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Lord, we pray that You would heal Seattle. Restore what was lost, God, and allow this cities and others like it to flourish once again.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Seattle is reeling from progressive, soft-on-crime policies. Additionally, the fentanyl epidemic continues to worsen. What can be done? Prayer!

From PJ Media. When you run a city on the values of (personal) truth, (social) justice, and the (anti) American way of life, there are bound to be consequences, no matter how hard you try to ignore them. That may include the spike in violence in New York City, the crime and homelessness throughout California, or the general collapse of Portland, Ore., on every front. For Seattle, it includes those things and a fentanyl crisis that is claiming lives at an alarming rate. The rate is so high that the King County Coroner is running out of places to store the bodies.

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According to a report from KTTH, during a recent meeting of the board of the Seattle & King County Department of Public Health, Director Dr. Faisal Khan stated, “The Medical Examiner’s Office is now struggling with the issue of storing bodies because the fentanyl-related death toll continues to climb. Obviously, they have finite space in the coolers they use and that space is now being exceeded on a regular basis.”

As of Sunday, King County has averaged one fentanyl overdose every day since the start of the year. …

This is part and parcel of the city’s overall problems of increased homelessness and rampant crime. Nike has decided to close its flagship store there, and Regal Cinemas has opted out of a lease for the Meridian 16 multiplex. …

In fact, the Pacific Northwest has become a magnet for innumerable people who are dedicated to destroying life as we know it. You can pin it on Soros-funded and minded district attorneys if you would like. Jason Rantz, who wrote the article for KTTH, notes that the state has been at work decriminalizing drug laws, notably the state’s Supreme Court declaring a felony drug possession law unconstitutional. Possession became a misdemeanor. Rantz also notes that the state’s desire not to stigmatize drug use under the idea that doing so might keep people from seeking treatment has only legitimized and exacerbated the problem.

Writing for the Seattle Times, cartoonist David Horsey attributes the problem partly to the tech boom, which saw the demise of affordable housing, including hotels and apartments. But he also lays some of the blame at the feet of those who practice “performative progressivism.” In this case, he is talking about how leaders refer to the homeless as “unhoused” and the word “crime” being replaced with “illicit economies of need.”

Both Horsey and Rantz note that one of the biggest issues among the homeless is fentanyl, which is shipped through the southern border and distributed throughout the nation by cartels and their associates. And the homeless population in Seattle is not just bearing the brunt of drugs, it is also staggering under assaults, rapes, robberies, and murders. …

I would be tempted to paraphrase Frasier Crane’s “Goodnight Seattle, we love you” to “Goodbye Seattle, we loved you.” But Seattle is doing this to itself. … Seattle officials refuse to acknowledge that progressive policies have laid waste to a city, and, apparently, not many want whatever is left.

How are you praying for Seattle? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from PJ Media. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Sonya Sanders
January 29, 2023

Heavenly Father,
Send now help. Deliver the City of Seattle from evil leadership and wickedness in the highest offices. The city will soon be destroyed if you do not step in. Please help. Lord, I pray for the sake of the righteous people who reside in the City. Please Lord deliver them from the hurt and harm of the laws that will eventually hurt all those in the City. Send now god-fearing men with courage and faith to speak the truth with love to preach the gospel and stand in truth. Let them get in office and run the City. Deliver that City from the stronghold of drugs, alcohol, and lawlessness.
In Jesus Name,

January 27, 2023

Please don’t forget to pray for the massive number of young military men & women there too(huge nearby base). So much hopelessness & mistrust. I was overwhelmed to actually see the homeless’ tents under/over/ beside freeways, as well as filling whole city blocks, and this was supposedly AFTER a big “clean-up”. Lord, they need hope, care,
genuine deliverance that only You can bring!

Trudee Nims
January 27, 2023

Father God, as a longtime resident of Washington state, my heart bleeds for what has happened to Seattle. We have seen the effects of living there on the philosophies of our daughter (who does refer to the “homeless” as the “unhoused”). It was and could be again, such a beautiful city but the progressive policies, not to mention the recent demise of the tech industry, have caused real problems. Father, would You wake up the Seattle voters to vote along with those of us on the east side of the mountains and restore a sense of integrity to Seattle. Remove the blinders from eyes that fail to see the results of ungodly policies. You alone can do this. Lord Jesus, I pray in Your name, Amen.

Donald Vader
January 27, 2023

Oh how I remember the beauty and charm of Seattle my hometown!😭 Oh my Lord help us to restore Seattle.. Lord come to this city and transform it through your word and restore it through revival and raise up those who will serve you and your ways and your commandments who will honor a covenant with you so that you can bless the city of Seattle and renew it better than it was and I put all my trust in you Lord and give you thanks and praise in the mighty name of Jesus… Amen

Darlene Estlow
January 27, 2023

Father, we see in Seattle the result of walking away from you and your truth, feeling that man is good and crimes are the result of society and their ill treatment of people. They are trying to void your word and your wisdom in dealing with lawlessness. We look to you to change hearts in all the people in Seattle and other large cities to embrace your truth and wisdom. Remove those who would make our cities chaotic and crime ridden. May your gospel come alive to each member of your ekklesia and may we walk in that declaring truth and your wisdom over Seattle and other cities. So we declare truth, wisdom, and order in Seattle.

January 27, 2023

I loved this state & Seattle in the 60’s & 70’s as a teen. Moved here from Texas in the mid 80’s. A totally different place in many many ways! Unfortunately now I feel trapped in place that feels Godless, oppressive, claustrophobic.
I would love to move but can’t. Please pray the foolish and Godless will find God and change their ideologies. May God help us.

    Susan S
    January 27, 2023

    That is a shame. God has blessed Seattle with natural beauty and many natural resources. I am praying for a revival in that area. I am concerned about a possible eruption of Mount Rainier.


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