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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray against this effort from the left to intertwine abortion and Christianity. Grant Christians wisdom and discernment, God, and show them Your heart for the unborn so they are not led astray.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Appearing at a recent National Baptist Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris preached abortion as a Christian view, as “light.” We must pray.

From LifeNews. Kamala Harris urged Baptist pastors to fight for “light” over darkness Thursday while at the same time advocating for the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


The Houston Chronicle reports Harris mentioned abortion during her speech to the National Baptist Convention in Houston, Texas, which about 2,000 pastors and church leaders attended.

Although Christianity recognizes the value of every human life from the moment of conception and condemns the killing of innocent human beings, Harris defended abortion as part of her talk.

She criticized Texas lawmakers for passing laws that protect unborn babies from abortion, saying women should be allowed to “make decisions about their own future,” according to the report.

“These ideals now hang in the balance, and in this moment then we count on the strength and conviction of our faith leaders to help lead us forward,” Harris said.

She attempted to portray her pro-abortion beliefs as Christian by bringing up how she went to church as a child and studied the Bible. She also implied that killing unborn babies in abortions is moral when she challenged the Baptist pastors to fight for the “light” over darkness. …

Thursday was not the first time the Democrat leader promoted abortion to American clergy. In June, Harris met a small group of Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders to discuss ways to “protect reproductive rights” in anticipation that the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade. …

How are you praying for an end to abortion in America? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from LifeNews. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Beverly Gossman
December 14, 2022

I still believe biden is the antichrist, if he’s not he should be. This country is to the point of satanism. Look around you people, wake up, you are doomed to Hell if you keep listening to biden and Harris and the dems.

Teresa Hoyle
September 17, 2022

My question is “why did they have her speak in the first place?”!!!!

September 16, 2022

As a Baptist pastor, I take no counsel from the agents of darkness! Harris is certainly such a demonic voice in America. I have no ears to hear bad being promoted as good. I pray for her salvation and that she becomes a voice for good. I pray that You take away her peace, and sleep, and fill her with the terror that eternity in hell holds in store for the workers of evil until she repents for the murder of innocent babies. In Jesus’ name, Amen

MaryJo Coleman
September 16, 2022

All of those pastors should either have gotten up and walked out, or not have invited her in the first place! This is embarrassing!

Grant Windholz
September 15, 2022

Both Biden and Harris have done nothing good and Godly in this country. Unfortunately all they want is American failure, evil and destruction!!! The power of prayer against their demonic intentions is more than they can ever handle because Jesus Christ has already won the battle against Satan 2000 years ago!

Ester W. Stokes
September 14, 2022

It is shameful that pastors would tolerate this. The speech should have ended when she “She also implied that killing unborn babies in abortions is moral,” and I quote.

    September 15, 2022

    Poppa God forgive this woman, she totally is clueless about Your Word. Bind that lying Jezebel spirit and loose Your Holy Spirit on her. Forgive those pastors who sat listening and clapping after to her lies. Deliver them from whatever has seduced their souls and give them each one, courage to act wisely to correct this egregious wrong. Father protect their congregations from the deception, from confusion and most of all, disunity. Use this Lord to not only cleanse YOUR Church, but make us stronger in Your bond of love.

Barbara Hughes
September 14, 2022

As I read the comments below I am in full agreement with their prayers and thoughts. God reminded me of Abraham asking him for the lives of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah. If there were 10 righteous God would still spare the city. Only lot his wife and two daughters were spared from God’s wrath. We should all see the handwriting on the wall that Jesus is coming soon and it is so important to keep praying for the souls of our government officials like K.H. father in the name of Jesus, I asked you to open the eyes of her heart and show her the truth of who you are. Let Ms. Harris see in the spirit realm the truth of your word that she will not burn forever. Remind her father of the consequences of her decisions. Give her a clear picture of what her destiny is with her thoughts where she is now. Thank you Father for your love towards the church and especially towards the leaders of IFA. Let us find favor in your eyes in these final days that we may remain strong through the power of your Holy Spirit working in and among us.

