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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You reveal to us the possible harm that could be in these vaccines. Give us wisdom.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This has been a difficult year for everyone, with great loss.  God is clearly allowing this to take place and doing a new thing. So many of us are frustrated and worn out, but what if He has brought us to this place to pause and consider what we are doing as an entire planet?  What is God doing in this moment? What is He asking of His children today?

As His children, we must use great discernment to understand what is happening around us in these deceptive times. We walk by faith in Him, not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7) “Sight” here is “eidos”and also means appearance.  In 2 Thessalonians 5:22, Paul warns us to abstain from every form of evil, using the same word.

1 John 5:21 tells us, as His children, to “keep ourselves from idols.” The word for idol used here is eidolon,” and the root of it is eidos.

What we think we see and hear is not always truth – ask Eve about that. Our job is not to discern what is good and evil for ourselves.  That job belongs to our Father. Pride makes us reach for the fruit on the tree that still does not belong to us.  Idolatry and pride are the same thing (1 Samuel 15:23).

The prophet Amos advised us to “seek Yahweh and live, lest He break out like a fire in the House of Joseph.” The House of Joseph was the Northern Kingdom, Israel. With mere days before vaccines are rolled out, we have a sense that we are facing a critical moment in time as believers today. Here are some questions to ask our Father.

Prayer Points for you, your family, your Church and its leaders to consider:

  1. What harm might vaccines cause to our spirits, souls, bodies?
  2. Is it morally acceptable for us to utilize products developed with or tested on cell lines obtained from aborted babies? Does it matter if the fetus was aborted decades ago, years ago, days ago?
  3. Am I considering a vaccine out of fear?
  4. Am I putting my trust in a vaccine instead of in God?
  5. Are we taking good care of the bodies God gave us when we inject products using cell lines developed from patients with active lung cancer and leukemia?
  6. Are we taking good care of the bodies God gave us when we inject products using cell lines derived from aborted fetuses with serious mutagenic abnormalities that may cause unknown and adverse physical health, neurological and developmental outcomes?
  7. Did you know that the Greek word for witchcraft is pharmakeia? What are the spiritual ramifications of using these pharmaceuticals, these vaccines?
  8. If human cancer cells injected into mice to develop special mice with the same cancer for therapeutic research, what happens to humans in this generation, and future generations, if the same carcinogenic cell material is injected into us?
  9. Should we repent for participating using products containing, developed with, or tested on aborted fetal cell tissues in the past and stop using them now?
  10. What do we need to do to prepare our families if we should face persecution for not participating in the use of these products? Consider 1 Corinthians 10:13 in light of this.

Prayer Points

Father, we ask You to preserve or restore the religious freedoms necessary to protect your children from spiritual and physical harm from the vaccines.

Father, we ask You to move the hearts of the leaders of this nation, from the President to the Governors to the Federal and State Legislators down to the Mayors, to give them discerning ears to hear and eyes to see your wisdom and also ask these questions before we move too fast with these vaccines?

As His children we have the direct authorization from our Lord and Savior himself to crush the head of snakes, step on scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy and no harm will come to us. We can boldly approach the throne of grace with repentant, humble hearts and request divine intervention.

His children should use that emergency use authorization now.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Comment your prayers below!

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shawn houghton
December 20, 2020

Lord Jesus, we need you now more than ever. Holy Spirit we ask that You fall upon the people of all nations with a spirit of discovery, discernment and wisdom in taking this vaccine. We come against the deceiving spirits promising freedom in the name of a false “cure.” For those insisting upon taking it, I pray You would cancel any negative effects by Your mercy and grace. And yet, even with the vaccine, the CDC now says we must continue social distancing and mask-wearing. Lord, move on the hearts of authorities to protect the freedoms of all people–Keep them from the temptation to force vaccinations or make anything conditional upon receiving them. Most of all, Jesus, we ask you to put an end to this virus at its source! For Your Glory and the sake of Your Name! Amen.

john m stasa
December 16, 2020

awesome !!!! aaamen!!!!

Marcia S
December 15, 2020

Father we need you to intercede for your children. I’m praying your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Ruth Floch
December 11, 2020


December 9, 2020

The need for prayer for this vaccine is crucial. I have been praying that the Lord will stop this vaccine from being given in the United States.
Those behind the scenes pushing a vaccine instead of an antiviral drug, right from the beginning is a big concern.
As of today, the discovery that the voting machines in our states were owned by China at the time of the election has shocked us, what if in a few months after the vaccine is rolled out we find out China had a roll to play in the production of these vaccines.

Many things are being set in place prior to the roll out of this vaccine, which are unusual. It’s now become mandatory that every clinic, pharmacy & healthcare facility giving the corona vaccine is online with the reporting system statewide, in Virginia, VIIS. This was not required for regular vaccinations for all these past years! And the only parameter to be recorded with this vaccine is in which arm it was given, not the lot number or expiration date?!
This vaccine has not had the trials & studies that are
normally required for vaccines, even the yearly flu vaccine.
Something is not right. It will be healthcare workers & seniors getting the first round of the vaccines that have only been studied in healthy volunteers. If the adverse effects of these vaccines cause the health workers to be out sick or have long term problems, that itself would be a major set back.
As a healthcare worker myself, I am not sure why & how those who have the scientific knowledge & the awareness of the current political climate are allowing this to happen.
The agenda of the evil one is to confuse & manipulate & gain ground. The Holy Spirit is encouraging us to keep focused on the Lord, to seek His face & for His wisdom to reveal the truth so we can have life.
Lord bring leaders & authorities to question the need to hurry up & immunize without knowing what this vaccine will cause in the long term & also why, the manipulation to control the people. Lord we are your people keep us from harm & protect us in Jesus name.

Laurie McGee
December 8, 2020

Thank you for covering such an important subject. It is definitely an article all Christs’ followers should read.

Gina Kozerski
December 7, 2020

It seems like the intention of the questions in this article for prayer is to persuade against the vaccine by giving facts that the reader is unaware of. Do vaccines have aborted babies in them? What about cell information from cancer patients? If these are facts they should be listed as a facts instead of an aside in a question that is attempting to lead the reader to the authors view point.

    Laurie McGee
    December 8, 2020

    This is one of the ingredients listed on the Pfizer label. (MRC-5)
    MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from the lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus.[1][2] The cell line was isolated by J.P. Jacobs and colleagues in September 1966 from the seventh population doubling of the original strain, and MRC-5 cells themselves are known to reach senescence in around 45 population doublings.[2][3][4]

      Gina Kozerski
      December 8, 2020

      Where did you find the information you mentioned?

