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I Prayed have prayed
Father, strengthen these lawyers and help evil to not overtake them.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

. . . Because of his legal counsel to former President Donald Trump, constitutional scholar and law professor John Eastman—the former dean of the law school no less—was pushed out of Chapman University, where he spent his entire, very distinguished academic career.

The same thing happened to Cleta Mitchell, a well-known and highly respected Washington, D.C. lawyer who had practiced with Foley and Lardner for decades.

Now, Michigan lawyers Greg Rohl, Scott Hagerstrom, and Stefanie Junttila, who represented the Trump campaign in election litigation in the state, are being unfairly and unjustly targeted for disbarment by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and state Attorney General Dana Nessel.   . . .

This is not just wrong, but un-American—something we don’t say lightly. This country is fundamentally based on the rule of law, which depends on protecting the ability and independence of lawyers to take unpopular clients and unpopular cases, something that has been done by brave, principled lawyers throughout our nation’s history.

This is one of those lessons that people on both sides of the political aisle selectively defend and selectively forget.   . . .

Hillary Clinton was attacked for defending a child rapist as a court-appointed attorney. Lawyers who represented detainees at Guantanamo Bay were also attacked for defending terrorists.

Some progressives deride prosecutors for enforcing laws they view as unjust, and some conservatives deride defense attorneys for defending dangerous or unsavory individuals charged with committing heinous crimes. And just about everyone derides divorce lawyers.  . . .

The independence of lawyers is one of the most important parts of that system. Adams himself put his famous line into practice when, in 1770, he defended British soldiers accused of killing American colonists during the Boston Massacre. A more unpopular representation could hardly have been imagined, but Adams risked his reputation and career because he believed in the rule of law.

The right to counsel is one of the most precious rights we have because it is essential to an individual’s ability to assert any other right. As distinguished law professor Geoffrey Hazard Jr. once said, the adversarial system “stands with freedom of speech and the right of assembly as a pillar of our constitutional system.”   . . .

They claim that the lawyers should be disbarred because they “undermine[d] the faith of the public in the legitimacy of the recent presidential election, and lent credence to untruths that led to violence and unrest.”

But a commitment to the rule of law separates a lawyer from the implications of the cases he undertakes. If not, then Clinton “protected a child rapist,” and Guantanamo defense lawyers “undermined our national security and tried to free terrorists.”

Nonsense. In each of these cases, the lawyers upheld the rule of law by playing their proper role in the process. The same goes for Trump’s lawyers. They made legal claims under applicable laws that were reviewed by the courts, which is just as it should be.   . . .

So too the lawyers who represented Democratic congressional candidate Dan McCready in North Carolina in 2018 in an election contest that the state’s Board of Election overturned due to absentee ballot fraud.

And Democrat lawyer Marc Elias should also be disbarred for claiming that voting machines produced incorrect results that favored Republican Claudia Tenney in the race for New York’s 22nd District.

When lawyers violate their ethical obligations by, for example, filing a meritless lawsuit, the courts already have rules and procedures to deal with them. The justice system is designed to do that. But taking on an unsavory client or a client that state officials don’t like for partisan reasons does not amount to litigating in an unethical manner.

When people intentionally blur that line, as Whitmer is doing, they undermine the rule of law, the fair administration of justice, and access to the protections of our legal system.  . . .

No matter which candidates you supported in the last election, no matter which political party you believe represents your points of view on how this country should be governed, everyone should agree that the retribution, reprisals, and payback being imposed on lawyers involved in the 2020 election have no place in our civil society. . . .

(Excerpt from The Daily Signal. Article by GianCarlo Canaparo . Photo Credit: The White House Flickr.)

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February 7, 2021

I am a voting Michigan resident. I promise to do my part in campaigning and voting against Whitmer & Nessel when the time comes. In the meantime I will call on almighty God to bring about fairness in our country.

Nancy Munetake
February 7, 2021

Father I ask that you continue to expose any and all illegal dealings regarding our election. I ask that you hold those accountable for their illegal actions and expidite the process. Lord remove the scales from our eyes that all may clearly see the TRUTH whether we like it or not in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Karen Quiroz
February 7, 2021

Father please protect these lawyers and their families physically, emotionally and spiritually and provide for all their needs. Please cancel the plan of the enemy to steal our civil liberties.