September 14, 2022

We are really unsure of even an hour as far as our future goes. And pregnancy is unique in medical decisions as it involves another one’s life, not just the life of the mother, or the “birthing person” as the current phraseology of the progressives promotes. It also involves the other partner who contributes half the DNA to the formation of this preborn person, who, once conceived, is an already existing individual. What about him, the father?? What does he have to say about this tiny developing person who he helped create? When will the roll of the father be recognized? When will sex be recognized for what it does, its power, and its rightful place in human reproduction, within the confines of holy matrimony. When misused only pain and suffering ensues. I pray for God’s wisdom that humankind come to a better understanding of the power of the sexual encounter, its nature, and its consequences.

    September 15, 2022

    AMEN Kathryn!
    Fathers are so important…sadly, when this RN worked in the Labor & Delivery room and pro-life clinics, I heard way too often ‘I’d keep the baby but my boyfriend says he’ll leave if I do.’
    And thankfully his role is being recognized, but you hear little of it in mainstream media. Many pro-life clinics have a robust men’s ministry. To heal after abortions and also to arm them to be brave, wise dads.🥰👣
    We in the church must be bold and frankly wiser about shining a light on the beauty, wonder, sacredness and yes, power, Poppa God infused into sex! We can start in church. Sadly, half the abortions these days are on women who have been to church, often with guys who have been to church too.

John Escoto
September 14, 2022

Our Heavenly Father created life. Jesus warn us regarding the devil in Sheep’s clothing to mislead believers into the devil’s trap.
It sad to hear so many Baptist pastors attending a devil’s convention.
Praying that our Lord Jesus Christ will send His Holy Spirit into people’s hearts.

Bob Huseby
September 14, 2022

Very well said Ms Nan!!
Father please forgive and help us as stupid humans not be so gullible t the wiles of Satan himself… in our blessed saviors name of Jesus Christ our lord we pray..Amen

Gail Thurman
September 14, 2022

The Bible says ‘woe’ to them who call good evil, and evil good, those who turn darkness to light, and light to darkness.

September 13, 2022

What in the world is happening to our Christian leaders ? Inviting Kamala Harris to speak is like inviting the devil himself. Our leaders need intensive time alone with God in prayer and Bible reading. If we refuse to represent Christ to the world in all we think say and. do, then that person should be removed from any leadership role until he or she repents. If they don’t repent then they need to be excluded from the fellowship as is taught in the Bible. Many Christians are living just like the rest of the sinful world. There should be a big difference between a Christian lifestyle and the lifestyle of a person that doesn’t know Jesus. We need to be moving in God’s Bible teachings with great love and power!! Everyday a believer needs to grow more like his/her Lord andSavior or something is in that life that needs to be recognized and dealt with. You can’t just say you’re a Christian you must live God’s lifestyle as instructed by God’s Bible. 😊❤️🙏

    September 14, 2022

    Amen, Sister!

    September 14, 2022

    I thought the exact same thing. Why is she speaking to these pastors? They should be speaking truth to her and being light in the culture!! There is something very wrong here. The church must repent and be salt and light in the culture.

    September 14, 2022

    I fully agree with you, Nan Johnson. For these leaders to invite Harris and to stay silent while she spoke about abortion as if it were something God approves was the same as being in agreement with her. One of these leaders should’ve spoken as well and given the Christian’s biblical view on abortion. Gods heart is very tender towards the lives of all children and that includes while they’re still in the womb. Harris is doing her part to keep her party in power. It’s about money and power. So, not only did these leaders invite her to speak to them but, chances are, they will also vote to keep all those beliefs legalized. God is grieved. Our nation is in so much trouble. Pray without ceasing now more than ever. 😢

      September 15, 2022

      Oh Lord, I didn’t even think of them voting! Please open their eyes, and protect the congregations, so they will all be wise and say no more to that lying snake.

MB Gregory
September 13, 2022

I am so thankful for the Supreme Court and pray for each member for protection and Godly wisdom. It’s about time this nation is attempting to removed the sin of abortion. I don’t see how this administration can protect criminals by reducing their sentences or no-bail policies and at the same time rally to kill innocent children. I know God will not bless a nation that “calls evil good” and “good evil”. I pray that Christians take back Congress in November and in elections all over this country, candidates with good conscience and morality will be victorious. I know God loves us, his Church, and we will have to fight to stand against this crazy, progressive agenda of the current administration.

