What Does God Want Us to ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ for?
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What Does God Want Us to ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ for?
Were you as shocked as I was at 6:11 pm on July 13th when Donald Trump was struck by a bullet from an assassin’s gun? He fell to the ground. Watching the Secret Service agents swarm over him, I prayed that he was not dead or mortally wounded.
In less than a minute from the shots ringing out, former President Trump was standing and appeared to protest as the Secret Service tried to hustle him off the stage. Mr. Trump then turned to the crowd and with an expression of defiance, raised his fist and shouted, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
How very Trumpian! Fearless even.
That historic moment was captured by a photographer in an image that is sure to become as iconic as the pictures of the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima or of President Bush standing on the rubble of the Twin Towers speaking into a bullhorn.
But I couldn’t help but wonder, why were those words the first ones President Trump uttered after being shot at? Why not, “I’m okay!” or “God Bless America!” or “Freedom!”
Why the call to fight?
Many in the media chided Trump for his immediate call to his supporters to fight. He was told by CNN to “tamp down the rhetoric.” CBS fretted that there was no attempt by Mr. Trump to tell his supporters to not retaliate. ABC knee-jerked into victim-blaming mode suggesting Mr. Trump is to blame for his own assassination attempt.
The day after the shooting, Mr Trump explained that he thought it was “essential to get out the message at that moment to continue to fight to make America great again.”
It was no surprise then that ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!’ became the delegates’ booming rallying cry at the Republican National Convention complete with raised fists.
I don’t disagree that we should fight for the principles upon which our country was founded by men of Christian faith. The Declaration of Independence states, “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
The Constitution goes further in the Bill of Rights to lay out our freedoms — freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to assemble, and others. Our rights and freedoms are worth fighting for, as is our country.
But Scripture tells us, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord’s” (Psalm 33:12). With that in mind, perhaps the question we as Christians should be asking is:
What does God want us to fight for?
Paul in his first letter to Timothy urged him to “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called” (1 Timothy 6:12).
In his second letter to Timothy, Paul confirmed that this is indeed what he had done himself, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).
When Paul wrote the second letter to Timothy he was in a Roman prison, condemned for execution. He knew he would die very soon. Chapter 4 of Second Timothy is literally Paul’s last recorded words. Paul sent Timothy this solemn charge to fight for the truth of the gospel, to preserve it, and to pass it on to others. For Paul, nothing was more important.
For God’s truth is precious and sacred and comes second to no other ideology – religious, cultural or political.
When the truth of our sovereign God is threatened, maligned, mocked, or ignored, we must stand and fight for the gospel with the weapons God provides. We are to fight against God’s enemy who is our enemy – the devil, his darkness and evil.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against… the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12-13).
Not only has God revealed who the enemy is, He gives us the weapons to fight and win.
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:13).
God also gives us His full armor to stand against the devil’s schemes – the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit (see Ephesians 6:10-17). Then He trains our hands for war, and our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1).
Instead of fighting for Trump’s MAGA, let’s fight to Make Almighty God Great Again (MAGGA) in our nation, which will result in revival, healing and the Lord’s blessings. God has already promised us the victory (2 Chronicles 7:14-16).
How do we fight as Christians and Intercessors?
First, we humbly seek God and His righteousness. We keep our focus firmly on Him and give Him all the glory (Matthew 6:33).
We revere Jesus as Christ and Lord in our hearts. We stand ready to defend God’s Word and share the hope that is within us (1 Peter 3:15).
Second, we study Scripture, so the word of Christ dwells in us teaching and admonishing us in all wisdom (Colossians 3:16). We declare the gospel fearlessly (Ephesians 6:20).
Next, we call on the Lord who listens to us and we devote ourselves to prayer (Jeremiah 29:12). Whatever we ask in His name will be done and God will be glorified (John 14:13). The Lord delights in our prayers (Proverbs 15:8).
Then, we praise God because he is great and worthy of all our praises (Psalm 145:3) and our praises silence the devil (Psalm 8:2).