    December 12, 2020

    Try YouTube. this is the statement for video by Shalethea “AstraZeneca vaccine box with ingredients and a few questions”. I found this by searching. “ Covid 19 recombinant dna from aborted fetus“. I pray for discernment from our Lord and Father God in Jesus precious name for all falsehood to be revealed and wisdom for decisions. Amen

MaryJean Flanagan
December 6, 2020

Those have been my prayers to the Lord also. I want His answers as to whether this vaccine is that necessary for me/us to take or is it not that bad to care about whether we should or shouldn’t. Many doctors including my primary doctor do not know about all the dangers of these vaccines. I keep praying. First thing is that we make sure our president gets his votes back and/or the Supreme court justifies his election. All prophets are sure he will run and win it and God also told me. President Trump said he will not take the vaccine but letting anyone who wants it to have it. They have other options. We must stop the CDC from keeping us from using Hydroxycloriquine (spelling is off). We need that one.

Birdie Stringfellow
December 6, 2020

Heavenly Father God,

I cry out for mercy and compassion as never before! Your Word warns us of times like we are living in right now, and I believe this may be the time of the end and of a new beginning as told by John in the Book of Revelation. Even so, this is a time in which without your divine intervention, we will be as Adam and Eve were when they were thrown out of the Garden. We shall be cast out of our country, and actually, the whole world is involved, as a godless society whether we call ourselves Believers or not.
Being forced to submit to the injection(s) of a vaccine made of murdered babies ripped right out of their mothers’ wombs is evil and can only stir up more wickedness. And now these power-hungry, control freaks who hate you want to go as far as to abort these living babies who have feelings just like we do even when they are at full term, which means they are completely formed. I cannot and will not allow myself to be subjected to such evil deviltry.
I pray along with so many others that you will touch the hearts of the ones who are in authority and who will make the final decisions regarding the outcome of this election. We love you with all our heart and soul, and I know you love us, for we have you within us, and therefore, we are a part of you. You surely wouldn’t have created us if you hadn’t believed that there would be some of us that would love you and glorify your name, who would make you smile with pleasure, and give you great joy! Even with FREE WILL!!! Look at Noah, Moses, Job, Abraham, and all the others, and of course, Mary, your son’s mother!! I could go on and on, but one day, I will when we have eternity together. Oh, just think of the wonderful adventures we are going to have. Your plan is perfect, and I am looking so much to seeing you and Jesus face to face!
I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me! I will be so busy doing things I love, learning about new things, and I will have the best teacher ever! I will be so full of joy and so grateful for my new life with you, I won’t be able to stop dancing, singing, laughing, and glorifying you! Aren’t you excited about meeting me? Again?
Please, God. Please. I’ve learned bunches of lessons. Most of us on the right side have. The Church is now stepping out and getting it together, and we are giving it our all. And those horrible, wicked people need to be punished!!! What they’ve done is unacceptable and intolerable, and they need to be taught a lesson! You don’t play with people’s lives. And those unborn children!!! Let’s do something, Father. Please! Help us!
In the name of your precious Son, Jesus, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray this prayer with all my might. Amen

December 6, 2020

Thank you for the prayer points and information about the vaccination!

December 6, 2020


John Leggat
December 6, 2020

The Good Lord has already given us his solution to the pandemic in the form of therapeutics that have long been accepted and approved.
Chief among them is hydroxychloroquine with zinc.
We need no further proof of the evil intent of the unseen hand behind big Pharma than the fact that they somehow were able to bury hydroxychloroquine and keep it from public use.
Instead they were happy to let hundreds of thousands die while extended lockdowns further impacted and downgraded our economy.
We need to be vigilant concerning vaccines especially for our daughters andgranddaughters who are of childbearing age. The ingredients in at least one of them will inhibit fertility and the ability to bear new life.
Wouldn’t it be just like the Gates foundation to have a hand in such a population control scheme?

Sasja van der Boon
December 6, 2020

Thabnk you for this timely advice

December 6, 2020

I was told vaccines cannot be forced when therapeutics exist. We have therapeutics.
We need to find proof of this and forward to our elected officials.

Dr. Karyl Stanton
December 6, 2020

Which COVID-19 Vaccines Are Being
Developed with Fetal Cell Lines Derived
from Aborted Babies?
Jonathan Abbamonte / June 4, 2020
Updated June 9th, 2020

I refer you to the article above, which is a nice review of some of the top COVID vaccines and which ones use fetal cell lines from aborted babies. The mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer & Moderna do not use fetal cell lines to produce the vaccine. This article from the Population Research Institute mentions the Moderna vaccine. I have not seen research on the Pfizer vaccine, but since it is also an mRNA platform, it would not need fetal cell lines for the production. Preliminary research may have used fetal cell lines (from aborted babies) to culture the virus for studies. I agree with your perspective completely that ethical cell lines should be derived to replace the cell lines from aborted babies. It is a travesty that pharmaceutical companies have not already done so. Let’s also look at the benefit of vaccines and how they have eliminated a lot of suffering and premature death. Polio used to cause a lot of death and disability. Now it is almost eradicated. Likewise, smallpox caused many fatalities among various populations. Now, it is eradicated. Medicines and vaccines may not be perfect, but they are not witchcraft! As a physician, I have seen medicines cure many patients of life-threatening medical problems. My own son underwent chemotherapy for 2 1/2 years and is now completely healed! Chemo is very unpleasant, but , in many cases, it is the best medicine we have to fight cancer. Many people are healed of cancer through medical treatments and surgery. That is NOT witchcraft. How about writing an article next year about all the people who died from COVID because your article frightened them, and they declined the vaccine? No one ever writes that article. It’s very easy to write a critical article about a valid medical treatment without taking the responsibility or thinking of the consequences of withholding treatment. Last week, a good friend of mine died from COVID. If only the vaccine had been available a month or two earlier. She was a nurse. I’m sure she would have taken it. At least 8 other friends of mine have contracted COVID over the past 6 weeks. Two went to the hospital; one almost needed ICU care. Another saintly man in our church who has been immunosuppressed long-term due to a heart transplant is now in ICU on a ventilator due to COVID. If only he had been able to take the vaccine a month or two earlier. So the list might go on and on. I suggest you re-think your position on vaccines and look for ways to ethically recommend them to your family and friends before it is too late.

