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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that the representatives in the House and our senators be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Newly elected Republican House member Rep. George Santos has made national news — as report after report confirms serial lies and misrepresentations he has advanced over the course of his public life. Will the House Ethics Committee deal with him now?

Representing Long Island, New York, Santos has admitted to lying about his educational achievements and work experience. New York prosecutors are investigating his ties to an alleged Ponzi scheme.

Credit is due to a small newspaper on Long Island, The North Shore Leader, whose investigative reporting and unbiased skepticism resulted in the uncovering of apparent lies about home ownership (instead of the two mansions he claimed to own, Santos and his “husband” live in a rental in Queens); inconsistent stories about family in Belgium (years ago) and Ukraine (this year); numerous aliases; allegedly stealing what he raised through GoFundMe for a veteran’s therapy dog; and claims that his mother escaped the South Tower on 9/11 (she has lived in Rio de Janeiro since 1999). This last potential lie is perhaps one of the most offensive for a New York congressman.

Nearly 60% of New York voters think Santos should resign. Writing for The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan strongly urged House Republicans to get rid of Rep. Santos: “Don’t give the world more reasons to laugh at our pretensions of good governance. Don’t give America more reason to disrespect ourselves. If you have to drag George Santos off the floor, do.”

Rep. Santos has admitted to lying about professional experience but refuses to resign.

The new chairman of the House Ethics Committee is Rep. Michael Guest of Mississippi, whose Twitter tag line is “Christian. Father. Husband.” He was photographed praying on the floor of the House during the extended speaker election.

Politico reports: “Guest will hold the gavel amid major changes to an independent congressional ethics body, the Office of Congressional Ethics, in the GOP rules package this Congress. Established in 2008, the nonpartisan office investigates allegations of wrongdoing against members and, if merited, votes to refer cases to the full Ethics Committee, which is evenly split between the parties.”

Let’s lift up Rep. Guest and his committee as they consider what to do about Rep. Santos and other ethical issues. And let’s also pray for Rep. Santos. If you want a great resource to help you pray for these and other elected officials, download IFA’s classic prayer guide 30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority.

How is the Lord leading you to pray about Rep. Santos? Please post in the comments.

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Kathy Emahiser
January 30, 2023

Father, I pray that George Santos will do the dignified, admirable thing by stepping down from his office and repent from his wrong doings. Touch his heart Father. Open his eyes Holy Spirit and draw him to Jesus Christ. May his life never be the same as a result of this encounter with the Lord of lords and King of kings. Thank you Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Citizen T
January 30, 2023

If you’re expecting any help from the OBiden administration or any of their puppet forget it because this is exactly the type of person they pull on board. Birds of a feather. Lovers of evil.
The typical American citizen is fast asleep and unwilling to recognize truth due to pride, arrogance and they still have a roof over their head and food in the fridge. It’s all about me! It’s all about me! It’s all about me!
God is the answer. Ask Him how can I change what is happening?

January 27, 2023

It’s a graphic lesson in the truth about voters in this country. They don’t find out who and what the candidates are, their policy positions, etc, they just vote based on personality or some other factor that has nothing to do with the office they are running for.

Most all politicians lies, Santos was just more creative in how he hoodwinked the voters in his district. Until we start voting for God honoring principles and for those which honor the Constitution we are going to get the George Santoses, the Nancy Pelosi, the Joe Biden’s, etc.

Who will hold them all accountable?

January 27, 2023

We must uphold moral standards, most especially in our own party. Dear God, please give courage, wisdom and humility to our leaders! Amen

January 27, 2023

I pray that the hypocrisy of holding one person responsible for his actions and not all the others will be delt with. I pray that rules and laws would be followed equally.

Tamar Clarke
January 27, 2023

It is not about prayer. It is about holding people responsible for their actions.

January 27, 2023

Praying we all have Godly wisdom in selecting who represents us and not taking candidates at face value. Also praying for Godly wisdom and righteousness to lead this Nation and that we always remember to give the Glory to Jesus Christ.

January 27, 2023

I am praying that the new House Representative honor God in all they do. This is something they have to deal with and have to do what is rigth before God. George Santos got to this place because he was lying. What do we expect he will do? Yes, we know that Biden is a liar, but are not to measure ourselves for what others do. I pray for the House Ethics to do what is right and set an example before others.
Lord, be gracious to them, shine your face on them and let your ways make known to others. In Jesus name!

