Satanists Sue for Right to Engage in Abortion Rituals
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Satanists Sue for Right to Engage in Abortion Rituals
The Satanists argue that the laws violate their “right to a religious accommodation of its members to engage in the abortion ritual under the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”
They also claim that “TST has a constitutional right under the Texas Constitution to the free exercise of their religious practices, including the abortion ritual” and “First Amendment ‘conduct,’ including TST’s religious abortion ritual, is not permitted to be the target of civil actions filed under SB8.”
“SB8’s ban on abortions after six weeks infringes upon our members’ rights to engage with their chosen religion and to participate in religious rites and rituals,” The Satanic Temple’s Director of Campaign Operations Erin Helian said in a press release provided to The Gateway Pundit. “In accordance with our Third Tenet, The Satanic Temple will push back against the Texas legislature’s violation of our members’ bodily autonomy and freedom of choice.”
The Satanic Temple is also engaged in another lawsuit before the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas against the state of Texas for “impeding the free exercise rights of a member seeking an abortion.”
According to the group’s press release, “the member was met with state-mandated interventions prior to the procedure, designed by the legislature to discourage people from seeking abortions. Texas’s current state laws require doctors to administer legally mandated, though not medically necessary, procedures before obtaining an abortion.”
The Satanic Temple complained that the “mandate forces patients to be given a sonogram, to be provided the results of that test, to be given a narrative written by the Texas legislature about the supposed meaning of the sonogram results, and a mandatory waiting period following the sonogram before the abortion can be administered. These steps aim to manipulate those seeking abortion care into altering their decision, thus interfering with freedom of choice and bodily autonomy.”
“The Temple will work tirelessly to do our best to protect the religious rights of members who want to engage in TST’s abortion ritual,” added Helian.
The temple previously attempted to use religious freedom to fight abortion laws in Missouri, but failed.
Their latest move is unlikely to work based on the decision in Employment Division, Department of Human Resources of Oregon v. Smith. In that case, the Supreme Court ruled that the state could deny unemployment benefits to a person fired for violating a state prohibition on the use of peyote, even if used during part of a religious ritual.
(Excerpt from Gateway Pundit. Article by Cassandra Fairbanks. Photo by Canva.)
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Are there any updates to this case? Praying the Texas law prevails and lives will be saved. We as Christians followers should be praying for the static cult to be delivered and come to know Jesus.
Pray the pro-life Rosary to STOP these ritual killings that they usually do between midnight and 3am.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph transform the culture of death to a culture of LIFE. Amen
I hate putting this question here but I don’t know where else to put it! Is anyone else having trouble clicking on the “Amen” and praying hands? Nothing happens when I do it. Is there a specific place to click and I am missing it? Thanks in advance. God bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Satan has revealed his hand. Abortion is a satanic ritual. The Bill of Rights was never intended to allow human sacrifice. I pray that this evil will be defeated by the blood of the Lamb.
Lord I pray that this news gets spread far and wide and that it brings all people to repentance on this horrific issue. The enemy always over plays his hand and this is blatant when a lot of their rituals are typically kept in the dark. May this backfire on them, Lord. I know of the things you hate besides hands that shed innocent blood is somebody that is proud or haughty. We love what you love and we hate what you hate, Lord, and we stand in agreement intercessors all over the world that this is not okay. We say your kingdom come and your will be done, Lord, we need you.
We speak LIFE into all children from conception. We speak full protection of LIFE to come forth as Father God directs. We decree satanic ritual abuse of children is exposed, and the egregiousness of it will stop by the grace and mercy of Father God.
Highest praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords who rules in heaven and ordains us authority and power to bring heaven to earth. Increase our understanding of righteousness and justice and the keys of the Kingdom for taking back what the enemy has stolen from mankind.
I wondered how long it would take the satanists to claim their “rights” under the Constitution,s Free Exercise clause. What is the legal defense against this?
Lord, give us clear-eyed, Godly judges who will rule in righteousness!
Father, I pray that this evil will not be upheld by the court. Stop this murder in the name of religion and rights! May we uphold the preciousness of the unborn and the dignity of a human life. If they are honored in their request, when will it be alright to sacrifice a born child to Satan? We thank you for the gift of children and we ask for protection for them and the realization in our nation of how precious they are.
Since life begins at conception, and since the killing of innocent human beings is legitimately outlawed by legitimate governments in order to protect the most vulnerable among us, it should follow that killing unborn babies is illegal, barring only exceptional circumstances of conflict between life of the mother vs. life of the child — which basically never happens with modern medicine n real life — since the baby can be delivered early and given medical care, there is no reason to murder the baby. Therefore, legally this case is NOT about honoring freedom of “religion,” — it’s about whether or not murder of innocent people will be allowed. I pray that EVERY state will wake up and make similar laws!
The satanists state their religious freedom to sacrifice unborn babies to satan should be upheld.
Abortions are a blasphemous ritual and an abomination to God.
Satanists state they should be able to do these wicked acts as they have “bodily autonomy and freedom of choice”. What about the child’s bodily autonomy and freedom of choice?
They do not want women considering abortion to be given information and time to reflect on a decision that ends a life, honors evil & affects the mother & father all their lives.
Who is doing the manipulation? Thankfully, all can repent and receive God’s mercy and grace! What a gracious Father we have!
This is symptomatic of how far our society has fallen. The very fact that Satanists can even have their cases heard in a court of law is so inappropriate. Why these judges even consider these cases is sad. Lord Jesus, you know what is happening. None of this is taking you by surprise. I bind the efforts of these Satanists to try to get their voices heard. I loose a spirit of love and decency over our land. In Jesus’ name.
I can’t even read this report, the heading sickens me.
Dear Father God, I thank You for Jesus Christ, who was The Messiah before time and space, in the womb, on The Cross, interceding for us now in His Heavenly Kingdom, returning. Save us from these men and women who are doing satan’s work. I simply ask for You to annihilate this plan and each one involved. We worship The Christ, the Son of the living God and Your Word says vengeance is Yours, You will repay in judgement. I pray these evil ones are kept in Your Fearsome Hands until they repent, are saved, and are remade into mighty weapons for Your Kingdom. You can do much more than I can even imagine, would You act in a mighty way Lord, for Your Glory and the lives of the babies? I love You Father. I love You Jesus. I love You Holy Spirit. Amen
So, now the truth comes out once again. If you READ and EXAMINE what an abortion procedure entails, you can easily see that there is something very sinister about it. The fact that Satanists are defending it exposes what it really is, which is evidently necessary since most people are blissfully unaware of the extraordinary number of Arch of Ba’al replicas that have been erected.