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Father, we lift the Panjshir Valley to You and we ask You to protect them. Give them Your wisdom, strength and direction. Keep them from evil. May others like them arise throughout the country. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The winding, narrow road from Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul to its Panjshir Valley 40 miles away has always been a journey from chaos to calm.

But that sentiment has never rung so true as now…

Should the Taliban choose to turn their guns and heavy armor on the country’s last remaining oasis, it is safe to say there will be no dropping of guns and dashing by Panjshir’s residents…

A number of Afghan special forces and security personnel who rebuffed orders to put down their weapons and accede to the Taliban also took the bumpy road into the province before the Taliban could seal the city’s entries and exits.

And while the Taliban have claimed Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to be the embattled nation’s rightful leader, First Vice President (FVP) of Afghanistan Amrullah Saleh relocated to Panjshir on Sunday and declared himself the president. Citing the country’s constitution, he reiterated in a statement that “in the event of escape, resignation or death of the President, the FVP becomes the caretaker President…

According to Hayat, several other high-ranking government leaders — including its minister of defense and some provincial commanders — are in Panjshir, too, to mobilize assets and prepare to defend the mosaic of land as the region makes what could be its last stand against the Taliban…

Panjshir officials declined to give precise figures as to how many fighters they have in the area, but it is believed to be in excess of 6,000. It is believed that what they really need are heavy weapons and support, something they say they never received from the Ghani-led administration.

Several Panjshiris also expressed concern about revenge killings, given their long and bloody history with the Taliban, although the militant organization’s leadership has pledged not to retaliate against such Afghans…

“Twenty years, and the US now has a Terrorstan,” Hayat said, referring to an infamous nickname for the country. “Panjshiris will not, will never, accept this.”

Are you encouraged to learn there is one part of Afghanistan remaining outside of Taliban control? Share your prayers for them, below!

(Excerpted from The Washington Post. Article by Hollie McKay. Photo Credit: Mohammad Rahmani/UnSplash).

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Susan CC
August 22, 2021

“Even though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil for You are with them; Your rod and Your staff will comfort them.” Father, I pray Your mighty presence in the Panjshir Valley. “As they call upon You evening, morning, and at noon, I pray You will hear their voices and save them” As these brave men and women face this know evil, I pray they would have a personal vision of the Risen Christ. “I pray You would reach down from heaven and save them; You would rebuke those who are creating such terror. Father God, I humbly ask that You send Your loving devotion and Your truth. “I pray these people of the Panjshir Valley would know their Messiah lives. I pray salvation would come to the Panjshir Valley. I pray in the Names of Righteousness, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Psalm 23:4, Psalm 55:16-17, Psalm 57:3


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