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Father, help us to take these practical steps and apply them in our schools. Strengthen us during these difficult times we are facing as a nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Critical Race Theory is a dangerous ideology that is growing in popularity in school districts across the country. What concrete actions should we be taking to get this stuff out of kids’ classrooms?


This morning, I spoke to Vicki Manning, school board member with the Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS). Vickie has been on the frontlines of the battle against CRT in her district for the past 7 months. Here’s her advice:

Show Up

First and foremost, Vickie urges parents (and concerned citizens) to attend local school board meetings. . . .

Showing up in person is best (or via zoom when necessary), but letters and emails go a long way. In terms of swaying the school board, there is power in numbers.  . . .

An easy first step is contacting your local school board to ask their stance on critical race theory and what policies, if any, are in place to ensure students are protected from ideological indoctrination at school.

Don’t miss Pray for America’s Leaders Live on Thursday, March 25, 2021.
Experts will share and pray about Critical Race Theory.

12:15 pm ET IFApray.org/live or (712) 775-7430


Vickie also suggests talking to your child about what’s being discussed in their classes. “Ask them about their subjects, talk about what they are learning.” Also worth nothing is the importance of reading course syllabi and investigating any 3rd party websites or organizations referenced. Many teachers use educational websites as resources for lessons and videos, and a quick perusal of the types of websites your child’s teacher uses will tell you a lot about the tone of the lessons. . . .

As a former school teacher, I will also add: review the curricula in your state and district, paying special attention to social studies and US history. While it is not always possible to view the curriculum for a specific course or teacher, state and district standards are available for most subjects online. The wording is often vague, but woke ideology has a recognizable signature. A quick automated word search for buzzwords like “equity,” “diversity,” “anti-racism,” “systemic racism,” “social justice,” “oppress,” “narrative,” and “bias,” is a good start. Much can be gleaned about the prevailing ideology in a specific school district from viewing publicly available documents found on local department of education websites.  . . .

Encourage teachers to speak out, even anonymously 

According to Vickie, many teachers are concerned, but the vast majority are too afraid to speak up. They worry about losing their jobs, their pensions, and their reputations. According to teachers who have written to me, young conservative teachers are “dropping like flies,” because the environment has become so hostile.  . . .

Let these teachers know you stand with them. Ask them to provide evidence and documentation of ideological materials distributed by the school. This can include curriculum materials, staff training materials, internal emails, etc.

If you’re not sure what to do with the evidence, submit them to whataretheylearning.com, a website that tracks CRT indoctrination in all 50 states.

No Left Turn In Education

Vickie recommends checking out the nonprofit No Left Turn in Education for more information about how to get involved. In addition to mobilizing parents to demand more transparency in the education system, No Left Turn also facilitates “legal counsel for parents, students, and teachers who require support to battle school indoctrination.” Additionally, NLT supports “legal actions against school districts that conduct discriminatory teaching and training.” According to Vickie, NLT is nearly growing faster than they can keep up with, as many parents are joining fight. But more are needed.

Contact the media

Vickie’s final piece of advice is to contact the media regarding incidents of injustice, bullying, and radicalization in your community. Those who push CRT ideology count on parents and students not fighting back due to the manufactured stigma. Shining a media spotlight on the truth is the first step in breaking the stigma that stifles dissent.  . . .

How were you encouraged and challenged by this article? Share in the comment below!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Georgia Howe. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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March 26, 2021

Show up and let your school boards KNOW you will not put up with “critical race theory” being taught in your schools!! If you don’t, they will implement it! This is indoctrination, pure and simple! That’s not what believers send their children to school for! Also, let your governors hear from you regarding this. Believe me, it really makes a difference, most of the time.

Yvonne metcalfe
March 26, 2021

Thank you for sharing this information. It is another front in our battle and can be overwhelming, but it is definitely very important. Our kids need the truth and a wholesome view of life. God bless you more, amen.

Billie Minor
March 26, 2021


Karen Secrest
March 26, 2021

I appreciate6 that this author has done so much footwork and provided me with links to areas used by teachers and school officials, attorneys.

Sandra Montes
March 25, 2021

As a Grandma Interceding in prayer for our children and asking God to destroy this perverted School System and bring back America to it’s Christian roots give us The Church strength to stand and speak up God Bless all of you

Doug Spurling
March 25, 2021

And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

March 25, 2021

So glad to know that others are praying about this issue across our nation. Many of us are grandparents concerned about the future of our younger generation. This issue came up last fall in our school district where four of our grandchildren attend. It was literally pushed through in very few months with very little input from the staff, parents and community. A resolution was passed this month and there was opposition and agreement from participants at the School Board Meeting. I am so disheartened by the process. It felt as if it was pushed from our state government and words in the resolution were very similar to words our Governor had use in an order. Our prayers are so important.

Rita Stevenson
March 25, 2021

What does critical race thoery mean?

