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Father, we thank You for shutting down this national security threat. Keep the CCP from interfering in our country, God, especially in our police force.
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The closing of this police station is a big answered prayer! Let’s continue to pray against CCP influence in our nation.

From Daily Caller News Foundation. The overseas Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police station located in New York City has closed, a State Department spokesperson told National Review Monday.

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America Changle Association … recently closed for unknown reasons, according to National Review. The revelation comes a little over two weeks after The New York Times revealed that the FBI raided Changle’s third-floor office last fall, seizing evidence.

Changle’s New York police station was reportedly a branch of an international Chinese police unit specializing in extradition operations, which is headquartered in China’s Fujian province, according to a report from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights group which first broke news on Beijing’s purported global police network in September. …

The station’s closure comes several months after the DCNF revealed that during a March 2021 video conference, Chinese government officials identified Lu Jianwang, Changle’s former chairman, as a “propagandist” and “special liaison officer” working with the United Front Work Department (UFWD).

The UFWD is a CCP “intelligence service” tasked with “extending the CCP’s influence and control over non-Party organizations both domestically and abroad,” according to reports from the U.S.-China Economic Security and Review Commission. …

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(Excerpt from Daily Caller News Foundation. Photo Credit: Alejandro Luengo on Unsplash)

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Pam Z.
February 9, 2023

Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers.

brian Lynch
February 7, 2023

This is very good. My question is, why was it allowed to happen in the first place.? This is insanity.

February 5, 2023

Praise you, Lord, for shutting down this dangerous Chinese office. We continue to pray that Your enemies be scattered. And that there will be revival in this nation.

February 4, 2023

Praise God for His mighty hand and mercy on us!

Patty Holtke
February 3, 2023

And they’re replaced those police with a large spy balloon which we have no idea what to do about. Biden probably thinks it’s just a balloon from someone’s bd party. The rest of those “in charge” really don’t seem concerned – likely because they knew it was going to be put there.

Pamela Hommel
February 3, 2023

Praise the Lord for answering our prayer!

February 3, 2023

Yahweh, You are God. You are now, You always have been and You always will be. The CCP and every other form of tyranny seeks to deify itself in place of You, wanting themselves to be worshipped. You have given us many examples in Your word.
Thank You, Father. Now, cause the string to unravel the whole sweater. For Your glory, for Your fame, in Your name.

    February 3, 2023

    Amen. The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob is the only true God. Praise His Holy Name!

Shpend Shyti
February 2, 2023

Amen! Praise the Lord!

Grant Windholz
February 2, 2023

Thanks be to God that the Communist Chinese police force is taken out of NYC!! It’s about time! Communist China never has been American allies or ever will be!Get rid of the Communist Party but not the Chinese people.

John Ferry
February 2, 2023

How did the Chinese communist party secure a location in the New York City area to begin with? Who did they have to go through for approval?

    February 3, 2023

    John, Washington State shut down the highways to all the Chinese dictator to buy a building. Perhaps the reason is the same.

    February 3, 2023

    The CCP probably already owns the building 🤷‍♀️

February 2, 2023

All praise to our mighty God. Nothing is impossible fir Him

February 2, 2023

Father God in the mighty name of Jesus we pray Holy Spirit would intercede and stop in every wicked plan against this nation…..we call the United States one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.We repent as a nation from folllowing idiols of money,lust ,greed,power.We humble ourselves under your mighty hand and we turn our hearts back to you.Heal this great land Lord in Jesus name.

February 2, 2023

How in the world did this happen in the first place!!!!

John D. Ferry
February 2, 2023

How in the world could there have ever been a Chinese police station in New York City? Is our country slowly losing its grip?
John D. Ferry, Huntsville, AL

Jerry E Sauls
February 2, 2023

I am encouraged and I thank God for answering our prayers.

February 2, 2023

Precious Holy God, thank you for this victory. Give our people the discernment to recognize if they are simply moving into another location or leaving our nation. Also, let our realtors recognize their desire to take over our farmland and NOT sell properties to people that aren’t citizens or those just recently becoming citizens. Let the property go to real farmers and citizens that will be making this a family heritage. We are losing our land to these people desirous of stealing our nation from us. Thank you, Lord. I ask all of this in the Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.

