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I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would protect the unborn and shut down Planned Parenthood. Prevent any of our money from going to this sinister organization, Lord.
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Even if these bills do not pass the Senate, they are reigniting important discussions. Praise God!

From Alpha News. U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota introduced two pro-life bills in the U.S. House of Representatives this month.

Who is praying on the wall?


The Republican congresswoman’s proposed pieces of legislation include the Defund Planned Parenthood Act (H.R. 371) and the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act (H.R. 372), according to a press release.

Although text of the bills were not yet available online as of Jan. 27, the press release states that H.R. 371 would prohibit Planned Parenthood from “accessing any federal mandatory or discretionary funds.”

H.R. 372, moreover, would mandate “all federally funded entities to certify that they will not perform abortions or provide funds to any other entity that performs an abortion, with exceptions for rape, incest, and to protect the life of the mother.”

Even if the bills passed the Republican-controlled House, they would likely die in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Nevertheless, Rep. Fischbach hopes to reignite the conversation about why taxpayers are currently forced to fund abortion. …

What do you think of these bills? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments below.

(Excerpt from Alpha News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Curtis Guhl
February 2, 2023

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal Government can’t determine life and death among the unborn meaning no funding of abortion. The Court could look again and see there is a provision for life.

February 1, 2023

Yes Hallelujah! FATHER GOD please right this horrible wrong against innocent taxpayers who would not want their dollars being used to murder babies! FATHER GOD cause senators to vote for this to bring down the idol of murder that has been hanging over our country’s head in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

February 1, 2023

El Elyon our most high God, I come to you with a heart of repentance for those who do not have eyes nor ears open to wonderous life you provide all living creatures. I plea that you open the eyes of those seated in government to protect all life to the fullest. Each time a person in authority considers going against precious life, they experience the overwhelming sadness and grief that you experience each time a baby is not born. I command in Jesus Name their hearts will no longer be harden to life as they experience life to the fullest through God Almighty himself. As you say in Isaiah 33:22 you’re the Judge and lawgiver. You are the only one who can save us. In Jesus Name Amen

Susan CC
February 1, 2023

👎🏻”Even if the bills passed the Republican-controlled House, they would LIKELY die in the Democrat-controlled Senate.”
👍Job 42: 2 “I know that You can do all things and that no plan of Yours can be thwarted.
👍Jeremiah 32:27 “Behold I am the Lord, . . . is there anything too hard for ME?”

Dear Abba Father, I know You can do anything, and no one can stop You. You are God Almighty, nothing is too hard for You. I pray it pleases You to do the UNLIKELY and stop the funding of PP. I am also asking for Your great favor to cover Michelle Fischbach. I ask this and so much more for the sake of the unborn and in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus. Amen

Nancy Williams
February 1, 2023

Abortion is not a health issue. Until we take an axe to the root, there will be laws to protect murder. Father we need wisdom and discernment in knowing what and how to battle. At what point in time, did federal government decide that they have control over people’s health? And at what point in time did the federal government decide that abortion is a health issue? It’s the same issue with education. We have been purchased with filthy lucre, and the outcome is satanic. Father please forgive us for not recognizing the progression of evil over the last century, because we were so comfortable. This problem of, really all 7 pillars of society, being bought out by big money has landed us in such corruption, that no human can fix it. We bow to You Lord, asking for mercy and grace upon our country. The government is upon Your shoulders, and You are a good, good Father. Overturn the tables of the money changers, and help Your people to see that we are responsible to become humbly involved in every level of governing. Government is meant to protect us from evil, not to rule over our families, churches, education, media, entertainment, business, and legal system. Our first obligation and honor, is to sit at Your feet, to love each other, as You have loved us, and to reintroduce every aspect of society to Your redeeming love and power. We will first seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, then all these things will be added unto us. You alone are the center of all! This bill may be a good start. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Bill Johnson
February 1, 2023

Hit where it hurts- in the pocketbook!! To me that is the main reason this group exists- money!! Without money they will evaporate!!

Susan S
February 1, 2023

We should definitely pray for this bill to pass. We should also call or write or email our representative. If it passes the House, we should contact our senators as well.

Sara F T
February 1, 2023

May those in the senate, who have enabled the darkness to permiate our nation, have a “Saul/Paul” experience and turn from their evil ideologies and stand for what is right and Godly: protecting the unborn and all (innocent) life. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name Amen

Ken Budz
February 1, 2023

Lord please help us live according to Your will. I believe You would want the killing of innocent children to stop. Please God help this legislation go forward. We need You and Your help Lord. Not all of our leaders are corrupt always, help the situation. Amen.

February 1, 2023

Be still my heart…YES YES YES… Blocked by the Senate or not this is my God loving me…YES YES YES… We say YES Lord …whatever it is you need…we say YES ! 👍🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🙋🌹 THANK YOU IFA FOR BRINGING THIS /FOR MAKING US AWARE. HOLY KISSES 💋
Sweet 🧁 Justice !

Brenda Hughes
February 1, 2023

I think this is wonderful….Rep Fishbach has courage and insight to keep the conversations in the forefront. We must stay vigilant to keep fighting on all levels available!! All Babies lives matter to Our Heavenly Father!


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