    March 25, 2021

    It is basically a Marxist and Socialist agenda, a very ungodly teaching they are pushing on the children. They are teaching children to hate our country. It is a dangerous ideology that is dividing our country more and more. But CRT is creating far more problems than it is solving. It has become a very hostile environment. This is being done in the name of “social justice” and “systemic racism”.

      Regina Ford
      March 25, 2021

      That is it in a nutshell This theory is anti God and pro government. It is a slap in the face of Jesus teachings found in Matthew 25

      Rita Stevenson
      March 25, 2021

      How has this concept created a hostile environment?

        March 27, 2021

        Because it is diverse and, causing more division and causing and promoting more racism in our schols, government, and other institutions.

          Rita Stevesnon
          March 31, 2021

          How? Please explain. White privilege is a fact of life sad but true. Case in point is Meghan McCain on The View.

        March 31, 2021

        I do not even watch the View because you don’t get all the facts there. I listen to American Family Radio because you get news and talk shows from a true and Christian perspective. With all due respect, white privilege is not really accurate because not all white people are privileged. In fact, there are many who are not privileged. In my case I was not privileged at all, I had to work very hard for what I needed and did not get any handouts. I came from a single-parent home, where there was no father around. As with CRT, children are being indoctrinated and being taught to hate our country, that Christianity is bad, and actually teaching children to be racists. That’s why it is creating a hostile environment.

    March 25, 2021

    Also made up of activists that seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge with liberal approaches to racial justice. It is really brainwashing children which is what they intend to do.

    March 25, 2021

    It teaches that if you are white, then you are automatically “privileged”, even if you are poor. And if a white person says, “But I am not a racist”, it means s/he has not “come to terms” with his or her own “inherent racism” and is therefore, still a racist. It’s lose-lose. Instead of promoting understanding, it causes MORE stereotypes and division. And Satan lo-o-oves division!

    Dear LORD GOD of all the peoples, please bring us together in love and do not let the Divide-and-Conquer tactics of the devil and his pawns prevail!! In the mighty Name of Yeshua, AMEN.

Toni Kushner
March 25, 2021

Awaken the public to the dangers of what will be moving forward in educating our children and lets us raise a voice. a Gideons Army can defeat the liberal agenda that is moving against us. Every voice is of value.

Marcia L Schweisthal
March 25, 2021

How do you see the webcast?

Pam Deaton
March 25, 2021

Very helpful info

March 25, 2021

Here in Washington, the state legislature is passing bills that mandate Critical Theory throughout the state. God is our only answer to changing the culture. The conservative lawmakers are fighting back and working for our Constitution, but they are far outnumbered by the left. May God protect our innocent children and send revival quickly so that people of every level of government will turn their hearts to Him. May we serve God as a state and country.

March 25, 2021

As a retired teacher, I’m asking the LORD to instill that love for those within the school system that will get us out of our retirement at least into the Frontlines of prayer for this intensely fierce battle!!!

March 25, 2021

I had a hard time trying to find out what CRT is “simply put!”

Sounds like reverse racism to me….
When someone is preferred over another because of race, color, religion or gender…that means someone else is being deprived…(I am Hispanic so please don’t say this is well said for a white persons point of view)
I found this simple definition on Wikipedia (it is not my own)…after reading all of the main stream definitions, I found myself so confused… so I Googled “what is critical race theory in a nutshell”

Here is a blue collar explanation in a nutshell:
Critical race theory (CRT), the view that the law and legal institutions are inherently racist and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color.

So is it “reverse discrimination?” You judge for yourself/

    March 25, 2021

    Dear Tepcro, good job looking up a concise definition. There is more to it when you start reflecting on negative ripple-effects… consequences of such horrible “theories”. From my own life experience – my parents are immigrants. I didn’t learn any English until I started going to school in USA at around age 6-7. Racially – I’m Caucasian-Eastern European-“possible” Jewish-Christian ancestry. But the challenges we faced as a family are similar to what they are claiming are race related. Here’s the bottom line – NEVER let a child of any race or creed see themselves as a “victim”. It undermines their natural capacity for human greatness and breeds mediocrity. No child should ever apologize for their “race”, or the color of their skin, or made to feel SHAME for these attributes. Every color is beautiful and all of us have equal dignity in the eyes of our Creator! I have seen many immigrant children from all over the world – Africa, South America, India, Asia, Korean, Chinese, Philippines, Islanders and the list continues. The most important factor in their “success” was an intact family unit who advocated for their human flourishing. We must work towards strong and intact family units – nuclear and extended, that are healthy. Not toxic garbage like CRT.

Marilyn Pulliam
March 25, 2021

PLEASE make these articles so they can be copied & pasted. Right now in order to share, there is a link that doesn’t open when tapped, but must be re-typed. Very difficult for some to do.
I could share with many, many if copied & pasted!!!

