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Father, we pray against Dr. Daskalakis' satanic, ungodly, and amoral lifestyle choices. Bring him to You, Lord, and change his ways.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, Biden’s new Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator, has a long and alarming history of satanic interests and involvement.

From The National Pulse. On August 2nd, President Biden appointed Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, as the White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator. Also the CDC’s Division Director for HIV Prevention, he previously served in Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration in the New York City Health Department.

Who is praying on the wall?


Daskalakis is known for his efforts in the world of HIV and other diseases affecting the LGBTQ+ community, having attended New York University Medical School, followed by a residency, fellowship, and additional masters degree from Harvard Medical School. In an interview with The Atlantic in 2014, he said “I learned my bedside manner from East Village drag queens.” …

Daskalakis’s social media presence is disturbing, to say the least. Alongside his partner Michael MacNeal, the pair launched a “goth” gym in New York, which originally ran out of the high-profile Equinox gym chain, before spinning off into its own brand based in a former gay nightclub that in turn had taken over an old church in Manhattan: Monster Cycle.

Monster Cycle’s social media pages are full of references to Satanism, the devil, burning crosses, and pentagrams, and more. …

“I have learned there is light even in the darkest places,” Daskalakis’s tattoo of a pentagram reads. He also has ink showing the corpse of a dead creature, as well as a serpent, a head with three eyes, and what appears to be a Saint-like figure or even a depiction of Jesus Christ across his stomach.

It’s not the only reference to Christ the pair – Daskalakis and MacNeal – make in their social media posts. A series of images from 2012 appear to depict a seance, or Ouija board ceremony with a lit crucifix depicting Jesus Christ, laying on a pentagram on the table. …

Further pentagram imagery can be seen scattered across the Monster Cycle’s social media pages featuring either of the pair, or their friends. A 2014 post on Facebook states: “We’ll steal your soul.”

One of the accounts Daskalakis follows on Instagram is The Satanic Temple TV, which describes its mission statement as:

We will entertain and challenge, delight and disgust. We will explore the artistic, political and transgressive roots of modern Satanism. We will give voice to our diverse communities as Satanists, atheists and social justice activists in a global society. …

During the period of writing this article, Daskalakis has taken his Instagram page private, although The National Pulse has archived much of the content.

What are you praying about Dr. Daskalakis? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Leon Regehr
September 21, 2022

This is satin’s subtle ways of infiltrating our society. Today we are seeing even less subtle ways, yet our culture seems to be less attentive to satin’s tactics. I join those that pray to oppose this satanic theme that is trying to attach our country.
Christians must unite and be outspoken on these issues. Let’s make God’s word know to all of this country.

God Bless the United States of America!

Sharon Adams
September 18, 2022

It is time for the church to walk in the authority over all the power of the enemy that we have been given through Jesus Christ our Lord. I join with my brothers and sisters all over the world to stand against this evil..and having done all to stand, we stand therefore. Thank You Lord Jesus for bringing unity into the Body of Christ.

Christopher Edmunds
September 15, 2022

I pray for My American brothers and Sisters in the great USA. We see the evil that has infiltrated your corridors and seats of power through deceit and vote rigging. We pray God destroy these demonic unelected strongholds. The evil cabal is not reflective of the wonderful people across your lands. Americans are known for their love , freedom and generosity. May the devil be scattered, lift your voice and sing.

Gird up your armour,
ye sons of Zion,
Gird up your armour,
let’s go to war,
We’ll the win battle,
With great rejoicing,
And so we’ll praise Him
More and more.

Chris from Belfast.

Robin Hall
September 14, 2022

Lord have mercy..Let God arise, and may His enemies be scattered.

September 14, 2022

It gets worse and worse – open satanists are now OPENLY OUR GOVERNEMENTAL LEADERS, they’re no longer afraid to

    September 14, 2022

    Agreed; the Democrat White House is run by satan and his proxies – and they’re not even interested in hiding the fact! ! !

Anna Stone
September 14, 2022

I pray against any Satanic strongholds that is trying to take hold over America. God we pray that your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Father you are stronger than the enemy.

