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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that you spoil the plans of the enemy for control and manipulation, especially of our children. Let your kingdom come and your will be done, Lord!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It doesn’t take a lot of discernment to see where this is going. We must pray against this evil plot to alter and control our kids.

From Daily Caller. The WEF is always looking forward when it comes to human development (instead of fixing current problems) and focusing on augmented realities as a very real part of our future, according to their its guest article from WEF contributor and Vice President of R&D at IMEC Kathleen Philips.

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The next natural step to detach from reality as God made it, proposed by Philips? Microchipping ourselves and our children, apparently….

“Superheroes have been dominating big and small screens for a while, but there’s a subtle change happening. Many children expect to develop superpowers themselves,” Philips writes as the opening argument in favor of microchipping everyone. She then says that “we’re already making the first strides toward an ‘augmented society.’” Presumably we’ll all have super powers?…


At no point in the piece does Philips offer up an example of these myriad ethical issues with microchipping children, or anyone, like the fact we could potentially give up our free will to whomever gains control of our personal “implants.” Evidently ethics are the only thing that will get in the way of a microchipped society’s full potential.

Or, as Philips spins it, “the limits on implants are going to be set by ethical arguments rather than scientific capacity. For example, should you implant a tracking chip in your child? There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety. Would you actually do it? Is it a bridge too far?…”

(Editor’s Note: In 1991, I attended the National Religious Broadcaster’s convention. I remember just one statement from the days long event. Chuck Colson accurately predicted, “We are reaching the point where we will trade our freedoms for personal safety.” Watch Childhood 2.0 to learn how irrational fears about children’s safety have contributed to a world where American children are addicted to harmful social media and porn. Watch Pray with Others Live with Jamie Rohrbaugh and hear her explain how entertainment has primed children and parents for the New World Order, transhumanism, and microchips.)

How are you praying against the evil plans and ideas of the WEF? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: Jordan Whitt on Unsplash)

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Patience Bazuaye-Alonge
September 4, 2022

Lord God of heaven…. Elohim…. Please overturn the wicked, diabolical plans of evil, rebellion and witchcraft against our children and the human society. Crush their deceptive, evil and manipulative pathways to microchip our children. Rescue families and the children speedily. Open the hearts and minds of parents to completely resist the evil one now and forever in Jesus mighty name Amen

August 31, 2022

We knewcthis was coming! This demonic and deplorable and we squash head of serpent who wants to microchip our kids! I am Am praying Hedge of Protection over all USA kids and all children globally! In Jesus name. I would like to view original source of information. WEF commentary. Praise Jesus For You Are Able To protect our children ! In Your Angelic realms defeat this enemy with one swipe of your terrible swift sword! 🙏

August 29, 2022

This is truly wrong. It is the Mark of the Beast. Lord Jesus, PLEASE protect our innocent children from this evil action, obviously being one more aspect of the New World Order/Global Elititists and their satanic efforts to control every person’s behavior. Starting it with the Children is just plain evil. Lord Jesus, we call upon Your Angel Armies to sabotage and intervene in this evil act. Thank You, Jesus.

August 27, 2022

someone help me, where is the actual article in reference?