Faithe Giaquinto
September 13, 2022

First of all, I am mystified at the reasoning behind inviting Kamala Harris to speak at a Baptist Convention.
What could she possibly say to these “people of faith” that would enlighten or encourage them in their lives as Christians? I am glad that she went to church as a child and read the Bible but a leader/speaker to a group of Christians should be an example of a godly life; her views on abortion alone disqualifies her.
Add to that her views on almost everything else seem to be secular and humanistic. From her non-existent help on our southern border to defunding the police and supporting rioters such as Antifa, I fail to see how she was selected to speak to this group of people.
Lord God, please bring truth to us and we ask for deliverance from deception and lies from the enemy that are seeking to infiltrate even our churches! Light dispels darkness and overcomes it–may the light of your truth reveal any and all lies and the liars themselves.

    September 14, 2022

    I was thinking the exact same thing, Faithe. I was also wondering why the true Christians at the gathering didn’t make a quiet statement by calmly getting up and walking out during her speech. But yes, WHY in the world did they ask her to come ?? That’s really odd.

Regina Smith
September 13, 2022

I Proclaim,Decree and Declare ,Jesus Christ has destroyed the works of satan,and that God will bring g justice to this earth now and this is the year of the Vengence of the Lord towards workers of evil.Every thing hidden or open will be judged.God said we were going to be a Glorious Church,we have to think big.All this wickedness has not escaped our God .The wages of sin is death.I pray people will Repent,but God’s getting ready to deliver all creation from bondage and corruption,is that not what Roman’s 8 says.If a person Repents ,God forgives and delivers,but if not these ones who want to legalize abortion,the Bible says,You will reap what you sow,Sow death,reap it.

Roberta Smith
September 13, 2022

So sad that not one of those Baptist Ministers stood up and took a stand again abortion’s , knowing that God Almighty is against such a thing?…I Pray right now that God would send in a Harvest of Believer’s to everyone of those people that heard this and Pray for the deliverance of them all in Jesus Name Especially the Vice -President.

    September 16, 2022

    As a Baptist pastor, I would never have darkened the doors of that building! I was incensed that she was even invited! What has happened to the leaders in our churches today? Why are ministers of God gathering in a room filled with the presence of satan? God help them!

Toni Kushner
September 13, 2022

It is sad to hear someone who has traded the truth for a lie. There is nothing we can do, only the intervention of the Holy Spirit. May the One who is able bring her into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

September 13, 2022

Harris is a quota. Highly unqualified, a joke actually.

A perfect prayer target….even sprinkle in a few of the imprecatory type like King David was known to have done in his day!

Carolyn Pecho
September 13, 2022

God, have mercy on us. Enlighten these clergy and help them to stand firm against the deceit of the enemy. AMEN

Linda Odegaard Rice
September 13, 2022

Who in God’s name invited her to that convention?

Darleen Ronsick
September 13, 2022

A true child of God would never be an enabler of the murder of one of God’s unborn children.

September 13, 2022

What in the world will trues Christianfellowship invite such a person to speak. You shall know them by their fruits.

September 13, 2022

This may seem harsh but I struggle to believe that they’re even Christians for even inviting her .
They know what she stands for..
it’s obvious she’s pro-death full term in a pregnancy.
Srcondly why did they allowed her to imply abortion is acceptable in Christianity instead of rising up and demanding that she not twist truth.?
She should have been shown the door.
The woman needs deliverance to cast out the demons out of her.
This is the kind of spineless leadership we’ve had in the church for decades and the cause of the fall of the United States of America.
May all 2000 of those Baptist repent of their weaknesses.
May God do a shaking a deep shaking in these ministers in the night hours as they slumber.
Lord God change their hearts that they will stand for truth that they will protect the most helpless American citizens we have in Jesus name.

