, evil and demonic. All they want is for this country to fail and fall into Satan. We are living in the dark times of history. The book of Revelation in the Bible tells it all. What is happening right now and what will happen. I pray that Biden and his administration not to continue to lead down the road of complete American destruction but to become believers in Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind!!

September 6, 2022

Thank you, David for a well written piece that truly illustrates the spiritual battle that is going on in America and around the world. It is not conservatives vs liberals, it is the people of God’s indwelling Holy Spirit vs people of the world, the worldly elites who believe they are their own god. It is time to as Paul writes in 2 Tim. 4: 7. We must fight the good fight, run our race, and keep our faith . It is through these things we may reclaim God’s intended reality for this nation. Heavenly Father, grant us strength and course to face the enemy and those who shill for the Father of Lies. Rebuke the evil ones in our midst that all may be well with your children. In Jesus, name.

Mary Nadwodny
September 6, 2022

Actually CBS ABC NBC and FOX news refused to carry it because of its content. Which was surprising.
Come red wavr

Margie Diamond
September 6, 2022

My spiritual eyes have been open. Therefore I commit to deli gently pray for God’s perfect will to be done for America. I want to be included on the awakening of the great giant.. May the Lord unveil the eyes of our spiritual understanding and lead us in victory to the glory of His name. Amen!

September 5, 2022

Ore Battle is not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities in the spiritual realm Ephesians 6:12 we declare your promise in Psalm 103vs 20 that angels obey the word of God. We,the EKKLESIA ask ,Lord of Angel Armies send forth your mighty angels to fight and defeat the powers of the enemy that operate over Washington DC and the Federal Government of the United States of America Thank you Jesus. We Love, Honor and Worship You.

September 5, 2022

Thank you Lord that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the spiritual realm Ephesians 6:12. We declare your promise in Psalm 103 vs. 20 that angels obey the word of God. We ,the EKKLESIA ask the Lord if angel armies to send forth your mighty angels to fight and defeat the powers of darkness that operate over Washington DC and the federal government of the United States of America. Thank you Jesus. We Love and Honor You and Bless Your Holy Name.

    Marilyn Guidotti
    September 5, 2022

    I have written a prayer and asked it to be posted but you say there is a problem Please let me know what it is so I can correct it .I never had problems posting prayers before. Thanks. [email protected].

Deb Goins
September 5, 2022

Even as evil as he is, Lord we pray for his protection. May any attempts of the enemy to use him for our demise be thwarted. Holy Spirit, reveal any evil and corrupt plans to cause him harm and then blame your people. Thank you for the warnings you give us. May your will be done. In Jesus name. Amen.

I had what I can only call a vision the other night. 64 years old and never experienced anything like it. An imposter dressed as a MAGA person sh*t and k*lled the president. I saw that and then there was a knowing that our VP had had the same fate. There was utter chaos and commotion and many turned against us due to this deception. They had plans to interrupt the midterms due to this.
Shook me to the core. Pray for their protection.

Darlene Estlow
September 5, 2022

Father, we come before you. We can only do this battle as you lead us. Thank you that you are bringing change and a revival is coming, yes it is here! May your Holy Spirit continue to bring repentance and draw many people to you. May we as your Ekklesia stand in prayer and faith as you are working.

Michael Hawthrone
September 5, 2022


This coming election will change the very course of America. Are you able to send information about the people in senate, congress and other info so that I can be very well informed about my decisions on how to vote please. I thank you as I just prayed that you’re a “Watchman” on the wall sounding the alarm loud and clear.
Thank you sir!


September 5, 2022

Thank you so much for this article and for I Samuel 8:7! Yesterday I felt led to advise 3 left-leaning unbeliever friends to please stock up on food and supplies due to food & fuel shortages around the world. I DID NOT mention any US political parties or leaders. I got “thanked” by denial, then questioning my sanity, then “it won’t happen here”, then “it WILL happen here because of global warming”, then being sent articles from leftist media, and Trump-bashing all the way through!!😲 I did not take the bait. I am both astounded and upset. It’s so sad when ppl you care about have their minds darkened.

Kay Daves
September 5, 2022

Thank you for this article. TRUE!! I continue to be amazed at how far the Biden Administration is going with their AntiChrist doctrine. I have prayed for him to repent and change his ways, or be replaced in his office. He shows absolutely no indication of a humble heart or repentance. I fear for his eternal well being. Generally speaking, the Biden Administration is very ungodly. The ungodliness waxes worse and worse.

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
September 5, 2022

We, as the Body of Christ, have made one mistake. We are fighting according to the world’s system instead of according to God’s Word. In Ephesians 6, we are told who the enemy is. We have gotten so political that Republicans are fighting Democrats and vice versa. We are called to be salt and light in this dark and evil world. Sadly, even in the Church, we are divided over the like or dislike of a leader. Jesus Christ is our King and we should be following Him and Him alone. He was neither Republican or Democrat.

    Darlene Estlow
    September 5, 2022

    Yes. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against the spiritual hosts in heavenly places.

Carrie M Funk
September 5, 2022

Father God, we acknowledge that You are all-powerful. Your power destroys evil. We pray that you will destroy this evil in our country and government. We are a part of Your action. I believe that YOU WANT ME AND OTHERS LIKE ME THAT WORSHIP, YOU, LOVE AND HONOR YOU TO ACT ACCORDING TO YOUR WILL. I will listen to You and obey to the best of my abilities. Give me opportunities to do so. You are Love and Truth and Life, and more. With Power You give us, we will do whatever we can to save this nation. I pray for Your guidance, protection, and governance of me, my fellow man, and our government officials. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Denny C0x
September 5, 2022

Loved this article. Prayer is the only way!!!

Betty Naaden
September 5, 2022

I just finished reading these comments. I heard Pres Biden’s speech in part. It deserves the response you have shared. I am a Bible believing Christian. Those of us who read the Scriptures and strive to obey His laws and the laws of our state and nation need to speak up. We need to discuss important issues with our family and neighbors. We need to bend our knee in humility and prayer, and often. God notices when we do the right thing, spending time and praising Him for his many blessings. We must not take Him for granted.

Mary Ann Canfijn
September 5, 2022

“With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful;
With a blameless man You will show Yourself blameless;
With the pure You will show Yourself pure;
And with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd.
For You will save the humble people,
But will bring down haughty looks.”

Father, we trust in You!

Priscilla Meyenburg
September 5, 2022

Father God we are at a turning point in our lives, the dark spiritual forces at work is running rampant to and fro. I do believe God is going to reveal who is pulling the puppet strings , we must keep standing on Gods words and listen to the True prophetic words that God is gifting us with. Look at Ephesians 3:10 God will never forget about us – Two nations created- Israel because God chose them and loved them; America lchose to love God there is a inner connection. These are important aspects why we should not fear what is happening. ( Because of Christ and our Faith in him we can now come before Him without fear and be glad of His Holy welcome. V. 20 “ His interest was that now through the (church,) the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. “ they are either angels or hostile dark forces.” Now we understand why the churches play an important role in God’s plans. Thank you God for your Faith so we may approach you (God) with freedom and confidence. Gods plan was for the Gentiles to be able to approach Christ by Faith we can enter directly into Gods presence through prayer. Father God I personally thank you for this privilege knowing we will be welcomed with open arms because we are your children through our union with Christ Jesus. During this time we are in a place we need more than ever Gods presence, and how we get it is through prayer that is essential for unity in the body of Christ through our Faith. God made a plan for us who have believed in the past, present, and all who believe in the future. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit Christ dwells in our hearts to help us stand strong and not allowing the Satanic dark spirit bring doubt. I thank our Father for His patience with us allowing us to finally see how serious things really are, His exposure through the prophets is astounding with a clarity backed up with scripture. Example I want to share- We as Christians realize that oil was used and still used for anointing. The question was asked WHY do you think the Lefts, Dems are rejecting the precious oil fields, oil reserves and why do u think they want to get rid of fossil fuel. ☝️Because oil in the earth represents the Anointing from God. When I heard this I said Wow!! Makes sense. The unbelievable has pushed hard to not allow the oil to be seen or used. Push for electric cars. A strangely devised plan but it shows their fear of God and our prayers. Our Father God is not ready to allow us to fall in line with their schemes that is why he is calling forth His people to pray break the hold that has planted it’s self in America. We were sitting back had the world by it tail, complacency had set in, the Devil set up his house in the WH to try and destroy us. After the scenario last Thursday from B. And the red back ground looking like Hell, mockery of using the Marines (13) of them being killed in Afghanistan debacle. We need warrior prayer to take back what has been stolen from us. God gave us instructions and how to live: Instructions for Christian Living
Ephesians:: 4:17
17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. This is what God led me to share this morning to help me and others who stand and have special gift s to use for Gods kingdom. Be blessed 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

September 5, 2022

I pray Psalm 91 for our nation:
That the people of our nation will not walk in the counsel of the wicked but would seek the truth, reveal the truth to them Lord; and not stand in the path of sinners but seek righteousness; or sit in the sit of mockers but that they would delight in the Law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night and be like the trees planted along the streams being refreshed in the Lord and bearing much fruit in due season, prospering in all their ways as they turn from wickedness to God and Jesus Christ their Savior.
May we put up the armor of God extinguishing every fiery dart of the enemy with the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!! Turn the wicked from darkness to light revealing yourself to them Lord giving them the fear of the Lord!!! AMEN

Marylynn Ludwig
September 5, 2022

Almighty God, our Abba Father, we come to you because we are your children and we need your help as the battle for America is intensifying. I pray Lord for help in this battle. We praise and glorify your name because you are the Most High God and nothing is impossible with you. Help us Lord our God, for we are in a battle for not only this nation but its people. Send us help Lord our God, send us a revival that many thousand’s hearts would be turned toward you in repentance and salvation. Lord, we really, really need your help Our trust is in you and you alone.

Eunice Montfort
September 5, 2022

I have been a born again believer for 48 years, and I have never seen anything like what is happening in America at this point. It is definitely a battle of good vs. evil. I think over the past 2 years, even many of the people who have had no interest in God before are beginning to see that many of our nation’s leaders are evil. I don’t think we have to worry so much about enemies outside our country, but we certainly have to be concerned about the enemies inside our country. I believe Satan thinks he has already won the battle for the soul of America, but I don’t think so. The God I serve is still on the throne, and He still controls the universe. He has promised that if His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, THEN He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. There are millions of Christians in America who are crying out to God to forgive our sins and heal our land. I believe we will see that happen. The healing may not last long, but I believe that for a short period of time, God is going to turn America back to Him. After that, I believe the rapture will take place, followed by the tribulation period. I am praying fervently that God will allow one last revival before He comes for His church. There are so many who are lost.

Dorothy Tubach
September 5, 2022

We pray for our nation and our leaders each day. Let us, O Lord, be voices of truth in a dying world. Let us come away from pleasuring our selves and have open eyes that we may be strong in a time of upheaval!

September 5, 2022

Biden is correct, but he has no idea Whom he is battling against. God has promised His people victory and I declare and decree HIS will be done. America SHALL be saved!