August 27, 2022

Father God: As I read the stories of the Woke, Leftist, Democratic Party and this Administration my heart hurts with the many things they come up with to hurt, and try to destroy this country. Having a child to have a chip implant speaks of a start of what Revelations speaks about. It is not time for that full-filament. God and the people have a lot of restoration to do as we join together in Unity to Bring Jesus back in our lives, our churches, pastors lives, our schools our homes etc., As I was reading scriptures tonight, God says If we call upon his name he will be there for us. As I ponder the word Faith as I do often, we cannot see Faith like we cannot see God, but when he seeps into your mind, heart, as you pray there is a drawing of closeness as the Holy Spirit speaks to us. When you think deeply you do realize that the scriptures are a map so we do not get loss. I am a Big reader but during this time of stolen elections and then the BIO Virus hit that was man made then FEAR rose and many deaths happened. I lost all interest in my reading except the Bible, books that had prophetic value to them and researching the stories on One World Order, and there strategy of making super humans in this earth. I laugh when they them selves are so full of Satans power of evil spirits they are Mentally Sick they do not control their own bodies Demonic spirits do. What I have to say for having a chip in a child’s body is a dangerous, evilnesses that can happen. It’s all about control they are sick with power, money, control, These false prophets cannot hold control, because God is aware to all possible avenues he is waiting, warmth to test where they are fit in. My prayers are director At the people that are being manipulated by a strong force of Satanic beings that does not have the power to do what they are doing, use your power that Jesus Christ gifted you. We are fighting against the darkness of a group of people who cannot control us, They have no power against Gods army. In Jesus name the blood that has power to stop a freight Train just by saying the word and believing. Get your sword out use the words of power against all your enemies in all phases we encounter. Psalms : 91 says it best, put on your armor daily. Daily and more information will send a large yellow light so bright for all to see. God in all of His Glory Thank you Jesus, praise the names of God and the Holy Spitir for all of the protection.

Leslie E Schaub
August 26, 2022

Read George Orwell’s “1984”.

Donna J Talley
August 26, 2022

Father come against any demonic assignments against our children today and declare…no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper! Spirit of Truth, raise up a standard on the inside of them to combat anything that the enemy would raise against them and trumpet yourself through their souls like a butler at dawn. Holy Spirit, thank you for leading and guiding them into all truth.

Zoe Ella
August 25, 2022

This idea or plan (microchipping) is Orwellian and very scary. It leads to what is in effect the death of humankind in favor of a group of Borg-like beings under a central control. Death sounds like a less disturbing option to living in this way. Recommended reading: “Brave New World’ by Huxley, “Brave New World Revisited” (an explanation) by the same author, and “1984” by Orwell. Both of these books give a preview of where we may be headed if we continue to agree to go in the ways that seem to be happening.

August 25, 2022

Father, I thank you for your mercy and love. I pray for your intercession to thwart the evil plans of our enemies and give strength to those who lift up your truth. Father, protect the children from the atrocities that are plaguing our nation; the nation that was founded in your name. I pray your nane is brought to every household and every knee bows in acknowledgement of you. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Cynthia Williamson
August 25, 2022

Lord God I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that no weapon formed against our children will prosper you said father God we have not because we ask not what we’re asking you to protect our children in Jesus name and cancel the enemy’s plans

Shpend Shyti
August 25, 2022

May the Lord be merciful with us.
We are gone too far.
In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

August 25, 2022

Putting safety before God and faith in Him is idolatry! Who do we want to follow?

August 25, 2022

This is the mark of the beast per Revelation 13:16 -“And he causes all, both small and great , rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead”.
Those with the beast’s mark can NOT enter eternal life but will join Satan in eternal torment. Revelation 14:9-10 & Rev 20:4. Satan is the father of lies and is using the government to tell us it is for our good and safety when it is ultimately the wrath of God and our death.
Help us and guide us, give us strength and perseverance to fight Satan and his minions, in Jesus’ Holy name,Father, Amen.