Nancy Goettman
September 14, 2022

Help us Lord from satan’s curse. Set u;s free from the curse. Set him free from satan’s curse. Let him be replaced with a Godly man. Do whatever is necessary now.

September 14, 2022

Oh Lord God of heaven and earth, you are our Creator, our sustainer and Protector. You are the just God of all the earth sitting on your throne of Judgment in the courts of heaven. Lord execute your righteousness and justice against the enemy of satanic seduction of influence. You are the God of the Sabaoth, the ruler over all angelic armies, fight against all the enemies that wage war against your people. Save Dr. Demetrius Daskalakis and all who are associated with any manipulation of LGBTQ influence in sex changes and all wickedness. Dismantle every plot, trap, and plan of the enemy. Save their souls from the pits of he’ll. That may serve you with a pure heart a heart after God’s heart. Restore everything that was stolen,bringing Godliness, righteousness and purity to our Land. IN JESUS NAME. AMEN!

September 14, 2022

I pray earnestly that God will save, forgive and protect these men and all of those influenced by them.

September 13, 2022

Our God reigns in the heaven above. He is from the beginning and He has no end. He is eternal Father. His Kingdom rules over all. Jesus finished His work in the world. He overcame the world and He declared to us not to fear becaise He has overcome the world. All eyes to Him who is our Redeemer and King. All honor and glory and thanksgiving be to Him alone. Praise Him. Glorify Him. And worship Him. Amen.

Maria Rendon
September 13, 2022

I ask almighty God, to give both (Daskalakis & McNeal) a Damascus road encounter as He did for Paul of Tarsus when he was on the way to Damascus. I cover both Daskalaki & McNeal’s mind with the blood of Jesus & speak healing to both their wounded souls. I decree and declare that both will never be the same, and will declare God’s mighty works & proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Toni Kushner
September 13, 2022

I did not know much about him until this article. My heart is so grieved and wonder how low we have gone to encourage this type of person to have a government position, all in the name of equality. I will reread the article and see how the Lord leads me to pray for I understand “God so loved the world and He did not want any to perish”. Holy Spirit move upon this man to hear, accept and walk in a pursuit of his salvation. May You prepare him for the day of his salvation and be glorified. Be glorified and prepare his way by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Help us as intercessors to pray with discernment, knowledge and power of Your Word.

September 13, 2022

Father in heaven I humble myself before you in the prescous name of your son Jesus the only true King! Lord, You are greater than anything, all holy, and worthy to be praised. Your love for us in immeasurable and never ending as is my love for You! Lord, please surround this man with your children, Lord, who are filled with the Holy Spirit. Bless them with widson, Lord so they will know the best way to approach him. Bless them with discernment so they can see through and fight the evil. Bless them with utterance Lord so they will speak the words you want them to. Help them, Lord, to bring your truth to him, and plant the seeds that will allow him to come to you Lord. I ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen!

Bryan Wright
September 13, 2022

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you pursue Dr Daskalakis and overtake him with your love for him. Touch him and bring conviction to his heart for the wickedness he’s been entrenched in and bring him to place of repentance. Show him his need for a savior and by Your Spirit draw him to the foot of the cross Lord. Let his salvation be a testimony to those around him for your Glory!
In Jesus Christ’s Name.

Maria Daniels
September 13, 2022

Adonai, I pray your Word back to you now – “not by might, nor by power, but by my Ruach (Spirit). Abba, let us face this evil in the power of your Ruach HaKodesh so that we may be victorious. Adonai, to you be the glory of our victory over the evil that is seeking to destroy our nation. In Yeshua’s mighty name,

Bridget Bonczyk
September 13, 2022

Father God, Thank you for your son, Jesus. Am believing for salvation not only Dr. Daskalakis life, however, over his friend and partner Michael MacNeal. Mercy, mercy, mercy from the top of their heads to the bottom of the soles of their feet. Healing as well as Deliverance. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, that “no weapon formed against the people of the United States will prosper. Your Word says, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. Father, these two men need a Holy Spirit suddenly. Open the eyes of their hearts and forgive them for their evil ways. I bind Satan and loose Holy Spirit. I bind evil and loose forgiveness. I bind rebellion and loose surrender into their lives. Thank you, Father God for forgiveness, fresh revelation, and discernment as the world does not need their effects (Dr. Daskalakis and Michael MacNeal) in our lives. I bind the world of HIV and other diseases affecting the LGBTQ+ community and loose a fresh revelation of the Lord’s truth in their lives. Forgive them, Jesus, they know not what they do. Mercy, grace, salvation. For such a time as time. Amen and amen.
Dr. B. A. Bonczyk