We as Intercessors are fighting this battle on many fronts — in politics, in government, in culture, in media, in work, in schools, in families, and in churches. But we worship and pray to a living God where nothing is impossible (Luke 1:47), and while He makes us ready for battle, the victory already belongs to Him (Proverbs 21:31).
So we fight the fight of faith in His power, praying in the Spirit, and boldly asking in the name of Jesus. We trust in His will for us and our nation knowing if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)
So Christian, let us Fight! Fight! Fight!
To help guide you in your prayers please see Praying for America’s Return.
Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images.
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I did not see this article when it first came out and at this point I am grateful that I did not
All I have to say in response to this article is -remember our founding fathers- and the amount of sacrifice they endured in the battle they engaged in.
It is so wearing to have to constantly endure Christians that are looking for a reason to be
do-gooders and not Warriors
I finally got around to reading this amazing article. It is so encouraging and informative. It is exactly what I needed when I needed it. What a blessing! Thank you so much Belinda Brewster!
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Ye soldiers of the cross
Lift high his royal banner,
it must not suffer loss
From victory unto victory
His army shall He lead
Till every foe is vanquished,
and Christ is Lord indeed!
Instead of fighting for Trump’s MAGA, let’s fight to Make Almighty God Great Again? Actually the MAGA movement is paving the way for righteousness, real justice and freedom for Christians to speak, pray, and evangelize. Our world is divided in two camps. The Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. MAGA is with the truth, the leftist are of the spirit of error. Their schemes are really anti-Christ. Christians of course are totally of the Spirit of truth. Fighting with the MAGA fight is a good thing. Fighting for salvation of persons is another good fight, the ultimate but as you say We as Intercessors are fighting this battle on many fronts — in politics, in government, in culture, in media, in work, in schools, in families, and in churches.
We need to fight the good fight of faith. Frankly, I have seen more evidence of Christian faith in the Republican party, especially Mr. Trump. I do believe that God spared Trump for a reason. We will find out why as time proceeds.
There also comes a time when a physical war is inevitable….all throughout the bible…and God helped defeat enemies ,,,physically too. We would not be a nation living in freedom unless many paid the ultimate price…glance over Arlington cenemtary ..That’s the price of freedom. War is evil, but it’s clear in scripture it happens and same with present day because certain ppl are very evil. War is hell.
However, yes we must also fight in the spirit …weapons not carnal…waging war in the heavenlies ….angel armies encamp around and protect these families leading our nation.. Now more than ever we must pray for Trump and Vance and their families , that they will glorify God every chance they get, after such a miraculous thing has just happened before the world ! So, we fight always for sure spiritually and sometimes physically
We will Fight the good fight of faith for the unborn, for the borders, for righteousness, For Kingdom reign and for Harvest it is plain. The righteous are demonstrated in the fruit of which we stand in the Repubilican Party. Trump is basically saying what God is saying to him because he knows he is and what his calling is . There should be no other reason why he should not say Fight. I ask in Jesus name to have what HE says are ours: the freedom for religion, safety in the borders, for honor of those who fought for us to live on the soil of freedom , for the state of our families and the education of our children. So much to fight for. Bind the strongman called socialism and throw him out all this we fight for on our knees, as we stand for liberty and justice for all In Jesus name Amen
WAKEup! Yahweh protected Trump’s death because he is the Anti-Christ. Pope Francis is the False Prophet and Elon Musk will oversee the Mark of the Beast and AI. Holograms of Trump will cause all to worship the “Image of the Beast”. The RNC showed everyone that the One World Religion under the AntiChrist, Donald Trump, has arrived. What is next? Putin will nuke the U.S. or Babylon the Great, Rev. 17-18. Trump will leave the wounded eagle for Israel. They are ready to make him their Jewish long-awaited Messiah and Savior. He will build the Third Temple and Satan will enter him. Yahweh wants His Family NOW. There is no rapture ( a false doctrine conjured up 200 years ago) that brought the false church lots of money. If people thought they would be “raptured” out, why save money to prepare for what is coming? They cannot even recognize the Anti-Christ when he is right under their noses! Trump fits every description in scripture. COME OUT OF THE FALSE CHURCH. It is not in a building. It is repentance from sin, holiness, water baptism, obedience and leaving the world system! The TRUE church does not engage in politics because we belong to His Kingdom.