Barbara Janicki
August 25, 2022

As I read the Colson quote, “we will trade our freedoms for our personal safety” – I couldn’t help but think of a quote from CS Lewis’s “Lion, Witch, Wardrobe” story where when the question was asked about Aslan the lion – “is he safe?” the answer was, “of course he’s not safe, but he’s good.” There are things more important, more valuable, more enduring than mere safety. I’m glad safety wasn’t the top priority of those who sailed to this country at great peril to themselves and if they survived the voyage, still needed to face and figure out all the dangers that awaited them here in this new unsettled land – no homes, no food – they had left safety behind in pursuit of freedom – in particular religious freedom. Those who moved continually west across our country, left the safety of the land they had already settled in favor of unknown possibilities of a better life which they prized above their safety. I’m thankful our founders prized freedom over their own safety, when they broke away from being subjects of the crown/king and at great personal cost, created a new nation complete with a Constitution that guarantees, not safety but freedom and opportunity for every individual. Being a Christ follower is the same – it has never been the “safe” choice – eleven of the twelve disciples were killed for their faith in Jesus and today around the world many know if they choose Jesus it puts their lives in danger from that day forward. Some things are more important than personal safety – like faith and freedom to live out that faith. Those that left us this legacy of faith and freedom did not put their own personal safety above their higher callings to God and country. How grateful I am to be an inheritor of the legacy they left to us all. Will we now forfeit this legacy because we prefer to be safe rather than free? Our founders had faith in someone greater than themselves and believed in something bigger than themselves – which is made clear in our founding documents and their early writings. Following Christ and walking by faith is not for wimps – it requires great courage. I think today we are asking ourselves the wrong question – we don’t need to know if someone or something is the safe way or the safe choice – we need to know if it is the right way, the right choice, if it is good, God honoring actions – and those will always come with risks – in the past physical death, at the moment being “cancelled” but maybe tomorrow actual death will replace social media ostracization. Time we started living our lives in this real God created world, instead of a virtual world where we don’t know what’s real and what’s not. People can be controlled much more easily virtually than in reality, real time and real space. Safety at the expense of freedom – I think not. I’m with the guy who said, “give me liberty or give me death.” (Patrick Henry) and even more with the One who said “Take up your cross and follow Me.” – He isn’t safe, but He is most certainly good. following in faith is not for the faint of heart, it is for us who are brave enough to pursue truth and eventually, “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Our country is built on the sacrifices of those who did not put their personal safety above the greater good of a country where faith and freedom can flourish. We are being led as sheep to the slaughter. Time to speak up before we become so “safe” that we are no longer free to do anything or make any health, personal, professional etc. decisions for ourselves. Even our Creator leaves all decisions to us, whether to follow Him or not – pursue His ways or our ways – God gives us freedom of choice in all things. Why would we hand that over to government? Lord, thank You that in You there is freedom and eternal life. You are not safe but You alone are good. I can trust You with my life. And I do, I trust in You not in schemes of man. Please protect us all, especially our children and help us to sacrifice our safety now so that they can have a future of freedom and faith in You alone. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Mrs D
    August 25, 2022

    Thank you for the care and thought you gave to your comments. This is typical of your cogent, convicting and illuminating responses to articles such as this one. Thank you for taking the time and having the heart to add your wise counsel. I am delighted to have comments such as these to share with many others. Again, thank you.

      Barbara Janicki
      August 26, 2022

      thank you for your kind words of encouragement – I feel called to be doing something to bring God’s eternal truth into our public discourse, to combat all the lies put forth which lead away from God and His good plan for us all. You have encouraged me to keep on, one small step each day to do something for God’s kingdom. It is such a privilege I do not take for granted. God’s blessings to you as we serve Him together.

Gail Wood
August 25, 2022

I have a prayer list and it is long and microchipping and our DNA have long been on it. We all need to pray for God to give us even more discernment in this time.
Jesus , salvation and children are the most joyous and beautiful gift from God.
The enemy can destroy our future by eliminating our children and grandchildren. Children are the main target now.
God told us that when we pray His word back to Him that it will not fall to the ground and return empty or void but He would answer us.
God also said that if anyone harmed a child that it would be be better for them if a millstone were hung around d their necks and them be cast into the river.
We are going to continue to do battle on behalf of all the children and know that we are not alone because God sees each child and each one of us and He cares so very much. Every child is so precious to Him.
Pray the prayer of agreement with others and declare and decree in the mighty name of Jesus that our prayers are answered. God will give the children devine protection.

Father God. We come before you to bring our nation and it’s children to you. We know Father that we can come boldly to the very throne room and before your courts with praise and thanksgiving and that as we bring our prayer request to you that we can trust and know that you have us and that even when we see terrible things happening around us that we know that there is greater surrounding us and that is you and your love and protection.
We give to you Father God the hope of our lives , our futures and all that you have planned for us. We know full well that you have us and our nation as well as the future you have planned for us and that you are not going to allow this evil to destroy your works.
Praise and honor to you our mighty God,

Shirley Jager
August 25, 2022

Leave our little ones alone. Just tell them that Jesus died for our sins. And that he loves them.

