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God, thank You for exposing the link between these two groups. Now that we know the truth, Father, we ask You to bring justice.
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Are the people who attack pregnancy centers connected to Antifa? Let’s pray for truth and justice regarding both groups.

From The Washington Times. Dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers have been terrorized for months by a radical pro-choice outfit calling itself Jane’s Revenge, but now it looks as if the previously unknown group is entwined with a more significant threat: Antifa.

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Antifa trackers and conservative media outlets linked two Miami residents charged with conspiracy in attacks on crisis pregnancy centers in Florida to the shadowy anarchist movement after the Justice Department unsealed the federal indictment last week.

One of the suspects, 23-year-old Amber Smith-Stewart, has made no secret of her Antifa sympathies. She has identified herself as “Antifa, anti-capitalist” on her Facebook page, which includes images of pro-Antifa posters and flags from a screenshot posted on the AntifaWatch website.

The second suspect, 27-year-old Caleb Freestone, is listed on AntifaWatch and has been active with Whatever It Takes, a left-wing pro-choice group with no love for “fascists” that advocates for “sustained civil resistance” and “direct action.” …

The two are accused in June attacks on a trio of pregnancy resource centers in Hialeah, Hollywood and Winter Haven. Vandals left behind spray-painted messages such as “Jane,” “Jane was here” and “Jane’s Revenge,” as well as the anarchist “A” symbol favored by Antifa.

That doesn’t mean Antifa and Jane’s Revenge are the same, but they likely share much of the same personnel, said Kyle Shideler, senior analyst for homeland security and counterterrorism for the Center for Security Policy.

He described both as examples of anarchist and autonomist Marxist groups organized by affinity groups, small cells of people who share the same politics and engage in direct action together. They often join other affinity groups to form clusters. Those that stay together are called collectives or blocs.

“There are probably people who identify as Jane’s Revenge who do not engage in activities that Antifa is best known for, but the overlap is really high,” Mr. Shideler said.

A week after the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked on May 2, a group calling itself Jane’s Revenge firebombed the Wisconsin Family Action headquarters in Madison and issued a communique warning that more attacks were coming.

That assault acted as a call to arms for affinity groups nationwide, Mr. Shideler said.

“You had the initial incident that was carried out by Jane’s Revenge, and then they issued a manifesto essentially saying if you believe in this, then you are a member of us. Go out and do what we have done,” Mr. Shideler said. “It’s a very common insurrectionary, anarchist way of thinking. So various affinity groups across the country took up that call and conducted actions in the name of Jane’s Revenge.”

Since the Supreme Court leak, at least 79 pro-life facilities and 126 Catholic churches have been attacked, according to the CatholicVote tracker.

The Jane’s Revenge statement issued in May through Bellingcat journalist Robert Evans ended with: “We are not one group, but many. We are in your city. We are in every city.”

Jane’s Revenge might not be organized in every city, but affinity groups nationwide appear to engage in direct action campaigns such as protests, vandalism and attacks on property for a variety of far-left causes.

Portland, Oregon, journalist Andy Ngo, author of the 2021 book “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy,” made the Antifa connection last year. He called Jane’s Revenge a “terrorist far-left group connected to #Antifa.” …

Share your prayers against Antifa and Jane’s Revenge below.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Photo Credit: Dreamstime)

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February 3, 2023

An evil and wicked generation is hungry for truth and has been fed a steady diet of anti-God propaganda. So, like empty cans on the ocean they bounce from wave to wave believing every spray that tells them they’re on placid waters.
Every tyrant hates his or her people to live in capitalism but enjoys it personally.
Father, these are Your daughters and sons who are being led to sin. In the authority You gave me, I declare and decree scales will fall off eyes and I ask for many to come to know Jesus through visions and dreams so they won’t be lost eternally. In the hopeful name of Jesus.

February 2, 2023

Yes, I agree with you, God will bring the truth to the Americans people. Probably same group that were dressed in Trumpet hats and shirts on January 6. Prayers for the women that have abortion or vf thinking about abortion. I volunteered with a alcohol and drug rehab program. The woman, after getting off drugs and or alcohol accepted Jesus were still having a very hard time forgiving themselves for the abortion and after finding out about the harvest of babies parts was worse. These women used abortion as a birth control. One woman told me that she didn’t care who she had sex with. Most of the time she didn’t remember who or how many, no birth control. Very sad situation and 1000 % worse with open borders, transmitted disease of every kind. Prayers for our children and families, many are homeless and on drugs. Border patrol has been finding people drugs and killed, in remote areas for years. The BO and Deputies go out in dune buggies and off road vehicles looking for lost caravan people. Prayers for our government to close our borders because this is an invasion caused by China, that were helped to take over foreign country by Biden,Pelosi, Obama, Soros and
Hunter. Prayers
God is opening the door every day to the crime in our country.
Prayers for the world as ever country and leaders will bow before God. In Jesus name Amen.

Shpend Shyti
February 2, 2023

May Lord me merciful with us,
May Lord guide us not to allow USA to become a socialist country.
May Lord open the eyes of Christians about the conflict between being Christian and socialist.
In the Name and the blood of Jesus, Amen!

Grant Windholz
February 2, 2023

Thank you for exposing the truth of wickedness within our country. Flush out the spiritual 🙏!!

Ann Bardell
February 2, 2023

Father, I thank you for exposing darkness. None can hide when Your Truth is wielded as a sword. May Your mighty power expose and bring many bent on evil, to Justice.
Holy Spirit, would You turn those who have a spirit of anarchy, from the power of darkness to the mighty power of God, bring them to their knees before Jesus and set them free from bondage to evil. Turn Amber and Caleb’s hearts from stone to flesh, that they might know and understand Who You are, and Your great love for them. Lead them to repentance and reveal Yourself to them. I pray specifically for these two, but ask that they may be only the beginning of Your turning of those held captive by Satan. You came to set the captives free- I decree that Today is a day for victory!

Allena Jordan
February 2, 2023

Father, I ask that You would speak to the minds and hearts of these who have rebelled against Your laws. Shake them with dreams and visions and warnings. Cause them to repent and turn to You. In the meantime, protect life-giving facilities around the U.S. Stop the rebels in their tracks. Allow nor more destruction and harm to buildings and property. Amen.

raleigh b Robertson
February 2, 2023

be ready to take up arms to help stop these individuals and groups aqs God would want

pray for these individuals to come to Jesus and leave the devil as the devil is their leader

Rich Swingle
February 2, 2023

Rev. Jim Harden saw this connection: https://ifapray.org/blog/justice-for-pro-life-orgs-cautiously-optimistic

Lord, may this link help bring justice!


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