Gail Wood
September 13, 2022

God’s own word ask….what does light ( us in Jesus) have to do with darkness ( the lost who are following Satan).
The Lord said….,from such people , come away from them.
The Lord said that we are the salt of the earth.
We know as God’s children who love Him with all of our heart’s and might that life is important to God.
God chose life to be conceived between a man and a woman and that all life was created by Him. God would never have created evil as He is the giver of life and in the end when we walk this life in Him all of our lives go back to Him. The one who gave it .
I am just reeling at the thought of ( any ) Pastor , Rabbi , Priest or any person giving Harris the opportunity to talk to them about the murder of innocent babies. They should be rebuking her and trying to teach her about God and His great love for her.
I pray for her soul each time I pray. These people have allowed themselves to be wooed by Satan and his demons. They chose a path that seemed right to them but God said…,,there is a way that seems right to a man but it’s way leads to destruction.
When a person chooses a walk for themself and they have no relationship with God then they are doomed unless they yield to the call from God that comes because there were God’s children who care enough to pray for them.
Father I pray that any persons who allowed her to speak to them about abortion would repent and take authority over every word she spoke that was filled with death and render it null and void of no effect.
We ask you precious Lord that you would lift your children and all of these innocent babies far above this evil.
Show us each new day how to walk in you. We thank you Lord for the revival that has been going on in the United States and we ask you Lord to let it spread like wildfire into all of North America, Canada and Latin America till they are overflowing in your Spirit and then let it cross the oceans and invade the whole earth as you pour out your Spirit upon all flesh.
Praise and all glory and honour be to you Father , Son and Holy Spirit.

September 13, 2022

I can’t help but wonder WHY she was invited since every informed individual knows her stance on abortion.

But since she was invited, I must then assume that the National Baptist Convention must support abortion. If not, and they were just giving her a platform, then she should have been booed off of that platform.

September 13, 2022

She is a house divided against herself. She will not stand. God has already declared He will personally avenge each aborted child. We must pray she will see the error of her ways. What better witness than to fall on her knees and proclaim she was wrong for the whole world to see.

September 13, 2022

Abortion is an abomination before the Father. We WILL NOT offer our children to the fire. No, our children will live and not die, they will serve YHVH and praise His holy name in the streets, in the church, in the heavens. We will trail up our children in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. We bind and curse the stronghold of abortion and the spirits of murder and self. We remove blinders, lies and false information from these generations. We call them out of the fire, out of sin and death, we call them back to holiness and purity from the north, south, east and west. We call them into the kingdom of God, we call them a born again, they are a strong, discipled army who loves the Father, hunger and thirsts after righteousness, and loves the Word, in Jesus name.

Ted Roberts
September 13, 2022

My heart aches for all the babies who did not have a chance to live their live here on Earth, but I absolutely believe that they are with Jesus now. My heart aches even more so for these advocates of infanticide (abortion). My prayer, each day, is that Holy Spirit will minister Divine truth and revelation to each of them and rob the devil of every person on his “wish list”.

Zoe Ella
September 13, 2022

Harris is, of course, using Doublespeak. It is time for our congregations to support our pastors, to help them stay centered in the truth. This is especially true for denominations that do not give their pastors strong denominational support. Harris is not a prophet. It is not true that God has suddenly given women a “right” to kill their babies.

Juhyoun Park
September 13, 2022

Almighty God, please open their spiritual eyes and ears, so that they would have the discernment. Our creator Lord, please save America, please pour your Spirit upon us, so that we can repent in your Spirit, and bear good fruits in you. In the name of JESUS we pray. Amen.

Annie O
September 13, 2022

It’s so like the enemy to want to cause confusion and convolute truth. We however serve the Almighty, Righteous One who brings Light into all corners of darkness so we can see clearly who/what is true and what is a lie from the pit of hell. We praise and thank You, Abba, for continuing to expose the lies, confusion and deception of the enemy. We pray that Your light continue to shine on all those that claim You as Lord so we are not deceived by lies. We also pray for those that do not abide with You that they may draw near to You and receive the life giving reality truth and hope of You, Lord Jesus!

Willie Radford
September 13, 2022

Many Baptist women believe in the right to choose. I have had discussions with them and they were firm that no one was going to take that right away. That may explain why they allowed Harris to speak.

    Juhyoun Park
    September 13, 2022

    Shalom, Willie Redford.
    We pray for you to encounter JESUS CHRIST, the only truth, the only way, the only life. We pray for that you come to the light and accept incredible blessings from the only GOD who created you with everlasting love. We pray to see you in heaven. May JESUS bless you abundantly!