Victoria Z
January 27, 2023

IF they deal with Santos they should likewise deal with Biden who also has a history of serial lying and embellishing stories to make himself seem more relatable to voters. Biden was caught and exposed years ago for several lies, many are listed
1. During a speech in Georgia on January 11, Biden again claimed that he was arrested protesting for civil rights as a young teenager. Biden has told the story at least five times since 2017 — in three tellings, he said he was arrested for standing on a Black couple’s porch and in two others he said police merely brought him home. However, little evidence exists for any version of Biden’s story.
The Washington Post rated the claim False.
2. Biden says he was a semi truck driver
In a November, 2021 speech in Minnesota Biden said, “I used to drive a tractor trailer … I only did it for part of a summer.” It appears, though, that the president was confused. In law school, Biden had a summer job driving a school bus and he once rode along in a semi truck as a senator — but “there is no evidence” he ever drove a semi.
3. Biden invents story about a deceased Amtrak conductor
Biden, who calls himself “Mr. Amtrak”, has repeatedly told a fabricated story about an encounter with an Amtrak conductor. Biden says the conversation happened during his final year as vice president, but the conductor retired in 1993 and passed away in 2014 — years before Biden says the incident happened. CNN called the story “false” despite Biden saying he “swears to God” it’s a true story.
4. In late 2021 during a speech in New Hampshire, Biden repeated an exaggerated story about his house catching on fire that he first told in 2013. During the latest retelling he said he “had a house burn down with my wife in it” and in 2013 he said the fire destroyed a “significant portion” of his home. In reality, it was a “small fire contained to the kitchen.”
5.In a speech denouncing anti-semitisim, Biden recalled spending time at the Tree of Life Synagogue, which had been the site of a horrific shooting. But the synagogue’s executive director said, “Biden’s claim about ‘spending time at’ and ‘going to’ Tree of Life is false; he did not go to the synagogue.”
6. During a campaign event in February 2020, Biden said “I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see (Nelson Mandela) on Robbens Island.” This was the third time he told a similar story. PolitiFact says this is a “Pants on Fire” claim — and Biden was even mocked for the fabricated tale during an SNL skit.
Who hasn’t heard Biden’s Corn Pop gangster story? Biden claims he confronted a gang leader named “Corn Pop” in the 1960s.

Father please remove these liars from public office, cont8nue yo expose them and make them ashamed of their lies. Remove the corrupt politicians and fill their seats with good and respectable men and women who love America, love justice, and our constitution. In Jesus name we ask and thank you for hearing out prayers.

January 27, 2023

We have to fair in all that is done. Yes, Santos has apparently deceived others but there are also others who have told blatant lies to Americans. The one that comes to mind is our sitting present who tells many lies in his speeches and also when answering questions asked by constituents. He is definitely not a good example as a President, he teaches others that it is OK to lie in order to get your own way!

Ann Lee
January 26, 2023

Lord, please work in the heart of Rep. Santos to acknowledge wrong doing on his part and to willingly step down for the sake of integrity. In Jesus Name. Amen.

January 26, 2023

Wow! Such judgemental people! All sinners that need a SAVIOUR, just like I do! Remember Bill Clinton: I’m innocent of cheating on my wife in the oval office! Bold Lie! Hillary: someone in the Ambassador’s office made a Muslim cartoon and thats why Benghazi happened! Bold Lie! Obama: I was born in America! Bold Lie! Obama: I sent millions to Iran, America’s enemy, to negotiate for prisoner(s) without approval from Congress! Unethical? I think so! Biden: I will not leave Americans in Afghanistan! Bold lie! And many more! The ethics committee is very late to start worrying about liars now! So who benefits if this young man is removed from the House? Why did this paper report him? Did this same paper report on Governor Cuomo when he sent covid patients to nursing homes which killed many seniors? That’s not even why he was made to resign! Wake up people!
They can censure Mr. Santos and let his district handle him! FATHER GOD please show mercy to Mr. Santos and send laborers to him to receive JESUS as LORD! FATHER GOD, Paul killed Christians and YOU forgave him! Please show YOURSELF to Mr. Santos and let him know when he repents, as I claim he will, that YOU will remember his sin no more and that he is forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness! Clean him up FATHER GOD and use him for YOUR Glory! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME I pray! Amen!

    Darlene Estlow
    January 27, 2023

    Citing the lies of Representative Santos is not being judgmental. Yes, we are judging his behavior. He is in need of a Savior but God does not excuse our behavior. I pray he would step down because of his lies. President Biden should step down too, but that is another story.