February 7, 2021

Lord please protect those who bring forth truth and justice. God please pull down those who bring lies and darkness into the world. We need You Lord, please help us. Amen.

February 6, 2021

Father, thank You that these lawyers had the courage and inner conviction to represent President Trump in this shameful, rigged “election” scam. I pray that in Your great mercy, that these lawyers would be set free from bitterness, and to be restored to their former positions. Please cause those who have attempted to bring harm to them, to wake up and get a clue as to what is really happening in our country. In Jesus’s name I pray.

February 6, 2021

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:11-18

So it sounds as if the horde from hell have taken over all universities, law schools, various organizations, all forms of governments, etc. They are sowing lawlessness, unrighteousness, wickedness, and are making up rules, changing rules as they go along just so it benefits them and it goes on and on.

LORD we say, we have had enough and we say to these entities WE COME AGAINST YOUR BIAS AGENDA IN THE NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTS. Now, hands off the lawyers, let them do their jobs! Period. We pray the lawyers will have no fear in their hearts instead Lord, strengthen them give them all new strategies to war and strengthen us as we strike in prayer. LORD Your strength and Your power are our victory. We have striked the ground more times than needed.

LORD we decree and declare Psalm 33:10 into this situation.
“The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.”

Father, we declare that You will cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is fulfilled in heaven. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Linda Dorn
February 6, 2021

Judges 20 tells of a similar trouble…crimes had been committed against an innocent man including murder. When the majority of people gathered to demand justice, they offending people refused, war ensued and even though they inquired of GOD, twice in battle many lost their lives. On the third attempt, victory was achieved. Why did The LORD allow such calamity to befall the righteous? No explanation is given. Maybe, just maybe it was so that when we faced similar situations,we would not lose hope, not give up!!!! Trust and obey even when we don’t understand…it may be building endurance to run our race and fulfill our destiny? Run to win the prize of the High Calling in Christ!!!

February 6, 2021

The arrogance of many of today’s public legislators / leaders or private officials is beyond comprehension. When we see their words and actions, we often are getting a glimpse of demonic driven people. Many of them have no idea who is steering their ship. Hidden under a nice smile, smooth speech and a suit or dress is the enemy of mankind. His hatred has become so evident in the last year that it’s being revealed at all levels of our society.
We’re fighting strongholds and we must fight daily with God’s word & armor. There are people who are defending the rule of law and they need our constant prayer covering as well as any other help we can give them. It’s a time of sacrifice for us. Because they sacrificed to protect others and hold up the Constitution. It’s a not time for business as usual – it’s a time for increased commitment for Christians to ask God to help those who are under satanic attack for upholding the law. Ask yourself & God “how can I help”? And don’t be afraid to write directly to these people who view themselves as elites over us. Let them know exactly where you stand, why they’re wrong and that we will hold them accountable. They view themselves as untouchable. God tells us that pride comes before the fall. Be sure we approach or contact them with a proper heart.

February 6, 2021

“O Lord, it is time for Thee to work for they have made void Thy law.”

Glenn Galligan
February 6, 2021

Aloha Father! In the name of your dear son Jesus, I ask that you remove the power, authority, peace, joy & finances of those who have not held to there oath of office. Thank you for your will to be done in all branches of our government. thank you for opening up our hearts & minds to your will and way of government! Lord, may you be saturated in all of the glory, praise, & honor!! we now bind all evil forces that are coming against your righteous attorneys, from all maneuvers and activities against them. we command them to cease immediately, in the name of Jesus! evil spirits you are bound for eternity and you are now completely ineffective for battle. Glory to God for this victory!!!

Lois Robords
February 6, 2021

I live in Michigan and I just sent the Governor an email protesting the plan to disbar the Michigan lawyers. I ended it by “I ask this in Jesus’s name”.

    February 6, 2021

    Thank you for taking time to write in support of these courageous lawyers. I am blessed and encouraged. Thank you for sharing.