September 5, 2022

Because Jesus utterly defeated Satan when he died on the cross and rose from the dead, we pray from the standpoint of victory. Though Satan is trying to push his agenda for the world and is trying to carry out his impossible idea of ascending to the throne of God (Isaiah 14:13), our God laughs at him (Psalm 2) and reiterates that it is Jesus who will sit on the throne of David forever. Joe Biden has declared that he and his people are in a battle for soul of this nation. We, again, praying from the the standpoint of victory over Satan, should make sure to fight that battle, first of all in the Spirit, praying for the souls of those who resist God’s plan for this country, and then, praying for more and more Godly people to represent the goodness of God in our Gov’t. Take heart, the battle is the Lord’s and the war has already been won for the glory of God! (see also Revelation 12:11)

    Gretchen Carter
    September 5, 2022

    Daniel 2: 20-21(NAS )”Daniel said, ‘Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him. It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.’ ”

    1 John 2: 15(NAS)”Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
    v.16″For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.”

    Thank You for Your wisdom Father and Your sword, Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus, for life! Amen.

September 5, 2022

By Eva

America’s leaders are leading us nowhere,
Walking in darkness away from the light,
Leaders “sworn in” with their hands on the Bible
While mocking G-D’s Word and rejecting what’s right.

They’re shameless corrupters with self-serving interests:
Haters of G-D filled with evil contempt.
Look at the course our Nation is taking
Through such leaders who are fully “hell bent”!

Our choices today will affect us tomorrow!
It’s our children’s children who’ll suffer our wrong;
For the consequence of our electing such leaders
Has weakened America: a nation once strong.

What account shall we give one day to our children
In regards to our “sin-sick” society?
What reason shall we give for America’s downfall?
The reason has to do with you and me!

Is there hope for our Nation? Yes and amen!
America must return to G-D once again.
We must choose to serve Him with all of our hearts;
For only then will He heal and restore our land.

Then we must “break the silence”, “speak out”, and “offend”;
It’s time to kick immorality out the door!
We must vote in strong leaders after G-D’s own heart,
Who will restore America to greatness once more.

Yes, our choices today will affect us tomorrow.
It’s time to change course while it is yet “day”!
For nothing’s impossible with G-D on our side,
As long as we hearken to Him and obey.

Hans Vandergouw
September 4, 2022

David Kubal is correct in this. The soul of this country is what it was founded upon and the people that represent and support this foundation. It is so clear that this administration and all those associated with it are of a deep dark spirit which is being driven by the enemy, Satan himself. What is even more telling is the lie that we are told to believe, that President Biden is Supreme Commander in Chief of this country. He is not as fellow brother Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules has so well shown. This election was absolutely stolen from Donald Trump who was doing all he could to bring America back to its foundations. Indeed, we are at the mercy of the Lord. I have been very pro-active in writing to my leaders. But I do know prayer is our greatest weapon. Pray, PRAY my fellow Americans!

Ruth C
September 4, 2022

I am horrified by what I am hearing from our president and others. I do pray for our Nation but I will begin to pray as though we are in a battle for our nation, which I know we are. I do know the devil is searching to and fro, seeking whom he may devour. As for my civic duty, I am not sure. I do contact our congressmen/women by email or telephone when I am trying to get our Conservatives not to vote for things that are against our values and our nation.

Cynthia Williamson
September 4, 2022

Father, I call down the fire of God and the blood of Jesus over every word spoken by Biden in his speech last night that no weapon formed against this Country will prosper. We call every word that does not line up with the word of God, null and void in Jesus name.

Joy Molina
September 4, 2022

About a week ago God gave me a dream and said “He is going to Right every Wrong.” And I saw a quick glimpse of the “records of wrongdoing,” in his possession.

Dawn Lively
September 4, 2022

It is clear the president has no relationship with God. He stands for everything God says He is against. The American people that love this country and stand by the Word of God, see through president Biden. He is not a president he is a tyrant and a communist/socialist. Unfortunately most of the house of representatives and senate are exactly the same. Many have been in office far too long and have lost touch with reality. God wants all men to come to know Him, so I pray for their salvation and that God corrects their thinking. Pray for courage and strength to stand against the evil they are pushing on our country.

John Roslund
September 4, 2022

I pray now, as I often do, that God will bring His truth, revelation and justice on the corrupt and perverse spirits ruling and reigning over many of our government leaders including our current President. Jesus was here at the beginning of the world, In Him was life, and the life was the light of men, and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not, will not, cannot overcome it. May that light shine on the dark spirit so many in our country have bought into. It is time now for God’s people, the church, to come together to stand against the gates of hell that are now open in our country. For if we do, with Jesus leading, those gates will not prevail. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

kay randolph
September 4, 2022

So Be It=AMEN=to Phil C.’s comment 0n 9-4. So true and so sad.

Carolyn Thoensen
September 4, 2022

I pray that Jesus will open his eyes to the truth. He needs true salvation and to repent of his sins. He is the worst President right after Obama.

Phil. C
September 4, 2022

I have heard Pr. Biden use that expression several times. About the soul of the Nation. Does he even know what he is saying? It is such an absurd statement when everything that he stands for and approves of are the very things that are destroying, as he calls it, the soul of this Nation. One has to wonder at what forces are behind this sort of thinking , everything is contrary not only to biblical values but even human values. How can they reason that way and actually believe it and be adamant about it. Truly Isaiah prophesied about this time to come. When they will call evil good and good evil, darkness light and light darkness. Sadly we see this happening before our eyes. This President and his partners are bent on destroying the nation. I got a hint of that when on his first day the first thing he did was to cancel America first and evidently he has placed her last. Lord I pray open the eyes of these leaders they have changed the face of our nation so that she is no longer recognizable yes we had our faults and problems, what nation doesn’t, but we have gone too far now , offending even grieving You, the Almighty God, have mercy Lord Your children are calling upon You we know Lord we have nowhere else to go but to You. We seek You first and foremost. As always Lord Your will be done

Jill Carrero
September 4, 2022

well I tried to leave a prayer but says my email is not registered…( the one that pops up in autofill and I have po rayed with the group often!)..so will pray here;..Father God we praise You for WHO YOU are! Hou are Holy, Righteous and Just, Merciful and Forgiving!! bit You have adoped us as sons, heirs because of The Blood of Jesus! We know You love each person dearly! Thank You Father! Full of Compassion Lord God King of the universe We need Your help…our own government is hating us because we honor and beloeve YOU and Your Holy Word. We know You said in the last days perous times would come…that people will call good evil and evil good! Oh the irony of what they call evil threat and all political ads call MAGDA Christians ” dangerous” because we shine light on wickedness.Because we love our nation they are denying our foundation..saying WE are deplorable LORD God intervene Holy Spirit Turn the tide! Open eyes, minds and hearts to Who You are! We believe and declare Revival and The Last Great Awakening will cone quickly! We believe America will be Saved!! Lord we put on the Spiritual Armor of God daily! We plead the Blood of Jesus over our nation. Protect Israel too Lord we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem in Jesus Name Amen

September 4, 2022

Dearest LORD, we ask of YOU that by The POWER of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, to move in us in such a way to PIERCE AND REBUKE the evil forces at work. To REBUKE the lies that have no power against THE POWER OF our HOD, in YOUR HOLY NAME we pray, amen. Thank YOU LORD

Marianne Allen
September 4, 2022

Our Holy Father in heaven. Hallowed be thy Name. At the name of Jesus, creator of galaxies and mortals, every knee shall bow. Hallelujah that you laugh at the rulers who speak as though there is no judgement.
Begin a revival of repentance beginning with your church family. Above all let us hold marriage sacred, a covenant, even a sacrament. (Your word, connected with a man and woman becomes a family.) Send ‘John the Baptist’ people to turn the fathers hearts to their children! I ask in the powerful name of Jesus.

September 4, 2022

Hard times and all of the evil going on.. Psalms 37.. the entire chapter.. tells us our future if we just trust in the Lord. If all Christians would read this in sync.. let God hear us as a nation.. then all fears will go away. God is truly separating His Sheeps from His goats. No time to be lukewarm. We have to stand for what God wants!!🙏❤️🇺🇸

Katherine Sobey Kaminer
September 4, 2022

May God have mercy on us! We must PFJB (Pray for Joe Biden) instead of cursing him. Gracious God, please speak to our president about his own relationship with the Lord of heaven and earth. Please give him YOUR wisdom and strength to do what is right as President, no matter what evil his advisors may demand. Thank you, great King Christ. Amen.
I was “led to pray and act” by tweeting the President.
Mr. President, you talk about the soul of this nation. What about your own soul?
Are you concerned that you will not enter heaven? Have you read Revelation in the Bible? Rev 21:8, 27; Rev.22:15.
I am deeply offended by derogatory, FALSE statements about citizens you call “MAGA”

Quote Tweet:
President Biden @POTUS
United States government official
Everything we stand for rests on the platform of democracy.
Those who threaten that platform, threaten the soul of this nation.

    September 4, 2022


    Joy Molina
    September 4, 2022

    I too have been led by the Holy Spirit to intercede for Joe Biden’s soul, right along with Nancy Pelosi, Clinton and so many more. We need to pray that they will come to know the truth… know the truth before it’s too late.

September 4, 2022

Is it time for prayer walks and revivals in our nation’s capitol???

Shirley Sanders
September 4, 2022

Prayer is a must. But the church has to recognize the authority and power we have in Christ Jesus. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Jesus died and rose that we would be able to tread on the serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy(Luke10;19). We are sons and daughters of the most high God that means something. We are not under Satan’s feet he is under our feet. His witches and warlocks they believe in their master and they are working overtime to get their way. The demon spirits are working right along with them. It’s time for the church to wake up and exert the power and authority we have in Christ. However you can not exert it if you do not know what is available in Christ Jesus. I pray that Pastors will begin to welcome the Holy Spirit back into there churches and teach their people the authority and power they have in Jesus Christs. We are not wimps always under satan’s abuse. We are the light of the world. We need to put the devil on the run. Our prayers must be from the heart to the heart of God praying the word in Jesus name and praying in the spirit which is speaking In tongues. This is our heavenly language. It is the most perfect praise and prayer. It goes straight to God and can not be intercepted by Satan. The Holy Spirit knows what to pray for. We need the Holy Spirit in our churches, in our prayers, in everything we do. This is the only way we will be victorious. Can not be victorious if we leave the Holy Ghost out. We are in spiritual warfare and it takes a different kind of praying, our country, our very lives are at stake here in view of Biden’s recent speech. Pray in passion the passion of Jesus Christ that the true Ekklesia will rise up and be the tip of the spear for victory. I declare and decree a red wave landslide victory this fall with republicans, conservative democrats and independents uniting together to vote red to begin to turn this thing around in Jesus’ name

    September 4, 2022

    News Flash
    The USA is a Constitutional Republic and NOT a ‘Democracy’ as is being claimed by the ‘demon-crazy’ Biden Faux President

    Also if we believe the Scriptures that our words carry power ‘If you shall decree a thing it shall be established in the earth’

    Then Why oh why do some in the Body of Christ (with all the best intentions in the world) continue to unwittingly empower the adversary by referring to WH Resident-in-Thief Biden as President ???

    With all the CGI , Studio Props, Green rooms, Fake Oval Office, Stages and recent diabolical theatrics by Emperor Nero Biden and Hitler inspired Hate Speech .. why do some find it necessary to give this Bad Actor any credibility?

    Do you not realise that you continue to empower the Biden Beast and legitimise a fraudster by calling it ‘President’ ??

    If you insist on ‘Giving honour to whom no honour is due’ and unwittingly neutralising your prayer (By calling those things that be not as though they are) then have the intestinal fortitude to prefix the undeserved title with ‘Faux’ before ‘President’.