Slander is one of the worst sins; Satan means “slanderer”.
Amen and amen
I am a born-again Christian and I believe that Donald Trump’s saying “fight, fight, fight was to (1.) Let us know he is ok! And (2.) That we still have freedom to “fight” to stop the communization (communism) of our nation! Trump is not my pastor, he is my choice for President! Making America Great Again is NOT Trump’s MAGA, but mine, yours, and all who want our liberty and freedoms restored from the current socialists in government’s attempt to steal them! Especially they have tried to steal our religious freedoms! Our LORD said we are to “render unto GOD the things that are GOD’S; and to Caesar the things that are Caesars!” The King James Bible is the Hebrew and Greek version in English! All of the other versions of the Bible either takes words away or adds words to the original Hebrew and Greek texts! Perhaps lukewarm Christians need to either read the original texts in Hebrew and Greek; or stick with the King James text! I believe these “altered versions” is why so many Christians are lukewarm, and hyper-critical of President Trump and other born-again believers! Who is our alternative for President? Why are you critical so close to the election? To turn weak-minded voters away?
FATHER GOD thank YOU for saving President Trump’s life for such a time as this! Restore sight to all who names YOUR Name as LORD! Let them stop looking for perfection in anyone but YOU LORD; for NONE of us is perfect except YOU! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect President Trump and all of his family and supporters during these times! Let him be our next president and let our nation be preserved! Please FATHER let us all read our Bibles daily to learn of YOU and YOUR Ways in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
Agreeing with you 100% Roberta !!!
Trump is not my pastor but my choice for President…. We MUST stand in the gap shoulder to shoulder as we fight the satanic kingdom seeking to destroy GODS America !!! Hallelujah
The Holy Spirit gave me this short prayer-poem years ago. It is useful for applying the Armour of God to start the day…
First the helmet of salvation purchased with Christ’s precious blood
Next the breastplate of righteousness woven with His love
Then the belt of truth to keep me safe from satan’s vicious lies
And the shield of faith for from the tomb my Savior did arise
Then the shoes of peace so I may run where others fear to trod
And carry forth my two-edged sword the awesome Word of God
(Matthew Henry’s commentaries describe the sword mentioned in Armour of God scriptures as identical to the knife used by the priest to carve the offerings.)
As warriors we need to be cognizant of being prepared for the battle – full of the Word and the Holy Spirit. It brings to mind a song about a soldier in the Civil War:
Great message & Bible verses to reflect on the hour & time align
Ephesians 6 11 13 mean?
Here in Ephesians 6:11 and 13, he simply talks about the armor in its entirety. Notice first of all that he doesn’t just tell us to obtain the armor. He doesn’t tell us to obtain it, because it has already been given to each one of us. Each Christian has a complete set of armor from God.
I believe Jesus has transformed President Trump in this dark hour as HE spared his life.! Lord we pray President Trump keeps his armor of God on at all times as HE flights for our Nation but most importantly he fights against the darkness in this word through the HOLY SPIRITS direction. I’m also in agreement more Christian’s need to WAKE UP & get out of the bleachers & into the battle field by voting & not being afraid to share our faith – stand with Our President who fights for the unborn lives as well as fights for our lives as we face this evil head on. Through Christ – ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Amen
The VERY integral part of the MAGA movement IS GOD!! God is fully integrated in it! ( As anyone could see after watching the Republican National Convention this past week ). And YES, we need to “Fight, Fight, Fight!” and WAKE UP the silent. meek Christians who don’t vote and say, “ Whatever happens is God’s Will!” I’m ashamed, as a Believer, , to hear such ignorant rhetoric, as God must be too! He Has Always Called us to armor up with His Armor “ Fight, fight fight !” for Truth and Justice as we claim
God’s Word in our battle to save this country.! It is OUR fault (Christians) for the condition our country is in today…..because we were silent! ARMOR UP, with CHRIST’S ARMOR, SPEAK OUT and YES, “ FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!” 🇺🇸✝️🙏🇺🇸