    December 6, 2020

    Dr Stanton,
    It’s not a vaccine it’s a shot. Just as the flu shot is not a vaccine. If it were so it wouldn’t be required to continue getting them year after year.
    IFA is not scaring me from taking a shot for Covid. I do my own research and have enough information I’ve collected on my own to refuse any shot for Covid. I’ve learned that the Moderna shot alters RNA – that’s quite disturbing.
    I also don’t take flu shots. After being forced to take one in order to work in a hospital (I’m a registered nurse) I’ve never had so much sickness. There is a plethora of solid information we don’t hear about concerning adverse effects of flu shots and vaccines. Among those are decreased immunity, especially in the elderly.
    We are not dealing with smallpox here. We are up against a virus that most people survive, have a survival rate of at least 94% depending on age. That’s good news but we don’t hear much about that. Most importantly we have therapeutics. Medication that effectively treats and prevents Covid has been withheld from us since March.
    How many lives could’ve been saved had we not been deprived of its use?
    I’m thankful that IFA is encouraging us to think and pray before we act.
    When billions of dollars are at stake while meds have been withheld, I don’t believe anything or anyone in support of the Covid shot.

      Laura K
      December 6, 2020

      I am in absolute agreement. I WILL NOT HAVE THIS VACCINE

      Dr. Karyl Stanton
      December 7, 2020

      Too bad you didn’t study immunology when you went to nursing school. Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune response. Some vaccines stimulate the immune response better than others. So if the vaccine is highly effective (like measles – 98%), that means you will have immunity to the disease for a period of time. Over time, immunity can wane, and you need a “booster” shot to maintain immunity. Immunity is measured by antibody levels. Antibody-mediated immunity can be short term. There is also long-term immunity generated if T-cells recognize the antigen and are recruited by the vaccine to fight the offending virus or bacteria. This T-cell-mediated immunity can last a long time – up to 20 years! The COVID vaccines are just being studied. The mRNA vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna are both 95% effective. That means they both generate antibodies in your system to the spike protein of coronavirus. Antibody levels from these vaccines are 5 times higher than if you had the actual COVID infection! (Antibody levels are not as good in older people, but were still higher than the antibody levels generated by the COVID disease itself.) That’s a great protective response! No one knows how long your immunity would last from the COVID vaccine, but those studies are being done to see if T-cells are also stimulated to help with the immune response. There is no such thing as a “shot” that doesn’t provide immunity. I don’t get a flu shot every year, because sometimes they don’t predict exactly which strains will be dominant, so the protection isn’t very good for flu vaccines – effectiveness is only 25-35%! Pretty poor compared to the new COVID vaccines, which are 95% effective! This is a big difference, so you cannot compare the 2 vaccines. Also, the messenger RNA vaccines do not “alter” your RNA. They do not enter the nucleus of your cells, so they do not alter or interact with your DNA either. mRNA is a fragile structure, and it degrades in a few hours, so it does not stay in your body very long. The mRNA in the vaccine enters your cells (just like the virus would do) and gives your cells the signal to make coronavirus spike protein for a shot period of time. If you had COVID, the coronavirus would enter your cells and take over the protein metabolism, instructing your cell to make ALL the viral proteins and copy itself multiple times, eventually killing the cell. So the mRNA vaccine instructs your cells to make only one viral protein for a few hours. This is enough to generate an immune response. Maybe you will change your mind about the vaccine if someone you know has serious complications or death from COVID. God has given us prayer and medical knowledge that can both be applied for healing.

    December 6, 2020

    This a reasonable approach. Do you use herbs? If you take aspirin you do. All medicine starts with something God created that is amazing.
    This has been provided by the Lord for mankind to ease suffering. Many researchers in medicine are christian seeking Gods wisdom and understanding. God is merciful even to the faithless to relieve suffering. I am a front line physician for those with covid 19. My heart breaks with every death. I will take the vaccine not produced with fetal cell lines. I will do this so I can continue to care for critically I’ll patients and not have 3 weeks to a month of isolation. God is gracious to provide these vaccines to mankind.

    Sincere question
    December 6, 2020

    Have you, as a physician, ever studied vaccines from the perspective of a mother whose child was harmed by a vaccine?

      Dr. Karyl Stantron
      December 7, 2020

      Yes, I certainly have. I have studied the autism – vaccine controversy and saw the movie VAXXED. I do not agree with the vaccination timetable produced by the CDC. Their timing of vaccines is very aggressive, and I would not feel comfortable recommending multiple vaccines at the same time. Also, I object to the vaccines produced using fetal cell lines from aborted babies: MMR, Hepatitis A, and Varicella (Chickenpox). Vaccines can be helpful and life-saving. Some people have had serious reactions. This is very sad. Timing of vaccinations should have a lot more research to try to decrease side effects as much as possible. If you have a friend or family member who dies from COPVID, maybe you would be more open to getting the vaccine (those that do not use fetal cells for production.)

        Sincere and thankful
        December 8, 2020

        Thank you so much for your thoughtful response!

        Do you know if the public will be given the choice which COVID vaccine version we can accept?

        Are you familiar with the nanoparticles being added to vaccines to make compliance visible to the naked eye? Does this concern you at all?

        Have you ever studied how much hygiene improvements in public health might have done the heavy lifting for all that vaccines get credited for?

        And what is a parent to do when the “highly effective” measles vaccine is developed in a pool of aborted baby cells? Why are physicians not raising a ruckus demanding that highly effective vaccines be made in a different medium?

        Lord Jesus, thank You that You see all this and You know the answer. And YOU ARE the Great Physician. By Your stripes we are healed. We commit this whole mess to You and flee to You to be our Rock and high tower. Defend us, Lord. In Jesus’ name, the Righteous Judge, amen.

          December 12, 2020

          Great questions, Sincere and Thankful. The nanoparticles are what concern me. I read an article on Luciferase, which is the correct name of the substance that gives florescence to fireflies, etc. and could be used to show proof of vaccination. If the vaccine carries this, and if vaccination becomes mandatory, it could so easily be the personal identification without which we could not buy or sell. Could this have any connection with the number 666?

    Elizabeth N McFarland
    December 6, 2020

    It is your choice to use pharmaceuticals and mine NOT to.

      Dr. Karyl Stanton
      December 7, 2020

      So you’re saying that you have never taken any medicine at all for an infection or pain or any other condition? Not even an aspirin or tylenol? If you were to get a serious bacterial infection, you would be the first in line to ask you doctor for an antibiotic.

