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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You protect and bless these witnesses that are testifying. Watch over their families and loved ones who may be in danger.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A Dominion Voting Systems contractor who has testified to seeing election fraud in Michigan told a state Senate committee that she called the FBI to report what she witnessed but was cut off and subsequently ignored by agents.

Melissa Carone, an information technology freelancer who was assigned by Dominion to work at the TCF Center in Detroit on Election Day, said she called the FBI on November 5 to report instances of fraud that she had seen, including ballots being counted eight to 10 times.

“I spoke with a woman for at least 40 minutes,” Carone told the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee on Tuesday. “The phone disconnected. She had all my information. She never called me back. I had to call them back. I haven’t been contacted back since.” . . .

Editorial Note: Carone is not the only one who has experienced harassment, doxxing, threats, and physical harm. Download the prayer guide to pray scripture over these witnesses-many who we will never hear of or know their names.

In a ruling earlier this month denying an injunction to stop the certification of Michigan’s election results, a state court judge found that Carone’s description of events at the TCF center wasn’t credible because other affidavits didn’t make the same accusations.

She said in 27 hours there was not a single vote for Trump.

Ballots are supposed to drop into a sealed box after being scanned through the tabulating machine, however Melissa Carone said the ballots were accessible to the election worker after being scanned through the machine. She said the boxes that were supposed to receive the scanned ballots were moved to another part of the room and used to block poll observers. Carone also said one of the Dominion workers disappeared to a “warehouse” for several hours right before a big data dump for Joe Biden.

“I’ll tell you why more witnesses aren’t coming forward- my life has been ruined over this: I’ve lost friends, family, I’ve been threatened, my kids have been threatened, I can’t get a job anymore… Democrats like to ruin your life, just like they’ve done to Trump.” – MI witness

Watch her full testimony below:

(Excerpt from Citizen Free Press. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your own prayers for these witnesses and their families!

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December 6, 2020

Father We know you see all these cases of Fraud, and how the demonic forces of evil are trying to rush this election through all the deadlines in our democratic republic. We also know you are a God of justice and you hate lying, cheating , stealing, bearing false witness and evil plans made in secret. We Declare and decree your justice be done and the rightful winner of this election is Donald J Trump You have a timeline and we are standing in the gap along with your warring ANGELS ,holding back these evil demonic forces, which are controlling the lives of many. We pray they will be delivered, repent and come forth with the truth and the truth will set them free because you want all to be saved. Those who do not repent, will suffer the consequences of their crimes against humanity. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

December 6, 2020

Father let there be no fear for those who are testifying but that they would be joyful for their participation in justice. Encourage all the brave witnesses who have testified in Michigan,
Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada and other states. We declare that their statements will expose the wrongdoers. “For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality”(Col 3:25) they will be punished.

We ask that the fruit of the testimony of these witnesses would
bring about justice and vindication for the innocent, and
punishment to the wicked. We ask for grace for the wicked to repent. Grant the witnesses the ability to persevere and to stand close with You. “But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always”(Hosea 12:6).

Father provide to all witnesses direction, protection, and comfort as they bravely continue to stand up for truth. May they feel Your Presence. Make their testimonies to be the key in revealing the darkness of fraud and the wrongdoing that occurred in this election. Reward them with the joy of knowing they were indeed the turnkey for ushering in justice into our nation. We thank You God for exposing the corruption through them. “He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light”(Job 12:22).

Surround all the faithful witnesses and their families with Your divine protection from all physical, social, and spiritual harm, and retribution, and shield them from any scheme of the Enemy to harass or destroy them. Reward them as faithful witnesses with better jobs and great peace.

God’s word to the witnesses: “For you have made the LORD, your refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your dwelling. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, so that you do not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down. Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation”(Ps 91:9-16). In Jesus name we pray over these witnesses and proclaim God’s favor over them.

Charlotte McGahan
December 6, 2020

I am praying that the Lord will put a firewall of protection around these brave people who are standing up for truth and righteousness and that they will be encouraged that they are doing the will of God. He will honor their efforts. And as Intercessors, we will keep The fire on the altar burning.