    Pamela Hall
    March 26, 2021

    Hi Marilyn. You can take a photo with your mobile phone and post on your apps.
    Btw I am in the U.K. and that awful stuff is coming in here too. My daughter and family live in the U.S.A. I am praying for both nations. Please pray for the U.K. too. Thank you.

Letitia Reeves
March 25, 2021

Excellent information with practical steps to take in my community. I am gathering friends to work on this information. Thanks so much. 🙏🏼😊

March 25, 2021

Father we pray for strength and wisdom for parents and teachers. We also pray for our children that they would reject any indoctrination that does not glorify You. Guard their minds Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

March 25, 2021

I was hoping that you would define exactly what Critical Race Theory is in this article…but I do not see an explanation of what that is exactly.

    March 25, 2021

    Please see Tepcro’s explanation

    March 25, 2021

    It’s basically a Marxist and Socialist agenda. Very ungodly and pro-government ideology. And it is brainwashing many children. Liberals seeking to critically examining the laws as it intersects with issues of race. It creates a very hostile environment and teaches kids to hate our nation as it goes against what our country was really founded on.

      Rita Stevesnon
      March 31, 2021

      How are these beliefs of the Marxist and Socialist ideas against the word of God?

        March 31, 2021

        This Marxist idea is unbiblical and is rooted in atheism. It goes against God and His Word. And Socialism is also rooted in atheism because it is unbiblical as well. Socialism and Marxism is very similar to Communism which usually leads to the demise of people. Our country was founded on Biblical principles; a capitalist and free-market society. Marxism and Socialism is opposite of that, with the Government owning everything and numerous rules and regulations that will oppress the people. It will drive the majority of people into extreme poverty. The only ones that benefits from socialism/Marxism are the Beaurocrats and other Gov’t officials in Wash. D.C. That is not what God originally designed at all. Karl Marx is the founder of Marxism. IFA.com can also give you more information about Marxism and Socialism and the damage and ruin it brings to countries. Believe me, it has happened to many other countries before.

Betty Bujas
March 25, 2021

Thanks for correcting me about Orwell. I think Huxley came out of my covid brain.

March 25, 2021

Lord, this is my hometown! Thank you Lord for Vickie Manning, seemingly the only School Board member with enough gumption to stand up to this insidious Marxist evil agenda to brainwash innocent children! Strengthen her and provide her with more and more support from the local community, especially parents! Help parents to become more and more aware of this issue, since our local news prefers to talk about nonsense rather than what’s going on in the school system. Thank you Lord.

    March 25, 2021

    This is great C R, We need to help parents become more aware of what is going on in schools today. God must be put back in our public schools! I am a retired school teacher and principal when the pledge of allegiance to our flag was said every day, and we had the freedom to pray with our students and read Bible verses. Our country must return to its foundation.

March 25, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that You will help us take these practical steps and apply them in the schools. I pray also that parents and others will be willing to take a stand against this unbiblical and dangerous agenda they are trying to spread. Please strengthen us as we are facing difficult challenges in our country. Please I pray our children will not become corrupted by critical race theory. In Jesus precious and holy name, Amen.

March 25, 2021

It warms my heart to know people are fighting back about critical race theory. We have been pushing for the churches to stand up against this terrible evil.
I no longer have children in school but see how the curriculum has changed to the detriment of these young minds. It is truly a mind control issue. Instead of producing people who will be able to think for themselves we are producing a generation of puppets or robots who think and do as they are told. That’s not how this country became what it has been and hopefully can become again. It’s all very Marxist and smacks of totalitarianism as read in Huxley’s 1984.
God bless those who stand up for their rights.

    March 25, 2021

    I also am happy to see people taking action against leftist indoctrination in education of the young. (Huxley wrote Brave New World and The Doors of Perception. George Orwell wrote 1984 and Animal Farm)

Lauren Cuozzo
March 25, 2021

We are new to the public school system this year, so this is very imformational, especially living in VA Beach. I am not very knowledgeable on how it all works plus with covid policies, it makes it that much harder. Praying for God to move mountains!

    March 30, 2021

    Please seek out a Christian private school or homeschool co-op. Homeschool your children yourself if necessary. Do not give over your precious children to these evil government indoctrination schools!

March 25, 2021

Great article with good advice. As I read it I thought to myself, this is what parents always did when I was growing up. They knew what was being taught because they were involved. We just retired & moved to another state. Children are grown. But we are getting involved with our local school board because we know education (or indocrination) starts here. I believe God is leading us as we spread his word of truth & justice. I pray we can save our nation.

    March 25, 2021

    We too, have children who are grown and out of the house.
    But it does start with the children, so this is a crucial time to speak out. I am attending a meeting this week in IN regarding this.
    Praying God’s people will RISE UP in truth and love and halt the insanity in the schools.

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