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Father, we pray against this awful deal that will harm Israel and many other Middle Eastern nations. Prevent Iran from becoming a global threat, Lord, and promote peace in the Middle East instead.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the Iran nuclear deal rushed to conclusion, we are closer than ever to a nuclear Iran. Now is the time for prayer.

From The Times of Israel. Analysis. Tensions are high in Israel, as it is felt that once again the most disastrous of deals, the Iran nuclear deal, is being rushed to conclusion, its timing coinciding with the uncertain political situation in Israel. Despite persistent warnings from Israel and the region’s moderate Arab countries, the deal’s signatories, the P5+1 — namely Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany — are insisting on hurtling into an agreement that in just a few years will legitimize the very nuclear activity that the deal is meant to be preventing….

Who is praying on the wall?


Most worryingly, and to make a disastrous deal even more horrifying, the Iranian terrorist regime will be presented with billions of dollars, estimated to be in the region of over $200 billion, that will undoubtedly be plowed into subsequent terror attacks region-wide. In essence, this illogical agreement will enrich and empower Iran and unshackle it to continue its export of terror and step up its atrocities.

The current situation has left Israel with little choice but to review its strategy. Israel is only too aware of Iran’s notorious hatred for the West and the repeated calls for the destruction of America and Israel — which it calls the Big Satan and the Little Satan. A fanatical Iranian regime such as this is not an imaginary threat. It is a very real and existential threat, particularly for Israel and the Middle East, and subsequently for the rest of the world. The regime will be an even greater threat should this deal be signed.

The only real way to combat the hardline Iranian regime is through isolation, strong and unyielding sanctions and the threat of military action, none of which are forthcoming from the US administration or the remaining signatories….

As such … it is crucial that Israel and its Arab neighbors unite more firmly and robustly than ever before. The Abraham Accords between them have been an overwhelming achievement and success for all the peace partners. It has clearly demonstrated that Israel and the Arab world can work together in trust and friendship….

If signed, the senseless Iran nuclear deal should be used as a platform to create a strong collaborative and operational regional defense network against the imminent threat of Iran….

How are you praying about the Iran nuclear deal? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Times of Israel. Photo Credit: Kilian Karger on Unsplash)

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Karen Secrest
August 27, 2022

Recall that lirs are the acceptable method of communicating with the Great Satan so we are aware the God of the Impossible can cause a massive earthquake to demolish all the nuclear equipment already e a tablished in those deep, extensive storage tunnels across t heir country.
Our God reigns

Karen Kendrick
August 26, 2022

Lord stop this deal dead in its tracks as only you can do!
Place your ANGELS of protection over Israel.
Lead these nations to see the truth & what destruction it would bring!
Remove this evil regime who does nothing but kill steal & destroy all over the world.
If possible open their eyes to see the false ideology they are in.
We pray this in Your Prescious Son’s name..the name above every name🙏


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