January 26, 2023

Joe Biden has been lying (and being caught) for years. He said he attended a Historical Black College/University (HBCU) which is a blatant lie! He said he was number 1 in his college graduation class which is a blatant lie. He said he won the 2020 election with 80 million votes which is a blatant lie! He said he was never involved in or received money from his son Hunter’s corrupt business dealings with China and Ukraine which was a blatant lie! And on and on and so on! Where is the ethics or impeachment or treason committee for him? FATHER GOD I’m so glad that you are not a respecter of persons! Let not congress or intercessors or any ethics committee be one either! Let the axe fall where it may! A lie is a lie, no matter who tells it or what the job title! FATHER please help the Ethics committee to expose ALL liars in our government and remove them ALL in JESUS NAME! Amen!

January 26, 2023

If there’s two things I can’t stand; 1) A Liar 2) A Stupid Looking Liar. Get rid of him….

January 26, 2023

They want to investigate Santos but they refuse to investigate the fraud of the 2020 & 22 elections despite the mounds of evidence!!
And furthermore, we have a fraud president who is & has been the most corrupt, compromised president in our nation’s history. He was corrupt as a senator, VP & now as a fraud president —- but where are the investigations for the daily lies he tells America??
Lord God….help us. We simply cannot expose all these lies without Your help & intervention.

January 26, 2023

No offense but if we are looking to or depending on the house ethics committee to do an impartial & honest investigation into Santos, I think we are looking to the wrong people. I’m not trying to be cynical but the gov’t ethics committee does not have a sterling record & it is practically”dormant” under the Biden admin. This is just another area of gov’t that has fallen to so much corruption & “look the other way” methodology that it needs continuing prayer warfare in order to reset & renew it to it original intent.
I’m not going to defend or condemn Santos. But if he is investigated, then about 75% of DC also needs to be investigated – that’s both past & present people. That includes those that work for & with them. It also includes every gov’t department as well as the S. Court & their clerks.

January 26, 2023

He needs to be removed. Somewhere we need to take a stand and lead by example. If we allow Santos to remain in office we are no better than the Democrats.
Besides the salary..
perks and retirement should not be allowed for him to steal.

January 26, 2023

Why are we asking the House to do something? The people of Long Island elected him, he is their problem. If they want a liar to represent them, so be it. If not, then they can recall him.
I pray the people of Long Island would take responsibility for who represents them.

Beverly Bough
January 26, 2023

Don’t let evil stand.

January 26, 2023

If he is investigated, then they need to investigate all the other corrupt politicians. Biden lied about everything! Clinton, Wray, Comey, Obama, et al

January 26, 2023

It’s time for justice for all who have been elected by people trusting them and turning out to be deceitful.

January 26, 2023

Our Nation will never prosper by having unGodly men and women trying to ruin our country. We must weed them out, yet pray for their conversions. All those who have offended God need to go..Republican or Democrat. God is our Ruler so let’s be obedient to our true Savior!

Bonnie Berg
January 26, 2023

I agree that something should be done in regards to Rep. Santos; however, who would replace him – a Democrat? And if the house ethics committee goes after him, there are numerous democrats that should also be investigated!!

January 26, 2023

Why didn’t all this come out while he was campaigning? Sounds like a trap for the new Congress.
Praying for resignation or removal.

Sharion H
January 26, 2023

There are too many inconsistencies to be overlooked. He knew he lied about housing, his mother, the service dog contributions. Who needs someone if you can’t rely on their word? Rep. Santos is going to bring down the high standards of the republicans serving in the US Congress. Trust God for another republican that will hold up the good standards and tell the truth.

P.S. Thanks to the small newspaper, The North Shore, for bringing this to the attention of New Yorkers and the congress.

Lynn Allen
January 26, 2023

Please remove from office all those that are not righteous in your eyes Jesus.
In His name we pray.

January 26, 2023

While I am not defending him, why not take on all the others who have lied in Congress about their education, military service, leaking documents, etc. and nail them to the wall. He was elected by his constituents and only they can remove him.
Star Parker said it best. “Sadly, Santos is a child and product of the troubling and, yes, dangerous state of affairs in our nation today. A friend sent me a short cartoon version of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” (we all know the story – all bought in) Until one naive and unindoctrinated child steps forward and tells the truth that the emperor is naked. It’s what happens when people become unmoored and lose a sense that there is something called reality, something bigger than themselves, of which they are a part. A vital part of a child’s development is learning they are not the center of the world. That there are others, and they must be aware of the line where they end and others and the world outside begin. In traditional cultures, there are rites of passage where children formally become adults and assume the responsibilities of adults. But today, in our nation, where a sense of objective right and wrong has widely disappeared, there are no rites of passage, and many remain perpetually children. They insist the world is the way they want it to be rather than appreciating that there is a greater reality to which all must submit.”
No one is in a position to judge him and many in Congress are not in a position to cast stones. Who knows why God allowed him to be elected. Everything has a purpose. He, unfortunately, was not raised up the way he should go. Only prayer can take him to that point now. Intercessors stand in the gap.