September 13, 2022

We all know that this administration picked only satanic people.
Satan can’t prevail the Lord Jesus.
Egyptian did not prevail against the children of Israel.
The Red Sea separation between God’s children will certainly speak for his children today.
It may seem like satan is prevailing, he will certainly fall.

Mary Frances Begley
September 13, 2022

Let them be evil still…
Why should we pray for Lucifer…he has been cast down, stripped of his heavenly worth and assignment.. and why must we go into intercession for Satan’s possessed emissary…unless he is chained to a tomb somewhere…like the maniac of Gadera…Jesus went to him…the man…captive both in body, soul and spirit and dealt with him to cast out The Demons…then he was clothed and in his right mind…

We have a strange way of casting out devils…we invite them in our prayer rooms with no power to deliver because we consider The Beattitudes…Jesus was talking about human to human contact…
This was not a lesson on demonic warfare…this lesson would keep a person from going there to start with!

This man is already a pagan heathen prancing around now with governmental authority…Satan only has the authority he steals…

We are admonished as believers to CHANGE the iniquitous structures in our walk…Believers are cleansed from all unrighteousness by the Blood of Jesus but the crucifying the flesh is our work along side the Holy Spirit for GUIDANCE…
We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves!

This is not the way to pray for our nation and it certainly is not the way to pray for this Professed Satanist !
Jezebel is gathering her prophets of Baal…Elijah didn’t call for an Altar Call when confronting the prophets of Baal..he invited them to do what they do best…call publicly unto their gods….and publicly show their power…a challenge as to WHO is really GOD!

Well, here we are getting to the place where the People shall see and say, The Lord, HE is God…Jesus only did the Words the Father told Him to do…build a godly knowledge and conscience in mankind…He told us we would do greater…He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He is the Risen Savior and has already conquered death and hell and is seated on the right hand of the Father…and has made us to sit with Him in heavenly places far above principalities and powers and rulers of darkness of this world…wickedness in high places!!!

We are not to have Altar Calls for Satanists! Intercessors of America WISE up…you are dealing with the (a) serpent the devil in a possessed human body…

The Gospel works…start preaching before the Intercessors call for this!! The cart is before the horse on this! We must pray and rule in spiritual authority OVER the devil…Jesus came that he might destroy the WORKS of the devil…this man now has a government sanction and foothold to works the works of the devil! Lord, help us to focus on Your Way…The Truth and the Life…

Heavenly Father, I ask for and receive GRACE for abundant life today…in the Mighty Name of Jesus…Jesus, this thorn in our flesh that is buffeting this nation is a daily thing for us until we learn how to cast it off from us…we know that in each day there is sufficient for each the day —one day at a time—is the evil thereof…and Your Grace is sufficient for that day…so help us to be mindful of what we do with the SUFFICIENT GRACE we have been shown and given to cover We Your People…and this nation in this spiritual and natural WAR that Satan has waged and rages to win! But You, Heavenly Father, know exactly what You are doing and how Your Son is working…all power and authority has been given to Him…He is Lord of all and is OUR Lord…now reveal to us a better plan than what we can now see so undone but not impossible and speak and show us exactly what we are to do and allow us to take hold of the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God PRAYING…and be the effectual fervent PRAYERS of the righteous and begin to Avail much…and to Prevail against this onslaught by the Gates of Hell…not the Gates of Hell prevailing against the church! We are up against the Gates of Hell that has already been defeated by Jesus on the Cross…and the three days His Redemptive Blood emptied hell of its captives …Jesus led the Captivity Captive and He has given Gifts sufficient to gain VICTORY to us! Lord, we ask that the Voices coming from our Homes in America begin to activate the Gift of Faith that we can know what is the Hope of our calling!!!
Glory Hallelujah
Glory Hallelujah
Give all the Glory to God!
Yeshua, come reside in us and abide in our Homes today!!!