    September 4, 2022

    It is written in the Book of Exodus Chapter 7 verses 3-5 And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart (aka man behind the curtain Obama – Wizard of OZ) and smite him with My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt (Global Beast NWO Bondage System) .

    But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you that I may lay My hand upon Egypt and bring forth My (Angel) armies and My people (remnant) the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt (Social & Economic Bondage) by Great Judgments.

    And the Egyptians (Globalists Cabal – Kazarian Mafia – NWO Satanic Fake Jews) shall know that I AM The LORD when I stretch forth My Hand against Egypt (NWO – Pharmakia -Bill Gates (of Hell/Hades) KKK Schwab – Noah Kazarian Mafia Anti-Christ Fake Messiahs of the World).

    Book of Ecclesiastes

    There is nothing new under the Sun and what has been in the past will be again as the rebellious men’s heart is set to repeat the same evils. Unfortunately, history testifies to this fact.

    Ecclesiastes 8 v 11
    Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

    Instead of praying for Reprobate Souls like Biden et al (modern day Pharaohs) to Repent … perhaps we might see speedier results from our prayers if we model after For the Lord our God is a Mighty Man of War – The Lord God Sabaoth!

    God will not strive with the wicked forever! When the wicked harden their hearts and refuse to repent they will be broken and that without any remedy.

    September 4, 2022

    Can ya’ll imagine what might happen if we all posted real, authentic prayers, with truth spoken in love, for Biden, Harris, Pelosi and other evil doers? rather than curses, even when the words are complaining about true evil acts, truly cutting, truly putting evil doers down is not love. May God have mercy on us, going to Facebook or Twitter to grumble, slander, even just to vent…turn from that bitterness and imagine the good….from doing good….

September 4, 2022

God saved a wretch like me. God saved a wretch like Paul of Tarsus. God can save a wretch like Chief Justice John Roberts.
John Roberts is a tortured man, powerful but so weakened by Satan. God uses broken things and God can use John Roberts.
I pray daily that John Roberts will be saved by our Lord, Jesus Christ. That he will be filled with the courage of the Holy Spirit to repent and seek redemption in this life – now today.

Monica A Snow
September 4, 2022

“Put on the Armor of God, for our fight is not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and Powers!” Ephesians 6: 10-18

Monica A Snow
September 4, 2022

“Put on the Armor of God, for our fight is not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and Powers!” Ephesians 6: 8-10

Marla Graves
September 4, 2022

I am standing in agreement with the Bible and how God has called this nation to live. I pray and tale authority over satan and his demons that are trying to over throw this nation and the world. By the Power of the Blood and the Name of Jesus, I stand in agreement and unity with the Body of Christ to defeat the works of the enemy.

September 4, 2022

Correction: battle

September 4, 2022

This is truly a battery of good vs evil. Be encouraged!! Jesus won the victoryover sin death and hell when He rose from the dead. 2Corinthians 6:7 says “ We walk by Faith not by sight. Keep standing up and speaking up and doing things with others that encourage them to believe God is present and our victory is coming. God will restore our country and if not, there’s the Rapture !! Hallelujah!!

Donna P.
September 4, 2022

Two nights ago, after I told the Lord I needed a word from Him regarding our nation and what is going on, i felt led to open a book I have titled “Respectfully Quoted”. My eyes fell upon a quote from Frederick Douglas, a man who had been born in slavery who risked his life escaping to the North and fought for freedom. The following quote is from an address he gave in Rochester, New York on July 5, 1852.
“For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and it’s crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.”

September 4, 2022

I have heard months ago that scary times are ahead, but to keep my eyes focused on Him.

Gail Culbreath
September 4, 2022

Thank you for affirming what in my heart I felt as I listened to President Biden’s speech

Diane Rall
September 3, 2022

Lord, thank you for guiding me and other believers who are parents to plant the 4H program here in SC. The Pinckney Leadership Program for 13 to 17 year olds has begun in Myrtle Beach. We honor God in meetings, pray over meals and for requests of members. God leads here.

Peter T Kemp
September 3, 2022

What a time to pray and seek God’s face and listen to His voice. He is and will impart wisdom and guidance to see His kingdom and will done in America. He will pour out His Spirit and bring a great revival.

Stephanie Grey
September 3, 2022

We need to battle in prayer for the spiritual souls of our leaders. They need to come to Christ, and repent of their sins against God’s Kingdom. We pray for the salvation of all who are in politics, to fear God…the beginning of wisdom!

Dorothy O'Connor
September 3, 2022

I am hearing that a great darkness will envelope our country and the world. We will be in many spiritual battles. Our part is to trust, continue to do His will and praise God in all circumstances. (Psalm 91) We are to trust God, that He has a plan for The Church and our salvation which is far greater than any we have experienced. We are to trust Him as did Mary, Jesus’ mother who stayed at the foot of His Cross. She was His first disciple, the Angel Gabriel called her ‘Blessed among women’. She was with Jesus at Bethlehem, Consecration in the Temple. she was his mother during His hidden, formative years. She heard His teachings, she was with the disciples at Pentecost, and after Jesus’ Ascension, a disciple living with John, the Beloved Disciple.

    Jill Carrero
    September 4, 2022

    yes true indeed…she was with disciples and may have seen Him ascend to heaven. We trust in The Lord Jesus to see us through this darkness Psalm 91 and put on the Armor of God daily because those evil powers/ principalities are using government leaders desprate for power even at the expense of our nation and our rightful freedom! and ironically calling us dangerous , make threats of out government against the real people who Love God and our nation…we know the last days people will call good evil and evil good. That is what we are united against in praying for our dear nation. Be Blessed.

September 3, 2022

I received a booklet, “Daily Prayers to Save America” (The Mantle of Mary Project) on 6/3/2022 and I pray these prayers faithfully every day for our nation. I feel that it was through the Holy Spirit that I received this. I have prayed outside Planned Parenthood for the end to abortion for 20 years.

James O'Neil
September 3, 2022

It is a must for every God fearing person to be praying fervently for this nation. Satan is working overtime to destroy us.
Lord God You are the answer, help us we pray.

Donnie parsons
September 3, 2022

We are witnessing a return to the dark ages . Our institutions we once held in esteem have been hijacked by the spiritual enemy who is pervasive in this land . We are being led by reprobates in positions of authority thus we have a debased society. We are living in romans 1 !!! It is the duty and obligation of all of us who are called Christians to take a stand while we can and rise up in solidarity for Christ . We are to humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways in genuine repentance and seek forgiveness. We are in a Nineveh moment! We have a higher calling ! Let us not waste our moment !

September 3, 2022

by Eva

Who are you that you should silence my voice?
I will speak, though you gag me with a thousand “gag orders”.
Try to catch the wind! It is there that my voice is found joined together
With those ageless voices who are still crying out for justice in our time.

My voice will not be silenced by tyranny!
It will not be silenced against all wickedness and oppression!
It shall not turn away a “blinded eye” or a “deafened ear”
To the suffering, wretched sounds surrounding my soul.

Catch the wind if you can! Can you tell me where it goes and
From where it comes again? You shall hear my voice in your sleep
And you shall be weary of it! Like a fire wildly burning out of control,
It shall consume you and cause your heart to tremble with fear.

The winds of time shall continue to cry out against you
And your venomous hatred of all that is good!
Try as you may, with daily threats, imprisonments, or even death;
You shall not silence my voice! It shall cry out the “louder”!

I have a voice! A voice that refuses to remain silent,
Rising far above the ashes of life and of death and saying to you,
“Let GOD’S people go!” But you would not!
For you have made yourself superior over Heaven’s rule.

Your mass enslavement and brutality have not gone “unnoticed”!
Throughout all generations, they’ve been recorded by witnesses that still speak today.
And like Pharaoh, Haman, Caesar, Hitler, Hussein, and _ _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and _ _ _ _ _,
You shall not stand guiltless before a righteous G-D! You shall fight but you shall not win!

I have a voice! I am a pen of the ready writer!
You shall neither silence me nor all who stand for truth and justice!
We will continue to speak, even from the grave,
Until you are no more!

    Jill Carrero
    September 4, 2022

    shalom and that was very good rebuttle to the recent political speech and calling good evil and evil good this administrationis talking heads and endoctrination that we who DO love The Lord and our nation are spiritually blind to…. Be blessed!

Wendi Wallace
September 3, 2022

We cannot fathom what God has planned for us. We need not fear nor be anxious for the Lord is near and is alive in our hearts! His mercy endures forever. He will save all who love him. God is more powerful and mighty than anything! Trust in Him, be faithful in prayer, know and believe His Word, we are His children. Be strong in faith, hope and love. Jesus we surrender our lives to you! Take care of everything.

September 3, 2022

Been believing that God is removing blinders from people’s eyes. Asking the Almighty for continued wisdom and direction for the Body of Christ that He might receive all the Glory.

September 3, 2022

Sine July 4th weekend my husband and i have bee praying out loud the “Watchmen decree from Dutch sheets… He has a dailyU tube channel called Give Him !5. We believe there is power in this prayer along with 2Chr. 7:14. Dutch talks about The synergy of uniting prayers from past generations mixed with our current believing prayers-manifesting in our lives now

    Jill Carrero
    September 4, 2022

    yes me too my hubby and our Wednesday night Bible study we read our Dutch Sheets Declarations over America and say Yes and Amen after each one!! and sometimes too in church!! we are pushing back the darkness in Jesus Name ( He wins) America WILL be saved! yes and Amen

Paula Cole
September 3, 2022

I praying for the Body of Christ to rise up as the church and call a worldwide prayer, fast and worship meeting for 3 days just at King Jehoshaphat did in
2 Chronicles chapter 2O. If it worked then it can work now. God is the same God.
He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Hebrews 13:8

September 3, 2022

Continue in prayer, fasting, giving, and forgiving. These are the works of righteousness that Jesus taught to his 12 disciples. 12 men changed the world. Also my church is running Biblical Citizenship classes ( available from Patriot Academy ) for free to our community. Continue to speak the truth of God’s Word. Revelation states that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and our faith. We may be weary and we may feel weak, but there is no way we will bow to defeat! God’s power is stronger than all the giants in the land.

Ana Sanchez
September 3, 2022

We need more Christians to be involved. We need more grassroots activists, we need God’s Army in the streets talking to constituents. We need people of wealth to use their funds to sue those in office breaking the law. This Nov is critical. Our God given freedoms are hanging by a thread, our constitution trampled upon. Many Christians say to me that they know things will get worse because the Bible says so, they’ve given up. We are to be the salt and the light, we do not know the day or the hour, so get off your comfy life and fight. Freedom is not free. I thank God for IFA, not afraid to speak the truth to Christians. I pray if you are in a church that is afraid to stand for truth for fear to lose their 501c, that you leave that false teaching dead church. Revelation warns about false teachers. Seek Him, seek His truth. Christ died for the truth. Stand with Him unwavering.

Roger Hall
September 3, 2022

I have a hard time praying for this man, but I know I must!

    Daylynne Starr
    September 4, 2022

    Pray for his evil to be exposed and people will see he is on the dark side, or he should be found out as evil and replaced with a Godly person. Also, in warfare, we have
    authority to bind the enemy from acting thru people.
    (there are free resources here on IFA). Praying for evil to be stopped is a good prayer.

September 3, 2022

Yes Lord, i/we have sinned. We have disobeyed the instructions of our loving Heavenly Father. We cry out for mercy and forgiveness. Yes Sir, we humbly acknowledge Yeshua, our Messiah, Redeemer and King is our only hope. Therefore I/we repent and thank you for your forgiveness.

