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Father, we pray that You would give our leaders wisdom as they seek to fix our energy crisis. Raise up new, biblical, responsible leaders who will get America back on track.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nearly every American has felt the pain of inflation and the energy crisis. Let’s pray for wisdom to solve this crisis.

From The National Pulse. Remember the good ole days… way back in 2020… when the United States was an exporter of energy and the price of gas was $2.17 per gallon? Today, the United States – and indeed the world – is in a self-inflicted energy crisis.

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Globally, the energy sector is a complete disaster. “Tightening markets for liquefied natural gas (LNG) worldwide and major oil producers cutting supply have put the world in the middle of ‘the first truly global energy crisis,’ the head of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said.”

While the Biden government celebrates the price of gas coming down from its summer highs, Americans are still being hurt at the pump, and it is still impacting our supply chain. In addition, the President is actively attempting to rewrite history by claiming gas was more than $5.00 per gallon when he took office.

It was not.

The average price of a gallon gas in the United States is $3.76, per AAA.  This is up from $2.40 per gallon the week after Joe Biden was inaugurated …

It didn’t have to be this way. Biden’s war on fossil fuels and the push for the “green new deal,” is certainly to blame, too. …

The results of Biden’s energy policy have been devastating to the American people and our national security. 

“The Biden administration is the first White House to repeatedly draw down the emergency stockpile over several months in an explicit bid to lower prices at the pump.” …

We are also seeing an unprecedented decline in the nation’s diesel fuel supplies. … The United States is now down to less than 25 days of supply of diesel fuel.

To make matters worse, the United States “has just a 26-day supply of heating oil… the smallest store for this time of year in at least three decades… heating costs this winter are already forecast to be the highest since at least 1997,” per Bloomberg. …

How are you praying about America’s energy crisis? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The National Pulse. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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November 7, 2022

We must remember that Israel will be the go to place as God puts hooks in jaws and people grab on to a Jew’s outer garment to worship alongside him or her.
But, God is showing us that He is actively listening to His saints. That tells us He still has room in His cup of wrath to delay, change and reverse. True the Vote and Bibi are perfect examples and the world is seeing that there is a God in America!
1 Kings 8:60
Then all the peoples of the earth will know that Adonai is God; there is no other.

Joy Adams
November 7, 2022

I can remember when gas was a 1.75 in Tennessee and Georgia. I’m praying for this country to be turned back to biblical leaders standards and God’s principles

Darlene Estlow
November 7, 2022

Father, may we not look to you simply for economic and energy needs, but as our Lord and Savior and hold on to you while you are working and changing hearts and problems. We trust you.

Robin Wonders
November 7, 2022

Father, thank You for the resources You blessed America with. I pray for clarity of thought and courage and wisdom on those in the energy industry and in state and local government to know and do what they can to provide for their people. Stop the passivity that blames but does nothing productive. The Constitution does not allow the federal government to commit suicide as a nation and compell the states to go along with it. Raise up wise and courageous leaders who will take action and those who will support them to prevent loss of life. Grant annointed speakers and favor to prevent catastrophe in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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