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Father, thank You that Sen. Feinstein chose public service to our nation, but she did support many unbiblical policies. Show us how to pray, and raise up a strong Christian leader in her place.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

After a long battle with several serious health issues, Sen. Dianne Feinstein passed away Friday morning.

From Fox News. California Senator Dianne Feinstein has died, sources tell Fox News. She was 90.

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The longtime senator had suffered from extensive health issues for more than a year, leading many to wonder about her fitness for office. Her cause of death was unclear as of Friday morning.

Feinstein was present in the Senate on Wednesday and cast a vote at 11:45 a.m. ET, according to the congressional record.

However, she missed two votes later in the afternoon. …

Feinstein, the longest-serving female senator ever, was first elected to the role in 1992. …

Prior to serving as a senator, Feinstein spent nine years as San Francisco County Supervisor, beginning in 1969. She then became mayor of the city in 1978 and was elected to two four-year terms.

“Senator Feinstein’s career has been one of firsts,” her website biography … says. “She was the first woman president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the first woman mayor of San Francisco, the first woman elected Senator of California, the first woman member and first woman ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the first woman to chair the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and the first woman to chair the Senate Intelligence Committee.” …

Share your prayers below for Feinstein’s family and for our government.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: By Benjamin Dunn – Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Lori Meed
October 2, 2023

Jesus, You laid down Your life for Your enemies. Help us to be like You, feeling for heart for the lost. We ask for help in knowing how to call sin sin but also crying out, Father, forgive them for they KNOW NOT what they do. You saved us while we were still Your enemies. You came to seek for and save the lost. Save Diane Feinsteins’s family, comfort them as they mourn. They are Your chosen people, the apple of Your eye,Your first born, and You love them with Your whole heart. So we do as well! Save all Israel in the land or here in the USA.

September 30, 2023

was she not the first into law LBTQ.
Do we admire sin . I pray our eyes know when to thank and praise someone.

September 29, 2023

This news is not welcome news. The senator pushed for Hillary’s hellth care partial birth abortion. Her tenure in securing our nation may have led to unsanitized pentagon hard drives going to China. The worst of it is this: Jesus gave us an example to pray. In that prayer, we are to ask for forgiveness as we forgive. Scripture says that unless we forgive we cannot be forgiven (Matthew 6:15), to pray for this in authority (1 Timothy 2), and to not judge (Matthew 7).
Until recently I didn’t have a burden to pray for lost souls like Jude tells us to. Therefore, falling short of these, I fear I may see her again at the Great White Throne not having prayed for her salvation.
Don’t get me wrong, I stood up for my nation and for those with no voice. Many times. But, God was interested in her soul and I wasn’t.
Father, forgive me, I now pray for those nearest the fires of hell and I pray for those in office who have been bought, sold or traded, those who have Pharaoh’s or Caesar’s hearts, asking that You change their hearts of stone in to hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Joan F.Madsen
September 29, 2023

You thank God for the service of that Godless murderer of millions of the unborn, an aggressive advocate of sexual perversion and transgender mutilation even of children.? What in the world has happened to IFA? No wonder God has turned His back on America when even those who claim to be Believers have the audacity to thank Him for the those who serve the Satan. What,exactly, has that evil woman done that we should thank God for. SHAME ON YOU.

    September 29, 2023

    Could not agree more, spoken with truth. What does God’s people have to do with mulak?. Repentance is much needed here.

      September 29, 2023

      Could not agree more, spoken with truth. What does God’s people have to do with molloch?

Karen Secrest
September 29, 2023

Per Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: the Choice is one heartbeat away.
We trust she made the choice for eternity..

Elizabeth Laird
September 29, 2023

She was quite a woman! I ha e toral respect for her and helping us get funding for our homeschooling/ charter school. Now K-12.


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