Abba, please deal mercifully with our nation. Fable about a man who sold his soul to the Devil seems to be taking on flesh through the current USA Administration.

September 3, 2022

I have been called to stop sitting around wringing my hands. I was called to turn that anxiety about our country into political action by communicating with many people every day informing those who have wondered what is going on. Telling them there is a good reason things do not “feel” right… They are not right.
I have worked for years to choose worthy political candidates and get them elected. Because all politics is local. Everyone can make a small difference . Collectively we equal a huge force of good against evil. Right now American elections are the only way to stop this ugly Godless movement toward transforming America into a place none of us recognize. I feel it is my duty to help make a difference…

Thomas Visel
September 3, 2022

Reading your article after seeing the president’s speech last night left me with a sinking feeling of inevitability. I saw that feeling as the birds (satan) swooping down to just eat the seed that was planted by your article from the Lord. He quickly reminded me that ‘inevitability’ is a powerful emotion of control, to force a give-up. Just as satan mucked with Job’s emotions, he has certainly been given the power to muck with ours, and slapping ‘inevitability’ on us is his “lie process” in this case. Thank God that He makes us aware of satan’s devices. I felt greatly encouraged by that reminder.

    Daylynne Starr
    September 4, 2022

    Thomas — You have full power over the enemy (satan) look it up and study it… and then get busy hitting that devil over and over again — its a great feeling too…
    Luke 10:19
    GOD Bless you.

Deanna Coffin
September 3, 2022

I’m praying in agreement with brothers and sisters in the name of Christ Jesus Lord, for an OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit to bring revival and repentance! Acts 2:17-18 “‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike— and they will prophesy.” ‭Acts of the Apostles‬ ‭2:17-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬. https://bible.com/bible/116/act.2.17-18.NLT
Abba, hear the cries of your kids, the remnant, crying out night and day (Luke 18:8) and POUR out your Spirit on us, we desperately need YOU! In Jesus name 🙌🏼🤲🏻🙏

September 3, 2022

We may never really know the power of our prayers, but I am encouraged by prayers in the Bible by ONE person for their country (Israel) and God heard and answered! Never underestimate the power you/we have!

September 3, 2022

It is so obvious to see that the person at the White House and his speech is totally under Satanic influence or possession. My group of ladies is praying against all this corruption and asking the Lord to bring down the powers of darkness and that Goliath’s voice that is determined to influence “the soul of America” into thinking the same corrupt thoughts. But praise be to God who hears the prayers of the righteous and they will NOT go unanswered, in Jesus’ name. American people, for the most part are smarter than these corrupt individuals think we are. March on American and pray, pray, pray!

September 3, 2022

Biden represents a totalitarian government and he was clearly gas lighting. Everything he accused Republicans of is exactly what he and his administration is doing. His speech was the most heinous speech ever given by a U.S. President. His rhetoric is clearly dangerous and a threat to law abiding U.S. citizens.

Why should we not question the integrity of the 2020 election when it clearly appears to have been compromised. Here in Arizona there were many Trump rallies everywhere and not one for Biden. And we are expected to believe that Biden won? Everyone here believes the AZ election results were corrupted.

We believe in the U.S. Constitution as the highest law in our Republic – freedom of speech, the right to defend ourselves, and protection from illegal searches and seizures.

By remaining silent we allow the Tyrants in Washington D.C. to take over without any resistance. We need to stand united against the evil that has been running rampant in our beautiful United States of America! We pray for Freedom and Justice.

Terry E Schrock
September 3, 2022

I totality agree. I believe we need to be on our knees as we approach this mid-term election. God tells us in II Chronicles 7 : 14 If my people, who are called by my game, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. We certainly need God to heal our land.

Susan Emmagene Wilson-Sanders
September 3, 2022

I read Psalms 1 immediately after hearing his speech. I was both comforted and challenged to action through prayer and reaching out to my legislators in congress asking them to drop the rhetoric. I will ask them to reach out to members of the other party to create unity in support of our constitution and challenging them to help diffuse the anger and frustration of our country’s citizens. I am praying for leaders to step forward and speak out to the need for unity in our love for our country.

    September 4, 2022

    I saw the Faux President aka Resident-in-Thief diatribe and vitriolic ‘speech’ analysis by JP on Rumble only yesterday.
    I felt a holy and righteous indignation well up inside.

    I found it extremely disturbing and demonic given the rip off similarity to Hitler’s speech inciting hate and violence against the Jews and blaming them for the ‘Great Depression’

    How much more evidence do the right thinking and law abiding Americans require before they rise up – not in violence but take legitimate action and demand like Senator Cruz for this Reprobate Demonic Biodegrading Biden to be impeached and removed from his illegal position.

    Psalm 2 – Why do the
    heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His anointed.

    He who sits in the heavens shall LAUGH: the LORD shall have them in derision.

    Then shall He speak to them in His wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure!

    In other News …..

    the Wizard of OZ (Muppet Master behind the curtain) the invincible CCP – Red Dragon has been slain and in its final death throes!!!

    All PRAISES to the Captain of the Host of Heaven – Commander in Chief of the Angel Armies of Heaven – YESHUA our Salvation!

September 3, 2022

Dear Lord we need you in these difficult times where we are facing evil over the God giving rights you bestowed upon us . Please help strengthen each and every one of us to push back against all these evil things that they want to push upon us.. we the people with your guidance and strength can win this battle of good vs evil but ONLY with God’s help..

September 3, 2022

I PRAY every day not just for my family, but for our Nation and GOD’s strength to get us through the coming war of wills and the push to make us puppets to a socialist and communistic life.
We have to pray, hold our heads high, and know that GOD will help us stand strong.

Steven J Fuller
September 3, 2022

This picture brings two imagines to my mind 1) the rants & rages of Hitler & Stalin and 2) Satan’s evil glee while watching what he assumes to be the fall of America. BUT as my pastor has told me over & over again Jehovah God in heaven is NOT pacing nor wringing His hands nor gulping down Maalox, He is calming sitting on His throne waiting for His people to come to Him in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving so He can open the windows of heaven and show us great and mighty things. Praying the Lord with strengthen and uphold our righteous leaders, rebuke the unrighteous ones, placeing such heavy burdens upon their hearts, souls & minds that they will fall to their knees before the King of kings and Lord of lords in repentance.

Rob Polans
September 3, 2022

We grew up faithful to a God we could not see, feel or hear. The deep state and Brandon panic because we aren’t going wild with all the crap that they heap at us. Child’s play. Just who are the deep state? Mortal, very fallible men and women with no moral compass. They make at least three mistakes a day. My belief after a friend told me that God has abandoned us is that no, God hasn’t abandoned us at all. Right now he’s just playing ever so lightly with them. When he gets pissed off enough, the fun will begin.

September 3, 2022

“I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:18) Jesus said, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20) Keep praying my Friend for God is with you.

    Rob Polans
    September 3, 2022

    Please do not call him President. He is the illegitimate crime boss of an occupant, who is rarely in the White House.

      teri cheong
      September 3, 2022

      thank you for stating the obvious!!!!!!

      Linda Rivera
      September 3, 2022

      China Biden is Obama’s puppet. It’s not mentioned in the post about the Covid shots which were made mandatory massively violating the 1947 Nuremberg Code. About 89% of pregnant mothers who took the Covid clot shots had miscarriages. IVF clinics pressure their clients to get the Covid shots. I called an IVF clinic in NYC to warn them and was spoken to with contempt. I then sent articles by top medical doctors with proof of the great harm to pre-born babies to this IVF clinic and other IVF clinics. Not one IVF clinic responded back. On a site I go to, several months ago, a man said that he had warned his daughter to never get the Covid shots. His daughter was a nurse. The hospital she worked for told her she had to get the shots or be fired. She was pregnant. She got the shots very soon before she gave birth to twins. She became very ill from the shots. Her father was heartbroken. He said his daughter was dying in the hospital and was also deeply distressed for the twins as the Covid shots go into the blood of the babies. The monsters seek to kill defenseless babies via Covid shots or abortions.

September 3, 2022

Increase of commitment to pray fervently…. Deepening sense of concern for our mislead dear ones who have no clue about the Deep State and more… Will pray more often in the power of Jesus’ blood and of His name.

September 3, 2022

First President Biden told us that if we did not get vaccinated, we would be responsible for killing people. As it turns out, the vaccinated spread covid, too. Now he tells us that if we voted for Trump, we are a threat to democracy. We know that the devil is the Accuser-in-Chief, and our president is following his lead of accusation after accusation on law-abiding Christian citizens. Every day I pray that either the Lord changes President Biden’s heart, or removes him from his position, and replaces him with someone who will follow God’s ways. Every day I pray that the Lord sends high-ranking angels to fight the demons in the spiritual realms over our country. The battle is the Lord’s! Thank God for Intercessors for America who pray daily for God to intervene in this battle and give us victory over the forces of evil.

    Theresa Caruso
    September 3, 2022

    In agreement with your prayer!

    September 3, 2022

    (The Reply Report comment Link in the Above Previous Post Is Confusing to a Person Who Only Waned to Make a Positive Reply To Ruth for Her Well Stated Post ! )
    Ruth ! I Totally Agree With Your Comment !

    September 3, 2022

    Ruth ! I Totally Agree With Your Comment !

September 3, 2022

Heavenly Father we take a stand in Jesus name against the wiles of darkness that come against our nation. We seek wisdom Lord that we may recover the land for the Glory of God.

David A. Lelli
September 3, 2022

This tyrannical government represented by Biden is doing the devil’s work, speaking lies. Everything he says is the exact opposite of the truth. This is a battle for the soul of America and they are the enemy. Lord we pray, please vanquish this enemy and raise glory to your holy Name. Shine the light of truth on the wicked lies and deeds of this unholy government. Help us all to turn to You for You are our salvation.

Carol S.
September 3, 2022

Pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Public reparations in prayer rallies. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Charlotte Oglesby
September 3, 2022

Jonathan Kahn’s new book “The Return of the Gods” tells us very well what is going on in our country and the world today, but specifically our country. I would highly recommend the book to be read by every one who sees what is happening today in our country.

    Sharon Chesher
    September 3, 2022

    In reply to Charlotte….more importantly…we should highly recommend the book to those who are NOT aware of what is happening in our country. And we, as believers need to remember that our God is in control and whatever happens has been allowed by Him to fulfill His plans for the world.

    Daylynne Starr
    September 4, 2022

    His name is spelled CAHN. He’s a well known Rabbi around the world. Monthly prayer magazines are sent free to anyone who asks –and are wonderful little prayer guides for each day. Go to You-Tube online he usually has a video there with the address and every thing you need. GOD Bless you.

    Jill Carrero
    September 4, 2022

    yes this excellent Messianic Jewish Rabbi Is our voice crying out in the wilderness for this generation! I also recommend the Book of Mysteries very enlightening and open us Jewish meanings of scriptures most Christians miss as mosst have little reference to the Jewishness of scripture ( I was raised Baptist and knew ABOUT all stories but did not understand the culture and the WHY behind the stories till went to nondenominational church that DID teach the Jewish perspective the word meanings in Hebrew and Greek in and we cant seperate Old Testament ( points forwar to Messiah)from New Testament. ( points back to prophecy) to prove Yes it Was fulfilled in Jesus Yeshua Amen!