September 13, 2022

Lord Jesus save us from this plague of abortion. Make abortion unthinkable. Help us all to support women and help them choose life. Change our culture to respect marriage as designed by you.

September 13, 2022

Almighty Father, we pray for an increasing, strong desire in believers to know your Word (read the Bible!), to honor and stand fast in Your truth. May the lies, half-truths and deception of the devil be exposed. May we desire and follow Your ways. You are the creator and giver of all life, and we pray our leaders will acknowledge You as God and Ruler in their lives and conduct. Amen.

    Darlene Estlow
    September 13, 2022

    Amen! If believers do not read the Bible and stand for biblical truth, they will be lead astray. Thank you for your prayer.

September 13, 2022

It leaves me wondering when they might come to my house and spread their light by euthanizing me.

Keith Palmer
September 13, 2022

Father God, Be with our Christian leaders and lend them strength in the defense of the preborn. We know that You knew us before we were conceived and that every life is precious in Your eyes. Me we ALL be bold in Your Word and defend Your babies. Amen

Gina Cook
September 13, 2022

If abortion is good for women why do they feel so bad after they do it?
Lord, expose truth when is comes to abortion. These babies have 10 fingers and 10 toes and they would be loved. Every child deserves the right to be born.

September 13, 2022

I’m wondering why she was invited to speak at this gathering in the first place. Anyone else wondering with me?

    Jackie Smith
    September 13, 2022

    That was exactly my question!!

    Twila Senter
    September 13, 2022

    Exactly! That what breaks my heart more than what she said. I already know where she stands, but the church?!

    Annie O
    September 13, 2022

    It’s call the deception of the enemy. We stand against it in all its forms in the name of Jesus Christ!!

September 13, 2022

By their fruits, you will know them. Don’t call truth a lie or lie a truth because you will be held accountable for every word you have idly spoken. Lord, give Kamala a divine encounter before it’s too late in Jesus name.

September 13, 2022

I prayed this morning for the church of Jesus, the Body of Christ, those who are true followers of of our Lord Jesus Christ, these words in Ephesians 1: 17- 23.. ” that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and [i]might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.
And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”
Lord have mercy, open spiritual eyes and spiritual ears of your people!

Anne Forbes
September 13, 2022

This is so concerning to me! Why was Kamala Harris asked to speak to a convention of Baptist pastors???? Oh, Lord, have mercy! Don’t let our church leaders be deceived into accepting abortion, or even convinced that somehow abortion is OK! Your Truth is more important that anyone’s opinion, I pray that pastors of all denominations would be listening to Your words, Your Word, and may any words spoken by men or women that disagree with You fall to the ground! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

    September 13, 2022

    I have the same question. Why was she even invited to speak?

      September 13, 2022

      me too —why???????
      God almighty help us – awaken your BRIDE!

Marsha Bashor
September 13, 2022

Dear Lord please I ask you to cut through the lies that abortion is light. Let women over this whole country realize that abortion is not the answer , that it is devastating, that giving life to that baby is precious in your sight and that there is an option available in adoption.
Lord we fight for each state that you would move upon Pennsylvania and other states for life.

Rhonda Campbell
September 13, 2022

i think the bigger issue is why did these baptist pastors invite her to speak?

September 13, 2022

Gracious Father,
Please embolden your sons and daughters to speak your truth to this generation. Cause the hearts of your children to burn with the passion and desire to stand with you and your Holy Word, no matter what, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Dewey W Whitworth
September 13, 2022

Am I the only person around who knows this person IS NOT an American citizen ? She IS a Jamaican citizen. Her parents were ambassadors to Canada when she was born. She does not belong in any form of any kind of political office ! How about praying that is removed from any office ?!

Gerald Schork
September 13, 2022

Whats more appalling VP Harris preach abortion to the church or apparently the Baptist Convention INVITED her!!!

The church apparently expected to get enlightened by her darkness.

Oh Lord, you see how blind your church has become besides the bold adacity of the darkness. Have Mercy Lord! Have Mercy!

