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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would give wisdom to all state leaders involved in pursuing forensic audits across the nation. We ask You to defend the integrity of every state’s election results.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are very close to the publication of the first forensic audit of a general election in the history of our nation! It is startling to think that protecting the integrity of our elections has never risen to the level of the public demanding accountability. Many businesses have to conduct an audit every year.  Unfortunately, for years people have turned a blind eye to “Chicago-style politics” and half joked about and accepted the corruption it represents in the integrity of running elections.  We will soon learn if Chicago-style politics has been exported to a state near you.

Soon America is about to see the results of its first forensic audit completed in Maricopa Country, Arizona’s general election. One of the Arizona’s champions of election integrity, State Senator Wendy Rogers, is actively promoting forensic audits in every state. Senator Rogers attended a Pennsylvania Audit the Vote rally this past week in which she conveyed, “Nobody is specialized in election audits–until now’ #Wethepeople now have a blueprint for conducting audits, because of the audit in Maricopa County.”

The Arizona Senate is now waiting for the draft report as early as Friday, August 20th, of the results of the election machines, ballots, and other voting material analyzed during the review. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann shared, “Confirming audit companies are preparing the draft report to present to the Senate team. The Senate team will then review for accuracy and clarity for final report which will be released publicly.”

Other states are beginning to take election integrity seriously.  State Sen. Wendy Rogers issued a similar statement on Twitter: “Once Arizona delivers our prelim report, it is up to the rest of the states to do forensic audits and issue their reports. We need to keep pushing. Don’t let big states like Florida, Texas, or Ohio slide.”

Other states have joined with Arizona in seeking forensic audits.

Georgia State Elections Board recently voted on Wednesday to appoint a bipartisan panel to investigate Fulton County. According to Yahoo news, “the review board is assigned to conduct a full and thorough investigation of election equipment, registrations, elections, and compliance with state law. The board will then issue a report sharing its conclusions.” Also, last week the Fulton County Elections Chief resigned according to Alive News.  Mr. Jones was one of the county officials at the State Farm Arena on election night. In a press release, the ACLJ explained they filed an amicus brief  filed on behalf of more than 647,000 of our supporters and 57 Members of Congress. “The brief emphasized the substantial constitutional authority of Georgia, and other states, to protect the integrity of their elections. The brief explained that the Constitution’s Elections Clause (Art. I, § 4, Cl. 1) provides that state legislatures, not the President or his Administration, have the primary responsibility and authority to regulate the times, places, and manner of holding elections.”

This brief was in response to the Biden Administration’s case against the State of Georgia that challenges certain provisions of the State’s election reform law (Senate Bill 202) that was enacted earlier this year.

In Michigan last Monday, a team of attorneys, elections experts, and local candidates announced their plan to carry out a full forensic audit for the state of Michigan. They want a bill that defines what a full forensic audit is and what it would accomplish. The bill will consist of a bipartisan audit board to review the 2020 election and identify corrective action to improve Michigan’s election processes. The group is asking for 350,000 signatures for the Citizen’s Initiative Petition in order to present this to the Board of Canvassers. They are hoping the Board of Canvassers approves the initiative so it can go to the House and Senate for a vote.

Wisconsin’s Assembly election committee ordered subpoenas on election materials from two counties for an investigation of the state’s 2020 presidential elections.

Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano has been calling for an election audit. In July, Mastriano submitted a forensic investigation request for records from three counties: York, Tioga and Philadelphia.

The Epoch Times reported on an Indianapolis-based Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) which published a report that found nearly 5 million mail-in-ballots unaccounted for in the 2020 election. Here is their research brief. According to the report and the article in the Epoch Times, there were many counties across the nation that had many “unknown” ballots. It shows that in California, Los Angeles County had 1,491,459 such ballots, followed by Orange County (482,940), Riverside County (454,911), San Diego County (317,614), San Bernardino County (274,937), Santa Clara County (251,840), and Sacramento County (241,367). In Nevada’s Clark County, there were 724,708 unknown ballots. Essex County, New Jersey, had 248,290 unknown ballots, and Maricopa County had 229,123 unknowns.

To access the IFA Special Report on Election Integrity, click here.

Be sure to visit the new Pray for America’s Leaders website to pray for your state leaders and those from all over the nation!

And join us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm ET —IFApray.org/LIVE or (713) 775-7430.