Deborah phillips
December 6, 2020

Was not aware clearly concerning vaccinations,however as a child in US I remember certain vaccination introduced ,I also remember
Many of the poorer communities
That were not vaccinated seei u very devastating effects of not recieving or recieving later,also very serious lo u term issues from chicken pox, measles,HIV in its first years. And so many!! The side effects of vaccination seem to far outweigh the long and painful terms they want through suffering thru was devastating
Also it is one of the hardest sections to make, most parents were in a state to immunize or not to go to county schools and I hurt greatly concerning health care workers!!!!

ofelia claudio
December 6, 2020

I am very skeptical of this vaccine. That is why I wonder a lot WHY our beloved president keeps talking about it, and keeps assuring people that it will be available for free very soon. I pray he’s not doing this with the false hope that it will endear him to people. He doesn’t have to do that. I pray, O God, that You annihilate the Virus instead so that we don’t even need this vaccine. I pray that people will not be gullible and naive; instead, be discerning and look to God for counsel. And if they’re NOT believers, O God, please, in Your mercy, stop them from taking the vaccine. I think of dear family members who have yet to be indwelt by the Spirit through the New Birth experience. Father, in Your mercy, protect them. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen!

Christine Andrew
December 6, 2020

No vaccine has ever been recorded as 100% safe or 100% effective, ever. This one is no different. As Christians, our antennas need to be up higher than the world and really research what this new vaccine really is. This vaccine is unlike any ever manufactured. It will implant a nanochip into the muscle. This will cause a 24/7 pinging of EMF into the body, add to that the formaldehyde, mercury, animal DNA (Recombinent RNA), let alone tissue from an aborted baby. It doesn’t matter that the tissue came from years ago or yesterday. Abortion is still an industry for vaccne manufacturing. Once the Recombinent DNA is inserted into a body, it will alter the host’s DNA. And it cannot be reversed. It’s not like a tubal ligation that can be reversed.
Once DNA is altered, nothing can stop that. It will be a slow grueling death, I predict. Just ethically and morally, let alone pray, what God would have you do. Just because everyone else is taking the vaccine, or your doctor says to take the vaccine, and the media tempts you to do it for “grandma’s sake” does not mean it is the right thing to do.
Pray, research as best you can now.

    December 7, 2020

    Dear Christine,

    I wonder about your informational resource concerning the nanochip statement. Seriously? And if indeed tissue from aborted babies is part of the formulation of this vaccine, then I too have a lot of soul searching to do. I’ve seem several assertions about the aborted babies but yours is the first I’ve heard of the nanochip. Kindly provide scientific resource to back this up. Thank you and God Bless.

December 6, 2020

As believers wanting to believe the best we can be nieve and believe a lie. Many people are willing to believe what their Dr. tells them or what pharmaceutical companies tell them without doing their homework and “test’ or investigate for themselves the accuracy of the information they are being told. The pharmaceutical companies are not interested in healing your disease or sickness, they are interested in you being chemically dependent on their drugs!
I believe humanity as a whole has become to medically dependent and lacking in depending on God. The word of God states, “I would have you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.”
Could our health problems be related to an unprosperous soul?

    Deborah phillips
    December 6, 2020

    I believed in America. Being so busy as provisions for families we don’t do research or are so busy w life issues I’m thankful for this information
    As a believer I do believe God can do anything! However wrestling w the manner by which God would approve esp when I’ve struggled w my own dietary habits which in.itself put me not in healthiest state fluctuations dietary however definitely working on it.
    Deborah Phillips

      Kathy Warrington
      December 11, 2020

      Yes, we, especially those raising their children have busy lives and take short cuts to make life easier-we have all done it. Our world has changed from the “safe” place it used to be. We need to learn to be proactive in about every area of life.

December 5, 2020

Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, we thank You for your Holy Spirit. Thank You for the miracle of our immune systems You have given us as our Creator. We boldly and humbly ask You to expose the truth of this so-called virus. We thank You that even the CDC has admitted that 94% of reported deaths had underlying causes like pneumonia and diabetes. We ask that fraudulent claims in hospitals be exposed, as they receive more taxpayers’ money for each reported case. We ask that Your Holy Spirit will convict the hearts of those involved with this control and manipulation witchcraft, in the name of Jesus Christ!
We thank You that the the CDC has admitted that most people have over a 99% chance of surviving, and that people over 75 have over a 94% chance of surviving covid. Father we bless Your Holy name that our God given immunity is far better than these demonic vaccines.
By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, we rebuke the spirit of fear of covid, and fear of each other, and ask for Your Spirit of power, of love, and soundness of mind to be loosed upon all those in need of You, and we all need Jesus Christ so desperately.
We thank You Jesus for restoring our souls, strength of heart, for opening of blind eyes, and unstopping of ears.
We bless You dear sweet and Holy Jesus Christ, to Yout majesty and power forever. Amen

December 5, 2020

Dear Lord Jesus Christ,

You are our Savior— for our eternal souls and for every day happenings! We need your wisdom. Thank you that you give it freely to those who come without wavering!

Lord Jesus, as I read this article I was reminded how years ago I used a lotion with collagen in it made from aborted babies, I believe. Please forgive me for such careless response to your truth. Thank you that you are faithful and continue to show me the errors of my ways and lead me in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake!

You know I have been praying about the vaccine as I desire to return to teaching private piano lessons, if that is what you want for me. You know I teach for several doctors who will expect me to take the vaccine. I also have in laws who will likely press me to get the vaccine as my husband and I care for his 97 year old dad. Thank you that this far in the Covid mess, you have protected me! So continuing to put my reliance on you to teach is a real truth to live out! Please give clarity for your desire for me to have or not have the vaccine. I want what you want, not to be swayed by people.

For Your glory to be further known,

Tennessee girl
December 5, 2020

What another commenter said: 2 Chron. 7:14 works! If HIS people, those called by His name, will:

HUMBLE themselves


Seek HIS face (not Facebook)

Turn from their WICKED ways

Then we can stand with confidence in His promises to fight for us! We are not righteous enough to convince other people to fight against this evil. PEOPLE are weak. We are human and sheep easily led astray. If we could make everybody read this, it wouldn’t mean change.

But God…mighty to save. He is going to and fro, looking for hearts seeking Him!

Pray for your children, mamas! Pray for your mamas, daughters! Let each woman teach her neighbor mourning that our land may be saved from this evil!

December 5, 2020

Where do you get that cancer cells would be used?
I know aborted baby cells would be involved, but no where have I heard about cancer cells.

    December 6, 2020

    Judy Mikovits talks about a whole lists of things found in vaccines. Many that are not listed on the package insert. You can also check out soundchoice.org for other info. I have done a bit of research over the last 6 + years. Vaccine side effects are vast. Everything from cancer to childhood diabetes to sids. Even if a child seems to have nothing more than a fever at the time of vaccine, years later autoimmune issues can arise. Vaccines actually put the body in the state of chronic and constant illness.