“We decree that the flag of the United States shall be honored and respected. We say that the flag shall not be used as a symbol of protest. WHEN The flag is displayed it is a reminder who made it and what the stars stand for. Honor stands for high respect, adherence to what is right or to be a conventional standard of conduct. When we say our pledges to our flag, not only do we honor God but it shows emphasis on honoring others and has everything to do with a biblical command. Prayer is everything. I remembered when the bible was removed from the schools, then the Bible! I was young at that time, had not learned to stand up and use the scriptures and to use these words as fighting tools. Did not know about the Authority Jesus gave us- when the LORD JESUS calls us, He gives us power and authority which is to proclaim to do the work of the ministry. ‘Matthew -28-18-20 says JESUS came up and said to them- “All authority in heaven and earth has been given” AMP We must intercede and pray for a revival of moral decency to help turn back this nation. We have consequences we have not been aware of because- of lack of prayer and reading Gods word. There is no way it ever entered in my scope of thinking, that school teachers and Directors of all schools are coaxing school children ‘with gender affirmation”. The world has worsened. We stand before Jesus and and decree a moral righteousness will be established back in our churches, our homes, our schools, our Gov. As I stand before Jesus I declare we take back purity, virtue that will shift back the culture towards good. Parents start teaching children what and why we read Gods word. we bind the door for evilness to prey upon the innocent. My request to Jesus is that He establishes back moral decency and a hunger for His word. Heavenly Father I decree that freedom and liberty will flourish and The UNITED STATES will mark this nation as a Christian Nation once again; to share with other nations. (Prayer is essential) We Praise Your Name above all names “Jesus”
if we don’t fight for the country, we lost the battle and pure election. i have been in Trump’s campaign. he is standing up for righteousness for America. we fight for freedom and for the truth. we fight for justice. i will say we are not fighting for Trump’s mega, but for the country. he is not fighting for himself but for the nation.
Amen !
Love your acronym and the heart behind this powerful message Belinda! Victory belongs to the Lord!
While I love a catchy acronym, I think it is important to recognize that it is impossible to make God great again. He has always been great and always will be. I think our approach to him can be made more fervent or made greater, but I think Almighty God is never changing and in a state of constant greatness and cannot be made great again because he was never un-great. The article highlights excellent points about what we can do as Christians and I learn a lot from IFA. Thank-you:)
Fight like David fought! After he knocked down Goliath with a rock, he finished him off by cutting off his head with Goliath’s own sword.
A further blog was Amazing to me. An invesent company had everything set to walk off with 696 Billion the minute T r ump was dead. The stock market tanks and these go onward with their one world government
It was called an error when it didn’t happen. I call it miraculous
Signs and Wonders follow..
We ‘fight’ for revival of God’s truth through His people. God has raised up a
people to carry His message unto this world. We may use these opportunities to show love, truth, morality, hope and unity to others through our actions and
those of others. We are a beacon of light leading the way for others to follow.
yes Pray then DO whatever Jesus Tells you to do , His mothers words at the Wedding of Canna .
Years ago I started a list “SPIRITUAL WARFARE”. I’ve kept adding to it as I thought of things, not previously listed. The Name Of Jesus; The Blood Of Jesus; God’s Word: LOTS OF, rightly divided; forgiveness. Walk in The Agape Love Of God. Intercession = “stand in the gap, & make up the hedge”. Prayer lines: physical lines of people at church. Phone prayer lines. Communion. Fasting. Praise & Worship. + many more. Also many Scriptures like: Ephesians 6:10 – 20; Matthew 16:16 – 19; 18:18 – 20; Mark 16:15 – 20; Psalm 91:1 – 16; Luke 10:17 – 20; Revelation 12:11; Isaiah 54:17; 10:27; 59:19; John 14:12; etc.
Thanks for the spirit filled post Ms Belinda !Interceding with you 100% in our Savior Jesus’s name and by the power of his blood !!!
Here’s what Rees Howells fought…from the book by Norman Grubb.