Joann Soland
December 5, 2020

Father protect these precious ones and family in Jesus name. Raise up more brave ones who are hiding. Place them under your
wingg. Send every evil satanic dart back to where they came from where they came.

December 5, 2020

Thank You Father God for our beloved President Donald J Trump and all the brave witnesses who have signed affidavits abscess testified. Let Your favor be upon them in abundance. Embrace them with Your loving arms. Let our prayers for President Trump’s re-election come quickly into fruition. Let him finish the work You have ordained for him to fulfill without obstruction. Cover the witnesses with Your wings. Bless them and protect. If they lost a job, give them a better one. Give them new friends. Open the hearts of family and friends who have been deceived. And to see and accept the truth.

We thank You that You are unmasking the fraud and setting things right. We pray for justice for the Americans whose votes were stolen and judgement upon all perpetrators of fraud. Every culprit identified and punished. Usurpers of illegally-gotten positions be removed and be criminally charged, and the rightfully elected seated. We praise You that are all powerful and all the lying evil forces are disarmed and those deceived are unblinded. We honor You and pray that Your will be done in America, with sanctity of life, truth, justice, righteousness, and liberty for all who honor You and stand up for truth.

To You who is willing and able to do above and beyond what we ask, we offer this prayer in Jesus name.

December 5, 2020

Father, may your mercy and grace be with these witnesses. Grant them courage and resolve knowing they are playing a role in exposing the corruption that happened during this election. Protect and guard them from all harm and backlash. We stand on your truth and know that your will will be done. Bless these witnesses with strength of spirit. In Jesus’ name.

Edna kelley
December 5, 2020

In The Mighty Name of Jesus I ask for The Spirit of Truth b revealed In all the states where there is fraud suspicions . We plead the Blood of Jesus over all the people that r coming forward to testify . Thank U Jesus, Amen

December 5, 2020

The attacks on her are more proof of the Democrats’ guilt. I pray that God would lift her up as He did Joseph.

December 5, 2020

The sacrifices of righteousness must be offered with faith in God’s word. Please don’t say your life has been destroyed. Stand in faith and wait to see how the Lord will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved.

Cast your burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain you: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.  (Psa 55:22)

A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.  (Pro 12:3)

December 5, 2020

I pray in agreement with these prayers and for other witnesses to be courageous because of the witnesses that have come forth.
Root out the corruption in the FBI and CIA so that evil will be investigated remove those wo are blocking the truth from being publicly revealed. I pray this in the Name of Jesus. Let there be light.

Susan C.
December 5, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you that you have raised courageous people like these who are willing to tell the truth no matter what the cost. Would you please place Your Hand of protection of her and her family, and may you bless her for her courage by meeting her needs and if she doesn’t know you that she would put her complete trust in Jesus Christ as Lord.
In Jesus Name, amen.

December 5, 2020

Lord fulfill Ephesians 5:13- But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Do not allow darkness to prevail.

December 5, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, bless and protect all these brave witnesses that have come forward, and may Your protection of them inspire still more to come forward with the truth. Dear Lord, may Your angels adorn them with the armor of your divine power, and Lord, may the light of Your truth expose the corruption, the lies, and the evil that is trying to strangle our nation. Lord, whatever action You deem necessary for good to prevail, we accept it. Please show us all the way forward, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.

Ken Budz
December 5, 2020

Lord please help and protect those who testify to the truth. May they be safe. May those who threaten others be held responsible. God please expose all the cheating of this election. Amen.

Jann Walter
December 5, 2020

Oh Lord, I pray for this courageous woman and her family. You are the rewarder. Lord I ask you to reward her above and beyond all that she could ask or think. I pray for millions of angels to surround her and her family. I ask you to give her comfort. I ask you to give her family comfort, ask you to pour out your spirit on her, that you would give her the truth and the truth will set her free. I pray for the most amazing job that she could ever imagine. And now Lord I pray for all those other people who are afraid to come forth. I ask you to give them supernatural courage. I ask you to give them supernatural protection. I ask you to open doors or that cannot be opened and shut doors that cannot be shut. I ask you to provide provide provide above and beyond all that they could ask or think in every area of their lives.


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