How Al Gore Profited from Climate Alarmism

Climate alarm is profitable and therefore possibly creates pressures to create more alarm.Ā  From RedState. Former Vice President and 2000 presidential election loser Al Gore has spent his post-political career warning anyone who will listen that the earth is in its death throes due to global warming (now called climate change because somehowĀ thatā€™s better). Who … Continued

Seattle Suffering from Progressive Policies

Seattle is reeling from progressive, soft-on-crime policies. Additionally, the fentanyl epidemic continues to worsen. What can be done? Prayer! From PJ Media. When you run a city on the values of (personal) truth, (social) justice, and the (anti) American way of life, there are bound to be consequences, no matter how hard you try to … Continued

Will House Ethics Committee Deal with George Santos?

Newly elected Republican House member Rep. George Santos has made national news ā€” as report after report confirms serial lies and misrepresentations he has advanced over the course of his public life. Will the House Ethics Committee deal with him now? Representing Long Island, New York, Santos has admitted to lying about his educational achievements … Continued

Praise Report: Healing and IFA State Prayer

Rev. Wendell Owens, IFA’s state prayer leader for New Mexico, has shared a joyous praise report and testimony regarding a cancer diagnosis in December. To our God be all the praise! May this testimony of God’s healing mercies in Christ Jesus be an encouragement to all. Our God is more than able, and with Him, … Continued

The Economyā€™s Best-Case Scenario

Consumer prices across the nation fell for the first time in over two years. This news brings optimism that the excessively high prices may finally come to an end. While this would definitely be good news, I had to wonder: What state are they living in? Let the IFA community know how to pray for … Continued

Mom’s Powerful Prayer for Gay Son

You will be touched and inspired by the prayer of this mother. Her son was transformed by Christ. Are you praying for lost sheep? Be encouraged ā€¦Ā  From CBN News. Former gay atheist, Becket Cook, is best known for trading his successful Hollywood lifestyle for a new identity in Jesus Christ. ā€¦ Join others crying … Continued

Soros-Funded DAs Represent 20% of America

Our nation’s soft-on-crime approach has been forced on us by Soros-funded DAs whose offices now represent 20% of Americans. We must pray hard against Soros’ satanic, destructive influence on our country. From Fox News. Far-left billionaire George Soros funneled $40 million dollars into district attorney campaigns nationwide, and now his beneficiaries represent around 20% of … Continued

Twitter Conspired for Years to Ban Trump

The effort to kick Trump off Twitter began long before Jan. 6, 2021. We have to pray against the power and bias of big tech. From The Federalist. Censorship-hungry Twitter employees vented to the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 that their company wasnā€™t authoritarian enough when it came to curbing former President Donald Trump … Continued

The Shocking Extent of Gov Censorship

The government’s involvement with social media and censorship of people, especially during COVID, is even more shocking than we thought. Let’s pray against censorship in any form. From UncoverDC. UncoverDC has been providing you with the most in-depth coverage of the landmark Missouri v. Biden censorship case you will find anywhere. However, there have been … Continued

Former Top FBI Official Arrested

The Lord is bringing truth and justice to our government. Let’s pray for continued reform. From The Epoch Times. A former topĀ FBIĀ official in New York has been arrested because of his alleged ties to a Russian oligarch, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Jan. 23. Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.   … Continued

Teacher Fired for Opposing LGBT Book for Kids

Substitute teacher Lindsey Barr was fired for expressing concerns over curriculum. Her response is inspiring. From Fox News. When my husband and I first moved toĀ Richmond Hill, Georgia, we jumped in with both feet to serve wherever was needed at Bryan County Schools, where our kids attended. … Visit your state page to pray.   … Continued

How Soros Manages the Media

From New York Post. A new report from the Media Research Center has exposed connections between billionaire liberal financier George Soros and 54 prominent media figures. … Pray for your fellow intercessor.   The highest-profile media figures revealed to have connections to Soros, often due to them sitting on boards of organizations he funds, include: … Continued


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