Your Prayerful Friend

September 13, 2022

Father God !! Have mercy on our land ! Forgive us of our sin, pour out your Spirit and awaken us from our sleep ! We want Revival in our land and all eat to the White House!! 🙏🙏🙏

September 13, 2022

Father, We plead the blood, power, authority and covering of Yeshua, Jesus over our leaders, elected or appointed, they are only there because you allow it. Thank you for the hedge of protection around your people! We take authority and bind this stronghold in Jesus’ name, Their plans fail, communication is thwarted, their resources dry up as the fall leaves, this evil regime is bound and cursed, their efforts are void and meaningless. We remove blinders from the nations in Jesus name. ANY who will turn to you and repent, please bring them to salvation, freedom and victory in Jesus name. Those who will not repent and renounce the evil one, please remove them from leadership. We ask you for this country back, to return to you, Father, pour out your Holy Spirit! Send us the harvest, in Jesus name. So be it.

Kate Nath
September 13, 2022

Please Heavenly Father God, please BIND all evil entities,etc. involved/lurking about this new appointee & similar in Biden admin….please Holy Lord, LOOSE Your Power that Your Will be Done, in Jesus Christ’s Name we humbly pray ! Thank You, Abba GOD…Amen !

Roger Hall
September 13, 2022

Lord, I pray for the salvation of this man and all those who worship the evil one!

Kate Nate
September 13, 2022

Please Heavenly Father God, please BIND all evil entities,etc. involved/lurking about this new appointee & similar in Biden admin….please Holy Lord, LOOSE Your Power that Your Will be Done, in Jesus Christ’s Name we humbly pray ! Thank You, Abba GOD…Amen !

Zoe Ella
September 13, 2022

The words and imagery and concepts are terrifying. Our job is to calmly remain constant in the Word of God. It is not surprising that this orientation manifests now, when so many are standing in the truth. The main point is to frighten us away. Stand calm, in the loving energy of truth, and, without being distracted by the temptation to judge and condemn, never waver from that truth.

God, You have sent this challenge. Fortify us in a strong response which is made more potent by not feeding the darkness by focusing on it with our emotions. Keep us centered in You.

Marianne Strenger
September 13, 2022

The gates of hell shall not prevail. Every weapon formed against the Lord and His people shall not prosper. What harm the devil means for harm God turns to good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! Jesus name is the name that is above every name. Stand on His truth and do not be intimidated or fear. Stand strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

Linda Welsh
September 13, 2022

We cast down this lying demonic presence now by the blood of Jesus. Jesus name above all names has authority over this evil & we declare all his works will come to naughty

Candace Klatt
September 13, 2022

May the one true God show himself mighty. for the pulling down of strongholds.
Lord hear our prayer, shine your love and light. Let them both come to the realization they need you as their Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray.

September 13, 2022

Saint Joseph Terror of Demons pray for us. Saint Michael the Archangel Defend us in battle. Mother Mary our Most humble Mother crush satan’s head.

September 13, 2022

Lord, you know all the ways of the enemy and so I ask you would bind even this attempt to undermine your Word and your promises for this nation. I declare that God will have His way in our nation and especially in the lives of those who now serve in the federal government in all agencies in all places such as the Supreme Court, the Justice Dept. , the State Dept., the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the Pentagon and also in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Have your way, Lord, and continue to move us to pray for all those in authority according to your Word. In Jesus’s name I pray, Amen.

Jane Fain
September 13, 2022

Thank you IFA for posting this article. The Lord lay it upon my heart to state praying for Rachel Levine (In the Health and Human Services Department) and then He laid it upon my heart to pray for this Dr. Daskalakis.
What a great opportunity to reach these people through prayer.
You know who God wants to bring to Him when you see them and hear their name through media. So now we can pray for them and their heart of stone can become a heart of flesh and they will be opened up to accept JESUS and pray that, that decision will be sealed up by the Holy Spirit so the enemy can not steal what God has done.