Helen Fellers
January 26, 2023

Dear Lord,
Please reveal lies and the spirit of evil intent that TRUTH will prevail and Your Spirit will draw ALL men, women, boys and girls to salvation by the blood of Jesus! That You alone are glorified! Amen

January 26, 2023

Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before God

January 26, 2023

Lord, expose the lies and punish those who peddle them. You hate a deceitful tongue. Give those in leadership wisdom. Deal in mercy to those who truly repent and forsake falsehood for if you should mark iniquity who should stand?

Sotomayor, Richard James
January 26, 2023

Lord, GodJehovah
Please clean upper government and spark a new wave of evangelism. A new awakening to your divine love and presence in our lives. Prepare us for the rerun your son. I ask In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Annette Rousseau
January 26, 2023

I’d be scared he’s of of those criminals to walk in session and shoot everyone up. He’s a danger to public and himself.
Isn’t lying to congress and making false statements to government officials a felony! Treason? How can he even be allowed through the metal detectors?

Annette rousseau
January 26, 2023

Santos should be kicked out. GOP show some backbone. Don’t even wait for a resignation.
Should have happened day one when he had lied regarding jobs and education.

Connie Nightwine
January 26, 2023

We’ve had enough lying in our govt…what starts with a lie, ends with a lie..Santos has to be relieved of his duties gained by falsehoods..out the door with Santos‼️

Jacquelyn Y. Miller
January 26, 2023

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34 KJV). “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12 KJV). “Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.”
(Psalm 33:8 NIV) Jesus is coming back. Will we be ready?

Coy S Stilwell
January 26, 2023

Sounds like he should fit right in with the demo-rats and rinos he needs to be removed now

    Sotomayor, Richard James
    January 26, 2023

    Not much to b expected from a man who’s unable to make a gender appropriate decision. too many toxins in his DNA. Chemically altered foods, began in 1910 with introducing chemicals to fertilize instead of pure fertilizer from animals, etc.. those chems are in the gene pool now, messing with everyone’s hormones. gender appropriate decisions are much harder now. so instead of fixing the problem they want to “normalize” the problem.
    Father Elohim return soon. we need you now. In Jesus’ name. Amen

      January 26, 2023

      Yep he’s a sinner like me! I’m saved by GRACE and ask YOU FATHER GOD to save him also in JESUS NAME!

January 26, 2023

The House and the Ethics Committee absolutely cannot afford to allow Santos to remain in Congress.
But the brokenness and fear and humiliation that I see behind his eyes is heartbreaking and
I pray that the Christian congressmen will extend love and forgiveness to this man that he might
ultimately know the redemptive power of God’s love and begin his life anew. I am praying for his

January 26, 2023

Father God in Heaven,

Do not let this man get away with this! Let those appointed to the ethics committee see how his actions are completely unethical and let his position go to a person of integrity. Jesus give them wisdom as this man is removed from office.

Sue Tracy
January 26, 2023

Lord thank you Lord for you put people in government, Father use representative Santos for Your Glory, lead him and guide his vote for Your purpose, if he refuses Lord let justice be done and remove him from office. We ask in Jesus’s Name

Rui Vasconcelos
January 26, 2023

Brasileiro fazendo caquinha até no Congresso americano… PUT A KEEP ARE ILL !!!

marlene bickel
January 26, 2023

Yes, I understand that he needs to repent for what he has done; apparently for a very long tine. He needs to know how much Jesus loves him and hopefully, realize his need of Jesus as his Savior.
But irregardless, what he has done to his constituents is NOT acceptable. They believed, supported and voted for him as their representative to the U.S. House of Representatives, to do what’s best for them and their community. How can they trust someone to do what is right and best for them, who has lied to them about a number of things.
Since he will not resign then he MUST be removed by any means possible.
Do what’s right because it’s right; according to The Constitution of the United States NOW!
I decree a standard of righteousness, truth and justice reign in the Federal Government; beginning with the U.S. House of Representatives.

Ken Rumbarger
January 26, 2023

If George Santos is removed, what will this do to the GOP majority in the House? If the Governor appoints a replacement it will most probably be a Democrat. If they have a special election, his district apparently didn’t have other GOP candidates if they ended up with him, so again we may lose the seat. This raises the question, which I have had about other 2022 candidates, of whether the party overlooked far too much in their understandable urgent desire for a warm body in the seat. We need to pray for greater wisdom in a number of regards.