Diane Spence
February 6, 2021

Dear Lord, I ask that you would vindicate these attorneys but they were standing up for righteousness and Truth. I ask Lord that you would reveal yourself to them so they would know you and Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD. In the name of Jesus Amen

February 6, 2021

Father execute your Vengence on the evil spirits that are attempting to destroy the righteous..wheel your sword and cut them down..root out all evil..we give you All the HONOR AND GLORY!!!Mighty warrior..thank you for allowing us to ride with you!!!

Peggy Jones
February 6, 2021

I pray the evil people will see and feel God in the court rooms. Justice would prevail and law and order be established. All power belongs to you Lord. May evil tremble at the sight of Your power. 🙏🙏

February 6, 2021

Father we are grateful that You continue exposing the evil in our government and we know You will have Your justice. I pray Lord for protection and restoration for these lawyers who are being unjustly convicted. Amen

Helen Jensen
February 6, 2021

Our Founders gave up everything. Christ’s followers give up everything. I commit to pray daily for President Trump’s legal team to be strong in their resolve & purpose & lay all things aside for the greater good….our Nation is at stake!

    Bruni O
    February 6, 2021

    In agreement with you🙏 I have not stopped praying for POTUS And His legal team. May our Lord have Mercy in HIS judgement. Your Sister in Christ, Amen!!

February 6, 2021

FATHER God Your majesty is unparalleled. YOU ARE TRUTH and LIGHT. YOU hate the darkness.
We pray that the all corruption will be exposed Lord, for YOU hate the wicked with a passion psalm 11:5
Father we pray for Your protection For those that are standing up for TRUTH and the law. YOU are JUSTICE.
For the Lord is righteous,
he loves justice psalm 11:7

Once again the evil is revealing itself. Most people can see intuitively that this is wrong. Similarly the sham impeacement…no discussion, no witnesses, no representation, no fairness etc.

Abba, Father we cry out to YOU for Your TRUTH AND JUSTICE. We see our freedoms being destroyed daily by the enemy.
We continue to pray that YOU will forgive our sins and heal our nation. Father send YOUR Angel armies to defeat the enemy in the natural.
Your intercessors continue to armor up and fight on our knees. Let us loudly proclaim the Victory is already won in the Spiritual and that our prayers are received and resounding in heaven. Lord we believe and wait expectantly for a Biblical event to destroy the enemy as YOU reclaim Your remnant and this nation. I pray this will mark a new era and a huge revival coming to our land. Victory is at hand. Hallelujah!

All glory and praise be to God Almighty, Yeshua, EMMANUEL, Holy Spirit and Wonderful Counselor.

February 6, 2021

Oh Lord… we do not know what to do but our eyes are on You! Please guide, protect and surround these brave lawyers with You favor as a shield and give the Your wisdom that none can refute! Oh God.. we ask you set these wrongs right and that truth and justice be restored to America..in Jesus Name.. Amen! ♥️🙏🇺🇸🙏♥️

Brigid Kowalczyk
February 6, 2021

Lord, have mercy on these three lawyers from Michigan and all the others who tried to bring justice to the unjustly accused. Set the captives free from the snare. Amen

February 6, 2021

Jesus we need you! I pray for all to be protected by your precious blood 🙏🇺🇸 In JESUS name.

February 6, 2021

Lord, you see it all. You know that evil is being called good and good evil. I pray your ways will prevail and your justice be completed for these people who are defending those who must have due process as an act of righteousness in America and in your kingdom. I pray for your presence I. Their lives and I call on you Jesus to be their advocate, their lawyer, their defense. Only you are able to turn this tide and reveal what is truth. I call on your precious name as vindicator of these and others who are being persecuted in this nation for standing. I pray you give each of them wisdom, authority, anointing,comfort, hope and even joy in knowing they are called for such a time as this. In The most mighty name of Jesus I pray. Amen. So be it.

    February 6, 2021

    JESUS we pray for the protection of our President Trump and his family. We pray for a protective hedge to surround him and all that is involved with him! Family, friends, lawyers, true Patriots leaders in our government, former staffers. Everyone in your name we ask this! 🙏🇺🇸

      Barbara Harkins
      February 6, 2021

      Evil is rampant everywhere and our nation has been taken over by lovers of evil. We must put on the armor of God to protect us from this great threat to us personally and nationally. God sees all and has all power over all things and all people. All of our trust has to be in God not in things of this world! Glory, honor and praise to our all sufficient God. Amen


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