How are you praying about the first forensic audit? Please share in the comments section.

(Camille Solberg is IFA’s Legislative Director. Photo Credit: Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images).

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August 23, 2021

Thank You Father God, thank You for this answered prayer. May the audits continue to gain forther momentum for the sake of elections being fair and able to trust in them!

Susan Gauen
August 22, 2021

We pray the FULL truth would come out about the election of 2020. The FULL truth. Expose what happened, who did it, who covered it up, and everything else that was hidden in darkness. Bring in Your light. Reveal the TRUE results of this past election and I pray every true winner would be revealed and that they would be instated in their office they won. Bring us honest elections in the future. Honest open transparent elections. Let Your truth stand in every election. Expose every person who was involved in this cover up. Expose, expose, expose. Bring out the true story and bring an outcry in America for the truth. Let this be the day of salvation in our country. As people see how dishonest it is and how corrupt, use this to turn people to God. Let the politicians who cheated see that they need a SAvior.

Big Shirl
August 21, 2021

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, As a citizen of Wisconsin and a poll worker in a small northern county, I know the possibility of fraud exists. But we don’t know the extent of possible fraud. All citizens, ALL citizens, regardless of party affiliation would be more comfortable KNOWING their vote was counted accurately. Any citizen who is against a full forensic audit has not discerned Truth and may be too gullible to be persuaded otherwise.

I pray for honesty, integrity and full disclosure for all ballots, ballot machines, poll workers, county clerks and the WI Elections Commission who gave guidance not authorized or approved by the WI state legislature.

I pray that those who are in a position to “do something” will get busy and pass legislation even if Gov. Evers vetoes legislation. The decisions and vote of ALL legislators must be recorded and remembered during the next election cycle in 2022.

We trust that God will hear our prayers to root out any and all efforts of fraud and that citizens will rest in the assurance that their votes are accurately counted and the “right” candidate is elected.

In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen

August 21, 2021

Ps. 37:12-17
The above scriptures come to mind regarding the 2020 elections. As of now, those that plotted, that have used their wealth for evil influence, that hold important positions that issue or direct election regulations – many of these people are confident in their false schemes. They believe they are untouchable, even though they have built everything on sand. They believe they are masters of their own world whiling forcing others to try and accept the falsehoods they live in. They don’t see the horizon where God’s army approaches. They have chosen the road of deceit, believing only in what they see, touch and falsely try to manage… yet they don’t realize their world is coming undone by the justice of God coming forth.
God Almighty, God’s angels, God’s army. Are we asking God to see it, even if it’s a weak vision? Because once we, in unity, see it – it will become like a steamroller.

August 21, 2021

Lord, we pray that those who willingly conspired and agreed to election fraud would be completely exposed at every level in every state. Father, your holy spirit inside of us has told millions of us that fraud, deceit, deception, compromise and blatant lying took place and continues to do so. We know hell is working overtime to bring our nation to collapse. You’ve called all of us to be involved in some way. We cannot always see what that is but as we take the active steps to move forward, we ask that you show each of us our role and how we can help. We ask that you would take dead or lukewarm churches and breathe new life into the people and their leadership. Inspire them to become involved and be bold, adhering to your word.
For those plotting against our nation, we pray they would come to a place in their lives that would be desperately empty and crushed with your conviction. Allow exposure and justice to be the catalyst for salvation. Those that try to protect and hide what they are doing – let their schemes leak out no matter what they do to protect it. (Ps 36:1-4) Help us to remember mercy and justice go hand in hand as we walk this earth. In your name we pray amen.

Robert Henderson
August 21, 2021

is there anyone who knows who i can contact in Oregon. our elections director was immediately fired after he said he had some issues with 2020 election.

    August 21, 2021

    Robert – although I don’t know who you would contact, I would suggest that you communicate with an organization like “True the Vote”. They are well informed and may be able to help you or direct you to someone that can.
    I will pray for the state of OR and that you find the right “go-to” person and resources.

      Mrs D
      August 21, 2021

      Thank you for the excellent suggestion of contacting truethevote. I also would like to solicit your prayers for other blue states, even our little state of Hawaii. Also, please pray for honesty, integrity and TRUTH over the current recall election in California. Thank you so much.

        August 22, 2021

        You’re welcome and I will lift up in prayer the requests you have listed. God strengthen and bless you.