Rhonda K Chrisco
January 26, 2023

Prayed first for his salvation and deliverance from lying and homosexuality and then for his removal if he refuses to surrender his life to Christ.

    Ken Rumbarger
    January 26, 2023

    Amen to praying for his salvation and deliverance. Even if he gives his life to Christ, though, salvation is indeed an instant and permanent change, but sanctification is a gradual progressive one. Both lying and homosexuality – especially since he is in a marriage – will take a massive spiritual and emotional battle to get back to Biblical standards. The first sign of genuine repentance may be recognizing that he has disqualified himself.

Nanette Gemmer
January 26, 2023

I pray that Rep Santos come to repentance I pray that he would be made accountable for his actions I pray that he will be removed from office.

Donald Vader
January 26, 2023

I pray father that you would remove the veil from George Santos heart that he would turn to you in repentance and see the light and raise him up like you did brother Paul in the mighty name of Jesus and by the blood of Jesus… Amen

Jennifer Zaccagni
January 26, 2023

I am praying for wisdom for Rep Guest as he has authority to handle Rep Santos’s serious infractions. But the bigger issue would be George Santo’s salvation and his deliverance from living deceptively at the deepest level. Praying that the ethics violations and possible removal from being a US representative would bring brokenness in his life. Which could lead to restoration. But equally important, it will uphold the high standards expected of holding the office!

Skye Alison
January 26, 2023

The only respectable thing to do is acknowledge publically that he lied and then resign; If he were to do this on the floor of the Congress, it would be the greatest thing he could do for his country and probably go down in History (!) – setting the stage for a cleansing of the corruption in the land!!!!!! Americans are forgiving and upon a turnaround asking forgiveness, he might even be re-elected! Lord, it is not before other sinful men we will stand on THAT day and give an account of our sins. We will stand before the Holy One, the One in whom there is no darkness at all! God, help Mr Santos see beyond the now, to THAT day ahead and shake his own stubborn heart to repentance in face of eternal reality before the devil and sin shakes him to hell with all the multitude of others who have made their living from lies.

JoAnna L.
January 26, 2023

Heavenly Father this man needs You in his life; he is lost and dying. We lift him up to You and fervently ask that You break the chains the adversary has on his heart, mind and spirit. He is caught in the web of lies he spun and George Santus needs Your touch to awaken to Truth and Live. May Your people surrounding him who Know You, share Your Mercy, Love and Forgiveness with him. AMEN

Nick McCuin
January 26, 2023

George Santos is obviously possessed by an evil spirit should be dealt with as such

    Ken Rumbarger
    January 26, 2023

    Possibly, but I would not say “obviously.” Scripture refers to doing battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil. The first two are more than enough to be causing this man’s spiritual problems.

Glenda Hayes
January 26, 2023

God bless this country I love so much I say we should hold accountable everyone that lies we would not have anyone in office it seems to be the norm these dates that is not acceptable in our country O Lord please save our country from all the corruption

    Nancy Berkey
    January 26, 2023

    And may these Sodomites repent.

    Ken Rumbarger
    January 26, 2023

    Sister Glenda, I would be quicker to say amen if your sentence were structured better. Are you saying that we should be stricter to hold public figures accountable, or that we can’t afford to because we would lose too many? We don’t need to lose that many Republicans to give the gavel back to the Democrats. And I practically guarantee that if they see the Ethics Committee as an avenue to achieve that, they will employ their pawns in the media to go on the offensive with allegations.

Brian lynch
January 26, 2023

I pray for God’s will to be done in this situation. He alone knows how this whole mess needs to be taken care of. Let it be done, Lord Jesus, according to Your wishes.

January 26, 2023

I feel that George Santos needs to resign and to resign immediately. If he doesn’t, then he should be removed. Why?? He is a liar about his personal life and a liar will lie about everything else as well. Since the Republicans have the majority in the House, it is their rightful duty to remove him. If they do not remove him, they are condoning this lying. This sends a message that Republicans stand behind a liar and since they are on the same political side, all Republicans are liars. Also this gives satan another win.

January 26, 2023

He will have a time to come to the Lord.and that he will resign.

Jacqueline Manchester
January 26, 2023

The Bible says Satan is a liar and the father of lies, so that makes Mr. Santos a child of a liar and a cheat. He needs to be removed. Yes, lets pray for him, to repent and make restitution and to stop living an ungodly life.