Cynthia Quattrocelli
September 13, 2022

Why would a Baptist Convention invite a person promoting murder of innocent babies when the Bible says, thou hall not kill? They knew she advocated for abortion before they invited her to speak. Wake up brethren! I was shocked to read this article and sadly it shows how far Christian leaders have fallen away from a resolve to follow God’s Word only.
They are compromising and making decisions without the Leading from the Holy Spirit. God help them see the wrong and stand firm in their faith and obedience to Your Living Word, in Jesus name, amen.

September 13, 2022

Praying daily for revival. Darkness if theis administration is frightening. Now overturning DOMA with Respect for Marriage Act.

Title IX. against our children.

Angel armies.

September 13, 2022

As one who choose abortion for selfish reason, the pain had been overwhelming until Christ took that pain. I believe that the answer is covering these that are entangled in the lie that abortion sets you free with the blood of Jesus. Lord Jesus, I ask that the ones who have been entangled in the deceit and lies that they be given Your light. Let Your truth become unsettled inside of them to the point of having to seek You turning them back to Truth. Thank You Lord for Your higher ways, bring Light to the deceived and discernment to Your children.

September 13, 2022

Abortion is against the Word of God and I don’t condone Murder. I am praying for precious lives to be saved

September 13, 2022

I’m praying for her lost soul, that she’ll seek the face of God, repent, turn from her wicked ways, and would desire to walk in holiness in Jesus’ Name. I pray for wise, Godly people to surround her, to counsel her, who pray for her, and who hold her up before the Father.

September 13, 2022

Jackals do what jackals do. How could we expect ANYTHING other than this from Harris?

What I want to know is WHY ON EARTH the National Baptist Convention gives her a platform for such things as this. The church is pathetically weak, which is largely how we got to the place where we now are. But, you’d think that they’d wake from their slumber…but nope…sing sweet nothings and their ear and they will go right back to sleep. Rather than pray for Philistines, reprobates, and dead Christians, pray that God raise up a remnant for Himself that will stand up to this madness.

Enough is enough. Declare the end of Obama, this administration, and the evil that runs through our land.

September 13, 2022

Now is an unprecedented demonic age filled with evil rhetoric in the media, twisted laws, corrupt governments, adulterated medical care and lying clergy. In the Old Testament, people sacrificed their children on alters to their idols. What is the difference today when women, full of pride, idolize their own bodies and existence as they kill innocent lives, even after they are born? Life on earth and the chance for eternal life in heaven begin in the womb. Abortionists and their supporters have blood on their hands and will be judged by God. Ezekiel 6:5 I will destroy your places of idol worship. Ezekiel 7:3 Now the end has come for you, and I will send my anger against you. I will judge you for the way you have lived, and I will make you pay for all your actions that I hate.

Nick McCuin
September 13, 2022

I pray for Harris to be blessed with the mind of Christ and accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior and her soul will be saved

September 13, 2022

Why was she even invited to speak at that convention is my first question? Lord, May all the words of her mouth be used against herself in revealing a deceived heart so none deceive the listening ears. Lord, use her words to wake the Pastors to action in standing for life in every way possible. May her manipulation of light and darkness shine Your Light and Truth loudly to those listening ears. We pray for Kamala Harris to have an encounter with the Living Christ so her path must turn away from evil ways.

    September 13, 2022

    The enemy knows that by going into the church and into families that it’s evilness will permeate into the rest of society, including government. We can elect God seeking men and women into governmental positions, but it is only temporary and the changes they try to make to bring this nation back to God will only be temporary – UNLESS we establish God as the true head of the church and family again. HIS TRUTH will be taught from generation to generation, and with this and only this, will lasting governmental change, led by Mighty God, take place.

Debra L Shipp
September 13, 2022

A double minded man/woman is unstable in all their ways.

September 13, 2022

What is K. Harris doing addressing the National Baptist Convention in the first place? Can someone enlighten me on how this happened?

Serita Miner
September 13, 2022

I believe the baby once conceived has the right to live and this choice can not be made by the Mother. Lord God help us when we choose to abort babies out of convenience. God help us through this journey of twisted lies. For we will stand for truth
As surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen & Amen!

September 13, 2022

My question is how did the Baptist pastors respond to this?? We need to pray for her repentance before God because clearly she’s not doing well in her faith! My heart aches for her. I advocate for babies rights! They as well have the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


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