August 25, 2022


Linda Vaughan
August 25, 2022

Father God,

Thank You that we are created in Your image, with a purpose & for Your purpose.

We pray that You would protect our children from satan’s plan.

As adults, help us to watch out for spiritual, physical & emotional well-being of the children. Please put a hedge of protection around them.

We thank You for Your love & mercy!

We know satan is a defeated foes& we praise You for Victory! In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

Heather M Peterson
August 25, 2022

Father, as one of Your own I do not put my trust in the world to protect me. I pray that my brothers and sisters will not be so overcome by fear and the need to be comfortable that they will put their trust in the world to protect and provide for them. You and You alone are my provider and my protector. I pray that You help us be Spirit led in all of our decisions. And may we courageously tell the Truth without shrinking back and be willing to help those brothers and sisters who pay the price for speaking out. Bind us together, Father, in the family unity that Jesus prayed for us. In the world but not of it…not depending on it to save us. Thank You Father for IFA to help us understand the times. Please bless this organization with all that they need to continue to fulfill the good works You have for them with complete integrity. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Melissa David
August 25, 2022

Abba Father, please protect children from evil and open the eyes and hearts of their parents to Satans plans!!!
Give them strength and wisdom to be on the lookout for evil control of their lives thru fear!

Ashley Monique Rush
August 25, 2022

We don’t need to be microchipped we need to repent and ask God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and ask him to take control of our lives my prayer is that God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will stop this from happening because it will not be a good thing

Mary Olson
August 25, 2022

This is just another end times prophecy being fulfilled, getting the mark of the beast. From my studies I thought that the implants would come after the rapture of the Christians, and 3.5 years into the tribulation. May we all be ready when the trumpet
sounds, come Lord Jesus come!

Pat M
August 25, 2022

This is so surreal and a downer to read…but God. It really tests our fortitude as intercessors to believe this can be overcome by a relentless enemy. Jesus, help us cope with this bombardment of evil projections upon our children who are already targeted on so many fronts to steal, kill and destroy their lives.

Mark Huffman
August 25, 2022

A lot of Christians think that Star Wars and Star Trek are harmless entertainment , but they are not. Read these articles from Conservapedia on these subjects.


After you read, these articles, you will be shocked how evil and damaging these tv series and movie series are. They are part of the reason why we are in sorry mess we are in.

August 25, 2022

Adonai! Lord of all! Have mercy on us and our children. The evil is all around us. We, your creations, cannot surrender to those who want to deceive us. We belong to you. Save us, please! We will praise you in righteousness for the holiness of Your Name. Your right arm is protecting all your children and your angels are battling the forces of evil for the honor of Your Name. Thy Kingdom come! Amen

Michell Newcombe
August 25, 2022

Father, I know you hear the cries of our hearts, this evil is trying to change what You and You alone created. We are children of God! our children are a cild of You Lord made in Your image, This evil WILL not stand. May every believer go out into the streets worshiping and singing praises to You to push back against the enemy and all it’s evil plans for our children and this nation. Open a door for this to come upon every believers heart so that not only You will hear it, but the enemy will flee!! in every city and state and around the world. Open the doors Lord and release You army of believers everywhere.
In Jesus name Amen!

Ana Allen
August 25, 2022

Lord, frustrate and confuse the plan of the enemy. In Jesus mighty name! Amen!

August 25, 2022

“ the scepter of the wicked shall not remain over the land allotted to the righteous” he who sits in the heavens laughs for he knows their day is coming. He holds in derision.( all the word of God. The devil cannot defeat it)

Basil Miles
August 25, 2022

Satan has many tricks, to try to get more control of this society (people), but when we put our Trust in GOD, HE is the one we need to rely on to get us out of these situations. We can’t do it ourselves. But when we put our Trust in GOD, HE will fight our battles for us. Trust HIM and don’t let the enemy cause fear to overcome us. GOD IS OUR DEFENCE!

