Teacher Fired for Opposing LGBT Book for Kids
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Teacher Fired for Opposing LGBT Book for Kids
Substitute teacher Lindsey Barr was fired for expressing concerns over curriculum. Her response is inspiring.
From Fox News. When my husband and I first moved to Richmond Hill, Georgia, we jumped in with both feet to serve wherever was needed at Bryan County Schools, where our kids attended. …
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I loved being a volunteer mom after 10 years of teaching full-time in the school district. Then my husband and I decided the best thing for our family was for me to substitute teach, which I did beginning in January.
In August, when my two youngest were in first and third grade at McAllister Elementary School, I learned about a picture book that was going to be presented to young students, including my then 6-year-old and 8-year-old, during a library read-aloud program. The book, “All Are Welcome,” contains several illustrations of same-sex couples parenting and expecting children. So I spoke to McAllister’s principal, as a mother, expressing my concern that the book’s illustrations conflict with my faith and the values I seek to impart to my children, and I simply asked that they be excused from the read-aloud program.
My husband and I believe that we should be the ones to talk to our kids about sexuality and other sensitive topics—as is the right of every parent. …
Soon after I expressed those views, I was fired …
School officials terminated my employment because I expressed genuine concern—as a parent—about something happening in my children’s school. … So with the legal assistance of Alliance Defending Freedom, I filed a lawsuit against those officials. …
Georgia law allows parents to review school materials, and the First Amendment protects our right to speak out if we have a concern about the material. School officials unlawfully and unfairly targeted me because of my viewpoint. …
Loving others well sometimes involves taking a difficult stand when you know it’s the right thing to do, even if doing so surprises you because you’ve always been a people-pleaser and the least likely to rock the boat.
But this fight is worth it. Our children’s future is on the line, as well as our parental right to direct their care, upbringing, and education.
What do you think of Barr’s story and lawsuit? Share your thoughts and prayers below.
(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Canva)
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Dear Jesus, Thank You, for protecting these two little ones in the Barr Family. Thank You, for the parents, Lindsay and her husband, who have taken a stand against “All Are Welcome.” It appears not all are welcome in this Bryan County School in Georgia. Bring justice to the forefront. Expose those who are behind firing Lindsay. May Your will be done in her life and in the lives of her children. Thank You, for Mr. Barr. He is the Priest of the home. Bless him and Lindsay with protection, wisdom and love beyond measure. I speak authority from God’s Word over this family. In Luke 4:18, God’s Word says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon this family. Because He anointed them to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent them to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind. To set free those who are down-trodden. To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.” (NASB) and Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against the Barr’s will prosper,” (NASB). Thank You, for Isiah 59:19b, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against him.” (Spirit-Filled Woman’s Devotional Bible (NKJV). Father, thank You for lifting up Your standard on Bryan County School. The principal, Board of Education, Superintendent and other God-fearing teachers and families in Georgia are needing a miracle. Am believing for salvations, healings, and deliverances. Thank You, for Psalm 91 (TPT) over Lindsay Barr and her entire family. Thank you, they are SAFE and SECURE. “They sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai. He’s the HOPE that holds them. Thank You, God, that you have rescued them from every hidden trap of the enemy, and protected them from false accusations and any deadly curses, that may come their way.” (TPT 91:1-3). Thank You for the GOOD fruit that is being demonstrated in their lives. Holy Spirit continue to have a free hand in this family and in the lives of the leadership within Bryan County, Georgia. I love you, Jesus. Amen and amen.