“Rees Howells came out from his room a man with a
vision and a burden which never left him—the Every
Creature Vision… In a new sense the world began to be their parish. They
began to be open for God to lay any prayer on them which
would further the reaching of every creature with the
gospel. They became responsible to intercede for countries
and nations, as well as for individual missionaries and
societies. The College truly became “a house of prayer for
all nations.”
One form that this prayer warfare took was intercession
on a national and international level concerning anything
that affected world evangelization. Every creature must
hear, therefore the doors must be kept open.
Their prayers became strategic. They must face and
fight the enemy wherever he was opposing freedom to
evangelize. God was preparing an instrument—a company
to fight world battles on their knees.”
Sing an old song…
This is an excerpt from an article by George Will about the retreat at Dunkirk in World War II:
“In 1940 a British officer on Dunkirk beach sent London a three-word message: “But if not.” It was instantly recognized as from the Book of Daniel. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are commanded to worship a golden image or perish, they defiantly reply: “Our G-d who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods. …”
Britain then still had the cohesion of a common culture of shared reading. That cohesion enabled Britain to stay the hand of Hitler, a fact pertinent to today’s new age of barbarism.”
A huge part of the cohesion mentioned in George Will’s article was the work of Rees Howell – https://ifapray.org/blog/intercessory-prayer-made-turning-points-in-history/ As we pray for Angelic intervention several songs are similar to the “Song of the 3 children in the furnace” in the Book of Daniel – Matt Redman’s “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord Oh My Soul)” and Chris Tomlin’s “God of Angel Armies”.
That shot to Trump’s ear was a sign of God’s mercy for America. HE turned Trump’s head just a fraction, at the perfect time,…We all witnessed God in action; a miracle. And I believe Trump was a humbled man when he showed up at the RNC. Wake up church! GOD is in control, and no one can thwart His plans. If God wants to use Trump to make America great again, He will do so, as long as Trump is willing to obey. So I pray that Trump will remain humble and obey whatever God tells him to do, speak whatever God wants him to speak. I pray for unity in the church. Let God have His way and receive ALL the glory! Amen.
Absolutely right on… this article about what we should “Fight, Fight, Fight” for. Amen!
President Trump said at the capitol on January 6th, ” let’s march back PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY !!!
Trump does not condone violence!
His words mean, “do not give up hope, push on and fight for american values” !
When Trump put in long hours during his presidency, he was fighting to protect people. When he conducted 4 rallies in one day, he may have been exhausted, but instead of complaining,
he was fighting for American patriotism .
When he is getting beat over the head injustly with court cases and his opponet running against him hoping he will go to jail just so he can win, when they gag him and isn t allowed to
speak, he is saying ,” nothing is going to stop us, We are a strong , resilient America , and we are going to stand tall through God’s grace.. He beleives in the grace of God, in the power of Jesus. he has said so many times!
Actually more people respect P. Trump more than you think, at rallies he draws thousands of Americans that understand, how important it is to fight the good fight of faith .
His party is more united than ever before because they saw he delivered well, made promises and kept promises in his previous administration.
Wow, its really hard to comphend, how evil some people are, he gets shot and blooding is running down his face, and people are saying he deserves it, and a whole bunch of other hate speech, dear Lord have mercy, deliver the haters from their hatred!
Sounds like my toddlers are fighting, thats how they act. I thought grown ups ought to act like grown ups !
You can have differences and you may chose who you vote for, but lets use some common sense with compassion.
The people who point fingers at Trump, rant and rave about his nature, how arrogant to act like they are better than he is!!
Jesus said, ” why do you try to take a speck out of another’s eye when you have a log in your own”?
Grace , peace, and love to Trump,
Grace , peace, and love to you and all Americans!
For those few still fully indoctinated by the left’s lies, please watch some of the sessions from the RNC. Unity, peace and patriotism are the continual themes. There was not one word of hate. It is not “hate” to love your country. Restoring the country to walk in the rights given to the people by our Creator is the goal. Our God inspired mission is to “fight for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all people. To be one nation under God… and to ‘fight’ at the ballot box, as well as, in the prayer closet. I pray our country will be awakened to what has been going on, and that the blinders of deception will be removed from all God’s people.
