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The Environmental Downside of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles, often touted as the environmentally-conscious choice, are often times just as bad as normal automobiles. From FEE Stories. At one time, “Saving the Environment” and “Fighting Climate Change” were synonymous. That is no longer true. The quest for Clean Energy through electric vehicles (EVs) epitomizes “the end justifies the means.” According to the … Continued

Victory in California

This ruling in California is a victory for common sense, freedom, and for biblical principles of the value of all men and women. You will be encouraged that this court ruled that discrimination does not remedy discrimination in this case. From Judicial Watch: We won a significant victory last week in the California Superior Court … Continued

Staglfation Risk Grows in U.S.

Inflation has become a major problem in America and for now has shown no signs of going away. From Fox Business. The U.S. economy is at a mounting risk of spiraling into a 1970s-style stagflation crisis as the Russia-Ukraine war exacerbates already sky-high inflation, according to a new analysis. The Economist Intelligence Unit, in a Thursday note, … Continued

Lessons from C.S. Lewis on Wartime

As the world watches war unfold in Ukraine, many may wonder if any good can come out of such a thing. It is important to remember that it is the times of greatest tragedy that point people to the Lord. From Bible to Life. We are tempted to say that gruesome calamities are always bad … Continued

Marriage is Statistically Beneficial, but Dating is on the Decline

Marriage is statistically beneficial for the mental health and happiness of parents and children, yet dating is on the decline. What does this trend reveal about the warfare against families? From The Federalist. Fewer Americans are interested in seeking out a life partner even though data shows that marriage often leads to flourishing. New polling from … Continued

The Pressing Chip Shortage

The international chip shortage has sent the price of vehicles soaring and affected the medical industry as well. With no end in sight, we need divine strategy from the Lord. From Independent. The Biden administration has warned that there could be extreme risks to the United States’ economy due to the semiconductor shortage. The chip shortage has significantly … Continued

10 Truths to Share with Kids about Easter

What are the essentials for Easter with kids? This list from Crosswalk.com is helpful. 1. The Easter story is 100 percent true. The evidence for the resurrection is overwhelming. Overwhelming! We don’t have space here to go into all the fulfilled prophecies and logic-based arguments for the Resurrection. Books like Cold-Case Christianity for Kids and The Case for Christ … Continued

The Danger of Shaping the Lord in Our Image

Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sin. Idolatry is not a new sin, but it is perhaps more insidious now than ever before. From Ask Dr Brown. The essence of idolatry is that we create a god in our image, confusing His nature with ours and thereby conforming Him to our standards. … Continued

Survey: Attachment to God Boosts Happiness

While religion can be very comforting, it also carries its share of challenges. Those who truly rely on God, however, are statistically shown to be happier than those with lukewarm faith. From PsyPost. Religion can be a significant, comforting part of many peoples’ lives and has been linked to positive mental health outcomes. A study … Continued

IFA Guest Advances to Primary Ballot

With election integrity at the center of her campaign, Tina Peters’ campaign is one to watch. This prayerful woman spoke with Kris Kubal and Camille Solberg on Pray with America’s Leaders. You can watch HERE. This video clip explains why she is in the news now.   Photo Credit: Getty Images


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