Suzanne Bonne´
January 26, 2023

I live on Long Island and worked for the wonderful Christian man, Anthony Figliola, who lost the primary to George Santos. Another woman ran as well. She pumped millions into her campaign and was called out as a phony with an agenda to promote crypto currency. George Santos was backed by the corrupt Republican party in Suffolk County. We knew him to be a career politician. No one talked about problems with his background. If anyone knew they kept it quiet. Our issue now is who will take his place? We are working so hard to flip Long Island red and finally succeeded. Now this. Please pray with us that if he is removed, a competent person takes his place.

JoAnne Froemming
January 26, 2023

If we tolerate the persistent lies that have been and are spouted consistently by our President, why are we looking at this Representative who has also lied and demand that he resign. What about other Democrat senators and representatives who have been caught in lies but no one calls for their resignation.

Once again, our expectations are so different for Republicans than they are for Democrats.

If Joe Biden is allowed to fulfill his term, then George Santos must also be allowed to fulfill his term. I am so tired of the double standard of Justice that our country has evolved into accepting.

    January 26, 2023

    I agree. I’m tired of the double standard as well. In my opinion, they ALL need to go: Biden, Santos, every corrupt politician AND their staff. Yes, I pray for their repentance and salvation. However, if they don’t, I pray they are removed.

      Theresa Tucker
      January 26, 2023

      I agree. We need to ask God to come back into our government, schools, etc. So many in our country are corrupt and need to be removed. Dear Father, please rescue us from this corrupt government. Have mercy on us, Father and change this country back to serving you. In Jesus’ name, Amen

    Sally Zehnal
    January 26, 2023

    Thank you so much for saying this. Democrats especially Biden lie over and over again with no consequences.

    Ken Rumbarger
    January 26, 2023

    The mechanism for removing Santos is much simpler than for removing Biden. Let’s not leave a 3-foot rattlesnake in the front yard because we haven’t yet removed a 12-foot Burmese python.

      January 26, 2023

      We have had 3 years to remove biden. What progress have we made? Oh thats right! No one is trying to remove him! Why?

Dave Urner
January 26, 2023

Lord, there are so many disturbing happenings that are surfacing. So much coming to light about unscrupulous activities of elected officials. Lord, it seems like they are proud of their conduct. Will you block anything Mr. Santos attempts to put in play. Will you remove him from the election that put him in office. His attitude and activities are not in accord with your ways of conducting the affairs of our country. Our founding fathers honored you with ethics your scriptures set forth. I ask what I ask in your Holy name, for the good of all. Amen

    January 26, 2023

    Are you also calling for the resignation of Joe Biden considering all the lies he has told and continues to tell? If not, why????

    Rules for thee but not for me . . .

      Theresa Tucker
      January 26, 2023

      The topic of this thread is about Santos, but we can certainly pray that Biden be removed as well. I pray that he turns his back on sin and tells the truth about everything he’s been hiding. He needs to come clean, resign or be impeached.

January 26, 2023

Is he any different than Biden? Treat them both the same!!!

James Neece
January 26, 2023

Unfortunately he sounds like Joe Biden and many in our government.
We do pray for wisdom and true concern for Mr. Santos. This has become acceptable practice on one side of the isle, but not with our God.

Oline Forch
January 26, 2023

Father God I pray for all our Congress to come forth in wisdom and truth. Lord let you righteousness shine . Convict hearts and repentance come forth in the hearts of all who set in the seats of congress. Let and evil intent be exposed and dealt with in a Godly way. Wisdom and courage to all involved Lord. Justice for all. Peace and blessings
Your will be done. In Jesus name I pray.

Helen Phillips
January 26, 2023

Lord God, give George Santos a spirit of repentance and save his troubled soul. Nothing is impossible for You. I pray for You to give wisdom to the Ethics Committee to do Your will.

January 26, 2023

If he so willigly lied about such trivial subjects he is not to be trusted with more important things. We will be better off without him.

Ruby Yoder
January 26, 2023

As God allows evil to be exposed, are not Godly men expected to destroy it?

Karen Hicks
January 26, 2023

He lied, but why didn’t his opponent bring these lies to light during the campaign? Most campaigns bring out all sorts of dirt on candidates. So why not in this race?

James Allen
January 26, 2023

If the people who elected him want him to resign then he should if he has any integrity? His political foundation had built “on sand” and not on “the ROCK – Truth” although politicians are not known for being honest – outright lying need to dealt with. Forgiveness from GOD does not necessarily remove consequences. He should resign.