Patricia Roman
December 5, 2020

Father God in Jesus name we ask that you allow your people to see the harm in these vaccines. They contain RNA which can alter our God given DNA along with other toxic ingredients that will harm us. They are being packaged in a way to deceive people, making them think that their lives will return to normal when we know the won’t. The media is full of lies deceiving people to partake. We see see mandates being proposed to force them, fines, jail and loss of our freedoms to travel and possibly to buy basic necessities and even to lose jobs. Lord this isn’t about our health it’s about control and none of this is from you. You alone are in control and we come to you now for deliverance from these evil attempts to hurt us. This is a God sized problem and we need you to expose and dismantle this in Jesus name. Save us Lord, we know that nothing is to hard for you and we ask this in faith in Jesus name.

    December 6, 2020

    I don’t know if you saw this but the people of Denmark (from grandparents to children) stood in front of their Parliament for 9 days in the cold and dark holding torches and banging pots and pans protesting against a proposed law the forcibly inject people with the vaccine. The legislators decided against it. Praise be to God!

      Linda Welsh
      December 7, 2020

      That is a wonderful testimony! If we all stand together we can accomplish much! Why do we need a vaccine for a virus that is 98% curable.
      People have to make their own choice and I stand on PS 91. It has kept me save so far.
      My husband and I just traveled to Florida to be with our daughter & granddaughter for their birthdays. We are near 80 and not afraid to travel to be near to others because we truly believe God’s word is true. Everyday we draw the bloodline around us and our family, None of us have gotten covid. Im not bragging on our faith but the power of His word.

December 5, 2020

Whenever a government exercises control and makes the population take something against their will, then there is a problem. Your freedom has been usurped and thrown in the trash can on the altar of “we are the supreme authority and you will obey”. That is wrong.
I have read both sides of the argument. There are companies that have used tissue from aborted fetuses in development of this vaccine and there are some that did not. The bottom line is that we must demand that when it (tissue from fetuses) has been used in that development, it must be disclosed and legally documented. In addition, we should be bombarding our representatives NOW as well as our president to ensure us that we have a choice in taking or not taking it. I would go so far that we should encourage the president to issue an executive order to protect our freedom to choose. And that needs to be done now with our present president (because IF Biden were to become president {God forbid}, there would be no chance of that sort of protection or freedom of exercise. (Like you, I am decreeing, standing firm and believing that it WILL NOT ever take place).

Carlos alberto Lopez
December 5, 2020

[14] if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Lorraine Zito
December 5, 2020

Appreciate this article. I personally would never take this vaccine, no matter if the consequences were to be persecution. I pray it will not come to that.

myrna teaf
December 5, 2020

This virus is not of God, He allows what we allow!

Marilyn Hill
December 5, 2020

Read the label on the side of the vaccine vial. Ingredients are all listed there.
Check out ChAdOx1-COVID-19. Also MRC-5.

December 5, 2020

I’ve been doing mission work in the poorest countries in the world since 1984. God called me. So when I had to have certificates of various vaccinations attached to my passport in order to get into many of these countries, I TRUSTED God to protect me from side effects and in faith got the required shots. We are called to present our bodies as a living sacrifice as we obey His call on our lives. So MY CHOICE is to say “yes” to God plans for me no matter what that entails. The thought of saying “I’m sorry God, I won’t go to that country because I have to be vaccinated” never crossed my mind. We need to be careful not to become legalistic on either side of this issue, and guard against judging one another. We all need to find out from God what HE wants us to do and just do it, trusting our lives and health to Him.

    D.R. Warring
    December 5, 2020

    Sister Melody, thank you for serving the Lord as a missionary. Prayerfully consider my words. If you asked Him, the God of the impossible, I’m sure He could make a way where there seems to be no way for you to not have to take vaccines.

    Some vaccines have the products of murdered babies in them, and since it is not His will for murdered babies to be injected into anyone, you can join your faith with His will and ask Him to “get you out of it” that still allows you to serve Him abroad.

    The Lord could e.g. use a Christian doctor to write you an exemption and surround it with favor so you don’t have to be injected with those things. I understand your faith for protection from what’s in them but we can also have faith to get out of them.

    Of course, in the case of America, we want total medical freedom to be able to refuse them at our will for us and our children for religious reasons.

    And by the Word, we know the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination, so we cannot say that it’s His will to inject abomination into our bloodstream. So, we can pray to be in His will and protect us from things that are not His will.

    Anyway, the Lord can always make a way for us to obey Him in all things when we ask Him. My words are not a judgment but an exhortation to increase your faith in what God can do when we join our faith with His will and make a way where there seems to be no way and that we don’t have to settle for the rules of man that cause us to sin when God is in it.

    I pray you see my words as an exhortation to pray and expect bigger from Him. He’s made a way for me so many times against all odds, even against the rules on man. I praise Him!

      December 5, 2020

      With all due respect I do think that she was given the answer to do as God said to do in her work as a missionary. She has the spirit of The Lord in her! I have found in my walk with Jesus it has never will be a one size fits all. Trusting Him whether He leads me to take a vaccination or not and following Him whether I hear Yes or No. I just had a flu shot and I inquired of The Lord before I received it and was given a very wise answer to take it. Bottom line everything on this earth belongs to The Lord our God.
      Not all vaccines have aborted cell lines and there are alternatives to investigate. I also have a friend who was disfigured by Polio and have seen the ravishes of this disease.
      Her walk with Jesus belongs to her and Jesus alone…and She brought glory to Him and her service to Him may have brought, who knows, thousands to Him. I believe she was obedient to her call in that she DID TRUST GOD TO TAKE THE VACCINATIONS.
      I Thank you Melody for going to the poorest of the poor to serve Jesus!

    December 5, 2020

    Are there exemptions available? We are not voluntarily told when there are. We are just told the vaccines are required…to find out if there are exemptions is something we have to search out for ourselves. If doing something violates God word, then he is able to make the way so that we can both obey and not violate his word at the same time. Blessing in Christ!

      Daryl Simmons
      December 5, 2020

      Having worked in the public school system for decades, anyone who did not want their children to take immunizations were exempt when they signed a form stating it was against their religeous beliefs. I believe this holds true, at this time, regarding taking the vaccine.

        December 6, 2020

        Not sure when they use the word Pandemic I think it changes the rules, someone please check this out.

      December 5, 2020

      More and more exemptions are being removed, even religious ones. Go to the National Vaccine Information Center, http://www.nvic.org, to find out about laws and upcoming bills in your state and contact your state legislatures accordingly.

      Melody Skoog
      December 6, 2020

      I understand your reasoning, but there are no exemptions when dealing with third world dictator governments. If you want to get into their country you have to follow their rules. The majority of people in the USA have no understanding of how these governments function. I can emphatically tell you Jesus is pleased I am willing to do whatever it takes to reach the people He died for. My sold motivation is to please Him.