Thank you for these thoughts. I like the MAGGA.
Many are fighting just for our country without a thought about God.
Brothers and sisters, in Revelation Jesus said He hated the deeds of the Niclaitans which means “the voice or opinions of the people”
We are all so quick to give our opinions as soon as we can post them. Let’s be SURE we aren’t falling in this river of endless Nicolaitanism and being carried downstream with non kingdom society. Jesus only said what the Father said. Let’s weigh all this before we post anything.
I don’t see a difference between fighting to Make America Great Again and fighting to make God great in America. Christians are called to pray and take action, as “faith without works in dead”. That involves all of us doing whatever part God leads us to do in order for righteousness to be lifted up. Whether it’s running for school board or local elections, working with groups on election integrity, volunteering to work for candidates, or simply donating where our hearts lie. I am not offended by the republican platform, nor do I want to shy away from any involvement in politics. We’ve done that for too long and it’s led to the terrible decline in the country. I will do my part to ensure I am “occupying until He comes”.
Let’s pray that, Donald Trump dedicates his life to Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us not to trust in chariots. Let’s pray he puts God word 1st in his life, not concerned about votes but that the gospel goes forward through him. Let’s pray that this Nation returns to God and trust that the God of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob is in control. This is the time to trust in God, and believe that if we pray as a nation God will intervene.
My wife commented to me that Donald Trump appeared to be very humble and aware that God actually spared his life. I agree. He may have sought Jesus and his personal salvation after the shooting in Butler, PA. By their fruits we shall know them.
How do you know that Donald Trump has not dedicated his life to CHRIST? Everything he has done and is doing honors CHRIST every day!
Sometimes ‘Fight Fight Fight’ means just THAT!!! We are in a Fight for our God given and established nation! The Children of Israel had to Fight their mortal enemies to enter into the Promised Land! As soon as Israel was re-established in 1948 she had to Fight all her surrounding neighbors in order to survive!…and again in 1965…and even now!!! Yes…we are in a Spiritual Battle against the father of all lies…but do not think for one moment that when you get up from your knees that there is not more that you can do!!! We love Trump BECAUSE He is a fighter…we ARE in a physical battle…do not be deceived!!! Pray Pray Pray…and having done so…engage!!!
Oh Amen!! This is one of the most encouraging articles presented on IFA. We worship God not man. Exodus 14:14. He will fight for us! I come so alongside you in these prayers! Thank you for this word!
Sadly, I was not shocked by what transpired last Saturday. My only question was, what took so long for this to happen? While I am very grateful that he wasn’t wounded more severely, the way that things have become in our nation is horrible. This type of behavior is unacceptable in America. We , as Christians, need to take authority over the evil spirits that are influencing people to do such unholy, lawless acts of violence to their fellow man. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump did not occur in a vacuum. The insane, unthinkable, depraved behavior that is rampant in today’s world is demonically inspired. When people do not live by Christian principles, they leave themselves wide open for demonic influence to guide their actions. Lord Jesus, in Your name, I drop the sword of the Spirit upon the head of ALL the demonic spirits at work in our world- Leviathan. disorder, violence, etc. I sever these spirits in the mighty name of Jesus. The time to take this authority is NOW! Thank You, Jesus.
What does it mean to “defend God’s Word?” What did Jude mean when he said “contend for the faith?” Can’t NON-VIOLENT confrontation be involved? protesting? I want to follow God’s Word in all I do, but it also talks about “defneding,” “hating evil,” and “standing strong.” Our Founders urged us to push back on those that tried to take away are “inalienable” God-given rights and freedoms. They fought a war to defend them- were they wrong? I believe we need to make our voices heard as Christians in the public square also- with prayer as the foundation and God’s Word as the foundation for all we do and say.
Thank you, Belinda, for laying out the heart, course direction, strategy of our faith so clearly, succinctly. It is both encouraging to our spirit and directional to our actions.
Yes, to fight for Trump’s MAGA would be foolish indeed. Hopefully Christians will avoid such.