Paul Klemesrud
September 3, 2022

Father God Revela to President Biden how much Deception he is in and that its his values and his thoughts that endanger the U S Not Christians values or even Trumps but his and the Democratic party Convict them of this sin I Pray and Give them a Spirit of Wisdom in the Revelation of You Jesus and your will and ways I Pray

September 3, 2022

As we have stood before the Lord and sought his mercy for those around us we have been given clear direction, pray that the deception will be exposed. As our prayers are being answered the demonic presence is driven into confusion and the so called enlightened ones turn to babbling on of their moral claims and self justification. Attempts to change God’s true design only accelerates their being exposed and rejected.
The time is coming when those blinded and made spiritually deaf will begin to realize the void and turn from the satisfaction of the worldly flesh and we should be ready. Humbled, yet prepared by all we have heard from the Lord, we continue to seek His wisdom.
We pray for the healing and restoration of those wounded through the lies of Satan’s influence and freedom to share the Lord’s love freely.

September 3, 2022

I don’t think it has ever been more clear that we have an enemy and that he is no longer being subtle. The background of last night’s speech made it clear just who he thinks is in charge as well as the audacity of sending the FBI to harass a former president. It is meant to create fear just like the plandemic to keep us weak and afraid to get on the wrong side of the narrative. His problem is he has forgotten his own history as he tries to erase ours. He was already defeated on the cross and his judgment day is coming soon. Goliath looked like a winner, a sure bet, but one young boy with only a few stones and a slingshot brought him down because God was with him. Life is difficult at times and doesn’t always go the way we would like, but we need to remember we are not here on vacation we are in a war and wars demand battles, not suntan lotion! I need to keep reminding myself that just like with David, God is with me and He will see me through. He promises to be not only my author, but also the finisher of my faith and yours too, but I do still pray come quickly Lord Jesus😊

Rudolf Hebling
September 3, 2022

Agreed! We declare in Jesus Name that the plans of this administration and its puppeteers will not prosper; they are defeated by the Blood of the Lamb!

September 3, 2022

Jésus said »Do not be afraid, I have overcome the world, do not fear I am always with you even until the end of the age . Do not fear I will never leave you or forsake you » Do not fear is a commandment. Evil will always put on a show & use boastful big talk.. But we know the weapons of our warfare : The name of Yeshua /Jésus, the sword of His word, His blood 🩸. This is a time for fasting and prayer ask Holy Spirit for tenacity in this. Yeshua T’avaot/Jesus Lord of heaven’s angel armies with us! Who can stand against us? HalleluYahshua /praise Jesus Amen

September 3, 2022

Biden represents a totalitarian government and he was clearly gas lighting. Everything he accused Republicans of is exactly what he and his administration is doing. His speech was the most heinous speech ever given by a U.S. President. His rhetoric is clearly dangerous and a threat to law abiding U.S. citizens.

Why should we not question the integrity of the 2020 election when it clearly appears to have been compromised. Here in Arizona there were many Trump rallies everywhere and not one for Biden. And we are expected to believe that Biden won? Everyone here believes the AZ election results were corrupted.

We believe in the U.S. Constitution as the highest law in our Republic – freedom of speech, the right to defend ourselves, and protection from illegal searches and seizures.

By remaining silent we allow the Tyrants in Washington D.C. to take over without any resistance. We need to stand united against the evil that has been running rampant in our beautiful United States of America! We pray for Freedom and Justice.

Linda k Rice
September 3, 2022

We are praying, crying for mercy. But what would Americans do if we received mercy? Would most even recognize that it was mercy? Israel saw pharoah’s army drowned yet they died grumbling.

Suzy Wyld
September 3, 2022

We need to pray desperately for our nation. It is worse than most of us think. The trumpet will sound with the rapture sooner than we imagine. What is to be done must be done NOW! satan is at work feverishly these days. We need to double our prayer for this administration and its cohorts. There is no time to lose!

Cathy Ryden
September 3, 2022

I am praying for our nation. Help us God. We need you in our hearts and soul every day. Amen

Linda k Rice
September 3, 2022

It’s good when things come to light. You can’t fight what you don’t see.

September 3, 2022

There are only two kingdoms…..God’s or man’s. Everyone will choose one in this life. It is VERY evident which kingdom the current administration has chosen. Let us hold fast to Jesus keeping our eyes on Him, be diligent in prayer, act as He leads, and looking for the blessed hope of His return.

September 3, 2022

It is an absolute truth that Biden says exactly the opposite of what he is saying … making it seem like he is the honest one, when he is a liar above all!

David Unsell
September 3, 2022

MAGA: Make America God’s America

That is our prayer, Lord. Give us the strength, courage, humility, and love to stand firmly for You and Your Word.

September 3, 2022

Reguardless the words that come out of the Imposter who sits in our White House.

I stand on the Word of God and declare this passage over America believing I will see it’s fulfillment.

Amos 5:24
But let Justice row on like a river righteousness like a never failing stream .

It’s coming keep believing, keep praying, keep fasting , keep trusting it’s coming.
He makes all things beautiful in his time.

Kit Hackett
September 3, 2022

Lord Jesus, Creator God! It is against You and You alone we have sinned. The lines have been drawn. So our eyes are on You alone. You are our Commander in Chief. We await your instructions. For You alone carry our Authority. Direct in this hour, as each one of us await to hear from You,
our part in the struggle against the enemy of our Soul.
To You alone belongs the Victory. Turn the hearts of the children back to You, our Father.
In Jesus Name

Janet M Craig
September 3, 2022

Fat her God You are the Great Creator of the Universe and of all nations. Your Created this people living all around this Nation and all other Nations. We have fallen so short of what You have asked and instructed us to do as Our Father who created us to do Your will. Father, Right Now I am asking that You would give me MORE BOLDNESS to stand up for what is right and be able to speak the truth in love but with conviction that those who want to follow evil would hear and repent and turn from the evil ways.
It is Your will FATHER GOD We want in this U.S.A bring Your People back to serving You and Not Satan, Father I know that You have given us choices and I know that according to Your word that You have turned nations around and destroyed the wicked and set a good king to rule. I know Father God that You can HELP us with what You want us to do Speak clearly especially to me on what it is You want from me and others at a time like this. I Plead the Blood of Jesus Over this nation and over the Homes that Honor You and Your word In Jesus Mighty Name,

John Holsey
September 3, 2022

After hearing Biden’s speech I was struck by the fallacy of the enemy. Biden said there was two positions, those held by democrats and “main stream” Republicans and those held by MAGA Republicans (which is a misrepresentation of those who vote for MAGA candidates). I decided that Biden does not get the power to identify me. I am a follower of King Jesus and a patriot who believes the purpose of America is to preserve freedom and justice ultimately that the gospel of the kingdom of God will advance throughout the world. He does not define who I am nor the position I take. So I will boldly declare King Jesus and vote accordingly. I am not taking the enemies bate.

Mayra Rodriguez
September 3, 2022


September 3, 2022

Oh Host of Heaven’s Armies, reign!! Send Your warriors to fight against these dark forces for the battle belongs to You!! Our souls belong to You!! Jesus said, “ No one can snatch them out of My hands” Our government has only the power that You give them. Oh, Jehovah! Reign supreme in our world!!

Carole Morris
September 3, 2022

I read a couple of recent prayers that were posted. I praise God for giving the words. Now, I pray that He will, by the power of the Holy Spirit, truly give us the strength and resolve to truly humble ourselves and pray according to His will. To be sober, turning from our wicked ways and give Him ourselves to show the world what He can do. He surely will in due time and they will ALL bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all and King of Kings!!!

Marta Gallegos
September 3, 2022

Yes Remember when President Trump said that They wanted him out and they still do BUT I KNOW ONE THING MY FATHER WILL NEVER LEAVE ME NOR FORSAKE ME CHRIST JESUS IS LORD AMEN 🛐🙏✝️

Brian lynch
September 3, 2022

I am being led to pray for President Biden, and all of the misguided liberal/radical people involved in our ever-expanding government(a liberal tactic). The direction that they are going in is extremely dangerous to the future of this country. These radical leftists are being controlled by the globalist elite. It is their goal to destroy this natiion, set up a one-world government(total control of our lives), and pave the way for Antichrist to ascend to power. This is the end-times scenario that we find ourselves living in and with. If being MAGA is what conservative Christians are being labeled as by Biden. so be it. At lease we are God-fearing, and want the best for our nation- not this ungodly radical agenda of the New World Order that the globalists, like Obama, are trying to cram down our throats. Lord, by Your grace and mercy, cause the efforts of the globalist radicals to fail miserably. Allow our nation to return to traditional, American values, where You are honored and respected. In Jesus’ name.

    Sharon Chesher
    September 3, 2022

    Psalms 7:14-16
    The wicked conceive evil; and give birth to trouble and lies. They dig a deep pit to trap others, then fall into it themselves. The trouble they make for others backfires on them. The violence they plan falls on their own heads.
    Lord, please “end the evil of those who are wicked and defend the righteous.” Psalm 7:9

September 3, 2022

I pray the 20 decades Rosary, mostly in public with my Rosary, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily. I’m trying to pray the Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also pray just talking and listening to God , the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Saints. My prayers are for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and asking them to pray for God’s Kingdom on earth and every living soul here.

hugh salter
September 3, 2022

Biden’s speech was frightening however we need to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ

Gail Wood
September 3, 2022

In a time when our hearts are heavy and stress is everywhere let us do God’s word and encourage one another as dear brothers and sister’s in Christ .
There are many who have allowed themselves to be blinded by Satan. We need to pray for those as difficult as it is because their end if we do not pray for them , is hell. By our prayers some will be snatched from the brink of hell.
God often ask us to do things that we don’t want to and that is difficult. This is one more thing that sets us apart as God’s children because God said for us to pray for our enemies and those who despitefully use and hate us.
Today as God’s children we have no shortage of such people who would delight in destroying us but greater is He who is in us than he that is in this world . We however have something that they don’t because they chose to follow another who has and is leading them astray, The Bible tells us that in the last days that there will be those whose conscience would be compared to having been seared with a hot iron. Are we not seeing that today ? We see it every time we turn on the tv or go to the supermarket. There is no escaping it but there is the one and only way and that is to hide ourselves in Christ Jesus,
God said that we would run and hide under the shadow of the wing of The Almighty. He said that He would hide us under His feathers .
It looks like they are winning at times but they are not ! The truth is …. They are running scared . They are coming after the body of Christ because they are afraid of us because they see things they don’t understand but they are fighting God within us but God is coming after them.
Some skirmishes may be won by the Left but we ( know ) that the Bible tells us that we win through Christ Jesus.
We are a mighty Army of God. We are fierce and God has given us everything we need to win this battle . Be encouraged brother’s and sister’s because while we are doing our part by obeying God , He and His mighty Army are ahead of us. Nobody has ever defeated God and never will.
It is exciting that God chose each of us to be here for this time and to be a part of His mighty Army for this time.
There is a day of rejoicing coming very soon !
Comfort yourselves with God’s word and pray Psalms 91 over you and your families and friends daily and continue to dress in the full armour of God.
Praise God for who He is and we praise you Father , Son and Holy Spirit .

Maria M Fillyaw
September 3, 2022

Dear Lord we pray against the evil being thrust to the american people for disunity. We pray against the lies. May we stand strong in prayer and action, hating the evil and being kind to our neighbors but standing strong in Your Word, in Jesus’s powerful name amen

Frank Hagan
September 3, 2022

First Kings chapter 22 seems to be where we are at as a nation

September 3, 2022

My husband and I are praying that the evil in this country be exposed; then we pray against these things and making faith decrees.