    December 5, 2020

    Amen! Let us not be legalistic Vaccinations have prevented dreaded diseases all of my life….smallpox, polio, whooping cough, and many others that killed millions!
    I’ve never considered what was in the lifesaving insulin that has saved my daughters life for 46 years because I trusted God gave a researcher wisdom and knowledge to do it. She would have died at 16 months! Haven’t you prayed for a cure for this plague? Have you considered God could have had a hand in the development of this vaccine? This is serious. We must pray for wisdom to know what we must do!

      December 6, 2020

      It is great that insulin has
      Help your daughter. insulin is something that our body produces naturally so if it’s lacking then it needs replaced. Vaccine can’t be compared. We do not naturally produce aluminum and mercury, formaldehyde or even aborted fetal material.
      These are added to vaccines to cause the body to have a reaction because if all they gave you was the toxin from the illness…the body has no reaction to it. Isn’t is amazing how God created us so well? We are the ones who mess up things.

Linda Welsh
December 5, 2020

My husband & I have lived under the protection of PS 91 & we will continue to do so!! We never take a flu shot or any of the vaccines offered
We have not had COVID nor will we get it! A thousand on my left & 10 thousand on my right but it will not come near us
Why do we need a vaccine for something that is 98 % curable
Need a vaccine for fear & its PS 91
Take it daily

    Sena Buxton
    December 5, 2020

    Great word, that’s the way I believe also.

    D.L. McClaskie
    December 5, 2020

    Totally agree. Psalm 91 is either fact or not, and of course, we know it is fact.

    Truly, the spiritual implications for vaccines that use murdered babies as products cannot be ignored and should be taught about in every church who truly fears the Lord. And that pHarma has an continues to make billions off of murdered babies in pure evil.

    God is pleased by our faith. Taking the Word daily.

    Arline Reed Trowbridge
    December 5, 2020

    Linda, my sentiments exactly! Take Psalm 91, and call HIM in the morning.
    Praise to you, Our great Physician.

    December 6, 2020

    Yours is a legitimate point, but the end does not justify the means. As you say, we each have to give an account to God for our own lives and the choices we have made.

Carla J Sherman
December 5, 2020

I agree with all of these concerns and have already decided I will not take the vaccine, or any vaccines at this point. I personally trust God for healing in my own body and try to avoid medicine. I also greatly value the wisdom and credibility of IFA. I just want to ask that if “pharmakeia” means witchcraft and is the root for pharmaceuticals, is IFA saying it is never God’s will to take medicine? I realize that ideally we should trust God for healing, but there are times when antibiotics or pain relievers have helped to heal or provide relief to those suffering physically.

CJ Young
December 5, 2020

This video tells the dangers of the CV Vax: Stopworldcontrol.com

    December 5, 2020

    Thanks for this site. It is hard to find credible medical information about COVID 19 and the vaccine other than what the mainstream media is telling us. Can’t even trust doing a google scholar search or Pub Med search since so many medical journals are also under control. You might also like Stand for Health Freedom, http://www.standforhealthfreedom.com

December 5, 2020

I just read about a week ago that “no” aborted fetuses were in any way used for these new vacines! We must check and “KNOW” the truth! I heard exactly the same thing you wrote, and then heard it vehemently disputed! We need to know! Thank you for sources you may have. Please keep us informed. Thank you. Marilou

    December 5, 2020

    Thank you Marylou for bringing this important topic up. Thank you ifapray.com for your hard work and please pass along your sources, if you are able, so we can discern truth. 😀

    December 6, 2020

    Who wrote the article you read stating that no aborted fetuses are used for the vaccines? You have to follow a money trail. If the source you are researching has a financial investment in the vaccines they cannot be trusted to tell you the truth! Visit The Truth About Vaccines website and watch interviews with researchers, doctors, and parent’s and you may change your mind. Also, as someone previously mentioned in their comment you have to know the medical language to understand what fetuses are labeled as, Lookup MRC-5. Each of us have varied convictions according to our understanding of the scriptures and our walk with the Lord. We are each free to believe whom and what we want. Scripture declares knowing the truth makes me free to help me make right decisions. It is important as a disciple of Christ to seek to know the will of the Lord in the decisions I make that influence and guide my life.

Kristine Jessen
December 5, 2020

I’ve been taking Psalm 91 as a vaccine against Covid. I think that the time has come to work on making SURE that there’s enough JESUS in me, that like John G Lake, any virus that touches me DIES. Just saying.

Angelina Gicheri
December 5, 2020

Lord help us to discern the days we are living.Open our Spiritual eyes and spiritual ears to see and hear from you.Reveal to us what John saw in Rev.13.16-18.Give us knowledge, wisdom and understanding as your Children before we rush to take this mandatory vaccine.
Lord help us not to fall in temptation in the name of safety in Jesus Christ Name

December 5, 2020

The main thing is that the vaccine be optional, not mandatory. I never take flu shots. I don’t even take aspirin. And I won’t take this vaccine no matter what assurances I’m given that it’s safe. No one else bears the liability in my body if I take the vaccine, so no one else but me gets to determine my risk management strategies.

So don’t argue the safety aspect. Argue the freedom of choice aspect.

It is an especially grievous accusation that I become a source for contamination to others if I don’t take the vaccine. Pestilence comes for abominations in God’s sight (look up the word in a concordance). I am the least source for contamination, because I keep myself from my iniquity. Whereas those who would (self-righteously) judge me for not taking the vaccine (or wearing the mask) are the ones who drink iniquity like water, for whom the pestilence was sent (1Ki 18:17, 18).

    December 7, 2020

    I agree with you completely. There are two issues at stake here. The most fundamental is our freedom to control our own bodies. We can make decisions and then live with the consequences of our choices, be they good or bad.
    The Nazi regime began by putting up posters depicting Jews as dirty and infectious like rats, contrasting them with posters of healthy Germans. Then they barred Jews from using parks and beaches. Finally, off to internment camps.
    New Zealand already is using camps and Canada has some built.

Cindy Braun
December 5, 2020

Thank you for this beautiful article with questions to ponder. Excellent and worthy to share with our adult children.

December 5, 2020

Hello, I am replying about the EMERGENCY USE. That is definitely about Prayer, not the Covid vaccine. How many people know that the Vaccine contains mRNA. You should do a medical search on it. It is also created synthetically. That means you don’t know the “code” they p,a Ed in it when made. I am a nurse and I am NOT taking it. I don’t mind taking a. Accident e made of the antibodies but I refuse the EMERGENCY Covid 19 vaccine. Remember also, it was given FULL pardon to go through all the needed safety measures to make sure it’s safe for human use. You can’t sue or bring any action against and manufacturers if you have a damage to your system like some of the trial people did. Their Myelin Sheath was infected by the virus. They are now permanently disabled.