Linda Dickman
January 26, 2023

Lord, I lift George Santos to you. Bring him to yourself, Lord. Raise his head to meet your eyes, and in that look, show him. Show him what he needs to do to get right with you. Surround him with believers who show him Your love, Your truth. Help George to take the honest action that you direct him to take. Help those with whom he serves to help him with Your guidance. Show him what he needs to do to get right with you. Grant him mercy as he humbles himself before you, and give him a course of action. In Jesus’ name.

Helen Yarbrough
January 26, 2023

Lord, give Rep. Santos eyes to see and ears to hear your word, soften his heart to receive you as Lord, and save him. Only you can save him, Jesus.

Allena Jordan
January 26, 2023

Breath of God, Holy Spirit, breathe upon these “slain.” Send the fire of conviction of sin, repentance, and spiritual awakening into the Congress of the United States. Send Your revival fires. We give You praise and honor for selecting a godly person to fill this position on the ethics committee. Lord, grant Rep. Guest supernatural wisdom, knowledge and insight into every matter under heaven, just as You did for Solomon. Protect him and his family from any harm danger or disabling accident. Deliver him from evil. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Robert Graham
January 26, 2023

I believe that the Republicans must stand up and say lying and deciet is wrong. I know it will reduce the slim majority Republicans hold in the House but we must stand up against things that are wrong! Situational ethics no matter what the situation is, is wrong period!

Ruth H. Leech
January 26, 2023

Pray that he, Santos would be removed from office and that he, Santos would come to repentance.

Jeanette Sills
January 26, 2023

Thy perfect will be done our great contender and vindicator. Truth justice and thy will be done. Amen.

January 26, 2023

I pray all career elected Officials who have corruption past & present who violate American citizens rights, taking away right & benefits past & present taking away American citizens lives spitefully & knowingly who have blood shed on their hands by the hand of god shall be punished for we all know bad karma can not be erased , it sits on their soul forever to answer to their creator for determination. I pray that all radical elected Officials who have robbed the USA, who have taught big tech how to lie on National Broadcasting Stations, trying to censure American citizens , blocking the truth from Americans seeing the truth & the internet, cable companies companies who tried to block honest cable or new media from televising the truth shall lose business them selves, no American shall ever be blocked from freedom of anything in the USA . I pray that all Communism, socialism, Fascism& all who practice these nasty types of running governmental practices shall be removed from the USA’s Americans lives for ever Immediately & out of American citizens pay roll forever.

January 26, 2023

When a liar admits his lies and he’s not thrown out immediately is telling. As they lower their heads and cast no stones least they be judged sums it up.
Moral integrity is sorely lacking in the house today.
Jesus please overturn congress, set the tables back up righteously.🙏

January 26, 2023

Mr. G. Soros has made his billions here is the USA & dispersed millions dark money trying to control American elections, paying people to start fights at rally’s , has resurrected hatred in the USA, his Natzi practices, to help Hillary due to Chelsea being Hillary’s daughter , because his nephew Mark Misvinski is his nephew married to Hillary’s daughter which means a big foot in the door to controlling the USA of America for him, he should have nothing o do in American elections, nor control anything in the USA, nor should his dark money be any exuberant amount to take over any one’s life in the USA past, present or future

January 26, 2023

That he will repent this leaving his sinful doings and become a Christ follower.

January 26, 2023

And who’s going to deal with the house ethics committee? Like are they all ethical? Ha! I sincerely doubt it! FATHER GOD please send laborers to all of them in congress! Show them their need for our SAVIOUR and let them and all of Congress receive JESUS as LORD in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

January 26, 2023

I’m not quite sure why they are focused on Santos except “they” want to decrease the number of Republicans in the house! Should he have lied? No! Should he have a chance to be redeemed? Yes! If I were him, I would not resign! The biggest crooks and liars in our world today (in Congress) are saying drag him out of Congress! And Peggy Noonan of the wall street journal? There’s an upright publication that pushed the covid and everyone should get the vaccine lies! That insists that the 2020 election was not rigged! The people of New York elected this man and in 2 years they can unelect him if they choose! Was there an outcry to fire Nancy Pelosi for insider trading? She should be in jail! Is she? How about Fauci? Hunter Biden? Joe Biden? Is he kicked out for profiting and receiving millions from Ukraine for insider information while he was a sitting vice president? How about Obama? He wasn’t even an American citizen. Yes I know he eventually produced a bogus birth certificate! He also sent millions of dollars in small bills in a plane to Iran, our enemy, why? So Santos seems to fit in with the biggest collection of liars gathered in one place, the House of Representatives! FATHER GOD thank YOU for continuing to expose corruption and liars in our Congress. FATHER GOD YOU also said that he that is without sin should cast the first stone! Please send laborers to Santos and let him let go of the father of lies, satan, as his father, and let him receive salvation and JESUS as his LORD! In JESUS NAME I pray! Amen!