Bonnie Angster
September 3, 2022

For such a time as this taking on the armour of God boldly claiming His Word against the attacks of the evil one imbedded in government.

Cynthia Taylor
September 3, 2022

I watched Tim Sheets “Day of Reckoning Is At Hand” sermon day before yesterday. It was posted on YouTube 3 weeks ago. Powerful! I totally agree and receive this message from God!! Highly encourage anyone concerned to watch it on YouTube. What a word for right now!! God’s Decree in Daniel 5 is alive! These people have been found wanting by God and WILL be removed. Their time is up in Jesus’s Name! Join me in declaring this decree.

I’m appalled at Biden and the thousands that stand with him. It disgusts me to the core of my very being. I’m fighting back spiritually with faith decrees, proclamations of Gods word, prayer and High Praise for our High God who rules kingdoms and puts who He wants in charge. Amen!

    September 3, 2022

    We are making those decrees daily. Tim Sheets is quite the warrior in the spiritual realm. Last Sunday’s service at Oasis Church was very, very powerful. I think the title of the service was The King Is Here. He truly was!

      Cynthia Taylor
      September 3, 2022

      Yes, God is using him mightily and I’m in agreement and picking up my rod. I’ll definitely look it up and watch it! Thanks for your comment and God bless you!!

    Nancy Berkey
    September 3, 2022

    To Cynthia, I agree with you in prayer. I have been praying for this evil govt to be conquered since they stole the election. I pray for a victory over this evil. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.🙏☦️

      Cynthia Taylor
      September 3, 2022

      Amen! Overthrown and gone in Jesus’s Mighty Name

September 3, 2022

Fasting and praying along with finding out where our lesser magistrates stand. Do they believe in upholding the vows they made in protecting the people under them. If not we need to put people in that will. We need to become informed citizens. Hills Dale college has free online classes on this. IPS (Institute for Principle Studies) has classes on this. There is a lot more but for now this is the basics.

    September 3, 2022

    Not only should we remove the magistrates from their positons, we should also remove legislators in both the house and senate that lean to the hard left

victoria Z
September 3, 2022

on a side note i thought it was Biden’s goal to unite our nation not divide it…he seems to be wanting to try to uniteit through threats and intimidation. So he hates MAGA and sees us as a threat: MAGA=Make America Great Again.

Making America Great is only a threat to those who secretly want to destroy it and hand us and our sovereignty over to world entities like tge WHO and the New World Order.

God help us and deliver us from Biden and tge likes of him and all their goals.

Thank you for hearing and answefing our prayers.

September 3, 2022

I would like to share that I recently was placed on Administrative leave for sharing my faith and the Good News while an investigation is being performed. I am an MD and my career and job are in the line. My boss has shared with me that he is atheist.

I praise our living God through this fire because I know the author of my Life. I pray through this trial, people would proclaim our Lord as Savior and all Glory to God.

    victoria Z
    September 3, 2022

    isaiah 43: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
    4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.
    5 Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;
    6 I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;
    7 Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.
    8 Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.
    9 Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.
    10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
    11 I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.
    12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.
    13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?
    14 Thus saith the Lord, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships.
    15 I am the Lord, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King.
    16 Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters;
    17 Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow.
    18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
    19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
    20 The beast of the field shall honour me, the dragons and the owls: because I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen.
    21 This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.

    Father, we trust you to honor your word to this precious doctor who is passing tgrough great waters and firey furnaces for sharing her faith.

    Patsy K Miller
    September 3, 2022

    To Christina…
    GOD BLESS YOU! For your faith in Jesus in action; sharing the Gospel, & having a heart stayed-upon Christ no matter what befalls you! What a good & powerful testimony of Christ in you, your hope & Glory!
    He is your saving Grace & will see you through… all for His Glory!

Tony McReynolds
September 3, 2022

Father, I am overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty for a generation of people being led astray by the enemy of our souls and by the hearts of men who are struggling to come to grips with their own identity. We need you Father to bring order to this chaos and help us to convey the message of the cross to those struggling in the dark to find truth and meaning in their lives. Thank you Lord God that in the end (and even now) we have salvation through Jesus our King! But help us here and now to accomplish those things within our power and yours while we still can for your kingdom and for your glory. Give us strength to withstand the evil and hatred from those who believe that the best path forward is the path that leads to destruction. President biden said that we are standing in the way of basically full blown sinful living and that he wants to see us removed from the path that they want to go down. Help us to stand firm for you Father and for the sake of those who may be saved along the way. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Victoria Z
September 3, 2022

1 samuel 8:7 “And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.”
2 Kings 19:And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord.15 And Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and said, O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.
16 Lord, bow down thine ear, and hear: open, Lord, thine eyes, and see: and hear the words of Sennacherib, which hath sent him to reproach the living God.
17 Of a truth, Lord, the kings of Assyria have destroyed the nations and their lands,
18 And have cast their gods into the fire: for they were no gods, but the work of men’s hands, wood and stone: therefore they have destroyed them.
19 Now therefore, O Lord our God, I beseech thee, save thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the Lord God, even thou only.
20 Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, That which thou hast prayed to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria I have heard.
Father in the name of Jesus, we hold up the details of Biden’s speech to you even as Hezekiah held up the letter to you from Sennecherib, and our prayers echo his in that Biden’s disgust toward the God fearing people of our nation are actually a blasphemy against you as these are YOUR laws which we seek to for our nation. Father we ask you to protect us and the soul of our nation from Biden, from his tyranny, from this threats, and even as you hear Hezekiah, we know you hear us because your word tells us you hear and answer prayer, so we eagerly await your response to this current administration and we ask you to raise up a truly God fearing candodate for the next election, be it Trump or someone else, raise him up and thwart all election interferance. Revive and Restore the soul of our nation to God fearing values. In Jesus name we ask and believe and receive the answers to our prayers.

September 3, 2022

Revelation 2:2-4
New International Version

2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.
4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.

Enjoy the day. It’s Saturday.
Sunday is coming.

Janice Flora
September 3, 2022

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing us with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Thank you that you love us and are taking care of us. We praise you Lord!
We ask that you touch our nation with your Holy Spirit anointing.
Push out evil and fill in with your anointing. We ask you to send your Mighty Angels to push back the darkness. Speak to those who need to hear your voice and accept you as their Savior.
We ask these things in Jesus Christ mighty name!

    September 3, 2022

    Amen! James 3:13-18
    Who is wise and understanding among us?…

September 3, 2022

II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

The Lord put Psalm 33:10 in my heart to pray. The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to naught: He makes the devices of the people of no effect. The heathen desire to destroy the nation that God created to preach the Gospel. I thank Him that He would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and pray for kings and all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty. I thank God that the Gospel is preached to the four corners of the earth and His glory fills the whole earth.
The Lord also put Isaiah 62:7 in my heart to pray. And give Him no rest till He establishes And till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

Billie Cash
September 3, 2022

Holy Father; You sent Jesus to save us from our sin. His Blood Sacrifice was poured out on a Cross “once and for all.” Our country was formed by courageous people coming here to live in religious freedoms. Many died enroute as they sailed through storms and hardships but .Your purpose prevailed . It always will. Indeed we are a battling in prayer for the soul of America . We will not cease or desist .day and night. for we “live and move and have our being “ in Jesus under Your Sovereignty . We declare that “God in us is our hope of glory.” No one can stop what You have ordained. We cry out for mercy and grace because we can. The Blood of Jesus is our covering over demonic deception . You are Holy .Come and deliver our nation from perpetrated falsehood in Jesus ‘ Name

Curt Hancock
September 3, 2022

How do you know if the rule of law is, or is not, being followed if you do not know the Constitution of the United States of America? It’s the supreme law of the land – set up to protect our God-given rights. It’s principles are defined in the Declaration of Independence. This nation is not a democracy as President Biden insisted it is. Our Founding Fathers knew that a democracy is mob-rule and set up a Constitutional Republic to represent the will of the people under the Constitution. After we pray, we must get up and instill the biblical principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution into the hearts and minds of our children. But that means you must first learn those principles. There are many ways. One way is the eight-session Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. This is not an advertisement, so you will need to search for that yourself. Pray first and constantly, but then get up and contend until He returns. Get active to put people with biblical values back into the civil arena. If the church (those who have Jesus as their Lord and Savior) will not get involved in the civil arena, then only those such as President Biden who has a Secular Humanist worldview where Man is the ultimate authority and not God will lead this nation.

Nancy B.
September 3, 2022

Participation in prayer for the nation at my church has been my main contribution, until now. The new assignment given to me recently is praying more specifically for the schools in our neighborhood, and perhaps being more directly involved.

    September 3, 2022

    Mine seems to be local also. Not schools as much as our families and children in general. Feel really strong desire to pray for kids in our town and to not take my eyes off my own family.

    Nehemiah and his wall came to mind.

Ellen Hoffman
September 3, 2022

Precious Jesus, I once again ask, please open the eyes of the Biden Administration representatives to Your truth! Show them the error of their ways, bring them to their knees and to salvation- only You can do that! Bring the right people into their lives. They are deluded into believing the great reset will save humanity. They are dead wrong! Lord you brought Chuck Colson who blindly followed his leader to repentance and salvation. You can save anyone! What looks impossible to us, is possible to you! I know Your will is that none shall perish, but all come to ever lasting life. Give us the strength, confidence and compel us to continue to pray for our representatives and those in power. Only through You can this country be made right!

Frances. Moran
September 3, 2022

I am unafraid as I pray for this nation the United States of America. This nation was founded on biblical principles Years ago I saw o our nation slip sliding down into evil I became very frightened. But then I heard the voice of the Lord who said fear not for there is yet a harvest for America. So I stand and declare those words :there is yet a harvest” there is yet a rising up of the Church against evil. The time is now, ,this is the time of war, this is the time of taking a stance against the evil intentions of evil rulers. Lord, hear our cry and save us from those who are bringing us to destruction. Revive our Kingdom destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. In Your Name and power we Your Church stand.

Leann Koford
September 3, 2022

Every critical thing he said was what his administration was about – the hatred, the violence, the control of the country. His talk reminded me of Satan making his original lie to Adam and Eve.

September 3, 2022

I am praying like Pretty much always have, with God’s Word as my guide. Praying for leaders, praying scripture itself for our kids, our country, my patients and their families…sometimes I outloud refuse to take the bait, like I will pray God forgive Biden, he is so clueless to the evil he is captive to and the damage his misguided anger and publically spewed riot inspiring words of religious hate are stirring up.
I pray Christians will be be wise, let a Holy Spirit soaked sheild will protect and sustain our hearts and that others will hear Biden’s words and wake up to the foolishness in them, turn to God Almighty, repent of their sin and embrace the One True God! That we, Jesus followers, people of the Cross, will authentically turn from our idolatry and authentically worship Jesus, in our every day decisions, will pray that everyone in this administration will turn from the darkness to Gods wonderful, redemptive light and our nation will start to authentically heal.

September 3, 2022

We are starting a 5 day fast and prayer at our church. Communion daily. We know God is in control. Big communion service in Co Springs Oct 8th by Lou Engle. Colorado will be saved. Side note just bought a MAGA hat which I will wear proudly. Ha

Doyle Beitz
September 3, 2022

2 Peter 3:3-4; Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

Revelation 22:18-19; For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Hebrew 9:27; And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Matthew 12:36-37; But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

2 Corinthians 5:10; For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

Eternity bad
Revelation 20:10; And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelation 21:8; But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power of faith that works in us.