    December 5, 2020

    Sorry that statement was the code that was placed in the mRNA .
    And the next paragraph is supposed to say I don’t mind a accident made from the antibodies of people recovered from COVID AKA
    SARS Cov 2

Anna R Olson
December 5, 2020

These statements regarding the origins and contents of the COVID vaccine illicit concern. Your statements should be supported by citing references, otherwise you are only instilling fear, a religious form of fear, instead of educating and informing individuals so they can exercise discernment. How do we know your claims are based in facts?

    Sharon Shepard
    December 5, 2020

    Fear is FAKE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL! DO NOT ALLOW THE SPIRIT OF FEAR TO CONTROL YOU! You should never let anything you read or hear allow fear to control you.

    Sharon Shepard
    December 5, 2020

    I would also like to add.. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but the spirit power, love and a sound mind..Read all the scriptures related to fear. It is amazing how the Word of God will release that stronghold from anyone.

Curtis Hakes
December 5, 2020

Aslan is on the prowl.
He will speak, He will be heard, and they will not be able to resist the Truth.!They will melt oh way By His roar of Justice. The Righteous will stand firm against all odds! And the Righteous Judge will rule over the judges that are evil. The wicked will be shaken to their bones, and they will wish them selves as dead! Their guilt will find them out. Their stomachs will burn in grief. And out of their agony their mouth will proclaim their guilt.

Lawrence Unger
December 5, 2020

Praying in 100% agreement with this and its prayer.

Adrian Manjas
December 5, 2020
Laura Dominick
December 5, 2020

There are just so many good reasons to question the wisdom of taking these vaccines. I hope people are reading sources other than from CDC, drug companies, and MSM! I would suggest looking at Dr. Mercola’s articles on this vaccine as an alternative to start with (he also posts many references to other sources for the person who wishes to investigate). If the powers-that-be try to force this vaccine on everyone, I hope people will go to the streets and fight them! So many of our freedoms are hanging by a thread – we just can’t stop fighting. I pray that God will fight against any attempts to force people to inject foreign substances into their bodies (which are His temple)!!!

    December 5, 2020

    I agree. However the deep state as it’s called. Is instilling fear in people everywhere. They are using tests to increase the numbers. Google, Twitter and many of the big money makers have called him an enemy of the State. Who uses that kind of talk? Not Americans that’s for sure. People Trust in The Lord Jesus Christ, read the Bible and question things. Don’t rely on Government to be your God. You will be very unhappy, and this whole Covid thing has proven it! Government is Not GOD and should never be able to be treated as Him.

Robert Liljestrand
December 5, 2020

Please refer to https://lozierinstitute.org/an-ethics-assessment-of-covid-19-vaccine-programs

Note that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are RNA vaccines and considered ethical because they do not use fetal tissue for their development or production.
If I can keep from transmitting a serious disease, am I not loving my neighbor? Won’t taking a proven vaccine prevent me from getting a serious disease by developing my God given immune system? Will keeping me from getting a disease not keep me from transmitting the disease? It might be a risk to me to take any vaccine, but is this not love to sacrifice oneself for his neighbor?
I plan to take the Pfizer or Maderna vaccine if I survive until the time it is available to us common folk.

    Laura Dominick
    December 5, 2020

    I must say I vehemently disagree with you on this one, brother. Taking an unproven vaccine that might be dangerous and have unknown side effects is not required in order to love your neighbor! These new vaccines are definitely NOT proven – anyone can tell that just by the timeframe in which they have been developed. No – I will not take these vaccines unless they drag me out of my house and tie me up. I have never taken a flu vaccine (I am not a young person) – and have never had the flu. My approach is to do my best to keep my God-given immune system in good working order by eating healthy, appropriate supplements, and exercise. If you want to take it, go ahead – but please don’t try to make yourself appear more loving than the person who chooses not to take it.

    December 5, 2020

    The question is, will the vaccine actually protect your or your neighbor? Here is a podcast interview with Dr. Carrie Madej who has been blackballed in the medical field and had to leave the country for her safety for speaking out against the truths behind vaccines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGQ3WhaBOM0 It’s very long. 30 min. in they start talking about the Covid vaccine. Prior to that they talk about the tetanus shot which actually has pregnancy hormones that have caused infertility and the MMR vaccine which is linked to autism specifically in the African American male population (I don’t think it’s a secret anymore that vaccines have been used for eugenics). I wish I could post the TedTalk with Bill Gates saying that vaccines are a great way to decrease the population, but it has been removed. FYI – the guy doing the interview for this video is agnostic and I’m not sure if Dr. Madej is a Christian or subscribes to new age/eastern religions. They both emphasize loving humanity again and having faith in humanity. Like you said we do need to love our brother, but we know that our faith can never be in a fallen humanity but Christ alone! Grace and peace to us all from God our Father.

    December 5, 2020

    These covid vaccines do use fetal cell lines. You can see the source cell lines for each vaccine at soundchoice.org Teresa Deisher is a scientist who is highly acclaimed in the medical field for her discoveries. You cannot violate God’s word and expect good results. Child sacrifice is strictly forbidden by God. Jesus died for our healing so human sacrifice of our children is unnecessary, evil and wicked. satan is the one who wants human sacrifice. Any time anyone receives an organ transplant they have to take an anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life or the body will attack that organ. So when you put DNA from another human into your body your body will attack it wherever it ends up and that’s where you get autoimmune issues. Vaccines are not an issue of walking in love towards other but an issue of obedience to God’s word.

    Lawrence Unger
    December 5, 2020

    Robert, I’m sorry that you have been deceived by minding blinding spirits. I pray the Holy Spirit will reveal truth to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

    December 5, 2020

    Umm Wow! My Spirit sees your play on Gods words of loving your neighbor. We are not called to sacrifice ourselves to a vaccine. Keeping our “Neighbors” “safe”. I don’t see that word in HisWord. I do see LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, Loving yourself does not include doing stupid things. That is not Loving yourself. I am praying you meant this for good, however I also know the scripture that says Satan also knows the Bible and mis- quotes it in the attempt to persuade people into believing a lie. Speaking the AME of Jesus and his Blood over this very destructive vaccine. In JESUS NAME, I PRAY the mRNA be made incapacitated a d unable to affect people. Amen.

Lisa Yearwood
December 5, 2020

Where are the medical references for this article?

    Julie Maltagliati
    December 5, 2020

    Not sure about this article, but below is a good reference for vaccine information, the potential risks and dangers, info not generally publicized. Also google Dr. Carrie Madej … She’s far from alone, but other names escape me now. Also go to Dr. Mercola’s site.