    January 26, 2023

    I mean the big O, Obama wasn’t born in America! He is a citizen now! (I hope!) FATHER GOD please send laborers to Obama and his family for salvation! Let them all receive JESUS as LORD and escape eternal destruction in JESUS NAME! Amen!

    January 26, 2023

    Well said.. my first reaction was get rid of him! But he just got eLECTED! He is actually voting conservative! They do want him out.. think why? Everyone is a liar and has embellished.. they do want to get rid of another republican.. and quoting someone who write of The NY Times says it all! Lord Jesus , we all fall short of you glory, let these people come to repentance before passing anymore ungodly laws! In Jesus’ name!

Ellen Dougher
January 26, 2023

Where are the IFA pleas for prayer against the heinous number of lies told by Liar in Chief JBiden?

    January 26, 2023

    I totally agree with you!

    Maynard Beck Sr
    January 26, 2023

    You must be new to IFA. They have covered the Biddens, Pelosi, etc. for years. The prayer walls and messaging specific politicians tools were added fairly recently. The 1st msg/prayer I was able to send was to Joe Bidden after he took office as President.
    Here is part of the text of the letter I sent directly to Bidden
    “In your inaugural speech you quoted Saint Augustine, whom you noted is “a saint of my church.” Like other Catholic thinkers in an unbroken line stretching back two millennia, that saint condemned abortion at any stage of development. This is bedrock teaching. Your political alliances may make you reluctant to dwell on it. But if you are to avoid leading fellow Catholics, and others, into profound error, you must acknowledge that teaching in public.
    After all, as even the architect of the “personally opposed” position, Mario Cuomo, admitted in his famous 1984 speech at Notre Dame: “I think that the whole community, regardless of its religious beliefs, should agree on the importance of protecting life—including life in the womb, which is at the very least potentially human and should not be extinguished casually.” The former governor of New York professed that view—but refused to act upon it, refused to join his fellow pro-lifers. Mr. President, you are a different leader in a very different moment. If unity is your goal, then speak in public to those with whom you may disagree about politics, but with whom you do agree about the sanctity of life.
    After all, as even the architect of the “personally opposed” position, Mario Cuomo, admitted in his famous 1984 speech at Notre Dame: “I think that the whole community, regardless of its religious beliefs, should agree on the importance of protecting life—including life in the womb, which is at the very least potentially human and should not be extinguished casually.” The former governor of New York professed that view—but refused to act upon it, refused to join his fellow pro-lifers. Mr. President, you are a different leader in a very different moment. If unity is your goal, then speak in public to those with whom you may disagree about politics, but not with whom you do disagree with about the sanctity of life.”

    The 2nd prayer I sent through IFA was a similar comment to the Supreme Court on IFA’s amicus brief on the Dobbs case…
    We do need to pray for our country from top to bottom and IFA gives us the tools.
    God Bless

Ruby Yoder
January 26, 2023

Drain the swamp. Way past time to stop overlooking the evil in our government. Father, I ask that you give Rep. Guest the wisdom to deal with ethical problems.

michelle martin
January 26, 2023

Shalom – this is my first comment. Just wanted to say this is outrageous. I am in the UK and our government is also bad. But it usually seems our cousins in America do it bigger and badder. Blessings.

    January 26, 2023

    Hi Michelle, Sadly, you are right, America is the biggest, baddest corrupt mess one could imagine, politically, socially, economically, ethically. Sorry for your struggles in the U.K. This world needs prayer, that’s for sure.

    Blessing to you, too, and Shalom!

Jim Hagman
January 26, 2023

I’m torn on this one. Should they go after every representative that has lied? If so there would be a lot of them to expel. Or is it how many lies you tell? Or is it when you lie and embarrass the voters who voted for you? Is lying the only ethic violation you should be expelled for? How about sleeping with a Chinese spy? The world now knows Santos is a liar. The republicans could keep him off committees like they did to Marjorie Taylor Green. Let him serve out his term and give the voters another chance in two years or let the draining begin for all liars and other ethic violators.

    Janet Drawhorn
    January 26, 2023

    Well said.
    Let’s make this a prayer.
    Father, here our prayer. Expose what needs to be exposed. Heal, deliver, set free — ALL


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