A Spiritual Call to Arms
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A Spiritual Call to Arms
Analysis. The phrase “a call to arms” has been defined as a call to “prepare for confrontation” or to “defend against a takeover.”
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Conservative historians Victor Davis Hanson and Newt Gingrich have referred to the upcoming midterm and 2024 elections as being the most crucial in our history since World War II and the Civil War — conflicts that could have meant the destruction of the United States.
It is well past time that the people of God were moved to intercede through the miraculous gift of prayer. I am mindful of the risk of personal spiritual insensitivity if I fail to respond to His call at such a time as this. The Scripture says that those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. Is this not true? Have too many of this nation’s Christian believers been insensitive to the Spirit’s call to pray regarding abortion, so that now some 60 million beautiful miracles of life have been snuffed out as being inconvenient? Were we so dull of hearing? Is this innocent blood upon us because as watchmen we did not heed the call of the Spirit? May it never be.
And yet, this has been true of me! Can we be truly called the sons of God if we do not oppose and respond to the demonic curse of abortion, and if we did not consider ourselves led to pray against this evil? The fact is: Yes, we have often been guilty, because we were distracted by this nation’s material wealth and by the concerns of our own ease; our hearing has too often become dulled like that of the church at Laodicea. Oh Lord, help us wake up!
If we would truly be His children, let us not fail to hear His voice calling us to intervene and intercede. It seems to me that even “nominal” believers are aware of the turn our culture and country have taken with regard to evil itself. Are you aware? Have you noticed?
The phrase “a call to arms” has been associated with repurposing this country’s industrial might toward military production at the onset of World War II. But it is also appropriate to apply it to the start of the Civil War, after states in the South seceded in response to Abraham Lincoln’s election and to his determination to abolish slavery in this country. The willingness of men to offer their lives for the principle of freedom so that no human should unjustly be held captive can certainly be considered a call to arms.
Today this call involves a desperate need to confront the literal takeover of our country by demonic forces — an assault that could bring an end to the United States of America as that “shining city on a hill” our founders envisioned it to be, to bring hope to the world. There are very few times as truly critical and consequential as those through which we are living right now. This is obvious, given our perilously open borders and the millions of undocumented potential voters: illegal immigrants who are being given this right by law, by those who hold the reins of political power. It is equally obvious that the rationale behind permitting this invasion, so dreadfully and willfully ignored by the lawless left, is the lust for control and to remain in power — at any cost. Thus, the urgency.
The future of our beloved country, where countless lives have been offered up in defense of liberty (a gift from God), demands our fervent, ceaseless prayers. Are we to allow this takeover to continue to the point of no return, through prayerlessness and spiritual complacency? Or will we acknowledge the danger, heed the call to spiritual arms, and sink to our knees and fall on our faces before God, pleading for His mercy to turn back this mad political rush into the abyss?
What is to be our response? What will we choose? Will we commit to sacrifice an hour of sleep in the middle of the night? Will we cry out to Him during the day, instead of watching television while the nation faces the greatest existential crisis we have ever known?
Wake up, O sleeper!
Let us be the true sons of God, willing to be led by the Spirit to rise up and take a “stand” — on our knees! Let us not neglect to throw out the life preserver of fervent prayer for our nation! Let us press on toward our promised inheritance in heaven and thus show ourselves willing to “throw off every weight.”
At this point in history, we must not teeter on the brink of extinction as concerns freedom in America. My dear friends, please understand that a “spiritual call to arms” has indeed been sounded, and this is could be our last chance to impact our eternal destiny. Let us consider how we want to render account on that day for the ways we fought in prayer for America, at one time the only truly Christian nation on earth — and thus for how we prayed for the rest of the world as well.
Saints, we must not fail to heed the warning to awaken from sleep and to take up the weapons of prayer war, lest we stand ashamed amid the spiritual blood of millions because we were too comfortable and lacked the spiritual resolve of the Holy Spirit. But we need never be the church of Laodicea.
We are not yet threatened here with prison, as was Soviet dissident Joseph Bondarenko; or as the members of underground churches in so many countries have been — in places where parents see their children harmed in front of them, merely because they believe in Jesus; or as the historical multitudes have been who lost their lives in agonizing ways, even as they courageously took up spiritual arms in their times of trial. Having read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, I have asked myself: Am I so close to my heavenly Father that I could, like so many of those worthy martyrs, sing praises to Him through the flames of execution at the stake?
This is our time to “stand up” — on our knees! — so that our faith may be “approved unto God,” and so that we need never be ashamed to stand before Him Who suffered and died for the freedom we now have.
How are you standing up and arming yourself for God? Share your prayers and scriptures below.
Gregory White is an intercessor from California. His wife, Zoraida, is an IFA state prayer leader for California. Photo Credit: Canva.
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Oh Father God, May we all repent of the selfish attitudes our culture promotes and the lack of Christ’s presence in our lives in the form of Holy Spirit!!May we repent of the lack of Bible study and prayer in our personal lives. Help us to become strong believers so that all people will clearly see the difference that Jesus makes and that those who don’t know Jesus will have reason to come to Him and make Him their Savior. Let us be covered in love and unashamed of who we are because who we are has been formed in us by God !! We are God’s Christian soldiers and there is a war going on between good and evil. Jesus has won the Victory but we must manifest it here on earth !!! ❤️🙏🇺🇸
“If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.””
Joshua 24:15 NASB1995
As Daniel repented and prayed for Israel, Father God, I come before solely on Your grace and mercy to say I will not let my heart be troubled (afraid cowardly) I believe (confidently) in God and trust in Him. You have heard our prayers and Your Light is pushing back the darkness this day in a mighty way. I will rise up to pray and heed Your call to pray in Jesus’ Name
The LORD Will Not Forget His People, Psalm 94
Hebrews 12:5-6And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children?d He said,“My child, don’t make light of the LORD’s discipline and don’t give up when He corrects you. For the LORD disciplines those He loves, andHe punishes each one He accepts as His child.”
Dear Heavenly Father, may Your retribution be absolute as we conclude voting today. May the proud receive their pay back. They speak arrogantly as they seek to crush us, Your people. They think You do not see or care but You know all of their worthless plans. We know Your discipline Father because we are Your children but right now, we ask for Your righteous judgment. We ask for Your help against the corrupt ones, those who are planning no end to evil. We are asking for You to destroy everything that they have set against the good of this nation. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray the result of this nationwide election is beyond question, decisive and deadly for those who have turned their backs to You. Amen
I just got back from voting first thing this morning, and started praying, and then reading this article. So convicted by it. I am repenting. I think I am so spiritually aware, and praying so much, but how much do I deny myself in order to pray? I am praying to truly be awake, and to hear the voice of God, and obey it.
I believe God is going to answer our prayers for this election, and give us a little more time. I don’t want to miss it, and waste the opportunities He will give us to reach the lost. I think of Jesus’ words over Jerusalem, that they missed the hour of their visitation. God is so merciful. Lord, wake us up!
“Lord, wake us up!” I believe He has Rhonda. May God continue to bless America, may God continue to bless you.