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Father, we pray that Your will would be done this Tuesday. Unleash Your power upon every polling place. Change out nation, God, to better resemble You.
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The night of the midterms will feature the second blood moon of 2022. What is the significance of this? Does God have something big planned?

From CBN News. A total lunar eclipse or “blood moon” will hang in the sky as ballots are tallied on the night of November 8, and it has sparked some church leaders to believe that the upcoming midterm elections could have prophetic significance. …

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As CBN News has reported, a “blood moon” is foretold by the Bible in the book of Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.”

Also in Acts 2:20: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come.” …

All of the scriptures refer to the moon turning blood red as a heavenly sign the end times are fast approaching. While no one knows for sure which event those scripture references are referring to, the imagery created by solar and lunar eclipses often leads to questions about their potential biblical significance.


Numerous “Blood Moon” events have occurred throughout history since those passages were written, but some believe the Blood Moon prophecy is just as relevant as ever. Some preachers point to the large number of Blood Moon eclipses in recent years as just one of many signs that the end of the world is drawing closer. …

John Graves, CEO of the church association called Million Voices, spoke on the Flashpoint program saying, “There’s going to be a much bigger swing than people think. It’s not going to be 10 or 20 in the House. It’s going to be 30, 40, 50. It’s going to be at least 54 in the Senate.”

Graves believes that political trends indicate Latinos and conservative women are the two demographics that are going to dictate the outcome.

“They’re upset about crime, inflation, and politics in the classroom. And the Church is waking up [and] they’re going to show up,” he continued.


While the lunar eclipse phenomenon does happen periodically, Hank Kunneman, pastor of Lord of Hosts Church in Nebraska, says this particular occurrence lines up with “events on God’s calendar.” …

Kunneman also encouraged believers watching the election to trust God no matter what.

“There will be things that will be disputed, undisputed, and refuted, but I can guarantee you this is the beginning of America’s turning back,” he added. …

How are you praying over the midterms? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Photo Credit: Yu Kato on Unsplash)

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November 9, 2022


November 9-10, 1938
Poem by Eva

The uneasiness felt throughout the land
Did not point to “all was well”.
Soon, the evil that was lurking
Like a cold, dark blanket fell.

Then was heard life’s shattering sound
Throughout the German nation:
An horrific sound that stirred up
Hell’s minions to exhilaration.

Rocks crashed through Jewish shop windows,
With glass shattering everywhere.
Synagogues were burnt fast to the ground
And homes were pillaged without a care.

They pleaded for mercy and for justice
From those who’d desired them dead.
While their neighbors, in deafening silence,
Quickly turned away their heads.

It was a night unlike all other nights
For Israel’s sons and daughters
Just like sheep, they were led away,
Earmarked for the slaughter.

Kristallnacht was the very spark
that ignited the Holocaust,
A great and unspeakable evil
Where 6,000,000 Jewish lives were lost.

The entire world stood guilty
Of this crime against humanity
Hitler, the Nazis, the Church and the Nations
All played a role in this atrocity.

The bystanders were the largest group
Indifferent, filled with shame,
Their passivity and their silence
Helped ignite HaShoah’s flame.

The lesson here speaks loud and clear.
Evil will yet prevail.
History will repeat itself
When good men, by their silence, fail.

Nadine Meae
November 8, 2022

I pray that elections will progress with honesty and that the candidates that win are of your WILL to help America to forward to you, Oh God. We ask for your mercy and help and give thanks to you and return to living as you would have us live in America….we ask for peace. May God help us.

November 8, 2022

Does the blood moon means a red wave is coming or the red commies are taking over, or does it mean nothing right now?

November 8, 2022

You prayed for GOD’s will to be done then immediately told Him what His will should be. What if His will is for this nation to fail—to get out of the way? When one prays for God’s will to be done we shouldn’t presume to tell Him what His will should be.