I’m glad the greatest of all generations didn’t find it foolish to fight for freedom from Naziism in WW2! If you aren’t willing to fight for a righteous movement in America…then you don’t deserve the freedom and liberty afforded to all Americans by those who willingly fought and died for our sovereignty as a free peoples!!! Go MAGA!!!
Imagine finding the prefect words to say, seconds after being nearly killed. I appreciate IFA however i find this article less than compassionate. The Bible is not void of battles defending one’s rights and lands.
I agree with you,Donna
The only “ fight “ God has called every Believer to engage in is, “ fighting the good fight of Faith, “ in 1 Timothy 6:12.,
The only way we can properly fight this fight, and it be a good fight, which means we will win, and greatly win, is by understanding the manner in which the fight is fought.
If we don’t, we will lose !
The problem is sin, and unfortunately, too many modern Christians believe that sin is no more a problem.
Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us what we’re up against. The foes are formidable
The Believer MUST find that his success, his Victory, in this Christian walk depends TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY on his FAITH IN THE CROSS OF CHRIST, ( WHAT Jesus accomplished on the Cross ) ; Colossians 2:14-15 , which THEN gives the Holy Spirit the avenue and latitude (the legal ability to Help you)
THIS is the “ GOOD FIGHT “ God has called us to.
Keeping our Faith anchored in Christ from Salvation through the Sanctification process ( our ENTIRE Christian walk ) until we receive our glorified bodies.
I agree.People I spoke to outside my family appear to be unaware of the deception we are experiencing here in America.They don’t know what to say or think.Confusion reigns.
I believe the Church has failed.Replacing the words fight,fight,fight with Repent,Repent,Repent.
Yes,we live in a world of sin ,we work to share the gospel, and no matter the fallout, keep looking up for the Rapture of the Lord’s return.
So, Harvey, if the “only fight” God calls me to is my individual “fight of faith” and personal sanctification, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
Did King David only fight for his own faith in God or was he called to also lead a nation? Was he called to lead and if so, what did that look like–what did he do?
Or did Joshua just fight for his own faith in God, trusting that that would be sufficient to push the enemies of the children of God out of their homes? God could have done it without human intervention…but he didn’t.
Or what about Ruth? Knowing she put her life on the line making a request of the King, did she step out and do it or confine herself to the diwani to fight for her own faith and leave the risk to others?
I absolutely believe the highest calling for mankind is to know God, to love him and put no other gods before him. Hebrews 11 gives a long list of those who did just that. They had faith in God AND they acted on that faith. To do otherwise makes faith just another good idea but lacking in substance. Maybe James was right after all. James 2:14-26.
Leaders are not made in times of crisis; they are REVEALED in times of crisis.
God had been preparing David for this moment in time for many years.
God had selected David to be Israel’s king, He had empowered him with His Spirit, He had shown HIS POWER ( not David’s) to be sufficient to deliver David from his enemies (including lions and bears).
David ( a Type of Christ ) had LEARNED to trust God, had developed skills and Godly HABITS, ( seeking the LORD for counsel ) that emerged at this time of crisis.
The impetus behind EVERY battle in the Bible is DEPENDENCE & TRUST, so, that the LORD gets the Glory !!
Dependence on the LORD is what He desires from all Believers, not on self, which is why David was the “ apple of His eye ,“ even with all David’s failures, he was SPIRITUAL enough to know he needed 100% dependence for his success in battle,
The above comment about the Church failing is correct.
Believers have failed to understand the weapons God has given us; Ephesians 6: 10-18
and your armor is NEVER taken off.
When God says in 2 Chronicles 20, “ the battle is the LORD’S “
This means we need to step aside and let GOD move.
Whose battle is it, then, in the tests and trials of life? The truth is, we seek Him, and we believe, BUT He is the One who does the work.
We pray and we believe, BUT He is the One who heals.
We pray and we believe, BUT He is the One who provides.
We pray and we believe, BUTHe is the One who protects.
There’s NOTHING in man God needs or can use, BUT to do His Will, not ours and have Faith in the Finished Work of His Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Object of our Faith.
And also, James doesn’t deny that this is faith, he’s simply indicating it’s not the RIGHT kind of faith.
Not faith in your deeds, but Faith in what Christ did.