With thanksgiving unto our Lord our Righteousness we humbly ask in the holy exalted name of the Anointed Savior Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ )
🙏🏼Wherefore God also has highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth! So be it, Amen🙏🏼

Hales Karen
September 3, 2022

I prayed the above prayer. I could not agree more. Thank you for your work.

September 3, 2022

Biden reminds me of a jackal threatening a Lion. What a joke!

joseph casalino
September 3, 2022

To all who know the Truth of messiah JESUS…Stand in HIM do not lose heart…Know the WORD OF GOD…Pray without end…WE are HIS VOICE here on earth today…WE KNOW HIS BOOK HE WINS….Study MATTHEW 24…We are in the time of birth pains….Again do are lose heart stay in the TRUTH…HE IS THE TRUTH….MUCH LOVE TO ALL FROM JOE IN NY

Susan F
September 3, 2022

“Our Father Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and power, and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen.” The Lord’s Prayer

It is evil for anyone in a free society to devalue anyone; especially hard working, patriotic Americans of any faith. Even to threaten violence against US. “See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.”

Bonnie Lofthus
September 3, 2022

Rev. 12:10-12….”They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb and the powerful word of his testimony. They triumphed because they did not love and cling to their own lives, even when faced w/death. ….the enemy knows his time is short”.
Practically it looks like pressing in and praying daily without giving up. Being willing to do (and go) whatever He says, when He says, wherever He says, and declare His word out loud, both in my prayer closet and ‘out there’; sharing Christ and my personal experiences at every opportunity. The reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:) We, His Church, are to rise up in our true identity; the authority He has given us (because we’re IN Christ, and He’s in us), each in our sphere of influence and USE OUR VOICE. Be brave and courageous (Joshua 1).

Pat Farrell
September 3, 2022

Father please help us. Defeat this dark enemy that has invaded the minds and hearts of so many people. Give us complete unity as one body in Christ willing to stand – pray and fight with the full armor of God! In Jesus Name – Amen.

Muriel Bramble
September 3, 2022

I had a dream that sheds some light on where we are as Christians. I was driving along a road and I felt I was to turn right. It was a dirt path through a tall corn field. It got narrower and I felt very closed in…wanted to turn around and go back to the familiar but that was impossible. I kept going and came out into a beautiful rural area, the sun shining brightly and I saw man near a farm house. I got out to speak to him to ask directions.
He seemed like a nice man, but as I was talking to him, I realized he did not understand truth. In fact, he was telling me many lies. But he was convinced that he knew the truth. Dream ends. In a dream, to turn right is to go the way the Lord is leading you.
I wanted to go back to the comfortable, familiar, but I could not. I had to continue going forward. Where we are today, as a body of Christ. On the other side of this dark path, was what seemed to be, at first sight, a perfect setting. Even a nice man with a smile to greet me. But he did not know the TRUTH…..Jesus. I believe it is time for the Harvest and though there are lies all around us, we need to bring the TRUTH…Jesus to those who are living in the lies of this world. There is no turning back for us; we have a
mission, a calling to go forward to those who are deceived. We see more and more there is no truth around us. I belong to an intercessory prayer group and we are praying for a move of God to win souls. When it looks so desperate all around us, as it does in this day, it is a sign that a change is to come and we are believing it could be imminent. I appreciate IFA and look forward to the emails I receive from you. I am always praying in agreement for the things I read here. When I listened to Mr. Biden,
I prayed that people would not be deceived by his words. Yes, he and his government are the ones guilty of those things he accuses us of. They are full of lies and do not speak truth. I pray the eyes of all people who heard this will be open to the truth and not believe everything they hear. We have never seen times like these or the level of spiritual warfare we are in. There is no going back to the comfortable anymore. We must go forward and fulfill the call we all have on our lives to win the lost and deceived.\

Dorothy Ter Horst
September 3, 2022

I just sat at the piano and sang with over America:
1 A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he, amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
does seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.
2 Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God’s own choosing.
You ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;
and he must win the battle.
3 And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God has willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo! his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.
4 That Word above all earthly powers
no thanks to them abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours
through him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill:
God’s truth abideth still;
his kingdom is forever!

September 3, 2022

Father contend with those who contend with us as you have promised to do in your word many times. Give our Godly leaders wisdom discernment understanding and peace to choose Your will in everything. Protect us from the fiery darts and give us safe harbor in Jesus mighty holy name amen

September 3, 2022

Lord in Ezk 22:30 you said you looked for someone to make up a hedge and stand in the gap before you for the land… So then you wouldn’t destroy Israel for their evil ways but you could find anyone.! …. all the leaders had gone bad! But in America’s case Lord we have people ready and willing to stand in the Gap! So please help us … your people who stand for your truth and for religious values that Our nation was founded on. Help us take back our country for you … send your angels to go ahead of your people that are on the front lines . Open doors, reveal truth and expose the lies and help us bring justice to our nation once again … And it’s in the name of your
son Jesus, that we make this appeal to Heaven. Please hear our prayers and show us the way…. Amen

Debbie Jones
September 3, 2022

The day after the 2020 election I was confused and heartbroken since God had declared the Donald Trump would win. I lifted my despair to God and He said, “I’ve got this. My prophets were not wrong.” I have stood on those words ever since. In the meantime, God gave me a prayer strategy. Every week I pray for our government leaders by decreeing and declaring specific Bible passages He highlighted including – Psalm 119:126, Amos 5:24, Proverbs 8:15, Proverbs 21:1, Psalm 144:5,6,10, Ephesians 1:17-20 and 3:16-19 (for Pres Trump), Acts 13:22, Proverbs 28:2, Isaiah 1:10, 26, Isaiah 60:1-4, Luke 12:2-3, Mark4:22, 1Corinthians 4:5Ephesians 5:11-14, Romans 2:16. I also do this on another day for the 7 mountains of government, education, arts & entertainment, religion, business/ economy, family, and media using Psalm 94 and 106, and Numbers 32:23. I ask God to let His fire fall on our country and these mountains for purify, cleanse and restore our country to be a country of righteousness and a faithful country.

    September 3, 2022

    Thank you very much for sharing those prayer strategies! Very helpful to get specifics!

    September 3, 2022

    excellent. thank you for the guidelines.

    September 3, 2022

    Thank you so much for taking time to share these verses and 7 mountains. I have never thought of in this way and it is a helpful strategy, for such a time as this!

    September 3, 2022

    Thank you for sharing! I will pray these as well.

September 3, 2022

Well, I can hear the Holy One say, I am sitting in the Heavenlies laughing at man’s evil plans. I am th Allmighty and when my hand moves who can stop me or when I speak, who can change those words. I have spoken to my people, take courage. The evil one wants to press you down and scare you, but I am your life. Hold on and trust me. Yes, pray and hear my strong arm is not shortened by anything He or His party say. I am the Almighty God of Heaven and earth and I have already spoken. Hold fast, people of God. (Father spoke–through Sylvia McCullars)

Bruce Shelton
September 3, 2022

That Christians be influencers by their actions, thoughtful prayer, and guide of the Holy Spirit through Gods Word and in constant conversation and prayer to HIM on a daily basis, all day long as the Spirit gives us alert to prayer.

jeanne cooper
September 3, 2022

We have to pray, from have observed they are determined to take away the rights God has given us and some legislations well
1. the Hatch Act public servants are not neutral
2. the First, Second and fourth Amendment
3. Nuremberg, by forcing vaccines and medical abuse to infants
4 1964 Civil Rights Act with CRT
5 Posse Commitatus threatening the military F15 against law abiding citizens

    Jill Carrero
    September 4, 2022

    hi can you elaborate…not familiar with these points except the Amendments…please let me know thanks!!

Edward Chrapcynski
September 3, 2022

My Father, my God I come boldly to your throne that is established upon righteousness and justice. You O God are the Holy One and Most Supreme Judge over all the earth and all creation. I come with a charge against the prince of darkness and the enemy of all who trust in you. I come with the mighty weapons of battle that we are armed with in the Holy Spirit. In the Authority of the Name of Jesus your Son I unite with my brothers and sisters and together we pull down the strongholds of darkness that hold this nation of the USA and the nations of the world in confusion and sin. With Holy Ghost power we destroy the works of satan and his demons by your Word O God! We hold charges against this dark enemy and know and believe that you hear our plea and you will render justice in this hour! According to your Word O God we release goodness and mercy over all peoples of every nation and we do this in the power of the Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus our King!

September 3, 2022

Yes, a sound theory – this rhetoric may stem from China and ultimately Satan pushing to kill, steal, destroy, and confuse.

Kathy Orozco
September 3, 2022

LORD You are mighty and awesome. O God Creator of all things I Your humble servant repent for my sins and the sins of my Father’s house. You have given América everything she would ever need or want because our forefathers walked in obedience to You. Lord I stand in the gap for President Biden and his family and pray he repents to You and asks for Your forgiveness. Lord, I pray for our entire government that was built on in God we trust to get on their knees and repent with contrite hearts. We are not battling against
flesh and blood but with spiritual realms and dominions of darkness. Father You alone are in control and it appears our President is following his god called Satan. Jesus I pray that Your bride is readying herself and has her sword ready to fight that is Your precious word. Father give my fellow countrymen a heart of flesh, Lord write Your word on the tablet of their hearts. Lord turn the hearts of the people away
from evil and darkness and put their feet on paths of righteousness. I praise You Lord. I give You all the glory honor and praise, glorify Yourself through me today Lord,. I ask all these things in Jesus mighty name, Amen Amen Amen! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah praise the LORD!

Linda Trott Dickman
September 3, 2022

After watching Revelation Media’s Esther the other night, I am convinced that we are living in a time like that, and that just like in that time, God will use the weapon of the enemy not on the believers (aka Mordecai, Esther, the Jews then, and us now) but on those who scheme and plan against God. I am so moved to keep praying, to stay as level as possible in Him. If I participate in the anger, it hurts me and is not the direction I should be heading. I must rest in Him.

The Prayer Sentry
September 3, 2022

Trust God; neither fear nor depend on the false idols or ideologies of this world.

September 3, 2022

The “soul” comment. Just another ploy of Joe’s handlers using “soul of this team” excerpt from the inspirational movie Invincible, about the Philadelphia Eagles.

September 3, 2022

Trump made a statement to all Americans in one of his speeches.He said,”They are after you not me.”
The Lord impressed on me that the overturning of Roe would start the persecution Christian’s in America at an increased level.
God has a plan to end sin and destroy the enemy.
We shouldn’t be surprised at what is happening.The Bible says that this would happen just before Christ returns to receive his church.
We are to pray,preach the good news and look up.
It’s all falling into place.
Awaiting his return.

September 3, 2022

Lord Jesus,
I repent for all the years I wasted Feasting and Partying instead of Fasting and Praying, enjoying Your Blessings but forgetting You and my duty to Pray for America that I admit is sin. Your simple command to me was too Live Pure, Share Your Word and Pray for my nation. Please have mercy on America and come intervene on our behalf and sanctify the American public in your truth, Thy Word is Truth. Lord I pray if it is possible for the President to repent and turn from his wicked ways and ask for Your forgiveness and call on Jesus. Please Have Mercy on him because You don’t want anyone to perish.