September 13, 2022

🙌 🙏
Father God, Let Your everlasting light shine in the dark places of the WH and bring change only You can bring! In Jesus name, Amen†

September 13, 2022

Saint Michael, please help Us !!

Allena Jordan
September 13, 2022

Father, this man is a lost soul for whom Jesus died. Lord, turn him around. Disturb him with day visions and night dreams. Lord, surround him with Your angels of light. Send Holy Spirit to convict. Reveal the living Christ to this man who has wide influence. Deliver him from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of Your dear Son where he will find real freedom. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    September 13, 2022

    May his heart be troubled to be drawn to the everlasting light of Christ Jesus.

Pat Null
September 13, 2022

Thanks for reminding me not to despise but to pray for the soul of this doctor.
The power of the Holy Spirit is greater than any demonic force.

September 13, 2022

I wonder why Biden would choose a Satanist to join his cabinet. Darkness and light don’t mix unless it is darkness with more darkness however Jesus gave us the authority to come against all the power of the enemy in His name therefore we bind all the power that is operating in this Satanist and declare his power null and void in Jesus name.

Sandy Lewis
September 13, 2022

Lord, we lift up Dr. Daskalakis to you. This is another shocking revelation to me but not to you. You have seen the evil growing in this country while I have been blind to it. But, You are in the business of revealing truth and shining a light on the darkness. Bring your Light, oh Lord! May Your light shine brightly and expose all the darkness in our government, in our states, in our cities, in our churches, and even in our own families. May your Truth be made known in this nation and world. Bring dreams, visions and your reality to those in darkness, including Dr. Daskalakis. Send those you are raising up to speak to the lost and hurting. Prod me to continue to pray for the lost. I want to be a light; send me, Lord.

Michael Walton
September 13, 2022

Lord, let a curtain of fire separate the Biden Regime and its actors from the American People. Let it not be crossed. Erect your Holy Angels as sentinels to protect the Godly inheritance of the Saints in the United States of America. Father, reveal your salvation to the Biden Regime; if they look to you, let them find salvation. If they refuse, let them be delivered over to the adversary and forever separated from harming your children, your inheritance in this nation.

We lift our eyes to the hills, where does our help come from? Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Jehovah is they keeper: Jehovah is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not spite thee by day, Nor the moon by night. Jehovah will keep thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 121

Jim Kroyer
September 13, 2022

Father, I thank you for the work you are facilitating to expose the hearts of people in government who are contrary to Your Word. I pray you continue to reveal the true motives and of people like Dr. Daskalakis to mislead the public about his satanic beliefs. I pray John 10:10 for him, that he may see the error of his beliefs and encounter the Lord Jesus in a life-changing way. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Patricia Jennings’s
September 13, 2022


September 13, 2022

Father, thank you for exposing who this man is, and what he is involved in. I pray Lord that you will grant him an encounter with Jesus, and deliver him from the demons who are holding him captive. Father, we ask that you would expose every evil thing they are planning and everything being done in darkness. Lord we decree and declare that this goth gym will be shut down, that the portal that has been opened there will be closed, and that you will once again claim that property for your Kingdom! In Jesus name!

September 13, 2022

Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit will minister to this man. I pray you send someone to cross his path and minister the love of God and the salvation message. I bind you satan and your cohorts from his mind and his heart. I release the love of God to minister to him in the mighty name of Jesus. I plead the blood of Jesus over him as a hedge protection against the evil. In the name of Jesus. I praise you and thank you that you hear our prayers.

Marsha Bashor
September 13, 2022

Yes I pray also for the salvation of this man in Jesus’ name. Bring him to his knees and to repentance to honor you, and to realize that satan’s way is the way of death.

The Prayer Sentry
September 13, 2022

“Shepherds” (leaders) have lost all sense of direction. There is no wisdom in the gates.

Jack Stroud
September 13, 2022

Lord Jesus please reveal your light on this dark soul. Expose the truth and lead him into your light. In your beloved name I pray.

Susan CC
September 13, 2022

Revelation 21:7-8 The one who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son. But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Hebrews 4:12-13 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

Hebrews 10:31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

Luke 12:5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear the One who, after you have been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him!