August 21, 2021

We continually pray for our elections. We also pray that the cheaters will not be able to hide their cheating. Time is of the essence in proving a case and giving Dominion the chance to clear those machines is deeply concerning. Hopefully they have kept original “pictures” of the election.

Lila Hayes
August 21, 2021

Praise God for Karen Fann, Senator Wendy Rodgers, and others here in AZ for their bold stand for truth and integrity. Thank you Lord for ALL participants in the audit, from those who helped in the actual tabulating to those with knowledge to understand all the forensics behind it all. Praise God for the Cyber Symposium that was held in Sioux Falls SD just last week. Thank You Lord for protecting ALL the participants from harm and that it did go out in spite of those intent on taking it down. Praise God for all the states now to follow in delving into their own election wrong doing. May TRUTH prevail. Thank YOU, our Lord God.

Lydia B. Miller
August 21, 2021

Thank you to all those who fight to reveal the truth about all this serious voter fraud!
Father hold every one close to your heart, hold them in the palm of your hand.
We declare and decree they shall be protected in the palm of your hand!
Protect the good work that has been started, we need your divine intervention in every state.
Father, we ask please anoint them with your wisdom, giving them courage and strength!
Jesus was not passive, He went into the temple, He turned those tables over and with a righteous indignation He revealed that He wanted prayer not dishonesty!!!!!
God does not want His people to be passive.
We need to get up and fight for our country, not be run over by communists and deceived politicians!
God have mercy on this country.
In your light completely expose truth and raise up people to deliver justice!!!

August 21, 2021

Father in the name of Jesus i ask for a great outpouring of your Holy Spirit on all the intercessors and prayer warriors in every city and state to demand and receive the go ahead that election audits be ordered and we ask that that your hands & eyes alone would lead, guide, and protect every aspect of these audits and those involved in counting and tabulating and recording the data, to reveal every act of fraud and each and every conspirator involved, to validate, rectify and reinstate the true winners in every level of government, and decisively, permanently yet peacefully strip the fraudulent winners of their power, undo all unjust and harmful laws and mandates they have ordered in every place, and when the thieves are found may you guide the church in intercession to storm the courts of heaven to demand and receive the 7fold payback for our nation. Father unrestrain and unleash and protect man whistle blowers who will provide Tangible proof, exposing all that has been hidden in every municipality city and state.

Father for hundreds of years our nation has been robbed, Many in The church did not rise up and take their stand but got involved with spiritual compromise which allowed the governmental corruption to continue as there were not enough standing in the gap in each state, Father we repent in behalf of them ourselves and our families who have been involved With compromise and we ask you cleanse us and our nation from that and rectify it! Send your law and your word into our nation swiftly and to every society including secret societies who ignore your laws and create their own! Psalm 147:15 15He sends his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. Send your spirit to convict the world of sin!
John 16:8-11 If I go, I will send him (the spirit) to you. When he comes, he will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: About sin, because they do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; and about judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

Father since your word says the enemy of this world HAS (already) BEEN JUDGED then so have his minions and human counterparts Been judged, so help your church rise up to claim our nation as the rightful inheritance of Christ as psalms says! Psalms 22:28 For the kingdom is the LORD’s, And He rules over the nations. Father we humbly beseech the courts of heaven to manifest YOUR righteous rule in our nation, we beseech you to expose and remove all corruption to replace the ungodly and immoral leadership in every municipality, city, town and state and national level with moral righteous and God fearing leadership, pour out your spirit to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment according to John 17:7-11 You are anle yo do more than we can ask or think so we wait expectantly fir you to do it.

Father President Trump was making great strides to improve our economy and Even our world in the middle east, he was working to disable communist militant groups in USA who were acting in stealth to Further divide races and harm our cities, those who would strip our nation of patriotism and force us to believe that white supremacy is the issue Yet the truth was it was corruption and forms of ineffective socialism that kept the poor poor and uneducated and kept cities crime ridden with corrupt police and legislators who were bribed by drug cartels and organized crime!
Father we need your help to pray these issues through to complete victory and obedience to the word, to speak to these mountains To move to take down the giants armed with faith in you alone and five smooth stones of your word! Father give your intercessors the precision to hurl your word from their sling to the very foreheads of every evil giant in our nation to take them down! In Jesus name! Raise up enough Spiritually and in the natural with the necessary Skills, confidence, determination, Resiliency, Faith and might to back each other up praying through and Working through to produce divine righteous change, and these audits start to finish by your holy Spirit, silence all divination and naysayers, divinely protect all election fraud evidence and if any was already
destroyed supernaturally restore it to the utter shock Of all involved! You are able! We receive power and faith to believe you to send your law and your word quickly throughout our nation unhindered to perform all these divine exploits we have asked for our nation in Jesus name and we thank you for it!