Mary Ellen
February 2, 2023

Praise God! I wonder how long after we prayed for this at the P&P Summit. Must be vigilant. No doubt they will try to open again.

Darlene Estlow
February 2, 2023

Praise your name as you continue to overcome the evil that covers our nation and our earth. Thank you that revival is coming to our nation. We rejoice in your victory! May we look beyond the state of our nation to praise you for who you are!

Stephen Russell
February 2, 2023

How about other such police stations nation/worldwide??

Christine Berger
February 2, 2023

Father in Jesus name we take authority over the wicked plans of the CCP to infilltate our freedoms and affect our future. We pray that their evil intentions will backfire on them. This will result in our continued intercession for the people of China to come to the full knowledge and acceptance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

February 2, 2023

Good…they have no business having a “police station” here anyway. Just what kind of business was performed there? Thank you, GOD, for removing this foreign controlled organization. Hopefully the others that are located in our country follow suit.

February 2, 2023

Praise you father God praise you for shutting down what does not belong in our country especially the ulterior motives behind why this police station even attempted to try to exist father God do not allow them to plant silently somewhere else in the United States of America March them peacefully out of our country after the great reset called the planodemic happened we know what China’s ulterior motives are to seek kill and destroy so they can be the only ones that will exist on this Earth father God you will be done on Earth as it is in heaven father God let all see and know one nation One World Under God no one on the face of the earth is over God and never will be in Jesus name I pray

Sue Tracy
February 2, 2023

Thank you Lord for all your doing. You uncover what needs to be uncovered.

Jan Barwick
February 2, 2023

Praise the Lord for answered prayer!!

February 2, 2023

Dear Glorious God, thank you for hearing the many prayers regarding this station. You hear our voices, Amen.

Nancy Bryda
February 2, 2023

What is hidden in darkness is and will continue to come to the light in 2023 of this exposure year. I decree exponential increase in the army of God exercising its star of David marshall authority at this important time is history. We are here to bring in the glory for such a time as this just like Ester. Hamons are being thrown under the bus and the demonic elements are fighting against each other. Demonic elements are falling into their own traps. CCP is being exposed globally. I bind the persecution of Falum Gong people and lose the exposure globally of the evil organ harvesting industry done by ccp elements. Let my people go.

Allena Jordan
February 2, 2023

Father, I thank You for this victory. Lord, expose all the Chinese police stations in this country for what they are. Then, remove them. Move the CCP out of our country. They are darkness. You are light. Light exposes things that are hidden. Thank You for working. We appeal to Heaven for You to save this Republic and the people within her borders. Amen.

February 2, 2023

Why was the CCP in NY in the first place? I live in NY, why are we just hearing about it now?

    Allena Jordan
    February 2, 2023

    Deanna, do a little investigation about the CCP in as many countries as possible. They have set up this police station in our country and others around the world for their purposes, which is not good. Here’s one article for you to read: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/china-expands-its-secret-police-stations-around-the-world/

      February 2, 2023

      Allena, thank you for this information. Like another poster, I had no idea!

      Ms Mary
      February 4, 2023

      So many prophecies have told us that the exposures that are now coming will be so many and so shocking that it will be hard to believe the extent of the evil. It’s happening, the rude awakening before the Great Awakening. May the Lord lead us to help others understand that our merciful God has provided a way for us to be saved and be safe.

February 2, 2023

Thank You wonderful and Merciful Father, in Jesus’ Name and Blood, for thwarting the plan of the enemy in the closing of the NY CCP Police Station. In Jesus’ Name, Gracious Lord, may every police station like it in America and around the world fall by the way side by the work of Your Mighty hand through the prayers of Your people ….thank You for hearing our prayers and answering so many prayers for our nation and other nations to You, God, be the glory, and the kingdom and the power. When our strength, as a nation, was failing, You, Lord God, have stood by us, because we are humbling ourselves under Your Mighty hand, we are repenting of sins, we are turning our direction from away from You, to to You, seeking Your face, in prayer, Your Wisdom in prayer, Your moving our hearts and hands to action in one accord…Your raising up an army of Mighty Praying Warriors to pray daily for our nation…and it’s You touching our hearts to do it…we give You the glory due Your Name. In Jesus’ Name we pray believing this battle belongs to You, Lord. Amen.


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