    Putting aside “conspiracy theories” (not all conspiracies are theory) about one world government (The Great Reset, Davos, World Economic Forum) and concerns about the way being paved for the antichrist …mark of the beast, inability to buy or sell (without proof of vaccination?), there is substantive vaccine information that should give everyone pause.

    For me, the use of aborted fetal cells is enough to refuse it but there are also many other concerns.

    No matter what they say, without the standard years of safety trials for long-term effects, with this first-time approval of RNA technology in a vaccine for human use, it’s inescapable that everyone receiving it will be a guinea pig. Hopefully without too much ill effect, but so-called “informed consent” doesn’t talk about much potential harm, including possible development of binding rather than neutralizing antibodies via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) or paradoxical immune enhancement (PIE).

    An earlier coronavirus vaccine (SARS) with ferrets had wildly “successful” results, nearly 100% antibody response. But later, when the ferrets were exposed to the live virus, every one of them became very sick and died. Binding antibodies made the illness far worse, rather than repelling it. I don’t believe they can predict when that may happen, or to whom.

    The main thing is to be as fully informed as possible, and unfortunately, we can’t rely on mainstream media *or* mainstream medicine to fully inform us. We have to do our own homework. Life is full of risks, and we all get to freely choose (so far) our risks in life. Our bodies belong to God but he gave us earthly autonomy over them.

      Lisa Yearwood
      December 7, 2020

      thanks Julie,
      I will look these up!

        Julie Maltagliati
        December 7, 2020

        I hope you find them helpful, Lisa. My head spins, with so much information to plow through!

        I just listened to an excellent debate on the vaccine between Alan Dershowitz & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is one of the most knowledgeable people around about vaccines. He is not an “anti-vaxxer,” just believes we have a right to provably safe vaccines. It’s very informative.


        (Kennedy has a rare condition, spasmodic dysphonia, which causes vocalizations to be very shaky, but he is easy to understand.)

        God bless you!

Lisa Forte
December 5, 2020

Revelation 21:8 (KJV)
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and SORCERERS*, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
*See: https://biblehub.com/greek/5332.htm

Revelation 22:14-15 (KJV)
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
For without are dogs, and SORCERERS*, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
*See: https://biblehub.com/greek/5333.htm

December 5, 2020

After reading this article, I was reminded of meats sacrificed to idols in 1 Corinthians 10:
23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. 24 No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

25 Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, 26 for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”

27 If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. 28 But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who told you and for the sake of conscience. 29 I am referring to the other person’s conscience, not yours. For why is my freedom being judged by another’s conscience? 30 If I take part in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of something I thank God for?

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.

Abba, you do not give us a spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound mind. We shall tread on serpents and scorpions and nothing by NO means shall harms us. Abba, you see all – you see how this virus was produced in the pit of hell. You also see how all of these vaccines were produced. Lead us by your spirit. The enemy is relentless in his attacks on all the inhabitants of the earth, but YOU are God and you laugh at His plans. Your ways are higher than our ways. It repulses us to know the cells of aborted babies would be used to create vaccines. Overthrow every plan and scheme of the enemy. You care for every life from the time of conception to the time of last breath. We declare life begins at conception. Revive our land and overthrow the decrees of the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy every life. Redeem, revive, and restore us. Order your decrees over these vaccines and show us each what we should do regarding them.

Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand.

Bread of heaven,
Feed me now and evermore; Bread of heaven,
Feed me now and evermore.

Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing waters flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. Strong Deliverer,
Be Thou still my Strength and Shield.

When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death, and hell’s destruction, Land me safe on Canaan’s side. Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee; Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

    December 5, 2020

    God Bless you Luanne. I agree 100% with your comment. I was told many years ago there are things in the Flu vaccine that lower your immune system and the Globalists were going to release a disease that would kill people because after many years of lowering their immune system you would not be able to fight it off. I believe we are seeing it today. If you TRUST the vaccine makers then go ahead as for me I will NOT take it and I believe they are trying to reduce the population by this method. God Please protect us from evil.

Ken Budz
December 5, 2020

Lord please help us concerning these vaccines. May we do what Jesus would do.
Lord may we rely on You and consider the side effects and the long term effects of a vaccine. Amen.

December 5, 2020

Dear Jesus, let us consider the questions raised here with prayer that you give all of us Your wisdom, knowledge and discernment in how to proceed.
But above all else regarding any and all vaccines, Lord, protect us, protect our health, and protect our eroding sovereignty over our own bodies- all vaccines should be VOLUNTARY for every person!!! Please strike down and bind every law that would mandate any person to have foreign particles injected (or otherwise administered) into our bodies against our will, our conscience, & our beliefs; strike down and bind any law that would restrict our freedom of movement & travel, or our ability to participate in activities of any kind (whether social, religious, business, work, or education-related) based SOLELY on our vaccination staus. Also strike down and bind any laws that protect vaccine companies from being legally responsible for any severe consequences suffered by anyone as a result of the products they’ve created. And let every vaccine be produced, tested, and administered in an ethical, righteous, and open way.
Thank You Lord, that YOU are our Great Physician, and in You we ultimately live, move, and have our being, AMEN!

Elizabeth Schneider
December 5, 2020

I will NOT take this vaccine! I am NOT an anti vaxer! ..but THIS one I am!!!
It also has nanotechnology in them to connect us to ‘ the cloud’ to be monitored of our health etc and more!! I’ve been reading that these eventually will lead to transhumanism in the future!! Mind to Machine is what they want!

    Laura Dominick
    December 5, 2020

    Glad to see you a reading beyond what MSM is telling people! There are many reputable sources sounding the alarm about this vaccine!

      Elizabeth Schneider
      December 5, 2020

      Yes!!! That is what I read and follow! Even then with some I need more research!

        Laura Dominick
        December 5, 2020

        Are you aware of Dr. Mercola’s web site? There is a wealth of information there with many good journal references! God bless!!!

          Elizabeth Schneider
          December 5, 2020

          I’ve heard of it but never read anything from it! Thanks!!

          December 5, 2020

          They are trying to shut him up. Threatening him, he is not only a Dr., but a surgeon. (the older ones took a Hippocratic oath) they have removed it from the graduation required Drs now days. It stated you would do no further harm to patients. Mercola.com your eyes will be opened. He does not come up with this stuff. He sites different specialists and reports or interviews them.

          Laura Dominick
          December 5, 2020

          Yes, Yvonne – you are correct. Dr. Mercola is being attacked by the likes of Bill Gates and CDC. His is an MD who does his research, and he does provide many journal references so that people can do their own research. Please pray that God will not allow this man to be shut down!!!


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