In Jesus Name Amen

Cheryl Stafford
September 3, 2022

Biden openly drew the battle lines between good & evil. Our duty is to fervently pray for truth & awaking in our country It is serious & should. b taken seriously My husband was in Korea & Vietnam He had to stay focused & alert at all times So do we The Word is our standard We are to occupy till JESUS comes which requires action

Paula DeBord
September 3, 2022

Thank you
Those were my very thoughts
But I thought I was alone.
I know now I am not alone nor was I wrong! God Save America as you would have it be.

September 3, 2022

I do pray, many days, that salvation will come to the Biden household and that God would raise up leaders (national, state, and local) who would follow the principles of God. I pray that God would forgive our national sins like abortion, the acceptance of homosexual practices in law, the brazen abuse of our children with gender propaganda. Lord, please have mercy on our nation and restore righteousness to our land.

Pat Yarbrough
September 3, 2022

I do not stop praying for our nation and its leaders, giving thanks for them and asking that God will give us all the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, that our understanding will be enlightened know that we all may know what is the hope of his calling….

September 3, 2022

My sisters and I gather together once a week in our local church to pray specifically for the spiritual welfare of our country and others needs. Last week we celebrated our 100th gathering.

September 3, 2022

As David said when going into battle with Goliath, “The Lord of Hosts is with him!” And He is with us!
It is time to watch and listen with the voice of God to the order, the strategies, the confounding ways, and the only Great Hope, as we take our few good men and raise our banner in America.
Our life source Jesus has never failed us yet and will NEVER fail us.
If all authority is established by God, we must trust Him in this time.
Pray that those who have been opposing will have breakthrough and clarity now!!

September 3, 2022

Amen. Prayer warriors. We should pray and pray and repent of our sins and our nation’s sins. We are warrior priests so we should intercede on the nation behalf for God to save some and to stop the rest of the evil people who do not want to stop doing evil. Amen.

Anna Amador
September 3, 2022

It’s would be great if there was a website that Christians like myself can get informed about rallies that we can attend in our state and cities.
I would like to attend but I find out from the news after they happen.
This would help the people be engaged in rallies and involved.

    September 3, 2022

    I agree!

    September 3, 2022

    There are many Patriot rallies.
    Google for one in your area.
    Also, look on FB, and at your local Republican HQ.

Deborah Markley
September 3, 2022

Thank you, precious Sister! Your prayer really encouraged and inspired me, so much do that I copied and saved it. May our Lord use us to bring His light and truth to all we meet. He alone is our only Hope!!

September 3, 2022

Lord Jesus,
Deliver us from the hands of evil men and women in high places. Guide believes to pray and vote in November. This nation and all the earth belongs to King Jesus.

September 3, 2022

We in our homes are praying for the tsunami of Holy Ghost revival here and around the world: shaking, quacking,and braking any evil in the name of Jesus: in all governments around the world: for our battle is not with mere men : but with dominions and principalities in the heavenlies.

September 3, 2022

Abba, Father, you gave us instructions on how to pray, you gave us a nation under you, with liberty and justice for all. Oh, Lord, Almighty, we intercede now for the soul of this one great nation. Open the eyes of understanding that You may be exalted above all powers and every knee will bow to your sovereign authority in Jesus’ name.

Peggy J Twining-Prentice
September 3, 2022

My dear Lord and Savior, open up the eyes of the peoples of this nation, let the Truth and the Light come into their souls!

September 3, 2022

He’s right. We are MAGA. And we are also many and we are armed.

September 3, 2022

Amen – we prepare through Pray, place the Amour of God, receive the Power of God through his Word and Holy Spirit. Our Father – the Lord God Almighty sees and knows. I pray for our Children and our nation- dear Father turn this Evil for Good. All our Praise and Glory to God.

Gail Berkebile
September 3, 2022

Please read Rabbi Cahn’s new book, Return of the Gods. It will reveal what has happened to our nation since these ancient God’s have returned, slowly at first and now boldly. The only way we can come against this is to be lights in the midst of grave darkness and to pray that the scales fall off of the eyes of the deceived supernaturally. The battle belongs to the Lord at this point. Stay connected to him through repentance, forgiveness, prayer, fasting and eyes opened to every opportunity to be that shining light He longs for. 🙏🙏🙏✝️

    September 3, 2022

    I believe Jonathan has nailed it in his new book. Thx for sharing

Scott Ewen
September 3, 2022

Extreme is an 8-12 year old they can change gender without parental involvement this is abuse. Extreme is giving the Taliban millions of guns. Extreme is having no national border. Extreme is buying votes with taxpayer money. Using the DOJ as gestapo while vilifying the Supreme Court and letting protests outside their homes is extreme.

Rich Swingle
September 3, 2022

Well written! Praying his speech backfires and sparks Revival and Awakening!

September 3, 2022


    Kim O
    September 3, 2022

    May I post that on social media (Gab)? LOVE THAT! Amen.🙏🏻

Stephen Swanson
September 3, 2022

Don’t waste ink. This old man took back every word these monsters forced him to read.
This was a covert-theatrical operation.
To incite both the demonic-nuremburg left and trick the Right into criminality.

    September 3, 2022

    Amen to you what you are saying. I agree whole-heartedly

    September 3, 2022

    Just a thought to add to the theory that this was theater: I’m not even sure the one who gave the speech was the real Biden. Usually Biden blankly stares straight at the teleprompter, reading it word-for-word. This one was moving his head around and left-to-right at the audience like normal speakers do. Also this one didn’t stutter, stumble, or lose his train of thought like usual. Perhaps the dark surroundings made it harder to notice physical differences too. 🤷‍♀️

September 3, 2022

Lord God…. have mercy on us!

September 3, 2022

Im sorry I believe very much of our Creator. But you havent studied. To pray for the cabal is us becoming (PREY) we must look inside ourselves to win this battle ***we were created in his imagine. If you (pray/you become prey) they can body jump. Please correct the evil language they ( the cabals) had us regurgitate!

September 3, 2022

I believe Biden is the punishment America earned for elevating Trump to the level of national savior and for tolerating and giving a free pass to the false prophets who told us Trump was God’s anointed choice for President when God said no such thing. If God wanted Trump to win in 2020, no devil in hell could have stopped it. I’m afraid our prayers won’t be heard until we smash the Trump idol and truly turn to God as our only hope.

    September 3, 2022

    You’re thoughts are scrambled.
    No one idolized President Trump.
    As, POTUS, he put America first, and corrected the poor business practices, and laws from our Country’s past leaders.
    President Trump put GOD first.
    This is one of the reasons he, and the American people are under attack.

Janice Ciarrocchi
September 3, 2022

Our greatest need is repentance from spiritual lethargy, a gospel of pleasure and entertainment. A lack of fervency in prayer against the powers of darkness invading the church over the past 40 years
Cry for revival

Victoria McEwen
September 3, 2022

God is with us, lsaiah 54 v17 clearly stated no weapon form against the church and children of God will prosper.Col2v14 and 15, Jesus has nade an open shame of the devil and the wicket ones, as we battle in liquid prayers, he is in action blotting out all their hand writings that are against us.our Lord won every battles in Old and New testament and will win all the battles in present and future, no one fight against Jesus. Amen.

September 3, 2022

Our Heavenly Father, we are heartbroken and sickened to see what is happening to our country. It is from the pit of Hell and we pray against this evil, wicked, demonic power.

Father, forgive us who have not pressed into You, who have not trusted You, who have not put You first in our lives. Cleanse us through the blood of Jesus, purify us, guide us, give us Your wisdom to meet this battle head on through the power of Your Word.

Tear down every plan of the enemy, break their will, their hold over those who blindly follow this wicked plan.

Dear God, please claim America as Your own, equip us to stand against such evil, and through Your power crush it. Restore to us the bounties of Your blessings, may eyes be opened to Your truth and the salvation that only comes through Jesus.

Lord, we love You, we thank You for Your awesomeness, Your completeness, Your power, and want You glorified above all – as You deserve to be.

Thank You for the privilege of coming before You with our prayers and petitions. May we be victorious because of You.

In the perfect, powerful, and Holy name of Jesus, Amen.

Angel Anan
September 3, 2022

Thank you so much IFA. I read and pray along with the issues every day. This last article bothered me referring to Bidenin as president. He is illegitimate and I do not believe he is recognized in heaven as president over this great nation that our Lord loves. He stole the title therefore I did not believe he should ever be addressed with it.

Bobby M
September 3, 2022

Lord, give us your wisdom how to take action with the battles we face daily – Guide your people, Lord, with hearing ears so that your values will be anthem we shout, so that you can accomplish your purposes and destiny for this nation.
I cancel and reject President Biden’s claims that I’m dangerous, hateful, violent, and extreme individual. I follow you first Lord, and secondly, embrace the Constitution, and the rule of law, which I took and oath to defend.
I will pray, and be active. I will engage in the spiritual battle through prayer. I will push back on the radical ideologies overtaking our nation with my voice and civic action.

September 3, 2022

Lord have mercy on Your Believers! Help us to shine Your light through this evil darkness. Bless & protect us Lord Jesus, in Your Name, we Believe, Trust & Pray! Amen

Mary D
September 3, 2022

Lord we are Crying out! We are asking for a Believing National Leader to Call for a National Day of Repentance, Humiliation, and Fasting. There were many such days called for by Presidents,and Governors from our Founding until 1918 and the Spanish Flu Epedemic. Looking back at our History, we can see how God answered and Blessed this nation in an unprecedented manner.
Many of us gathered in Washington in 2020, repenting of our National sins, especially abortion. There is no doubt that God heard that day. There is no other way nor any other Person to go to! We are crying out to Our Great and Awesome God, that we are lost without Him and like Simon Peter in John 6:68, we Declare,” Lord, to Whom would we go? You have the Words of eternal life! We have come to believe that You are the Holy one from God!”
You alone can save Your people, and this Nation! You alone can call and change hearts.
Father, through Your Son Yeshua, send Holy Spirit to Breathe on Us Again! We Love You and repent of our sin. We look to You.

Jennifer Bobic
September 3, 2022

I truly believe that the vile hatred directed toward me and other conservatives at this time is satanic in origin. I can’t know for sure that we are in the last days, but if we are, remember that Satan knows his time is about up, and it will cause him to increase his activity more than ever. Christians will have to decide – will we stand up and be counted as followers of Christ, no matter the cost? Or will we cave in to the threats? I pray that none of us will deny Him.

Marsha Bashor
September 3, 2022

I cry and pray for our nation. I ask Lord that our nation go back to the biblical values it was founded upon. I pray for the election coming up November 8, that godly conservative men and women be legitimately elected to take those governor and senator and representative seats. I pray for the enemy to be defeated completely. I pray for your mercy upon us, and for the lies that are spewed out by Joe Biden and his administration and from Barack Obama are cast down to defeat forever. I pray for you to be the head of our nation, in Jesus’ name I pray.🙏🙏

Catherine Lopez
September 3, 2022

GOD FIRST today and ALWAYS!!!
II Timothy 1:7

Cynthia Butler
September 3, 2022

Christians, we must pray for our nation. Every God-fearing citizen must humble themselves before God and plead for deliverance from those who seek to destroy our nation. Pray for deliverance for America from evil, from liars, from those who falsely accuse the innocent. Men and women who love our nation and its Constitution must fight for the truth through prayer and their vote. Citizens who are uninformed or apathetic must wake up to the truth. We must stand up now for the United States of America.

September 3, 2022

I am praying


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