August 25, 2022

Dear Lord, let parents trust you and you alone with the safety of our children. Do not let parents be deceived to give up in the name of keeping children safe.

Ellen Hoffman
August 25, 2022

My heart cries out to You, Lord. For the children, for the loss and the arrogance of mankind. Please God, bring those who think they can replace You to their knees – like You did with King Hezekiah. Nothing is too hard for You! Protect all the helpless children. Our technology has sent us further off the rails! We need You to change this, like You did at the tower of Babel. God You know the heart of mankind is deceitful, we fool even ourselves, our hearts are desperately wicked – we need You to change us! Lord please change us, remake us and conform us to the image of Your son!

Brenda cash
August 25, 2022

My daughter has had her kids vexed. She homeschooling. And I’m not allowed to say anything. God help us

    Debra L Shipp
    August 25, 2022

    Prayers for you and your family!

    August 25, 2022

    Im sorry to hear that. Its difficult as a parent and grandparent right now. One of the main things in this scenario that our wicked govt counts on is division. Keep us stirred up. Lord let the blood cover this family, and i know according to psalm 139 you will perfect that which concerns my dear sister.

    Jane Fain
    August 25, 2022

    At least she got one thing right. Homeschooling. I agree with what Debra wrote. We’ll be praying for her. I pray God will wake her up. He knows what it will take. God bless you.

August 25, 2022

I’ve been praying/declaring this scripture :

Ps 94:20,23
“Can a throne of destruction be allied with You,
One which devises mischief by decree?
He has brought back their wickedness upon them and will destroy in their wickedness “

TLB version verse 23 –
“…God has made the sins of evil men to boomerang upon them.
He will destroy them by their own plans”

Deborah Stevens
August 25, 2022

Lord, send your angels to protect & guard every child. Surround & protect them & keep them from every weapon & attack of the evil one in Jesus name! Amen!

Jeannette Wiley
August 25, 2022

I pray that God sends fire down on those who are planning to make us into transhumans with microchips and altering our DNA so we are subject to their control. They have clearly stated they will be gods and God will no longer exist. Those who are not eliminated through mass elimination (vaccines, pandemics, poisoning the ari) will be slaves. We should reject micro chips, transhumanism, those who want to inflict it, the WEF. This is evil and against the Word of God.

Mark Brickey
August 25, 2022

The Mark of the Beast…

Tom Bowersox
August 25, 2022

A microchip, the mark of the beast; so similar you need to ponder and pray. God gave us the gift of free will, we must not take this gift and give it to some power who wants to control us. With everything else going on in our nation, we know where this will lead.

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
August 25, 2022

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV).

hugh salter
August 25, 2022


Trudy Lapp
August 25, 2022

Praying for the Grandparents, and parents to Rise Up And Yes, Be Awakened, that Our discernment Be kicked up to Over-drive. Praying as we have Never before! Train up a child in The Way He or She Should Go And They Will Not Depart From It! And Then Gods’ Word Will Not Return Void…. It Is Up to Us to Be on Our Knees, Thank You Lord, For Your Word of Life, And Our Speaking, and Decreeing IT’S Truth to Our Families, for Holy Ghost Boldness to Be The Light in The darkness.

Nancy Bryda
August 25, 2022

I decree not only exposure of the enemy but blueprints from heaven on total derailment. Your will is and will continue to be done onEarth as it is in heaven. I decree awakening and mobilization of the ekklesia across the Earth. The army of God is and will continue to arise with exponential increase. I decree integrity voting and binding of the enemy’s roots with 3rd great awakening and revival/reformation of the church and government to the plans of King Jesus in America.

Pam Johnson
August 25, 2022

Father, cleanse our hearts and bring us back to you! Your the safest place for us and our children! God we are helpless under the onslot of heinous media and games that destroy right thinking! Give us courage to stand and fight!

August 25, 2022



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