Dear Heavenly Father, cowards are identified first in the list of those who will know eternal damnation. In these days there is much to fear but You tell us to be courageous, There is much to fear but nothing is hidden from You and You are our strength. Strengthen us to stand and fight. I pray You will have Your way with Mr. Daskalakis, may he be pierced and judged, may he himself, give his account to You on his face, unable to stand…today. I pray You will protect us from our government which is comprised of wicked men and women. On November 8th, I pray You will raise up men and women deserving of leadership and remove those who are not. I confess in my heart, I pray death and destruction to Daskalakis and most in this administration. I am sorry. May they be terrified knowing they are in the hands of THE LIVING GOD and You have the power to throw them into hell. I pray You have Your way Lord and for us who love You, help us fight the good fight. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Genobra Russell
September 13, 2022

Father in the namecof JESUS, you desire that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of your truth sanctify him with your truth. Let knowledge be pleasant to him and discretion watch over and understanding keep him from evil and evil of men. Let cry out what must l do to be saved. It is written the treasures of wickedness shall profit nothing. Let the fear of God who art in heaven enter his heart, transforming him from Satan to God. In JESUS name!!!!

September 13, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, forgive us please as we have been blind, complacent and rested too much in comfortable. It has been a deception that we are renouncing and coming to You in humble repentance . Please save us and our children from this evil. Help us in our battle . Please pierce the darkest hearts with Your truth that they may turn and come to repentance and to Yourself. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

Brian Price
September 13, 2022

Oh God, our God. Remove the scales from this man’s eyes. Replace his heart of stone with a heart of flesh. Draw him to You with a desire to know You.
Whether he accepts You or not, make his evil services powerless, having no effect on everyone it is/was intended for. All curses, spoken or unspoken, known or unknown, written down or thought up, generational or time-released, are now broken off, bound, cast out and destroyed in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Paul Fishman
September 13, 2022

We pray the blood of Christ over the spiritual demonic authority of Dr. Daskalakis who is planning sex rituals of biological and transgender people along with death devices for babies born and unborn. May his plans of euthanasia and human sex trafficking along with his experimentation of transhumanism become to naught.

September 13, 2022

Well then, are we AWAKE yet? Do we grasp the nature of this enemy?
Folks, they are NOT deceived; they know what they are doing.

September 13, 2022

While it may seem like the Christian way to pray for this man and for the Biden Admin,God gives them over to their sin. This is exactly what God did time and time again in scripture. I know where there is life there is hope. I also know that without repentance,that hope is all but gone. The spirit of error is the spirit in which Biden and many of his ilk operate. THEY need to come to repentance-apart from a Damascus Road experience for them,I do not hold.out much hope and I pray God’s will over their lives be done,In Jesus Mighty Name,Amen.

Patty DeGroot
September 13, 2022

The Lord woke me from a sound sleep at 3:30 a.m. this morning. I checked the IFA website first. This article was there. Demonic activity is disturbing & we are going to have to learn how to pray against it. Thank U, IFA, for exposing this information. “Father, teach us how to push back evil through prayer. Your glorious Bride, the body of Christ, is going to be presented to U without spot or wrinkle. Use even this appointment by Joe Biden to bring us to our knees together so we can honor U in this nation. Give us all backbone, wisdom and grace to love one another. Our love for each other is attractive to those looking on when darkness is around us. Thank U that Jesus is coming again. The enemy is a defeated foe. His time is short. Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Thank U, Jesus, for your shed blood on our behalf. We adore U & trust U. In Jesus precious name. Amen.”

    Karen Vaughn
    September 13, 2022

    Although I may agree with what you’ve expressed, I caution you and all who may, without truly thinking, use a capital “U” in place of the most holy, mighty, sovereign and powerful name of God, our Father, or Jesus, our Savior. Honor His Name, a Name which is above every name !

      Patsy K Miller
      September 13, 2022

      @Karen Vaughn ..
      THANK YOU for honoring GOD’S Holy Name through a needed righteous rebuke to any & all who have reduced His Holy Name to a mere convenient earthly symbol.

      God Bless You!!