August 21, 2021

First of all, “Chicago-style politics” is nothing but dishonest, evil manipulation of the truth. Barack Obama knows all about it. He got to serve two terms as President, as a result of the games that are played there. It is encouraging to see that these audits are being taken seriously. It is my prayer that as a result of these efforts, the truth will not only be exposed, but that it will prevail. I also pray that President Trump, and all those who were defeated in the last election, will be restored to their rightful positions in our government. It is time for the imposters to be removed before they totally destroy this nation. Lord, I thank You for working behind the scenes in this situation. By Your grace, please let this nightmare of deception come to an end. In Jesus’ name.

Marsha Bashor
August 21, 2021

Dear Lord thank you for Arizona being the leader in the forensic audit effort in all the states! And I cannot wait to hear the results! Let those results be revealing of the fraud that took place in the 2020 election. I am looking for that hope. And ask you Lord to make a way for Pennsylvania to do a forensic audit. PA people are rising up to demand one. Senator Mastriano stood up and opened the door for one in PA. Thank you for his boldness. I pray to you Lord to protect him and his family and to guide him in the days ahead!
Please take the enemy down in Pennsylvania, and I ask for your Holy Spirit to
prevail in bringing righteousness to this state and its leaders. In Jesus’ name🙏💌

Deborah Keller
August 21, 2021

Doug Mastriano was just stripped of his commuter leadership position and his staff taken from him by RINO Jake Corman.

    Deborah Keller
    August 21, 2021

    Sorry *committee* leadership. He’s a brave patriot and needs our prayers and support.

    Mrs D
    August 22, 2021

    We rebuke this action by those “influencers” in Pennsylvania and we call forth immediate reinstatement to Mr. Matriano and his staff. We also call forth reinstatement to any and all Congressmen and others who have been “neutralized” and/or stripped of governmental authority to which they were rightfully entitled through their legitimate election to office. We also call forth the REQUIRED seating of those who were honestly elected to seats that were filled fraudulently by those who were not honestly elected by the legal voters in their respective precincts. “We the PEOPLE’ declare that our Republic will flourish under Your hand as Your authority and power have been delegated to Your body to carry forth Your Kingdom principles, precepts and practices. We forbid further deception and destruction to the legitimate electoral processes of the United States of America. We declare that TRUTH prevails as we, the Church, live according to Your divine power that has been given to us so that we manifest all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of [You Who] have called us to glory and virtue: [we receive and commit to walking in Your] exceeding great and precious promises: [because we recognize] by these [(promises) we are] partakers of [Your] divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Right now, we declare that we individually/personally, as well as corporately, CHOOSE LIFE and godliness, which are legally ours, paid for by the Precious BLOOD of JESUS, Your only begotten, Anointed Son! Thank You for Your grace and confidence in our yieldedness to Holy Spirit, so that He will empower us to successfully enforce Your will on earth as it is in heaven. We LOVE YOU and want You to know it is our JOY as well as privilege to be Your children. With deep gratitude and humility we pray in JESUS’ Name. Amen

August 21, 2021

I am visiting York County, PA this weekend, attending a Christian conference at a Christian campground. This area is “on alert” for the spiritual battle going on around us. Reports of pushback are heard from those close to the action. This is a time to actively and desperately seek the Lord to move on behalf of righteousness and justice in elections across our great nation. Plz pray for safety for State Sen Doug Mastriano, his family and compatriots.

Dora April Cook
August 21, 2021

Father we pray that what was done in darkness will be brought to light. That truth and justice will prevail. We pray for blind eyes to see and dear ears to hear. For revival across thus great nation. One nation under God Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. In The Matchless Name of Jesus

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david camarillo
August 21, 2021

Lord, we pray that the truth would come out in these audits being conducted around the country and that from now no more dishonest and illegal votes should be cast and that your Holy Spirit would convict those that have cast false ballots and would repent and seek forgiveness in Jesus name amen.


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