There’s a common evil being promoted around the world as well as in the U.S. Its success seems largely due to the free-floating morals of the majority. Centuries of Bible teaching here were seriously discouraged in the Post WWII period, in education, news organizations, entertainment (esp. in Hollywood) and throughout much of human culture. This country is now experiencing consequences in economics, liberty, law and even the natural world (earthquakes, weather, environmental damage) that damage infrastructure and individual constructions. Other nations are more damaged than the U.S. is now, so (especially in states hostile to God’s word) people there are inquiring about Jesus Christ and resisting what evil they can while searching for truth that satisfies the longings of their souls. I pray for you personally and for the ones being lied to by anti-Christian leaders.
children are a heritage from the Lord and the chief way the Kingdom expands. God is the God of Abraham , Jacob and Isaac. He works through the generations. Check out Gregg Gunn and the Familiy Indentional Direction Project started by Greg Gunn out of Oklahoma City. THere is no way that Church can stay away from helping parents with basic education. I pray for the school boards to be flooded with parents who will fight to protect the hearts and minds of these children. Start Charter schools and help home school. God save the children .
Dear Lord, thank you for teachers and parents like Lindsey Barr who stand up for the rights of teachers and parents who are concerned for the children. Father please lift up all parents to stand up and take back their right to raise their children in their beliefs. Satan has a hold on the school system right now in an effort to detach kids from their families and use them in an evil plot to overturn your kingdom. Watch over the children of this world Lord and give back decision making to their families according to your will. Amen
Thank You Father for this teacher. May you go before her and be her rear guard, bless her, protect her, and keep her in this fight. May you grant her and all of us with the courageous spirit of Phineas who was zealous for You Lord. Amen.
Standing up is never easy. May God increase your strength and continue to stand in the face of evil.
Lord deliver us from evil and cause us to grow in faith.
In Jesus Name
Bless you. Be strong and stand your ground in love.
I want to thank Lindsey Barr for standing up as a teacher for the children of our country. I pray that teachers all over America will follow her standard and will rise up to fight for the rights of our children and parent say in their education. Enough of this government Agenda to indoctrinate our children that was a gift from God to us.
to free from allegation or blame—deliver
to provide justification or defense for –justify
to protect from attack or encroachment—defend
Luke 18:7 Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help? https://biblehub.com/context/luke/18-1.htm
Dear Abba Father, You are the Author of Justice. I pray You hear each prayer uttered for Lindsey Barr, her defense team and for the sake of children. I pray she is vindicated in a way that shatters the confidence of the offenders and reinforces the well being of children. I so thank You for my years as an educator. Thank You for the privilege to pray with and for the kids I taught, their parents and coworkers. Thank You for the countless faithful educators who remain in this troubled institution. I pray a Kingdom Vindication for them and all of their burdens, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
I’m sorry this happened, Leslie.. it is against freedom speech & SO many other freedoms.
We are fighting this is Raleigh as well and the books are the same. Some books apparently appear unnoticed by the teacher and librarian while others are welcomed.
During the last election, exceptional people ran for the School Board in different districts. We put out signs and supported as possible. None were elected because the politics of the existing Board prevented it.
A dear friend is in hand to hand combat with this going to the police department, appropriate lawyers and even the board itself. The School Board sits with yawns and is exceedingly hard of hearing.
As we are the hands and feet of our Lord, He fights to victory!
Thank you, Leslie, for fighting the good fight in Raleigh. It’s shocking to see how the gay mafia have overrun libraries and schools in a red state like North Carolina.
Prayers for you, your friend, the good candidates you had for School Boards, and all who are fighting the good fight in NC and across the nation. Bless you.
“The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name.” ~ Exodus 15:3
The near universal advancement of cultural relativism, incredibly coupled to intolerance and the advances in technology that enable the performance of improbable events prophesied in the Bible suggest that the end of this Grace of God period may be near. Thus, we have the responsibility to live right and to aggressively convey the reason for our hope to our contacts without fear. Some of us may suffer the life-ending treatment of Government or culture (e.g. in Iran, prisons, etc.) so being too reticent about our trust in Jesus for salvation is unlikely to spare us mistreatment by the majority. We need to Go and Tell or maybe just tell where we are.
I am thankful for the stand that Lindsey took regarding the material presented to her children. More parents need to stand against this evil that is coming against our children. I will pray that she has favor in the lawsuit. So many back down not willing to take on the fight.