November 8, 2022

God has a wonderful sense of humor

November 7, 2022

Father. You move heaven and earth for Your people. When we’re fed up and go to Your throne in humility and boldness, You check things out and make changes. So, Abba, we are at the foot of Your throne. We made a mess, and like a baby, we pulled the lamp cord and it fell. We don’t know how to clean it up, so we’re sitting in the mess, crying out for You to rescue us. We ask You to put people in office who will bring honor and glory to Your name so we can heal. Loose Your government, warring, ministering and messenger angels to do Your bidding. Assign Your Linking angels where they need to be. Father, we want You as our God. You alone are God. You are now, You always have been and You always will be.

November 7, 2022

Father. You move heaven and earth for Your people. When we’re fed up and go to Your throne in humility and boldness, You check things out and make changes. So, Abba, we are at the foot of Your throne. We made a mess, and like a baby, we pulled the lamp cord and it fell. We don’t know how to clean it up, so we’re sitting in the mess, crying out for You to rescue us. We ask You to put people in office who will bring honor and glory to Your name so we can heal. Loose Your government, warring, ministering and messenger angels to do Your bidding. Assign Your Linking angels where they need to be. Father, we want You as our God. You alone are God. You are now, You always have been and You always will be.

Susan CC
November 7, 2022


November 7, 2022

Please note! the first line from CBN News is not correct. The lunar eclipse occurs Tuesday MORNING – not Tuesday NIGHT “as the ballots are being tallied.” It will be spectacular, but if you wait til Tuesday night, you will miss it.

    November 7, 2022

    Yes and Amen 🙏🏼 We ask in the precious Name of Jesus! Godly leaders and election integrity! Cover all polling stations/ centers by the precious blood of Jesus to the glory of God the Father and in the power of the God Holy Spirit 🙏🏼♥️🇺🇸♥️🙏🏼

Darlene Estlow
November 7, 2022

Father, we thank you that you are working. We pray for these elections that they will be honest and corruption will be stopped before it begins. May we your people trust you in all things and may you be all in all to us.

November 7, 2022

LOL, sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence…………it’s nice but i wouldn’t read anything more into this event……

    Susan CC
    November 7, 2022

    The word coincidence is translated from the Greek word synkyrian, which is a combination of two words: sun and kurios. Sun means “together with,” and kurious means “supreme in authority.” So a biblical definition of coincidence would be “what occurs together by God’s providential arrangement of circumstances.”

    Coincidence? I think not.

      Susan CC
      November 7, 2022

      Or should I say, “yes, it is in God’s providential arrangement of circumstances!” ; )

November 7, 2022

Praying for US from Malaysia. We are standing with you, USA. We are standing with the Lord and trusting God’s significant for you. He loves you USA and He has the used the events in the last couple of years to awaken the sleeping church to action. All the Davids have entered the battle field with their 5 stones and have removed all the unfitting armour of King Saul. The enemy might come with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But America and the people of God all over the world, we come in the Name of the Lord of hosts. In the Name of Jehovah Shaboath we come. The enemy is defeated. May righteousness reign, may justice be restored, may lives (children) be protected… May the Name of the Lord Jesus be glorified in America.

    Anita Lynott
    November 7, 2022

    Malaysia, thank you!!!

    Gregory Solovieff
    November 7, 2022

    Thanks for your powerful prayer from Malaysia! I pray it with you from North Carolina!

    Susan CC
    November 7, 2022

    Tears! Thank you Jay, when I “leak,” I know the Lord is near. Amen to your declaration of support in our Mighty God. Yes, The name of the Lord Jesus is Glorified in America! Yes, The name of the Lord Jesus is Glorified in Malaysia!

Darlene DeAngelis
November 7, 2022

Father God thank you for putting an awareness in us to open up to Joel as you talk about the blood moon and what this means I believe you speak through everything that you have created Lord and we as Christians need to read your word everyday eat it digest it and understand what you’re trying to tell us you are on your throne you are Almighty all powerful and you are definitely in control you are on the Move thank you Jesus for giving me spiritual eyes to see who you are in Jesus name I pray and also let us look in Revelations it talks about a blood moon you have seen your children suffer so much and now that there is prayer being put up into your kingdom Your Kingdom Come y’all will be done on Earth as it is in heaven in Jesus your son’s name thank you Father God


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