September 13, 2022

Joe Biden isn’t the president. We have to align ourselves with God. We can’t recognize him as that when he’s not. I suggest Joe or Biden. How can we show respect when he has none for the American people. And yes we will pray against the Satanist that thinks he has authority, when he really doesn’t either. He’s fake and so is Joe Biden. Love and prayers for all the hard work you and your team are consistently doing in a daily basis. Keep up the good work.

    Patsy K Miller
    September 13, 2022

    No matter how President Biden came into office, the Word of GOD STANDS & is True, & GOD tells us in His Word that it is HE Who raises men up to be leaders/kings/presidents, and it is HE Who brings them down.

    In GOD’S great mercy & Grace, He gave us one last period of time to have a president that led in ways that were right & good & pleasing/honoring to Christ; but due to the wickedness of our nation… even many churches who have compromised The Word of the LORD & is even dismissing it so; therefore, His Judgment is now determined upon our nation & that is why GOD has allowed the evil to reign; bringing upon our land & our people oppressive & destructive policies & laws where followers of Jesus Christ will be called to stand & be courageous & faithful & endure to the end!

    Jesus tells us to respect & pray for those in leadership…& He never once said that it is contingent upon how we are being treated.

      September 13, 2022

      What say you about Hitler?

      September 13, 2022

      Let’s finish the verse everyone likes to quote. 1 Timothy 2: 1-3.
      I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness .

Kay Dillard
September 13, 2022

God you are greater than anyone on earth. This man is only a man of little strength. You are the all powerful God. As king David said when he was facing Goliath “I will not fear what man can do, but wholly trust in the Lord.” Then he took the stone and slew him. Now I take the word of God and sling it at him. In the holy precious name of Jesus I command him to fall. Amen

    September 13, 2022

    Lord I ask U to save him or bring him home to meet the REAL, Most High God, so he can do no more damage, no wonder NYC is such a mess and we praise U Lord for waking Christians there in recent days, thank U for using IFA to bring it to our attention so we bring this captive to U for deliverance and redemption. And so all will know U Lord of Light, Truth, Life and real, authentic LOVE! This is not too hard for You Lord!

September 13, 2022

Me? I’m praying the Lord will remove this disgusting person and! I don’ care how!

    Jane D Fain
    September 13, 2022

    Hank, pray for him to have a “Road to Damascus” experience and then after coming to Jesus remove himself and go witness JESUS to those he is sent to. That’s what comes to my mind to pray. I’m also praying for the transgenders in this Administration to have an encounter with JESUS and leave to do the same thing that I’m praying for this Dr. Daskalakis.

September 13, 2022

Wow, praying with you for this person!

September 13, 2022

Father, Daniel, Mordecai, and Nehemiah were all servants in immoral and ungodly administrations, yet you used them and the leaders above them to accomplish your good purposes and plans. We don’t understand how a person with not only ungodly, but anti-godly leanings could be placed in such a significant role, but we ask for your deliverance for us.
As Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, we understand that there will be individuals who stand against Your good purposes. Yet we pray they would have no effect in stopping or even deterring Your design in our land. You are sovereign. We celebrate You and surrender to Your plan for us. Help us to listen to Your heart and obey. Renew and refresh our heart of love for You.
And we pray that You would either move Dr. Dasalakis’ heart toward You (as You did with other antagonists like Saul of Tarsus), or that You would remove him from a place of influence. I pray this in Jesus’ name, for Your glory! Amen

    September 13, 2022

    Lord Father we stand in agreement with David’s prayer! Father I also ask that you activate Your mightiest of warring angel armies to stand against this evil regime and it’s demonic influence and protect us and this nation that was established in Your name Father! Hear the prayers of the saints Father that on bended knee worship you day and night! Lord Father watch over this mighty nation and it’s
    People. In Jesus name amen

Lloyd King
September 13, 2022

Father God, I find it very disturbing that a man who claims to be a Christian would place a known satanist in any position is government. I find it very disturbing that a man who claims to be a Christian and serves as President of the United States is so determined to kill innocent babies. I find it apalling that Americans, or any other group of human beings, would approve of and work to legalize murder. On that great day of judgment the goats will be separated from the sheep and justice will be served. Let those who work against You remember, “Judgment is without mercy for those who show no mercy.” God have mercy on this nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen


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